Tuition fee EU nationals (2024/2025)
950.00 €Programme Structure for 2024/2025
Curricular Courses | Credits | |
Project Design and Evaluation
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Methodologies of Intervention for the Development
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Community Psychology
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Seminar on the Theory and Practice of Development
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Theory and Practice of Development
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Seminar I: Social and Solidary Economics and Conceptual Debates
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Project Design and Evaluation
The student that successfully completes this CU, should be capable of:
LG1. Describe the main concepts and steps in program planning, design and evaluation.
LG2. Identify opportunities and define problems.
LG3. Building a theoretical process model of the project
LG4. Use the main tools in the design and planning of projects
LG5. Define the objectives, hypothesis, resources needed to the project and define channels, methods and strategies to program planning.
LG6. Use the main methods and process in evaluation.
LG7. Design and evaluate different types of projects.
PC1. Basic notions in program/project planning and evaluation.
1.1. Definition of project and program
1.2. Phases in program planning
PC2. Project opportunity and problem
2.1 Identification of opportunities
2.2 Strategies for problem definition,definition by the client, analysis of social indicators, assessment of needs
PC3. The importance of applying theories to design and evaluation.
3.1 Conceptualization of the problem and theoretical rationale
3.2 Result variable
3.3 Development of process models: a review
3.4 Table of balance
PC4.Tools and techniques
4.1 Definition and components of Logic Model (LM)
4.2 Approaches to build the LM
4.3 Phases of the LM
PC5.Activities associated with LM
5.1 Objectives and hypotheses
5.2 Channels, methods, strategies
PC6. Evaluation of projects
6.1 Types of evaluation
6.2 Design and assessment tools
PC7. Design and evaluation of specific projects
In the over the period evaluation option, students are required to take part in two types of evaluation exercises:
One individual test evaluating the topics covered in classes (30%)
A workgroup (program design/free theme) that includes a follow-up report (70%).
Students are approved if they reach at least 9.5 both in the test and in the work group.
Those students who fail the over the period evaluation have the choice to do an individual exam.
Title: Young, T.L. (2007). The handbook of project management: A practical guide to effective policies and procedures. London: Kogan Page.
Wholey, S., Hatry, H., & Newcomer, K. (2010). Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation. New York: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Posavac, E., & Carey, R. (2010). Program Evaluation: Methods and Case Studies. US: Pearson Education.
Knowlton, L., & Phillips, C. (2008). The Logic Model guidebook: Better strategies for great results. London: Sage.
Kliem, R., Ludin, I. & Robertson, K. (1997). Project management methodology: a practical guide for the next millennium. New York: Marcel Dekker.
Holden, D., & Zimmerman, M. (2009). A pratical guide to program evaluation planning: Theory and case examples. London: Sage.
Chen, H. (2004). Pratical program evaluation: Assessing and improving planning, implementation and effectiveness. London: Sage.
Buunk, A., & Van Vugt, M. (2007). Applying Social Psychology: From Problems to Solutions. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.
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Title: Wynn, B., Nelson, M., & Dutta, A. (2006). Challenges of Programs Evaluation of Health Interventions in Developing Countries. Santa Monica: RAND.
Woodhill, J. (2000). Planning, monitoring and evaluating programmes and projects. Introduction to key concepts, approaches and terms. Working draft IUCN - The World Conservation Union.
Wholey, J.S., Hatry, H.P., & Newcomer, K.E. (Eds). (2004). Handbook of practical program evaluation. San Francisco: Jossey Bass Wiley.
Tessmer, M. (1993). Planning and conducting formative evaluations. London: Taylor & Francis Ltd.
Spaulding, D. (2008). Program Evaluation in Practice: Core Concepts and Examples for Discussion and Analysis. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Smith, M. (2010). Handbook of Program Evaluation for Social Work and Health Professionals. New York: Oxford University Press.
Royse, D., Thyer, B., & Padgett, D. (2010). Program evaluation: An introduction. Belmont: Wadsworth. G.110.1 ROY*Pro
Rossi, P., Lipsey, M., & Freeman, H. (2003). Evaluation: A Systematic Approach. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Roldão, V. (1992). Gestão de projectos. Como gerir em tempo, custo e qualidade. Lisboa: Monitor. G.115 ROL*Ges 6 ex
Roberts, A. (2002). Handbook of Domestic Violence Intervention Strategies: Policies, Programs and Legal Remedies. New York: Oxford University Press.
Ramsay, N., & Morrison, C. (2010). Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice: Causes, Intervention and Treatment Programs. New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc.
Pereña-Brand, J. (1998). Direcção e gestão de projectos. Lisboa: Lidel. G.142 PER*Dir 2ªed
Owen, J., & Rogers, P. (1999). Program evaluation: Forms and approaches. London: Sage. PS.143 OWE*Pro
Owen, J. (2006). Program Evaluation: Forms and Approaches. US: Guilford Publications.
O'Neill, R., Horner, R., Albin, R., Storey, K., & Sprague, J. (1996). Functional Assessment and Program Development for Problem Behavior: A Practical Handbook. Belmont: Cengage Learning, Inc.
Newcomer, K. E., Hatry, H. P., & Wholey, J. S. (2015). Handbook of practical program evaluation. John Wiley & Sons (ENCOMENDADO).
Michel, J. (1998). Facts, Research and Intervention in Geriatrics: Geriatric Programs and Departments around the World. US: Springer Publishing Co.
Mendonça, J., Mariano, J., & Marques, S. (2016). Lisbon street campaign against ageism: A promising multi-stakeholder initiative. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 14(3), 258-265.
Marques, S., Vauclair, Rodrigues, R., C.M., Mendonça, J., Gerardo, F. & Cunha, F. (2017). imAGES: intervention program to prevent ageism in children and adolescents. In Baker, H.E., Krueger, T.M. & Karasik, R.J. (Eds). A Hands-on approach to teaching about ageing (pp. 24-30).SpringerPublishingCompany.
Marques,S. Vauclair,M.L., Rodrigues,R., Mendonça,J., Gerardo, F., Cunha, F. (2015). imAGES: Programa de intervenção de promoção de imagens positivas de envelhecimento em crianças e adolescentes.Lisboa:SCML&LeyaEditores.
Lerner, R., Jacobs, F., & Wertlieb, D. (2002). Handbook of Applied Developmental Science: Promoting Positive Child, Adolescent and Family Development through Research, Policies and Programs. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.
LeCroy, C., & Mann, J. (2008). Handbook of Prevention and Intervention Programs for Adolescent Girls. New York: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
Illback, R., Zins, J., Maher, C. & Greenberg, R. (1990). An overview of principles and procedures of program planning and evaluation. In T. Gutkin & C. Reynolds (Eds.) (2008). The handbook of school psychology. New York: Wiley, 799-820.
Goodman, L., & Love, R. (1980). Project planning and management: an integrated approach. New York: Pergamon Press. G.140 Pro
Foley, P., & Rixon, A. (2008). Changing Children's Services: Working and Learning Together. Bristol: Policy Press.
Foley, P., & Leverett, S. (2008). Connecting with Children: Developing Working Relationships. Bristol: Policy Press.
Flores, K. (2007). Youth Participatory Evaluation: Strategies for Engaging Young People. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Fitzpatrick, J., Sanders, J., & Worthen, B. (2004). Program evaluation: Alternative approaches and practical guidelines. Boston: Pearson. PS.124 FIT*Pro 3ªed
Ferrer-Wreder, L., Stattin, H., Lorente, C., Tubman, J., & Adamson, L. (2003). Successful Prevention and Youth Development Programs: Across Borders. New York: Springer Science & Business Media.
Fernández-Ballesteros, R. (2002). Valoración de programas. In R. Fernández-Ballesteros (Ed.) Introducción a la evaluatión psicológica II. Madrid: Ediciones Pirâmide.
Ferguson, J. (1999). The grant seekers guide to project evaluation. New York: Aspen. PS.112
Eldredge, L. K. B., Markham, C. M., Ruiter, R. A., Kok, G., & Parcel, G. S. (2016). Planning health promotion programs: an intervention mapping approach. John Wiley & Sons (ENCOMENDADO)
Denham, S., & Burton, R. (2003). Social and Emotional Prevention and Intervention Programming for Preschoolers: Book of Stones. New York: Springer Science & Business Media.
Davies, D. (2010). Child Development: A Practitioner's Guide (Social work practice with children and families). New York: Guilford Publications.
Calheiros, M., Garrido, M. & Rodrigues, L. (2009). Percorsi di autonomia: una ricerca-intervento portoghese. In Premoli, S., (Ed.). Verso l'autonomia. Percorsi di sostegno all'integrazione sociale di giovani. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Bunston, W., & Heynatz, A. (2006). Addressing Family Violence Programs: Groupwork Interventions for Infants, Children and Their Parents. North Melbourne: Royal Children's Hospital Education Institute.
Boulmetis, J., & Dutwin, P. (2005). The ABCs of Evaluation: Timeless Techniques for Program and Project Managers. John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Barata, M.C., Alexandre, J., de Sousa, B., Leitão, C., Russo, V. (2016). Playgroups for Inclusion: Experimental Evaluation and Study of Implementation, Final Report. Portugal: University of Coimbra & ISCTE-IUL.
Bartholemew, L., Parcel, G., Kok, G., & Gottlieb. N. (2006). Planning Health Promotion Programs: Intervention Mapping. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Atkisson, C., Hargreaves, W., Horowitz & Sorensen, J. (1978). Evaluation of human service programs. Orlando: Academic Press.
Alexandre, J., Lopes, C., Gonçalves, P., Leitão, T., Fernandes, C., Lourenço, R., Guarita, L.,(2018). O projeto 12-15: Fase de diagnóstico e delineamento da teoria da mudança(Relatório 1). Lisboa: CIS-IUL/ISCTE-IUL.
Reference: null
Methodologies of Intervention for the Development
This course aims to develop the following skills:
- Knowledge and understanding of the concept of Development, in their different aceptions and theoretical proposals;
- Knowledge and direct contact with concrete Development experiences and projects;
- Knowledge and analysis of the main development intervention methods;
- Detailed analysis of some intervention methods, mainly about participation, integrated approach, partnerships and strategic flexibility;
- Ability to construct sound arguments in terms of theoretical basis in connection with practical knowledge, and to convey them to different types of audiences;
- Ability to develop studies and personal research with a high degree of autonomy and motivation for life-long learning;
- Ability to recognize and systematize the knowledge in a inductive basis (coming from the practice);
- Ability to develop a solidarity pedagogy and collective ways of working.
1. Main characteristics of Development intervention methods in the past
1.1. Overview about the evolution of the concept of Development
1.2. Development intervention methods growth-centered - main characteristics
2. The new methodological challenges of a development multidimentional intervention
2.1. Strategic and methodological principles connected with the new concepts of Development
2.2. Potentials and limits of the participative methods
2.3. The practical challenges of an integrated approach
2.4. Advantages and difficulties of the partnership
2.5. The implication of a strategic flexibility on Development - the role of social innovation
Students must choose one of the following assessment methods:
Method A:
Final grade = [Individual or Teamwork (4 members, maximum) about a concept of Development]+[Participation in classes]
Method B:
Final Grade = [Final Exam]* 100%
Title: - RODRIGUES, Fernanda e STOER, Stephen (1998) - "Entre parceria e partenariado - Amigos, amigos, negócios à parte", Oeiras, celta Editora.
- GUERRA, Isabel (2007) - "Fundamentos e Processos para uma Sociologia de Ação ", S. João do Estoril, Principia Editora, 2ª edição.
- GUERRA, Isabel (2006) - "Participação e Ação Coletiva ", S. João do Estoril, Principia Editora.
- FRIEDMANN, John (1996) - "Empowerment. Uma Política de Desenvolvimento Alternativo", Celta Editora, Oeiras.
- AMARO, Rogério Roque (2003) - "Desenvolvimento " um conceito ultrapassado ou em renovação? Da teoria à prática e da prática à teoria", in "Cadernos de Estudos Africanos", nº 4, janeiro /julho , Lisboa, p.35-70.
- AMARO, Rogério Roque/BIT (2003) "A Luta contra a Pobreza e a Exclusão Social em Portugal - Experiências do Programa Nacional de Luta contra a Pobreza", OIT, Lisboa.
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Title: -
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Community Psychology
The student who successfully completes this Curricular Unit (UC) will be able to:
LO1. Identify and appropriately use theoretical and methodological concepts and approaches to analyze community problems at the social and community level.
LO2. Investigate and evaluate in community contexts.
LO3. Define strategies and master community intervention techniques and tools.
LO4. Critically analyze community intervention programs.
CP1 – Community Psychology: Concepts and theoretical approaches
• Origin, justification and current status of Community Psychology
• Definition, characteristics, principles and values of Community Psychology
• Concepts and formulations of Community
• Ecology, prevention and promotion
CP2 – Community research and evaluation
• Concepts and processes of community research and evaluation
• Participatory and collaborative research
CP3 – Community intervention
• Concepts, processes and strategies for community intervention
• Sense of community and social support
• Community development and participation, well-being and empowerment
• Community partnerships and coalitions
• Effectiveness of interventions
• Ethics in community intervention
Students can complete the UC through assessment throughout the semester or assessment by exam.
Assessment throughout the semester includes the following assessment instruments: oral presentation of a group work (25%), a written report of the group work (25%) and an individual written test (50%). All assessment instruments must have a minimum score of 9.5.
The exam assessment method consists of an individual written exam (100%) in the defined assessment periods (1st and/or 2nd period and/or special period).
Title: Bond, Serrano-García, Keys & Shinn (2017). APA handbook of community psychology: Theoretical foundations, core concepts, and emerging challenges. APA
Burns, Howard & Ospina (Eds) (2021). The SAGE handbook of participatory research and inquiry. Sage
Fisher, Sonn, & Bishop (Eds) (2002). Psychological sense of community. Kluwer Academic
Jason, Keys, Suarez-Balcazar, Taylor, & Davis (Eds) (2004). Participatory community research. APA
Kloos, Hill, Thomas, Wandersman, Elias, & Dalton (2013). Community Psychology: Linking individuals and communities (3rd ed). Cengage
Minkler & Wallerstein (Eds) (2008). Community-based participatory research for health: from process to outcomes (2nd ed). John Wiley
Nelson & Prilleltensky (2005). Community Psychology. Palgrave Macmillan.
Ornelas (2008). Psicologia Comunitária. Lisboa: Fim de Século
Rappaport & Seidman (2000). Handbook of community psychology. Plenum
Scott & Wolfe (2015). Community psychology: foundations for practice. Sage
Reference: null
Title: Butterfoss, F. (2006). Process evaluation for community participation. Annual Review Public Health, 27, 323–40.
Carvalhosa, S., Domingos, A., & Sequeira, C. (2010). Modelo lógico de um programa de intervenção comunitária – GerAcções. Análise Psicológica, 3 (XXVIII), 479-490.
Duffy, G. & Wong, Y. (2003). Community Psychology. Pearson Education, Inc.
Montero, M. (2003). Teoría y práctica de la psicología comunitaria:la tensión entre comunidad y sociedad. Paidós.
Montero, M. (2004). Introducción a la psicología comunitaria : desarrollo, conceptos y procesos. Paidós.
Newcomer, K. E., Hatry, H. P., & Wholey, J. S. (2015). Handbook of practical program evaluation. John Wiley & Sons.
Ornelas, J. & Moniz, M.J. (2011). Parcerias comunitárias. Lisboa: edições ISPA
Wholey, J., Hatry, H. P. & Newcomer, K. E. (Eds.) (2004). Handbook of practical program evaluation. Wiley.
Reference: null
Seminar on the Theory and Practice of Development
Module 1:
LO1: To know how to critically analyze the "complexity of uncertainty"
LO2: To know the Global Development Agendas
LO3: To know and critically analyse the Good Governance Agenda
LO4: To know and analyze the current and future challenges for global development
Module 2:
LO5: Provide theoretical knowledge on the challenges of learning and innovation in development cooperation;
LO6: Explore Human-Centered Design as a practical tool to develop innovative solutions to global development problems
Module 1:
S1: The 2021/2022 Human Development Report (HDR) and the new "uncertainty complex"
S2: The Global Development Agendas - from the MDGs to the SDGs (2000-2030)
S3: Good Governance, Corruption and Democracy in Global Development
S4: The Challenges for Global Development in the 21st Century
Module 2:
S5: Approaches to learning and innovation in development cooperation;
S6: Apply Human-Centered Design in a real challenge, in partnership with a Portuguese civil society organization
Students can opt for the periodic evaluation that includes:
1) Module 1 - includes presentation of texts indicated by the teacher in groups (30%) and individual essay (40%)
2) Module 2 - includes oral presentation of group work (30%)
The final evaluation will be by exam (100%).
Title: 1) PNUD (2022), Relatório de Desenvolvimento Humano 2011-22: Tempos Incertos, Vidas Instáveis: construir o futuro num mundo em transformação (Nova Iorque: UNDP)
2) Ang, Yuen Yuen (2020), Unbundling Corruption: Revisiting Six Questions on Corruption, Global Perspectives 1:1
3) Banco Mundial (2017), Relatório de Desenvolvimento Mundial: Governança e a Lei (Washington: BM)
4) Fukuyama, Francis (2013), What is Governance? Governance vol.26:3, pp.347-368
5) Andrews, Matt (2008), The Good Governance Agenda: Beyond Indicators without Theory, Oxford Development Studies 36:4, pp.379-407
Reference: null
Title: 1) Grindle, Merilee S. (2007), Good Enough Governance Revisited, Development Policy Review 25:5, pp.553-574
2) Marquette, H. (2021), Doing anti-corruption democratically, WFD anti-corruption and integrity series, 2, London: Westminster Foundation for Democracy
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Theory and Practice of Development
A. Knowledge and Understanding:
- Knowing and understanding the main theoretical discussions about development.
- Knowing and understanding the main development strategies and policies.
B. Knowledge use:
- Being able to use theoretical knowledge in order to understand different development practices and experiences.
- Being able to use theoretical knowledge in order to discuss and critically assess current and future development challenges.
C. Communication:
- Capacity of reasoning in order to construct theoretical, logical and factual arguments and to communicate them to others.
D. Learning process:
- Capacity of autonomous study and research;
- Capacity and motivation for lifelong learning.
1. The 'pre-history' of development: the emergence of western modernity; ideas and practices.
2. The formation of the development problematic in the post- World War II context
3. Modernization and Structuralism
4. Dependency theories and world-system analysis
5. Basic Needs and redistribution
6. The neoliberal critique and the Washington Consensus
7. Sustainable development
8. Human development
9. The Post-Washington Consensus
10. From MDGs to SDGs
11. Post-development
12. Contemporary debates and challenges
Final assessment:
open book test/exam (100%))
Title: Clark, David A. (ed.) (2006). The Elgar companion to development studies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Currie-Alder, B., R. Kanbur and R. Medhora (eds.) (2014). Interantional Development: Ideas, Experiences and Prospects. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Desai, V. and R. Potter (ed.) (2007). The Companion to Development Syudies, 2nd edition. London: Routledge.
Kothari, A., A. Salleh, A. Escobar, F. Demaria and A. Acosta (eds.) (2019). Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary. New Delhi: Tulika Books.
Peet, R. & Hartwick, E. (2015), Theories of Development: Contentions, Arguments, Alternatives, Third Edition. New York: Guilford Press.
Rist, G. (2008). The History of Development: From Western Origins to Global Faith. London and New York: Zed Books.
Reference: null
Title: Arndt, H.W. (1987) Economic Development :The History of an Idea. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.
Babb, Sarah (2013). The Washington Consensus as transnational policy paradigm: Its origins, trajectory and likely successor. Review of International Political Economy, 20(2), pp.268-297.
Birdsall, Nancy and Francis Fukuyama (2011). The post-Washington Consensus: Development after de Crisis. Foreign Affairs. 90 (2), pp.43-53
Buch-Hansen, Hubert (2018), ?The Prerequisites for a Degrowth Paradigm Shift: Insights from Critical Political Economy?, Ecological Economics, 146: 157-163.
Chang, H. (2003), Globalisation, Economic Development and the Role of the State, London and New York: Zed Books.
Chang, H. and I. Grabel (2004). Reclaiming Development: An Alternative Economic Policy Manual. London and New York: Zed Books.
Craig, A., D. Hulme and M. Turner (2007). Challenging Global Inequality: development Theory and Practice in te 21st Century. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Cypher, J. M. (2020) The Process of Economic Development, %h Edition. Routledge: London And New York.
Escobar, Arturo (2015), ?Degrowth, postdevelopment, and transitions: a preliminary conversation?, Sustainability Science, 10 (3): 451-462.
Estêvão, J. (2004). Desenvolvimento económico e mudança institucional: o papel de Estado. WP 08/2004. Dep- Economia, ISEG-UTL, Lisboa.
Evans, P. (1995), Embedded Autonomy: States and Industrial Transformation, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Friedmann, J. (1996) Empowerment, Uma Política de Desenvolvimento Alternativo, Oeiras: Celta Editora
Fukuda-Parr, S. (2003). The Human Development Paradigm: Operationalizing Sen´s Ideas on Capabilities. Feminist Economics, 9(2), pp.111-144.
Fukuda-Parr, S. (2015). From the Millenium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Goals: shifts in purpose, concept and politics of global goal setting for development. Gender and Development, 24(1), pp.43-52.
Gudynas, Eduardo (2016), ?Beyond varieties of development: disputes and alternatives?, Third World Quarterly, 37 (4): 721-732.
Jerónimo, M.B. e J.P. Monteiro (2020). História(s) do Presente: Os Mundos que o passado nos deixou. Lisboa: Tinta-da-China.
Krueger, Anne O. (1990). Government Failures in Development. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 4(3), 9-23.
Latouche, S. (2011) Vers une société d?abondance frugale: contresens et controverses sur la décroissance. Paris: Éditions de Minuit.
Mamede, R. P. (2009), "Os desafios do desenvolvimento e o papel das políticas públicas", In Renato Miguel Carmo e João Rodrigues (coord.), Onde pára o Estado? Políticas Públicas em tempos de crise, Lisboa: Nelson de Mattos.
Moreira, S. e N. Crespo (2012). Economia do Desenvolvimento: das abordagens tradicionais aos novos conceitos de desenvolvimento. Revista de Economia, 38(2), pp.25-50.
Meadows, D.H. et al. (Orgs.) (1972) The Limits to Growth. New York: Universe Books.
Payne, A. and N. Phillips (2010). Development. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Rahnema, M. & Bawtree, V. (Eds.) (1997). The Post-Development Reader. London: Zed Books.
Reinert, E., J. Ghosh and R. Kattel (ed.) (2015). Handbook o Alternative Theories of Economic Development. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Ribeiro, Fernando Bessa (2017). Uma Sociologia do Desenvolvimento. V.N.Famalicão: Humus.
Sen, A. (189). Development as Capability Expansion. Journal of Development Planning, 19, pp.41-58
Sen, A. (1999). Development as Freedom. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Simon, David (ed.),. Fifty Key Thinkers on Development. London: Routledge.
So, A. Y. (1990), Social Change and Development: Modernization, Dependency and World-Systems Theory, London: Sage.
Stiglitz, J. (1998). More instruments and Broader Goals: Moving Towards the Post-Washington Consensus. WIDER Annual Lecture 2, WIDER-UNU, Helsínquia.
Wade, Robert (1990). Governing the Market: Economic Theory and the Role of Government in East Asian Industrialization. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Willis, K. (2011). Theories and Practices of Development, Second edition. London and New York: Routledge.
Reference: null
Seminar I: Social and Solidary Economics and Conceptual Debates
The Learning Goals are the following:
-LG1: To know and discuss the concepts of Social and Solidarity Economy;
-LG2: To put them in their historical context;
-LG3: To understand their connections with the problems and the challenges of the present;
-LG4: To know and understandthe new economic forms
1. Introduction ? pré-definitions and sensibilization to the subjects of Social and Solidarity Economics (first perceptions)
2. The historical framework of Social Economy in Europe
3. The Social Economy in the 20th century, after the 2nd World War
4. The main ways and traits of the Self-helping Economy, Community Economy and Reciprocity economy in different continents and historical and culture contexts
Students must choose one of the following assessment methods:
Method A:
Final grade = [Team work (4 members, maximum) about a project or a concept in this field (Social and Solidarity Economy)]*80%+[Participation in classes]*20%
Method B:
Final Grade = [Final Exam]* 100%
Title: - AMARO, Rogério Roque e MADELINO, Francisco (2004) - «Economia Solidária - contributos para um conceito», edição no âmbito do Projecto «CORES» (MAC/3.1./C24), da Iniciativa Comunitária INTERREG-III B, Funchal.- CATTANI, António, HESPANHA, Pedro e GAIGER, Luiz Ignacio (coord.) (2009) «Dicionário Internacional da Outra Economia », Livraria Almedina, Coimbra;- FRANÇA FILHO, Genauto e LAVILLE, Jean-Louis (2004) - «Economia Solidária - uma abordagem internacional», Editora da UFRGS, Porto Alegre.- GIDE, Charles (1905) - «Économie sociale », Ed. Sirey, Paris.- PIERCE, J. (1993) - «At the heart of community economy», Fundação Gulbenkien, London.- Revista de Economia Solidária (2009) - «Economia Solidária- apresentação do conceito», nº 1, Ed. ACEESA, Ponta Delgada.- SINGER, Paul (2002) - «Introdução à economia solidária», Editora Fundação Perseu Abramo, São Paulo.
Reference: null
Title: - WALRAS, S.L. (1865) - «Traité de L?Économie Sociale», Dentro, Paris.
- ROSE AKERMAN, S. (ed) (1986) - «The Economics of Non Profit Institutions», Oxford University, Press, New York.
- NUNES, F, RETO, L. e CARNEIRO, M (2001) - «O Terceiro Sector em Portugal. Delimitação, Caracterização e Potencialidades», INSCOOP, Lisboa.
- LAVILLE, Jean-Louis, MAGNEN, Jean-Philippe, FRANÇA FILHO, Genauto e MEDEIROS, Alzira (dir.) (2005) - «Action publique et économie solidaire. Une perspective internationale», coll. Sociétés en changement, Érès, Ramonville-Saint-Agne.
- JEANTET, Thierry (1999) - «L´ Économie Social en Europe», CIEM, Paris.
- GUÉRIN, Isabelle (2003) ? «Femmes et économie solidaire», Desclée de Brouwer, Paris.
- GAIGER, Luiz Ignacio (dir.) (2004) - «Sentidos e experiências de economia solidária no Brasil», Editora da UFRGS, Porto Alegre.
- FRAISSE, L., FRANÇA FILHO, Genauto e LAVILLE, Jean-Louis (2003) ? dossier «Économie Solidaire», in «L?alter-économie. Quelle autre mondialisation?», Revue du MAUSS, n.º 21, 1ºsemestre, La Découverte, Paris.
- ESTIVILL, J., BERNIER, A. et VALADOU, C. (1999) - - «Las empresas Sociales en Europa», Ed. Hacer, Barcelona.
- ÊME, Bernard et LAVILLE, Jean-Louis (dir). (1994) - «Cohésion sociale et emploi», Desclée de Brouwer, Paris.
- ÊME, Bernard et LAVILLE, Jean-Louis (2000) - «Effritement du salariat et perspectives de l?économie solidaire», in SOULET, M.H. (dir.) - «Le travail, nouvelle question sociale», Éditions universitaires, Frisbourg (Suisse).
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