Isabel Cristina Flores Vieira e Silva
GO1. This two-week course will prepare professionals and students to meet the complex policy challenges that Europe faces in the field of drugs.
GO2. Involving scientific experts from the European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCCDA), but also university professors and policy-makers, it will provide a multi-disciplinary and inclusive approach to the study of the drug problem in Europe and beyond.
1. Defining the Problems
1.1. Presentation;
1.2. Substances and risks;
1.3. The world drug economy;
1.4. Drug supply in Europe
1.5. New drugs
1.6. Drug use in Europe
1.7. Sociological profile of drug Users and Integration of Drug Users in the Work field
1.8. Problem drug use
1.9. Mortality and morbidity
1.10. Drug supply and drug use in Europe
2. Understanding drug policies and interventions
2.1. Introductory: Studying Public Policies and Health and Public Policies
2.2. International drug policies
2.3. National Drug Policies in Europe
2.4. Public expenditures and social costs
2.5. Research and evidence-base
2.6. Preventing drug use
2.7. Treatment and social reintegration
2.8. Harm reduction and prison health
Evaluation process
A Multiple Choice Questionnaire (MCQ) will be distributed at the end of the course, including questions on class content, class discussions, and readings (70% of the final score). Students' participation (presentation and/or comments) in the workshop will also be evaluated (30% of the final score).
Mandatory Bibliography
European Drug Report 2015: Trends and developments EMCDDA, Lisbon, June 2015.
Optional Bibliography
EMCDDA-Europol (2013), EU drug markets report: a strategic analysis, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg EMCDDA-Europol (2013), EU drug markets report: a strategic analysis, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. See Chapter 10: Conclusions and recommendations (New psychoactive substances) and Chapter 8: New psychoactive substances. Available online at: http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/joint-publications/drug-markets The politics of heroin: CIA complicity in the global drug trade, Lawrence Hill Books, Chicago. Addiction research centres and the nurturing of creativity. Monitoring the European drug situation: the ongoing challenge for the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)', Addiction 107, 2, pp. 254-258.