• Acquisition of knowledge of the main concepts and theories in the field of migration studies;
• Acquiring knowledge of international migration in the contemporary world in general and refugee migration in particular;
• Developing skills in the use of statistical indicators on migratory processes;
• Acquiring knowledge of the legal frameworks for regulating migratory as well as the challenges of implementing them;
• Acquiring knowledge of public policies for the integration of as well as the challenges of implementing them;
• Developing skills in analyzing the complexity of the migratory phenomenon in Portugal;
• Developing communication and interaction skills.
Module 1 - International Migration. Myths and facts
Module 2 - Immigration Law and Public Policies in Portugal
Module 3 - Refugees in the EU and Portugal
Module 4 - Reception and Integration Challenges
Module 5 - Accompanied collaborative work
Four sessions of autonomous collaborative work, centered on the analysis of concrete cases (diagnosis and proposal of solutions) and references of good integration practices, through the methodologies of design thinking, workshops, teamwork and study visits.
Evaluation process
Assessment includes group work, individual work and quizzes, integrating the subjects from the different modules. The topics of the assignments are chosen by each group/student and approved by the teachers/trainers, and lists of suggestions and guidelines for their completion are included in the course support materials. The quizzes are daily and refer to the content taught. The quizzes account for 10% of the final assessment and the assignments have the same weight (45%) in the assessment.
Mandatory Bibliography
Title: (SEF) Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras (2022), Relatório de Imigração, Fronteiras e Asilo 2021, Lisboa, SEF.
Authors: --
Reference: --
Year: --
Title: (OM) Oliveira, Catarina Reis, e Rita Monteiro (2022), Requerentes e Beneficiários de Proteção Internacional em Portugal: Relatório Estatístico do Asilo 2022, Lisboa, Observatório das Migrações, Alto-Comissariado para as Migrações.
Authors: --
Reference: --
Year: --
Title: (OM) Oliveira, Catarina Reis, e Natália Gomes (2022), Indicadores de Integração de Imigrantes: Relatório Estatístico Anual 2022, Lisboa, Observatório das Migrações, Alto-Comissariado para as Migrações.
Authors: --
Reference: --
Year: --
Title: Hein Haas, Hein de, 2024, Como Funciona Realmente a Migração. Um guia factual sobre a questão que mais divide a política. Lisboa, Temas e Debates.
Authors: --
Reference: --
Year: --
Optional Bibliography