The Master's in Labour, Employment and Society (previously entitled Master in Labour Studies and Labour Relations) lasts two years, corresponding to a total of 120 credits (ECTS). Classes are generally scheduled for the evenings.
The curricular structure in the first semester of the first year is organised around the core disciplines of labour sciences and labour relations, namely Sociology and Economics of Work and Labour Law. The UC "Contemporary
Social Inequalities" serves to place the central issues of work, employment and labour relations in the context of the wider society.
In the first semester there is still room for a free elective. Several electives in the field of Human Resources Management or Organisational Psychology are recommended as options for students wishing to have an introduction or reinforce their training in these fields. Sociology electives are also recommended, especially for students who are more interested in social research. For students who have no previous training in the social sciences, we recommend taking the supplementary course "Social Research Methods and Techniques".
In the second semester of the first year, the compulsory courses in the fields of labour relations and labour law are topical and comparative. This offering is reinforced by the course in the field of social protection. Attendance of electives in the field of employment and training policies is strongly recommended. Also compulsory in the second semester is attendance of the course "Research Design", in which students may prepare a first version of their dissertation project.
The first semester of the second year is dedicated to taking two electives. One of the electives will necessarily be selected from Specialised Research Techniques (SRT), in order to support the completion of the dissertation. There is the possibility of an internship as an elective.
A Seminar is held throughout the second year to provide guidance and accompany the completion of the Dissertation or final Project.
Programme Structure for 2024/2025
Curricular Courses | Credits | |
Contemporary Social Inequalities
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Labour and Social Security Law
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Regulation and Labour Markets
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Sociology of Work and Employment
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Research Design
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
International and European Labour and Social Law
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Industrial Relations
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Comparative Social Protection Systems
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Research Methods in Social Sciences
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Optional Courses | 6.0 |
Master Dissertation in Work, Employment and Society
48.0 ECTS
Final Work | 48.0 |
Master Project in Work, Employment and Society
48.0 ECTS
Final Work | 48.0 |
2nd Cycle Internship
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Optional Courses | 6.0 |
Contemporary Social Inequalities
Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:
LO1. Identify the main dimensions and processes of contemporary social inequalities;
LO2. Explain theoretically and illustrate empirically the intersections of inequalities;
LO3. Connect theoretical concepts of social justice and contemporary social inequalities;
LO4. Compare social inequality in developed, emergent, and least developed countries;
LO5. Analyse processes and trends of global inequalities;
LO6. Use methodologically the main indicators, measures, and categorisations of inequality;
LO7. Use online databases with global inequality indicators.
S1. Inequality issues: analytical perspectives and current debates
S2. Theory: social inequalities in globalization context
S3. Methodology: inequality indicators, measures and categories
S4. Resources and opportunity inequalities (income, wealth, education, work)
S5. Vital and existential inequalities (life expectancy and health; gender and ethnic-racial discrimination)
S6. Intersections of inequalities and social mobility
S7. Inequalities, social justice and public policy
S8. Inequalities in Europe: integration or divergence?
S9. Inequalities in the world: cases, trends and comparisons
S10. Human development, global inequalities and climate change
The assessment of the course "Contemporary Social Inequalities" is structured to reflect the development of students' theoretical and practical skills throughout the semester, through a combination of group and individual activities.
The semester-long assessment is divided into three main components:
1. Group Activity (50%)
a. Classroom Presentations on Selected Topics (30%)
• Description: Students select a topic of interest based on the course content. Using resources provided by the professor, they are organised into teams according to their chosen topic. They must prepare a proposal to deepen the topic and discuss it with the professor in a preparatory tutorial, exploring different theoretical and empirical perspectives. Presentations are evaluated based on clarity, organisation, depth of analysis, and ability to respond to questions from peers and the professor.
• Objective: This activity aims to develop research, critical analysis, and communication skills, aligned with learning objectives OA1, OA2, OA4, and OA5. Carrying out this activity necessarily involves being present in class
b. Comments on Peers' Presentations (20%)
• Description: During the presentations, students are encouraged to actively participate by making constructive comments and pertinent questions. This component evaluates students' ability to critique and reflect on their peers' work, promoting a collaborative learning environment. One of the groups is appointed as the debate rapporteur, responsible for producing a report to be sent to the professor and the presenting group.
• Objective: This activity reinforces critical analysis and collaboration skills, aligning with learning objectives OA3 and OA6. Carrying out this activity necessarily involves being present in class
2. Written Test with Consultation (50%)
a. In-depth Study of the Topic Chosen by the Student (50%)
• Description: At the end of the semester, each student takes a written test with consultation, focused on the topic they chose and deepened during the classes. This test evaluates the student's ability to apply the theoretical and methodological knowledge acquired, using resources and electronic databases to support their answers.
• Objective: This component aims to assess the in-depth understanding of the studied topics, synthesis ability, and practical application of knowledge, aligning with learning objectives OA1, OA2, OA3, OA5, OA6, and OA7.
Basic Conditions for Semester-long Assessment
• To pass the course, students must achieve a minimum weighted average of 10 points, with no less than 8 points in any of the assessment components.
Final Assessment (100%)
• Written exame , responding to a prompt defined by the professors.
Title: Wilkinson, R & Pickett, K (2018), The Inner Level, Allen Lane
UNDP (2022), Uncertain times, unsettled lives Shaping our future in a transforming world, Human Development Report 2021-22
Therborn, G (2013), The Killing Fields of Inequality, Polity Press
Stiglitz, JE (2015), The Great Divide, W. W. Norton
Sandel, M. J. (2020), The Tyranny of Merit, London, MacMillan.
Piketty T. (2020) Capital and Ideology. Cambridge (Mass.), Belknap, Harvard.
Milanovic, B (2016), Global Inequality, Belknap
Mauritti, R et al (2016), "The social structure of European inequality", Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 81
Costa, AF (2012), Desigualdades Sociais Contemporâneas, Mundos Sociais
Chancel, L et al. (2022), World Inequality Report 2022, World Inequality Lab.
Cantante, F (2019), O Risco da Desigualdade, Almedina
Carmo, RM et al (orgs) (2018), Desigualdades Sociais: Portugal e a Europa, Mundos Sociais
Carmo, RM (2021), Social inequalities: theories, concepts and problematics, SN Social Sciences, 1:116.
Reference: null
Title: Websites com indicadores de desigualdades:
EIGE - European Institute for Gender Equality:
European Social Survey:
Gapminder, a fact-based world view:
Gobal Education Monitoring Report:
Inequality Around the World:
Inequality Watch:
Instituto Nacional de Estatística:
International Labour Organization:
Observatório das Desigualdades:
OECD – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development:
UNDP – United Nations Development Programme / Human Development Reports:
WID – World Inequality Database:
World Inequality Database on Education:
Bibliografia complementar
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Almeida, J. F. (2013), Desigualdades e Perspetivas dos Cidadãos. Portugal e a Europa. Lisboa, Mundos Sociais.
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Carmo, R., Rio, C.; Medgyesi, M. (eds.) (2018), Reducing Inequalities: A Challenge for the European Union?, Basingstoke (UK), Palgrave Macmillan.
Cantante, F. (2019), O Risco da Desigualdade, Coimbra, Almedina.
Chancel, L. (2020), Unsustainable Inequalities: Social Justice and the Environment, Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
Chancel, L., Bothe, P., Voituriez, T. (2023) Climate Inequality Report 2023, World Inequality Lab Study 2023/1.
Conselho Superior de Estatística (2024). Indicadores das Desigualdades Sociais – Relatório do Grupo de Trabalho.
Choonara, J.; Murgia, A.; Carmo, R. M. (Eds.) (2022), Faces of Precarity: Critical Perspectives on Work, Subjectivities and Struggles, Bristol, Bristol University Press.
Costa, A. B. (org.) (2008), Um Olhar Sobre a Pobreza. Vulnerabilidade e Exclusão Social no Portugal Contemporâneo, Lisboa, Gradiva.
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Reference: null
Labour and Social Security Law
At the end of this learning unit's term, the student must be able to:
1. Understand the contents and scope of labour law.
2. Identify, interpret and apply labour law to human resource management.
3. Apply the correct provisions to construe an employment contract framework according with the best practices and flexibility granted by the labour law.
4. Identify the best way for suspending the employment contract.
5. Advise on how to apply the employment contract termination.
1. The labour law object and scope. The labour law within the system of law as a branch of law.
2. The labour law sources of authority.
3. The employment contract, modalities and regimes.
4. The employment relationship dynamics: the flexibility concerning the employee activity and the workplace stability;
5. The working time flexibility: working time limits and work schedules; after hours work; the definition of working time adaptable schedules; the rest periods (the in-work rest break, the daily rest period, the weekly rest period and the annual leave); the night time work; the work absence regime; the implications of holiday regime upon employment relationship.
6. The wage flexibility: the legal concept of salary; salary modalities; salary reduction and deductions.
7. The temporary work leave regimes.
8. The downsizing instruments.
Students must submit a written assessment by the end of the term. A minimum grade of 10 points out of 20 is required for course approval.
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Reference: null
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CORDEIRO, António Menezes, Manual de Direito do Trabalho, Vols. I e II, Coimbra, 2018/2019
CORREIA, António Damasceno, Manual de Relações Laborais, Lisboa, 2016
FALCÃO, David, e Sérgio Tenreiro TOMÁS, Lições de Direito do Trabalho - A Relação Individual de Trabalho, Coimbra, 2021
FERNANDES, Francisco Liberal, Maria Regina REDINHA, Contrato de Trabalho - Novo Regime Jurídico Angolano - Lei Geral do Trabalho, Porto, 2015
GOMES, Júlio Manuel Vieira, Direito do Trabalho, Coimbra, 2007 (Coimbra Ed)
LAMBELHO, Ana, e Luísa Andias GONÇALVES, Manual de Direito do Trabalho - Da Teoria à Prática, Coimbra, 2014
LEITÃO, Luís Manuel Teles de Menezes, Direito do Trabalho, Coimbra, 2021
MAGALHÃES, Filipa Matias, Maria Leitão PEREIRA, Manual do Contrato de Trabalho, Porto, 2016
MARECOS, Diogo Vaz, Código do Trabalho - Anotado, Coimbra, 2013 (Coimbra Ed.)
MARTINEZ, Pedro Romano, Direito do Trabalho, Coimbra, 2019
MARTINEZ, Pedro Romano, Da Cessação do Contrato, Coimbra, 2015
MARTINEZ, Pedro Romano, Luís Miguel MONTEIRO, Joana VASCONCELOS, Pedro Madeira de BRITO, Guilherme DRAY, Luís Gonçalves SILVA, Código do Trabalho - Anotado, Coimbra, 2012 (Ed. Almedina)
MARTINS, André Almeida, António Sarmento OLIVEIRA, Deolinda Aparício MEIRA, Helena SALAZAR, Margarida AZEVEDO, Tiago Pimenta Fernandes, Manual de Direito do Trabalho, Porto, 2017
MELLO, Alberto de Sá e, Direito do Trabalho para Empresas, Coimbra, 2016
MENDES, Marlene, e Sérgio ALMEIDA, O Contrato de Trabalho, Lisboa, 2010
MENDES, Marlene, O Contrato de Trabalho na Prática Jurídica, Ed. Nova Causa, 2015
MONTEIRO, Luís Miguel, e outros, Código do Trabalho - Três anos de Jurisprudência Comentada, Livraria Petrony
NETO, Abílio, Novo Código do Trabalho e Legislação Complementar - Anotados, Lisboa, 2013
PINTO, Mário, Direito do Trabalho, Universidade Católica Portuguesa
QUINTAS, Paula, Hélder QUINTAS, Manual de Direito do Trabalho e de Processo do Trabalho, Coimbra, 2014 (Ed. Almedina)
QUINTAS, Paula, Hélder QUINTAS, Código do Trabalho - Anotado e Comentado, Coimbra, 2016
RAMALHO, Maria do Rosário Palma, Direito do Trabalho - Situações Laborais Individuais, Coimbra, 2010 (Ed. Almedina)
RAMALHO, Maria do Rosário Palma, Tratado de Direito do Trabalho, Parte I (Dogmática Geral), Coimbra, 2015
RAMALHO, Maria do Rosário Palma, Tratado de Direito do Trabalho, Parte II, Coimbra, 2014
RAMALHO, Maria do Rosário Palma, Tratado de Direito do Trabalho, Parte III (Situações Laborais Colectivas), Coimbra, 2015
SILVA, Luís Gonçalves da, Estudos de Direito do Trabalho, Coimbra, Almedina
VASCONCELOS, Joana, A Revogação do Contrato de Trabalho, Coimbra, 2011
VEIGA, António Jorge da Motta, Lições de Direito do Trabalho, Lisboa, 1995
VILAR, António, & Associados, Direito do Trabalho em 100 Quadros, Porto, 2011
XAVIER, Bernardo da Gama Lobo, Iniciação ao Direito do Trabalho, Verbo
XAVIER, Bernardo da Gama Lobo, Curso do Direito do Trabalho, Lisboa, 1993 (Verbo)
XAVIER, Bernardo da Gama Lobo, O despedimento Colectivo no dimensionamento da Empresa, Verbo
XAVIER, Bernardo da Gama Lobo, Direito da Greve, Verbo
XAVIER, Bernardo da Gama Lobo, Manual de Direito do Trabalho, Lisboa, 2014 (Verbo)
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Regulation and Labour Markets
LO1. Compare the competitive and institutional approaches.
LO2. Describe labour market institutions.
LO3. Discriminate macro and micro level regulations.
LO4. Examine the main indicators related to labour market institutions.
LO5. Understand how labour markets are shaped by collective institutions.
LO6. Analyse the implications of institutions on labour market processes. LG7. Analyse the key contemporary debates on labour market regulation.
P1. Competitive labour market model.
P2. The institutionalist tradition in labour economics.
P3. Labour market regulation.
P3.1. The debate on minimum wages.
P3.2. Employment protection legislation and the OECD EPL index.
P3.3. Unions, collective bargaining and industrial democracy.
P3.4. Labour market policies.
P4. Internal labour markets and labour market segmentation.
P5. Technological evolution, digitalization, employment and work. P6 Ecological transition and work.
Assessment throughout the semester:
- Individual test (65%); minimum grade of 8.
- Presentation in class (35%). Students enrolled in the assessment throughout the semester must attend at least 80% of the classes.
Assessment by exam: - Exam (100%). Grades obtained in the assessment throughout the semester will not be considered for the final exam regime option.
Title: - Borjas, G. (2015) Labour Economics, Boston: McGraw-Hill International Edition (7th edition).
- Bosworth, D., Dawkins, P. and Stromback, T. (1996) The Economics of the Labour Market, Harlow and England: Addison Wesley Longman Limited.
- Champlin, D.P. and Knoedler, J. (2017) The Institutionalist Tradition in Labour Economics, London: Routledge.
Kaufman, B.E. and Hotchkiss, J. (2002) The Economics of Labour Market, USA: South-Western College Pub (6th edition).
- Lopes, H., Cerejeira, J. (Coords), Sousa, S., Suleman, F., Marques, P. e Figueiredo, H. (2023) Economia do Trabalho: Mercados e Instituições, Almedina.
Reference: null
Title: - Carvalho da Silva, M., Hespanha, P. and Castro Caldas, J. (Coords.) (2017) Trabalho e Políticas de Emprego: Um Retrocesso Evitável, Coimbra: Actual.
- Centeno, M. (2013) O Trabalho: Uma Visão de Mercado, Lisboa: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
- Doeringer, P. and Piore, M. (1971) Internal Labour Markets and Manpower Analysis, Lexington MA: Heath Lexington Books.
- Grimshaw, D., Ward, K., Rubery, J. and Beynon, H. (2001) ‘Organisations and the transformation of the internal labour market’, Work, Employment and Society, 15(1): 25-54.
- Hyman, R. (2001) Understanding European Trade Unionism, London: SAGE.
- Kaufman, B. (1997) Government Regulation of the Employment Relationship, Cornell University Press.
- Kaufman, B. (2010) ‘Institutional Economics and the Minimum Wage: Broadening the theoretical and policy debate’, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63(3): 427-453.
- Kerr, C. (1954) ‘The balkanisation of labor markets’. In: Bakke, E., Hauser, P., Palmer, G., Myers, C., Yolder, D. e Kerr, C., Labor Mobility and Economic Opportunity, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- Kluve, J. (2010) ‘The effectiveness of European active labor market programs’, Labor Economics, 17(6): 904-918. - Lindbeck, A and Snower, D. (2001) ‘Insiders versus outsiders’, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 15(1): 165-188.
- Morel, N., Palier, B. and Palme, J. (2012) Towards a Social Investment Welfare State, London: Policy Press.
- Osterman, P. (1984) (Ed) Internal Labor Markets, Cambridge: The MIT Press.
- Weil, D. (2014): The fissured workplace: why work become so bad for so many and what can be done to improve it, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
- Wilkinson, A., Gollan, P., Marchington, M., and Lewin, D. (2010) ‘Conceptualizing Employee Participation in Organizations’. In: Wilkinson, A., Gollan, P., Marchington, M., and Lewin, D. (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Participation in Organizations, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 4-26.
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Sociology of Work and Employment
The learning objectives consist in to obtain and/or deepen competences in the following areas:
LO1. Theoretical paths of the Sociology of Labour and the Sociology of Employment.
LO2. Labour and employment in Portugal and in the world, particularly the Lusophone world.
LO3. Research, selection, collection and processing of primary and secondary empirical information.
LO4. The use of bibliographical, documentary and national and international statistical sources.
At the end of the semester, students should be able to correctly use the conceptual frameworks of these two specialised sociologies, know how to research a range of relevant sources and critically analyse the current situation regarding working and employment conditions at national and international level.
S1. Work and its Sociology: work - a problematic definition; the different approaches of work in contemporary societies.
S2. Modalities of work organization: from manufacture to Fordism.
S3. The productive restructuring in the era of flexible accumulation and its consequences for the labour process.
S4. The digital work: virtual work in a real world.
S5. The degradation of work in the era of flexible accumulation and the agenda for decent work.
S6. From work to employment. The Sociology of Employment and the study of the labour market and employment.
S7. Changing dynamics in the labour market: feminization of employment and the persistence of the gender inequality.
S8. Changing dynamics in the labour market: precariousness.
S9. Changing dynamics in the labour market: unemployment.
S10. The technological revolution and the future of work and employment.
The preferred method of assessment is assessment throughout the semester, although final assessment by exam is also foreseen, which should be an exception. Assessment throughout the semester requires attendance at at least 70.0 per cent of classes. There are two moments of assessment: 1) A group work, consisting in a theoretical paper focusing on the contents of one of the planned lessons (30,0%); 2/ an individual test covering all the subjcts taught during the semester (60.0%). The remaining 10,0% is allocated to class participation, namely in the debates that will take place.
BibliographyTitle: Antunes, R. (org.) (2023). Icebergs à Deriva. São Paulo: Boitempo.
Antunes, R. (org.) (2020). Uberização, Trabalho Digital e Indústria 4.0. São Paulo: Boitempo.
Antunes, R. (2013). Os Sentidos do Trabalho. Coimbra: Almedina.
Beck, U. (2000). The Brave New World of Work. Cambridge: Polity.
Berg, J (ed.) (2015). Labour Markets, Institutions and Inequality: Building Just Societies in the 21st Century. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Castel, R. (1999) From Manual Workers to Wage Labor. Transformation of the Social Question. New Brunswick: Transaction.
Edgell S, Gottfried H, Granter E (ed.) (2015). The SAGE Handbook of the Sociology of Work and Employment. London: Sage.
Freire, J. (2001). Sociologia do Trabalho: Uma Introdução. Porto: Afrontamento.
Kovács, I. (org) (2005). Flexibilidade de Emprego. Oeiras: Celta.
Kovács, I.; Castillo, J (1998). Novos Modelos de Produção: Trabalho e Pessoas. Oeiras: Celta.
Standing, G. (2011). The Precariat: the New Dangerous Class. Londres: Bloomsbury Academic.
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Title: Alves, G. (2013). Dimensões da Precarização do Trabalho ? Ensaios de Sociologia do Trabalho. São Paulo: Editora Praxis.
Antunes, R. (2018). O Privilégio da Servidão: o Novo Proletariado de Serviços na Era Digital. São Paulo: Boitempo.
Antunes, R.; Braga, R. (orgs). (2009). Infoproletários: Degradação Real do Trabalho Virtual. São Paulo: Boitempo.
Braverman, H. (1974). Labor and Monopoly Capital: the Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century. New York: Monthly Review Press.
Demazière, D. (1995). La Sociologie du Chômage Paris: La Découverte.
Friedmann, G.; Naville, P. (1973 [1961]). Tratado de Sociologia do Trabalho. São Paulo: Cultrix.
Huws, U. (2019). Labour in Contemporary Capitalism. What Next? Londres: Palgrave Macmillan.
Jones, P. (2021). Work Without the Worker. Labour in the Age of Platform Capitalism. Londres: Verso
Kovács, I. (2002). As Metamorfoses do Emprego. Oeiras: Celta.
Meda, D (1999) O Trabalho: um Valor em VIas de Extinção. Lisboa: Fim de Século.
Sennett, R (2001) A Corrosão do Carácter: as Consequências Pessoais do Trabalho no Novo Capitalismo. Lisboa: Terramar.
Reference: null
Research Design
At the end of the CU students should be able to:
1) recognize and use different types of methodological strategies, mastering its theoretical, methodological and technical requirements, in order to make adequate choices;
2) identify central problems in research design, from problem definition to conceptualisation, operationalization, observation and proposal writing;;
3) write a research and/or intervention project proposal.
1. Research as a producer of knowledge to know and/or to intervene.
1.1. Empirical research as theoretically oriented.
1.2. Research as problem solving: diagnosis, evaluation, intervention.
1.3. Ethics in different types of research.
2. How to design a research project and/or intervention.
2.1. Formulation of the problem and definition of objectives.
2.2. Conceptualization.
2.3. Operationalization and observation.
2.4. Project's design.
3. Methodological strategies.
3.1. Adequacy of the methodological strategies to the objectives of tthe research.
3.2. Extensive research: large surveys, statistical databases, etc..
3.3. Intensive research: case studies, field research, participant observation, ethnographic approach, etc.
3.4. Action research and social intervention.
3.5. Comparative research: objectives and problems of comparison.
3.6. Mixed methods.
The learning process proceeds trough theoretical-practical classes, seminar presentations and debate (which are given prevalence), tutorials and students' autonomous work.
Evaluation along the semester, comprising the following components:
(a) Class participation and presentation of the research and/or intervention project (35%)
b) Final written work: research project and/or intervention (65%).
Final assessment, consisting of a final written work: research project and/or intervention, complemented with an oral discussion, if the teacher considers necessary (100%).
The evaluation of this course does not include a final exam.
International and European Labour and Social Law
1 - To learn access modes and methods of interpretation of international social standards-
2 - To understand the coordination ways of European and international standards with internal standards in this area.
- 1. The scope.- 2. European labour law: institutions, processes, contents. European social dialogue. The problem of the "legal bases": the evolution of Treaties. European regulation instruments: regulations, directives. - 3. The stages of European social legislation. The key-directives. The main directions of the European social legislation. Fundamental social rights and the Lisbon treaty.
- 4. International labor conventions. ILO: structure, functioning, elaboration of international conventions. The main directions of ILO's regulatory activity: the "fundamental conventions". Strengths and weaknesses of ILO's action. The effectiveness of international labour standards.
- 5. The European Social Charta: nature, contents, effects. The Social Rights Committee and its case-law. The revision of the Charta. The collective grievances procedure.
- Continuous assessment, comprising the preparation of class reports, participation in the discussion of the main topics and completion of a final written work.
- Final written exam, for those who did not pass, failed, or intend to improve their grade in the continuous assessment.
Title: - Publicações da DGERT/MTSSS - Condições de Trabalho: Normas Internacionais e OIT
- Catherine Bassonpierre/Gabriel Guéry, Droit européen et international du travail, Paris, 2002;
- Federico Navarro Nieto/Miguel Rodríguez-Piñero Royo/José Manuel Gómez Muñoz, Manual de Derecho Social de la Unión Europea, tecnos, 2011
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Title: - Droit international du travail et droit interne (direcção de Xavier Beaudonnet), Turim, 2009 (edição do Centro internatiinal de Formação da OIT)
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Industrial Relations
Develop introductory knowledge of the vast field and literature and diverse perspectives on labor relations and trade unionism.
Develop the ability to analyze current problems in labor relations and trade unionism.
1. Introduction to Labour Relations and Trade Unionism: Basic Concepts and Definitions
2. The theory of Employment Relations and Industrial Relations
3. Industrial Democracy: Representation, Collective bargaining and Forms of Employment Regulation
4. From Fordism to globalisation: from Fordist regulation to the neo-liberal deregulation of employment relations
5. Human Resource Management vs. Industrial Relations: flexibilization and individualism vs. regulation and collectivism in employment relations
6. Labor Conflict and Strikes
7. Trade unionism: its history and ideologies and the comparative analysis of trade union models.
8. Union membership: the decline of trade unionism in comparative perspective
9. Labor relations and trade unions in Portugal
10. Trade union revitalisation, new actors and forms of collective action and the future of industrial democracy
Each student may choose one of the following three options for assessment on the basis of periodic evaluation:
A) An essay on themes of the program based upon the review of a minimum of 8 articles published in scientific journals in the last decade;
B) A research project on the negotiation of a collective contract or a labor conflict or a unionization campaign, consisting of a dossier and an analysis of the chosen situation;
C) An analysis of the platforms for 2021-22 and 2022-23 of the UGT and the CGTP that identifies and explains their common and divergent demands.
The final exercise counts for 100% of assessment.
There is no final exam. Students who do not obtain a passing grade in the 1st marking period must hand in an essay in accordance with the instructions for Option A.
Title: Waddington, J. & Hoffmann, R., eds. (2000) Trade Unions in Europe (ETUI).
Vandaele, K. (2019) Bleak prospects: mapping trade union membership in Europe since 2000 (ETUI).
Streeck, W. (2005) "The Sociology of Labor Markets and Trade Unions" in Smelser, N. J. & Swedberg, R. (eds.), Handbook of Economic Sociology. Princeton University Press, 254-283.
Livro Verde Relações Laborais (2017)
Lehndorff, S., Dribbusch, H. & Schulten, T., eds. (2018) Rough waters: European trade unions in a time of crises (ETUI)
Hyman, R. (2001) Understanding European trade Unionism (Sage).
Freire, J., Rego, R. & Rodrigues, C. (2014) "Relações Colectivas de trabalho" (Capítulo 4) in Sociologia do Trabalho: Um Aprofundamento (Porto: Edições Afrontamento), 111-136.
Freire, J. (2001) "Actores sociais e relações colectivas de trabalho" (Capítulo 2) in Sociologia do Trabalho: Uma Introdução. Porto: Edições Afrontamento, 159-256.
Edwards, P. K. (1986) Conflict at Work (Blackwell).
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Title: Waddington, J. (ed.), Restructuring Representation (Peter Lang, 2004).
Touraine, A, M. Wieviorka & F. Dubet, Le mouvement ouvrier (Librarie Arthème Fayard, 1984).
Handbook of Economic Sociology (Princeton University Press 2005).
Slomp, H. Between bargaining and politics : an introduction to european labor relations (Praeger, 1996).
Ruysseveldt, J.V. & J. Visser (eds), Industrial Relations in Europe: Traditions and Transitions (Sage, 1996).
Rosa, M. T. Serôdio, Sindicalismo e movimento operário: os metalúrgicos de Setúbal (Edições Afrontamento, 1997).
Pires de Lima, M. et al., A acção sindical e o desenvolvimento: uma intervenção sociologica em Setúbal (Edições Salamandra , 1992)
Phelan, C., (ed.), Trade Union Revitalisation: Trends and Prospects in 38 Nations (Peter Lang, 2007).
Paquet, R., J.-F. Tremblay et É. Gosselin, "Des theories du syndicalisme: Synthèse analytique et considerations contemporaines", Relations Industrielles-Industrial Relations, Vol 59, 2, 2004
Poole, M., Theories of Trade Unionism (Routlege and Kegan Paul,1981)
McCarthy, W.E.J. (ed.), Trade Unions (Penguin 1972)
Lefranc, G., O sindicalismo no mundo (Europa América, 1974)
Larson, S. & B. Nissen (eds.), Theories of the Labor Movement (Wayne State University Press, 1987)
Kaufman, B. (ed.) Theoretical Perspectives on Work and the Employment Relationship (Industrial Relations Research Association, 2004)
Hyman, R., Understanding European trade Unionism (Sage, 2001)
Gumbrell-McCormick, R. e Hyman, R., Trade Unions in Western Europe (Oxford University Press 2013)
Frege, C.M. & J. Kelly, Varieties of Unionism (Oxford University Press, 2004)
Fouquet, A., U. Rehfeldt & S. Le Roux (coords) Le syndicalisme dans la mondialisation (Les Editions de L'Atelier, 2000)
European Commission, Industrial Relations in Europe 2010.
Ebbinghaus, B. & J. Visser, The Societies of Europe, Trade Unions in Western Europe since 1945 (Macmillan, 2000)
Dabschek, B. (1989) "A Survey of Theories of Industrial Relations" in Barbash, J. & Barbash, K., Theories and Concepts in Comparative Industrial Relations (Columbia, South Carolina: University of South Carolina Press), 155-183.
Clarke, T., & Clements, L. (eds.), Trade Unions under capitalism (Fontana/Collins, 1977)
Briefs, G., Sindicatos de ontem e de hoje (Edições Delfos, 1976)
Blyton, P. & P. Turnbull, The Dynamics of Employee Relations (Macmillan, 1994)
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Comparative Social Protection Systems
- To contribute to the acquisition, by the students, of the skills required to make a critical appreciation of the sources consulted;
- To promote the acquisition of the knowledge of the main authors and organization who participate in the conceptual work and in the production of information in this field;
- To promote the acquisition of a framework of categories enabling them to select useful information within a nowadays overwhelming documentation;
- To contribute to a learning process enabling them to develop their own analysis of social protection issues, and thereby to bring a productive input into the debates on these issues.
(More details on )
1 Introduction to the course and to the assessment scheme; introduction to the main relevant concepts
2 General evolution of concepts and practices in the field of social protection: national and international experiences (1)
3 General evolution (...) (2)
4 The case of Portugal
5 Discussion, by the students, of the texts included in the basic bibliography
6 A concrete domain where comparison has to be practiced: coordination in matters of social security
7 Theoretical Approaches; recent developments; financial crisis and social protection
8 Short presentation by the students on materials recently made available on line relevant for the comparison between social protection systems (1)
9 Short presentation by the students (...) (2)
10 Short presentation by the students (...) (3) - Conclusions
(More details on )
Assessment over the semester: 1st assignment: analysis of one of the texts mentioned in the bibliography and writing of a short comment of it (25% of the mark). 2nd assignment: analysis of a document recently published on line, with information relevant for the comparison between social protection systems.
Production a written paper, to be presented orally, as a work in progress, in one of the last classes of the semester (75% of the mark).
Alternatively: final exam.
Title: VARELA, R. (2013), A segurança social é sustentável
SUPIOT, A. (2015), "What International Social Justice in the Twenty-First Century"
STREECK, W. (2014), Buying time : the delayed crisis of democratic capitalism
RIEGER, E., LEIBFRIED, St. (2003), Limits to Globalization: Welfare States and the World Economy
OIT (2017), World Social Protection Report
OCDE (2017), Pensions at a Glance
MENDES, H., Albuquerque, J. L. (2014), "As pensões como retribuição do trabalho e como responsabilidade solidária"
MENDES, F. R. e N. C. CABRAL (2014), Por onde vai o Estado Social em Portugal?
MARSHALL, T. H. (1950), Citizenship and Social Class
LEAL, A. S. (1998), Temas de Segurança Social
HESPANHA, P. et al. (orgs.) (2002), Risco social e incerteza
HEMERIJCK, A. (2013), Changing Welfare States
GIDDENS, A. (2007), Europe in the Global Age
ESPING-ANDERSON, G. (1990), The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism
CROUCH, Colin (2014), "Labour Markets and Social Policy after the Crisis"
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Title: (disponível em )
A consultar também: Acórdão 862/2013 do Tribunal Constitucional, de 19 de Dezembro
VARELA, Raquel (coord.), A segurança social é sustentável. Trabalho, Estado e Segurança Social em Portugal, Lisboa, Bertrand Editora, 2013.
VARELA, Raquel (coord.), Quem paga o Estado Social em Portugal? Lisboa, Bertrand Editora, 2012.
SILVA, Mariana Vieira da, "Políticas públicas de saúde", in: RODRIGUES, Maria de Lurdes, SILVA, Pedro Adão e (org.), Políticas públicas em Portugal, Lisboa, IN-CM / ISCTE-IUL, 2012, pp. 281-292.
SILVA, Mariana Vieira da, "Políticas públicas de saúde: tendências recentes", Sociologia - Problemas e Práticas núm. 69, 2012, pp. 121-128.
SANTOS, Boaventura de Sousa, FERREIRA, Sílvia, "O Estado Providência em Portugal - Entre Globalizações Conflituantes", in: HESPANHA, Pedro, CARAPINHEIRO, Graça (orgs.), Risco social e incerteza. Pode o Estado Social recuar mais?, Porto, Afrontamento (Col.: A Sociedade Portuguesa Perante os Desafios da Globalização, vol. 3), 2002, pp. 177-225 [ISCTE: S.143 SAN*Soc v3].
SANTOS, Boaventura de Sousa, BENTO, Maria, GONELHA, Maldonado, da COSTA, Bruto, Uma visão solidária da Reforma da Segurança Social, Lisbon / Coimbra, União das Mutualidades Portuguesas / Centro de Estudos Sociais da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, 1998 [ISCTE: S.202 Uma].
PEREIRA, Pedro Telhado (ed.), A reforma da segurança social, Oeiras, Celta. 2000 [ISCTE: S.202 Ref].
NUNES, Filipe Daniel de Arede, A construção jurídica-política do Estado Social em Portugal durante o Estado Novo (1933-1974) - Contributo para o estudo da história do pensamento político em Portugal, Lisboa, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa (Dissertação de doutoramento), 2014.
NEVES, Ilídio das, Lei de Bases da Segurança Social Comentada e Anotada, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 2003.
NEVES, Ilídio das, Direito da segurança social - Princípios fundamentais numa análise prospectiva, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 1996 [ISCTE: D.112 NEV*Dir]
NEVES, Ilídio das, Dicionário Técnico e Jurídico da Protecção Social, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 1996 [ISCTE: D.100 NEV*Dic].
MOZZICAFREDDO, Juan, Estado Providência e Cidadania em Portugal, Oeiras, Celta, 1997 [ISCTE: S.193 MOZ*Est].
MENDES, Hugo, Albuquerque, José Luís, "As pensões como retribuição do trabalho e como responsabilidade solidária" in: Renato Miguel do Carmo e André Barata (orgs.), Estado Social. De todos para todos, Lisboa, Tinta da China, 2014.
MENDES, Fernando Ribeiro e Nazaré da Costa CABRAL (org.), Por onde vai o Estado Social em Portugal?, Porto, VidaEconómica, 2014.
MENDES, Fernando Ribeiro, Segurança social. O futuro hipotecado, Lisboa, Relógio d'Agua / Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, 2011.
LOUREIRO, João Carlos, Adeus ao Estado Social? A segurança social entre o crocodilo da economia e a medusa da ideologia dos "direitos adquiridos", Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 2010.
LEAL, António da Silva, Temas de Segurança Social, Lisboa, União das Misericordias Portuguesas, 1998 [ISCTE: S.202 LEA*Tem]
LEAL, António da Silva (1966-67), Organização da Previdência, Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais. [ISCTE: S.202 LEA*Org]
HESPANHA, Pedro (org.), Entre o Estado e o Mercado. A Fragilidade das Instituições de Protecção Social em Portugal, Coimbra, Quarteto, 2000 [ISCTE: S.202 Ent].
GUIBENTIF, Pierre, "The Transformation of the Portuguese Social Security System", South European Society & Politics, Vol. 1, nº 3, 1996, pp. 219-239.
COMISSÃO DO LIVRO BRANCO DA SEGURANÇA SOCIAL (1998), Livro branco da segurança social, s.l., s.ed., January 1998 [ISCTE: S.202 Liv1].
COMISSÃO DO LIVRO BRANCO DA SEGURANÇA SOCIAL (1997), Livro verde da segurança social, s.l., s.ed., June 1997 [ISCTE: S.202 Liv].
COMISSÃO DE REGULAMENTAÇÃO DA LEI DE BASES DO SISTEMA DE SOLIDARIEDADE E SEGURANÇA SOCIAL, A sustentabilidade financeira do sistema de solidariedade e segurança social : relatório final, Lisboa : DEPP, 2002 [ISCTE: S.202.MTS*Sus].
CARMO, Renato e André BARATA (org.), Estado social. De todos para todos, Lisboa, Tinta da China, 2014.
CARMO, Renato, CANTANTE, Frederico, CARVALHO, Margarida, "Políticas públicas para a diminuição das desigualdades", in: RODRIGUES, Maria de Lurdes, SILVA, Pedro Adão e (org.), Políticas públicas em Portugal, Lisboa, IN-CM / ISCTE-IUL, 2012, pp. 313-326.
CARMO, Isabel do (org.), Serviço Nacional de Saúde em Portugal, Coimbra, Almedina / Le Monde diplomatique, 2012.
CARDOSO, Sónia, Maria Helena Santos, Maria Isabel Baptista, Susana Clemente, "Estado e políticas sociais sobre a velhice em Portugal (1990-2008)", Análise Social, Vol. XLVII (3.º), 2012 (n.º 204), pp. 606-630.
CARDOSO, José Luís, ROCHA, Maria Manuela, "O seguro social obrigatório em Portugal (1919-1928): acção e limites de um Estado previdente", Análise Social, núm. 192, 2009, pp. 439-470.
CAMPOS, António Correia de, Solidaredade sustentada, reformar a segurança social, Lisboa, Gradiva, 2002.
BAPTISTA, Virgínia do Rosário, Protecção e direitos das mulheres trabalhadoras em Portugal - As origens do Estado Providência (1880-1943), Lisboa, ISCTE-IUL, dissertação de doutoramento, 2012.
ADÃO E SILVA, Pedro, PEREIRA, Mariana Trigo, "As políticas de proteção no desemprego em Portugal", Sociologia - Problemas e Práticas núm. 69, 2012, pp. 133-150.
IV -- O caso de Portugal
TRUBEK, David M., TRUBEK Louise G., "The Open Method of Co-ordination and the Debate over 'Hard' and 'Soft' Law", in Zeitlin, Jonathan , Pochet, Philippe, with Lars Magnusson (eds.), The Open Method of Co-ordination in Action. The European Employment and Social Inclusion Strategies, Bern et al., Peter Lang, 2005 [ISCTE : S.202 Ope].
DEHOUSSE, Renaud, "La méthode ouverte de coordination. Quand l'instrument tient lieu de politique, in Lascoumes, Pierre, Le Galès, Patrick (eds.), 2004, Gouverner par les instruments, Paris, Les Presses de Sciences Po, 2004, pp. 331-356.
B. O método aberto de coordenação
- La Sécurité sociale très peu typique des migrants atypiques: les cas des travailleurs détachés, frontaliers et saisonniers», (a publicar nas Actas do Seminário) in «La Sécurité Sociale et les nouvelles formes d'organisation du travail. Les carrières d'assurance atypique», Seminário organizado pela Presidência espanhola da União Europeia, em colaboração com a Comissão Europeia, Abril 2002.
PIZARRO, Sebastião Nóbrega, «Relations between European, multilateral and bilateral treaties», in Coordination of social security schemes in connection with the accession of Central and Eastern European States «The Riga Conference», Yves Jorens, Bernd Schulte (editors), Bruxelles, 1999, pp. 141-163.
GUIBENTIF, Pierre (org.), Segurança Social e Livre Circulação de Pessoas na União Europeia - A Aplicação em Portugal do Regulamento (CE) nº 1408/71 - Actas do Seminário organizado sob a coordenação da Comissão Europeia (DG V) no ISCTE, em 26 de Junho de 1998, relatório entregue à Comissão Europeia, Dezembro de 1998.
GUIBENTIF, Pierre, La pratique du droit international et communautaire de la sécurité sociale. Étude de sociologie du droit de la coordination, à l'exemple du Portugal, Basileia / Francoforte, Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 1997.
A. A coordenação
III -- Contextos concretos de comparação
PIERSON, Paul (dir.), The New Politics of the Welfare State, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001 [ISCTE: S.202 New]
PAQUY, Lucie, European Social Protection. Systems in Perspective, Compostela, Compostela Group of Universities, 2004 [ISCTE: S.202 PAQ*Eur]
ORGANIZAÇÃO INTERNACIONAL DO TRABALHO, World Social Protection Report 2017-19, Genebra, Organização Internacional do Trabalho, 2017 ( ).
ORGANIZAÇÃO INTERNACIONAL DO TRABALHO, World Social Protection Report 2014-15, Genebra, Organização Internacional do Trabalho, 2014 ( ).
ORGANIZAÇÃO INTERNACIONAL DO TRABALHO, Social security for social justice and a fair globalization (Report VI to the 100th ILC), Genebra, Organização Internacional do Trabalho, 2011 (disponível no site oficial da OIT: )
ORGANIZAÇÃO INTERNACIONAL DO TRABALHO: World Social Security Report 2010/2011: Providing coverage in times of crisis and beyond, 2010 (disponível em )
GILLION Collin (et al.), Social Security Pensions: Development and Reform, Genebra, ILO, 2000 [ISCTE: S. 202 Soc,9].
MIRE (Mission de Recherche et Expérimentation, Paris, Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité), Comparing Social Welfare Systems in Nordic Europe and France, Paris / Nantes, MIRE-DREES / Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Ange-Guépin, 1999 (coord. cientif. ABRAHAMSON, Peter, BLANCHET, Didier, HATLAND, Aksel, LEFAUCHEUR, Nadine, PALME, Joakim, UUSITALO, Hannu).
MIRE (Mission de Recherche et Expérimentation, Paris, Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité), Comparing Welfare Systems in Southern Europe - vol. 3 - Florence Conference. France-Southern Europe, Florence, 1996 [ISCTE-IUL: S.206 Com 1] ; ed. em francês : Comparer les systèmes de protection sociale en Europe du sud -- vol. 3 -- Rencontres de Florence, Paris, MIRE, 1997 (coord. cient. Ugo ASCOLI, Denis BOUGET, Maurizio FERRERA, José María MARAVALL, Yves MENY, Martin RHODES).
MIRE (Mission de Recherche et Expérimentation, Paris, Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité), Comparer les systèmes de protection sociale en Europe -- vol. 2 -- Rencontres de Berlin, Paris, MIRE, 1996 (coord. cient.: Werner ABELSHAUSER, Robert DELORME, Bruno JOBERT, Franz-Xaver KAUFMANN).
MIRE (Mission de Recherche et Expérimentation, Paris, Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité), Comparing Welfare Systems in Europe - vol. 1 - Oxford Conference : France - United Kingdom, Copenhagen, 1994 [ISCTE-IUL: S.206 Com] ; ed. em francês : Comparer les systèmes de protection sociale en Europe -- vol. 1 -- Rencontres d'Oxford, Paris, MIRE, s.d. (coord. cient.: Anne-Marie GUILLEMARD, Jane LEWIS, Stein RINGEN, Robert SALAIS).
GUIBENTIF, Pierre, LIUBSYS, Arunas, MEDAISKIS, Teodoras, "Toward a new typology of health care systems in Europe ?", in: Yves JORENS (ed.), Social Protection in Europe. Convergence? Integration, Accession and Labour. Final Report [EC DG Research, contract number HPSE-CT2001-50004, Ghent University, Department of Social Law, 2005, 254 pp.; pp. 69-100.
GUIBENTIF, Pierre, BOUGET, Denis, As políticas do rendimento mínimo na União Europeia, Lisboa, União das Mutualidades Portuguesas, 1997.
AHMAD, Elitisham, Social Security in Developing Countries, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1991 [ISCTE: S.202 Soc]
AA.VV., As Origens Históricas do Estado Providência: Perspectiva Comparada, in Ler História, nº 37, Lisboa, 1999 (dossier organizado por Miriam HALPERN PEREIRA).
C -- Outros trabalhos comparativos
VAN GINNEKEN, Wouter (ed.), Social Security for the Excluded Majority - Case Studies of developing countries, Genebra, International Labour Office, 1999.
EARDLEY, Tony, BRADSHAW, Jonathan, DITCH, John, GOUGH, Ian, WHITEFORD, Peter, Social Assistance in OECD Countries (2 vols.), London, HMSO, 1996.
PIETERS, Danny (et al.), Introduction au droit de la sécurité sociale des pays de la Communauté européenne, Brussel / Antwerpen, Bruylant / Maklu, 1991
KÖHLER, Peter, ZACHER, Hans F. (dir.), Un siècle de sécurité sociale. 1881-1981, Lausanne, Réalités sociales, 1982 (existe uma edição alemã, do mesmo ano).
B -- Comparações baseadas em monografias nacionais (por ordem cronológica)
Social Security Country Profiles, editados pela Associação Internacional de Segurança Social:
Sistemas de protacção social MISSOC (Mutual Information System on Social Protection in the member States of the European Union) :
A -- Tabelas comparativas:
II -- Trabalhos comparativos:
SUPIOT, Alain, "What International Social Justice in the Twenty-First Century", communication presented 2015 ( )
SUPIOT, Alain, L'esprit de Philadelphie - La justice sociale face au marché total, Paris, Seuil, 2010.
STREECK, Wolfgang, Buying time : the delayed crisis of democratic capitalism, London, Verso, 2014 [ISCTE: E.114 STR*Buy].
SILVA, Filipe Carreira da, O Futuro do Estado Social, Lisboa, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, 2013.
SEN, Amartya K., The Idea of Justice, Londres, Allen Lane, 2009 [ISCTE: E.111.3 SEN*Ide].
ROSANVALLON, Pierre, La nouvelle question sociale, Paris, Seuil, 1995 [ISCTE: S.202 ROS*Nou].
ROSANVALLON, Pierre, La crise de l'Etat-Providence, Paris, Seuil, 1981 [trad. Port.: ISCTE: S. 193 ROS*Cri].
ROGOWSKI, Ralf (2013), Reflexive Labour Law in the World Society, Cheltenham / Northhampton (UK), Edward Elgar Publishing [ISCTE: S.182 ROG*Ref].
RIEGER, Elmar, LEIBFRIED, Stephan, Limits to Globalization: Welfare States and the World Economy, Oxford, Polity Press, 2003 [ISCTE: S.202 RIE*Lim].
RHODES, Martin, HEMERIJCK, Anton, FERRERA, Maurizio, O Futuro da Europa Social. Repensar o trabalho e a protecção social na nova economia, Oeiras, Celta, 2000 [ISCTE: S.202 FER*Fut].
PIERSON, Christoph, Beyond the Welfare State: The New Political Economy of Welfare, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2006 (1st ed.: 1991) [ISCTE: S.202 PIE*BEY]
PERRIN, Guy, Sécurité sociale, Lausanne, Réalités sociales, 1993.
PEREIRA, Miriam Halpern (2012), Do Estado Liberal ao Estado-Providência, Bauru (SP), Editora da Universidade do Sagrado Coração.
ORGANIZAÇÃO INTERNACIONAL DO TRABALHO, Social Security. A New Consensus, Geneva, ILO, 2002 (disponível em ) ) ou
ORGANIZAÇÃO INTERNACIONAL DO TRABALHO, Social Security - A Workers' Education Guide / La sécurité sociale - cours d'éducation ouvrière, Genebra, ILO, 1995 (disponível em
O'CONNOR, James, The Fiscal Crisis of the State, Nova Iorque, St.Martin Press, 1973.
MISHRA, Ramesh, "Para além do Estado-Nação: A Política Social na Era da Globalização", Cadernos de Política Social, nº 1, 1999, pp. 165-192.
MISHRA, Ramesh, O Estado Providencia na Sociedade Capitalista, Oeiras, Celta, 1995 (ed. orig.: 1990) [ISCTE: S. 202 MIS*Est].
MARSHALL, Thomas Humphrey, BOTTOMORE, Tom, Citizenship and Social Class, and Other Essays, Londres, Pluto Press, 1992 (publ. orig. de "Citizenship and Social Class": 1950) (no caderno)
MARSHALL, Thomas Humphrey, Citizenship and Social Class, and Other Essays, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1950.
MAIA, Fernando, "Os novos desafios da evolução da segurança social", Cadernos de política Social, nº 2/3, 2001, pp. 81-106.
LUHMANN, Niklas, Political Theory in the Welfare State, Berlin, De Gruyter, 1990. [ISCTE: S. 192 LUH*Pol]
LEIBFRIED, Stephan, PIERSON, Paul (orgs.), European Social Policy - Between Fragmentation and Integration, Washington D.C., Brookings Institution, 1995 [ISCTE: S.202 Pol]
HESPANHA, Pedro, CARAPINHEIRO, Graça (orgs.), Risco social e incerteza. Pode o Estado Social recuar mais?, Porto, Afrontamento (Col.: A Sociedade Portuguesa Perante os Desafios da Globalização, vol. 3), 2002. [ISCTE: S.143 SAN*Soc]
HESPANHA, Pedro, "Mal-estar e risco social num mundo globalizado: novos problemas e novos desafios para a teoria social", in: SANTOS, Boaventura de Sousa (org.), Globalização - Fatalidade ou utopia, Porto, Afrontamento (Col.: A Sociedade Portuguesa Perante os Desafios da Globalização, vol. 1), 2002, pp. 163-196 [ISCTE: S.143 SAN*Soc v1].
HEMERIJCK, Anton, Changing Welfare States, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013 (ISCTE S.205 HEM*Cha )
HABERMAS, Jürgen, "Die neue Unübersichtlichkeit - Die Krise des Wohlfahrtsstaates und die Erschöpfung utopischer Energien", in: Die neue Unübersichtlichkeit - Kleine politische Schriften V, Francfort, Suhrkamp, 1985 (trad. port.: "A nova opacidade", Revista de Comunicação & Linguagem, 2, 1985).
GUIBENTIF, Pierre, "Direitos sociais", in: André-Jean ARNAUD, Eliane Botelho JUNQUEIRA (orgs), Dicionário da Globalização. Direito, Ciência Política, Rio de Janeiro, Editora Lumen Juris, 2006, pp. 175-182 (reedição, ampliada, em francês, com a colaboração de Diane Roman, in: : André-Jean Arnaud et al., Dictionnaire de la globalisation, Paris, Lextenso, 2010, pp. 179-187).
GIDDENS, Anthony, Europe in the Global Age, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2007 (trad. por.: Lisboa, Presença, 2007) [ISCTE-IUL: S.202 GID*Eur]
FOUCAULT, Michel, "Un système fini face à une demande infinie" (entrevista com Robert Bono), in Coll., Sécurité sociale: l'enjeu, Paris, Syros, 1983 (pp. 39-63; reed. in FOUCAULT, Michel, Dits et écrits, Paris, Gallimard, 1994, vol. IV, pp. 367-383.
FERRERA, Maurizio, "The 'Southern Model' of Welfare in Social Europe", Journal of European Social Policy, 6/1, 1996, pp. 17-37.
EWALD, François, L'Etat Providence, Paris, Grasset, 1986.
ESPING-ANDERSON, Gosta, The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, Cambridge, Polity Press, 1990. [ISCTE: S.202 ESP*Thr]
CROUCH, Colin, "Labour Markets and Social Policy after the Crisis", Transfer 20 (1), 2014, pp. 7-22 (available on )
COMISSÃO MUNDIAL SOBRE A DIMENSÃO SOCIAL DA GLOBALIZAÇÃO, 2005, Por Uma Globalização Justa, Oeiras / Lisboa, Celta / ISCTE / OIT [ISCTE: E.151 POR.5]
CASTEL, Robert, Les métamorphoses de la question sociale -- Une chronique du salariat, Paris, Fayard, 1995. [ISCTE: S. 182.CAS*Met]
CARAPINHEIRO, Graça, "A globalização do risco social", in: SANTOS,Boaventura de Sousa (org.), Globalização - Fatalidade ou utopia, Porto, Afrontamento (Col.: A Sociedade Portuguesa Perante os Desafios da Globalização, vol. 1), 2002, pp. 197-229 [ISCTE: S.143 SAN*Soc v1].
BOURDIEU, Pierre, La misère du monde, Paris, Seuil, 1993.
BOUCHER, Manuel, L'État social dans tous ses états - Rationalisations, épreuves et réactions de l'intervention sociale, Paris, L'Harmattan (Coll. Recherche et transformation sociale), 2014.
BONOLI, Giuliano, NATALI, David (eds), The Politics of the New Welfare State, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012. [Bibl. ISCTE-IUL: S.205 Pol,9]
I -- Análises gerais
Reference: null
Research Methods in Social Sciences
By the end of the CU, each student should have acquired the necessary competencies to:
OA1. Define the stages of a research process in the social sciences, identifying the role of methods and research techniques in the production of scientific knowledge;
OA2. Distinguish between extensive and intensive methodological strategies, demonstrating their characteristics, potentials, and limitations;
OA3. Develop and validate instruments for data collection in the context of extensive research, including defining the sampling process and constructing questionnaires;
OA4. Develop and validate instruments for use in intensive research, including designing interview guides and defining fieldwork;
OA5. Understand the structure of a database, classify variables, and interpret tables and graphs;
OA6. Analyze and interpret qualitative data, using content analysis of interviews and other documents.
CP1 - The Research Process
1.1 Introduction to the Research Process in Social Sciences
1.2 The Stages of the Research Process
1.3 Research Methods and Techniques: Key Notions and Characteristics
CP2 - Extensive Research
2.1 Extensive Research: Main Characteristics
2.2 Planning and Conducting Surveys using Questionnaires
2.3 Key Sampling Techniques
2.4 Types of Questions, Construction, and Validation of Questionnaires
2.5 Online Surveys
CP3 - Intensive Research
3.1 Intensive Research: Main Characteristics
3.2 Types of Interviews and Levels of Directiveness
3.3 Planning and Conducting Interviews
3.4 Developing Interview Guides
3.5 Observation and Fieldwork
CP4 - Analysis and Interpretation of Quantitative and Qualitative Data
4.1 Exploitation and Analysis of Databases using SPSS
4.2 Production and Interpretation of Tables and Graphs
4.3 Content Analysis of Interviews and Other Documents
Students can choose one of the two assessment methods established for this UC in accordance with the General Regulation on Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (RGACC) of ISCTE: Assessment throughout the semester and Assessment by exam.
Assessment throughout the semester: This assessment method consists of two components: Methodological Applications Pathway (60%) and Group Assignment (40%).
a) Methodological Applications Pathway: This component consists of a sequence of methodological exercises that challenge students to apply the knowledge acquired in each block of programmatic contents of the UC. The exercises are completed individually throughout the semester, either synchronously or asynchronously, allowing for continuous assessment of students and their progress in the field of social research methods. To remain assessed throughout the semester, students may opt to skip the submission of only one of the proposed methodological exercises. The grade obtained in this component accounts for 60% of the final grade for the UC.
b) Group Assignment: This component involves analyzing two empirical studies, one intensive and one extensive, based on the examination of two master’s theses related to the students' areas of interest. Preference should be given to analyzing master’s theses developed within the scientific field of the student's enrolled master's program. The work can be done in groups (two members) or individually. The document must be written according to the structure proposed by the teaching team. To remain assessed throughout the semester, students must achieve a minimum grade of 10 points on the Group Assignment. The grade obtained in this component accounts for 40% of the final grade for the UC.
In addition to the minimum requirements for each component, assessment throughout the semester requires students to attend at least 60% of the classes.
Assessment by exam: This assessment occurs exclusively during the exam period and covers all the material taught in the curricular unit, with both theoretical and theoretical-practical questions. It consists of an individual written exam designed to evaluate both the practical skills for applying social research methods and the theoretical knowledge gained from reading the main bibliography. Students who have chosen this assessment method, as well as those who did not pass the assessment throughout the semester, are eligible for this assessment method.
Title: Albarello, L. et al. (2011). Práticas e métodos de investigação em ciências sociais. Gradiva.
Bardin, L. (2020). Análise de conteúdo (Edição revista e ampliada). Edições 70.
Beaud, S., & Weber, F. (2007). Guia para a pesquisa de campo. Editora Vozes.
Bryman, A. (2022). Social research methods (6th ed.). Oxford University Press.
Campenhoudt, L. V., Marquet, J., & Quivy, R. (2023). Manual de investigação em ciências sociais (2ª ed. rev.). Gradiva.
Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (5th ed.). SAGE Publications.
Flick, U. (2018). An introduction to qualitative research (6th ed.). SAGE Publications.
Foddy, W. (1996). Como perguntar – Teoria e prática da construção de perguntas para entrevistas e questionários. Celta Editora.
Ghiglione, R., & Matalon, B. (1992). O inquérito – Teoria e prática. Celta Editora.
Maroco, J. (2021). Análise estatística com o SPSS Statistics (7ª ed.). ReportNumber.
Reference: null
Title: Becker, H. (1997). Métodos de pesquisa em Ciências Sociais. Hucitec.
Bertaux, D. (2020). As narrativas de vida. Mundos Sociais.
Bryman, A. & Cramer, D. (1993). Análise de dados em ciências sociais: introdução às técnicas utilizando o SPSS. Celta Editora.
Burgess, R. (2001). A pesquisa de terreno: uma introdução. Celta Editora.
DeCastellarnau, A. (2018). A classification of response scale characteristics that affect data quality: A literature review. Quality & Quantity, 52(4), 1523-1559.
Della Porta, D., & Keating, M. (Orgs.). (2008). Approaches and methodologies in the social sciences: A pluralist perspective. Cambridge University Press.
Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (Eds.). (2018). The SAGE handbook of qualitative research (5th ed.). SAGE Publications.
Laureano, R., & Botelho, M. C. (2017). IBM SPSS Statistics: O meu manual de consulta rápida (3ª ed.). Sílabo.
Moreira, J. M. (2004). Questionários: Teoria e Prática. Almedina.
Oliveira, A. et al. (2021). O questionário online na investigação em educação: reflexões epistemológicas, metodológicas e éticas. Universidade Aberta.
Paugam, S. (Coord.). (2015). A pesquisa sociológica. Editora Vozes.
Silva, A. S., & Pinto, J. M. (2014 [1986]). Metodologia das ciências sociais. Edições Afrontamento.
Silverman, D. (2011). Interpreting qualitative data (4th ed.). SAGE Publications.
Sue, V. e Ritter, L.A. (2012). Conducting Online Surveys (2ª ed.), Thousand Oaks, Sage.
Vicente, P., Reis, E. & Ferrão, F. (2001). Sondagens. A amostragem como factor decisivo de qualidade. Sílabo.
Reference: null
Master Dissertation in Work, Employment and Society
Transmit and develop necessary information and skills for starting the process of research and the preparation of the dissertation.
Steps in the preparation and elaboration of the dissertation;
From the pre-projecto exercise to the project for the dissertation;
General and specific objectives for the dissertation's project;
Reviewing the Literature;
The analytical model and its implications for research or prospective;
Presentation of Work in progress.
The class sessions are seminars that include a mix of lecture with presentations and discussion. The practical work consists of the filling out of the registration form with general and specific objectives and a research plan, the preparation of bibliography and literature reviews and the presentation of work in progress.
The evaluation for the seminar is included as relevant information of the students' work in the exam of the dissertation or project.
Components of the evaluation are:
The definition of the specific objectives for the dissertation or project;
A literature review;
A plan for research or preparation of the project;
Presentation of work in progress.
Title: Buchanan, David A. and Bryman, Alan (eds.) (2011) The Sage handbook of organizational research methods. Los Angeles: Sage.
Bryman, Alan (2012) Social research methods, 4th edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bryman, Alan (1988) Doing research in organizations. New York : Routledge.
Bell, Judith (1997), Como Realizar um Projecto de Investigação, Lisboa, Gradiva.
Reference: null
Title: Bibliografia adicional é preparada especificamente para cada projeto e dissertação consoante o seu tema e metodologia.
Scott, John (1990), A Matter of Record. Documentary Sources in Social Research, Cambridge, Polity Press.
O'Dochartaigh, Nial (2002), The Internet Research Handbook: a Pratical Guide for Students and Researchers in the Social Sciences, London: Sage Publications.
Kielcolt, K. Jill, e Laura E. Nathan (1985), Secondary Analysis of Survey Data, London, Sage.
Hantrais, Linda, e Steen Mangen (eds.) (1996), Cross-National Research Methods in the Social Sciences, London, Pinter.
Foddy, William (1996), Como Perguntar. Teoria e Prática da Construção de Perguntas para Entrevistas e Questionários, Oeiras, Celta Editora.
Burgess, Robert G (1997) A pesquisa de terreno: uma introdução (trad. Eduardo de Freitas e Maria Inês Mansinho). Oeiras: Celta Editora.
Reference: null
Master Project in Work, Employment and Society
Steps in the preparation and elaboration of the project;
From the pre-project exercise to the project for the Masters;
General and specific objectives for the project;
Reviewing the Literature;
The analytical model and its implications for research or prospective;
Presentation of Work in progress.
The program's topics are treated by proceeding through general introduction and detailed discussion, using the themes and experiences of the students as examples, in order to provide necessary information, practical guidance and accompaniment for the starting work of the project.
The class sessions are seminars that include a mix of lecture with presentations and discussion. The practical work consists of the filling out of the registration form with general and specific objectives and a research plan, the preparation of bibliography and literature reviews and the presentation of work in progress.
The evaluation for the seminar is included as relevant information of the students' work in the exam of the project.
Components of the evaluation are:
The definition of the specific objectives for the project;
A literature review;
A plan for research or preparation of the project;
Presentation of work in progress.
Public examination and defence of the project before a committee.
Title: Buchanan, David A. and Bryman, Alan (eds.) (2011) The Sage handbook of organizational research methods. Los Angeles: Sage.
Bryman, Alan (2012) Social research methods, 4th edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bryman, Alan (1988) Doing research in organizations. New York : Routledge.
Bell, Judith (1997), Como Realizar um Projecto de Investigação, Lisboa, Gradiva.
Reference: null
Title: Bibliografia adicional é preparada especificamente para cada projeto e dissertação consoante o seu tema e metodologia.
Scott, John (1990), A Matter of Record. Documentary Sources in Social Research, Cambridge, Polity Press.
O'Dochartaigh, Nial (2002), The Internet Research Handbook: a Pratical Guide for Students and Researchers in the Social Sciences, London: Sage Publications.
Kielcolt, K. Jill, e Laura E. Nathan (1985), Secondary Analysis of Survey Data, London, Sage.
Hantrais, Linda, e Steen Mangen (eds.) (1996), Cross-National Research Methods in the Social Sciences, London, Pinter.
Foddy, William (1996), Como Perguntar. Teoria e Prática da Construção de Perguntas para Entrevistas e Questionários, Oeiras, Celta Editora.
Burgess, Robert G (1997) A pesquisa de terreno: uma introdução (trad. Eduardo de Freitas e Maria Inês Mansinho). Oeiras: Celta Editora.
Reference: null
2nd Cycle Internship
The learning outcomes of the Internship are adapted to each internship and the institution where it is developed. These are:
LO1. To acquire technical skills linked to methods and techniques for action within different kinds of institutions related to the general objectives and learning outcomes of the master's degree;
LO2. To develop research and action-research skills within organizations related to the master's degree;
LO3. To prepare an internship report that reveals analytical reflection of the professional or academic context;
LO4. Develop indicators for recording and evaluating professional practice.
1. Topic and problem of the internship
2. Internship plan
3. Theoretical and methodological framework
4. Methodology of collaborative action research
5. Evaluation
6. Report
Individual report, which contains the following elements:
a) Characterization of the institutional context (history, organization, policies and services, activities, organizational structure and functioning);
b) Framing the internship institution;
c) Description of the activities developed (roles, responsibilities, agents, work processes, methodologies used)
d) Critical and theoretically based conclusions
e) References
The UC does not contemplate the modality of evaluation by Exam.
Title: - Sweitzer, H. Frederick e King, Mary A. (2014), The Successful Internship: Personal, Professional, and Civic Development in Experiential Learning, Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.
- Reeher, Gant e Mariani, Mack (2002), The Insider's Guide To Political Internships: What To Do Once You're In The Door, Nova Iorque: Basic Books
- Neves, José, Garrido, Margarida, Simões Eduardo (2008), Manual de Competências Pessoais, Interpessoais e Instrumentais. Teoria e Prática, Lisboa: Editora SÍLABO
- Della Porta, Donatella e Keating Michael (eds.) (2008) Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences. A Pluralist Perspective, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Courtney, Roger (2013), Strategic Management in the Third Sector, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
- Capucha, Luís (2008), Planeamento e Avaliação de Projetos. Guião Prático, Lisboa: ME/DGIDC
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