Tuition fee EU nationals (2024/2025)
2250.00 €Programme Structure for 2024/2025
Curricular Courses | Credits | |
Integrated Approaches to Social Service in Health
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Bioethics and Human Rights in Health
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Good Practices & Innovation in Health
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Competencies for the Practice of Health Social Work
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
The Portal of the Nhs at the Service of the Citizen / Health Policies, Quality and Social Well-Being
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Social Health Care at Home
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Methodos of Data Analysis
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Health and Social Relationships
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Seminar of Differentiated Practice in the Field of Intervention of Social Work in Health
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Decision Support Techniques and Health Quality Management Tools
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Integrated Approaches to Social Service in Health
Knowing the organizational models of Integrated Health Care, foster practices and experiences of integrated care;
To deepen multidimensional and integrated reflection on social phenomena related to health;
Identify and understand complex needs in their relationship to integrated health care;
To deepen the mastery of methodological and technical instruments leading to a practice based on evidence and evaluation of its complexity.
1 Knowledge about the organization of health care,
2..Integrated Health Care Concepts
3.Models and levels of analysis and evaluation in integrated care
4.Implementation of Integrated Models of Care: International and National Perspectives
5.Integration of Care: Social Work Contributions
6. Evidence-Based Practice
7.Complexity of Social Intervention in health
8. Case studies and applications
Periodic evaluation regime. The evaluation consists in the accomplishment of an individual written work on a theme of the program (in a maximum of 8 pages).
Final exam.
Title: Suter, E., Oelke, N., Adair, C., Waddell, C., Armitage, G., & Huebner, L. (2007). Health Systems Integration? Definitions, Processes & Impact: a research synthesis. Disponível via Alberta Health Services em:; of Health Systems and Pu
Santana, R., & Costa, C. (2008). A integração vertical de cuidados de saúde: aspetos conceptuais eorganizacionais. Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública, Volume temático: 7, 29?56;
ACS (2012). Plano Nacional de Saúde 2012/2016. Objetivo para o Sistema de Saúde ? Obter Ganhos em Saúde. Alto Comissariado da Saúde;
ACS (2011). Plano Nacional de Saúde: 2011?2016. Estratégias para a Saúde: Objectivos para o Sistema de Saúde ? Reforçar o Suporte Social e Económico na Saúde e na Doença (Versão Discussão). Alto Comissariado da Saúde;
Ahgren, B., & Axelsson, R. (2005). Evaluating integrated health care: a model for measurement. International Journal of Integrated Care, 5;
Reference: null
Title: Thyer BA Evidence-based practice and clinical social work Evidence-Based Mental Health 2002;5:6-7.
Drake, R. E., Goldman, H., Leff, H. S., Lehman, A. F., Dixon, L., Mueser, K. T., et al. (2001). Implementing evidence-based practices in routine mental health service settings. Psychiatric Services, 52(2), 179-182.
Webb, Stephen (2001) Some considerations on the validity of evidence-based practice in social work. British Journal of Social Work, 31, 57-79.
Thyer, B. A. (2004). What Is Evidence-Based Practice?. Brief Treatment & Crisis Intervention, 4(2), 167-176. doi:10.1093/brief-treatment/mhh013 ;
Social Work Policy Institute (2010) Evidence-based practice: Partnerships to promote evidence-based practice. Retrieved from based-practice-2.html;
Lloyd J, Wait S. Integrated care: A Guide for Policymakers. London, Alliance for Health and the Future, 2005;
Serafim, Rosário e Espírito Santo, Inês (2013), Criação e Validação de uma Escala de Complexidade da Intervenção Social com Adultos em Contexto Hospitalar (ECISACH). CIES e-Working Paper N.º 152/2013:;
Carballeda, A. J. M. (2010), ?Problemáticas sociales complejas y políticas públicas?,Revista CS en Ciencias Sociales, 1, Santiago de Cali, Universidad Icesi, pp. 261-272;
Úcar, X. (2010), ?El trabajador social entre la complejidad social y las profesiones de lo social?, em A. Rodriguez e E. E. A. Raya (orgs.), Una Europa Social y Plural. Actas del VII Congreso Estatal de las Escuelas Universitarias de Trabajo Social, pp. 145-153;
Hood, Rick (2018) Complexity in Social Work Sage Publications Ltd;
Stanhope V., Videka L., Thorning H., McKay M., (2015). Moving Toward Integrated Heatth: An Opportunity for Social Work, Social Work in Health Care, 54:5, 383-407;
Shaw, S. & Rosen, R. (2011) What is integrated care? An overiew of integrated care in the NHS. Nuffeldtrust;
Reference: null
Bioethics and Human Rights in Health
- Critical analysis of the ethical theories underlying the intervention in Social Work in Health.
- Apply indicators of Bioethics and Human Rights in the intervention of the Social Work in the different Health contexts;
- Identify the principles of human rights in the intervention of the social worker in the context of health;
- Organize participative and shared intervention plans in Health.
I - Bioethics:
a) From Ethics to Bioethics:
b) Threats to humanism and the centrality of the value of the human person;
c) Care Ethics
d) The ethical dimension of sustainability.
II - Ethics of Intervention in Dementia
a) Principle of accompanied Major - vital testament of health care;
b) The professional ethics and the visit / Home care.
II- Ethical Relation and Social Work in Health:
a) Nature-humanity-technology relations;
b) From the human to the transhuman;
c) Choice and responsibility today;
d) Consent and decision making.
II. Human Rights in Health
a) Social Work and Human Rights
b) Equality and non-discrimination
III. Confidentiality and data protection issues
a) Design of an intervention based on human rights.
Periodic evaluation regime. The evaluation consists in the accomplishment of an individual written work on a theme of the program (in a maximum of 8 pages).
Final exam.
Title: Sensen, Oliver (2011), ?Human dignity in historical perspective: The contemporary and traditional paradigms?, European Journal of Political Theory January, p.71-91.
Ferreira, J.; Rocha, H.B.; Ferreira, P.; Perez, P. A. (2016); Derechos Humanos y Justicia Social en la formacion en trabajo social , Enrique Pastor Seller, Esther Raya Diez Trabajo social, derechos humanos e innovación social, DUO Estudios Aranzadi (junho, 2016) - ISBN: 978-84-9135-059-0
Dean, H. (2015). Social Rights and Human Welfare. London and New York. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Veatch, Robert M. (2016), The Basics of Bioethics, Routledge, New York.
Neves, Maria do Céu (2016), O Admiravel Horizonte da Bioética, Glaciar, Lisboa
Kuhse, Elga Udo Schüklenk, Peter Singer (2015), Bioethics: an antology, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Reference: null
Title: Gutiérrez, A.M. (Coord.) (2013) Derechos humanos: Elementos para un Nuevo Marco Conceptual. Navarra. Editorial Aranzadi,SA
Beck, Ulrich (2016), The Metamorphosis of the World, Polity Press, Cambridge.
Banks, S., Nohr, K. (2008), ?Ética Prática para as Profissões do Trabalho Social?, Porto, Porto Editora
Reference: null
Good Practices & Innovation in Health
- Ability to reflect and innovate the practice within the health units;
- Apply good practice indicators in social intervention in the different contexts of action in health;
- Evaluate the practice according to the quality standards.
1. Key ideas in social construction of health and disease
2. Good practices in Social Work in the healthcare area at different levels of care and intervention areas.
2.1. The basic triangle of good practice in Social Work
2.2. Analysis of good practices in Social Work in primary healthcare, hospital care, continuous care, palliative care, precocious intervention, rehabilitation, maternal healthcare, child healthcare, chronic diseases, oncology, mental health and dependencies.
2.3. Best practices with families and social support networks in the Health field
3. Innovation in Social Work in Health
3.1. Trends in research
3.2. Participatory methodologies
3.3. Critical review of innovative good practice proposals
Periodic evaluation regime. The evaluation consists in the accomplishment of an individual written work on a theme of the program (in a maximum of 8 pages).
Final exam.
Title: Carvalho, M. I (coord.) (2012). Serviço Social na Saúde. Lisboa: Pactor.
White, S., Fook, J., & Gardner, F. (2006). Critical reflection in health and social care. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Cowles, L. A. F. (2003). Social Work in the health field ? A care perspective (2nd edition). New York: The Haworth Press.
Reference: null
Title: PNSM e APSS (2016). Serviço Social na Saúde Mental. Lisboa: Ed. Ex-Libris.
Matos, M. C. (2013). Serviço Social, ética e saúde ? Reflexões para o exercício professional. São Paulo: Cortez.
Masfret, D.C. (2008). El trabajo social sanitario. Madrid: Siglo XXI de España
Jones, K, Cooper, B & Ferguson, H. (eds.) (2008). Best Practice in Social Work: Critical Perspectives. New York: Palgrave
Guadalupe, S. (2012). A intervenção do serviço social na saúde com famílias e em redes de suporte social. In M. I. L. B. Carvalho (Coord.). Serviço Social na Saúde (pp. 183-217). Lisboa: Pactor.
Guadalupe, S. (2011). Anotações cronológicas sobre a trajetória do serviço social no sistema de saúde em Portugal [A brief chronology on the trajectory of social work in the health system in Portugal]. Serviço Social & Saúde, X (12), 99-126. ISSN: 167-6806. URL:
Direção Geral da Saúde (2006). Manual de Boas Práticas para os Assistentes Sociais da Saúde na Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados. Portugal URL:
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Competencies for the Practice of Health Social Work
1. Deepen the debate about the context and role of Social Work in the field of health in the 21st century
2. Understand and analyse the position of Social Work in Health within the framework of health and social policies in Portugal
3. Understand the different dimensions of the concept of health-disease and social determinants in health and its interrelation with Social Work
4. Identify and analyse the theories, methodologies, roles and intervention approaches in Health Social Work
5. Understand the relevance of the definition of competences in health and its relation with the professional activity of the social worker
6. Identify and analyse the competences of Health Social Work in different contexts of the practice in the national and international domain
1. Organizational Dynamics of Social Work in Health:
a) Structure / Functioning / Health and social policies / Practice specificities
2. Process and differentiated method of Health Social Work intervention:
a) Theories; approaches and roles; methodologies; tools; strategies
b) Practice specificities (health communication, teamwork, family support, death and grief, cultural determinants and social vulnerabilities ...)
3. Professional competences in Health:
a) Approach to the concept of competences
b)Importance of the definition of competences
c) Competencies for the practice of Health Social Work (national and international perspective): Standards of practice and competency frameworks
4. Specificities of research-based practice
Periodic evaluation regime. The evaluation consists in the accomplishment of an individual written work on a theme of the program (in a maximum of 8 pages).
Final exam
Title: ? Vass, Antony (orgs.) (1996), New Directions in Social Work ? Social Work Competences ? Core Knowledge, Values and Skills, London, SAGE Publications Ltd
? NASW (2016), Standards for Social Work Practice in Health Care Settings, (online), consultado em 01.01.2015. Disponível em:
? Gehlert, Sarah and Teri Browne (org.)(2012), Handbook of Health Social Work, John Wiley& Sons, Inc. Hoboken, New Jersey.
? Communications Department, OPTSQ (2006), Core Competencies of Social Workers, Lithographie SB, Laval, Quebec.
? Colom, Dolors (2012), El Diagnóstico Social Sanitario, Ciencias de la Salud, Barcelona, Editorial UOC.
? Carvalho, Maria (orgs.), Serviço Social na Saúde, Lisboa, PACTOR Edições.
? Boquinhas, José (2012), Políticas e Sistemas de Saúde, Coimbra, Almedina, Edições S.A.
? Beder, Joan (2006), Hospital Social Work: The Interface of Medicine and Caring, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, New York.
Reference: null
Title: ? Sidell, Nancy and Denise Smiley (2008), Professional Communication Skills in Social Work, Pearson Education, Inc.
? NASW (2004), ?Standards for palliative and end of life care?, National Association of Social Workers, Washington DC (online), consultado em 06.04.2015. Disponível em:
? NASW (2008), ?Code of ethics?, National Association of Social Workers, Washington DC. (online), consultado em 05.02.2016. Disponível em:
? Heyman, Janna and Elaine P. Congress (org.) (2018), Health and Social Work: Practice, Policy, and Research, Springer Publishing Company, New York.
? Allen, Karen and William Spitzer (2015), Social Work Practice in Healthcare ? Advanced Approaches and Emerging Trends, USA, Sage Publications, Inc.Almeida, Paulo e Glória Rebelo (orgs.) (2011), A Era da Competência ? Um Novo Paradigma para a Gestão de Recursos Humanos e o Direito do Trabalho, Lisboa, Editora RH, Lda.
Reference: null
The Portal of the Nhs at the Service of the Citizen / Health Policies, Quality and Social Well-Being
After the approval in the curricular unit, the student will have to possess the capacity of:
1. Describe and discuss the concepts of quality in healthcare;
2. Understand and apply quality dimensions;
3. Know and apply quality indicators;
4. Design quality indicators related to the context of health/social;
5. Understand and apply quality tools.
1. Concepts of quality in healthcare
2. Portuguese strategy for healthcare quality
3. Accreditation and certification quality systems
4. Models and dimensions of quality in healthcare
5. Indicators of structure, process and outcomes
6. Case studies and applications.
Periodic evaluation regime. The evaluation consists in the accomplishment of an individual written work on a theme of the program (in a maximum of 8 pages).
Final exam
Title: Ruth Boaden, Gill Harvey, Claire Moxham, Nathan Proudlove. (2008) NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement. Quality Improvement: Theory and Practice in Healthcare. National Library for Health. NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement.
NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvemen. (2015) The Good Indicators Guide: Understanding how to use and choose indicators. Øvretveit, John. Melhoria de qualidade que agrega valor: o cuidado de saúde/ John Øvretveit . ? Rio de Janeiro.
Health Information and Quality Authority (2017), Guidance for Providers on the Monitoring Programme for Regulated services for Children: Child Protection and Welfare Services, Dublin: HIQA.
Donabedian, Avedis (2005), ?Evaluating the Quality of Medical Care?, The Milbank Quarterly, 83 (4), 2005. Pp. 691-729.
Reference: null
Title: WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. Quality of care: a process for making strategic choices in health systems. 1. Quality assurance, Health care. 2. Health services administration. 3. Decision making. I. World Health Organization. ISBN 92 4 156324 9 (NLM classifi cation: W 84.1) ISBN 978 92 4 156324 6.
Agencia de Calidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud Elaboración de indicadores: Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo Carmen Castillo. Construcción y validación de indicadores de buenas prácticas sobre seguridad del paciente. Paseo del Prado, 18-20 M.ª José López 28071 Madrid.
Reference: null
Social Health Care at Home
To identify the importance of the domiciliary context in the provision of social and health care, its advantages, characteristics and requirements.
Know the various social and health responses and contribute to integrated approaches to care.
Recognize, accept and develop the centrality of multidisciplinarity to enhance the results of care provided at home.
Contribute to the promotion of literacy and the autonomy of users and their caregivers at home.
1. Concept and evolution of social health care at home in Portugal
2. The complexity of existing responses to home care for people in Portugal:
- UCC and ECCI
- Home hospitalization
- Social
- Other answers
3. The importance of integrated approaches
4. International examples of home-based responses with integrated approaches
5. Identification, dissemination and promotion of good practices - integrated approaches in Portugal
6. Methodology for evaluating the results of home care
7. The role of social work in health, home care
8. Practical cases - how to act
Periodic evaluation regime. The evaluation consists in the accomplishment of an individual written work on a theme of the program (in a maximum of 8 pages).
Final exam
Title: Mendes, F. et al. A continuidade de cuidados de saúde na perspetiva dos utentes. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 22(3); 841-853, 2017.
Ministério da Saúde. - Estratégia Nacional para o Envelhecimento Ativo e Saudável 2017-2025. Proposta do Grupo de Trabalho Interministerial (Despacho nº 12427/2016). Ministério da Saúde, 2017.
Direção-Geral da Saúde. Plano Nacional de Saúde e Estratégias Locais de Saúde ? Resenha dos Planos de Saúde: nacional ? Regionais e Locais ? 2016. DGS, 2017.
Administração Central do Sistema de Saúde. - Relatório anual sobre o acesso a cuidados de saúde nos estabelecimentos do SNS ? 2016. ACSS, 2017.
Imisom, C. et al. - Shifting the balance of care: great expectations. NuffieldTrust. Research Report. March 2017.
Barnett, K. et al. - Epidemiology of Multimorbidity and implicatons for health care, research and medical education: a cross-sectional study. Lancet 2012; 380: 37-43
Reference: null
Title: National Clinical Guideline Centre. - Multimorbidity: clinical assessment and management. Multimorbidity: assessment, prioritisation and management of care for people with commonly occurring multimorbidity. NICE Guideline, methods, evidence and recommendations, 2016. Programme. Division of Health Systems and Public Health, 2016.
ICARE4EU. - Strategies to support patient- centred care for multimorbidity patients. Final Symposium, Brussels, 22 March 2016.
European Commission. - Blocks: Tools and methodologies to assess integrated care in Europe. Report by the Expert Group on Health Systems Performance Assessment, 2017.
Sakellarides, C. et al. ? Contrariar o destino: da importância das reformas de proximidade à necessidade de inteligência colaborativa em saúde. Fatores de Risco, 40:52-63, 2016.
Reference: null
Methodos of Data Analysis
It is intended that students achieve the following objectives during the learning process:
LO1 | Systematize statistical concepts
LO2 | Perform exploratory data analysis
LO3 | Justify the suitability of parametric and non-parametric tests
LO4 | Update and deepen knowledge about parametric and non-parametric tests
LO5 | Apply tests and calculate correlation coefficients
LO6 | Analyze and interpret the results of various modeling approaches
LO7 | Use a statistical analysis software
LO8 | Present and discuss results in the context of a thesis/scientific article
1. Systematisation of a statistics glossary
2. Exploratory data analysis
2.1 Descriptive measures of location, symmetry and dispersion.
2.2 Graphical representations
2.3 Composite variables
2.4 Operationalisation with statistical software
3. modelling to compare two groups
3.1 Cross-tabulations
3.2 Chi-square test
3.3 Tests for equality of means
3.4 Operationalisation with statistical software
4.Validating the relationship between pairs of variables
4.1 Categorised variables
4.2.Ordinal and quantitative variables
4.3 Quantitative variables
4.4 Operationalisation with statistical software.
There are two assessment modalities:
1. Assessment during the semester:
a) Group project to be submitted at the end of the semester, with discussion (40%); minimum grade: 10 points.
The project consists of preparing a data analysis report, applying the syllabus contents, based on a database provided by the teaching team.
b) Written test (65%). Minimum grade: 7 points.
1. Exam assessment
a) Written test (65%). minimum grade: 7 points.
b) Data analysis report (35%). Minimum grade: 10 points
Title: Laureano, R. M. S., & Botelho, M. C. (2017). SPSS. O meu manual de consulta rápida (3ª ed.). Edições Sílabo.
Maroco, J. (2021). Análise Estatística com o SPSS (8ª edição). Report Number.
Reference: null
Title: Field, A. (2024). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics (6th ed.). Sage Publications.
Maroco, J., & Bispo, R. (2003). Estatística aplicada às ciências sociais e humanas. Climepsi Editores.
Reis, Elizabeth (2008). Estatística Descritiva (7ª ed). Edições Sílabo.
Reference: null
Health and Social Relationships
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
LG1. Identify the main research findings on the association between health and personal relationships.
LG2. Describe the main psychosocial explanations for the effects of social relationships on health.
LG3. Identify techniques and intervention programmes in health through social interaction.
LG4. Master the basic techniques of group dynamics assessment in the health field.
LG5. Master the basic techniques of stress assessment and intervention.
CP1. The impacts of social relationships on health
1.1. Health, integration, and social interaction. Loneliness and health.
CP2. Psychosocial theoretical models linking health and social relationships
2.1. The emotional pathway
2.2. The social validation pathway
2.3. The social integration pathway
2.4. The attachment pathway
CP3. Stress, coping, and social support.
3.1. Stress and health: definitions, processes, and effects; stress responses and management; assessment and intervention.
3.2. Coping and adaptation: processes, resources, and assessment
3.3. Social support and health: functions of social support, received vs perceived support, measures and interventions.
CP4. Group dynamics in health.
4.1. Group processes in health
4.2. Feedback and communication in the group
4.3. Cohesion and conflict in the group
4.4. Leading groups in health contexts
4.5. Group intervention models
Students can complete the curricular unit through continuous assessment throughout the semester or by examination.
Continuous assessment includes: (i) an individual written test (60%), (ii) a group project on a group intervention to combat loneliness or burnout (20%), with poster discussion, and (iii) an individual essay with a research question (20%)
Students pass if they achieve a minimum score of 9.5 in each assessment component and attend at least two-thirds of the laboratory practice classes.
Examination assessment is through an individual written exam (100%).
Title: Friedman, H.S. (Ed.) (2014). The Oxford Handbook of Health Psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Guerra, M.P., Lima, L., & Torres, S. (2013). Intervir em Grupos na Saúde. Lisboa: Climepsi.
Lima, M.L. (2018). Nós e os outros: o poder dos laços sociais. Lisboa: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
Lima, M.L., Marques, S., & Bernardes, S. (2014 e 2016). Psicologia Social da Saúde (volumes 1 e 2). Lisboa: Sílabo
Stroebe, W., & Stroebe, M.S. (1995). Psicologia Social e Saúde. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.
[PS.120 STR*Soc]
Reference: null
Title: Relações sociais e saúde
Haslam, C., Jetten, J., Creuwys, T, Dingle, G.A., & Haslam, S.A. (2018). The New Psychology of Health: Unlocking the social cure. London: Routledge.
Jetten, J., Haslam, C., & Haslam, S.A. (2011). The Social Cure: Identity, Health and Well-Being. London: Taylor & Francis. [S.301 Soc,6]
Ryff, C. D., & Singer, B. (2001). Emotion, Social Relationships, and Health. New York: Oxford University Press. [PS.122 Emo,1]
Stress e Coping
Cooper, C. L., & Payne, R. E. (1991). Personality and stress: Individual differences in the stress process. John Wiley & Sons.[ PS.122 Per]
Fink, G. (Ed.). (2016). Stress: Concepts, Cognition, Emotion, and Behavior: Handbook of Stress Series (Vol. 1). Academic Press. [PS.123 FIN*Str]
Folkman, S. (2013). Stress: appraisal and coping. In Encyclopedia of behavioral medicine (pp. 1913-1915). Springer New York.
Lazarus, R., & Folkman, S. (2004). Stress, appraisal and coping. Springer: New York.[ PS.123 LAZ*Str]
Snyder, C. R. (Ed.). (1999). Coping: The psychology of what works. Clarendon Press.[ PS.123 Cop]
Suedfeld, P. (1997). Handbook of Stress, Medicine, and Health. Boca Raton : CRC Press. [PS.122 Han,2]
Zeidner, M., & Endler, N. S. (Eds.). (1996). Handbook of coping: Theory, research, applications (Vol. 195). John Wiley & Sons.[PS.122 Han,7]
Suporte Social
Cohen, S., Underwood, L.G., & Gottlieb, B.H. (2000). Social Support Measurement and Intervention: A Guide for Health and Social Scientists. New York: Oxford University Press. [S.205 Soc]
Uchino, B. N. (2004). Social support and physical health: Understanding the health consequences of relationships. Yale University Press [PS.131 UCH*Soc]
Dinâmica de grupos
Forsyth, D.R. (1999). Group dynamics. Belmont: Wadsworth . [PS.132 FOR*Gro 6ªed.]
Guerra, M.P., Lima, L., & Torres, S. (2013). Intervir em Grupos na Saúde. Lisboa: Climepsi.
Kurtz, L.F. (1997). Self-help and support groups. A hand-book for practicioners. London: Sage. [PS.132 KUR*Sel]
Reference: null
Seminar of Differentiated Practice in the Field of Intervention of Social Work in Health
a) To deepen the theoretical and methodological perspectives of the Social Health Service at the level of intervention models, their foundations and their possibilities of articulation in the different contexts of professional practice;
b) Identify individual intervention strategies, with families, communities and organizations, consolidating knowledge about the operationalization of integrated intervention methodologies.
c) To train integrated and advanced theoretical and practical skills in the areas of hospital, primary care, RNCC and mental health, in social diagnosis and referral.
d) Integrate activities of ecological and environmental sustainability into the intervention plans of the Social Work in Health.
1. Intervention in Social Work: theories and practices. Models and Specialized Methodologies of Social Service in Health.
2. Subject-centered approaches (psychosocial, task-centered, behavioral, intervention in crisis).
3. Critical and radical approach (systemic and ecological model, social and community development).
4. Training, social advocacy, empowerment and Networking.
5. Experience of advanced network exercise in Social Work.
6. Complexity of social worker practice in health
Periodic evaluation regime. The evaluation consists in the accomplishment of an individual written work on a theme of the program (in a maximum of 8 pages).
Final exam.
Title: Mclaughlin, J. (2015), ?Social work in acute hospital settings in Northern Ireland: The views of service users, carers and multi-disciplinary professionals?, Journal of social work, Vol 16 (2) 135-154
Guerra, Inês (2015), O que é o caso social? Estudo sobre a construção do caso social em contexto hospitalar, Tese de Doutoramento em Serviço Social, Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas, Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Coppock, Vicki e Bob Dunn (2010) Understanding Social Work Practice in Mental Health, SAGE. Publications Ltd.
Castro, M., Oliveira, L. (2012), ?Serviço Social e saúde: Os instrumentos e técnicas em questão, Intervenção Social, Lusíada, nº39, Lisboa
Beder, Joan (2006), Hospital Social Work ? The Interface of Medicina and Caring, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
Adams, Robert, (2008) ?Empowerment, participation and social work? (4th edition), Palgrave Macmillan
Reference: null
Title: Monteiro, M. (2010), Vivências dos cuidadores familiares em internamento hospitalar ? o início da dependência, Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências da Enfermagem, Porto, Universidade do Porto, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar
Cowles, L. (2003), Social Work in Health Field ? A Care Perspective. Nova Iorque, The Haworth Social Work Practice Press.
Dumoulin, Philipp; Dumont, Régis; Bross, Nicole; Masclet, Georges, (2006 ) « Travailler en réseau, méthodes et pratiques en intervention sociale », Ed Dunod,
de Trabajo Social
social y plural. Actas del VII Congreso Estatal de las Escuelas Universitarias
lo social?. P. 145-153, em RODRIGUEZ, A. RAYA, E.E. (Coords.) Una Europa
Úcar, X. (2010) ?El trabajador social entre la complejidad social y las profesiones de
Power, S., Gronen, M. (2016), ?Pediatric Healthcare Social Work Practice?, em Allen, K e Spitzer, W. (2016) Social Work Practice in Healthcare: Advanced Approaches and Emerging Trends, SAGE Publications, Inc., pp. 315-356
Reference: null
Decision Support Techniques and Health Quality Management Tools
1. Describe and discuss the concepts of health literacy;
2. Understand and apply models to support decision making;
3. Understand and apply functionality assessment scales.
1. Health literacy and autonomy of the patient
2. Models to support decision-making from the perspective of the patient, the professional and the manager
3. Shared decision-making process
4. Acute, subacute, chronic and degenerative clinical conditions
5. Aging
6. Function, recovery and rehabilitation - Concepts
7. Functionality, independence and functional dependence
8. International Classification of Functionality - Concept of activity and participation
9. National Functioning Table
10. Evaluation of functionality
a. Importance for decision
b. Examples of functionality evaluation tools
c. Barthel Scale
d. Functional Independence Measure
e. Katz Index
f. EASYCare
11. Decision making quality assessment
12. Bioethical framework to guide decision-making process
13. Patient satisfaction and decision making
Periodic evaluation regime. The evaluation consists in the accomplishment of an individual written work on a theme of the program (in a maximum of 8 pages).
Final exam.
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Title: Mette Kaltoft, Michelle Cunich, Glenn Salkeld and Jack Dowie Assessing decision quality in patient-centred care requires a preference-sensitive measure, Journal of Health Services Research &Policy 2014, Vol. 19(2) 110?117
Clinical Decision Support. Content last reviewed August 2018. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
Building a Future for Shared Clinical Decision Support. Content last reviewed March 2018. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
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