Programme Structure for 2024/2025
Curricular Courses | Credits | |
Cities, Migrations and Diversity
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Urban Development and City Policies
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Methodology in Urban Studies
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
City Through Time
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Theories of the City and Territory
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Consumption, Culture and Urban Quality of Life
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Laboratory in Urban Studies
12.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 12.0 |
Master Dissertation in Urban Studies
48.0 ECTS
Final Work | 48.0 |
Internship in Urban Studies
48.0 ECTS
Final Work | 48.0 |
Master Project in Urban
48.0 ECTS
Final Work | 48.0 |
Cities, Migrations and Diversity
LO 1. To identify and question forms of diversity and mobility in contemporary urban and metropolitan spaces.
LO 2. To know some of the key concepts and theoretical approaches in addressing the relationship between cities and migrations, as well as its historical contextualization
LO3. Critically analyzing aspects of the relationship between space and urban diversity, using the knowledge acquired in this UC;
LO 4. To explain clearly the main dimensions present in the relationship between urban diversity / mobility, exemplifying with particular case-studies;
LO 5. To develop a critical reflection on contemporary urban realities and social classifications.
1. Presentation of the Program. Classes Assessment.
2. Cities and ethnography
3. Migration and urban ethnicity
4. Lisbon, diversity and identity
5. Alta de Lisboa: from Plan to everyday life
6. The Right to the City: activism and inclusive urban gardens
7. Invisible diasporas (1)
8. Invisible diasporas (2)
9. Webinar
10. Mentoring of final essays
This UC has two alternative assessment methods: assessment throughout the semester and assessment by exam.
Assessment throughout the semester occurs regularly throughout the curricular period, using the following assessment instruments, sequentially:
1. Active participation in class discussions (20%)
2. Oral presentation in class of the final essay proposal (30%);
3. Final reflective essay (50%)
Active participation in at least 6 complete classes is a requirement for this type of assessment.
Assessment by exam covers the entire UC program and bibliography.
Title: Publicações OM -
Schiller, Nina Glick & Çaglar, Ayse (eds.) 2011 Locating Migration: Rescalling Cities and Migrants, London, Cornell University Press
Peixoto, João; Daniela Craveiro, Jorge Malheiros, Isabel Tiago de Oliveira ( orgs.) Migrações e Sustentabilidade Demográfica: Perspetivas de Evolução da Sociedade e Economia Portuguesas, Lisboa, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos
Hannerz, Ulf 1980 Exploring the City: Inquiries Toward an Urban Anthropology, New York: Columbia University Press (tradução em português, francês e castelhano)
Dufoix, Stephane, 2008 (2003) Diasporas, University of California Press
Çaglar, Ayse & Schiller, Nina Glick, 2018 Migrants & city-making. Dispossession, Displacement & Urban Regeneration, Durham & London: Duke University Press
Brettell, Caroline & Hollifield, James F. (ed) Migration Theory. Talking across disciplines, New York & London: Routledge
Title: ...
Urban Development and City Policies
A. Comprehension and acquisition of knowledge
- Knowledge and understanding of main problems and challenges to development faced by urban territories
- Knowledge and understanding of main theoretical paradigms which support analysis and policy making on urban development
- Knowledge and understanding of the main policy making logics in the fields of territorial development and urban policies in EU and Portugal
B. Application of knowledge
- Using theoretical knowledge the analysis of real phenomenon;
- Using rigorously diverse bibliographical and empirical sources in the analysis of specific problems;
C. Capacity of analysis and assessment
- Critical analysis and own argumentative construction, theoretically, logically and factually supported
D. Communication skills
- To develop theoretically, logically and factually supported arguments and to communicate it to others;
E. Learning skills
- Learn team working
- Autonomous studying capacity.
1.Introduction: Development, territory and urban areas.
2.Theories and strategies of territorial development:
a. The spatial paradigm;
b. The regional economy paradigm;
c. The territorialist paradigm.
3.Urban changes and development challenges:
a. Globalization, economic restructuring and urban competitiveness;
b. Intra-urban structuring, functional segmentation and social dualization;
c. Urban dynamics, mobility and sustainability;
d. Connectivity, urban systems and rural areas
4.Cohesion and territorial development policies:
a. Spatial planning and territorial development;
b. The evolution of development and cohesion policies in EU and Portugal;
c. Urban planning and local/regional development policies: objectives, instruments and actors
5.City policies and urban governance:
a. City policies and governance: conceptual issues;
b. Cities in EU policies agendas;
c. Portuguese cities policy;
d.Cities governance in Portugal
The evaluation of each student will be based on the following elements:
a) Individual essay or test, in the classroom: (50%)
b) Research work in group, with presentation and subsequent delivery of the written or audiovisual elements requested (50%)
The work will be carried out from a theme to be provided, at the beginning of the semester, by the teaching team.
Title: UN-Habitat (2016),Urbanization and Development: Emerging Futures - World Cities Report 2016, Nairobi: United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)
Pólese, M. (1998), Economia Urbana e Regional, APDR, Coimbra
Paddison, R. (Ed.) (2001), Handbook of Urban Studies, Sage Publications, London, UK.
Lopes, R. (2001), Competitividade, Inovação e Território. Oeiras: Celta
Lopes, A. S. (1995), Desenvolvimento Regional: Problemática, Teoria, Modelos, 4ªed., Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa
LeGates, R.; Stout F. (Eds) (2016), The City Reader (6th ed.), Oxford and New York: Routledge
Fainstein, S and DeFilippis, J. (2016 ) Readings in Planning Theory (4th Ed.), Chichester: Wiley Blackwell
Costa, J. (coord.) (2005), Compêndio de Economia Regional, APDR, Coimbra
CE (2011), Cidades de Amanhã: Desafios, visões e perspectivas. Bruxelas, Outubro de 2011 (Cities of tomorrow - Challenges, visions, ways forward)
Benko, G. (1999), A Ciência Regional, Celta, Oeiras
Title: Bibliografia complementar será indicada para cada aula.
- Zukin, Sharon (2010). Naked city: the death and life of authentic urban places, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press
- Zukin, Sharon (1995). The Cultures of Cities, Cambridge / Oxford: Blackwell
- Wheeler, S; Beatley, T. (eds.) (2014) Sustainable Urban Development Reader (3rd ed.), Routledge
- Wirth, L. (1938), 'O urbanismo como modo de vida', in O. VELHO, O fenómeno urbano, Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 1979, pp. 90-113
- VVAA (2015) Revista rossio. estudos de Lisboa nº 5 (dossier "A Projeção de Lisboa. Utopias, visões e estratégias para uma cidade em movimento perpétuo", coord J. Seixas), Setembro 2015,
- VVAA (2014) Revista rossio. estudos de Lisboa nº 4 (dossier "Olhar a cidade à luz da revitalização", Coord P. Costa), Dezembro 2014,
- Storper, M.( 2014). "Governing the Large Metropolis", Territory, Politics, Governance, Volume 2, Issue 2, 115-134
- Storper (2013), Keys to the City: How Economics, Institutions, Social Interaction, and Politics Shape Development, Princeton: Princeton University Press
- Storper, Michael (1997), The Regional World: Territorial development in a Global Economy, The Guilford Press, New York / London
- Soja, E. (2000), Postmetropolis: Critical Studies of Cities and Regions, Wiley-Blackwell
- Simmel, G. (1902), 'A metrópole e a vida mental', in O. VELHO, O fenómeno urbano, Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 1979, pp. 11-25Scott, Allen J. (2014) "Beyond the Creative City: Cognitive-Cultural Capitalism and the New Urbanism", Regional Studies, 48:4, 565-578
- Short, John R. (1996), The Urban Order: An Introduction to Cities, Culture and Power, Blackwell, Oxford
- Scott, Allen J. (Ed.), (2001), Global City-Regions: Trends, Theory, Policy, Oxford University Press, Oxford - NewYork
- Scott, Allen J. (2008), Social Economy of the Metropolis. Cognitive-Cultural Capitalism and the Global Resurgence of Cities, Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Sassen, Saskia (2000), Cities in a World Economy, 2nd Edition, Pine Forge Press, California
- Sassen, S. (1991), The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo, Princeton University Press, Princeton - New Jersey
- Rémy, Jean e Liliane Voyé (1992), A cidade: rumo a uma nova definição?, Ed. Afrontamento, Porto, 1994
- Portas, N., Domingues, A., e Cabral, J. (coord.) (2003), Políticas Urbanas - Tendências, estratégias e oportunidades, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa
- Mumford, L. (1961), The city in history : its origins, its transformations, and its prospects, Penguin Books
- Miles, M; Hall, T.; Borden, I (Eds) (2004) The City Cultures Reader (2nd Ed.), Routledge
- Moulaert, F., Sekia, F. ( 2003), Territorial Innovation Models: A Critical Survey. Regional Studies, 37(3): 289-302.
- Marques, T. Sá (2005), Portugal na transição do século: Retratos e dinâmicas territoriais; Porto: Afrontamento
- Lefebvre, H. (1991[1974]) The Production of Space. Oxford: Blackwell
- Lees, L.; Slater, T.; Wyly, E. (Eds) (2010), The Gentrification Reader, Routledge
- Landry, C. (2000), The Creative City: a toolkit for urban innovators. London: Comedia / Earthscan
- Hall, Peter (2014) Cities of Tomorrow: An Intellectual History of Urban Planning and Design Since 1880, 4th Edition, Wiley-Blackwell
- Hall, Peter (2002) Urban and Regional Planning (4th Ed.), Routledge
- Hall, Peter (1998), Cities in Civilization. London: Pantheon
- Ferrão, João (2013). "Governança, Governo e Ordenamento do Território em Contextos Metropolitanos" in Ferreira, A.; Rua, J; Marafon G. J.; Pinheiro da Silva A.C: (Org.), Metropolização do Espaço: Gestão Territorial e Relações Urbano-Rurais, Editora Consequência, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 255-281.
- Ferrão, João (2011) O ordenamento do território como política pública, FCG, Lisboa
- Fernandes, J. A. R. e Sposito, M. E. B. (Org.), A nova vida no velho centro nas cidades portuguesas e brasileiras, Porto: FLUP/CEGOT
- Crevoisier, O., & Jeannerat, H. (2009). Territorial knowledge dynamics: from the proximity paradigm to multi-location milieus. European Planning Studies, 17(8), 1223-1241.
- Birch, E. (Ed.) (2009), Urban and Regional Planning Reader, Oxford: Routledge
- Benko, G., Lipietz, A. (orgs.) (1994 (1992)), As regiões ganhadoras - Distritos e redes: os novos paradigmas da geografia económica, Celta, Oeiras
- Baptista, A. M. (2001), "Cidades, urbanização e economia em contexto de globalização", in Reis, J. e Mª I. Baganha (orgs.) A economia em curso: contextos e mobilidades, Edições Afrontamento, Porto, pp. 223-247
Methodology in Urban Studies
At the end of the course, each student should have acquired the skills to:
LO1) define research for the production of knowledge in social sciences and identify associated basic notions (theory, method, techniques);
LO2) define and distinguish the research methods most commonly used in social sciences and Urban Studies;
LO3) differentiate methods to be used according to different research objectives and conditions;
LO4) analyse and interpret indicators (statistical or other secondary/documentary sources);
LO5) select samples, construct information collection instruments and analyse data produced by questionnaire surveys in Urban Studies;
LO6) select cases, construct information collection instruments (e.g.: interview guide) and analyse the content of interview and texts drawing upon the intensive method in Urban Studies;
LO7) combine the extensive and intensive strategies in the social sciences and in Urban Studies, in what is known as a multi-method strategy.
PC1. The research process
1.1 Objectives and basic notions
1.2 Types of research and methodological strategies
1.3 Research steps and the place of methods and techniques
PC2. Sources of information
2.1 Diversity, documentary research, web resources
2.2 Literature review and writing texts
PC3. Quantitative research strategy
3.1 Extensive/quantitative research
3.2 Quantitative data production process: sample and questionnaire structuring
3.3 Analysing quantitative data
3.4 Quantitative research in Urban Studies
PC4. Qualitative research strategy
4.1 Intensive/qualitative research
4.2 Qualitative data production process
4.2.1 Interviews and life stories
4.2.2 Ethnography and participant observation
4.2.3 Use of documents in qualitative research
4.3 Content analyses
4.4 Qualitative research in Urban Studies
PC5. Multi-method strategy
5.1 Integrating methods: extensive and intensive
5.2 Combined research in Urban Studies
Assessment throughout the semester
The assessment process throughout the semester involves the student's participation in class, individual intervention in exercises to exemplify and apply/train method(s) and technique(s) (e.g. role playing interviews) and the completion, in the classroom context, of two individual tests to assess knowledge of the subject taught and provided for in the programme, based on texts made available to students or easily accessible in university libraries.
The final grade is made up of 50% of the grade for the first individual written test (to be taken around the middle of the programme/semester) and 50% of the grade for the second individual written test (date to be defined, end of the programme/semester).
The curricular unit does not provide for assessment by exam.
Title: Albarello, L., (2011). Práticas e métodos de investigação em Ciências Sociais. Gradiva.
Bardin, L. (2016). Análise de Conteúdo. Edições 70.
Beaud, S., Weber, F. (2007). Guia para a pesquisa de campo. Editora Vozes.
Creswell, J. W. & Creswell, J. D. (2023). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Sage.
Della Porta, D. D. & Keating, M. (2008) (Eds.). Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences. A Pluralist Perspective. Cambridge University Press.
Ghiglione, R. & Matalon, B. (2001). O Inquérito - Teoria e Prática. Celta.
Leavy, P. (2023). Research Design: Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed Methods, Arts-Based, and Community-Based Participatory Research Approaches. The Gilford Press.
Pestana, M.H. & Gageiro, J.N. (2014). Análise de dados para ciências sociais. Sílabo.
Scott, J. (1990). A Matter of Record: Documentary Sources in Social Research. Polity Press.
Title: Serão recomendadas referências bibliográficas complementares em Estudos Urbanos, exemplificativas de pesquisas, no início de cada semestre.
Almeida, J. F. & Pinto, J. M. (1995). A Investigação nas Ciências Sociais. Presença.
Bryman, A. (2012). Social Research Methods (4th. Ed.). Oxford University Press.
Babbie, E. (2021). The practice of social research (15th Ed.). Cengage.
Bertaux, D. (2020). As Narrativas de Vida. Mundos Sociais.
Campenhoudt, LV., Marquet, J & Quivy, R. (2023), Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais (2ª ed. rev.). Gradiva.
Foddy, W. (1996). Como Perguntar. Teoria e Prática da Construção de Perguntas para Entrevistas e Questionários. Celta Editora.
Giddens, A. (2013). “Método de Investigação em Sociologia”, In Sociologia (9ª ed. rev.), Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Ragin, C. & Amoroso, L. M. (2011, [1994]). Constructing Social Research. The Unity and Diversity of Method (2th Ed.). Pine Forge/Sage.
Silva, A.S. & Pinto, J.M. (Org.). (2014). Metodologia das Ciências Sociais. Afrontamento.
City Through Time
To understand the main changes in urban space and cities social dynamics from mid-18th century up to the end of the 20th century, namely:
a) the different ideals of urban design, public space and architectural design;
b) the 19th century metropolitanization process; utopias and problems stemming from industrialization and new sanitary ideals; the urban project conceived by the architects of the Modern Movement and its later critique;
c) how images and representations of the city change and their weight in urban politics and the transformation of the urban fabric;
d) the presented case studies;
e) groups? dynamics and main social interactions;
f) the dilemmas concerning public order and security;
g) the ?social question? and the diversity of answers it has raised.
To apply the acquired knowledge and develop critical skills by discussing sources, theoretical texts and writing a final essay
I. Changes in urban space (18th/20th century)
1) The city and its representations in the context of the Enlightenment. The reconstruction of Lisbon: urban morphology, architecture and public spaces.
2) The 19th century metropolitanization process. Paris.
3) Representations of the industrial and sanitary city vs. the metropolitan ideal. The socialist utopia; urban design in the end of the 19th century. Barcelona and Lisbon.
4) The urban project of the Modern Movement: dissemination, criticism and drift. Urban morphology, architecture, and public spaces.
5) From the recovery of historical forms to the city of spectacle. Perception, conceptions and experiences of space.
II. Urban actors and urban experiences (18th to 20th century)
1) Industrialization, urbanization and social dynamics.
2) Conflicts and interactions: urban elites and working classes.
3) The dilemmas of security: norm and order in public spaces.
4) The ?social question? in the city.
5) Urban identities and sociabilities.
The final assessment takes the preparation and participation of seminars into account (20%), but is mainly defined on the basis of the written essay (80%) presented and discussed in class.
BibliographyTitle: VAZ, Maria João (2014), O crime em Lisboa. 1850-1910, Lisboa, Tinta-da-China.
PIÑOL, J-L. (1991), Le monde des villes au XIX siècle, Paris, Hachette.
PETIT, J-G. e Y. Marec, dir. (1996), Le social dans la ville. 1750-1914, Paris, Ed. de l?Atelier.
KALIFA, D. (2005), Crime et culture au XIXe siècle, Paris, Perrin.
HARVEY, David (2003), Paris, Capital of Modernity. New York and London: Routledge
GREEN, N. (1990), The Spectacle of Nature. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
FORTUNA, C., org. (1997), Cidade, cultura e globalização.Oeiras: Celta.
FARGE, A. (1986), La vie fragile. Violence, pouvoirs et solidarités à Paris au XVIIIe siècle, Paris, Hachette.
CHOAY, F. (1965), L?urbanisme, utopies et réalités. Paris: Seuil.
BOYER, M.C. (1994), The City of Collective Memory. Massachusetts: MIT.
BERGDOLL, B. (2000), European Architecture 1750-1890. Oxford: University Press.
BENJAMIN, W., (1989) Paris Capitale du XIX Siècle. Paris: Ed. du Cerf.
Title: TOSTÕES, A. e ROSSA, W. coord. (2008), O Plano da Baixa Hoje. Lisboa: CML
SILVA, Álvaro Ferreira da (1997), «A evolução da rede urbana portuguesa (1801-1940)», Análise Social, n.º 143-144, pp. 779-814.
SILVA, Álvaro Ferreira da (1996), «A construção residencial em Lisboa: evolução e estrutura empresarial (1860-1930)», Análise Social, n.º 136-137, p. 599-629.
RONCAYOLO, M. et T. Paquot, dir. (1992), Villes & Civilization Urbaine XVIII-XX Siècles. Paris: Larousse.
PINHEIRO, Magda (2011), Biografia de Lisboa, Lisboa, Esfera dos Livros
PARCERISA, Josep (2014), Urbanism. Barcelona 20th Century. Barcelona: Marge Books
LEAL, Joana Cunha (2004), ?Legitimação artística e patrimonial da Baixa pombalina. Um percurso pela crítica e pela história da arte portuguesas?, Monumentos, N. 21, pp.6-17
LEAL, Joana Cunha (2008), ?A sanitarização do imaginário urbano na Lisboa Oitocentista?, Arte & Poder, Margarida Acciaiuoli, Joana Cunha Leal e Maria Helena Maia coord. Lisboa: IHA, pp. 119-135
HOENBERG, Paul e LEES, Lynn Hollen (1985), The Making of Urban Europe. 1000-1950, Harvard, Harvard University Press
FRANÇA, J.-A. (1987), Lisboa Pombalina e o Iluminismo. Lisboa: Horizonte (1.ª ed. 1965)
FAURE, Alain (2005), «Emprego industrial em Paris e residência operária (1860-1914): a pluralidade de distâncias, diversidade dos modos de vida», Ler História, 48, pp. 125-138.
DUBY, Georges e RONCAYOLO, M. (1985), Histoire de la France urbaine, tome 5 : La Ville aujourd'hui, Paris, Points
DUBY, Georges (1981), Histoire de la France urbaine, tome 3 : La Ville classique, Paris, Points.
CHURCHIL, David (2017), Crime control and Everyday life in the Victorian City. The Police and the Public, Oxford, Oxford University Press
CHEVALIER, Louis (1985), Classes laborieuses et classes dangereuses à Paris, pendant la première moitié du XIX siècle ; Paris, Hachete (1.ª ed. 1958)
CHARLOT, M. e MARX, Roland, dir. (1995), Lobdres.1851-1901. A era vitoriana ou o triunfo das desigualdades, Lisboa Terramar.
BOHIGAS, Oriol (1963), Barcelona entre el Pla Cerdà i el Barraquisme. Barcelona : Edicions 62
BAIROCH, Paul, BATOU, Jean e CHÉVRE, Pierre (1988), La population des villes européennes. Banque de données et analyse sommaire des résultats. 800-1850, Geneve, Droz.
BAIROCH, Paul (1985), De Jericó à Mexico. Villes et economie dans la histoire, Paris; Gallimard.
AGULHON, Maurice (1983), Histoire de la France urbaine, tome 4 : La Ville de l'âge industriel, Paris, Points.
AAVV. (2007), O Terramoto de 1755: Impactos Históricos, Lisboa: Horizonte.
Theories of the City and Territory
It is intended that the students develop the following competences:
- Grasp of knowledge about the major approaches towards the understanding of the city, its transformation dynamics and impacts on social and spatial structures;
- Aptitude to identify urban studies issues and to reflect on them in an integrated and multidisciplinary way;
- Ability to use the acquired theoretical-methodological means, autonomous and critically, in the creation and implementation of urban themes, in the research domain and in professional contexts.
I. Forms of spatial organization
1. Urbanization and metropolization
2. Urban systems: evolution and current trends
3. Urban interventions: classic and informal
II. Urban morphology and design
1. Urbanism: from the garden city to the modern city and the new urbanism
2. Concepts of urbanism. City Reading Instruments
3. Urban Morphology: a comparative perspective
III. Dynamics of urban transformation
1. Globalization and the city
2. The processes of socio-spatial segregation in the post-Fordist city: the new urban economies and the socioeconomic structure of cities.
3. The processes of socio-spatial segregation and the dynamics of gentrification
1) a group presentation of a work project, to be developed later in working form (30%).
2) a group work consisting in the development and operationalization of a theme, having as context a territory previously presented by teachers (70%).
Both the presentation and the work, being of group, the evaluation will be individual, and each element should mark its participation.
Title: TEIXEIRA, M. VALLA, M.,1999, O Urbanismo Português. Século XIII-XVIII Portugal-Brasil. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.
SHORT, John, 2006, Urban Theory: a critical assessment, Nova Iorque: Palgrave.
ROBERTS, P. W. & Sykes, H. (2000). Urban Regeneration: a Handbook. Sage Publications Ltd, 1st Edition, London.
PARKER, S., 2004, Urban Theory and the Urban Experience, Encountering the city. New York: Routledge.
LIN, Jan; Mele, Christopher, 2013, The Urban Sociology Reader, 2nd edition, New York, Routledge
LAMAS, J. M. R. G., 2010. Morfologia Urbana e Desenho da Cidade. Lisboa: FCG, FCT.
MCNEIL, Donald, 2017, Global Cities and Urban Theory, London, Sage Publication
HARDING, Alan; Blokland, Talja, 2014, Urban Theory, London, Sage Publication
CULLEN, Gordon, 1990 [1971]. Paisagem Urbana: Tratado de Estética Urbanística, Lisboa: Edições 70.
ASCHER, François, 2010, Novos Princípios do Urbanismo. Seguidos dos Novos Compromissos Urbanos. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.
Title: THORNS, David C., 2002, The Transformation of Cities, Nova Iorque: Palgrave.
SILVA, Carlos Nunes, 1987, Planeamento Municipal e a Organização do Espaço em Lisboa: 1926-1974, Lisboa
SOLÁ, Morales, Ignasi, 2002, Territórios, Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.
SALGUEIRO, Teresa, 1992. A Cidade em Portugal: Uma Geografia Urbana, Lisboa, Edições Afrontamento.
ROSSA, W, 2002, A urbe e o traço: uma década de estudos sobre o urbanismo português. Coimbra: Livraria Almedina
ROSSI, Aldo, 2001 [1966]. A Arquitectura da Cidade, Lisboa: Edições Cosmos.
QUATERNAIRE PORTUGAL,1997, Sistema urbano Nacional: Cidades Médias e Dinâmicas Territoriais, DGOTDU, Lisboa,
PRÉTECEILLE E., 2006, ?La ségrégation sociale a-t-elle augmenté? La métropole parisienne entre polarisation et mixité?, Sociétés Contemporaines, vol. 2- 62
PORTAS, Nuno; Domingues, Álvaro; Cabral, João, 2003, Políticas Urbanas: Tendências, Estratégias e Oportunidades, Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
MOITA, Irisalva (ed.), 1994, O Livro de Lisboa; Lisboa 94, Livros Horizonte e Expo98 ; Lisboa.
MINGIONI, Enzo (ed), 1996, Urban Poverty and the Underclass, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers
LYNCH, Kevin, 1989 [1960]. A Imagem da Cidade, Lisboa: Edições 70.
LE CORBUSIER, 2000 [1924]. Por uma Arquitectura, São Paulo: Editora Perspectiva.
HARVEY, David, 2001, Spaces of Capital; Towards a Critical Geography, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press Ltd
GOTTDIENER, Mark; Hutchinson, Ray, 2006, The New Urban Sociology, Colorado: Westview Press
GREGOTTI, Vittorio, 2004 [1972]. Território da Arquitectura, S. Paulo: Perspectivas.
COUCH, C., Sykes, O., & Börstinghaus, W., 2011, Thirty years of urban regeneration in Britain, Germany and France: The importance of context and path dependency. Progress in Planning, 75(1), 1-52.
COELHO, C. D. (Coord.), 2013, Cadernos de Morfologia Urbana - estudos da cidade portuguesa 2. O tempo e a forma, Lisboa: Argumentum.
COELHO, C. D. (Coord.), 2013, Cadernos de Morfologia Urbana - estudos da cidade portuguesa 1. Elementos Urbanos, Lisboa: Argumentum.
CML, UNL, 2001,Lisboa em Mapas. Informação geo-referenciada, CML, Lisboa,
CARTER, Harold, 1981,The Study of Urban Geography, Londres, (El Estudio da la Geografia Urbana, 2º edição castelhana, Madrid, Instituto de Estudios de Administración Local.
CAPRON G., 2006, ?Entre ségrégation et fragmentation urbaine? in G. Capron, Quand la ville se ferme, Clamecy, Bréal
CHAMBOREDON J-C., Lemaire, M., 1970, Promité spatiale et distance sociale. Les grandes ensembles et leur peuplement?, Révue française de sociologie, Vol XI -1
BEAUJEU-GARNIER, J., 1995, Géographie Urbaine, Paris, Armand Colin, 4ª edição (Geografia Urbana, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1997.
AAVV, 2010.,Teoria e Critica de Arquitectura - Século XX. Lisboa: Caleidoscópio.
Consumption, Culture and Urban Quality of Life
- Ability to formulate a framework for reflection on multidisciplinary approaches to the centrality of consumption, culture and quality of life in the current phase of development of cities.
- Mastery of some tools for operationalizing concepts and methodological applications, on those themes, in professional contexts and / or further postgraduate studies.
The program of the course is structured in three modules and content that follow:
1. Cities and Consumption
1.1. Consumption as a structuring axis of economies and urban life
1.2. Urban growth and retail apparatus: processes, phases, spaces and practices
1.3. Urban change and consumption patterns: methodological aspects and case studies
2. Culture, urban consumption and development
2.1 City, culture, creativity: conceptual and methodological issues
Cultural activities and territory
2.3 Culture, creative dynamics and urban space
2.4 Cultural Activities and Urban Revitalisation
2.5 Forms of governance and governance: cultural policies, territorial development and urban creativity;
3. Quality of life and urban development
3.1. Context of the emergence of the theme of quality of life and quality of urban life
3.2 The various approaches to quality of life
3.3 Methodologies for diagnosis and assessment of quality of life.
Writing of three individual essays, one per module, associated with one of the topics covered in the module (and agreed with the teacher), which will require the application of knowledge mobilized in the module (and the respective supporting bibliography) to the study of a specific empirical case. Each essay will have a minimum of 3 pages and a maximum of 4, excluding bibliography, sources, images, etc. Each essay will have a weight of 1/3 in the final evaluation.
BibliographyTitle: - Zukin, Sharon(1995) The Cultures of Cities,Oxford: Blackwell.
-Sirgy,Joseph et al, (2003), Advances in Quality of life: theory and research, Klumer Academic Publishers
-Scott,A. J.(2000) The Cultural Economy of Cities,London :age.
-Rodrigues, Walter (2010) Cidade em Transição,Lisboa: Celta Editora.
-Miles, Steven e Malcolm Miles (2004) Consuming Cities, Nova Iorque: Palgrave Macmillan.
-Jaine, Mark; (2005) Cities and Consumption,Londres: Routledge.
-Craglia,Max,(2000)Evaluating the Quality of life in European Regions and Cities: theoretical conceptualization, classical and innovative indicators, COR Studies, European Comission
de Ciências Sociais.
-Costa, P. (2007) A Cultura em Lisboa: competitividade e desenvolvimento territorial, Lisboa: Imprensa
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
-Cooke, P. and L. Lazzeretti (orgs.) (2007) Creative Cities, Cultural Clusters and Local Development,
-Clarke, David B. (2003) The Consumer Society and the Postmodern City, Londres: Routledge.
Title: - Ransome, Paul (2005), Work, consumption and culture - affluence and social change in the twenty-first century, London: Sage.
- OECD (2005), ?Culture and Local Development?, Paris: OECD
- Landry, Charles (2000), The Creative City ? A toolkit for urban innovators, Comedia, EarthScan, London.
- Camagni, R., Mailat, D., Matteaccolli, A. (Eds.) (2004), Ressources naturelles et culturelles, milieux et développement local. Neuchatel: EDES
- Bauman, Zigmunt (2007), Consuming life, Cambridge: Polity Press.
- Bauman, Zigmunt (1998), Work, comsumerism and the new poor, Buckingham: Open University Press.
Laboratory in Urban Studies
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
LO1) explain the relationship between theory and methodology in urban studies;
LO2) identify and distinguish the different ways of collecting, processing and analysing data, their principles and their effects on research;
LO3) articulate concepts and observation, develop a problem and choose research methods and techniques with an empirical research object as a reference;
LO4) use techniques for analysing, interpreting and presenting empirical results in the context of research in Urban Studies
LO5) reflect on the capabilities and limitations of empirical research in Urban Studies;
LO6) design, present and discuss their dissertation project, internship or project work in Urban Studies.
PC1. How to design a research project
1. Research as a producer of knowledge: conditions, procedures and different types
2. Formulating the problem and defining objectives: the starting question
3. Conceptualisation: from the exploratory phase to the analysis model
4. Operationalisation and observation: methodological strategies and research objectives; extensive and intensive research; quantitative and qualitative methodologies for collecting and analysing information
PC2. Problems and research practices in Urban Studies
1 Theory and methodology in Urban Studies. Disciplines and problems, perspectives and concepts
2. Field research in Urban Studies. Direct and participant observation and interview situations. Cartography and statistics. Historical and documentary sources.
3. Participatory and Collaborative Research. Theoretical and epistemological discussion. Case studies and applications
4. Visual analysis methods
5. Research ethics in different types of research
PC3. Project writing
Assessment in the curricular unit will be throughout the semester.
The assessment tools consist of: an individual oral presentation of the research project, which will be prepared throughout the semester, in the classroom, whose classification contributes 30% of the final assessment; an individual written report, to be presented at the end of the semester, whose classification contributes 70% to the final assessment.
The UC coordinating teachers comment on the oral presentation, at the context of classroom, with the student, who has the opportunity to incorporate improvements and suggestions into the written work.
Title: Ragin, Charles (1994), Constructing Social Research. The Unity and Diversity
Quivy, R.,L. Champenhoud,(2003), Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais, Gradiva.
Ocejo, Richard (ed.) (2013) Ethnography and the City: readings on doing urban fieldwork, Routldge.
King,G., Keohane, R., Verba, S. (1994) Designing Social Inquiry, Princeton University Press;
Harding, A. & T. Blokland (2014) Urban theory: a cirtical introduction to power cities and urbanism in the 21st century: Sage.
Della Porta, Donatella e M. Keating (eds.) (2008) Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences. A Pluralist Perspective, Cambridge University Press;
Creswell, J. W. (2003) Research design: qualitative, quantitative,and mixed methods approaches, Sage;
Bryman, A. (2012)Social Research Methods, OUP;
Babbie, E.(1989),The Practice of Social Research, California Wadsworth Publishing
Abrahamson, Mark (2017) Studying Cities and City Life: na introduction to methods of research. London: Routledge.
Title: Wilson, Kate e al.). (2008), Social Work. An introduction to contemporary practice. Harlow, Pearson Longman, (p. 235-295).
Whyte, William Foote (ed.) (1991), Participatory Action Research, Sage.
Turner, Jonathan (2005) "A new approach for theoretically integrating micro and macro analysis", in Craig Calhoun, C.
Turner, Francis J. (2005). Social Work Diagnosis in Contemporary Practice. New York , Oxford. University Press.
Thompson, Neil (2009) Understanding social work, 3rd ed. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
Silva, Augusto Santos e J. Madureira Pinto, (1986) (Org), Metodologia das Ciências Sociais, Porto, Edições Afrontamento;
Ragin, Charles C. (1987) The Comparative Method: Moving Beyond Qualitative and Quantitative Strategies, Berkeley/Los Angeles/London, University of California Press.
Giddens, Anthony (2004),"Métodos de Investigação em Sociologia", em Sociologia (4ª edição, revista e actualizada), Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, pp. 2-19; pp. 641-663.
Ghiglione, Rodolphe e Benjamin Matalon (1992) O Inquérito. Teoria e Prática, Oeiras, Celta Editora.;
Costa, António Firmino da (1986), "Pesquisa de terreno em sociologia" in, J.Madureira Pinto e A. S. Silva (orgs.), Metodologia das Ciências Sociais, Porto, Edições Afrontamento.
Comissão Europeia (1993), Gestão do ciclo de projecto: abordagem integrada e quadro lógico, Métodos e instrumentos para a gestão do ciclo de projecto, n.º 1, Luxemburgo.
Carvalho, Helena (2004), Análise Multivariada de Dados Qualitativos, Lisboa, Sílabo.
Capucha, Luís e Paulo Pedroso (1996) (orgs.), Sociologia Problemas e Práticas, nº 22 (Número especial sobre metodologias de avaliação).
Burgess, Robert, (2001) A pesquisa de terreno, Oeiras, Celta Editora
Bryman Alan (2007), "Barriers to integrating quantitative and qualitative research" Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1, pp.8-22.
Brannen, Julia (2005), Mixed methods research: a discussion paper, Economic & Social Research Council, National Centre for Research Methods. URL:
Master Dissertation in Urban Studies
Pursuing that objective, it is intended that students acquire the following competences:
1.Research problem formulation skills
2.Competences for connecting theory, concepts and concrete situation of a particular empirical reality.
3.Research methods and materials development skills adequate for the implementation a study object
4.Result analysis skills and interpretative and explicative capability.
5.Scientific writing skills
In articulation with the supervisor, each student shall, starting from an initial work plan, develop the following points:
1.To identify and select an investigation problem
2.To devise the study object in a complex and analytically problematical mode
3.To select and analyse the relevant bibliography.
4.To elaborate starting questions or work hypotheses.
5.To define and apply the adequate research methodologies.
6.To analyse the results.
7.To write the dissertation.
The supervisor will assess the student's dissertation elaboration route and the apprenticeship and progression acquired and will contemplate that assessment in the final dissertation evaluation.
BibliographyTitle: - Reis, Filipa Lopes (2010), Como Elaborar uma Dissertação de Mestrado segundo Bolonha, Lisboa, Pactor
- Junior, Joaquim Martins (2008), Como Escrever Trabalhos de Conclusão de Curso, Petrópolis, Editora Vozes
- Brandão, Mª Lucia (2009), Manual Para Publicação Científica. Elaborando manuscritos, teses e dissertações, Rio de Janeiro, Elsevier Ed.
Title: - Oliveira, Mª Marly (2008), Como Fazer Projetos, Relatórios, Monografias, Dissertações e Teses, Rio de Janeiro, Elsevier Ed.
- Martins, Gilberto; Lintz, Alexandre (2007), Guia para Elaboração de Monografias e Trabalhos de Conclusão de Curso, S. Paulo, Editora Atlas
Internship in Urban Studies
In articulation with the traineeship supervisor, each student must develop the following topics:
- To identify and select a problematic situation worthy of intervention in the chosen professional context.
- To formulate the traineeship object in a complex and analytically problematical mode.
- To select and analyse the relevant bibliography.
- To define the adequate work methodologies.
- To design the traineeship plan and adapt the traineeship work to this plan.
- To produce a traineeship report.
It is the supervisor's role to accompany the evolution of the traineeship, making sure of the proposed objectives and traineeship plan attainment, as well as to assess the Traineeship Report, which will include the student's path evaluation in what concerns the competencies expressed in point 3.3.4.
BibliographyTitle: - Mayer, Robert et al. (2000), Méthodes de Recherche en Intervention Sociale, Quebec: Editeur Gaetan Morin.
- Junior, Joaquim Martins (2008), Como Escrever Trabalhos de Conclusão de Curso, Petrópolis, Editora Vozes
- Guerra Isabel (2002), Fundamentos e Processos de uma Sociologia de Acção – o planeamento em ciências sociais, Cascais,: Principia.
- Creswell, John W. (1994), Research Design – Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, Londres: Sage.
- Barbier, René (1996), La recherche-action, Paris: Antrophos.
- Barbier, Jean-Marie (1996), Elaboração de projectos de acção e de planificação, Porto: Porto Editora.
Master Project in Urban
In articulation with the supervisor and from an initial work programming, each student must develop the following topics:
- To identify and select a social issue or problematic situation that requires intervention.
- To formulate the intervention object in a complex and analytically problematical mode.
- To select and analyse the relevant bibliography.
- To elaborate starting questions or work hypotheses.
- To define the adequate work methodologies.
- To elaborate the issue or situation's diagnosis from field work.
- To design the Plan of action.
- To design the assessment Plan.
- To write a Project Work report.
The supervisor will assess the student's project elaboration pathway and the apprenticeship by its means acquired and will ponder that assessment in the final Project Work evaluation.
BibliographyTitle: - Mayer, Robert et al. (2000), Méthodes de Recherche en Intervention Sociale, Quebec: Editeur Gaetan Morin.
- Guerra Isabel (2002), Fundamentos e Processos de uma Sociologia de Acção – o planeamento em ciências sociais, Cascais,: Principia.
- Creswell, John W. (1994), Research Design – Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, Londres: Sage.
- Cohen, Ernesto e Rolando Franco, (2000), Avaliação de Projectos Sociais, 4ª ed., Petrópolis: Editorial Vozes,.
- Barbier, René (1996), La recherche-action, Paris: Antrophos.
- Barbier, Jean-Marie (1996), Elaboração de projectos de acção e de planificação, Porto: Porto Editora.
- To furnish its students with the technical and methodological expertise to analyze the dynamics of urban and socioeconomic change and their associated forms of space;
- To develop students' abilities to understand the current complexity and sociocultural diversity of urban lifestyles;
- To encourage students' mastery over tools for planning and management, permitting them to increase the efficiency and innovativeness of urban policy.
In this course, it is intended that students will acquire the following self-reflective and operational capacities:
- The ability to interpret and utilize concepts and methods of analysis regarding new dynamics of urban and socioeconomic change, and discuss the complexity of contemporary urban territories;
- The ability to construct original research projects and create and apply various tools for intervening in urban contexts;
- The ability to communicate information, perspectives, problems and solutions to specialists as well as the variety of other actors involved in these processes;
- The ability to design and execute diagnoses, planes and projects that are scientifically informed and based in a multidisciplinary perspective;
- The ability to process technical and scientific knowledge in the area of Urban Studies critically, enabling their pursuit of doctoral studies and continued education throughout life.