Lectured in Portuguese
Teaching Type In person

Faculty for (2023/2024)

Gestão da Sustentabilidade de Lugares e de Empresas | Webinar Placebranding E Placemarketing
With a PhD in Business from Tilburg University in The Netherlands, Ana lectures at the Iscte Business School on the topics of Strategic Management and Sustainability, Ethics and Social Responsibility. She is currently Associate Dean for Engagement and Impact at Iscte Business School. As an integrated researcher at the Business Research Unit (BRU-Iscte), her work has appeared in various publication outlets, including the Journal of Business Ethics and Public Management Review. She served as Associate editor of the International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education and Topic editor of Sustainability. Ana is also collaborating as Guardian of the GRLI Council (Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative), Head of Programmatic Work at PRME Chapter Iberia, and serves as Quality and Sustainability Liaison person for the Iscte Business School. In the past, Ana served as Deputy Director of the Department of Marketing, Operations and General Management, member of the Scientific Committee of BRU-Iscte and coordinator of the Prosperity dimension of Sustainability at Iscte, and as an Expert in the ISO TC323 on Circular Economy. Ana has additionally complemented her academic training with various professional qualifications, including the GRI Certified Training Program, Harvard Business School’s online Sustainable Business Strategy course, and certifications as Advanced Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) Professional, as LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Certified Facilitator, and as Certified Facilitator in Pro.Play®.      
Marca Portugal Vende
Design Thinking Approaches | Webinar Placebranding E Placemarketing
Comunicação Digital De Lugares E Smart Places | Webinar Placebranding E Placemarketing
Daniela Langaro is assistant professor at ISCTE-IUL (Portugal), visiting professor at Catolica Lisbon (Portugal) and collaborated for 5 years with Vlerick Business School (Belgium). Following her 15 years of experience in marketing in companies from Consumer Packaged Goods (Unilever, Procter and Gamble and Danone) and OTC (Angelini Farmacêutica), Langaro moved to academia in 2012. Her general research interests involve issues in internet marketing, social media, brand communications and brand management.
Fundamentais De Placebrand E Placemarketing | Políticas Públicas E Modelos Público-Privados De Marcas Lugar | Webinar Placebranding E Placemarketing
Denise Henriques has a Doctorate and Master's degree in Public Policy from ISCTE-IUL and a Degree in Social and Cultural Communication from  Universidade Católica Portuguesa. She is a Researcher at ICNOVA/FCSH/Universidade Nova de Lisboa and CIES-IUL/ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. Researcher, teacher and speaker specialized in Placebrand (Countries, Cities and Regions) and Placemarketing, she relates these Policies to Companies and the Global, Digital and Sustainable Socio-Economic Development. She has been coordinating and integrating several projects, lectured, published articles in scientific and specialized magazines and speaking in conferences. She is the author of the book Marca Portugal: Políticas e Atores, adapted from her PhD thesis and published by ISCTE-IUL, with the support of IAPMEI- Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation of Portugal. She elaborated, along with AICEP-Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade of Portugal, the Strategic Plan for Portugal Country Brand. She designed and lectured the Place Brand Policies and Strategic Communication Programm at UNL, and she was Member of the Scientific Committee of the III Iberoamerican Placebranding Conference and of the Jury of the I Placebranding Prize. She was Manager of the Universities Portugal Program, for the Internationalization of Portuguese Public Universities based in Lisbon, financed by European budgets. She was a member of the Internationalization Council of ISCTE-IUL and of the Study in Portugal Network, of the Luso-American Development Foundation. She was a co-founder of Movimento Marcas por Portugal. She began her career more than two decades ago, first as a journalist at Agência Lusa and Jornal de Notícias and later as Head of Communication and External Relations Offices in Universities.
Espanha Desafios e Oportunidades
Identidade E Imagem Corporativa E De Lugares | Webinar Placebranding E Placemarketing
Placebranding Positioning | Webinar Placebranding E Placemarketing
Do Local ao Global: Estratégias de Internacionalização de Produtos | Webinar Placebranding E Placemarketing
Competitividade e Venda Estratégica de Lugares | Webinar Placebranding E Placemarketing
Gestão da Sustentabilidade de Lugares e de Empresas
Vasco Moreira Rato is Chief Adviser at the office of the Lisbon City Councillor for Housing and Public Works Filipa Roseta. Associate Professor at ISCTE- Instituto Universitário de Lisboa until December 2021, teaching sustainability in the Department of Architecture and Urbanism. His research interests are performance-based design, materials environmental impact and multi-criteria selection of materials for a sustainable architecture, being a researcher at ISTAR-IUL and VitruviusFabLab-IUL. He is an architect with a MSc. in Construction and a PhD in Civil Engineering; he has executive training in Business Sustainability Management from the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership. He was Director of Sustainability at ISCTE-IUL (Mar.2017-Oct.2018).
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