Programme Structure for 2024/2025
Curricular Courses | Credits | |
Non-Financial Assets and Liabilities
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Financial Instruments
3.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 3.0 |
Reporting of Financial Performance
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Financial Reporting
3.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 3.0 |
Data Analytics for Accounting and Finance
3.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 3.0 |
Creative Accounting and Fraud
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Financial Disclosures
3.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 3.0 |
Applied Corporate Finance
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Group Reporting
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Non-Financial Assets and Liabilities
At the end of the unit, students should be able:
1st.To understand the recognition and measurement of tangible fixed assets and intangible assets
2nd.To understand the effect of impairment losses in tangible fixed assets and intangible assets
3rd.To understand the recognition and measurement of investment property
4th.To understand the recognition and measurement of inventories
5th.To understand the recognition and measurement of biological assets
6th.To understand the recognition and measurement of provisions
7th.To understand the effect of concessions in the financial statements
1. Tangible fixed assets and intangible assets
2. Impairment of assets
3. Investment property
4. Inventories
5. Biological assets
6. Provisions
7. Concessions
During the learning-teaching term each student should acquire analytical, information gathering, according with the established learning outcomes for this unit.
To contribute to the acquisition of these skills, there will be used the following learning methodologies:
1. Expositional, to present theoretical framework.
2. Participative, to analyse case studies.
The evaluation system includes:
?Work in group (30%)
?Final Exam (70%)
Minimum grade required in the exam: 10 values.
This global grading system requires a rate of attendance to classes of at least 60%; Otherwise it will fail and to get approval in the unit it will apply to the 2nd chance final exam.
Title: -IAS / IFRS - União Europeia
-Sistema de Normalização Contabilística
-Textos de apoio elaborados pelo docente e distribuídos ao longo da unidade curricular.
Reference: null
Title: António Borges, Pedro Ferreira, José Rodrigues, Manuela Martins, Nuno Magro, Emanuel Gamelas, "SNC - Casos Práticos", 2ª Edição, Áreas Editora, 2011.
Interpretation and Application of International Financial Reporting Standards, Wiley, 2019.
The Annotated IFRS(R) Standards Required 1 January 2019 (Green Book), IASB.
Reference: null
Financial Instruments
LG1: To apply the accounting standards to different instruments classified as financial assets.
LG2: To apply the accounting standards to different instruments classified as financial liabilities.
1. Classification and measurement of financial assets
2. Classification and measurement of financial liabilities
The evaluation system includes periodical evaluation (Work in group (30%) and Exam (70%)) or evaluation by Final Exam (100%).
Minimum grade required in the exam: 10 values.
This global grading system requires a rate of attendance to classes of at least 80%; Otherwise, it will fail and to get approval in the unit it will apply to the 2nd chance final exam.
Title: Picker, R., Clark, K., Dunn, J., Kolitz, D., Livne, G., Loftus, J., van der Tas, L., 2019. Applying IFRS Standards, 4th Edition, Wiley.
Reference: null
Title: CNC, 2015. Sistema de Normalização Contabilística.
IFRS Foundation, 2021. International Financial Reporting Standards.
Eduards, M., Hitchner, J. And Mard, M. , 2015, Valuation for Financial Reporting: Fair Value Measurement in Business Combinations, Early Stage Entities, Financial Instruments and Advances Topics, Wiley.
Alexander, D., Britton, A., Jorissen, A., Hoogendoorn, M. And van Mourik, C., 2020. International Financial Reporting and Analysis, 8th ed., Cengage Learning.
Reference: null
Reporting of Financial Performance
LG1. To understand the financial performance disclosure elements;
LG2. To understand the revenue recognition and measurement criteria;
LG3: To understand the accounting of employee benefits;
LG4: To understand the accounting of government grants;
LG5: To understand the effect of discontinued operations in the financial performance.
LG6: To understand the accounting for current and deferred taxes
1. Profit or loss versus comprehensive income
2. Revenue recognition and measuremet
3. Employee benefits
4. Government Grants
5. Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations
6. Current and deferred taxes
The evaluation system includes periodical evaluation (Work in group (30%) and Written test (70%)) or evaluation by Final Exam (100%).
Minimum grade required in the written test and in the exam: 10 values.
This global grading system requires a rate of attendance to classes of at least 80%; Otherwise, it will fail and to get approval in the unit it will apply to the 2nd chance final exam.
Title: Lourenço. I, Morais, A., Lopes, A.I., Paiva, I., Simões, A., Ferreira, P., Pais, C., Cambin, F., Lopes, I., Magro, N., Casa Nova, S. 2020. Fundamentos de Contabilidade Financeira, 3ª edição, Ed. Sílabo.
Alexander, D., Britton, A., Jorissen, A., Hoogendoorn, M. And van Mourik, C., 2020. International Financial Reporting and Analysis, 8th ed., Cengage Learning.
Reference: null
Title: CNC, 2016. Sistema de Normalização Contabilística.
IFRS Foundation, 2021. International Financial Reporting Standards.
Reference: null
Financial Reporting
LO1: To understand all the financial statements prepared in accordance with national and international standards.
LO2: To analyse the way as the financial statements should be articulated.
1. Integrated view of the financial statements
2. Separate and consolidated financial statements
3. Annual and ínterim financial statements
The evaluation system includes periodical evaluation (Work in group (30%) and Written test (70%)) or evaluation by Final Exam (100%).
Minimum grade required in the written test and in the exam: 10 values.
This global grading system requires a rate of attendance to classes of at least 80%; Otherwise, it will fail and to get approval in the unit it will apply to the 2nd chance final exam.
Title: Lourenço. I, Morais, A., Lopes, A.I., Paiva, I., Simões, A., Ferreira, P., Pais, C., Cambin, F., Lopes, I., Magro, N., Csa Nova, S. 2020. Fundamentos de Contabilidade Financeira, 3ª edição, Ed. Sílabo.
Alexander, D., Britton, A., Jorissen, A., Hoogendoorn, M. And van Mourik, C., 2020. International Financial Reporting and Analysis, 8th ed., Cengage Learning.
Reference: null
Title: CNC, 2016. Sistema de Normalização Contabilística.
IFRS Foundation, 2021. International Financial Reporting Standards.
Reference: null
Data Analytics for Accounting and Finance
LG1. To guide some mathematical concepts for the management
LG2. Know and use the main concepts of statistics.
LG3. Recognize and apply the multiple linear regression in specific situations.
LG4. Use the data analysis packages EXCEL and R/RStudio.
Multiple linear regression model: estimation, inference and assumptions.
The evaluation system includes periodical evaluation (Work in group (30%) and written test (70%)) or by Final Exam (100%).
In this type of evaluation, the students have to achieve a minimum grade of 10 in the individual test and of 10 in the team work, or 10 in the Final Exam. In the written assessment students can use a form, statistical tables and a calculator.
Title: Crawley, M. 2022. The R Book, 2nd Ed., Wiley.
Curto, José Dias e Vieira, D. (2022), Excel para economia e gestão, 5ª ed., Ed. Sílabo.
Curto, José Dias (2021), Estatística com R: Aprenda Fazendo, Amazon, edição de Autor.
Reference: null
Title: Newbold, P., Carlson, W., e Thorne, B. 2019. Statistics for Business and Economics Global edition, 9th ed., Pearson.
Curto, José Dias (2021), ECONOMETRICS and STATISTICS - Over 100 problems (with solutions): Applications in 'R/RStudio' and 'Excel', Amazon.
Curto, José Dias (2018), Mathematics in Bullets points: what you must know before starting a master or PhD progra
Curto, José Dias (2021), STATISTICS - Over 200 problems (with solutions): Applications in `R/RStudio' and `Excel', Amazon.
Reference: null
Creative Accounting and Fraud
At the end of the unit, students should be able:
1st. To distinguish the concept of creative accounting from fraud..
2nd. To demonstrate the role of the auditor in the prevention and detection of fraud and its relation with financial scandalous.
3rd. To distinguish and to critically appreciate common creative and fraudulent accounting practices followed by companies.
1. Creative accounting and fraud
2. The role of auditor in the prevention and detection of fraud
3. Common creative and fraudulent accounting practices
The evaluation system includes:
– Work in group (30%)
– Final Exam (70%)
Minimum grade required in the exam: 10 values.
This global grading system requires a rate of attendance to classes of at least 60%; Otherwise it will fail and to get approval in the unit it will apply to the 2nd chance final exam.
Title: Jones, M. 2011, Creative Accounting, Fraud and International Scandals, Wiley.
Reference: null
Title: Hopwood, W., Young, G., Leiner, G., 2011, Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination.
Reference: null
Financial Disclosures
LO1: Understand the IASB's initiative disclosure.
LO2: Prepare and analyze the report by segments.
LO3:Prepare and analyze other disclosures of a financial nature essential to understanding financial position, performance and cash flows.
1. The importance of better communicate financial information
2. Segment reporting
3. Disclosure after the end of the reporting date
4. Disclosure of non-financial assets and liabilities
5.Disclosure of contingencies.
6. Other topics to be disclosed.
The evaluation system includes periodical evaluation (Work in group (30%) and written test (70%)) or evaluation by Final Exam (100%).
Minimum grade required in the written test and in the exam: 10 values.
This global grading system requires a rate of attendance to classes of at least 80%; Otherwise it will fail and to get approval in the unit it will apply to the 2nd chance final exam.
Title: Alexander, D., Britton, A., Jorissen, A., Hoogendoorn, M. and van Mourik, C., 2020, International Financial Reporting and Analysis, 8th Edition, Cengage Learning.
Reference: null
Title: CNC, 2016. Sistema de Normalização Contabilística.
IFRS Foundation, 2021. International Financial Reporting Standards.
Reference: null
Applied Corporate Finance
LO1: Analyze Investment Decisions.
LO2: Analyze Funding Decisions,
LO3: Business Plans and Financial Planning
1. Investment Decisions: Cash Flows, Selection Criteria, Inflation, Sensitivity and Risk Analysis
2. Financing Decisions: Projects with Debt; Funding Alaternatives , All-in-Cost
3. Business Plan and Financial Planning
The evaluation system includes periodical evaluation (Work in group (30%) and Written test (70%)) or evaluation by Final Exam (100%).
Minimum grade required in the written test and in the exam: 10 values.
This global grading system requires a rate of attendance to classes of at least 80%; Otherwise it will fail and to get approval in the unit it will apply to the 2nd chance final exam.
Title: Ross, S., Westerfield, R., Jaff, J., e Jordan, B. 2022. Corporate Finance, 13th ed., McGrawHill.
Mota, A., Barroso, C., Nunes, J., Oliveira, L., Ferreira, M. e Inácio, P. 2020. Finanças da Empresa, 6ª Edição, Ed.Sílabo.
Reference: null
Title: Brealey, M., Myers, S., Allen, F., e Edmans, A. 2023. Principles of Corporate Finance, 14th ed., McGrawHill.
Mota, A., Barroso, C.,Soares, H., Laureano, L. 2020. Introdução às Finanças, 3ª edição, Ed. Sílabo.
Reference: null
Group Reporting
At the end of the unit, students should be able:
1st. To know and understand the different types of investments in other entities.
2nd. To understand and apply the full consolidation method.
3rd. To understand and apply the proportionate consolidation method.
4th. To understand and apply the equity method.
1. Investments in other entities
Joint ventures
2. Full consolidation method
3. Proportionate consolidation method
4. Equity method
The evaluation system includes:
- Work in group (30%)
- Final Exam (70%)
Minimum grade required in the exam: 10 values.
This global grading system requires a rate of attendance to classes of at least 60%; Otherwise, it will fail and to get approval in the unit it will apply to the 2nd chance final exam.
Title: Gallimberti, C., Marra, A. and Prencipe, A., 2013, Preparing and Understanding Consolidated Financial Statements under IFRS; McGraw Hill.
Reference: null
Title: CNC, 2009, Sistema de Normalização Contabilística.
IASB, 2015, International Financial Reporting Standards.
Baker, R., Christensen, T. and Cottrell, D., 2013, Advanced Financial Accounting.
Eduards, M., Hitchner, J. And Mard, M. , 2015, Valuation for Financial Reporting: Fair Value Measurement in Business Combinations, Early Stage Entities, Financial Instruments and Advances Topics, Wiley.
Reference: null