Master Degree


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6 Years
30 Jul 2021
Accreditation DGES
Initial registry R/A-Cr 11/2014 de 11-03-2014
Update registry R/A-Cr 11/2014/AL01 de 08-12-2021
School of Sociology and Public Policy
Sedas Nunes Building (Building I), room 1E03
(+351) 210 464 015
9:30 - 18:00

Tuition fee EU nationals (2025/2026)

1.ndYear 2000.00 €
2.thYear 1000.00 €

Tuition fee non-EU nationals (2025/2026)

1.stYear 3000.00 €
2.rdYear 1600.00 €
Lectured in Portuguese
Teaching Type In person

The Master's in School Administration is two years long, and requires the completion of 120 ECTS credits, which are divided among 36 credits in mandatory curricular units, 24 credits in elective curricular units in school administration, 48 credits in a dissertation or final projects, 6 credits in a curricular unit on specialized research techniques and 6 credits in a free elective. Some Curricular Units can operate in a compact schedule (occupying two hours of every day of one week outside the regular calendar of classes).

Programme Structure for 2025/2026

1st Year
Law of Education
6.0 ECTS
Human Resources Management in Education
6.0 ECTS
Education Policy
6.0 ECTS
Quality Management in Education
6.0 ECTS
Assessment of School Organisations
6.0 ECTS
Research Design
6.0 ECTS
Pedagogical Organization and Diversity
6.0 ECTS
Management of School Organisations
6.0 ECTS
2nd Year
Master Project in School Administration
48.0 ECTS
Master Dissertation in Sa
48.0 ECTS
2nd Cycle Internship
6.0 ECTS

Recommended optative

Optional courses will only be held if they achieve a minimum number of enrollments.

In the ambit of the specialized training in School Administration (decree-law no. 95/97, article 6) and to benefit from the accreditation of this Master's course by the Scientific-Pedagogical Council for Continuous Teacher Training, the selection of the following optional Curricular Units is recommended:

1st semester

01673 | Communication in Education

00505 | Life Long Learning

2nd semester

01682 | Assessment of Performance and Competencies in Education


The transformations in the education sector have translated into a progressive transfer of skills and responsibilities related to the administrative and pedagogical management of instutitions and educational spaces to the regional and local level. This transfer has supported changes in the organizational models and skills of the agents of education, namely those associated with the management and leadership of schools, the processes of internal and external evaluation, the production of safe and inclusive educational environments and the mediation of conflicts. This Master's thus seeks to respond to the need for training and qualification of the educational agents working in the various levels of the education system.

Thesis / Final work

This course requires the completion of a scientific dissertation or an innovative project of a more applied nature, corresponding to 48 credits. The master's students are given the opportunity to choose between these two options due to the diverse nature of the individuals included in the programme: this group contains, on the one hand, students and technicians that intend to continue their studies in further educational programmes and, on the other, professionals who make direct interventions in the areas of analysis within the scope of the course. The preparation of the dissertation or the final project will be guided by a Ph.D. or recognized specialist, and must be presented in public before a jury appointed for this purpose.

School of Sociology and Public Policy
Sedas Nunes Building (Building I), room 1E03
(+351) 210 464 015
9:30 - 18:00
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