
Institutional • 02 Mar 2020
Measures declared by WHO following the epidemic caused by COVID-19

If you are returning from an area with active community transmission of the new coronavirus, such as Northern Italy, China, South Korea, Singapore, Japan or Iran, the Portuguese Directorate-General for Health informs that, at the time, following guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO), there are no restrictions on your stay in our country.

However, it is advisable, in the next 14 days to:

• Stay alert for the appearance of fever, cough or respiratory difficulty;

• Measure body temperature twice a day and record the values;

. Check if any of the people with whom you live closely develop symptoms (fever, cough or breathing difficulty);

• If you notice any of the referenced symptoms (in yourself or your colleagues), do not immediately go to health services;

• Call SNS24 (800 24 24 24);

• Follow the guidelines of the SNS24.

It is also recommended that you:

• Frequently wash your hands with soap and water, rubbing them well for at least 20 seconds;

•  Prioritize hand-washing before and after food preparation or meals or after the use of the bathroom and whenever the hands are dirty;

• Use an alcohol-based solution as a hand-hygiene alternative;

• Wear paper scarves (single-use);

• Dispose of used scarves into a dustbin and wash your hands;

• Cough or sneeze into your arm with the elbow flexed, not into your hands;

• Avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth with hands that are dirty or contaminated with respiratory secretions;

• Avoid staying indoors in places that are closed and full of people within 14 days of return;

• Avoid physical contact with others for 14 days after return.

These measures fall within the International Public Health Emergency declared by WHO, following the epidemic caused by coronavirus. Countries have increased their surveillance to quickly diagnose possible new cases of COVID-19.

Thank you for helping us help you!

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