Home/Doctoral Programmes/Doctor of Management (DBA)

Doctor of Management (DBA)

The DBA is for graduates in any field of knowledge with appropriate business and management experience who wish to pursue a doctoral degree while still actively engaged in their professions. The programme is offered under the Business Research Unit, the IBS-Iscte Business School research centre.

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The fast-paced, dynamic business world of today calls for leaders with a constantly evolving knowledge of the business environment and the know-how and flexibility to meet new and often daunting challenges. During this period of exponential change, there is increasing demand for business professionals who can make sound decisions in situations of complexity and uncertainty.

The DBA at BRU-Iscte is designed to give you the tools to become informed, risk taking and effective leaders in your field, with the capabilities to gather and make sense of the information you need to operate and lead in a global environment. With this research-based, problem-driven qualification, you, as a management professional, will be able to significantly further your professional skills by making successful use of the most suitable conceptual frameworks and theoretical models. The DBA gives you the ideal chance to reflect on critical management issues while carrying out in-depth research. You will develop your managerial capabilities and apply your learning in the workplace, as well as sharpen your critical and analytical skills in four important dimensions:

  • Knowledge – the ability to learn about the area of research and the rules of the organization and the environment it operates in.
  • Innovation – the aptitude to solve problems in better ways creating value for the organization and for the society.
  • Leadership – the potential to influence others, with or without formal authority.
  • Excellence – the skills to get the right tasks done with minimal effort and high quality.
  • Our DBA students are graduates with appropriate business and management experience who wish to pursue a doctoral degree while still actively engaged in their professions. In Portugal there is no better place to come for your DBA than the BRU-Iscte, as we have been closely linked to the business world since our inception. We actively support applied business research at a stimulating research atmosphere. All our faculty members are highly skilled at linking business practice to real management issues and applied research.If you want to contribute to research with novel ideas and practices, our DBA is the Program you’ve been looking for. You’ll be supervised by leading academics with expertise in your area of research, who will share their knowledge and support you throughout your DBA journey.

Why do you have to apply

In Portugal there is no better place to come for your DBA than the BRU-Iscte. As a school, we have been closely linked to the business world since our inception. We actively support applied business research within a stimulating atmosphere. All of our faculty members have held senior business positions, and are highly skilled at linking business practice to real management issues and applied research.

This program started in 2006 and the estimated time for completion is 4 years. At this moment we have almost 300 DBA graduates.


Our DBA Program is one of the best DBA programs in the world in 2020 and 2021.


4 Years


All courses are taught in English


Only a total of up to 65 candidates will be accepted for the Lisbon, Chengdu and Guangzhou classes.

Tuition Fees

1st year €6.000;

2nd year €5.000;

3rd year €5.000;

4rd year €5.000;

Programme Manager

If you have any question please contact by email at dba.bru@iscte.pt .

Program Curriculum


BRU´s faculty has a long-standing tradition of linking research with the business world. In the DBA, the role of the supervisor is crucial to the development of the whole research process. Each candidate admitted to the programme will be assigned a supervisor with relevant business experience who has mastered the concept, scope and objectives of the DBA and who is sensitive to the needs and requirements of the part-time student (which is the case of most DBA students). Most importantly, your research advisor will have a particular interest in the research topic you have chosen.

After your project has been analyzed and the scope and aims of it have become more clearly defined, we often find that joint supervision is the more appropriate approach. In this case we will add another faculty member to the supervisory team in order to respond more effectively to specific issues and topics that the project may involve.

BRU-Iscte faculty has an outstanding research track record. Our faculty members have published regularly in top international research journals and are active players in advancing the field of finance.

Our full-time faculty includes PhDs from such diverse universities as HEC – Paris (France), Leuven (Belgium), Lausanne (Switzerland) Glasgow, London Business School, Lancaster, Reading and Warwick (UK), Columbia, Carnegie-Mellon, North Carolina, Penn State and Wisconsin (US). They espouse an international outlook and have demonstrated state-of-the art expertise in management. Most of them have had extensive business experience as consultants, board members or senior executives and are committed to education and providing a stimulating environment in which to carry out a successfully planned and executed DBA research project.

Scientific Committee

Short Description
Social Links
Álvaro Rosa
Associate Researcher
Elizabeth Reis
Integrated Researcher
João Carlos Menezes
Associate Researcher
Maria João Major
Integrated Researcher
Nelson Ramalho
Integrated Researcher
Shaozhuang Ma
Integrated Researcher
João Madeira
Director of BRU-Iscte
Program Manager

If you have any question please contact the Program Manager.

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Accreditation A3ES

This course is accredited by A3ES

Number of Years: 6
Date of Publication: 31-07-2018

Registration DGES
Initial Registry

R/A-Ef 1017/2011 de 18-03-2011

Start your journey with us and submit your application!

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Admission Requirements