Tuition fee EU nationals (2024/2025)
1450.00 €Programme Structure for 2024/2025
Curricular Courses | Credits | |
Business Strategies and Management Tools in the Solidarity Economy
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
History of Social Economics
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
History of Economic Theories
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Seminar I: Social and Solidary Economics and Conceptual Debates
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Seminar II: Social and Solidary Economics and 'Alternative' Economies
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Solidarity Economy, Welfare and Social Cohesion
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Welfare State and Solidarity Economy
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Social Marketing
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Seminar III: Social and Solidarity Economics and Territorial Development
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Financing Systems in Solidary Economics
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Business Strategies and Management Tools in the Solidarity Economy
LO1) To develop competences of students in the domain of the strategy concept in the corporate context and of the SEO;
LO2) To make students aware of the need for the design and implementation of intersectoral collaborations, namely at the level of the various forms of relationship between SEO and stakeholders in the context of integrated governance to address complex social problems;
LO3) Develop skills in the various perspectives and tools of strategic analysis that determine the approaches taken throughout the strategic management process;
LO4) To train students in the various components of strategy formulation, including types of strategy, tools, available funding sources and level of stakeholder involvement throughout the process;
LO5) Enable students to identify key elements in strategic implementation, assessment and monitoring.
1. Concept of strategy in the business context and SEO
1.1. The concept of strategy
1.2. The need for strategic management in SEO
1.3 The strategic management process
2. Strategy of SEOs in the context of complex social problems and inter-sectoral relations
2.1 Complex social problems and integrated governance
2.2 SEO in the framework of intersectoral relationships
3. Perspectives and instruments of strategic analysis
3.1. Industry
3.2. Resources
3.3. Stakeholders
3.4. Network / System
4. Formulation of strategy and its instruments
4.1. Vision, mission and values
4.2. Medium and long-term goals
4.3. Collaborative and competitive strategies
4.4. Involvement of stakeholders
4.5. Diversification of funding sources
5. Implementation, and tools for strategic evaluation and monitoring
5.1. Short-term objectives and action plans
5.2. Evaluation in the context of SEO
The evaluation methodology intends to assess the extent to which students have achieved the learning objectives proposed for this curricular unit. For the evaluation there are three types of evaluation:
(1) Written exam - 50%;
(2) Group assignment - 40%;
(3) Participation in class - 10%
Title: Bryson, John M. e Alston, Farnum K. (2011). Creating your Strategic Plan - A workbook for public and nonprofit organizations. Jossey-Bass. 3rd edition.
Bryson, John M., Anderson, Sharon R. e Alston, Farnum K. (2011). Implementing and Sustaining your Strategic Plan - A workbook for public and nonprofit organizations. Jossey-Bass.
Courtney, Roger (2013). Strategic Management in the Third Sector. Palgrave Macmillan.
Reference: null
Title: Wymer, W. W. J., & Samu, S. (2003). Dimensions of business and nonprofit collaborative relationships. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 11(1), 3-22.
Simaens, A. (2012). Estratégia nas Organizações Sem Fins Lucrativos. In N. S. Antonio (Ed.), Estratégia Organizacional - Do mercado à ética (pp. 201-240). Lisboa: Escolar Editora.
Simaens, A. (2015). "Responding to complexity: A systems approach to strategy and interorganizational networks in the context of third sector organizations", CentER Dissertation Series, Tilburg School of Economics and Management
Ronda-Pupo, G. A., & Guerras-Martin, L. Á. (2012). Dynamics of the evolution of the strategy concept 1962-2008: a co-word analysis. Strategic Management Journal, 33(2), 162-188.
Newbert, S. L. (2007). Empirical research on the resource-based view of the firm: an assessment and suggestions for future research. Strategic Management Journal, 28(2), 121-146.
Marques, R. (coord) (2014). Problemas Sociais Complexos e Governação Integrada, Forum de Governação Integrada (ed.)
Malley, J., & Fernández, J.-L. (2010). Measuring quality in social care services: theory and practice. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 81(4), 559-582.
La Piana, D., & Hayes, M. (2005). Play to win: the nonprofit guide to competitive strategy. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Froelich, K. A. (1999). Diversification of revenue strategies: Evolving resource dependence in nonprofit organizations. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 28(3), 246-268.
Carroll, D. A., & Stater, K. J. (2009). Revenue Diversification in Nonprofit Organizations: Does it Lead to Financial Stability? Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 19(4), 947.
Bryson, J. M., Crosby, B. C., & Stone, M. M. (2006). The Design and Implementation of Cross-Sector Collaborations: Propositions from the Literature. Public Administration Review, 66, 44-55.
Bouchard, M. (2010). The Worth of the Social Economy: An International Perspective: Peter Lang Pub Inc.
Austin, J. E. (2000). Strategic Collaboration Between Nonprofits and Business. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 29 (suppl_1), 69-97.
António, N. S. (2006). Estratégia Organizacional: Do posicionamento ao movimento. (2ª ed.). Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Andrews, K. R. (1971). The Concept of Corporate Strategy. Homewood, Illinois: Dow-Jones-Irwin
Ackoff, R. L. (1974). Redesigning the Future: A Systems Approach to Societal Problems. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Reference: null
History of Social Economics
The Learning Goals are the following:
-LG1: To know and discuss the concepts of Social and Solidarity Economy;
-LG2: To put them in their historical context;
-LG3: To understand their connections with the problems and the challenges of the present;
-LG4: To know and understandthe new economic forms.
1. Social and solidarity economy: what are we talking about?
2. Conceptual definitions
3. Social economy, solidarituy economy, third sector, non profit, communitarian, popular and civic
4. Prehistory in fields and towns in the ancien regime. Guilds and corporations
5. French revolution and modernity
6. Struggling for survival in industrial capitalism. Associations, cooperatives, resistence societies and mutualities
7. Begginings of social economy in Portugal
8. Social and solidarity economy in Portugal? Characteristics and trends
Students must choose one of the following assessment methods:
Method A:
Final grade = [Team work (4 members, maximum) about a project or a concept in this field (Social and Solidarity Economy)]
Method B:
Final Grade = [Final Exam]* 100%
Title: - AMARO, Rogério Roque e MADELINO, Francisco (2004) - «Economia Solidária - contributos para um conceito», edição no âmbito do Projecto «CORES» (MAC/3.1./C24), da Iniciativa Comunitária INTERREG-III B, Funchal.- CATTANI, António, HESPANHA, Pedro e GAIGER, Luiz Ignacio (coord.) (2009) «Dicionário Internacional da Outra Economia », Livraria Almedina, Coimbra;- FRANÇA FILHO, Genauto e LAVILLE, Jean-Louis (2004) - «Economia Solidária - uma abordagem internacional», Editora da UFRGS, Porto Alegre.- GIDE, Charles (1905) - «Économie sociale », Ed. Sirey, Paris.- PIERCE, J. (1993) - «At the heart of community economy», Fundação Gulbenkien, London.- Revista de Economia Solidária (2009) - «Economia Solidária- apresentação do conceito», nº 1, Ed. ACEESA, Ponta Delgada.- SINGER, Paul (2002) - «Introdução à economia solidária», Editora Fundação Perseu Abramo, São Paulo.
Reference: null
Title: - WALRAS, S.L. (1865) - «Traité de L?Économie Sociale», Dentro, Paris.
- SANTOS, J.Hipólito (2009) - «Maneiras cooperativas de pensar e agir.Contributo para a história do cooperativismo», Ed. Universitárias Lusófonas, Lisboa.
- ROSE AKERMAN, S. (ed) (1986) - «The Economics of Non Profit Institutions», Oxford University, Press, New York.
- Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais (2009) - «Os desafios da Economia Solidária»,nº 84, Coimbra.
- NUNES, F, RETO, L. e CARNEIRO, M (2001) - «O Terceiro Sector em Portugal. Delimitação, Caracterização e Potencialidades», INSCOOP, Lisboa.
- MONTEIRO, Alcides (2004) - «Associativismo e novos laços sociais», Ed. Quarteto, Coimbra.
- LAVILLE, Jean-Louis, MAGNEN, Jean-Philippe, FRANÇA FILHO, Genauto e MEDEIROS, Alzira (dir.) (2005) - «Action publique et économie solidaire. Une perspective internationale», coll. Sociétés en changement, Érès, Ramonville-Saint-Agne.
- JEANTET, Thierry (1999) - «L´ Économie Sociale en Europe», CIEM, Paris.
- HESPANHA, Pedro (coord.)(200) - «Entre o Estado e o mercado», Ed. Quarteto, Coimbra.
- GUÉRIN, Isabelle (2003) ? «Femmes et économie solidaire», Desclée de Brouwer, Paris.
- GAIGER, Luiz Ignacio (dir.) (2004) - «Sentidos e experiências de economia solidária no Brasil», Editora da UFRGS, Porto Alegre.
- FRAISSE, L., FRANÇA FILHO, Genauto e LAVILLE, Jean-Louis (2003) ? dossier «Économie Solidaire», in «L?alter-économie. Quelle autre mondialisation?», Revue du MAUSS, n.º 21, 1ºsemestre, La Découverte, Paris.
- ESTIVILL, J., BERNIER, A. et VALADOU, C. (1999) - - «Las empresas Sociales en Europa», Ed. Hacer, Barcelona.
- ÊME, Bernard et LAVILLE, Jean-Louis (dir). (1994) - «Cohésion sociale et emploi», Desclée de Brouwer, Paris.
- ÊME, Bernard et LAVILLE, Jean-Louis (2000) - «Effritement du salariat et perspectives de l?économie solidaire», in SOULET, M.H. (dir.) - «Le travail, nouvelle question sociale», Éditions universitaires, Frisbourg (Suisse).
- ÊME, Bernard (dir.) (2004) - «Alternatives associatives», Sociologies pratiques, n.º 9, Paris.
- DORING, R., KEGLER, H. and ZIMMERMAN, K. (1996) - «People?s Economy. Approach Towards a New Ssocial Economy in Europe», Fundação Bahons, Berlim.
- DEFOURNY, Jacques, FAVREAU, Louis et LAVILLE, Jean-Louis, (ed.)(2001) - «Takling Social Exclusion in Europe: The Contribution of Social Economy», Aldershot, Ashgate.
- DEFOURNY, Jacques, FAVREAU, Louis et LAVILLE, Jean-Louis, (1998) - «Insertion et Nouvelle Économie Sociales: Un Bilan International», Desclée de Brouwer, Paris.
- DARMON, I. e ESTIVILL, Jordi (2001) - «L?Économie Sociale en Bélgique, en France et en Italie ? essai comparatif», GES Barcelona.
- DACHEUX, E. et LAVILLE, Jean-Louis (dir.) (2003) - «Économie solidaire et démocratie», Hermès, n.º 36, CNRS Éditions, Paris.
- Cadernos (2004) - «A Economia Social e o Terceiro Sector», REAPN, Porto.
- BERTUCCI, A. e ALVES DA SILVA, R.M. (dir.) (2003) - «Cáritas Brasileira, 20 Anos de Economia Popular Solidária», Cáritas Brasileira, Brasília.
- BARROS, Carlos e SANTOS, S. (ed.) (1997) - «As Instituições Não Lucrativas e a Coesão Social em Portugal», Edições Vulgata, Lisboa.
- AMARO, Rogério Roque/BIT (2003) - «A Luta contra a Pobreza e a Exclusão Social em Portugal ? Experiências do Programa Nacional de Luta contra a Pobreza», OIT, Lisboa.
- AMARO, Rogério Roque (2001) ? «Economia e Exclusão Social», in «Não à Pobreza ? A Inclusão pela Economia», Ministério do Trabalho e da Solidariedade, Lisboa.
- ALLEMAND, S. (2005) - «Les nouveaux utopistes de l?économie. Produire, consommer, épargner? différemment», Autrement, Paris.
- ALCOLÉA, A.M. (2004) - «Pratiques et théories de l?économie solidaire», L?Harmattan, Paris.
- ALBINO, José Carlos (2004) - «Contributo para a História do Desenvolvimento Local em Portugal», ANIMAR.
Reference: null
History of Economic Theories
LO1-Capacity to structure and present ideas theoretical, logical and factual grounded
LO2-Capacity to communicate perspectives and conclusions in a clear form
LO3-Development of research and learning skills in an autonomous form
P1. The beginnings
P2. Enlightenment and natural order in economy
P3. Classical Political Economy
P4. Critical approaches to Classical Political Economy and emergence of Social Economics
P5. Marginalism and Neoclassical Economics
P6. Critical approaches to Neoclassical Economics and market society: heterodox approaches
P7. Great Depression and Keynes
P8. Neoliberalism
P9. Current economic problems and Economic Theory
Continuous assessment: exam (80%); participation (20%).
Final assessment: Exams (1st and 2nd sitting).
Note: continuous assessment involves assiduity of 80%.
Title: Roncaglia, Alessandro (2005). The Wealth of Ideas: A History of Economic Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Pressman, Steven (2006). Fifty Major Economics. London: Routledge
Polanyi, Karl (1944) [1980]. A Grande Transformação: as origens da nossa época. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Campus
Milonakis, Dimitris and Ben Fine (2009). From Political Economy to Economics: method, the social and the historical in the evolution of economic theory. London: Routledge
Mill, John Stuart (1848). Principles of Political Economy, Augustus M. Kellet
Hodgson, Geoffrey, Warren Samuels, Marc R. Tool (ed.) (1994). The Elgar Companion to Institutional and Evolutionary Economics. Aldershot: Edward Elgar
Hayek, Friedrich (1993). The Constitution of Liberty. Londres: Routledge
Backhouse, Roger (2005). History of Economic Thought. Penguin Books
Reference: null
Title: Focused bibliography covering all the syllabus' topics consisting of primary and secondary sources.
Cattani, A. D., J.-L. Laville. L. I. Gaiger, Pedro Hespanha (2009). Dicionário Internacional da Outra Economia. Coimbra: Almedina
Asham, Ash (2009). The Social Economy, International Perspectives on Economic Solidarity. London and New York: Zed Books
Smith, Adam (1776), [1980]. A Riqueza das Nações, Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Sandmo, Agnar (2011). Economics Evolving: a history of economic thought. Princeton and Oxford, Princeton University Press.
Samuels, Warren J., Jeff E. Biddle e John B. Davis (ed.) (2003). A Companion to the History of Economic Thought. London: Blackwell
Reference: null
Seminar I: Social and Solidary Economics and Conceptual Debates
The Learning Goals are the following:
-LG1: To know and discuss the concepts of Social and Solidarity Economy;
-LG2: To put them in their historical context;
-LG3: To understand their connections with the problems and the challenges of the present;
-LG4: To know and understandthe new economic forms
1. Introduction ? pré-definitions and sensibilization to the subjects of Social and Solidarity Economics (first perceptions)
2. The historical framework of Social Economy in Europe
3. The Social Economy in the 20th century, after the 2nd World War
4. The main ways and traits of the Self-helping Economy, Community Economy and Reciprocity economy in different continents and historical and culture contexts
Students must choose one of the following assessment methods:
Method A:
Final grade = [Team work (4 members, maximum) about a project or a concept in this field (Social and Solidarity Economy)]*80%+[Participation in classes]*20%
Method B:
Final Grade = [Final Exam]* 100%
Title: - AMARO, Rogério Roque e MADELINO, Francisco (2004) - «Economia Solidária - contributos para um conceito», edição no âmbito do Projecto «CORES» (MAC/3.1./C24), da Iniciativa Comunitária INTERREG-III B, Funchal.- CATTANI, António, HESPANHA, Pedro e GAIGER, Luiz Ignacio (coord.) (2009) «Dicionário Internacional da Outra Economia », Livraria Almedina, Coimbra;- FRANÇA FILHO, Genauto e LAVILLE, Jean-Louis (2004) - «Economia Solidária - uma abordagem internacional», Editora da UFRGS, Porto Alegre.- GIDE, Charles (1905) - «Économie sociale », Ed. Sirey, Paris.- PIERCE, J. (1993) - «At the heart of community economy», Fundação Gulbenkien, London.- Revista de Economia Solidária (2009) - «Economia Solidária- apresentação do conceito», nº 1, Ed. ACEESA, Ponta Delgada.- SINGER, Paul (2002) - «Introdução à economia solidária», Editora Fundação Perseu Abramo, São Paulo.
Reference: null
Title: - WALRAS, S.L. (1865) - «Traité de L?Économie Sociale», Dentro, Paris.
- ROSE AKERMAN, S. (ed) (1986) - «The Economics of Non Profit Institutions», Oxford University, Press, New York.
- NUNES, F, RETO, L. e CARNEIRO, M (2001) - «O Terceiro Sector em Portugal. Delimitação, Caracterização e Potencialidades», INSCOOP, Lisboa.
- LAVILLE, Jean-Louis, MAGNEN, Jean-Philippe, FRANÇA FILHO, Genauto e MEDEIROS, Alzira (dir.) (2005) - «Action publique et économie solidaire. Une perspective internationale», coll. Sociétés en changement, Érès, Ramonville-Saint-Agne.
- JEANTET, Thierry (1999) - «L´ Économie Social en Europe», CIEM, Paris.
- GUÉRIN, Isabelle (2003) ? «Femmes et économie solidaire», Desclée de Brouwer, Paris.
- GAIGER, Luiz Ignacio (dir.) (2004) - «Sentidos e experiências de economia solidária no Brasil», Editora da UFRGS, Porto Alegre.
- FRAISSE, L., FRANÇA FILHO, Genauto e LAVILLE, Jean-Louis (2003) ? dossier «Économie Solidaire», in «L?alter-économie. Quelle autre mondialisation?», Revue du MAUSS, n.º 21, 1ºsemestre, La Découverte, Paris.
- ESTIVILL, J., BERNIER, A. et VALADOU, C. (1999) - - «Las empresas Sociales en Europa», Ed. Hacer, Barcelona.
- ÊME, Bernard et LAVILLE, Jean-Louis (dir). (1994) - «Cohésion sociale et emploi», Desclée de Brouwer, Paris.
- ÊME, Bernard et LAVILLE, Jean-Louis (2000) - «Effritement du salariat et perspectives de l?économie solidaire», in SOULET, M.H. (dir.) - «Le travail, nouvelle question sociale», Éditions universitaires, Frisbourg (Suisse).
- ÊME, Bernard (dir.) (2004) - «Alternatives associatives», Sociologies pratiques, n.º 9, Paris.
- DOrING, R., KEGLER, H. and ZIMMERMAN, K. (1996) - «People?s Economy. Approach Towards a New Ssocial Economy in Europe», Fundação Bahons, Berlim.
- DEFOURNY, Jacques, FAVREAU, Louis et LAVILLE, Jean-Louis, (ed.)(2001) - «Takling Social Exclusion in Europe: The Contribution of Social Economy», Aldershot, Ashgate.
- DEFOURNY, Jacques, FAVREAU, Louis et LAVILLE, Jean-Louis, (1998) - «Insertion et Nouvelle Économie Sociales: Un Bilan International», Desclée de Brouwer, Paris.
- DARMON, I. e ESTIVILL, Jordi (2001) - «L?Économie Sociale en Bélgique, en France et en Italie ? essai comparatif», GES Barcelona.
- DACHEUX, E. et LAVILLE, Jean-Louis (dir.) (2003) - «Économie solidaire et démocratie», Hermès, n.º 36, CNRS Éditions, Paris.
- BERTUCCI, A. e ALVES DA SILVA, R.M. (dir.) (2003) - «Cáritas Brasileira, 20 Anos de Economia Popular Solidária», Cáritas Brasileira, Brasília.
- BARROS, Carlos e SANTOS, S. (ed.) (1997) - «As Instituições Não Lucrativas e a Coesão Social em Portugal», Edições Vulgata, Lisboa.
- AMARO, Rogério Roque/BIT (2003) - «A Luta contra a Pobreza e a Exclusão Social em Portugal ? Experiências do Programa Nacional de Luta contra a Pobreza», OIT, Lisboa.
- AMARO, Rogério Roque (2001) ? «Economia e Exclusão Social», in «Não à Pobreza ? A Inclusão pela Economia», Ministério do Trabalho e da Solidariedade, Lisboa.
- ALLEMAND, S. (2005) - «Les nouveaux utopistes de l?économie. Produire, consommer, épargner? différemment», Autrement, Paris.
- ALCOLÉA, A.M. (2004) - «Pratiques et théories de l?économie solidaire», L?Harmattan, Paris.
Reference: null
Seminar II: Social and Solidary Economics and 'Alternative' Economies
The Learning Goals are the following:
-LG1: To deepen the concept of Solidarity Economy;
-LG2: To know and understand the new logics of Alternative Economy;
-LG3: To understand their connections and relationship with the Solidarity Economy.
1.1. The main theoretical components of the
francophone version
1.2. The popular roots, the dimensions of reference and
the political-institutional acknowledgement of the iberoamerican
1.3. The route of the version of Macaronesia.
1.4. The nine dimensions or projects of the version of
2.1. New alternative economic logics (time bank,
community economy, fair trade, alternative finances,
complementary currency, local exchange systems, etc.).
2.2. The relationship of Solidarity Economy with these
new logics.
Students must choose one of the following assessment
Method A:
Final grade = [Team work (4 members, maximum) about a project or a concept in this field (Social and Solidarity
Method B:
Final Grade = [Final Exam]* 100%
Title: - AMARO, Rogério Roque e MADELINO, Francisco (2004) - «Economia Solidária - contributos para um conceito», edição no âmbito do Projecto «CORES» (MAC/3.1./C24), da Iniciativa Comunitária INTERREG-III B, Funchal.- CATTANI, António, HESPANHA, Pedro e GAIGER, Luiz Ignacio (coord.) (2009) «Dicionário Internacional da Outra Economia », Livraria Almedina, Coimbra;- FRANÇA FILHO, Genauto e LAVILLE, Jean-Louis (2004) - «Economia Solidária - uma abordagem internacional», Editora da UFRGS, Porto Alegre.- GIDE, Charles (1905) - «Économie sociale », Ed. Sirey, Paris.- PIERCE, J. (1993) - «At the heart of community economy», Fundação Gulbenkien, London.- Revista de Economia Solidária (2009) - «Economia Solidária- apresentação do conceito», nº 1, Ed. ACEESA, Ponta Delgada.- SINGER, Paul (2002) - «Introdução à economia solidária», Editora Fundação Perseu Abramo, São Paulo.
Reference: null
Title: - WALRAS, S.L. (1865) - «Traité de L?Économie Sociale», Dentro, Paris.
- ROSE AKERMAN, S. (ed) (1986) - «The Economics of Non Profit Institutions», Oxford University, Press, New York.
- NUNES, F, RETO, L. e CARNEIRO, M (2001) - «O Terceiro Sector em Portugal. Delimitação, Caracterização e Potencialidades», INSCOOP, Lisboa.
- LAVILLE, Jean-Louis, MAGNEN, Jean-Philippe, FRANÇA FILHO, Genauto e MEDEIROS, Alzira (dir.) (2005) - «Action publique et économie solidaire. Une perspective internationale», coll. Sociétés en changement, Érès, Ramonville-Saint-Agne.
- JEANTET, Thierry (1999) - «L´ Économie Social en Europe», CIEM, Paris.
- GUÉRIN, Isabelle (2003) ? «Femmes et économie solidaire», Desclée de Brouwer, Paris.
- GAIGER, Luiz Ignacio (dir.) (2004) - «Sentidos e experiências de economia solidária no Brasil», Editora da UFRGS, Porto Alegre.
- FRAISSE, L., FRANÇA FILHO, Genauto e LAVILLE, Jean-Louis (2003) ? dossier «Économie Solidaire», in «L?alter-économie. Quelle autre mondialisation?», Revue du MAUSS, n.º 21, 1ºsemestre, La Découverte, Paris.
- ESTIVILL, J., BERNIER, A. et VALADOU, C. (1999) - - «Las empresas Sociales en Europa», Ed. Hacer, Barcelona.
- ÊME, Bernard et LAVILLE, Jean-Louis (dir). (1994) - «Cohésion sociale et emploi», Desclée de Brouwer, Paris.
- ÊME, Bernard et LAVILLE, Jean-Louis (2000) - «Effritement du salariat et perspectives de l?économie solidaire», in SOULET, M.H. (dir.) - «Le travail, nouvelle question sociale», Éditions universitaires, Frisbourg (Suisse).
- ÊME, Bernard (dir.) (2004) - «Alternatives associatives», Sociologies pratiques, n.º 9, Paris.
- DOrING, R., KEGLER, H. and ZIMMERMAN, K. (1996) - «People?s Economy. Approach Towards a New Ssocial Economy in Europe», Fundação Bahons, Berlim.
- DEFOURNY, Jacques, FAVREAU, Louis et LAVILLE, Jean-Louis, (ed.)(2001) - «Takling Social Exclusion in Europe: The Contribution of Social Economy», Aldershot, Ashgate.
- DEFOURNY, Jacques, FAVREAU, Louis et LAVILLE, Jean-Louis, (1998) - «Insertion et Nouvelle Économie Sociales: Un Bilan International», Desclée de Brouwer, Paris.
- DARMON, I. e ESTIVILL, Jordi (2001) - «L?Économie Sociale en Bélgique, en France et en Italie ? essai comparatif», GES Barcelona.
- DACHEUX, E. et LAVILLE, Jean-Louis (dir.) (2003) - «Économie solidaire et démocratie», Hermès, n.º 36, CNRS Éditions, Paris.
- BERTUCCI, A. e ALVES DA SILVA, R.M. (dir.) (2003) - «Cáritas Brasileira, 20 Anos de Economia Popular Solidária», Cáritas Brasileira, Brasília.
- BARROS, Carlos e SANTOS, S. (ed.) (1997) - «As Instituições Não Lucrativas e a Coesão Social em Portugal», Edições Vulgata, Lisboa.
- AMARO, Rogério Roque/BIT (2003) - «A Luta contra a Pobreza e a Exclusão Social em Portugal ? Experiências do Programa Nacional de Luta contra a Pobreza», OIT, Lisboa.
- AMARO, Rogério Roque (2001) ? «Economia e Exclusão Social», in «Não à Pobreza ? A Inclusão pela Economia», Ministério do Trabalho e da Solidariedade, Lisboa.
- ALLEMAND, S. (2005) - «Les nouveaux utopistes de l?économie. Produire, consommer, épargner? différemment», Autrement, Paris.
- ALCOLÉA, A.M. (2004) - «Pratiques et théories de l?économie solidaire», L?Harmattan, Paris.
Reference: null
Solidarity Economy, Welfare and Social Cohesion
The course aims at achieving three types of distinct objectives and developing the following skills:
a) knowledge and understanding concerning the specific contribution of Economics within interdisciplinary approaches to the analyzes of contemporary social risk;
b) ability to be involved in preparing action within the Solidarity Economy at different territorial scales;
c) ability to identify possible directions in further developing scientific knowledge in these fields.
1.Social and Solidarity Economy, Well-Being and Social Cohesion: Conceptual Sharpness
2.Poverty and Social Inclusion
3.Development, Well-Being and 'Measuring' Social Progress
4.Solidarity Economy, Territorial Development and Contemporary Challenges
5. Solidarity Economy and Capacity Building
Theoretical explanations by the teacher; Classes supported by both theoretical and practical basis; Research and debates about practical experiences and projects ; learning observations and direct contacts with activities of Social and Solidarity Economy
a) Presentation by the teacher enriched by practical examples;
b) Debates are always allowed
Students are invited to develop a small research project and the assessment will be centred on the preparation of an essay. The essay will be developed only after approval concerning the theme and the methodology chosen.
Title: Stiglitz, J., (Coord), Sen, A., Fitoussi, J-P. 2008, Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress, CMEPSP, Paris
Laville, J-L. 2000, L?Économie Solidaire, une Perspective Internationale, Desclée de Brouwer, Paris
Jenson, J. 2010, Defining and Measuring Social Cohesion, UNRISD, London
(acedido em 21 de Setembro 2012)
Henriques, J. M. 2006, Global Restructuring and Local Anti-Poverty Action: Learning with European Experimental Programmes, Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa, Tese de Doutoramento
Defourny, J., Develtere, P., Fonteneau, B. (eds) 2000, Social Economy: North and South, Hoger Instituut voor de Arbeid ? Katholieke Universiteit Leuven / Centre d? Economie Sociale ? Université de Liège, Liège
Comissão das Comunidades Europeias 2009, O PIB e Mais Além: Medir o Progresso num Mundo em Mudança, Bruxelas, COM(2009) 433 final
Reference: null
Title: (acedido 2 Fevereiro 2013)
Un (2000) The Millenium Declaration (New York: UN)
Stöhr, W. 1981, ?Development from Below: the Bottom-up and Periphery-inward Development Paradigm?, in Stöhr, W., Taylor, D.R. (eds.) 1981, Development from Above or Below ?, John Willey and Sons, Chichester
Singer, P. 2003, ?A Recente Ressureição da Economia Solidária no Brasil?, in Santos, B. S. 2003 (coord), Produzir para Viver: os Caminhos da Produção não Capitalista, Afrontamento, Porto
Sen, A. 1981, Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation, Clarendon, Oxford
Seaford, C. 2010, Well-Being: Human Well-Being and Priorities for Economic Policy-Makers, New Economics Foundation, London
Santos, B. S. (ed.) 1993, Portugal: Um Retrato Singular, Afrontamento, Porto
Santos, B. S. (ed.) 2001, Globalização: Fatalidade ou Utopia?, Afrontamento, Porto (acedido 6 Fevereiro 2012)
Santos, B. S. 2003, The World Social Forum: Toward a Counter Hegemonic Globalization, Centro de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra
Sachs, J. 2005, The End of Poverty: How we can Make it Happen in our Lifetime, Penguin Books, London
Paugam, S. (ed.) 1996, L?Exclusion: L?État des Savoirs, La Découverte, Paris
Mingione, E. (ed.) 1996, Urban Poverty and the Underclass: A Reader, Blackwell, Oxford
Layard, R. 2008, National Accounts of Well-Being: Bringing Real Wealth Onto the Balance Sheet, New Economics Foundation, London
Laville, J.-L., Gaiger, L. I. 2009, ?Economia Solidária?, in Cattani, A. D., Laville, J.-L., Gaiger, L. I., Hespanha, P. (coord) (2009) Dicionário Internacional da Outra Economia, Almedina / CES, Coimbra
Kraemer, S., Roberts, J. 1996, The Politics of Attachment: Towards a Secure Society, Free Association Books, London (acedido 2 Fevereiro 2013)
ILO 2004, A Fair Globalization: Making it Happen, the Report of the World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization
Hespanha, P., Carapinheiro, G. (eds.) 2001, Risco Social e Incerteza: Pode o Estado Social Recuar Mais ?, Afrontamento, Porto
Henriques, J. M. 2011d, ?Acção Contra a Pobreza em Áreas Urbanas em ?Crise?: Desafios e Possibilidades, in Sociedade e Trabalho,
Henriques, J. M. 2010c, ?Crise, Economia Social e Solidária e ?Integração Económica? na Acção Contra a pobreza?, in Revista de Economa Solidária, nº 2
Henriques, J. M. 2010b, Changing Poor People?s Lives: Conceptualising Action, Periploi, Lisboa
Henriques, J. M. 2010a, ?Inovação Social e Coesão Territorial: Contributos Equal?, in Para Uma Nova Intervenção Social, Gabinete da Iniciativa Comunitária EQUAL, Lisboa
Henriques, J. M. 2009, ?Inovação Social e Animação Territorial: Contributos da Iniciativa Comunitária Equal em Portugal?, in Revista Sociedade e Trabalho, nº 12
Henriques, J.M. 2006a, Local Anti-Poverty Action and Planning Theory: a Framework for Choosing Methods and Tools?, in Ensaios de Homenagem a António Simões Lopes, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, UTL, Lisboa
Henriques, J. M. 2005, ?Processo de Globalização, 'Desintegração Local' e Desafios à Governância: Discursos e Possibilidades?, in Salavisa, I., Rodrigues, W., Mendonça, S. (eds), Inovação Tecnológica e Globalização: Implicações para os Países de Desenvolvimento Intermédio
Henriques, J. M. 2004, ?Avaliação em Programas Experimentais: Perspectivas da ?Avaliação Realista?, in Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, nº 4 (Março)
Henriques, J. M. 2002, ?O Papel do ?Social? nas Políticas Urbanas?, in Porto d?Idéias: a Cidade em Debate, Agência para a Modernização do Porto, Porto
Henriques, J.M. 2000b, ?Empowerment?: Avaliação de Projectos Locais, Volume I e II, Gabinete de Gestão das Iniciativas Comunitárias Emprego and Adapt, Lisboa
Henriques, J.M. 1999, ?Área Metropolitana de Lisboa: Território de Pobrezas e Exclusões?, in Sociedade e Trabalho, nº 5, Ministério do Trabalho e da Solidariedade, Lisboa
Henriques, J.M. (ed.) 1994c, ?Local Development in Poverty III?, in European thematic evaluation of Poverty III Programme , CEC, Brussels
Henriques, J.M. 1992, ?Evaluation of Poverty 3 at National Level in Portugal?, in European Commission, Evaluation, Vol.II, Poverty 3 Programme, CEC, Lille
Henriques, J.M. 1990c, ?Subdesenvolvimento Local, Iniciativa Municipal e Planeamento Territorial? in Sociedade e Território, Ano 4, nº 12
Henriques, J.M. 1990b, Municípios e Desenvolvimento: Caminhos Possíveis, Escher, Lisboa (E.201 HEN*Mun)
Henriques, J.M. 1990a, ?Theories and Policies of Local Development? in Konsolas, N. (ed.), Local Development, Regional Development Institute and Hellenic Agency for Local Development and Local Government, Athens
Henriques, J.M. 1989d, ?A Saúde e o Homo Economicus?, in Revista Portuguesa de Saude Publica, Vol.7, no.2, Escola Nacional de Saúde Publica, Lisboa
Henriques, J.M. 1989c, ?Facing Local Underdevelopment: Challenges to Municipal Intervention?, paper presented at the Seminar Theories and Policies of Local Development, Joint Programme on Regional Science Studies in Southern Europe, Regional Science Association, Rhodos Island, Greece
Henriques, J.M. 1989b, ?Planeamento Regional como Diálogo: uma proposta de conceptualização?, in Sociedade e Território, ano 3, no. 9, Afrontamento, Porto
Henriques, J.M. 1989a, ?Planning as a Dialogue: the Portuguese Experience?, in Trialog Zeitschrift fur das Planen und Bauen in der Dritten Welt, no. 21, Vereinigung zur Wissenschaftlichen Erforschung des Planens und Bauens in Entwicklungslandern, Darmstadt
Henriques, J.M. 1983, As Necessidades Humanas e a Problemática do Desenvolvimento: o Conceito de "Necessidade Básica", Instituto Damião de Góis, Lisboa
Fitoussi, J.P., Rosanvallon, P. 1996, Le Nouvel Âge des Inegalités, Seuil, Paris (S.143 FIT*Nou 2 ex)
Fitoussi, J.P. 1997, O Debate-Tabu: Moeda, Europa, Pobreza, Terramar, Lisboa (E.152 FIT*Deb trd. por ? 28582)
Friedmann, J. 1992, Empowerment: The Politics of Alternative Development, Blackwell, Cambridge (S.172 FRI*Emp - 24872)
Friedmann, J. 1987, Planning in the Public Domain, Princeton University Press, Princeton (E.120 FRI*Pla - 27768)
Estivill, J. 2003, Panorama da Luta Contra a Exclusão Social, Bureau Internacional do Trabalho, Genève
Defourny, J. 2009, ?Empresa Social?, in Cattani, A. D., Laville, J.-L., Gaiger, L. I., Hespanha, P. (coord) 2009, Dicionário Internacional da Outra Economia, Almedina / CES, Coimbra
Defourny, J. 2009, ?Economia Social?, in Cattani, A. D., Laville, J.-L., Gaiger, L. I., Hespanha, P. (coord) 2009, Dicionário Internacional da Outra Economia, Almedina / CES, Coimbra
Council of Europe 2005, Concerted Development of Social Cohesion Indicators: Methodological Guide, Council of Europe, Strasbourg
Bruto Da Costa, A. 1992, The Paradox of Poverty: Portugal 1980-1989, Tese de Doutoramento, Universidade de Bath (não publicada)
Bruto Da Costa, A. 1998, Exclusões Sociais, Gradiva, Lisboa (acedido 6 Fevereiro 2012) (acedido 6 Fevereiro 2012)
CEC 2005, The Social Situation in the European Union, CEC, Brussels
Castel, R. 1995, Les Métamorphoses de la Question Sociale : une Chronique du Salariat, Gallimard, Paris
Bourdieu, P. (ed.) 1993 La Misère du Monde, Seuil, Paris
Amaro, R. Madelino, F. 2004, Economia Solidária? Contributos para um Conceito, Projecto CORES (MAC/3.1./C24), Iniciativa Comunitária INTERREG-III B, Funchal
Abdallah, S. 2011, Pursuing Rising National Well-Being: A Sisyphean Challenge?, New Economics Foundation, London
Reference: null
Welfare State and Solidarity Economy
g the skills to be acquired by students it includes the understanding of the political process of the Solidarity Economy initiatives as well as the Solidarity Economy recognition process either by legal institutions or by political institutions. Additionally it will be discussed how the solidarity economy relates to contexts of crisis and how it benefits, in this way, some public recognition.
1. State and public policies in the XXI Century
2. Welfare state, restructuring and innovation in public policies
3. The Solidarity Economy, socio-economic and political dimensions
4. The institutional framework of solidarity economy in Portugal
5. Crisis, public policies and Solidarity Economy
The assessment consists of an individual essay. The theme requires always previous approval by the teacher.
The final assessment may also be achieved by Final Exams (1st and 2nd phases).
Title: Polanyi, K. (1944), The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time. Boston: Beacon Press.
Klein, J-L., Laville, J-L., Moulaert, F. (2014) L'Innovatopn Sociale, Toulouse: Érès
Laville, J-L. (2011) Agir à gauche. L?économie sociale et solidaire. Paris: Desclée de Bouwer
Hespanha, Pedro e Mendonça, Aline (orgs.). (2011) Economia Solidária: questões teóricas e epistemológicas Coimbra, Almedina
Coraggio, José Luis (2009) ?Los caminos de la economía social y solidaria? Iconos. Revista de Ciencias Sociales. Num. 33:29-38
Cattani, A.; Laville, J.-L.; Gaiger, L.I.; Hespanha, P. (orgs) (2008), Dicionário Internacional da Outra Economia. Coimbra: Almedina.
Batista, Marcela e Alonso, Luis N. (2012) ?Processo de institucionalização da economia solidária no Brasil. Uma aproximação às políticas públicas e ao marco legal?. Cominicação ao II Colóquio Sociedade, Políticas Públicas, Cultura e Desenvolvimento-CEURCA realizado em Crato-Ceará-Brasil
Reference: null
Title: Matthieu de Nanteuil (2011) ?Economie solidaire et critique sociale. Pour une solidarité post-redistributive?. Revista de Economia Social e Solidária. 3: 85-122
Laville, J-L., Jané, J. G. (2009) Crisis capitalista y economía solidaria: una economía que emerge como alternativa real. Barcelona: Icaria
Santos, Luciane Lucas dos (2012) "Traducción intercultural como proceso educativo: perspectivas dialógicas entre los mercados solidarios y las economías originarias campesinas", in Rede PA.C.AR.IN.A (org.), Educación y Interculturalidad (no prelo). Argentina
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2008) (org.), Another Production is Possible: Beyond the Capitalism Canon. London: Verso
Quijano, A. (1998) La Economía Popular y sus Caminos en America Latina. Lima: Mosca Azul Editores.
Hespanha, P., Luciane (2012) ?Economia Solidária, os investigadores sociais e a crise?. Rua Larga, 34. Coimbra: Universidade de Coimbra
Hespanha, Pedro e Santos, Luciane (2012) "From the Expansion of the Market to the Metamorphosis of Popular Economies". RCCS Annual Review, An Online Journal for the Social Sciences and Humanities, 2
Gardin, Laurent. Les Initiatives Solidaires. La réciprocité face au marché et à l'Etat
Gaiger, L-I.(2007) A outra racionalidade da economia solidária. Conclusões do primeiro Mapeamento Nacional no Brasil. Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 79: 57-77.
Esteves, A. M.(2014) ?New Social Movements and cooperative federations as promoters of effective worker ownership: Lessons from Argentina and Brazil?. Revista de Economia Social e Solidária. 6: 73-132
Coraggio, J. L. (2011) ?La presencia de la economia social y solidaria (ESS) y su institucionalizacion en America Latina?. Revista de Economia Social e Solidária. 3: 37-74
Coraggio, J. L. (2007) Economia Social, acción pública y política: hay vida después del neoliberalismo. Buenos Aires: Circus
Amaro, R. R., O papel dos Actores e das comunidades locais nos processos de desenvolvimento e na promoção de uma economia solidária em São Tome e Príncipe?, in Brígida Rocha Brito (cord.), Desenvolvimento Comunitário das teorias as praticas: Turismo, Ambiente e praticas educativas em São Tome e Príncipe. Centro de Estudos Africanos (ISCTEIUL) e GERPRESS, Lisboa
Reference: null
Social Marketing
At course completion, students should:
OA1. Understand the marketing concept and the characteristics of a market orientation, with specific application in the social área;
OA2. Identify the need for a marketing orientation on the enterprises of the Social Solidarity Economy;
OA3. Know and implement the key variables of a social marketing plan;
OA4. Distinguish between strategic and operational decisions in a social marketing plan;
OA5. Analize social marketing trends.
P1. Introduction to the concept of social marketing and sustainable marketing
P2. Areas of marketing and social marketing in society
P3. The marketing of causes and behaviors
P4. The marketing on Social and solidarity economy
P5. A marketing for the Millennium
P6. The social marketing plan
P6.1 Definition of objectives
P6.2 Situational Diagnosis
P6.3 The market and the targets in social marketing
P6.4 Strategic decisions - segmentation and positioning
P6.5 Competition in social marketing
P6.6 Operating decisions: the product/service on
social marketing
P6.7 Price and distribution on social marketing
P6.8 Communication in social marketing
P6.9 Politics and social marketing partnerships
P7. Other concepts of marketing on solidarity economy: fair trade
P8. Trends and challenges of social marketing
Continous Evaluation (oblies attending minimum of 80% classes):
- Class attendance and participation - 20% of final grade - minimal score 10
- Group work - 30% of final grade - minimal score 10
- Test - 50% of final grade - minimal score 7,5
Final Evaluation:
- Exam - 100% of final grade - minimal score 10
Title: - Pringle and Thompson (2000), Marketing Social, Makron Books, São Paulo
- Eagle et al. (2013), Social Marketing, Pearson, Harlow, England
- Kotler and Lee (2016), Social Marketing - Influencing Behaviors for Good, 5ª Ed., Sage Publications, USA
Reference: null
Title: - Papers disponíveis na Base de dados: ABInform/Proquest, SCOPUS e Web of Science, entre outras.
Para aprofundamento de temas sobre marketing social:
Reference: null
Seminar III: Social and Solidarity Economics and Territorial Development
This course aims to develop the following skills:
OA1. Theoretical development and conceptual reformulation;
OA2. Capacity of analysing concrete experiences;
OA3. Capacity to organize autonomous individual and collective processes of learning and skills developments.
CP1. The new trends of Social and Solidarity Economy in the last 30-40 years
CP2. Contemporary challenges, the crisis and Social and Solidarity Economy
CP3. The Social and Solidarity Economy, the territory and local development
CP4. Case studies and learning from best practice
The assessment consists of an essay on the basis of which the participants are invited to show their capacity to learn from the examples of good practice presented in the course showing how to integrate this learning in developing a concrete proposal of action for a concrete situation.
The theme requires always the previous approval by the teacher.
The final assessment may also be achieved by Final Exams (1st and 2nd phases.)
Title: Laville, J. L. Jané J. G. 2009, Crisis Capitalista y Economia Solidaria, Icaria, Barcelona
Klein, J-L., Laville, J-L., Moulaert, F. (2014) L'Innovation Sociale, Toulouse: Éirès
(acedido em 05 Janeiro 2019)
Henriques, J. M. 2006, Global Restructuring and Local Anti-Poverty Action: Learning with European Experimental Programmes, Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa, Tese de Doutoramento
Henriques, J. M. 2011, 'Crise, Economia Social e Solidária e 'Integração Económica' na Acção Contra a Pobreza', in Revista de Economa Solidária, nº 2
Henriques, J. M. 2016, Coesão Territorial, Resiliência e Inovação Social: o Programa Rede Social, in IESE, 2016, Agricultura, Floresta e Desenvolvimento Rural, IESE, Lisboa
Hart, K., Laville, J.-L., Cattani, A. 2013, The Human Economy, Polity Press, Cambridge
Reference: null
Title: Weaver, C. 1984, Regional Development and the Local Community, John Wiley, New York
Urry, J. 1986, 'Locality Research: the Case of Lancaster', in Regional Studies, Vol. 20.3
Storper, M. 1997, The Regional World: Territorial Development in a Global Economy, The Guilford Press, New York (S.171 STO*Reg - 33841)
Stöhr, W. 1981, Development from Below: the Bottom-up and Periphery-inward Development Paradigm, in Stöhr, W., Taylor, D.R. (eds.) 1981, Development from Above or Below ?, John Willey and Sons, Chichester
Stöhr, W. 1984, Changing External Conditions and a Paradigm Shift in Regional Development Strategies, in Estudos de Economia, Vol IV, nº 4
Stöhr, W. 2001, Subsidiarity: A key Concept for Regional Development Policy, in Stöhr, W., Edralin, J, Mani, D. 2001, Decentralization, Governance and the New Planning for Local-Level Development, Cooperation with United Nations and United Nations Centre for Regional Development, Greenwood Press, London
Singer, P. 2002, Introdução à economia solidária, Editora Fundação Perseu Abramo, São Paulo
Santos, B. S. (ed.) 2003a, Produzir para Viver: os Caminhos da Produção Não Capitalista, Afrontamento, Porto
Moulaert , F., MacCallum, D. , Mehmood, A. , Hamdouch, A. (ed), 2013, The International Handbook On Social Innovation: Collective Action, Social Learning and Transdisciplinary Research, Camberley: Edward Elgar
Martinelli, F., Moulaert, F., Novy, A. 2013, Urban and Regional Development Strategies, Routledge, OxfordPutnam, R. 1992, Making Democracy Work, Princeton University Press, Princeton
Henriques, J. M. 2004, Avaliação em Programas Experimentais: Perspectivas da Avaliação Realista, in Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, nº 4 (Março)
Henriques, J.M. 2000, Empowerment: Avaliação de Projectos Locais, Volume I e II, Gabinete de Gestão das Iniciativas Comunitárias Emprego and Adapt, Lisboa
Henriques, J.M. 1990, Theories and Policies of Local Development, in Konsolas, N. (ed.), Local Development, Regional Development Institute and Hellenic Agency for Local Development and Local Government, Athens
Henriques, J. M. 2004, Avaliação em Programas Experimentais: Perspectivas da Avaliação Realista, in Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, nº 4 (Março)
Henriques, J. M. 2005, Processo de Globalização, 'Desintegração Local' e Desafios à Governância: Discursos e Possibilidades, in Salavisa, I., Rodrigues, W., Mendonça, S. (eds), Inovação Tecnológica e Globalização: Implicações para os Países de Desenvolvimento Intermédio
Henriques, J. M. 2009, Inovação Social e Animação Territorial: Contributos da Iniciativa Comunitária Equal em Portugal?, in Revista Sociedade e Trabalho, nº 12
Friedmann, J. 1992, Empowerment: The Politics of Alternative Development, Blackwell, Cambridge (S.172 FRI*Emp - 24872)
Friedmann, J. 1987, Planning in the Public Domain, Princeton University Press, Princeton (E.120 FRI*Pla - 27768)
Demoustier, D. 2001, L?économie sociale et solidaire, s?associer pour entreprendre autrement, Syros, Paris.
Defourny, J., Favreau, L. Laville, J. L. 1998, Insertion et Nouvelle Économie Sociales: Un Bilan International», Desclée de Brouwer, Paris.
Dacheux, E. et Laville, J. L. (dir.)2003, Économie solidaire et démocratie, Hermès, n.º 36, CNRS Éditions, Paris.
Cattani, A., Hespanha, P., Gaiger, L. I. 8coord.) 2009, Dicionário Internacional da Outra Economia, Livraria Almedina, Coimbra.
Camagni, R., Capello, R. 2013, Regional Competitiveness and Territorial Capital: A Conceptual Approach and Empirical Evidence from the European Union, in Regional Studies, 47:9, 1383-1402
Reference: null
Financing Systems in Solidary Economics
This course aims to develop the following skills:
Knowledge and understanding of the main sources of finance available in the economy
Knowledge and understanding, at a basic level, of the main financial instruments;
Knowledge and understanding, at a basic level, of the main types of financial institutions;
Knowledge and understanding of the sources of finance specific to the social economy
Ability to examine and understand the way specific third sector institutions obtain funds to support their activities
Ability to propose changes to the way third sector institutions finance their activities;
Ability to construct sound arguments - in terms of the theoretical basis, the logical chain and the empirical facts that support them - and to convey them to different types of audiences;
Ability to develop studies and personal research with a high degree of autonomy;
Ability and motivation to life-long learning.
Part I The financial system
The Central Bank and the Banking System
Non-Monetary Financial Institutions
Part II Sources of finance specific to the Social Economy
Government funding
Maecenas and Patronage
Ethical Finance
Individual essay:
Part I: Description of a third sector organization: its goals and activities
Part II: Description of the institution´s sources of income and expenditure. Current Financing needs
Part III: To put forward proposals regarding: (i) how to reduce the financing needs; (ii) new sources of financing
Maximum length of Part I: two pages
Maximum length of Part II: two pages
Maximum length of Part III: two pages
Introduction and Conclusion: half a page
Appendices: no limit
Title: The End of Poverty: How We Can Make It Happen in Our Lifetime, Jeffrey Sachs
(Survey da revista The Economist de 5 de Novembro de 2005)
The Hidden Wealth of the Poor
Microcrédito em Portugal:Uma Nova Oportunidade, Alexandre Coutinho e Paula Carvalho da Silva (edição Millenium BCP)
Reference: null
Title: Microfinance Handbook: An Institutional and Financial Perspective (Sustainable Banking with thePoor), World Bank
The Economics of Microfinance, Beatriz Armendariz de Aghion and Jonathan Morduch
Saving Capitalism from the Capitalists: How Open Financial Markets Challenge the Establishment and Spread Prosperity to Rich and Poor Alike, Raghuram G. Rajan and Luigi Zingales
The Poor and Their Money (Oxford India Paperbacks), Stuart Rutherford
Reference: null