Tuition fee EU nationals (2024/2025)
2500.00 €Programme Structure for 2024/2025
Curricular Courses | Credits | |
Press Office
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Elections, Parties and Political Representation
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Political Marketing
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Media Training
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Manifestos, Speeches and Debates
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Using Statistical Indicators
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Public Policy Analysis and Design
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Political Communication
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Public Policy Selected Researches
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Public Opinion and Polls
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Press Office
At the end of this UC the students should:
OA1 | Identify key features and functions of the press office.
OA2 | Understand the importance of the relationship between the publicist and journalist
OA3 | Knowing how to relate to journalists
OA4 | Knowing the different degrees of confidentiality and use them appropriately
OA5 | Identify the principles of the Journalists Code of Ethics
OA6 | Know how to create and organize a press office,
OA7 | Mastering the press office techniques
OA8 | Understanding the news making process
OA9 | Using the understanding of the process of drafting conveniently news to communicate accurately
OA 10 | Mastering the analysis techniques and results evaluation
OA11 | Understand and know how to use the principles of crisis communication
OA12 | Knowing how to relate press office with public relations, marketing and management.
1.Relationship between the Press Officer and Media: Features and functions, relationship with the employer, The Press Officer and the Journalist
2.Negotiations between press officer and journalist: sources and journalists, Confidentiality and ?off the record?, Journalists Code of Ethics
3.Create a Press Office: structure, HR, Work tools, Use of technologies
4.Media Relations Techniques : Press Release and Press Briefings (Press kit), Follow-up, Notices, Informal meetings, Press conferences, Contact Exchange, Visits and Press Travel, Official Ceremonies, Virtual Press Offices, Interviews preparation
5.Elaborating News and Media Relations: Provoking or avoid the news, Monitoring and Choosing the best channel, Productive news routines, Agenda setting, The theory of the "end of history"
6.Analysing and Evaluating Results: Different Media and Clipping
7.Crisis types and morphologies,Principles of Crisis Communication
8.Integrated Communication: Press Office, marketing and management in PR
The assessment is carried out in two stages: 1) during the semester and 2) final evaluation.
1)attendance equal or greater than 80% and oral participation and practical simulation exercises (20%); individual written work (80%)
2) Individual written work, which consists in designing a communication strategy, applying the methodologies discussed.The final version of the project will represent 80% of the grade.
Title: Lampreia, J. Martins; A Assessoria de imprensa nas Relações Públicas, Públicações Europa-América, 2010
Sousa, Jorge Pedro; As notícias e os seus efeitos: As "teorias" do jornalismo e dos seus efeitos sociais dos media jornalísticos, Minerva, 2000
Santos, Rogério; A fontes não quis revelar, Campo das Letras, 2006
Sigal, Leon; Who? Sources make the news. I, Randon House, 1986
Martins, Luís Paixão; As armas dos jornalistas., Editora Alias, s.d.
Duarte, Jorge. 2002. ; Assessoria de imprensa e relacionamento com a mídia., Editora Atlas
Fishman, Mark; Manufacturing the news. University of Texas Press, 1980
Santos, Rogério; A negociação entre jornalistas e fontes., Minerva Editora, 1997
Manning, Paul; News and news sources., Sage Publications, 2001
Dutton, Frederick G.; Changing souces of power, News York: McGraw-Hill, 1971
Tuchman, Gaye; Making news: A study in the construction of reality. The Free Press, 1978
Reference: null
Title: Ribeiro, Vasco, O campo e o triângulo operacional da assessoria de imprensa, In G. Gonçalves (Ed.), Relações públicas e comunicação organizacional - dos fundamentos às práticas. Covilhã: LabCom. Universidade da Beira Interior, 2014.
Lee, Martin and Normam Solomon; Unreliable sources: A guide to detecting bias in news media. Lyle Stuart Book, 1990
Koplin, Elisa. Ferrareto, Luiz Arthur. Assessoria de Imprensa: teoria e prática. Porto Alegre, Sagra Luzzato, 2002.
Duarte, Jorge, Assessoria de Imprensa e Relacionamento com a Mídia: teoria e técnica, São Paulo, Atlas, 2002.
Carvalho, Marco António de, Entre o Poder e a Mídia - Assessoria de Imprensa no Governo, M. Books, 2003
Gans, Herbert J.; Deciding What's News : A Study of CBS Evening News, NBC Nightly News, Newsweek a Time, University Press: Evanston, 1979
Ericson, Richard V., Taricia M. Baranek, and Janet B. L. Chan.; Negotiating control - a study of news sources., University of Toronto Press, 1989
Atton, C. ; Alternative Media., Sage, 2005
Traquina, Nelson; Jornalismo: Questões, teorias e "estórias"., Comunicação & Linguagem: Vega, 1993
Boorstin, Daniel J. ; The image: A guide to pseudo-events in america., New York: Atheneum, 1987
Reference: null
Elections, Parties and Political Representation
To provide the students with the ability for controling the theoretical and theoretical-empirical literature about elections, electoral systems and political parties, as well as for structuring and materializing a research project. Another target consists on increasing the capacity for communicating orally the results of their researches (seminar classes with presentations by the students).
I- Political representation.
1.1 Models and styles of representation.
1.2 How to estimate political representation?
II- Electoral systems, ideologies and political representation.
2.1 The main kinds of electoral systems.
2.2 Electoral systems, models of democracy and the influence of the electors on the political process.
2.3 Electoral systems and the quality of the political representation.
III- Political parties and political representation.
3.1 Types of parties since de Second World II, in the perspective of the political representation.
3.2 The crisis of political parties: indicators; internal and external causes of the crisis.
a) Assiduity and participation in class (minimum 70% of class attendance) - worth 15% of the final grade;
b) Assiduity and participation in the Doctoral Conferences in Political Science - 10%;
b) Oral presentation of one text in class - 25%;
c) A written essay in which the students tries to structure a research project, falling upon the revision of the literature on the matter - 50%.
Title: André Freire, Eleições, Partidos e Representação Política, Lisboa, Gradiva, 2024.
Daloz, Jean-Pascalk (2017), La Représentation Politique, Paris, Armand Colin.
Freire, André (organizador) (2015), O Futuro da Representação Política Democrática, Lisboa, Nova Vega.
Freire, André, Mélany Barragan, Xavier Coler, Marco Lisi & Emmanouil Tsatsanis (editors) (2020), Political representation in Southern Europe and Latin America. (?.), London, Routledge.
Gunther, Richard, & Larry Diamond (2003), «Species of Political Parties. A New Typology», Party Politics, Vol. 9, Nº 2, pp. 167-199.
Martins, Manuel Meirinho (2008), Representação Política. Eleições e Sistemas Eleitorais - Uma Introdução, Lisboa, ISCSP-UTL.
Mair, Peter (2014), On Parties, Party Systems and Democracy ? (?), Londres, ECPR.
Rosema, Martin, Denters, Bas, & Aarts, Kees (2011), How Democracy Works. Political Representation and Policy Congruence in Modern Societies, Utrecht, Pallas Publications.
Reference: null
Title: Partes I e II
Mandatory readings:
I Representação política: conceitos fundamentais, operacionalização e principais resultados
Texto 1:
Eulau, Heinz, & Karps, Paul D. (1977), «The Puzzle of Representation: Specifying components of Responsiveness»., Legislative Studies Quarterly, II, nº 3, pp. 233-254.
Texto 2:
Andweg, Rudy B., & Thomassen, Jacques J. A. (2005), «Modes of Political Representation: Towards a New Typology», Legislative Studies Quarterly, XXX, nº 4, pp. 507-.
(Ou, apenas para o caso de existirem alunos com dificuldades sérias em Português: Freire, André (2015), «O Futuro da democracia representativa», in Freire, André (organizador), O Futuro da Representação Política Democrática, Lisboa, Nova Vega, pp. 15-52 (até cenários para o futuro, exclusive).
Texto 3:
Mansbridge, Jane. (1999). Should Blacks Represent Blacks and Women Represent Women? A Contingent "Yes". The
Journal of Politics, 61 (3), 628-657. DOI: 10.2307/2647821.
Texto 4:
Espírito-Santo, Ana, Freire, André, & Serra-Silva, Sofia (2018), «Does women?s descriptive representation matter for policy preferences? The role of political parties», Party Politics, 1st online, DOI: 10.1177/1354068818764011
II ? Sistemas eleitorais, ideologia e representação política
Texto 5:
Huber, John D., & G. Bingham Powell, Jr. (1994), ?Congruence Between Citizens and Policymakers in Two Visions of Liberal Democracy?, World Politics, 46 (3), pp. 291-326.
Texto 6:
Freire, André & Augusta Correia (2020), «Ideological and policy representation in Portugal, before and after the Great Recession, 2008-2017», in Marco Lisi, André Freire & Emmanouil Tsatsanis (editors) (2020), Political Representation and Citizenship in Portugal: from Crisis to Renewal?, Lexington Books ? Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 107-128.
Texto 7:
Golder, Matt, & Stramski, Jacek (2010), ?Ideological congruence and electoral institutions: conceptualization and measurement?, American Journal of Political Science, 54, pp. 90-106. (há versão em português em Freire, A., & Viegas, J. M. L. (ed.) (2009), Representação Política: O Caso Português em Perspetiva Comparada, Lisboa: Sextante, pp. 181-224).
Texto 8:
Audrey, André, André Freire & Zsófia Papp (2014), ?Electoral rules and Legislators? Personal Vote-Seeking?, in Kris Deschouwer & Sam Depaw (editors), Representing the people. A survey among members of statewide and substate parliaments,
Oxford University Press, pp. 87-109.
Parte III
III ? Partidos políticos e representação política
Texto 9:
Katz, Richard S., & Peter Mair (1995), ?Changing Models of Party Organization and Party Democracy?, Party Politics, 1: 1, pp. 5-28.
Texto 10:
Rose, Richard (2014), ?Responsible Party Government in a World of Interdependence?, West European Politics, 37:2, pp. 253-269.
Texto 11:
Mair, Peter (2003), ?Os partidos e a democracia?, Análise Social, XXXVIII:167, 277-293.
Texto 12:
Belchior, Ana (2013), ?Explaining Left?Right Party Congruence Across European Party Systems
A Test of Micro-, Meso-, and Macro-Level Models?, Comparative Political Studies, 46 (3), 352-386.
EXTRA - Complementary and optional readings (only indications to build the final essay):
I ? Representação política: conceitos fundamentais, operacionalização e principais resultados (19 títulos)
Achen, Christopher H. (1978), «Measuring representation», American Journal of Political Science, 22, nº3, pp. 475-510.
APSA - American Political Science Association (1950), «Toward a More Responsible Two-Party System», American Political Science Review, 22, pp. 475-510.
Catroga, Fernando, & P. Tavares de Almeida (orgs.) (2010), Respublica: Cidadania e Representação Política em Portugal, 1820-1926, Lisboa, Assembleia da República ? Coleção Parlamento.
Faria, Alessandra Maia Terra de (2010), On the Social and the Political: Theories of Political Representation
Beyond the universal suffrage, Londres, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. (há edição em Português, no Brasil: Faria, Alessandra Maia Terra de (2020), Teorias da representação política, ed. ? Curitiba: Appris, 2020. 167 pp.)
Fernandes, Jorge M. & Cristina Leston-Bandeira (eds.), Iberian Legislatures in Comparative Perspective, Oxon, Routledge
Freire, A., & Viegas, J. M. L. (ed.) (2009), Representação Política: O Caso Português em Perspetiva Comparada, Lisboa: Sextante.
Freire, André, Marco Lisi & José Manuel Leite Viegas (organizadores) (2015a), Crise Económica, Políticas de Austeridade e Representação Política, Lisboa, Assembleia da República, Coleção Parlamento.
Freire, André, Marco Lisi & José Manuel Leite Viegas (organizadores) (2015b), Representação e Participação Política na Europa em Crise, Lisboa, Assembleia da República, Coleção Parlamento.
Freire, André, Marco Lisi, Ioannis Andreadis & José Manuel Leite Viegas (2014), Special Issue ?Political Representation in times of Bailout: Evidence from Portugal and Greece?, South European Society and Politics, Vol. 19, nº 4, pp. 413-559 (6 artigos mais uma introdução dos organizadores).
McDonald, M. & Budge, I. (2005) Election, Parties, Democracy, Oxford e Nova Iorque: Oxford University Press.
Esaiasson, Peter, e Holmberg, Sören (1996), Representation from Above. Members of Parliament and Representative Democracy in Sweden, Aldershot, Dartmouth.
Laver, Michael (ed.) (2001), Estimating the Policy Position of Political Actors, London, Routledge.
Manin, Bernard (1995), Principes du Gouvernement Représentatif, Mesnil-sur-l?Estrée, Éditions Calmann-Lévy.
Miller, Warren, e Stokes, Donald (1963), «Constituency influence in Congress», in American Science Review, 57, nº1, pp. 45-56.
Pitkin, Hanna F. (1967), The Concept of Representation, Berkley, Los Angeles e Londres, University of California Press.
Powell, G. B. jr. (2004), ?Political representation in comparative politics?, Annual Review of Political Science 7: 273?96.
Roper, Brian S. (2013), The History of Democracy ? A Marxist Interpretation, Londres, Pluto Press.
Rosanvallon, Pierre (2006), La Contre-Démocratie. La Politique à L?Age de la Défiance, Paris, Éditions du Seuil.
Urbinati, Nadia (2006), Representative Democracy. Principles and Genealogy, Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
II ? Sistemas eleitorais, ideologia e representação política (15 títulos)
Carey, John M. & Matthew S. Shugart (1995) ?Incentives to Cultivate a Personal Vote:
a Rank Ordering of Electoral Formulas?, Electoral Studies, 14: 4, 417-39.
Costa, Olivier, André Freire & Jean-Benoit Pilet (2012), Symposium ?Political representation in Belgium, France, and Portugal: MPs and their constituents in very different political systems?, organizado para a Revista Representation ? Journal of Representative Democracy, Volume 48 (4), pp. 351-418. (4 artigos mais introdução dos organizadores)
Downs, Anthony (1957), An economic theory of democracy, New York, Harper & Row.
Freire, André (editor) (2011), Eleições e Sistemas Eleitorais no século XX Português: Um Balanço
Histórico e Comparativo, Lisboa, Colibri.
Freire, André & Ana Belchior (2013), ??Ideological Representation in Portugal: MPs-Electors Linkages in Terms of Left-Right Placement and Substantive Meaning?, Journal of Legislative Studies, 19, No.1 (March 2013). Online version available in December 2012:
Freire, André & Manuel Meirinho (2010), número especial «Sistema
eleitoral e qualidade da democracia», Eleições, 12, DGAI-MAI (ex-STAPE), pp. 1-144.
Karvonen, Lauri (2004), ?Preferential Voting: Incidence and Effects?, International Political Science Review, Vol. 25, 2, pp. 203-226.
Lijphart, A. (2012), Patterns of Democracy: Government Forms and Performance in Thirty-Six Countries, Yale, Yale U. Press, 2012.
Lisi, Marco, André Freire & Emmanouil Tsatsanis (editors) (2020), Political Representation and Citizenship in Portugal: from Crisis to Renewal?, Lexington Books ? Rowman & Littlefield.
Miller, Warren et al. (eds.) (1999), Policy Representation in Western Democracies, Oxford e Nova Iorque, Oxford University Press.
Pereira, Paulo Trigo, & Silva, João Andrade (2009), ?Citizens? freedom to choose
representatives: ballot structure, proportionality and fragmented parliaments?, Electoral Studies, 28, pp. 101-110.
Powell, G. Bingham Jr. (2000), Elections as Instruments of Democracy, New Haven e Londres: Yale University Press
Wessels, Bernhard (2007), ?Political representation and democracy? in Dalton, Russell J., and Klingemann, Hans-Dieter (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 833-850.
III ? Partidos políticos e representação política (21 títulos)
Alonso, Sonia, Keane, John, & Merkel, Wolfgang (organizadores) (2011), The Future of Representative Democracy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Avritzer, Leonardo (2016), Impasses da Democracia no Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Civilização Brasileiras.
Bermeo, Nancy, & Bartels, Larry M. (organizadores) (2014) Mass Politics in Tough Times: Opinions, Votes, and Protest in the Great Recession, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Dalton, Russel J., & Martin P. Wattenberg (orgs.) (2000), Parties Without Partisans. Political Change in Advanced Industrial Democracies, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Della Porta, D., & Diani, M. (2006), Social Movements. An Introduction, Londres, Blackwell.
Duverger, Maurice (1951), Les Partis Politiques, Paris: Libraire Armand Colin.
Crouch, Colin (2004), Post-Democracy, London, Polity Press.
Hermet, Guy, Julien T. Hottinger & Daniel-L. Seiler(orgs.),(1998), Les Partis Politiques en Europe de l'Ouest, Paris,Economica.
Jalali, Carlos (2007), Partidos e Democracia em Portugal 1974-2005, Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.
Katz, Richard S., e William Crotty (orgs.) (2006), Handbook of Party Politics, Londres, Sage.
Lisi, Marco (2011), Os Partidos Políticos Em Portugal: Continuidade e Transformação, Coimbra, Almedina.
Lopes, F. Farelo (2004), Os Partidos Políticos. Modelos e Realidades na Europa Ocidental e em Portugal, Oeiras, Celta.
Lopes, F. Farelo, & Freire, A. (2002); Partidos Políticos e Sistemas Eleitorais. Uma Introdução, Oeiras, Celta.
Mair, Peter (1997), «Party Systems and Structures of Competition», Party System Change,. Approaches and Interpretations, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 199-224.
Mair, Peter (2013), Ruling the Void. The Hollowing of Western Democracy, Londres, Verso Editions.
Mair, Peter, & Cas Mudde, «The Party Family and Its Study«, Annual Review of Political Science, 1998,1,pp.211-229.
Sartori, G. (1976, 1990), ?A typology of party systems?, in P. Mair (1990), The West European Party System, Oxford, OUP, pp. 316-350.
Schmitter, Philipe, & Trechsel, Alexander H. (editors) (2004), The Future of Democracy in Europe ? Trends, Analyses and Reforms, Strasbourg, Council of Europe Publishing.
Stock, M. José (org.) (2005), Velhos e Novos Actores Políticos. Partidos e Movimentos Sociais, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta.
Teixeira, M. C. Pequito (2009), O Povo Semi Soberano. Partidos Políticos e Recrutamento Parlamentar em Portugal (1990-2003), Coimbra, Almedina.
Ware, Alan (1997), Political Parties and Party Systems, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Reference: null
Political Marketing
LO1. Define the concept of Political Marketing
LO2. Identify types of political MKT products
LO3. Differentiate between different political MKT strategies.
LO4. Differentiate between segmentation and positioning and be able to apply both concepts.
LO5. Identify different communication concepts
LO6. Explain different types of communication in MKT
LO7. Identify and argue good and bad examples of offline and online communication
LO8. Explain the importance of internal communication in political MKT strategy
LO9. Identify the limits and ethical issues associated with political MKT
LO10. Draw up a strategic political MKT plan
LO11. Monitor and evaluate a strategic political MKT plan
LO12. Present, through a pitch, an initial idea for a strategic political marketing plan, collecting feedback and discussing ideas with the client.
In-class exercises, such as benchmarking, case studies and the pitch, will complement the practical components.
CP1. Presentation of the teacher, students and program; The concept of Marketing; Definitions of Political Marketing, history and areas of application
CP2. Political marketing strategies in a competitive environment; Marketing intelligence and the construction of market research
CP3. Market segmentation and the definition of target audiences; Positioning and brand creation
CP4. Product and distribution in political marketing
CP5. Communication concepts; Types of marketing communication
CP6. Online/offline integration in political communication
CP7. Internal communication; Ethics in Marketing;
CP8. Drawing up a strategic political marketing plan
CP9. Delivery and Control of the Marketing Plan
CP10. Pitch presentation of the proposal for individual projects
Students can choose to be assessed throughout the semester or through a final assignment.
Assessment throughout the semester includes:
Attendance and active participation in all sessions (10%).
Students will have to write group assignments (40%), which are estimated to require around 20 hours of research - the assignments will be the analysis of practical cases, e.g. carrying out a SWOT analysis or identifying good or bad political marketing practices.
Students will have to carry out an individual assignment, presenting an initial version of it (the "pitch") in the last classes of the semester and handing in the final version in the final assessment period of the semester. The final individual assignment will be worth 50% of the final grade (10% - pitch + 40% - final written assignment).
Students who do not opt for assessment during the semester, or who fail in this way, can use the final assessment (100%) by submitting a work on a political marketing strategy plan, with an extra chapter with a critical review of a case of good and a case of bad practice in political marketing strategy and/or implementation.
This course does not provide for assessment by examination.
Title: Cardoso G. (org) (2024). A Nova Comunicação. Coimbra: Almedina 2024
Cardoso, G. (2023). A comunicação da comunicação. As pessoas são a mensagem. Lisboa: Mundos Sociais
Lees-Marshment, Jennifer (2019), Routledge Handbook of Political Marketing, Routledge, New York,
Lee-Marshment, J., Conley, B., Elder, E., Pettitt, R., Raynauld, V. & Turcotte, A. (2019). Political Marketing: Principles and Applications. London and New York: Routledge
Saiz, F. J. B. (2003) Marketing Político. Ediciones Pirámide. ESIC
Reference: null
Title: Azevedo, António, Pereira, Joaquim e Magalhães Duarte City Marketing - MyPlace in XXI , Gestão Estratégica e Marketing de Cidades, Vida Económica, 2ª edição, 2011
Dionísio, Rodrigues, Faria, Canhoto e Nunes, b-Mercator- Blended Marketing, Publicações Dom Quixote, Lisboa, 2009
Bernays, Edward & Martins, Luís Paixão (2024) Propaganda. Livros Zigurate
Comunicação & Cultura. (out. 2006) Lobbying e marketing político. Volume 2. Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas
Ferro-Santos, S., Cardoso, G., & Santos, S. (2024a). Para além da Bolha (de filtro): Interações dos Deputados no Twitter. Media & Jornalismo, 24(44), Article 44.
Ferro-Santos, S., Cardoso, G., & Santos, S. (2024b). What do Portuguese MPs use Twitter for? : A study case of political communication in a country with a small Twitter Adoption rate. Cuadernos.Info, 58, Article 58.
Hersh, E.D. (2015). Hacking the Electorate: How Campaigns Perceive Voters. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press.
Lendrevie, Levy, Baynast, Dionísio e Rodrigues, Mercator 25 Anos ? O Marketing na Era Digital, Publicações Dom Quixote, Lisboa, 2018
Lee, Nancy e Kotler Philip Marketing in the Public Sector: A Roadmap for Improved Performance, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2006
Lecheler, S. and De Vreese, C. (2019) News Framing Effects. London and New York: Routledge
Nai, A and Walter, A. (2014). New Perspectives on Negative Campaigning. Washington: Rowman and Littlefield
Martins, Luís Paixão (2023) Como Perder uma Eleição. Livros Zigurate
Martins, Luís Paixão (2023) Como Mentem as Sondagens. Livros Zigurate
Saiz, Francisco Javier Barranco (2003) Marketing Político. Ediciones Pirámide. ESIC.
Scammell, M. (2014). Consumer Democracy: the marketing of politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Soroka, S.N. (2014). Negativity in Democratic Politics: Causes and Consequences. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Penney, J. (2017) The Citizen Marketer. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Perloff, R. M. (2014). The Dynamics of Political Communication: Media and Politics in a Digital Age. New York, NY: Routledge.
Webster, J.G. (2014). The Marketplace of Attention: How Audiences Take Shape in a Digital Age. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
Reference: null
Media Training
At the end of this course, the student must be able to:
OA1 | Identify the information flow in the media
OA2 | Develop communication skills: be natural, relaxed, pleasant, controlled, spontaneous and pragmatics
OA3 | Identify the key ideas for each communication, to make it convincing and memorable
OA4 | Identify the issues that can cause/avoid a communication crisis
OA5 | Master the skills to deliver the desired message
OA6| Identify the ethical and deontological values of media professionals
OA7 | Develop relationships with the different media to be able to manage the communication in the best way
OA8| Avoid or manage a communication crisis
OA9| Produce and distribute a press-release in a crisis situation
OA10| Be able to communicate in video, using the correct language and posture
OA11| Be able to speak to a microphone, using the correct language
OA12| Master the basic rules of communication in digital media
OA1 | The information flow in the media
OA2 | The communicator: basic communication skills
OA3 | The communication: basic elements
OA4 | Crisis communication: what to control
OA5 | How to deliver the message
OA6| Ethical and deontological rules in the media
OA7 | Relationship development with the media
OA8| Crisis communication: how to produce a press release
OA9| How to communicate to a camera
OA10| How to speak to the microphone
OA11| How to communicate to the web
The assessment is carried out in two stages: 1) during the semester and 2) final evaluation.
1) During the semester the following assessment tools will be used: attendance equal or greater than 80% and oral participation and practical simulation exercises (20%); individual written work (80% of the grade).
2) Individual written work, which consists in designing a communication strategy, applying the methodologies discussed. The final version of the project will represent 80% of the grade.
Title: Greenwald, Glenn (2014),No place to hide, Hamish Hamilton
Castells, Manuel (2012), Networks of Outrage and Hope, Polity.
Tumber, Howard (1999), News a Reader, Oxford.
Habermas, Jurgen,The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere, MIT.
Zelizer, Barbie (2004), Taking Journalism Seriously, Sage.
Benson, Rodney (2005), Bourdieu and the journalistic field, Polity
Reference: null
Title: Luke Harding (2011), Inside Julian Assange war on secrecy, Guardian
Reference: null
Manifestos, Speeches and Debates
At the end of the UC the student should:
1 Know how to structure and draft an electoral or government program;
2 Identify and state the type of policy measures with the greatest potential impact;
3 Research the contradictions of opponents and valorize their own forces;
4 To master the techniques of political discourse;
5 Match the speeches to different audiences, media and events;
6 Know the rules of protocol and event preparation;
7 Know the rights of the opposition and the duties of the executive at national, local and European level;
8 To dominate the instruments of political scrutiny available to the oppositions and the types of legislative and political initiative in the Assembly of the Republic, Regional and Local Power and European Institutions.
1. Electoral Programs - Program Conventions, Study Offices, Political Foundations and Staff Recruitment. - Axes, objectives and programmatic measures - Communication of electoral measures - Research on political contradictions of opponents and methods of disseminating their own political action. - Targeted discussion and simulation of public dissemination of programmatic contents. 2. Political Discourses - Presentation of theories on political discourse and successful cases. ? Speechwriting techniques. - Targeted discussion and simulation of political speeches. 3. Political Debates - Types of Legislative Initiatives and Debates, Plenary and Specialized Commission - Questions and Requirements; Votes and Resolutions (Assembly of the Republic) - Political Surveillance in Local Power: Meetings of the House, Municipal Assemblies and Regional Legislative Assemblies. - Political oversight in the European Parliament. Directed discussion on instruments of political oversight.
The evaluation is carried out in two moments: first, throughout the academic period and according to the final evaluation.
Moment 1) Corresponds to a written exercise (maximum 20 pages) (70%);
Moment 2) attendance, participation and discussion directed in class (30%).
Title: Westen, Drew (2008), The Political Brain, Public Affairs.
Swaim, Barton (2016), The Speechwriter: A Brief Education in Politics, Simon and Schuster.
Serrano, José Bouza (2011), O Livro do Protocolo, Bertrand.
Safire, William (org.) (2004), Great Speeches in History. WW Norton.
Richards, Paul (2004), How to Win an Election, Politico?s.
Lehrman, Robert (2009), The Political Speechwriters Companion, CQ Press.
Lakoff, George (2004), Don?t think of an Elephant, Chelsea Green Publishing.
Lancaster, Simon (2015), Winning Minds, the secret language of leadership, Palgrave.
Jay, Antony (2007), Dictionary of Political Quotations, OUP.
Haidt, Jonathan (2018), The Righteous Mind, Penguin.
Davidowitz, Step Stephens (2018), Everybody lies, HaperCollins.
Benoit, William (2015), Political Election Debates, Lexinton Books.
Assembleia da República (2009), Regimento da Assembleia da República.
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Using Statistical Indicators
Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:
LO1. Know the main sources and areas of national (INE, PORDATA) and international (Eurostat, OECD) statistical production, as well as the respective data collection platforms and meta-information systems, contributing to the correct interpretation of data and its interpretative limits.
LO2. Correctly read, analyse and interpret tables, graphs and maps, incorporating the necessary meta-information. Produce calculations, tables, graphs and maps appropriate to the type of statistical information used and the type of scientific products to be produced: reports and scientific products;
LO3. Reconcile statistical information with other sources, whether quantitative (from micro-data) or qualitative, when writing reports or other scientific products.
CP1. Overview of the national and international statistical system (National Statistics Institute and delegated bodies; United Nations organisations, Eurostat, OECD);
CP2. Meta-information system; Methods and scope of information collection: Censuses, administrative information, sample surveys, studies.
CP3. Collecting available official statistical information and processing it using Excel and other software. Making calculations, tables, graphs and maps;
CP4. Population census, estimates and demographic statistics;
CP5. Education: School censuses and population qualifications;
CP6. Labour, employment, unemployment and professional groups;
CP7. GDP, income, social protection and income inequalities;
CP8. Information society, big data and artificial intelligence;
CP9. From statistical indicators to social science research. Micro-data from official statistical sources and international databases.
This course is assessed exclusively by exam (100%).
This exam can be taken in two ways:
a) submission of individual written work
b) individual written test
In option a), individual essay of about 10 pages analysing statistical indicators (100% of the final mark). The topic and supporting statistical information must be agreed in advance with the teacher, during the classes, at a time specified for this purpose. The work should have the following structure: an introduction to the topic, incorporating its relevance and a slight theoretical framework, including some bibliographical references, the presentation of the statistical source(s) and main characteristics; the integration of the data in graphical form (unless the volume of data makes this impossible) and its analysis; a conclusion integrated and discussed with the theoretical support and critique of the statitical sources.
If the student chooses option b), they must inform the teacher in advance.
Students who fail in the first season may submit their work in the second season under the same conditions (100 % of the final mark). Students may also benefit from the Special Season, provided they are covered by the applicable regulation.
Title: Sousa, Fernando (1995), História da Estatística em Portugal, Lisboa, INE.
Silva, Ana Alexandrino (2006), Gráficos e Mapas - representação de informação estatística, Lisboa, Lidel.
Ramos, Pedro M.G. N. (2013), Torturem os Números que Eles Confessam, Coimbra: Almedina.
Freire, João (1999), Problemas técnico-metodológicos em inquéritos sociológicos: a propósito de questões de valores e orientações dos sujeitos em matéria sócio-económica, Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 55, pp. 37-51.
Ferreira, Maria João e Isabel Tavares, Notas sobre a História da Estatística, Dossiers Didácticos, VI, Lisboa, INE.
Carrilho, Maria José, População Activa: conceito e extensão através dos censos, Lisboa, INE.
Bacelar, Sérgio, Para uma Sociologia da Produção Estatística: virtualidades duma leitura sintomática da informação estatística, Lisboa, INE.
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Bases de Dados de Informação Estatística:
Páginas Web e bases de dados
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Public Policy Analysis and Design
At the end of the curricular unit students should be familiarized with the key concepts, models and tools for public policy analysis and also should be able to apply these methods and analysis techniques to concrete cases of public policy. It is intended that at the end of the semester students are able to apply at least the model of the steps in the analysis and design of public policies.
1 - Why study public policy?
2 - Theories of power and political process
3 - Concepts of Public Policy Analysis: actors, resources, rules and institutions.
4 - Analysis of the political process:
Types of policies and phases of the process;
Problems and scheduling;
Alternatives and interest groups;
Formulation design and instruments;
Decision and implementation;
Evaluation, impact and change.
5 - International influence: diffusion, conveyance and convergence in public policy.
6 - Policy research
7 - Public Policy in Portugal.
Written exercise (maximum 20 pages) with the analysis of a sectorial public policy (50%); Presentation and discussion of a public poster, synthesis analysis exercise of a public policy (40%); Active participation in class (10%). Active participation in class includes attending classes, but also the ability to ask questions, argue, defend points of view and participate in discussions on the topics under discussion.
Title: Theodoulou, Stella, e Matthew Cahn (1995). Public Policy: The Essential Readings, New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
Rodrigues, Maria de Lurdes (coord.) (2014). Exercícios de Análise de Políticas Públicas, Lisboa, INCM;
Parsons, Wayne (1996). Public Policy: An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Policy Analysis, Edward Elgar Pub;
Kraft, Michael E., e Scott R. Furlong (2010), Public Policy. Politics, Analysis, and Alternatives, Washington DC, CQPress,
Knoepfel, Peter, Corrine Larrue, Frédéric Varone, e Michael Hill (2011). Public Policy Analysis. Bristol, Polity Press University of Bristol;
Kingdon, John W. (2003), Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies, New York, Longman.
Hill, Michael (2009), The Public Policy Process, London, Pearson/Longman.
Dye, Thomas R. (2010), Understanding Public Policy, Boston, Longman.
Birkland, Thomas (2020). An Introduction to the Policy Process, New York, Routledge;
Anderson, James (2003). Public Policymaking. Boston. Houghton Mifflin Company;
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Title: Smith, Catherine (2010), Writing Public Policy, New York, Oxford University Press
Sabatier, Paul (2007, 2019). Theories of the Policy Process, Colorado, Westview Press;
Rodrigues, Maria de Lurdes, e Helena Carreiras; (org.) (2017). Exercícios de Análise de Políticas Públicas 2, Lisboa, Editora
Rodrigues, M. L. e Silva, P. A. (org.) (2013), Políticas públicas para a Reforma do Estado, Coimbra, Almedina;
Rodrigues, Maria de Lurdes, e Pedro Adão e Silva (org.) (2012). Políticas Públicas em Portugal, Lisboa, INCM;
Quiñones, Edgar (2015). Políticas Públicas: Métodos Conceptuales y Métodos de Evaluatión, Huncayo, Universidad Continental;
Ordóñez-Matamoros, Gonzalo (2013). Manual de Análisis y Diseño de Políticas Públicas, Bogotá, Universidade Externaso
Moran, M, Martin Rein, e Robert Goodin (2008), The Oxford Handbook of Public Policy, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Knill, Christoph, e Jale Tosun (2012). Public Policy: A New Introduction, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan
Howlett, Michael (2019). The Policy Design Primer. Choosing the Right Tools for the Job. New York, Routledge;
Cairney, Paul (2011, 2020). Understanding Public Policy, London, Red Globe Press;
Bardach, Eugene (2009), A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis, Washington DC, CQPress.
Araújo, Luísa, e Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues (2017). "Modelos de Análise de Políticas Públicas", Sociologia Problemas e Práticas, n.º 83;
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Political Communication
In this course, students should have an in-depth understanding of the changing nature of political communication in the digital-era and the theoretical, practical and ethical questions surrounding the role of media in social and political life.
The contents of this course combine plans for theoretical information,conceptual clarification and systematization and questioning of the contemporary trends in the areas to which it is related,around the following plans.
1Conceptual delineation and exploration of the issues that arise from the link between,on one hand,modes of communication and information,and on the other,the understandings of politics and democracy.
2Developing specific themes on the poles of communication and politics and their relationship, giving examples: the times and the trends identified in contemporary political communication; communication, power and politics; media and public awareness;media, democracy and citizenship;politics,emotion and reason;political communication,image and substance;information,spectacle and entertainment;journalism and spin doctoring;network communication and political decision;Internet, mobile communications and citizenship; algorithmic politics and artificial intelligence
Students can choose to be assessed throughout the semester or by final exam.
The assessment of the knowledge acquired is based on an appreciation of participation and intervention in the different sessions (10%), an individual test in class (50%), a group presentation on one of the topics covered in class and the consequent preparation of a written assignment to be handed in at the end of the semester (40%).
The presentation and the assignment should be based on a literature review focused on the chosen topic, an empirical object of analysis to be assessed also through comparison with other similar cases of political communication.
The work can also focus on the design of a political communication campaign with practical applications to electoral, governance or protest contexts, accompanied by a theoretical justification in the form of a descriptive memoir of the options taken.
In the assessment by final exam, the mark obtained in the exam will correspond to 100% of the UC mark.
Title: STOCKWELL,S. (2005) Political Campaign Strategy, Australian Scholarly Publishing; CAMPBELL & KWAK (2010) ?Mobile Communication and Civic Life?, Journal of Communic., Vol 60:3
MARCUS,G. (2002) Emotion in democratic politics, Pennsylvania U Press
LILLEKER,G. (2006) Key Concepts in Political Communication, Sage
DAHLGREN,P. (2009) Media and political engagement, Cambridge U Press
COLEMAN & BLUMLER (2009) The Internet and Democratic Citizenship, Cambridge U Press
Cardoso, G., Santos, S. & Telo, D. (2016). Jornalismo em tempos de crise. Lisboa. Mundos Sociais.
CASTELLS,M. (2009) Communication Power, Oxford U Press
BLUMLER & KAVANAGH (1999)?The Third Age of Political Communication? Political Communication, 16:209?230
BENNETT & ENTMAN (Eds)(2001) Mediated Politics, Cambridge U Press
BARREIROS, J.J. (2010) Públicos, Media e Vida Pública, Lisboa, ISCTE-IUL, tese de doutoramento
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Title: Santos, S. & Bicho, C. (2016). Eleições autárquicas 2.0: análise das estratégias de comunicação online de candidatos, partidos e movimentos independentes. Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas. 81, 189-210.
NEGRINE & STANYER (Eds.) (2007)The Political Communication Reader, Rout
McQuail, Denis (2000), Mass Communication theory, 4th edition, London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi, Sage Publications.
McQuail, Denis (1998), "Commercialization and beyond", em Denis McQuail and Karen Siune (eds), Media Policy. Convergence, concentration and commerce. Euromedia research group. London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi, Sage Publications.
HRDINOVÁ,Jana et al (2010) ?Designing social media policy for government? Center for Technology in Government, State University of New York
Habermas, Jürgen (2006), "Political Communication in Media Society - Does Democracy still enjoy an epistemic dimension? The impact of normative theory on empirical research", Communication Theory, 16(4), pp. 411-426.
Habermas, Jürgen (1989 [1962]), The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere. An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society, Cambridge, Polity Press.
Gingras, Anne-Marie e Jean Pierre Carrier (1996), "Public Opinion: Construction and Persuasion", Canadian Journal of Communication, 21 (4).
Garcia, José Luís (2002), "O fogo e a cultura pan-mediática contemporânea", Media & Jornalismo, 1, pp.129-139
Esteves, João Pissarra (2005), O Espaço Público e os Media. Sobre a Comunicação entre Normatividade e Facticidade, Lisboa, Edições Colibri, FCSH-UNL.
Correia, João Carlos (2004), Comunicação e cidadania - Os media e a fragmentação do espaço público nas sociedades pluralistas, Lisboa, Livros Horizonte.
Calhoun, Craig (1992), Habermas and the public sphere, Cambridge, The MIT Press.
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Public Policy Selected Researches
a) to gain understanding of the methodological procedures in large national and international surveys and longitudinal surveys;
b) to acquire competencies to link theoretical options, research objectives and methodological and technical strategies in data collection, data treatment and construction of indicators, as used in large national and international surveys including longitudinal studies;
c) develop research competencies on secondary sources of data bases regarding key studies or "success stories"
d) improve skills required for public presentation of results and impacts of large studies on public policies.
1. Introduction: extensive methodologies and their relevance to public policy
2. Health and health care
3. Social inequality
4. Evolution and characteristics of emigration and Portuguese communities
5. Family policy
6. Education policies and international evaluations
7. Social policies
8. Employment and unemployment
9. Energy and environment
Assessment throughout the semester:
1) class attendance and participation;
2) a policy brief, using a database, summarising the content and possible implications in terms of recommendations for public policy (maximum 4 pages).
Assessment by examination:
A policy brief, using a database, summarising the content and possible implications in terms of recommendations for public policy (maximum 4 pages).
Title: Oyen, Else (1990), Comparative Methodology. Theory and practice in international social research, London, Sage Publications, Sage Studies in International Sociology.
Rodrigues, Maria de Lurdes e Pedro Adão e Silva (2015), Governar com a Troika, Coimbra: Almedina.
Rodrigues, Maria de Lurdes e Pedro Adão e Silva (2013), Políticas Públicas para a Reforma do Estado, Coimbra: Almedina.
Moran, Michael, Rein, Martin and Gododin, Robert (orgs), (2006), The Oxford Handbook of Public Policy, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
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Title: The Campbell Collaboration:
The Cochrane Collaboration:
Closing the Gap in a Generation: Health equity through action on the social determinants of health .
World Health Organization:
Observatório da Emigração:
Observatório das Desigualdades:
European Social Survey:
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Public Opinion and Polls
At the end of the course students should be able to:
LA1 | Discuss the main theoretical contributions in the field of public
LA2 | Identify the main factors of public opinion formation
LA3 | Understand the role of the media in the processes of public opinion formation and change
LA4 | Critically analyze the technical parameters of a survey
LA5 | Critically analyze the interpretation of polls published by the media or other means
LA6 | Identify key trends in public opinion on the relevant policy issues in Western societies in general and in particular in Portugal
LA7 | Have a critical perspective on the validity of public opinion to take policy decisions
LA8| Understanding the consequences of public opinion in a democracy, particularly in terms of representation and responsiveness
The program is structured in the following points:
CP1 | Concepts and theories of public opinion
CP2 | Cognitive bases of public opinion: impression formation, attitude development and change, causal attribution
CP3 | Socio-psychological factors of public opinion: social representations; social influence; group effects; social desirability; spiral of silence
CP4 | Media and public opinion: information, persuasion, cognitive effects
CP5 | Opinion polls: sampling, representativeness and interpretation of results
CP6 | Data and trends on the current public opinion
CP7 | Importance and consequences of public opinion in terms of political representation and responsiveness
1) Attendance equal or greater than 70% and participation in the discussions and practical exercises to be held in sessions (20%);
2) Presentation and discussion of a scientific paper on a relevant topic of the program (30%);
3) Individual written essay, about ten pages (Times New Roman 12, 1.5 space between lines) on any of the topics covered in the UC, under the terms to be determined during classes (50%).
As an alternative, assessment by exam: written test (100%).
To be approved, students must have higher final grades than 9.5.
Title: ASHER, Herbert (2016), Polling and the Public. What Every Citizen Should Know, 9ª ed., Washington: Congressional Quarterly.
BARTELS, Larry (2018), Unequal Democracy, 2ª ed., Princeton e Oxford: PUP.
BETHLEHEM, Jelke (2018), Understanding Public Opinion Polls, Boca Raton, CRC Press.
CLAWSON, Rosalee A., e Zoe M. OXLEY (2020), Public Opinion: Democratic Ideals, Democratic Practice, 4ªed., Edition. Washington: CQ Press.
DALTON, Russell J. (2019), Citizen Politics: Public Opinion and Political Parties in Advanced Industrial Democracies, 7ª ed., Washington, D.C.: CQ Press.
GLYNN, Carol; Herbst, Susan; Lindeman, Mark; O'Keefe, Garrett, e Shapiro, Robert (2018), Public Opinion, 3ª ed., Oxford: Westview Press.
MAGALHÃES, Pedro (2011), Sondagens, Eleições e Opinião Pública, Lisboa, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
ZALLER, John (1992), The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion, Cambridge, CUP.
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Title: ACHEN, Christopher H. e Larry M. BARTELS (2017), Democracy for realists: Why elections do not produce responsive government, Princeton e Oxford, Princeton University Press.
ALTHAUS, Scott L. (2006), ?False starts, dead ends, and new opportunities in public opinion research?, Critical Review, 18 (1-3), pp.75-104.
ALTHAUS, Scott L. (2003), Collective Preferences in Democratic Politics. Opinion Surveys and the Will of the People, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
BARBER, Benjamim (1984), Strong Democracy. Participation Politics for a New Age, Barkeley e Londres, University of California Press.
BARTELS, L. (2015), ?The social welfare deficit: Public opinion, policy responsiveness, and political inequality in affluent democracies?, paper apresentado na 22ª International Conference of Europeanists; 8-10 Julho, Paris, França.
BARTELS, Larry M. (1993), "Messages Received: The Political Impact of Media Exposure", American Political Science Review, 87(2), pp.267-285.
BERINSKY, A. (2019), New Directions in Public Opinion, 3ª ed., Nova Iorque e Londres: Routledge.
BISHOP, George F. e Stephen T. MOCKABEE (2011), Taking the pulse of public opinion: Leading and Misleading indicators of the state and the nation, Nova Iorque: Springer.
BISHOP, George F. (2004), The illusion of public opinion: Fact and artifact in American public opinion polls, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Oxford.
DE VREESE, C., e BOOMGAARDEN, H. (2006), ?Media Effects on Public Opinion about the Enlargement of the European Union?, Journal of Common Market Studies, 44(2), pp.419-436.
ENNS, P., e C. Wlezien (eds.) (2011), Who Gets Represented? Nova Iorque, Russell Sage Foundation.
ERIKSON, Robert S., e Kent L. TEDIN (2015), American Public Opinion, 9ª. ed., Nova Iorque: Routlegde.
ERIKSON, Robert S, MACKUEN, Michael B., e STIMSON, James A. (2002), The Macro Policy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
FOURNIER, Patrick et al. (2011), When Citizens Decide: Lessons from Citizens' Assemblies on Electoral Reform, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
GILENS, Martin (2005), ?Inequality and Democratic Responsiveness?, Public Opinion Quarterly, 69(5), pp.778-796.
GIGER, N., J. ROSSET, e J. Bernauer (2012), ?The poor political representation of the poor in a comparative perspective?, Representation, 48(1): 47-61.
HOULE, Christian (2018), ?Does economic inequality breed political inequality?? Democratization, 25(8): pp.1500-1518.
IYENGAR, Shanto (2016), Media Politics: A Citizen?s Guide, 3ª ed., Nova Iorque, W.W. Norton & Company.
JACOBS, Lawrence R., e Robert Y. SHAPIRO (2000), Politicians Don?t Pander: Political Manipulation and the Loss of Democratic Responsiveness, Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
KELLY, Nathan J., e Peter K. ENNS (2010), "Inequality and the Dynamics of Public Opinion: The Self-Reinforcing Link Between Economic Inequality and Mass Preferences", American Journal of Political Science, vol. 54, nº.4, pp.855-870.
HIBBING, John, e Elizabeth THEISS-MORSE (2002), Stealth Democracy: Americans? Beliefs about How Government Should Work, Nova Iorque, Cambridge University Press.
HOPPMAN, D. (2012), ?The consequences of political disagreement in interpersonal communication: New insights from a comparative perspective?, European Journal of Political Research, 51(2), pp.265-287.
LAVRAKAS, Paul J. e Michael W. TRAUGOTT (eds.) (2000), Election Polls, the News Media, and Democracy, New York, Chatham House.
LEEPER, Thomas, e Rune SLOTHUUS (2014), "Political parties, motivated reasoning, and public opinion formation", Advances in Political Psychology, 35, Suplem. 1, pp.129-156.
LEWIS, Justin (2001), Constructing Public Opinion, Nova Iorque, Columbia University Press.
LEWIS-BECK, Michael; William G. JACOBY, Helmut NORPOTH, e Herbert WEISBERG (2008), The American Voter Revisited, Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press.
McCOMBS, Maxwell (2014), Setting the Agenda: Mass Media and Public Opinion, 2ª ed., Cambridge: Polity Press.
MUTZ, Diana (1998), Impersonal Influence, Cambridge: CUP.
NOELLE-NEUMANN, Elisabeth (1977), "Turbulences in the Climate of Opinion: Methodological Applications of the Spiral of Silence", The Public Opinion Quarterly, 41(2), pp.143-158.
MOON, Nick (1999), Opinion Polls, Manchester, Manchester University Press.
NOELLE-NEUMANN, Elisabeth (1993), The Spiral of Silence, Chicago: Chicago University Press.
NORRANDER, Barbara e Clyde WILCOX (2010), Understanding Public Opinion, Washington, CQ Press.
NORRIS, Pippa (1999), Critical Citizens, Oxford, OUP.
PAGE, Benjamin I. (2007), "Is public opinion an illusion?", Critical Review, 19(1), pp.35-45.
PAGE, Benjamin e Robert SHAPIRO (1992), The Rational Public, Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
PETERS, Y., e J. ENSINK (2015), ?Differential responsiveness in Europe: The effects of preference difference and electoral participation?, West European Politics, 38(3): pp.577-600.
PRICE, Vicent (2011), "Public opinion research in the new century", Public Opinion Research, 78(5), pp.846-853.
ROSSET, J., N. GIGER, e J. BERNAUER (2013), ?More money, fewer problems? Cross-level effects of economic deprivation on political representation?, West European Politics, 36(4): pp.817?835.
SCHEUFELE, D. A. (2000), ?Agenda setting, priming and framing revisited: Another look at cognitive effects of political communication?, Mass Communication and Society, 3 (2&3): pp.297-316.
SCHEUFELE, D., e P. MOY (2000), ?Twenty-five years of the spiral of silence: A conceptual review and empirical outlook?, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 12(1): pp.3-28.
SCHEUFELE, D. A., e D. TEWKSBURY (2007), ?Framing, agenda setting, and priming: The evolution of three media effects models?, Journal of Communication, 57(1); pp.9-20.
SNIDERMAN, Paul, Richard BRODY, e Philip TETLOCK (1991), Reasoning and Choice. Explorations in Political Psychology, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
STIMSON, James A.; Michael B. MACKUEN, e Robert S. ERIKSON (1995), "Dynamic Representation", American Political Science Review, 83 (3), pp.543?65.
SOROKA, Stuart e Christopher WLEZIEN (2010), Degrees of Democracy: Politics, Public Opinion and Policy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
SOROKA, S., et al. (2013), ?Auntie knows best? Public broadcasters and current affairs knowledge?, British Journal of Political Science, 43(4): pp.719-739.
THOMSON, Robert, Terry ROYED, Elin NAURIN, Joaquín ARTÉS, Rory COSTELLO, Laurenz ENNSER-JEDENASTIK, Mark FERGUNSON, Petia KOSTADINOVA, Catherine MOURY, François PÉTRY, e Katrin PRAPROTNIK (2017), ?The fulfillment of parties? election pledges: A comparative study on the impact of power sharing.? American Journal of Political Science, 61(3), pp.527-542.
URA, J. D. e C. R. Ellis (2008), ?Income, preferences, and the dynamics of policy responsiveness?, PS: Political Science & Politics, 41(4): pp.785?794.
VERBA, S., N.H. Nie, e J. Kim (1978) Participation and Political Equality: A Seven-Nation Comparison. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
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