
Research • 13 Dec 2022
Iscte subscribes the Research Connect platform

Iscte subscribes the Research Connect platform, to support the career development of its researchers. 

Starting this month (December 2022) the entire scientific community – academic staff and students - has access to Research Connect, a database specialised in international research funding opportunities, private and public, in all scientific areas, with quick access, easy searches, intuitive functionalities and customised to the profile of each user. The use of this resource by the Iscte's community will allow to identify, communicate and attract crucial R&D funding to leverage and develop collaborative projects and support researchers in the different stages of their career. 

Over the next months, Iscte will offer training sessions so that the Iscte community can optimise the use of this resource and explore its different functionalities. To access your Research connect account follow the link at  and authenticate yourself with the Iscte credentials through the "Log in via my institution" option.

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