Master (MSc)


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6 Years
30 Jul 2021
Accreditation DGES
Initial registry R/A-Cr 11/2014 de 11-03-2014
Update registry R/A-Cr 11/2014/AL01 de 08-12-2021
School of Sociology and Public Policy
Sedas Nunes Building (Building I), room 1E03
(+351) 210 464 015
9:30 - 18:00

Acreditação pelo Conselho Científico-Pedagógico de Formação Contínua

Modalidade: Mestrado

Registo 2019: CCPFC/CFE-3410/20

Registo 2020: CCPFC/CFE-3446/20

Registo 2021: CCPFC/CFE-3576/22

Área de Formação: Administração Escolar e Administração Educacional

Domínio: Administração Escolar

Estado: C/ Despacho - Acreditado

Reconhecimento de Mestrados e Doutoramentos

Curso Reconhecido para Progressão na Carreira dos Docentes dos Estabelecimentos Públicos ao abrigo do artigo 54º do Estatuto da Carreira Docente (ECD).

Lectured in Portuguese
Teaching Type In person

The Master's Degree in School Administration prepares its students to work as school directors and coordinators, as well as in school administration bodies or other educational roles. The skills developed in this course may be applied in public and private institutions at various levels of education: pre-school, basic, secondary or higher.

The students of this MSc acquire deepened knowledge about the policies of the education sector in Portugal. Furthermore, they learn to manage educational organizations and their human resources, as well as to make pedagogical plans and evaluate performances and skills.

The course is intended for professionals that work or wish to work in school direction, management, coordination of subject groups or class direction. Other potential applicants might include leaders, candidates for leadership, and service experts in higher education institutions, the Ministery of Education, municipal education department and institutions with educational functions. The course is also open to applications from students in other areas who wish to deepen their knowledge in the areas of school administration and management.

Director(s) message

This Master's operates with a team of highly qualified professors who are strongly connected to research in the areas of public policy, sociology, psychology, public administration and management.

We seek to provide our students with a learning environment of debate and diversity. For this purpose, we organize an International Conference Cycle with specialists in various topics in education.


General information

2 years
Teaching Type
In person
2023-12-18 00:01 - 2024-01-31 17:00
2024-02-01 00:01 - 2024-03-20 17:00
2024-03-21 00:01 - 2024-05-15 17:00
2024-05-16 00:01 - 2024-07-10 17:00
2024-07-11 00:01 - 2024-08-28 17:00
1.stYear 2000.00
2.ndYear 1000.00
1.stYear 3000.00
2.ndYear 1600.00
* Information for 2024/2025
School of Sociology and Public Policy
Sedas Nunes Building (Building I), room 1E03
(+351) 210 464 015
9:30 - 18:00
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