
Aida Valadas de Lima, Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology of the Sociology and Public Policies School of Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Iscte-Iul, PhD in Sociology by that same University Institute with a dissertation on Agriculture and Rurality in Portugal: 1970-2000. She a lecturer of Iscte-Iul in the Sociology course of the Sociology and Public Policies School and in the Master Degree of Environment and Sustainability Studies of the Social and Human Sciences School. She does research on Sociology, with emphasis on Rural Sociology and Environmental Sociology. In 1992, with Professor Afonso de Barros, she carried on the institutionalization of Environmental Sociology in the syllabus of the courses of Sociology and of Sociology and Planning of ISCTE. She has been the supervisor of various Master and PhD dissertations and research projects as well a member of examination juries of candidates for those levels of University Degrees. She was for several years a member of the Pedagogical Council and she has also been the Academic Coordinator of the 3rd year of the Sociology course. She has published books as well articles in Portuguese and in English languages in various sociological journals. Se has organized and participated in numerous scientific meetings and has also made peer reviews for Portuguese and foreign scientific journals. She was a co-founder of OBSERVA – Society, Environment and Public Opinion, a research program created in 1996 and undertaken by ISCTE and ICS-UL, in which framework she coordinated various research projects. She has also been Research Assistant in the Rural Economics Research Center of the Gulbenkian Institute of Science (CEEA/IGC) and Researcher in the Territorial Studies Center (CET) of ISCTE. Currently, she is Associate Researcher of Cies-Iul/Iscte-Iul, and of ICS-UL.
Born in Luanda, Angola, in 1959. Holds a BA (1983) and a PhD (2001) in Sociology by ISCTE-IUL. Full Professor at the Department of Sociology of ISCTE-IUL and Senior Researcher of CIES-IUL.  Former Vice-Rector for Research of ISCTE-IUL (2014-2018). Former member of the General Council of ISCTE-IUL (2013-2018). Former Director of CIES-IUL (2006-2014). Former Director of the Doctoral Program in Sociology (2011-2014). Founder and former Director of Mundos Sociais publisher (2010-2014). Long record of research and publication on social classes and inequalities; migration and ethnicity; youth; sociology of sociology; economic and cultural value of the Portuguese language. Supervised or co-supervised 14 doctoral thesis and 31 master dissertations. Started a professional career at the Instituto de Estudos para o Desenvolvimento (1984-1986) and entered ISCTE-IUL as Assistente Estagiário in 1985. Research Assistant at the Institute for Social Sciences, Lisbon University (1987-1989).
Gustavo Cardoso is Full Professor of Sociology of Communication at ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and a researcher at CIES. He is also an associate researcher at CADIS (Center d'Analyze et d'Interventions Sociologiques) in Paris and Director of OberCom - Observatório dos Meios de Comunicação Social in Lisbon. He is currently the director of the PhD in Communication Sciences and of three post-graduate programs in Communication at ISCTE-IUL, namely the Post-Graduate program in Journalism, the Post-Graduate program in Factchecking and disinformation, and the Post-Graduate program in Communication and Politics.  From 1996 to 2006, he was advisor to the President of the Portuguese Republic, Jorge Sampaio, for Information Society and Telecommunications policy. From 2006-2012, he was non-executive Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Portuguese news agency Lusa. In 2006 he was awarded the degree of "Grande Oficial da Ordem do Infante D. Henrique" for relevant services rendered to Portugal. In 2009 he was elected as Young Global Leader of the WEF and in 2018 he was proposed to be a member of the Academia Europaea where he holds the position of member of the Cinema, media and visual studies section. He has a degree in Business Organization and Management, a Master in European Studies and a PhD in Sociology of Communication. He also holds a specialization in "Global Leadership and Public Policy for the 21st Century" from the Harvard Kennedy School.
Helena Carreiras is full professor of Sociology, Public Policy and Research Methodology at ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL), and a senior researcher at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES- IUL). She holds a PhD in Social and Political Sciences from the European University Institute (Florence). Between 2016 and 2019 she was the dean of the School of Sociology and Public Policy of ISCTE-IUL (2016-2019) and between 2017 and 2019 the president of the European Association ERGOMAS (European Research Group on Military and Society).  Between 2010 and 2012 she was deputy-director of the Portuguese National Defense Institute and in 2014 she was Visiting Professor at the University of Georgetown (Department of Government). Between 2019 and 2022 she directed the National Defence Institute and since 2022 she has been the Minister of National Defense of Portugal. Her research interests are in gender and society, armed forces, civil-military relations, security and defense public policies and qualitative research methodology. Her work has focused on gender integration in military institutions and gender aspects of international security. She is the co-editor of Researching the Military (Routledge, 2016, with Celso Castro and Sabina Frederic), Qualitative Methods in Military Studies (Routlege, 2013, with Celso Castro) and Women in the Military and in Armed Conflict, (Vs Verlag, 2008, with Gerhard Kuemmel), and the author of Gender and the Military. Women in the Armed Forces of Western Democracies (London, Routledge, 2006).
Joana Azevedo is an associate professor at the Department of Sociology, School of Sociology and Public Policy of ISCTE-IUL and integrated research fellow at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-IUL) since 2008. She holds a PhD in Social Theory and Research from the Department of Sociology and Communication Sciences of the University La Sapienza in Rome (2007), with a doctoral grant for studies abroad from the Portuguese national science foundation - FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia). She is postgraduated in Data Analysis in Social Sciences (2010) and graduated in Sociology (2001) from the ISCTE-IUL. She is currently member of the Observatories of Communication (OberCom) and Emigration (OEm). She was postdoctoral fellow at CIES-IUL with a postdoctoral grant from the FCT (2008-2014). Since 2011-2012 she has been teaching at ISCTE-IUL in the fields of communication sciences, sociology and social science research methods. She’s member of the Scientific Commitee of the PhD Programme in Comunication Sciences. She also teaches at the European Master's Programme Erasmus Mundus MFamily.
Jorge Vieira is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology of the School of Sociology and Public Policies at ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. He is a member of the board of directors of the Masters in Communication, Culture and Information Technologies and of LIA Iscte - Laboratory for Innovation at the Academy. He holds a PhD in Sociology and a Master's Degree in Communication, Culture and Information Technology from ISCTE-IUL. He teaches and tutors in the masters programs of Communication, Culture and Information Technologies; Entrepreneurship and Culture Studies, as well as in the graduation in Sociology and in the PhD in Communication Sciences. In addition to teaching he develops research at the Center for Research and Studies of Sociology - CIES-IUL as an integrated PHD Researcher and at OberCom - Observatório da Comunicação. He was already a researcher in projects of the Institute of Social Sciences University of Lisbon (ICS-UL), namely at Portuguese Permanent Youth Observatory. He also participated in the European Erasmus program at the University of Warwick, and developed a Short Term Scientific Mission at the London School of Economics (LSE) and in international networks such as the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) actions, namely the COST-298 action. The main research topics are within 2 major areas: media and culture, alongside social research methods. Some of the interest areas focus in new media, music, digital piracy, audiences, participatory culture, fandom, street art and online dating. He received the "Paquete de Oliveira Award - National Excellence Award for PhD Theses at Portuguese Universities" in 2017.
Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology in ISCTE-IUL (since 2020). Lecturer in the Doctoral Programmes of Sociology (ISCTE-IUL, since 2006), Urban Studies (FCSH-UNL/ISCTE-IUL, 2016-7), and Social Work (ISCTE-IUL, 2004-5). Lecturer (since 2006) and director (2009-2022) in the Master Programme of Sociology in ISCTE-IUL. Lecturer in the Graduation Programmes of Sociology (since 1994) and OGE  (1991-4) in ISCTE-IUL, and Environment Engineering in Instituto Superior Técnico (1997-9). Member of the Council for the Coordination of the Internationalization of Iscte-IUL (since 2020). Alternate member of the Scientific Commission (since 2022), vice-director (2013-6) and member of the Executive Commission (1995-8) of the Department of Sociology ISCTE-IUL. Member of the Scientific Commissions of the Doctoral Programme in Sociology (since 2006) and Social Work  (ISCTE-IUL, 2007-8), and of the Master Programme in Social Sciences (ISCTE-Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, 2003-6). Member of the Commission for the Evaluation of the Activity of the Researchers in the field of Communication and Culture (since 2021), President of the General Assembly of the Cooperative (2012-2023), member of the Scientific Council (since 1998), co-coordination of the research area of Inequalities, Migrations and Territory (2006-2022), member of the Executive Board of the Cooperative (2006-12), member of the Executive Board (1998-2000; 1995-8) and integrated researcher at CIES-IUL (since 1987). Member of the Executive Board (1998-2000) and researcher at OBSERVA - Observatory of the Environment, Society and Public Opinion (1997-2001). Researcher at Centre of Philosophy of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (2005-6). Member of the Executive Board (1991-3) and researcher at Centre for Territorial Studies CET-IUL (1991-2005). Research scholarships at the Institute of Social Sciences (1990-1), the Permanent Observatory of University Students (1989-90), and the National Board for Scientific and Technological Research (JNICT) (1988-9). Researcher at Nucleus for Urban and Territorial Studies CIES-IUL (1987-91).  Collaboration in 59 research projects and studies, 32 as coordinator. Participation in 23 books, 25 scientific articles, 21 papers in scientific congress acts, and 98 oral communications in scientific events.  Member of the Editorial Council (since 2003) and the Editorial Board (1993-2018) of the journal Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas. Member of the Deontological Board (2006-10), the General Assembly (1994-8), the Coordination Commission of the Professional Field (1991-4), and associate (since 1988) of the Portuguese Sociological Association. Member of the International Sociological Association, and the European Urban Knowledge Network. Collaboration with diverse universities in Portugal and other countries, namely with University of Cabo Verde, Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia, University of Stellenbosch, State University of St. Petersburg, Universidad de Las Palmas, and University of South Australia.
Luísa Veloso, sociologist. Associate Professor at Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. Researcher at Cies-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. Associate Researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto. Professor of the Sociology Department of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto between 1991 and 2008. Coordinator and researcher of several national and international projects. Author and scientific coordinator of several publications. Main research interests: work, employment, innovation, science and technology, professions.
Maria das Dores Guerreiro, Ph.D. in Sociology. Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL). Vice-Rector for Internationalization. Erasmus Institutional coordinator. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Department of Sociology (2016-2019). Coordinator of the Family, Generations and Health research group at CIES, until 2019. International Coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus MFAMILY Consortium, in partnership with the universities of Gotheborg-Sweden, Stavanger-Norway and Makerere-Uganda (2012-2019). Co-coordinator of the Observatory of Families and Family Policies until 2017. National representative of the European Network Families and Work (1994-2000). Deputy Director of the Department of Sociology (2010-2013). Editor of the journal Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas (2001-2017). Research areas: Sociology of the Family; Gender Studies; Generations, Social Trajectories and Life Course; Social Policies and Family Policies; Work & Family; Family Business and Entrepreneurship.
Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology at Iscte-IUL and Visiting Scholar at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) (since 2014). Marie Curie Fellow at LSE (2016-2018) (with Marie Curie Individual Fellowship) and Fulbright Scholar at Cornell University (New York) (2015-16) (with a Fulbright Scholarship). PhD in Science and Technology Studies (STS) at University College London (UCL) (2011), and Teaching Assistant (TA) for courses in Science Communication and Science Policy at UCL (2008-2012). Trainer at Esconet (European Network for Science Communication, EU funded project), training scientists how to communicate with publics (2009-12). Before my PhD, I worked for the European Commission (EC), at the DG Research, Infrastructures Unit, Brussels. Research interests: science communication, public understanding of science, science policy and research methods for social sciences. Current research focusses on institutional communication of science with society. Main awards and recognitions: International award from Euroscience: European Young Researcher Award' Laureate (EYRA) (2016) Recognition in the Book Ciência Viva 'Mulheres na Ciência' (2019) I am currently Member of the International Science Council (ISC) expert advisory panel on the Public Value of Science.   Main recent and ongoing international projects: 1. PI (Principal Investigator) for the project ‘MORE-PE: Mobilising Resources for Public Engagement’ (2016-2021). Funding: €170.000, FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia).  2. PI (Principal Investigator) for the project 'OPEN: Organisational Public Engagement with Science and Technology' (2019-2023). Funding: €250.000, FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia). The MORE-PE and OPEN studies have been implemented in Portugal, Italy, Germany, the UK, the Netherlands, the USA, Turkey, Brazil, Japan, Taiwan and China (mainland) to study science communication within institutional environments.  3. WP Leader for the EU funded project "POIESIS: Probing the impact of integrity and integration on societal trust in science" with a focus on research integrity and public trust in science in seven countries: Germany, France, Denmark, Greece, Portugal, Spain and the UK (2023 2025). Funding: €1.2M, European Commission (EC).  Website: https://poiesis-project.eu/ 4. Co-PI at Iscte for the study 'Public Opinion about Radan' (part of the EC project RadoNorm) in collaboration with APA (Associação Portuguesa do Ambiente) implemented under the protocol "Implementation of the National Plan for Radan" jointly with the partners: Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr Ricardo Jorge (INSA), Universidade de Coimbra (UC), Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), Direção-Geral da Saúde (DGS), and Instituto Português de Acreditação (IPAC) (2023 - on). Funding: €150.000, APA Fundo Ambiental (FA). 5. PI of the study "Public attitudes and trust in Blockchain technology for Health" part of the project Blockchain.PT (PRR-RE-C05-i01.02: Agendas/Alianças verdes para a Inovação Empresarial) (2023-2026). Funding: €48M (€1.2M Iscte); PRR - Plano de Recuperação e Resilência e União Europeia ao abrigo do programa NextGenerationEU. 6. PI in Portugal for the project “Copy and Paste in (Digital) Science Communication: Praktiken von Churnalism and Verantwortungszuschreibungen [CoPaDiSC]” led by Dr. Lars Guenther from University of Hamburg. Comparative research on university press releases in four countries: Germany (University of Hamburg), Portugal (Iscte-IUL), South Africa (Stellenbosh University) and Israel (Tecnion-Israel Institute of Technology) (2024-2027). Funding: €597.548; BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)   Speaker in international events: I have been often invited to speak at international conferences including in China, Japan, Brazil and Europe, and as expert in discussions in the field (e.g. Bellagio Centre/Rockefeller Foundation, Como Lake, Italy (2018 and 2022), Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (2018), San Francisco, USA). Recent book published by Routledge (2022): 'Public Communication of Research Universities: ‘Arms-race’ for visibility or science substance?’, Routledge 
Pedro Vasconcelos completed his graduation in Sociology (Licentiate degree) in 1995 at Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon, his Research Master's Degree in Social Sciences in 2002 at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon, and his Doctorate in Sociology at Iscte in 2011 (all Pre-Bologna Process). He teaches at graduate and post-graduate levels since 1996 at Iscte. Since 1992 he has participated in several research projects about issues such as categorization processes, social representations and identities, family and social class, generations and values, family and youth, sexuality, social networks, kinship, social inequalities, gender and transgender issues. Presently his main interests are about social and sociological theory, social inequality and multidimensionality, gender, class and racialization/ethnicity. 
Renato Miguel do Carmo is an associate professor (with habilitation) at the Department of Sociology of ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon and research fellow at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-IUL), Portugal. He is Director of the Inequality Observatory  and participates in the scientific coordination of COLABOR. Issues such as social and spatial inequalities, welfare state, employment and labor market, public policy, mobilities and social capital have been at the core of his research projects. His  publications have appeared in Current Sociology, European Societies, Journal of Civil Society, Sociologia Ruralis, Time & Society, Sociological Research Online, Geoforum, Community Development, European Planning Studies, Journal of Labor and Society, and others. He has published 33 books (21 as editor and 12 as author or co-author), five of them published by international publishing houses (Bristol University Press, Berghahn, Palgrave, Springer, Annablume). Since obtaining PhD, he has received several scientific awards: António Dornelas Award 2022; CIES-Iscte I&D Awards 2022; awarded with the ISCTE-IUL prizes for one of best international articles published in 2011, 2015, 2016 and 2019; award to the best article in the field of regional studies published in Portuguese journals in 2008 (Portuguese Association for Regional Development, APDR); special Prize of the Jury 2009 for the best article published in the journal Análise Social by a young researcher.   
Associate Professor with Habilitation at Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. Director  of the Master in Communication, Culture and Information Technologies and deputy director of Sociology Department. Researcher at CIES-Iscte, currently develops research in the areas of "Communication, Information Technologies and Health", "Health Literacy" and "Digital Health". ERASMUS coordinator of the Sociology Department. Associated Editor of the Observatório magazine (OBS * - http://obs.obercom.pt/index.php/obs), member of the Scientific Committee of Edicciones-InCom-UAB and of the Editorial Committee of Revista de Comunicación y Salud (www. revistadecomunicacionysalud.org). Author of several books and articles in the areas of Health and Communication, Network Communication and Youth and Media in Portugal.
Sociologist. Associated Professor at the Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa | Escola de Sociologia e Políticas Públicas, Sociology Department. Researcher at CIES-Iscte, where co-coordinates the Research Group Inequalities, Work and Well-being. Director of Iscte Soft-Skills Lab (LCT-Iscte).  President of the Scientific Committee of the special competitions for access to Iscte, and is responsible for coordinating the organization of the reception of these students and supporting them in their academic and social integration. Throughout my research career I have participated in project teams and scientific consultancies, national and international, invested in themes such as social classes and social inequalities, the characterization of living conditions and value orientations of higher education students, aging societies, well-being, social change, and lifestyles, among others.   Currently, I am co-coordinating an international exchange project, aiming at the creation of a Transversal Skills Laboratory at the Amilcar Cabral University, in Guinea-Bissau; I am the coordinator of the evaluation study of the student residences (ERASMUS+); I am a member of the research team of the pedagogical innovation project "Flipping learning internationally in a post-pandemic era"  and a member of the research team of EUROSTUDENT (European Project on living conditions of students). I have published several national and international articles, book chapters, and books, and participated in communications at national and international conferences. My recent publications have appeared in International Studies of Sociology in Education, European Journal of Social Work, Portuguese Journal of Social Science, Sociologias (BR); Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, Sociologia On-Line, and Análise Social. 
Rui Pena Pires is a professor at ISCTE-IUL, where he completed his BA, MC, and PhD in Sociology, and is a researcher at CIES-IUL. He has been the scientific coordinator of the Portuguese Emigration Observatory (Observatório da Emigração) since 2009. Formerly, he was the head of the Department of Sociology and Pro-Vice-Rector at ISCTE-IUL. From 2007 to 2010 he was a member of the Management Board of the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) of the European Union (EU). His research interests include sociological theory, international migration and sociology of development. He is author of several publications, including the book Migrações e Integração: Teoria e Aplicações à Sociedade Portuguesa (Migration and Integration: Theory and Applications to the Study of Portuguese Society) (Celta 2003) and Atlas da Emigração Portuguesa (Atlas of Portuguese Emigration) (Mundos Sociais, 2023).
Teresa Seabra (teresa.seabra@iscte-iul.pt) graduated in Pedagogy (1980) and Sociology (1989), master in Sociology (1995) and PhD in Sociology (2008). Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, ISCTE-IUL. Director of the Master's Degree in Education and Society. Researcher at the Center for Research and Sociology Studies at the University Institute of Lisbon (CIES-IUL) since 1993. Main fields of research: social inequalities in education; descendants of immigrants in school; family education; the school effect on school outcomes. Author and co-author of several articles in scientific journals, chapters of books and books. Among the publications, we highlight the book Adaptation and Adversity: the school performance of students of Indian and Cape Verdean origin in basic education, published in 2010 by the Institute of Social Sciences (ICS-UL). Member of the Advisory Board of the Journal of Sociology of Education of the Portuguese Association of Sociology (APS).
Tiago Lapa is an assistant professor and researcher at CIES-IUL, in the area of ¿¿communication, in the Department of Sociology of the School of Sociology and Public Policy of ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. Coordinates and / or teaches curricular units in the fields of digital sociology, communication and online methods of inquiry. He has around 10 years of experience in academic teaching in the area of ¿¿sociology and communication sciences, having taught curricular units such as Sociology of Communication, Communication Theories and Communication Skills at ISCTE-IUL, but also in other national institutions, such as the ESECS of Polytechnic Institute of Leiria and the European University - Portugal. It is also in this area that he has carried out supervisions of master and doctoral studies, collaborated as a reviewer in publications and participates in COST and Erasmus + programs and in international scientific networks such as the World Internet Project and the European Media Coach Initiative, related to Internet studies , the digital divide and new media literacy. He also belongs to the advisory council of the Safe Internet Center of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). His scientific work has been published in the form of books, chapters and articles in indexed journals of international circulation.
Adjunct Faculty
Ana Teresa Afonso holds a Master's degree in Public Health (International Health) from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) (2021) and a Bachelors degree in Nursing from ESECG in Lisbon (2008). During her graduate studies, she did the Erasmus program in Malmo Hogskola, Sweden.  She is an Invited Assistant professor at the Department of Sociology, School of Sociology and Public Policy at ISCTE-IUL and currently teaches the curricular unit of Public Health in the Master of Humanitarian Action at ISCTE-IUL (also available for  Development Studies, International Relations and Public Policy Msc).  She has a vast curriculum and field experience in several humanitarian contexts (conflict and disaster settings) in  clinical/technical and coordination roles in medium and large-scale emergency responses, with strong links to international organizations and humanitarian community: Medicins Sans Frontieres (MSF), IOM, UK-MED (World Health Organization EMT Initiative) - where she currently acts as Senior Health Consultant/Advisor in Humanitarian Health for the design/strategy and lead of integrated public health programs and health responses. She has developed operational and field experience, project  management and negotiation skills with local governments, donor agencies, UN partners and reporting processes in the Middle East - Saudi Arabia, Africa (South Sudan, Guinea Bissau, Malawi), Bangladesh, Laos, Venezuela, Ukraine.  She participates in training and capacity building projects for professionals in the humanitarian setting and collaborates with partners and international academic institutions: University of Glasgow -  "Migrant and Refugee Health in Humanitarian emergencies" session; The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd); London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM),collaborating in the Humanitarian Health Crisis Center (HHCC); UK-HSA (Health Security Agency); She is a facilitator/trainer in the UK Public Health Rapid Support Team (UK-PHRST)- Deployment course; READY Initiative (USAID) -program that strengthens the capacity of local NGOs to respond to large infectious disease outbreaks through face-to-face training and e-learning) and other organizations such as International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Kabul, Afghanistan; Johanniter International South Sudan or SAMS in Gaziantep, Turkey.  Her current research interests are: migrant and refugee &Social determinants of Health, strengthening public health systems and evaluations in fragile contexts, communication in health and public health policies, multisectorial coordination of emergency responses, and training and professionalization of humanitarian workers.
Dulce Morgado Neves completed her PhD in Sociology from ISCTE-IUL (2013), presenting a thesis entitled "Intimacy and Sexual Life: changes and continuities from a gender and generation based perspective". She is a researcher at CIES-Iscte and her main research interests are related to gender, sexuality, childbirth, parenting and social movements. Currently, she coordinates the research projects “Childbirth Activisms in Europe: trajectories, modes of action and achievements” (2018-2024) and “ABRIL MATER: motherhood and childbirth before and after the Revolution” (2023-2024), funded by FCT. She is the co-founder and co-coordinator of the Laboratory for Social Studies on Childbirth – nascer.pt,  a research hosted, launched in 2017, hosted by CIES-Iscte.   
PhD in Sociology at the School of Sociology and Public Policy - ISCTE (funded by FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology); Master in Communication Sciences (Faculty of Human Sciences, Portuguese Catholic University) and Bachelor in Communication Design (Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Lisbon). Assistant Researcher at DINAMIA'CET_Iscte (Research Group Cities and Territories), participating in several projects and networks, at the local, national and European levels. Recent projects: STRONGER PEHRIPHERIES  (Creative Europe), EVALUATION OF THE STRATEGIC PLAN FOR CINEMA AND INDEPENDENT AUDIO-VISUAL PRODUCTION 2014-2018 (Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual - ICA), STRATEGIC PLAN FOR CULTURE IN OEIRAS MUNICIPALITY (Oeiras City Council), CREATOUR - CREATIVE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN SMALL CITIES AND RURAL AREAS (Joint Activities Programme of Portugal 2020, Compete 2020, POR Lisboa, POR Algarve and FCT ), 4H-CREAT- QUADRUPLE HELIX TO STIMULATE INNOVATION IN THE ATLANTIC CULTURAL & CREATIVE SMEs (Interreg Atlantic Area She has been invited to lecture at the Department of Sociology at ISCTE, at the Faculty of Architecture and in seminars at different levels of education and institutions in the area of planning, culture and tourism. Member of the Management Committee of the Action CA18214 "The Geography of New Working Spaces and the Impact on the Periphery" (2019-2023) with research on collaborative workspaces; maker spaces; fab labs; living labs, etc. Participated in the COST ACTION IS 1007 "Investigating Cultural Sustainability", studying policies and strategic plans in the area of culture and sustainable development in different European cities.   Collaborated with INTELI (an innovation centre in Lisbon) on several local and European projects in the planning and development field related to creativity, culture and innovation policies.
Elsa Pegado has a PhD in Sociology from ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and a Master's degree in Communication, Culture and Information Technology from the same institution. She is a researcher at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology of ISCTE-IUL (CIES-IUL). Assistant Professor at ISCTE-IUL. She has developed research in the area of sociology of health and illness, more specifically on Complementary and Alternative Medicines and on medications; in the area of social inequalities and poverty and social exclusion; and in the field of evaluation methodologies, evaluation of public policies, programs and projects. She is author and co-author of several publications and communications on these themes.
PERSONAL INFORMATION Jose Carlos Moura Moreno T. 913 580 631 jose_carlos_moreno@iscte.pt www.linkedin.com/in/jcmoreno iscte.academia.edu/JoséMoreno   EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2016-2019 - PhD Student in Communication Sciences at ISCTE-IUL - Thesis “From news to platforms: the transformative role of digital information and communication technologies in the network society”. 2012-2014 - Master in Communication, Culture and Information Technologies at ISCTE-IUL - Master's Dissertation “The economic and social value of information in the network society”.  1988-1993 - Degree in Social Communication at ISCSP-UTL   PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE From January 2018 to present - Assistant Researcher at ISCTE-IUL From 2009 to October 2017 - Deputy Director of Multimedia - Motorpress Lisboa, S.A. From 2000 to 2009 - Director of the monthly magazine “Automagazine” - Motorpress Lisboa, S.A. From 1998 to 2000 - Editor in chief of the weekly magazine “Autohoje” - Motorpress Lisboa, S.A. From 2000 to 2009 - Editor of the monthly magazine “Automobile Guide” - Motorpress Lisboa, S.A.   PERSONAL SKILLS Native language: Portuguese Other languages: English, French, Spanish Mastery of various analytics tools (Google Analytics, Gemius) Mastery of various content management systems (Joomla, Wordpress, Symphony) Marketing and digital advertising knowledge   Professional knowledge of major platforms and social networks
José Soares Neves has a PhD in Sociology of Communication, Culture and Education by ISCTE- University Institute of Lisbon. He is a integrated researcher,  sub-director and cocoordinator of the Research Group Media and Culture at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-Iscte), Invited Assistant Professor, coordinates and teaches the curricular units Cultural Audiences, Consumptions and Fruitions and Public Policies of Culture at the Department of Sociology of the same University. He is a co-coordinator of the Art, Culture and Communication thematic section of the APS (Portuguese Sociology Association). He was a permanent researcher at the Portuguese Observatory on Cultural Activities (OAC, 1996 to 2013). President of the Working Group on Cultural Statistics of Portugal Statistical Council (2006 to 2010). Coordinator or researcher on several research projects in the fields of sociology of art and culture and cultural policies, national and local, and in the domains of the cultural industries (music, book), cultural consumption, reading practices, museums and cultural heritage. He is Director of the Portuguese Observatory on Cultural Activities (OPAC) since its creation in December 2018.
Mara Clemente is a sociologist. She holds a PhD in Theory and Social Research from Sapienza University of Rome, with research on tourism and sex market in the Caribbean, which involved an empirical study in the Dominican Republic. Through taking an international research path, Mara deals with questions involving gender, sexuality and different forms of mobility - from movements with the aim of recreation to labour migration, including issues related to “refuge” and “human trafficking”.  She is an integrated researcher at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology at ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon, and for the last few years Mara, has dedicated special attention to “human trafficking” and counter-trafficking, first with research on processes of assistance for trafficked people in Portugal and, subsequently, a project dedicated to the construction of counter-trafficking systems in southern Europe (Portugal, Spain and Italy).  Mara is currently Vice-chair of the Cost Action “Globalization, Illicit Trade, Sustainability and Security”, Co-Coordinator of the Thematic Section of APS Globalization, Politics and Citizenship and member of the Coordination Committee of STS-MigTec Network.  She is the author of publications in journals such as Social and Legal Studies, Dialectical Anthropology and International Review of Sociology. Among the recent publications is the book, The Immobility Turn: Mobility, Migration and the COVID-19 Pandemic, co-authored with David Cairns, published by Bristol University Press in 2023.
 Maria Assunção Gato is a researcher at ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, integrating the Centre for the Study of Socioeconomic Change and the Territory (DINÂMIA'CET-Iscte). Her main research interests lie in urban anthropology and sociology, exploring themes like space values, meanings and spatial consumption, social recompositions, lifestyles, residential dynamics in urban territories and tourism. In parallel, she has developed a second line of research focused on cultural, creative and participatory dynamics, considering socio-economic changes and impacts on territories and local communities. Maria Assunção Gato holds a PhD in Cultural and Social Anthropology and a Master in Geography - Territorial Management from the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She is currently sub-director of DINÂMIA'CET-Iscte, director of the journal Cidades, Comunidades e Territórios and co-coordinator of Thematic Line 1 -  Regenerative Territories for Carbon Neutrality - of the SocioDigital Lab for Public Policy of Iscte.
Nuno Oliveira is a sociologist with a PhD in Sociology from ISCTE-IUL (2012). He is a post-doctoral researcher at CIES (ISCTE -IUL) and visiting assistant professor at ISCTE -IUL.  As a researcher, he develops work on local dynamics of immigrant integration and urban policies, the meaning of intercultural models, and the political and theoretical transition from multiculturalism to interculturalism, with a particular focus on the deep understanding of the Portuguese model. He was a visiting fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Gottingen. Currently, he coordinates, in Portugal, the project SINAFE (Erasmus + sport), focused on the social inclusion of African athletes in Europe and the construction of a curriculum for their sports careers. Among other projects, he coordinated the project Diversities, space and migrations in the entrepreneurial city (CIES-IUL, FAUL and CRIA) funded by the European Commission's Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), which focused on the transformations of urban centres and the agents that produce or are affected by them. He was a senior researcher at the Conviviality and Superdiversity Project (CIES-IUL) and was part of the GOVDIV (Multilevel Governance of Cultural Diversity in Europe and Latin America) network at CIES, a project funded by the European Commission's IRSE. He was responsible for the project Operation Vote, on the political and civic participation of immigrants, funded by the Program on Fundamental Rights and Citizenship of the European Commission. He has published extensively in these areas, both nationally and internationally. His teaching experience has been focused on sociological theories, including the courses "Classical Sociological Theories", "Sociological Theories - the major schools" and "Contemporary Sociological Theories". He has also written and published on these themes.  He worked as Detached National Expert (DNE) at the Unit Research and Data Collection of the European Commission's Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) in Vienna. Previously, he was the coordinator of the National Observatory of Racism and Xenophobia, anchored in a partnership with ACM and FRA.   
PhD in Social Sciences (with a specialization in Political Sociology) by the Institute of Social Sciences (University of Lisbon). MSc in 'Communication, Culture and Information Technologies' (ISCTE-IUL). BA in 'Sociology' (ISCTE-IUL).   Lecturer in the MA in 'Communication, Culture and Information Technologies' (ISCTE-IUL), in the PG in 'Industries and Creative Cultures: Management and Strategies' (ESCS-IPL), in the BA in 'Audiovisual and Multimedia' (ESCS -IPL), and in the BA in 'Public Relations and Business Communication' (ESCS-IPL).Former lecturer in the PhD in 'Communication Studies: Technology, Culture and Society' (FCT), in the MA in 'Entrepreneurship and Studies of Culture' (ISCTE-IUL), in the MA in 'Audiovisual and Multimedia' (ESCS-IPL), and in the PG in 'Musical Marketing' (ISCSP-UL).He is an Associate Researcher at CIES-IUL, Center for Research and Studies in Sociology.He was Director of ICML, Institute of Communication and Media of Lisbon.Currently part of COST Action CA17135 - Constitution-making and deliberative democracy. He represented Portugal in the Management Committee of COST action IS0807. He was Researcher on COST actions A14 'Government and democracy in information age', A20 'The Impact of the Internet on the Mass Media in Europe', and IS0807 'Living in Surveillance Societies'.He is a published author in international and national scientific books (in co-authorship of articles and afterword), and in international and national scientific journals.He is Advisory Editor of the international scientific journal OBS *, OberCom, Observatory of Communication.He was Journal Manager of the international scientific journal OBS *, OberCom, Observatory of Communication.He is a reviewer of the international journals 'Journal of Communication' (School for Communication and Journalism, University of Southern California), 'New Media & Society' and 'OBS *' (OberCom, Observatory of Communication). He is a reviewer of the national scientific journal 'Public Communication' (ESCS-IPL).
PhD in Sociology at Iscte (Lisbon) and the French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED, Paris), dissertation 'Self-reported bilingual outcomes and language acculturation among descendants of Turkish immigrants in France, Germany and the Netherlands', in the European project TIES (The Integration of the European Second Generation), as Earlier Stage Marie Curie, funded FCT/MCTES, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (FCG) as a PhD visitor at the Center for International Studies (CERI, Sciences Po, Paris). Since 2003, I work in the Sociology of international and Sociology of language, focusing in the population with migrant background (immigrants, refugees and their descendants) in Europe and Portugal, comparing policies on migration, asylum seeking, integration and language, bilingual education, academic language in higher education, Portuguese for speakers of other languages, pluricentricity of Portuguese language, at the institucional, family and individual levels.  Integrated at Iscte: researcher at the Center for Research and Studies in Sociology and Invited Assistant Professor; member of the Scientific Council of Iscte; member of the Scientific Commission of the Department of Sociology; coordinator of the research group 'Migration, Mobiliy and Ethnicity' (CIES-Iscte).  Teaching master and undergraduate studies: theory and methods on language policies and practices; family, migration and educations; research design; observational field research; ethics and profession in Sociology; research design applied to studies on Humanitarian Action. Teaching abroad: theory and methods on language policies and practices in two Eramus Mundus Masters (MFamily and NOSWEL), University of Stavanger; undergraduate and master studies in Social Work: ethnographic methods and research methods, the University of Makerere, Kampala.  Carrying out studies on language policies, practices and attitudes: in a post-doctoral research 'Konta bu storia: Linguistic Acculturation Patterns among Descendants of African Immigrants in Vale da Amoreira' (funded by FCT / MCTES, at CIES-Iscte, CELGA-ILTEC/UC, and CES-UC); co-coordinating a research 'Portuguese language policies for adult immigrants in Portugal with little or no schooling: institutionalization and challenges'; co-coordinating an action-research 'Trovoada de Ideias - Linguistic and Social Inclusion of PALOP Students in Portuguese Higher Education (with APEDI; CELGA-ILTEC/UC, funded by FAMI/ACM); coordinate an action-research 'MOCEP: Migrant Women, Cultural Orientation and Portuguese Teaching' (with APEDI, Penha de França Paris Council, CCC); local coordinator of 'Coop4Int - Strengthening Migrant Integration through cooperation between Portugal and Cabo Verde' (with BRU-Iscte; AUDAX-Iscte; Emigration Observatory-Iscte; ACM; AAI (Cape Verde). Organizing Committee: the 7th Biennial Conference Network Afroeuropeans: "Black In/Visibilities Contested”; Seminar 'Language and Literacy Policies and Practices'; Seminar ''Migration in Digital Space: experiences, change and resistance'; Round-Table on 'Linguistic Diversity in Portugal and Migratory Contexts' (CES/UC); 'Migration Experiences Meetings' (with CRIA). Associated Researcher: 'Global Governance'/SocioDigital Lab for Public Policy; Imiscoe European Network; Scientific Commision at CAPLE/Univ.Lisbon; Emigration Observatory (Iscte); RedeMigra (Iscte); APEDI; CELGA-ILTEC/UC; EDiSo; RMIR - Refugees and Migration, Cost Network New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe.
Sandra Mateus is a sociologist with a PhD in Sociology from Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (2014). She is a researcher at CIES-Iscte and a visiting assistant professor at Iscte, where she heads the Master's programme in Education and Society and is coordinator of the 1st year of the degree in Sociology. She is an elected member of the CIES Scientific Committee. In Portugal, she is currently coordinating the European project H:ouse (AMIF), centred on housing challenges in the integration of refugees (2024-2026), and the European project Space4Us (Erasmus+), on the social inclusion of young people in vulnerable situations (2022-2024). She is pursuing a research programme on the ways in which the identities and belonging of young people of mixed origin are created in transnational family contexts. She has researched and taught in the areas of education, migration, social inequalities and youth, with a particular focus on the children of immigrants. She has authored and co-authored several publications, communications and conferences. Her teaching experience includes curricular units on "Learning Society" and "Children of Immigrants and Education" on Iscte's MA in Education and Society, and other units such as "Object and Method of Sociology", "Sociology of Education", "Educational Policies", "Integration in Migratory Processes", and "Multicultural Mediation in Educational Contexts". She has also taught at the Lisbon School of Education (2011) and the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon (2005). She has been a trainer in various institutions and with different audiences, including teachers, social workers and animators. She was part of the national management team of the Escolhas Programme (2006-2008), coordinating the programme's communication, the area of children of immigrants and the training of local teams; and she was also part of the Informal Working Group for the Integration of Children of Immigrants, supported by ACIDI - High Commission for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue, IP. At this Institute, she was also a member of the Training Centre for raising awareness about the reception and integration of immigrants. Between 2009 and 2010, he learnt and used Stand Up Comedy for the public dissemination of science, through his participation in the "Cientistas de Pé" project.
Sandra Palma Saleiro (sandra.saleiro@iscte-iul.pt). PhD in Sociology. Researcher at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-IUL). Invited Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology, School of Sociology and Public Policy, of the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL). She has worked on research projects on gender, gender equality and gender violence; transgender, gender diversity; social inequalities and poverty and social exclusion; evaluation methodologies, evaluation of public policies and programs and projects. In her doctoral thesis entitled "Trans Genders. A sociological approach to gender diversity”,  she mapped the diversity of (trans) gender identities and expressions in Portuguese society. The most recent projects include the project "Gender Diversity, Citizenship and Health" at CIES-IUL, within the scope of the FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (2016-2022); the coordination of “National Portuguese Study on the Needs of LGBTI+ Persons and the reasons for discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sexual characteristics”, financed by POISE (2021-2022); the  local coordination of the projet “Cávado + Equal. Equality and Reconciliation in personal, family and professional life” (2020-2023).
Susana Santos is a Research Fellow at CIES-IUL and an invited assistant at the Department of Sociology, ISCTE-IUL. She holds a PhD from ISCTE-IUL (2012). In the present, she is working on her Post-doc project about young business lawyers in national and international large law firms, focused on studying the impacts of economic globalization on young law professionals.  Her research interests include:  the study of transnational elites and young high-skilled professional trajectories. On a broader perspective Sociology of Law, and the intersection of Sociology of Law with Sociology of Professions, Organizations and Work. At a teaching level she focuses her attention on Political Communication, more specifically the formation of public spheres in different type of contexts, like digital public forums, helping students at masters’ level to develop their research projects and dissertations. Since 2002, she is a researcher at CIES-IUL working in several research projects in the fields of Sociology of Communication, Political Sociology and Sociology of Law.
Thais França is currently a visiting assistant professor of the Master in Labour Sciences and Industrial Relations (Iscte-IUL) and an integrated researcher at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology Institute of the Lisbon University Institute (Cies-Iscte, Iscte-IUL). Currently she coordinates the project “SAGE19: Scientific and Academic Gender (in) equality during Covid19” funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology on the impact of the Covid19 pandemic on female scholar’s career. She was was granted an EEAgrants for her project 'Mapping out: Portugal on the European anti-immigrant movements map' in partnership with PRIO, Norway. Her research expertise and interests focus on migration, mobilities, gender, social inequalities and post-colonial studies. She earned my PhD degree in Sociology in the Labor Relations, Social Inequalities and Unionism program at the Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra in 2012. Her research was funded by the FCT and its main objective was to analyse the employment insertion of Brazilian women in Portugal. Since then, the topics of social inequality, immigration and gender have become the tripod of her studies. In 2013, at CIES, ISCTE-IUL, she started her career as an independent researcher under the FCT post-doctoral scheme coordinating the project Scientific Mobility to and from Portugal: Production and Circulation of Knowledge in Highly-Skilled Immigration (2012-2018). The project aimed, on the one hand, to analyse international academic and scientific mobility to Portugal as a qualified immigration modality and, on the other, to reflect on how social and gender inequalities reproduce in this phenomenon. Along these years she also took part in different projects and networks, namely GOVDIV Multilevel governance of cultural diversity in a comparative perspective: EU-Latin America (IRSES, Marie Curie Action, FP7-SP3- PEOPLE); A Global Survey on "Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Life of Higher Education Students (University of Ljubljana); the international research clusters IMISCOE : Education and Social Inequality and RIMAC - Red sobre Internacionalización y Movilidades Académicas y Científicas (RIMAC) /Programa de redes temáticas del CONACYT- México. She was the Co-Chair of the Latin America Studies Association (LASA) Gender Section (2018-2020). Additionally, she was a visiting researcher in many institutions in different countries: Gender and Feminist Department, Berkeley University (USA), Department of Sociology University of Warwick (UK), CONICET (Argentina), boosting her career internationalization. The outputs of her work have been presented in in several academic conferences and published in international journals and book chapters. She organized three edited volumes and numerous scientific meetings. Currenlty, she is a member of the European Commission  expert group on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on gender equality in EU R&I (2022-2023)
Vera Borges is a Research Fellow of sociology at CIES-Iscte. She is Invited Professor at LCT-Iscte and Department of Sociology-Iscte. Since 2020, she collaborates with the Master in Management and Studies of Culture (Mestrado em Estudos e Gestão da Cultura), at Iscte. Since 2022, she teaches Professions, Organizations and Creativity at Iscte. Recently, she coordinated the team that carried out the Study on the Artists and Projects supported by the FCG (study funded by the FCG, 2022). She is currently coordinating the Study of the Portuguese Theater and Cine-Theaters Network (2023), at CIES-Iscte. Among her recent co-authored articles are Mapping Cultural Policy in Portugal: From incentives to crisis (International Journal of Cultural Policy, 2018); Emerging Patterns of Artistic Organizations in Portugal: A Three Case Studies analysis (Sociologia del Lavoro, 2020); and The transformative role of Angels cultural organisations under austerity (Cultural Trends, 2021). V. Borges, Ph.D. in Sociology (EHESS-UNL) since 2005, she is a permanent researcher at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-IUL) and associated researcher at ICS (UL). She worked at the ICS (UL), from 2005 to 2013, with the support of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). Her main research interests are artistic work, careers and labour markets inequalities; professions, organisations and risk management; cultural public policy. Graduated in Sociology, she completed her master’s degree at ISCTE (IUL), in 1999. She won the António Sérgio Prize. In 2005, she  an internship as research fellow in the Centre of Sociology of Work and Arts at EHESS, Paris, with support from the Gulbenkian Foundation (FCG). She worked at the ICS (UL), from 2005 to 2013, with the support of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). H She published 9 national and international books with the results of research on professions, organizations and labour markets, reputation and professional risk management. She contributed to several publications and initiatives with informational, scientific and communication of science objectives, such as organizing research seminars, round table debates, and open seminars. From 2009-2011, she was on the board of the Sociology of the Professions Network, in the European Sociological Association, and she is presently co-director of the Art, Culture and Communication Network at the Portuguese Sociological Association. She is co-organizer of the Interim Meeting of the Sociology of Art Network for the European Sociological Association, 2016. She has published many articles in peer-reviewed journals, and has also written 15 book chapters, 7 of which at the international circulation. Meanwhile, she has organized national and international colloquiums each year (with P.-M. Menger, D. Throsby, F. Behamou, T. Cowen, L. Karpik, A. Markusen, A. Abbott).
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