
Simposium • 26 Sep 2018
Iscte hosted most influential researchers in Wireless Communications

In the last week of August, Iscte and Instituto de Telecomunicações hosted the 15th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS’ 2018). ISWCS is a well-known symposium focusing on wireless communications, both on physical layer and networking aspects, and is a premier forum in the fields of signal processing for wireless communications, communication theory, channel modelling, and networking theory and practice.

ISWCS 2018 welcomed 205 academic and industrial researchers, scientists, engineers, and business people from more than 50 countries. ISWCS’ 2018 Lisbon was particularly proud of presenting a set of keynote speakers of unusual quality, all well-known leaders in wireless communications. Lisbon hosted Prof. Ian Akyildiz, who is the most cited researcher in the world in the field of wireless communications, Prof. Syed Jafar, the inventor of interference alignment, Prof. Angel Lozano, one of the most influential scientists in signal processing for wireless communications, prof. Mérouane Debbah, also one of the most influential academics in wireless and now head of research of the Huawei European labs in Paris, and Dr. Harish Viswanathan, head of radio research at the Nokia Bell-Labs in New Jersey. All of them are IEEE Fellows. The list of Tutorial Lecturers was also quite unique and not-subpar, featuring world leaders lecturing six tutorials on current hot-topics in wireless communications.

The best paper award was snapped by a team of Nokia researchers and academics at Tampere University of Technology, in Finland, and the best student paper award was given to a PhD student of the Université Catholique de Louvain, in Belgium.

This year's edition took place between 28-31 August 2018, and was technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc), the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS), and by The European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP). On the industrial side, ISWCS’18 Lisbon had Rohde & Schwarz as a sponsor.

The conference will certainly leave the participants fond memories not only of the technical programme, but also of the banquet aboard a cruise boat on the river Tagus!

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