
Research • 29 Nov 2017
An Open Door for Gender Equality
Gabinete de Apoio à Investigação
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ISCTE-IUL will have a plan for gender equality. This is the ultimate goal of the consortium of universities that represents SAGE - Systemic Action for Gender Equality. The new project website provides access to all the information regarding the implementation of measures.


The SAGE project, funded by the European Commission, brings together a number of universities with the aim of implementing intervention plans for gender equality in higher education institutions. ISCTE-IUL is part of this consortium through Lígia Amâncio, a researcher at CIS-IUL.

sage group

Trinity College Dublin - Trinity Centre for Gender Equality and Leadership assures the coordination of this research project, which also includes Queen's University Belfast, the International University of Sarajevo, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Science Po Bordeaux and the University of Brescia.

Based on European policies for gender equality, the work of the SAGE team requires detailed knowledge of the reality of each country involved, defining appropriate strategies and measures. The project also foresees more comprehensive initiatives, namely the drawing up of a Charter of Principles for Equality in Higher Education which other institutions will be invited to join.


For further information see:


Facebook: SAGEGrowingEquality

Twitter: @SAGE_GEquality

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