
Tuition fee EU nationals (2025/2026)
Tuition fee non-EU nationals (2025/2026)
The Master (MSc) in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering is a 2 year programme consisting of 120 ECTS credits. These are divided among 54 credits in mandatory course units, 24 credits in optional course units and 42 credits in the master dissertation or master project.
Programme Structure for 2025/2026
Curricular Courses | Credits | |
1st Year | ||
Data Storage in Distributed Systems
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Optical Networks
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Embedded Systems
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Intelligent Network and Service Management
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Professional Ethics, Computing and Society
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Advanced Mobile Communications
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Networks and Information Systems Security
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Financial Management of Businesses and Projects I
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
2nd Year | ||
Multimedia Communication Systems
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Master Project in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering
42.0 ECTS
Final Work | 42.0 |
Master Dissertation in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering
42.0 ECTS
Final Work | 42.0 |
Data Storage in Distributed Systems
The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to the design and development of decentralised data storage systems. The aim is for students to be able to:
LO1. Identify and characterise types of storage systems, namely Cloud and advanced data recording systems such as Decentralised Logging Technologies (DLT) and Blockchain.
LO2. Implement decentralised, fault-tolerant data storage solutions;
LO3. Manipulate and extract information from unstructured databases;
LO4. Develop social and interpersonal skills (soft skills), namely Problem Solving, Teamwork, Collaboration, Observation and Constructive Critical Discussion.
The main programme contents to be covered are:
CP1. Introduction to Non-Relational Databases for managing large volumes of data;
CP2. Redundancy to manage fault tolerance;
CP3. Data decentralisation to meet the objectives of various application examples;
CP4. Introduction to Cloud systems, namely MongoDB;
CP5. Data manipulation and extraction in MongoDB;
CP6. Development of a data management application with BackEnd and FrontEnd;
CP7: Advanced decentralised systems: DLT and Blockchain.
Assessment throughout the semester:
-Individual participation in class (10%): Evaluates attendance, including compulsory attendance at 16 of the classes, involvement and individual contributions by students in discussions and practical activities.
- Group project focused on the development of a software tool (40%): students are organised into groups of 3 to 5 elements, formed at random, with support from the teacher. 2-part assessment with components assessed in groups (delivery of report, presentation slides) and individually (oral demonstration and discussion of the work) which takes place mid-semester for the first phase of the project (Backend: 20%) and at the end of the semester for the second phase of the project, potentially in the penultimate class of the semester (FrontEnd: 20%);
- Individual written test taken in the last class (50%): Individual theoretical/practical test without consultation.
The weighted average of each of these components (not less than 8 points in each component) constitutes the final grade which, if it is greater than or equal to 10 points, will exempt the master's student from an exam. Thus, only master's students who do not obtain a positive mark in this assessment throughout the semester can take the written exam (100%) - 1st season, 2nd season and special season. The special period is reserved for special cases provided for in the General Regulations for the Assessment of Knowledge and Competences (RGACC), Article 14 Special period:
- M. M. Eyada, W. Saber, M. M. El Genidy and F. Amer, "Performance Evaluation of IoT Data Management Using MongoDB Versus MySQL Databases in Different Cloud Environments," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 110656-110668, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3002164.
- Frank, E. (2024). Cloud-based MongoDB: Exploring the Benefits and Considerations of Deploying MongoDB in a Cloud Environment. Retrieved from
- Abdurrashid Ibrahim Sanka, Ray C.C. Cheung, A systematic review of blockchain scalability: Issues, solutions, analysis and future research, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 195, 2021, 103232, ISSN 1084-8045,
- Pandey, R. (2020). Performance benchmarking and comparison of cloud-based databases MongoDB (NoSQL) vs MySQL (Relational) using YCSB. Retrieved from rking_and_Comparison_of_Cloud-Based_Databases_MongoDB_NoSQL_Vs_MySQL_Relational_using_YCSB.
- C. Huang, M. Cahill, A. Fekete and U. Rohm, ""Deciding When to Trade Data Freshness for Performance in MongoDB-as-a-Service,"" 2020 IEEE 36th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Dallas, TX, USA, 2020, pp. 1934-1937, doi: 10.1109/ICDE48307.2020.00207.
- N. B. Seghier and O. Kazar, ""Performance Benchmarking and Comparison of NoSQL Databases: Redis vs MongoDB vs Cassandra Using YCSB Tool,"" 2021 International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics and Informatics (ICRAMI), Tebessa, Algeria, 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICRAMI52622.2021.9585956.
- NoSQL Database: New Era of Databases for Big data Analytics - Classification, Characteristics, and Comparison, A B M Moniruzzaman, Syed Akhter Hossain, 2013 (
- S. N. Khine and Z. Tun, ""Mongodb on Cloud for Weather Data (Temperature and Humidity) in Sittway,"" 2020 IEEE Conference on Computer Applications(ICCA), Yangon, Myanmar, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICCA49400.2020.9022825.
- Pandey, R. (2020). Performance benchmarking and comparison of cloud-based databases MongoDB (NoSQL) vs MySQL (Relational) using YCSB. Retrieved from rking_and_Comparison_of_Cloud-Based_Databases_MongoDB_NoSQL_Vs_MySQL_Relational_using_YCSB.
- Nisanth Reddy Kasi, Ramani S, Marimuthu Karuppiah, Chapter 1 - Blockchain architecture, taxonomy, challenges, and applications, Editor(s): SK Hafizul Islam, Arup Kumar Pal, Debabrata Samanta, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, In Hybrid Computational Intelligence for Pattern Analysis, Blockchain Technology for Emerging Applications, Academic Press, 2022, Pages 1-31, ISBN 9780323901932,
- Nur Fadhilah Mohd Shari, Amizah Malip, State-of-the-art solutions of blockchain technology for data dissemination in smart cities: A comprehensive review, Computer Communications,
Volume 189, 2022, Pages 120-147, ISSN 0140-3664,
- Abid Haleem, Mohd Javaid, Ravi Pratap Singh, Rajiv Suman, Shanay Rab,
Blockchain technology applications in healthcare: An overview, International Journal of Intelligent Networks, Volume 2, 2021, Pages 130-139, ISSN 2666-6030,
- Garima Jain, Ankush Jain, 22 - Blockchain for 5G-enabled networks in healthcare service based on several aspects, Editor(s): Sudeep Tanwar, Blockchain Applications for Healthcare Informatics, Academic Press, 2022, Pages 471-493, ISBN 9780323906159,
- Matteo Loporchio, Anna Bernasconi, Damiano Di Francesco Maesa, Laura Ricci, A survey of set accumulators for blockchain systems, Computer Science Review, Volume 49,
2023, 100570, ISSN 1574-0137,
- Md Didarul Islam, A survey on the use of blockchains to achieve supply chain security,
Information Systems, Volume 117, 2023, ISSN 0306-4379,
- Decentralised Social Media,
- The current state of interoperability between blockchain networks,
- Blockchain Intellectual Property Management,
MongoDB Homepage:
NoSQL tutorials:
SQL tutorials:
Blockchain tutorials:
Optical Networks
LG1 - Knowledge about the clients of optical networks.
LG2 - Knowledge about the components inside optical nodes.
LG3 - Knowledge about the tools for planning optical networks.
LG4 - Knowledge about optical network survivability.
LG5 - Knowledge about optical access networks.
CP1 - Introduction to optical networks.
CP2 - Optical network clients: SDH, next generation SDH (VCAT, LCAS and GFP), OTN, Carrier Ethernet, MPLS.
CP3 - Elements of the optical network. Optical switching architectures and optical switching technologies, reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexers (ROADM) architectures: Broadcast & Select, Route & Select.
CP4 - Optical network planning (routing and wavelength assignment, RWA). Static and dynamic routing algorithms, static and dynamic wavelength assignment algorithms.
CP5 - Optical network survivability. Linear network protection, ring network protection and mesh network protection.
CP6 - Optical access networks. Passive optical networks, hybrid fiber-coaxial networks and DOCSIS standard.
Assessment throughout the semester:
- practical assignment, groups of 2 students to be delivered before the exam period (30%)
- first written test (30%) done during the class period with a minimum mark of 8,0
- second written test (40%) done during the exam period with a minimum mark of 8,0
Assessment by exam (first, second or special period) : written test (100%), with a minimum mark of 9,5.
Note: In the assessment throughout the semester the first written test can be replaced by an individual bibliographic research work (30%).
- P. Green, "Fiber to the home: the new empowerment", 1ª edição, Wiley, 2006
- J. Simmons, "Optical network design and planning", 2ª edição, Springer, 2014.
- J. Pires, "Sistemas e Redes de Telecomunicações", IST, 2006.
- R. Ramaswami, K. Sivarajan, G. Sasaki, "Optical networks - a practical perspective", 3ª edição, Morgan Kaufmann, 2010.
- Acetatos da disciplina e material de apoio disponível na página da cadeira
- Muhherjee et al., "Handbook of Optical Networks", Springer, 2020.
- J. Farmer et al., "FTTx Networks", Morgan Kaufmann, 2017.
- I. Djordjevic et al., "Advanced Optical Communication", Artech House, 2013.
- S. Warier, "Engineering Optical Networks", Artech House, 2018.
- L. Ghein et al., "MPLS Fundamentals", Cisco Press, 2007.
- M. Toy, "Networks and Services - Carrier Ethernet, PBT, MPLS-TP, and VPLS", John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
- R. Jain, "Principles of SDH", CRC Press, 2013.
- M. Ellanti et al., "Next Generation Transport Networks", Springer, 2005.
Embedded Systems
After attending this course the student should acquire the following competences:
OA1. be able to explain the operating principles and relevance of embedded systems, taking into account the important tradeoffs in terms of energy, performance and cost.
OA2. be able to identify the most suitable contemporary wireless network architectures for this type of system, with an emphasis on their integration into the Internet of Things (IoT).
OA3. be able to analyse the functional requirements of embedded applications and, according to these, design a wireless embedded system that integrates hardware and software using appropriate tools.
OA4. be able to plan and initiate research work in the area of embedded systems, wireless sensor networks and the Internet of Things (IoT).
CP1. Introduction to Embedded Systems
CP1.1. Background and Motivation
CP1.2. Challenges and constraints
CP1.3. Applications
CP2. Hardware for embedded systems
CP2.1. Architectures for embedded systems
CP2.2. Microprocessors and microcontrollers
CP2.3. Data bus
CP2.4. Memory
CP2.5. I/O (Input/Output) devices
CP2.6. Interruptions
CP2.7. Serial Communication (I2C, SPI), Timers, ADC
CP3. Software for Embedded Systems
CP3.1. Embedded programming
CP3.2. Operating Systems and Process Management
CP4. Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks
CP4.1. Sensors and Actuators
CP4.2. Sensor Network Architectures and Internet of Things (IoT)
CP4.3. Physical Layer
CP4.4. Media Access Control
CP4.5. Network Layer
CP4.6. Synchronization and Localization
CP4.7. Energy Management
CP4.8. Security
CP5. Embedded Systems Project
CP5.1. Project Methodology
CP5.2. Implementation and Testing
The knowledge assessment process for this course comprises only assessment throughout the semester, in accordance with article 7, point 3 of the RGACC. In this modality, the assessment consists of two compulsory components:
a) Project (50%) - the project involves the development of a wireless embedded system/sensor network in groups of 3 students. The projects are due in the 12th week of classes, and a laboratory session is scheduled in which the groups must demonstrate to the lecturer how the implemented system works and hand in the associated documentation. The grade awarded to the project will take these two components into account.
b) Final Written Test (50%) - Individual written test that takes place during the assessment period, with a minimum mark of 9.5v. This final written test can be taken in the 1st season, 2nd season or special season.
Waltenegus Dargie, Christian Poellabauer, “Fundamentals of Wireless Sensor Networks: Theory and Practice” , Wiley 2010.
Wayne Wolf, “Computers as Components, Fifth Edition: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design”, Morgan Kaufmann, 2022.
Nuno Souto - Sistemas Embebidos - Diapositivos, ISCTE/2024.
Nuno Souto - Sistemas Embebidos - Fichas de Exercícios, ISCTE/2024.
David J. Russell (Author), Mitchell A. Thornton, "Introduction to Embedded Systems: Using ANSI C and the Arduino Development Environment (Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and Systems)", Morgan and Claypool Publishers (15 Sep 2010)
Tammy Noergaard, "Embedded Systems Architecture: A Comprehensive Guide for Engineers and Programmers", Newnes, 2012.
Julio Sanchez; Maria P. Canton, "Embedded Systems Circuits and Programming", CRC Press, 2012.
Shahin Farahani, “ZigBee Wireless Networks and Transceivers: The Complete Guide for RF/Wireless Engineers”, Newnes, 2008
Vários artigos de revistas e conferências relevantes para apoio para os projectos e aulas de laboratório.
Intelligent Network and Service Management
This advanced level course has a strong practical and integration component in the telecommunications and computer science fields. Its core topics are: the design, implementation and operation of services; signaling and management of telecommunication services and networks.
After completing this course the students should be able to:
OA1. Recognize complexity, interoperability and integration issues in telecommunications systems and services.
OA2. Assess the relevance of, and use adequately international standards tools and platforms for the design, implementation, operation and management of telecommunication services.
OA3. Identify in telecommunication signalling system aspects and functionalities that are relevant to the design, implementation and operation of telecommunication services and networks and their management.
OA4. Design, develop and implement telecommunication services and their management tools. Assess, discuss and document the options taken in this processes.
CP1 The evolution of telecommunications networks and services
* Complexity in telecommunications networks and services
* Integration, interoperability, convergence
CP2 From Intelligent Network (IN) to New Generation Networks
* IN motivations and objectives
* ITU-T Q12xx IN standards
* Interaction and integration with mobile networks and Internet
CP3 New Generation Networks (NGN) and 5G networks
* Objectives and architectures
* Internet Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) architecture and interfaces
* 5G: architecture and interfaces
CP4 Signaling in telecommunication networks
* Signaling evolution, types and modes
* Signaling system SS7
* Interaction and integration with the Internet
CP5 Programming networks
* Standards and tools for the virtualization of network functions - NFV
CP6 Network and Services Management Architectures
* Objectives, architectures and standards
* Management in telecommunication networks
* Network management in the Internet
Being an eminently practical course, it is not assessed by a 100% exam, but only throughout the semester.
The contribution of each assessment component is:
Set of practical/laboratory assignments (20%, in groups, during the teaching period) + final project (40%, in groups with compulsory oral for all group members, final week of the teaching period) + Written Test (40%, individual, 1st, 2nd and special during evaluation period).
All assessment components require a minimum mark of 8.0 to pass.
Attendance at a minimum number of classes is not required to obtain approval in the course.
* Network Management: Principles and Practices; Mani Subramanian; Prentice Hall; 2012 (2nd edition)
* Foundations of modern networking : SDN, NFV, QoE, IoT, and Cloud; W. Stallings; Pearson Education; 2016
* Signaling in Telecommunication Networks; John G. van Bosse, Fabrizio U. Devetak; Wiley-Interscience; 2006 (2 edition)
* 5G Networks; Anwer Al-Dulaimi, Xianbin Wang and Chih-Lin I; IEEE Press; 2019
* The IMS: IP Multimedia Concepts and Services; Miikka Poikselka, Georg Mayer; Wiley; 2009 (3rd Edition)
* Network Convergence: Services, Applications, Transport, and Operations Support; Hu Hanrahan; Wiley; 2007
* Consultar a página Web da UC. (Described in the course web page.)
* Conjunto de artigos e normas (Set of journal papers and standards)
Professional Ethics, Computing and Society
OA1. Develop skills of inquiry and reflection on the social and ethical impact of computing, and evaluate possible ethical and technical responses to those questions.
OA2. To think critically on the impact of introducing a given technology or product in a given environment. Will this product or technology enhance or degrade quality of life? What will the impact be upon individuals, groups and organizations?
OA3. Identify values that guide the day-to-day activities of professional practices of computing and communication technologies, debating and becoming familiar with standards of good practice, codes of conduct and codes of ethics established by professional associations.
OA4. To learn or discuss approaches to ethical aligned design methods, which seek to align technologies with defined values and ethical principles that prioritize human well-being.
1·Ethics, computing, and society: The specificity of ethical issues in ICTs; Human rights in the digital age.
2·The responsibility of engineers. Active and passive responsibility. The context of technological development.
3·Normative ethics: Values, norms and virtues; Utilitarianism, Kant, Virtue ethics; normative argumentation.
4·Applied computer ethics and policy gaps: Ethical decision making and case studies.
5·Privacy and data protection: The GDPR.
6·Intellectual and industrial property: Copyright, the legal protection of computer programs; patents.
7·Artificial Intelligence: ethical principles and the AI act.
The evaluation in the 1st term is carried out throughout the semester or by exam.
The evaluation in the 2nd term is by exam only.
If the student opts for evaluation throughout the semester, it includes:
Group assignment: 60%
Individual written test: 38%
Attendance/participation: 2%
Both the group assignement and the written test have a minimum grade of 7 out of 20.
To obtain 100% in the attendance component, the student must attend at least 70% of the classes.
Ethics, Technology, and Engineering: An Introduction. Ibo van de Poel, Lamber Royakkers, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
Bynum, Terrell Ward, and Simon Rogerson, (2004), Computer Ethics and Professional Responsibility: Introductory Text and Readings. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.
Cordeiro, A.B.N (2020). Direito da Proteção de Dados à luz do RGPD e da Lei n.º 58/2019, Edições Almedina.
- Ética para engenheiros, Arménio Rego e Jorge Braga, 2017 (edição atualizada), Lidel Edições Técnicas.
- Reforma de 2018 das regras de proteção de dados da UE, Regulamentos e orientações da Comissão Europeia,
- Regulamento Inteligência Artificial: Proposta de 2019 do regulamento do parlamento europeu e do conselho que estabelece regras harmonizadas em matéria de Inteligência Artificial e altera determinados atos legislativos da União,
- A gift of fire : social, legal, and ethical issues for computing technology / Sara Baase, 2013, 4th ed.
- The Handbook on European data protection law, 2018 edition,
- Floridi, Luciano, editor (2010). The Cambridge handbook of information and computer ethics. Cambridge University Press.
- Ethically Aligned Design, First Edition, Delivering ‘A Vision for Prioritizing Human Well-being with Autonomous and Intelligent Systems’, 2019, The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems
- Dignum, Virginila (2019). Responsible Artificial Intelligence, how to develop and use AI in a Responsible Way, Virginia Dignum, Springer.
- Smith, BC (1996). Limits of correctness in computers. In Computerization and controversy (2nd ed.), pp. 810-825, Academic Press, Inc. Orlando, FL, USA (C).
- Tavani, Hermani (2004). Ethics and Technology: Ethical Issues in Information and Communication Technology. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
- Saltz, J.S., Dewar, N. (2019). Data science ethical considerations: a systematic literature review and proposed project framework. Ethics Inf Technol 21.
- Outros textos ou artigos a indicar pelo docente ao longo do semestre.
Advanced Mobile Communications
LO1- Identify and apply digital communication techniques to real mobile communication systems
LO2- Identify, compare and evaluate the dimensioning, planning and radio resource management of 4G
LO3- Identify, compare and evaluate the dimensioning, planning and radio resource management of 5G and B5G
PC.1 Study of digital communication techniques for mobile networks
PC.2 Study of LTE. Radio network planning of 4G
PC.3 Study of LTE-Advanced and LTE-Pro
PC.4 Study of 5G Use Cases and Applications
PC.5 Study of 5G New Radio. Key Technologies, Numerologies. Frequency Bands and Waveforms
PC.6 Study of 5G Core Network, Evaluation of Cost in 5G networks
PC.7 Study of Dimensioning and Planning of 5GNR Radio networks
PC.8 Study of 5GNR Private Radio Networks
PC.9 Study of Non-Terrestrial Networks of Beyond 5G (B5G)
Evaluation throughout the semester: Attendance at least 50% of classes. In this modality, the evaluation is done in three parts. Active participation in a class 5%. The second part consists of a group work on 5G/5GNR simulation scenarios with individual evaluation at the end of classes and the third part consists of a test. The grade of the group work with individual evaluation has a weight of 30%. The remaining 65% is obtained with the grade of the test. Minimum grade of 7.5 in the test.
Evaluation by exam: In this modality, the evaluation is made by the 1st exam (equals to Final written test) or 2nd exam with a minimum grade of 9.5 and a weight of 100% in the final grade.
If the student has taken both types of assessment, the final grade of the subject will be the better of the two.
There is a Special Exam in July (it requires authorization and registration) for the students that have not been successful, previously.
[1] H. Holma, A. Toskala, "WCDMA for UMTS", John Wiley, 2005
[2] H. Holma, A. Toskala, "LTE for UMTS - OFDMA and SC-FDMA based radio access", John Wiley, 2009
[3] C. Cox, ?An Introduction to LTE", John Wiley, 2012
[4] W. Xiang, K. Zheng, X. Shen, "5G Mobile Communications", Springer Publishing, 2017
[5] A. Osseiran, J. Monserrat, P. Marsch, "5G Mobile and Wireless Communications Technology", Cambridge University Press, 2016
[6] L. Miller, J. Cavazos, "5G & Beyond", Keysight Technologies, John Wiley, 2022
[7] 3GPP specifications about LTE and 5G Novel Radio
[8] Transmission Techniques for 4G Systems, M. Silva, A. Correia, R. Dinis, N. Souto, J. C. S. Silva, CRC-Taylor & Francis Group, FL, USA, 2013.
[9] Transmission Techniques for Emergent Multicast and Broadcast Systems, M. Silva, A. Correia, R. Dinis, N. Souto, J. C. Silva, CRC-Taylor & Francis Group, FL, USA, 2010.
Networks and Information Systems Security
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Be able to understand and determine the security environment in information systems;
2. Understand and define access control policies;
3. Understand and apply some security controls and standards;
4. Offer advice on information and network security;
5. Develop and apply security plans and policies;
6. Reviewing and advising on certain security operations;
7. Designing plans to guarantee business continuity and resilience;
8. Understand and explain the role of cryptography in information security;
9. Establish policies and procedures for managing security incidents;
10. Understand software development problems and their security aspects.
1. introduction to information security
2. Legal, Regulatory, Ethical and Professional Aspects of Information Security
3. Information Security Planning
4. Information Security Risk Management
5. Security of the Organisation's Assets
6. Information Security Architecture and Engineering
7. Identity Management and Access Controls
8. Security Evaluation and Testing
9. Security in Applications and Software Development
Assessment throughout the semester:
- Carrying out a set of group projects and activities (50%) throughout the semester.
- Two individual mid-term tests (50%) [minimum mark of 6 for each test]. The first test takes place in the middle of the semester and the other on the date of the first term.
Attendance at a minimum number of classes is not compulsory for the assessment throughout the semester.
Assessment by exam:
For students who opt for this process or for those who fail the assessment throughout the semester process, with 3 seasons under the terms of the RGACC.
Andress, J. (2014). The Basics of Information Security: Understanding the Fundamentals of InfoSec in Theory and Practice. Syngress.
Kim, D., Solomon, M. (2016). Fundamentals of Information Systems Security. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Stallings, W., & Tahiliani, M. P. (2014). Cryptography and network security: principles and practice. London: Pearson.
Gordon, A. (Ed.). (2015). Official (isc) 2 Guide to the CISSP Cbk. CRC Press.
Stewart, J. M., Chapple, M., & Gibson, D. (2012). CISSP: Certified Information Systems Security Professional Study Guide. John Wiley & Sons.
Conjunto de artigos, páginas web e textos que complementam a informação bibliográfica da unidade curricular, e que serão fornecidos pela equipa docente.
Anderson, R. J. (2010). Security engineering: a guide to building dependable distributed systems. John Wiley & Sons.
Whitman, M., & Mattord, H. (2013). Management of information security. Nelson Education.
Whitman, M., Mattord, H. (2017). Principles of Information Security. Course Technology.
Katz, J., & Lindell, Y. (2014). Introduction to modern cryptography. CRC press.
Buchmann, J. A., Karatsiolis, E., & Wiesmaier, A. (2013). Introduction to public key infrastructures. Springer Science & Business Media.
Zúquete, A. (2018). Segurança em redes informáticas. FCA-Editora de Informática.
Correia, M. P., & Sousa, P. J. (2015). Segurança no software. Lisboa: FCA.
Stuttard, D., & Pinto, M. (2011). The web application hacker's handbook: finding and exploiting security flaws. John Wiley & Sons.
Sullivan, B., & Liu, V. (2011). Web application security, a beginner's guide. McGraw-Hill Education Group.
Schneier, B. (2007). Applied cryptography: protocols, algorithms, and source code in C. john wiley & sons.
Financial Management of Businesses and Projects I
1. Financial Analysis of Investment Projects, comprising capital budgeting, forecasting cash flows, and criteria such as Payback Period, NPV, IRR and PI.
2. Robustness Analysis of a project, identifying its drivers, through a series of complementary tests: Sensitivity Analysis, Scenario Analysis, Break-Even Analysis, and Decision Trees.
3. Identify the main Types of Financing for a project, determining the Equity Cost of Capital and the Cost of Debt.
4. Establish a relationship between Valuation of a project and its Capital Structure, introducing concepts such as the Weighted Average Cost of capital (WACC) and the Adjusted Present value (APV).
5. Knowledge of the main methods of valuation of Companies, such as the Discounted Free Cash Flow (FCFF, FCFE), Multiples, and Economic Value Added (EVA, MVA). Understand the applicability of the real options approach.
1. Time value of money
2. Cash flows
3. Investment rules: NPV, IRR, Payback, PI
4. Discount rate
5. Investment selection
6. Strategy and investment decision
1. Equity
2. Debt
3. All-in cost
1. Modigliani-Miller and the irrelevance of the capital structure
2. Capital structure and corporate taxes
3. Limits to the use of debt
4. Capital budgeting for the levered firm: WACC, APV
1. Discounted Cash Flow Valuation
2. Economic Value Added (EVA)
3. Multiples
4. Special Cases of Valuation
5. Real Options for Valuing Investments and Firms
The evaluation system includes:
(1) Group work of 3-5 students (30% of the final grade).
(2) 1st chance exam (70% of the final grade for students under the periodic evaluation system and 100% for the others). The 1st chance exam for students under the periodic evaluation system cannot be lower than 7.5.
The resitting and special exams will occur under the conditions of the master assessment rules with a weight of 100%.
Mota, A. G., C. D. Barroso, J. P. Nunes, L. Oliveira, M. A. Ferreira, P. L. Inácio, 2020, Finanças da Empresa: Teoria e Prática, Sílabo, 6ª Edição.
- Jornais da base de dados da Biblioteca do ISCTE ?A..Z?, ou ?b-on?, relacionados com as principais temáticas da UC.
- Jornais diários e/ou semanários com temáticas de economia, finanças e gestão;
- Ross, S., R. Westerfield e J. Jaffe, 2009, Corporate Finance, McGraw Hill/Irwin, 9th edição.
- Damodaran, A., in ?Damodaran Online:
- Damodaran, A., 2000, Corporate Finance, John Wiley, 2nd Edition.
- Custódio, C., A. G. Mota, 2007, Finanças da Empresa, Booknomics, 2ª Edição
- Brealey, R., S. Myers and F Allen, 2010, Principles of Corporate Finance, Mc Graw Hill, 10th Edition.
Multimedia Communication Systems
With this course the student should be able to:
LG1. Identify and describe suitable data formats for various types of multimedia communication applications.
LG2. Explain and evaluate the compression algorithms best suited for each type of data.
LG3. Specify the main requirements and describe the functional aspects of various types of multimedia communication systems and applications on different types of networks.
LG4. Identify and describe the major protocols and related international standards to support various types of multimedia communication systems and applications.
PC1. Introduction to Multimedia Communication: types of multimedia information, communication networks, applications and terminology.
PC2. Multimedia Information Representation: images, audio and video.
PC3. Text and Image Compression: lossless and lossy compression and (notions of redundancy and irrelevance, entropy coding and source coding) static and dynamic Huffman encoding, arithmetic encoding, binary image compression (ITU-T T.4 and T.6, JBIG and JBIG2); photographic image compression (JPEG, JPEG-LS and JPEG2000).
PC4. Video, Voice and Audio Compression: principles of video compression and major compression standards (ITU and MPEG standards); principles of voice and audio compression and major standards (ITU, MPEG and Dolby standards).
PC5. Multimedia Communication Standards: reference models; H.32x standards; HLS and DASH streaming protocols.
PC6. Digital Television: historical perspective; DVB standards; IPTV.
Assessment can be done throughout the semester or through a final written exam:
* Assessment throughout the semester:
- Written individual exam with a minimum grade of 9.5/20 (50%).
- Experimental assignments carried out in groups of 3 or 4 people (30%).
- Survey paper carried out in groups of 3 or 4 people (20%).
* Exam only:
- Assessment is done through an individual final exam (1st or 2nd or special exam periods), with a minimum passing grade of 9.5/20 (100%).
- Ze-Nian Li, Mark S. Drew, Jiangchuan Liu, "Fundamentals of Multimedia, 2nd Edition", Springer, 2014.
- Fred Halsall, "Multimedia Communications: Applications, Networks, Protocols and Standards", Addison-Wesley, 2001.
- Khalid Sayood, "Introduction to Data Compression, 5th Edition", Morgan Kaufman, 2017.
- Jens-Rainer Ohm, "Multimedia Signal Coding and Transmission", Springer, 2015.
- Richard Schaphorst, "Videoconferencing and Videotelephony: Techonology and Standards - 2nd Edition", Artech House, 1999.
- H. Benoit, "Digital Television: MPEG-1, MPEG-2, and principles of the DVB System", Focal press, 2002.
- H. Benoit, "Digital Television: Satellite, Cable, Terrestrial, IPTV, Mobile TV in the DVB Framework", Focal press, 2008.
- Ulrich Reimers, "DVB: the Family of International Standards for Digital Video Broadcasting", Springer, 2005.
- Ronald de Bruin, Jan Smits, "Digital Video Broadcasting: Technology, Standards, and Regulations", Artech House, 1999.
- Walter Fischer, "Digital Video and Audio Broadcasting Technology: a Practical Engineering Guide", Springer, 2010.
- Fernando Pereira, Touradj Ebrahimi, "The MPEG-4 Book", Prentice Hall, 2002.
- Iain Richardson, "The H.264 Advanced Video Compression Standard", John Wiley, 2010.
Master Project in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering
The student should:
OA1: Know and apply good practices of bibliographic research and state-of-the-art review on a topic
OA2: Define, plan and be able to communicate a task of adequate complexity and magnitude
OA3: Carry out a project work of a size appropriate to the expected working hours
CP1: Introduction to research methods
CP2: Problem and research objectives formulation
CP3: Best-practices to develop the state-of-the-art on a topic
CP4: Scientific writing and research work presentation
CP5: Execution of the project
The intermediate evaluation (1st semester) includes: project proposal, introduction chapter, literature review, planning of the following phases of the work, and a presentation of the work in progress.
The final evaluation considers: intermediate evaluation (A), technical / scientific quality of the work, based on the report, quality of the public presentation and discussion (C), with the following weights: Final grade = 0.3*A + 0.5*B + 0.2*C
Artigos científicos distribuídos ao longo do semestre.
Como fazer Investigação, Dissertações, Teses e Relatórios (segundo Bolonha), Maria José Sousa & Cristina Sales Baptista, Pactor, Junho 2011
Winter, R. (2008). Design Science in Europe. European Journal of Information Systems, 17, 470-475.
Hevner, Alan R.; March, Salvatore T.; Park, Jinsoo; and Ram, Sudha. 2004. "Design Science in Information Systems Research," MIS Quarterly, (28: 1).
Chapter 2, Performance and Quality Management of HE programmes, Elsa Cardoso,PhD thesis, 2011.
Research Methods for Business Students, Mark Saunders, 5th Edition ISBN: 9780273716860
slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations, Nancy Duarte, O'Reilly Media, 2008
Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery, Garr Reynolds, New Riders Press, 2008
Master Dissertation in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering
The student should be able to:
OA1: Know and apply good bibliographical research and state-of-the-art review practices on a subject.
OA2: Define, plan and communicate a work of adequate complexity and size
OA3: Carry out a dissertation of an appropriate size for the hours of work planned
CP1: Introduction to research
CP2: Formulating the problem, research objectives and planning
CP3: Good practices for developing the state of the art
CP4: Good practice in scientific writing and presentation of research work
CP5: Writing the dissertation
The dissertation is presented in accordance with the rules and by the deadlines established by ISCTE-IUL.
The dissertation will be defended in public examinations before a jury made up of three to five members, where the technical components, the written work and the public presentation and defence will be assessed. The exams last one hour and the grades in effect at ISCTE-IUL for the Master's degree apply.
Research Methods for Business Students, Mark Saunders, 5th Edition ISBN: 9780273716860
Chapter 2, Performance and Quality Management of HE programmes, Elsa Cardoso,PhD thesis, 2011.
Hevner, Alan R.; March, Salvatore T.; Park, Jinsoo; and Ram, Sudha. 2004. "Design Science in Information Systems Research," MIS Quarterly, (28: 1).
Winter, R. (2008). Design Science in Europe. European Journal of Information Systems, 17, 470-475.
Como fazer Investigação, Dissertações, Teses e Relatórios (segundo Bolonha), Maria José Sousa & Cristina Sales Baptista, Pactor, Junho 2011
Artigos científicos distribuídos ao longo do semestre.
Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery, Garr Reynolds, New Riders Press, 2008
slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations, Nancy Duarte, O'Reilly Media, 2008
Recommended optative
There are two recommended specializations for the Master in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering: “Internet of Things” and “Telecommunications Networks”.
To obtain one of these specializations, students must choose all optional curricular units within their respective thematic area:
- To obtain the specialization “Telecommunications Networks”, at the time of enrollment/registration, choose the following curricular units:
1st year, 2nd semester:
2nd year, 1st semester:
- To obtain the specialization “Internet of Things”, at the time of enrollment/registration choose the following curricular units:
1st year, 2nd semester:
- 02864 - Algorithms for Big Data or 04446 - Information Coding and Protection
- 03740 - Communication Architectures and Systems for Iot (2020)
2nd year, 1st semester:
- 03741 - Distributed Smart Sensor Systems (2020)
- 03746 - Internet of Things Laboratory or 03766 - Introduction to Machine Learning or 03209 – Data Science Fundamentals
The number of vacancies in each option and specialization is limited and its functioning depends on a minimum number of enrollments.
There are other optional curricular units available that are part of specializations (thematic areas) other than those recommended. However, the students must confirm if they fulfill the requisites announced for each curricular unit programme.
The MSc in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering intends to provide an advanced training in the domains of telecommunications, computer science and multimedia. Thereby, it is the ideal complement to the training undergone by students in the BSc in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering. The programme may be attended by students from other bachelor's programmes in Computer Engineering or Telecommunications Engineering, as well programmes outside of these fields. In particular, the course offers expertise in areas such as mobile radio, fiberoptic communications, Internet services, digital television, satellite communications, computer networks, financial management of corporations, computer graphics, production and communication of multimedia content.
The expected result of this course is that its graduates will know how to analyze, evaluate, design and manage advanced telecommunications systems, as well as the associated services, networks and computer systems.
The course intends to give students the abilities to:
- at knowledge level: describe, differentiate and evaluate the main advanced telecommunications systems, services, networks and computer systems;
- at skills level: apply the knowledge to design and manage telecommunications systems, services, networks and computer systems;
- at competences level: to develop autonomous original research ideas in the areas of telecommunications systems, services, networks and computer systems.
These objectives define the operations of all the CUs, and are evaluated through one or more of the instruments of evaluation suitable for the given type of objective.
Thesis / Final work
The master's degree requires the completion of a dissertation of predominantly scientific scope, or the completion of an innovative applied project, corresponding to 42 credits.
The master's students are given the opportunity to choose between these two options due to the diverse nature of the individuals included in the programme: this group contains, on the one hand, students and technicians that intend to continue their studies in further educational programmes and, on the other, professionals who make direct interventions in the areas of analysis within the scope of the course.
The preparation of the dissertation or the project work is guided by a Ph.D. or recognized specialist and is presented in public before a jury appointed for this purpose.