Master Degree


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6 Years
11 Jan 2024
Accreditation DGES
Initial registry R/A-Cr 35/2024
Update registry
06 Feb 2024
School of Technology and Architecture
Sedas Nunes Building (Building I), room 1E07
(+351) 210 464 013
9:30 - 18:00

Tuition fee EU nationals (2024/2025)

1.stYear 3500.00 €
2.rdYear 1500.00 €
Lectured in Portuguese
Teaching Type In person

The master degree in Artificial Intelligence (MInt) lasts for two years, and is comprised of 120 ECTS credits, divided between: 54 in compulsory curricular units, 24 in free electives and 42 for the dissertation or project.

1st year - Fundamental curricular units in the areas like Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence, and Psychology, with the option to choose two electives in the 2nd semester.

2nd year - The main focus will be on preparing the dissertation or project. In the 1st semester, there is a mandatory curricular unit and two electives, one of them free.

Students who successfully complete all curricular units in the 1st year receive a Postgraduate Diploma in 2nd-cycle Artificial Intelligence.

The program is planned to be attended on a full-time basis. Students intending to attend the program alongside a professional activity, it is recommended to explore the option of part-time enrollment.

Programme Structure for 2024/2025

1st Year
Cognition & Emotion
6.0 ECTS
Knowledge and Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence
6.0 ECTS
Introduction to Machine Learning
6.0 ECTS
Computational Optimization
6.0 ECTS
Mathematical Methods in Machine Learning
6.0 ECTS
Mathematical Foundations for Deep Learning
6.0 ECTS
Societal Artificial Intelligence
6.0 ECTS
Applied Artificial Intelligence Project
6.0 ECTS
2nd Year
Advanced Machine Learning
6.0 ECTS
Master Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence
42.0 ECTS
Master Project in Artificial Intelligence
42.0 ECTS

Recommended optative

Any curricular units from the required areas are acceptable, if the program does not overlap between mandatory units or 1st cycle units, from the area.

(1st Year, 2nd Semester)

Elective 1, area: Math/Informatics (CTI, CTP, AI, IS, CD, ACSO, MVCG, RDES)

Elective 2, area: Math/AI

  • Processamento Computacional da Língua (IA)
  • Blockchain (CTI)
  • Algoritmos para Big Data (CTP)
  • Aprendizagem Profunda para Visão por Computador (CD)
  • Processamento e Modelação de Big Data (CD)
  • Inteligência Computacional e Otimização (CTP)


  • Systematize and consolidate knowledge in areas related to Artificial Intelligence (Mathematics, Machine Learning, Data Science, Cognition, Optimization);

  • Specialize knowledge in specific areas by choosing sets of elective courses related to specific sub-areas;

  • Promote the development of non-technical skills critical for most current jobs in the field (reading, writing, presentation, management and planning);

  • Enable the interdisciplinary culture, both through the attendance of courses from other areas and through interaction with students and faculty from different schools at Iscte;

  • Undertake research and development tasks in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

During the Master degree in Artificial Intelligence training, students are expected to acquire specialized technical knowledge in the field of Artificial Intelligence, along with demonstrating specific skills for complex projects and/or research tasks.

In particular, it is expected that a graduate in Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be able to:

  • Develop the specification, design, development, and maintenance of Artificial Intelligence projects and products.
  • Develop quality control mechanisms for the project/product at successive stages of testing and technical and functional validation.
  • Manage the skills necessary to deal with and accommodate change and organizational reaction to such change, using AI techniques.
  • Lead the digital transformation of an entity.
  • Specify, design, and develop systems that incorporate knowledge and apply it to generate added value in their business context, considering the significant impact of the organizational culture in which they operate.
  • Identify, design, and implement technical solutions for knowledge management needs.
  • Propose organizational processes/models that contribute smoothly yet effectively to knowledge management.
  • Undertake tasks related to the management of multidisciplinary and multicultural teams.

These learning objectives are operationalized through the specific objectives of each curricular unit, duly specified in its Curricular Unit Form (FUC) and with a direct correspondence to at least one of the course's learning objectives. The degree of fulfillment is measured in each curricular unit, in its respective FUC, which includes the assessment methodologies used for each specific objective.

Thesis / Final work

In the second academic year of this master degree program (42 ECTS), students undertake a Dissertation or Project, which may be integrated into a business context or have an academic focus.

Either way, students are required to lead a project that not only applies the concepts acquired during their education but also integrates techniques and knowledge to carry out innovative work in the field of computer science.

Dissertations can be conducted within Iscte or in other institutions through participation in research and development projects, typically carried out in collaboration with companies and research centers. Noteworthy in this domain are the Institute of Telecommunications (IT) and ISTAR-IUL.

School of Technology and Architecture
Sedas Nunes Building (Building I), room 1E07
(+351) 210 464 013
9:30 - 18:00
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