Applications in Fenix + for students who want to participate in the OECD Internships Programme until April 12th . This is a pre-selection process under a memorandum established between Iscte and OECD. Students selected by Iscte will be indicated to the OECD who will be responsible for the final selection.
The OECD Internship Programme has been designed to bring highly qualified and motivated students with diverse backgrounds into the Organization to work on projects linked to the Strategic Orientations of the Secretary-General. Successful candidates gain exposure to high-level policy-making and research, and have an unparalleled opportunity to improve their analytical skills in a truly international environment. Students that want to apply should keep in mind the following:
- This application period applies to all students attending a full-time course at Iscte.
- The internships have a minimum duration of 1 month and maximum of 12 months (mean duration of internships is between 4-6 months).
- Selected interns must maintain student status for the whole duration of the internship.
Only individual applications that meet the formal eligibility criteria will be considered: submitted within the deadline established in the Fenix system, fully completed with the required document.
Please see the attached OECD Brochure for more details.