
The Department of Mathematics at Iscte aims at the creation, transmission and application of knowledge in the field of Mathematics. It is the Department's objective to clearly and realistically promote the essential role of Mathematics in the development of science and in daily life, demonstrating that solid knowledge that can be used to solve concrete problems is fundamental, especially for developing new technologies, in both business and research contexts.

The Department of Mathematics (DM) at Iscte is part of the School of Technology and Architecture (ISTA), which creates a strong foundation for the Department's teaching and research activities, as well as its dissemination and provision of services to the community. Some of the Department's members are authors of books for pedagogical support in Mathematics.

Part of one of the most dynamic and innovative universities in the country, the Department faculty combine broad experience in the teaching of Mathematics with scientific productivity recognized at the national and international level. The faculty teaches a varied set of curricular units in undergraduate and post-graduate courses across most of the departments at Iscte.

The DM, together with IBS and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FCUL), manages the Master's in Financial Mathematics. Some professors collaborate in the teaching of master's and doctoral programs of IBS and ISTA, namely the Master's in International Management, the Master's in Complexity Sciences (in collaboration with FCUL), the Master's in Management of Services and Technology, the Doctorate in Business Administration and the PhD in Complexity Sciences (in collaboration with FCUL).

The Department's courses provide fundamental education in Mathematics, as well as experience with diverse computational tools used in the exploration of programme contents (MatLab, Maple, Mathematica, SPSS, Stata, Eviews, among others). These courses prioritize methods that allow students to develop the abilities of abstraction, reasoning and critical thinking necessary for problem-solving.

DM members conduct research in several Portuguese and international research centers, participating in several projects funded by FCT and the European Community (COST). This research, developed through theoretical and applied approaches, reflects the faculty's interests in different areas of Mathematics, as well as in various other fields such as Engineering, Management, Economics, Finance, Marketing and Natural Science.

DM professors are also involved in the supervision and coordination of the master's and doctoral theses developed at Iscte and other universities, as well as in academic juries and refereeing for national and international magazines and conferences.

Cristina Diogo
Director of the Department of Mathematics 

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