Lectured in
Teaching Type Online
Faculty for (2024/2025)
Cibersecurity in the School Environment
Born in Lisbon in 1973. Graduated in Computer Science and Management, ISCTE-IUL, 1997. Master in Information Systems Management, ISCTE-IUL, specialisation in the information security area, 2004. PhD in Computer Architecture and Distributed Systems, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain), 2008.
Since 2020, Associate Professor at ISCTE-IUL, in the Information Sciences and Technologies Department, where it teaches different curricular units related with Information Security, Web and Mobile-based Information Systems Development and Management, Project Management and Entrepreneurship. Previously a researcher at ADETTI-IUL with interest in the research areas of “Distributed Applications and Systems”, “Information Security”, “Mobile and Web Information Security” integrated into the NUIGRAM (Natural User Interaction Graphics and Mobility) research group. Since January 2015 integrates SSE (Software Systems Engineering) research group of ISTAR-IUL, working in the same research areas. Associated Researcher of the Distributed Multimedia Applications Group - DMAG (UPC, Spain).
Since 1996 has participated in multiple national and international projects, financed by entities such as the National Science Foundation, the European Union, European Space Agency and others. Author and co-author of multiple research articles and communications in international conferences, journals and magazines, and also multiple project reports and deliverables. Also author of several PHP development books.
OWASP (Open Web Applications Security Project) member and leader of the Portuguese chapter (between 2007-2018) and Lisbon chapter co-leader (since 2022), cooperating in event organisation, information dissemination and other projects. Founding member of the AP2SI (Associação Portuguesa para a Promoção da Segurança de Informação). Entrepreneur in some IT-based startups.
Artificial Intelligence in the Teaching-Learning Process
Joana Martinho Costa is the Director of the Master's in Digital Transformation in Teaching and Learning and of the Bachelor's in Educational Digital Technologies at the School of Applied Digital Technologies (Iscte-Sintra), where she is a member of the Installing Committee. She coordinates the Distance Learning Implementation Project, is the scientific coordinator of the Digital Education project, and is the deputy coordinator of the Information Systems Research Group at ISTAR.
She holds a PhD in Education, specialising in Information and Communication Technologies in Education, from the University of Lisbon, a Master's in Computer Science Teaching and a Bachelor's in Computer Engineering from NOVA University Lisbon.
Her scientific output comprises 17 articles, of which 15 are publications in Scopus-indexed journals (Q1 and Q2), and co-authorship of an international book. Her research focuses on computer science education, educational technology, technology-mediated learning, and information systems in education.
Virtual and Augmented Reality in the Classroom
José Miguel Sales Dias holds a BSc (1985) in Electrical Engineering, a MSc (1989) in Electrical and Computer Engineering (both from IST-UTL, Portugal) and a PhD (1998) in Information Sciences and Technology, major in Computer Graphics and Multimedia (ISCTE-IUL, Portugal), where he is Full Professor, teaching and conducting research in Computer Graphics, Virtual and Augmented reality, Ambient Assisted Living, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), AI, Data Science, Design Thinking and Operating Systems.. Past Invited Associate Professor at NOVA IMS teaching Human-Computer Interaction in Information Systems degree. Research is centered on natural and multimodal human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, ambient assisted living, and design thinking, targeting the digital inclusion of hearing and vision-impaired citizens and the elderly. Deputy Director of ISTAR, an R&D unit of ISCTE, and member of its Digital Living Spaces group . Appointed (2022) by the Rectory of Iscte, as member of the Board of Directors of AI4PA a Digital Innovation Hub in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science for the Public Administration. Nominated (2022) by the Rectory of Iscte as a member of the Installation Commission of the Iscte School of Applied Digital Technologies in Sintra, Portugal. Member of the Provisional Scientific Commission of the same School. Coordinates the Degree in Software and Applications Development of this School. Nominated (2023) by the Rectory of Iscte member of the Steering Committee of the SocioDigital Lab for Pulic Policy, the Associate Lab that gathers 6 research units of Iscte. Has been involved in entrepreneurship initiatives. Regularly commissioned by the EU, Cyprus, and Portuguese Ministry of Economy for R&D project evaluations and reviews. Author of 1 patent, author, co-author, or editor of 15 scientific books or journal editions, 23 indexed journal papers, 38 indexed book chapters, 171 other publications, workshops, or keynotes in peer-reviewed international conferences, and 71 in national conferences. Since 1992 participated or participates in 33 International R&D projects (ESPRIT, RACE, ACTS, TELEMATICS, TEN-IBC, EUREKA, INTERREG, FP5 IST-IPS, FP6 IST, ESA, Marie Curie, AAL, ACP, H2020, Erasmus+), and 19 Portuguese (FCT, QREN, NITEC, POSC, POCTI, POSI, ICPME, TIT, SAMA, POAT, DIH). Principal Investigator of 16 R&D projects. From 1998 to 2020, he raised more than 13.394.483,58 of R&D funding to ISCTE, Microsoft, and ADENE, giving an average of 446.483/year in 30 years. Obtained 7 scientific prizes. Member of ACM SIGGRAPH, Eurographics, ISCA, IEEE, editorial boards of several journals and of several IPCs of National and International conferences in Computer Graphics, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Speech, Accessibility, and Ambient Assisted Living. Past member (2017-2020) of the Board of Directors of ADENE, the Portuguese Energy Agency, where he oversaw the Innovation Group, the Information and Communication Technologies Unit, the Quality Control Unit, and the Institutional and International Relations Unit. Past member (2018-2020) of the Board of Directors of MEDENER, the Mediterranean Association of National Agencies for Energy Management, which deals with energy efficiency and the development of renewable energy sources in the region. Past Director (2005-2016) of the first European R&D Centre in Speech and Natural HCI technologies of Microsoft Corporation, in Portugal (Microsoft Language Development Center, MLDC), where he collaborated closely with global Microsoft software product groups (in the USA, China and Europe) and local teams of marketing, finance, human resources, IT, sales and services. Has been involved in entrepreneurship initiatives. Past President of ADETTI and ADETTI-IUL, ISCTE R&D centers. Past Vice-president of the GPCG, Eurographics Portuguese Chapter. Born on December 1st, 1961, Happy father of two ladies and one gentleman.
Artificial Intelligence in the Teaching-Learning Process
Luís Manuel Nobre de Brito Elvas, with a degree in Computer Engineering and a Master's degree in Integrated Decision Support Systems, is a researcher at the Technologies and Architecture Research Center (ISTAR) and at the Association for Research and Development of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon (AIDFM).In the context of health informatics, he has worked on data mining techniques, computer vision and artificial intelligence, to extract data patterns, perform image classification and text reports, respectively. In 2022 his work was distinguished by the Portuguese Order of Engineers.
He is also Chair of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Student Branch Chapter at iscte.
Multimedia Learning
Mário Melo is Invited Assistant Professor of Multimedia Communication at ISCTE-Sintra. His research focuses on the design and validation of digital educational resources for teaching Physics, based on the 4C/ID instructional design model. In this context, he is also interested in the development of meta-analysis studies on the efficiency of the 4C/ID model on the ability to transfer learning. The design and validation of multimedia resources built on R. Mayer's Theory of Multimedia Learning and Sweller's Cognitive Load Theory are also preponderant in his research activity.
Digital Didatics
Virtual and Augmented Reality in the Classroom
School of Applied Digital Technologies (Iscte-Sintra)
Avenida Heliodoro Salgado nº 3 2710-569 Sintra
210 464 360
9:00 - 17:30