The course is structured around three central seminars: the History Seminar, the Security and Defense Studies Seminar, and the Theoretical-Methodological Seminar, which take place in the first two academic semesters of the doctorate.
The study plan also annually includes a Cycle of Multidisciplinary Conferences based on the collaboration of some of the most renowned national and international experts in the areas of History, Security and Defense, as well as a Project Seminar dedicated to the discussion and preparation of students' doctoral projects.
Programme Structure for 2025/2026
Curricular Courses | Credits | |
History Seminar I
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Phd Conferences Cycle
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Studies of Security and Defense Seminar
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Project Seminar
18.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 18.0 |
History Seminar II
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Methodological Seminar II
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Methodological Seminar I
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Phd Thesis in History, Studies of Security and Defense
180.0 ECTS
Phd Thesis in History, Studies of Security and Defense | 180.0 |
History Seminar I
LO1 -To acquaint students with the main changes that characterized the period in study.
LO3- To evaluate the social, economic, political and cultural impact of change dynamics.
LO3: Awareness of the unfinished and dynamic nature of historical research and of historiographical debate;
LO4: Ability to communicate orally in their own language, using the terminology and techniques accepted in the field of history.
ST1.The ?big? and the ?little? divergence. When and why did inequalities in Eurasia arose, 1500-1850?
ST2. War and military technology in Europe, 1500-1750
ST3. Censuses, biopolitics and security, 1750-1850
ST4. Forced migrations in world history, 1500-1800
Regular participation in classes and active discussion of the texts (40%)
Written individual essay (40%) and its presentation on class (20%)
Title: KLEIN, Herbert, O comércio atlântico de escravos. Quatro séculos de comércio esclavagista, Replicação, 2002 [ed. original inglesa] [4]
JEREMY, Black, ?Patterns of Welfare? in The Cambridge World History, vol. VI ? The Construction of a Global World, 1400-1800 CE, eds. Jerry Bentley, Sanjay Subrahmanyam, Marry Wiesner-Hanks, Cambridge University Press, 2015, pp. 29-47 [2]
GUPTA, Bishnupriya; MA, Debin, ?Europe in an Asia Mirror: the Great Divergence? in The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Europe, vol. 1 1700-1900, ed. by Stephen Broadberry and Kevin O?Rourke, Cambridge, 2010 [1]
FOUCAULT, Michel, Nascimento da Biopolítica, Lisboa, Edições 70, 2020 [edição original francesa [3]
BEBIANO, Rui, ?A arte da Guerra? in Nova História Militar de Portugal, dir. de Manuel Themudo Barata e Nuno Severiano Teixeira, vol. 2 ? coordenação de António Manuel Hespanha, Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 2004, pp. 112-169. [2]
Reference: null
Title: STEVENS, Carol, ?Warfare on Land? in The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern European History, vol. II ? Cultures and Power, ed. Hamish Scott, Oxford University Press, pp. 561-590 [2]
SICKING, Louis, ?European Naval Warfare? in The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern European History, vol. II ? Cultures and Power, ed. Hamish Scott, Oxford University Press, pp. 591-611 [2]
Rusnock, Andrea. ?Biopolitics and the Invention of Population.? Chapter, 333?46, n.d. doi:10.1017/9781107705647.030 [3]
CORDELL, Dennis; ITTMAN, Karl, MADDOX, Gregory, ?Counting Subjects. Demography and Empire?, The Demographics of Empire. The colonial order and the creation of knowledge, Ohio University Press, 2010 [3]
CARVALHAL, Hélder; MURTEIRA, André; JESUS, Roger Lee (eds.), The First World Empire. Portugal, War and Military Revolution, col. Warfare and History, Routledge, 2021 [2]
CALDEIRA, Arlindo, Escravos em Portugal. Das origens ao século XIX, Lisboa, Esfera dos Livros, 2017 [4]
BROADBERRY, Stephen; GUPTA, Bishnupriya, ?The early modern Great Divergence: Wages, prices and economic development in Europe and Asia?, Economic History Review, LIX, 1 (2006), pp. 2-31. [1]
Reference: null
Phd Conferences Cycle
LO1. Enhancing the ability to understand an oral speech and to follow a scientific dabate;
LO2. Enhancing the ability to formulate questions in a simple and clear way;
LO3. Enhancing the ability to assess the strengths and weaknesses of a scientific discourse;
LO4. Becoming familiar with some of the issues and themes around which revolves the academic debate on the fields of Early Modern and Late Modern History;
LO5. Enhancing the ability to write, sin their own language, a text summary of a speech or lecture given by a specialist in the area.
PC1. How to make the most out of a conference?
PC2. Conference Cycle (twelve around the academic year).
PC3. Final debate on the reports (2nd term).
The assessment is based on a written essay, with a length of 3-4 pages, handed in and discussed during the 2nd semester. The essay must contain a summary of the conference chosen by the student as well as a critical appraisal of its contents, in terms of strengths and weaknesses. The inclusion of questions asked by the student to the conference speaker will be valued.
BibliographyTitle: Nenhuma
Reference: null
Studies of Security and Defense Seminar
It is intended that students become able to analyze and discuss various topics related to defense and security from an array of sustained analysis in conceptual terms, but alsoincase studies.
1.Theoretical Framework
(Concepts of Policy, Strategy, Defence and Security; evolution and organization of Defence and Security)
2.Evolução of Strategic Thinking
(Origins of Strategy, Strategy at the service of War; Comprehensive Strategy, Global Strategy)
3. Strategic Planning of the State
(The process; Relations between Policy, Strategy and Economics; Defence and Security)
4. Defence and Security in the U.S.
(Evolution of the United States National Security Strategy; The New Strategic Planning of National Security in the U.S.; Defense and Security in the U.S.; from theory to practice)
5. Defence and Security in Portugal
(Revisiting National Strategy between 16th and 21st Centuries; Current organization of Defense and Security; Analysis and Prospective)
6.Defence and Security in Europe
(Case studies: European Union, Germany, France, UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Russia, Poland, etc.).
The evaluation will focus on student participation in directed discussions (30%) and individual work and presentation on a case study in terms of defense and security (70%).
BibliographyTitle: ZELIZER, Julian E. (2009).Arsenal of Democracy: The politics of National Security?from World War II to the War on Terrorism. New York: Basic Books.
RIBEIRO, António S. (2009).Teoria Geral da Estratégia: O Essencial ao Processo Estratégico. Coimbra: Almedina.
LIND, Michael (2006).The American Way of Strategy?US Foreign Policy and the American Way of Life. New York: Oxford University Press.
GARCIA, Francisco P. (2010).Da Guerra e da Estratégia: A nova polemologia, Lisboa: Prefácio.
DOYLE, Richard B. (2007).The U.S. National Security Strategy: Policy, Process, Problems, Public Administration Review, 67 (4), p. 624-629.
BORGES, João V. (2012).O Terrorismo Transnacional e o Planeamento Estratégico de Segurança Nacional dos EUA. Dissertação de Doutoramento. Univ. Açores. Ponta Delgada.
BORGES, João V. (dir. e coord.) (2006).Pensamento Estratégico Português, Contributos (Século XVI-XIX). Lisboa: Prefácio.
BARRENTO, António (2010). Da Estratégia. Parede: Tribuna da História.
Reference: null
Title: TELO, António José (2007-2008).História Contemporânea de Portugal: do 25 de Abril à Actualidade. Barcarena: Editorial Presença.
SMITH, Ruper (2005). A Utilidade da Força: A Arte da Guerra no Mundo Moderno. Lisboa: Edições 70.
SANTOS, José Loureiro (2009).As Guerras que já aí estão e as que nos esperam - Reflexões Sobre Estratégia VI. Mem Martins: Publicações Europa-América.
MOREIRA, Adriano (2009). A Circunstância do Estado Exíguo. Lisboa: Diário de Bordo.
FREEDMAN, Lawrence (2006).The Transformation of Strategic Affairs. AdelphiPaper, N.º 379, New York, London: Routledge.
DUARTE, António Paulo e FERNANDES, António Horta (2007).Grandes Estrategistas Portugueses, Antologia. Lisboa: Sílabo.
COUTAU-BÉGARIE, Hervé (2002).Traité de Stratégie. 3ª ed., Paris: Economica.
BORGES, João Vieira (coord.) (2006).O Pensamento Estratégico Nacional. Lisboa: Edições Cosmos/IDN.
BORGES, João Vieira (2009).As novas Perspectivas da Segurança na Europa. Nunca de Antes, Lisboa: IDN e Prefácio, p. 115-118.
BOLTON, M. (2007).U.S. National Security and Foreign Policymaking after 9/11: Present at the Recreation. Rowman&Littlefield.
Reference: null
Project Seminar
02 - Specific goals: to develop the capacities of independent work of students in order to acquire:
02.1- ability to identify objects of research, defining problems and base questions, and to assess their relevance;
02.2- ability to review literature from a given subject, problem or historiographic issue;
02.3- to develop a critical consciousness about the dynamic and unfinished nature of academic research in the areas of modern and contemporary History;
02.4- ability to communicate orally, using concepts and methodologies accepted in such academic areas;
02.5- ability to write an academic text;
02.6- knowledge and capacity to use research tools of information, such as bibliographic repertories, inventories on archival papers and digital resources;
02.7- ability to plan a scientific research.
CP1 - Definition of the thematic area and subject
CP2 - Choice of an advisor
CP3 - Bibliographic review: the "state of the art"
CP4 - Selection of primary sources
CP5 - Planning and time-line of the research project
CP6 - Presentation of the thesis project
Two exercises:
- Oral presentation of the project work;
- Writtwn submision of the project work.
Title: . Normas e regulamentos em vigor.
. Diplomas legais em vigor respeitantes ao Doutoramento.
. ECO, Humberto (1984) Como se faz uma tese em Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Lisboa, Editorial Presença, 3ª edição.
. BOOTH, Wayne, COLOMB, Gregory e WILLIAMS, Joseph (2003) The Craft of Research, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 2ª edição.
. BEAUD, Michel (2006) L'art de la thèse. Comment préparer et rédiger un mémoire de master, une thèse de doctorat ou tout autre travail universitaire à l'ère du Net, Paris, La Découverte, nouvelle édition.
Reference: null
Title: -
Reference: null
History Seminar II
LO1: To describe the enlargement of the field of history of international relations and the incorporation of new concepts, goals and methods;
LO2: To analyze the essential features of the Age of Empire;
LO3: To analyze World War I, identifying its causes and consequences in the field of international relations;
LO4: To identify the reasons for the rise of fascist and authoritarian movements and regimes in Europe between the Wars;
LO5: Analyzing World War II, identifying its causes and its consequences;
LO6: To identify the origins of the Cold War as well as its essential characteristics;
LO7: To evaluate the importance of the end of European colonial empires;
LO8: To analyze the process of European integration in its main dimensions;
LO9: To identify the causes of the end of the Cold War and the essential characteristics of the international system after 1989;
LO10: To explain the decline of American supremacy and the changes in the international system in the 21st Century.
ST (Syllabus Topic) 1: International Relations in Contemporary Era: theoretical and methodological introduction.
ST2: The Age of Empire.
ST3: The Great War and the International Crisis.
ST4: Fascism and authoritarianism in Europe between the Wars.
ST5: The Second World War.
ST6: The Cold War.
ST7: The end of European colonial empires.
ST8: The integration of Europe.
ST9: The end of the Cold War and the post-1989 world
ST10: The Post-American World? Changes in the International System in the 21st Century.
Students will be evaluated by an oral presentation about one of the topics of this curricular unit (40%) and by a written report delivered by the end of the semester (60%).
BibliographyMethodological Seminar II
Theoretical and Methodological Seminar II aims to assist the development of research and analytical tools, enabling and supporting the implementation and progress of a research project, and the achievement of a thesis in a specific historical field, either in Modern or in Contemporary Era. This seminar helps students to make well-informed choices about the theoretical and methodological frame of their researches.
1 - What makes a good thesis? The best practices.
2 - What is and how should be written the State of the Art?
3 - Studies and Sources.
4 - Data collection.
5 - A critique of source. Hermeneutics.
6 - Data processing.
7 - Standards of academic writing.
The assessment will be based on:
1) The participation of students in class (25%).
2) The presentation of an oral assignment (75%).
In order to fulfill this requirement each student must submit a personal proposal containing a theoretical or methodological issue to be discussed and the literature to be used in it.
Title: -WILLIAMS, Robert (2007). The Historian's Toolbox. A Student's Guide to the Theory and Craft of History, London - New York, M.E.Sharpe, 2ª ed.
-STOREY, William Kelleher (2008). Writing History. A Guide for Students, Oxford - New York, Oxford University Press, 3ª ed.
-QUIVY, Raymond e Luc Van Campenhoudt (1992). Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais, Lisboa, Gradiva.
-LAMBERT, Peter e Phillip Schofield (eds.) (2004). Making History. An introduciton to the history and practices of a discipline, London - New York, Routledge.
-FARGE, Arlette (1989). Le Gout de l'Archive, Paris, Seuil.
-ECO, Umberto (1991). Como se Faz uma Tese em Ciências Sociais, Lisboa, Editorial Presença, 6ª ed.
-BEAUD, Michel (1991). L'Art de la Thèse. Comment préparer et rédiger une thèse de doctorat, Paris, Editions La Découverte.
-ARÓSTEGUI, Julio (2003). La Investigación Historica. Teoria Y Método, barcelona, Editorial Crítica, 2ª ed.
Reference: null
Title: A indicar no decurso dos trabalhos
Reference: null
Methodological Seminar I
OA1- Describe and discuss methodological procedures
OA2- Identify and present theoretical proposals of analysis
OA3- Define methodological strategies and theoretical frameworks relevant to the research.
PC1 - Methodological pathways.
PC2 - The studies.
PC3 - The sources. The heuristic research.
PC4 - The collection of information.
PC5 - The criticism of the source. Hermeneutics.
PC6 - The processing of information.
PC7 - Analysis of the data. Scales of analysis. Quantitative and Qualitative. Approaches compared. Content analysis.
PC8 - The writing. Genders and specificities.
The assessment is based on: a) student participation in class (20%) and b) the presentation of a final paper: oral presentation, with a written summary, of a PhD. thesis (80%).
BibliographyTitle: -WILLIAMS, Robert - The Historian?s Toolbox. A Student?s Guide to the Theory and Craft of History, Londres e Nova York, M. E. Sharpe, 2007.
-QUIVY, Raymond e VAN CAMPENHOUDT, Luc, Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais, 7ª de., Lisboa, Gradiva, 2017.
-VEYNE, Paul, Como se Escreve a História, Lisboa, Edições 70, 1987.
-MUSTÈ, Marcello, Storia: Teoria e Metodi, Roma, Carocci, 2005.
-MENDES, José Amado, A História como ciência: fontes, metodologias e teorização, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 1987.
-ECO, Umberto, Como se faz uma tese em Ciências Sociais, 4ª de., Lisboa, Presença, 1988.
-CORRAO, Pietro e VIOLA, Paolo, Introduzione agli Studi di Storia, Roma, Donzelli Editori, 2002.
-BEAUD, Michel, A Arte da Tese, Rio de Janeiro, Edições BestBolso, 2014.
-ARÓSTEGUI, Julio, La Investigación Historica. Teoria Y Método, Barcelona, Ed. Crítica, 2003.
Reference: null
Title: LE GOFF, Jacques - «História», «Documento-Monumento» e «Memória-História», Vol. 1, Enciclopédia Einaudi, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda, 1985.
VALENSI, Lucette - «L?exercice de la comparaison au plus proche, à distance: le cas des sociétés plurielles», Annales HSS, Paris, 2002, pp. 27-30.
SKOCPOL, Theda; SOMERS, Margaret - «The uses of Comparative History in macrosocial inquiry», Comparative Studies in Society and History, vol. 22, nº 2, 1980, pp. 174-197.
REVEL, Jacques, (dir.), Jeux d?échelles. La micro-analyse à l?expérience, Paris, Seuil/Gallimard, 1996.
RAMOS, Madalena; BARROSO, Mário - Métodos quantitativos para as ciências sociais, Lisboa, Sílabo, 2001.
PEREIRA, Miriam Halpern, «A História e as Ciências Sociais», Ler História, n.º 49
MATTOSO, José - A Escrita da História. Teoria e Métodos, Lisboa, Estampa, 2.ª ed., 1997.
KOCKA, Jurgen - Historia Social y Conciencia Histórica, Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2002.
LAMBERT, Peter; SCHOFIELD, Phillip (eds.) - Making History. An introduction to the history and practices of a discipline, Londres e Nova York, Routledge, 2004.
KAELBLE, Hartmut - «La recherche européenne en histoire sociale comparative (XIXe-XXe siècle)», Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, Paris, nº 106-107, 1995, pp.67-79.
HESPANHA, António Manuel - «A emergência da História», Penélope. Fazer e Desfazer a História, n.º 5, Lisboa, Cosmos, 1991, pp. 9-25.
GINZBURG, Carlo ,Miti. Emblemi. Spie, Turim, Einaudi, 1992
FARGE, Arlette, Le gout de l?archive, Paris, Seuil, 1989
FARGE, Arlette, Des lieux pour l?histoire, Paris, Seuil, 1997
CHARLE, Christophe (dir.), Histoire Sociale / Histoire Globale?,Paris, Éd. Maison des Sciences de l?Homme,1993
CERUTTI, Simona - «Normes et pratiques, ou de la légitimité de leur opposition» in Les formes de l´expérience: une autre histoire sociale, dir de Bernard Lepetit, Paris, Albin Michel, [cop.1995], pp.127-149.
CATROGA, Fernando - Memória, História e Historiografia, Coimbra, Quarteto, 2001.
BURKE, Peter - What is Cultural History ?, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2004.
BURKE, Peter - «History of events and the revival of narrative» in New Perspectives in Historical Writing (ed. Peter Burke), Cambridge, Polity Press, 1991, pp. 233-248.
BOURDIEU, Pierre - La distinction: critique sociale du jugement, Paris, Éditions de Minuit, 1979.
BLOCH, Marc - «Pour une histoire comparée des sociétés européennes», in Mélanges Historiques, M. Bloch, Vol. I, Paris, S.E.V.P.E.N., 1963, pp.16-40.
BERLIN, Isaiah, «O conceito de história científica» e «A inevitabilidade histórica» in A Busca do Ideal, Lisboa, Bizâncio, 1998
Reference: null
Phd Thesis in History, Studies of Security and Defense
LO1. To explain the dynamic and unfinished nature of academic work in the areas of History, Studies of Security and Defense;
LO2. To communicate orally in their own language, using terminology and techniques accepted in the academic areas in question;
LO3. To analyze texts or original documents in their own language and also to summarize, transcribe and catalog information contained therein;
LO4. To write in their own language an academic text;
LO5: To use research tools such as bibliographical repertoires, archival inventories and resources available electronically.
ST (syllabus topic)1. Planning Session.
ST2. Presentation of reports on the progress of the PhD thesis by students.
ST3. Final Thoughts on the curricular unit
The evaluation of this Curricular Unit is based on the oral presentation of a progress report on PhD dissertation (30%) and on the delivery of the a written report, reviewed and enlarged, by the end of the semester (70%).
BibliographyTitle: A indicar individualmente para cada um dos estudantes, de acordo com o tema da dissertação.
Reference: null
Title: A indicar individualmente para cada um dos estudantes, de acordo com o tema da dissertação.
Reference: null
Recommended optative
Optional courses will only be held if they achieve a minimum number of enrollments.
2nd semester
03508 | History and Theory of International Relations (ESPP | His)