
The Technical and Administrative Support Unit (UATA) of the School of Social Sciences is a technical and administrative structure that in combination with other services ensures and provides a wide support, namely:

  • to the school Director in the exercise of the respective duties;
  • to the exercise of the activities of the school departments and scientific committees that comprise it;
  • to school courses functioning and activities;
  • to the applicants of the school courses;
  • to school students during the master’s dissertations and doctoral thesis period;
  • communication of training offer, activities, image and school representation;
  • promotion and organization of curricular internships for School's students and on the employability of its graduates;
  • in the recruitment and integration of students and teachers in international mobility;
  • in the accreditation processes of the school's courses;
  • in the activities of the laboratories that are part of the school.


Teaching, Departments and Courses Support Office – secretariado.ecsh@iscte-iul.pt
Communication Office – comunicacao.ecsh@iscte-iul.pt
International Office – international.ecsh@iscte-iul.pt
Career Services Office– career-services.ecsh@iscte-iul.pt

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