Doctorate Degree (PhD)


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6 Years
24 Mar 2021
Accreditation DGES
Initial registry R/A-Cr 94/2021 de 16-04-2021
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Lectured in English
Teaching Type In person

Faculty for (2023/2024)

Project Seminar in International Studies
 Ana Lúcia Sá, PhD in Sociology, is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science and Public Policy, and a researcher at the Centre for International Studies at Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. She is an elected member of the Scientific Board and deputy director of the Department of Political Science and Public Policy. She is a member of the Editorial Board of Cadernos de Estudos Africanos and Book Review Editor of African Studies Review. She belongs to the African Politics and International Relations research group of the European Network of African Studies (AEGIS). She was a post-doctoral researcher at the Spanish National Research Council in Barcelona and visiting fellow at the Institute of African Studies at Columbia University in New York. Her research focuses on authoritarian regimes in Africa, especially Angola and Equatorial Guinea, contexts on which she has published books, chapters in books and articles in journals.
Seminar in International Studies
Giulia Daniele is Assistant Professor at the History Department of the University Institute of Lisbon (Iscte). She is Deputy Director of the Centre for International Studies (CEI-Iscte) and of the Master in International Studies (MEI) in the same university.  She completed her Ph.D. in Politics, Human Rights and Sustainability under a co-tutelle agreement between the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Italy) and the University of Exeter (UK) in 2012. She has conducted fieldwork researches across the Middle East and North Africa, especially in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Israel and Tunisia. She has also been engaged with international organisations and cooperation projects.  Her main research interests extensively cover the intersection of Middle East politics with a focus on Palestine and Israel, social movements, gender and feminist studies, conflict resolution, settler colonialism, and ethno-national narratives. Her first book is entitled Women, Reconciliation and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The Road Not Yet Taken (Routledge, 2014 hardcover and 2018 paperback). Among her latest articles: "Intersectional Politics and Citizen Activism: An Israeli Mizrahi Feminist Lens" (Women's Studies International Forum, 2023), "Mizrahi Jews and the Zionist Settler Colonial Context: Between Inclusion and Struggle" (Settler Colonial Studies, 2020), "Political and Social Protests From The Margins: The Role of Mizrahi Jews in Israeli Grassroots Activism" (Etnográfica, 2019).
Seminar in International Studies | Thesis in International Studies
Luís Nuno Rodrigues is Full Professor at the History Department of ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon and Director of the Center for International Studies (CEI-Iscte) and of the Master and PhD in International Studies in the same university. He holds a PhD in American History from the University of Wisconsin and in Modern and Contemporary History (specialization in International Relations in the Contemporary Period) from ISCTE. In 2006, 2008, and 2014 he was Visiting Professor at Brown University, USA. He was also Director of the Portuguese Journal of Social Science, between 2013 and 2019, and of the PhD program in History, Security Studies and Defense (with the Military Academy). His areas of expertise are 20th Century History of Portugal, History of International Relations and History of the USA. He has supervised several dozens of doctoral and master's theses and has organized numerous conferences and seminars, and presented oral communications in a considerable number of similar events. He is the author of 9 books, coordinator of 8 others and has published 55 chapters of books or entries in collective works and more than 30 articles in scientific journals. His work Kennedy-Salazar: The Crisis of an Alliance. The Luso-American Relations between 1961 and 1963, published in 2002, was awarded the Mário Soares Foundation and Aristides Sousa Mendes Prizes. His most recent publications include "Spínola", published by Esfera dos Livros in 2010, and the collective work entitled "Perceptions of NATO and the New Strategic Concept", which he edited with Volodymyr Dubovyk, the article “Establishing a ‘Cultural Base’? The Creation of the Fulbright Program in Portugal”, published in 2017 at the International History Review, and the collective book L'Aviation et son impact sur le temps et l'espace, published in 2019 by Editions Le Manuscript.
Applied Research Methods
I am a Sociologist. I completed my BA in Sociology in the New University of Lisbon in 2001, having later on completed my Masters degree on Family and Society  (ISCTE-IUL, 2006) and the Post Graduation in Data Analysis in Social Sciences (ISCTE-IUL, 2008). I concluded my PhD in Sociology in ISCTE-IUL on the Transitions to Adulthood in Portugal and Europe, where I followed the critical, theoretical and methodological life course perspective. During my PhD and Pos Doctoral Research I short-visited the University of Tampere (Finland) and Brown University (USA) as a visiting student and/or visiting researcher.  I've been interested and dedicated to topics such as Social trajectories, Quantitative and Qualitative research methods, Life Course Perspective, Sociology of the Family, Social inequalities and the multiple faces of precariousness in Academia. For the moment, I am an Assistant Professor in the Methods of Social Research Department and an Integrated Researcher at CIES-IUL, where I before was an Assistant Researcher by the CEEC 2017 Individual competitive Call.   I coordinated a Research Project  entitled "Linked Lives, alongitudinal, Multilevel and Mixed approach to family life course", co-coordinated a project funded by FCT entitled "Biographical echoes: triangulation in the study of life histories", both funded by FCT. I am also the local coordinated of the project COORDINATE, funded by Horizon2020 and coordinated by the Metropolitan Manchester University. I am associate editor for Journal of Youth Studies.  I was part of the Commission of Evaluation of the I Portuguese Youth Plan. I was responsible for the collection and analysis of the results of the questionnaires applied to young people, that served and scientific evidence and support to the conception of the I and II National Youth Plans.   I co-coordinate, with Ana Caetano, since 2017,  a series of seminars on  "Biographies and Trajectories", where researchers from national and international universities present and discuss results and research trajectories of biographical and life course projects.  I have been publishing nationally and internationally in different formats, from which I would underlie the scientific articles published in journals such as Quality and Quantity, Journal of Youth Studies, Sociology, Child in Care Practice, Contemporary Social Science; Scientometrics, for example; and the book chapters on Youth related issues in edited books by publishers like Routlegde, Brill, Polity Press or Palgrave Macmillan.  Recently I have published in the Tinta da China Publisher, with Ana Caetano, Anabela Pereira and Sónia Bernardo Correia, a book entitled "De viva Voz. Ecos Biográficos da Sociedade Portuguesa". In 2022 I edited with Gary Pollock the Routledge Handbook for Inequalities and the Life Course. In 2021 I edited with Ana Caetano a book on "Structure and Agency in Young People’s Lives. Theory, Methods and Agendas", by Routledge.  I believe in public sociology and as such have been publishing scientific opinion short pieces in Newspaper O Público and in semi-scientific on line Plataforma Barómetro Social, about topics such as scientific precarity, conceptual plagiarism and youth. I participated in an edited of the 45 graus podcast, and in a FFMS event, both about youth.  My 2023 publications are:  Can you keep a secret? Family histories, secrets and ethics. Families, Relationships and Societies (with Maria Silva and Ana Caetano)    Secrets as Storytelling: Family Histories and Inter-Personal Intimacy, Sociological Perspectives (with Maria Silva and Ana Caetano)    A year in the life: living portraits of the COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal (forthcoming with Ana Caetano, Anabela Pereira, Sónia Bernardo Correia and John Goodwin)    Touching from a distance: gaining intimacy with research participants during the COVID-19 pandemic (forthcoming with Ana Caetano, Anabela Pereira and Sónia Bernardo Correia)    De viva Voz. Ecos Biográficos da Sociedade Portuguesa, Tinda-da-China (with Ana Caetano, Anabela Pereira and Sónia Bernardo Correia)     Shedding light on the biographical research field: profiles of publication, Quality and Quantity (with Ana Caetano and Pedro Abrantes)     Devil in the details. Looking for tough moments in unusual places, Child Care in Practice (with Maria Silva and Diana Carvalho)     Structure and Agency in Young People’s Lives.Theory, Methods and Agendas, Routledge (now in paperback, with Ana Caetano)  
Applied Research Methods
Associate Professor at the Department of Social Research Methods Researcher at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (ISCTE-IUL) Coordinator of the Research Group Family, Generations and Health Editor of the Portuguese Journal of Social Science Associate Editor of the Journal of Youth Studies Research Areas: Youth, Tecnology and Social Inequalities
Applied Research Methods
Rita Cachado, PhD in Urban Anthropology (International PhD Program ISCTE Lisbon/URV Tarragon, 2008) with a Thesis about a Hindu population in Great Lisbon and their housing conditions in an informal settlement which was living a rehousing process. She developed a long duration ethnographic field work with Hindu families in Lisbon, and other urban settings, allowing the acquisition of a diversity of methodologic skills. Presently, she is integrated researcher at CIES-IUL where she develops her research about Urban Ethnography in Portugal; she is an invited teacher in Field Research and Urban Ethnography courses (coordinated by Professor Graça Cordeiro); and is a member of the Board of the Portuguese Association of Anthropology (APA). 
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