
Alzira Duarte, MBA/Master in Business Administration at ISCTE-IUL. Since 2001 she is Assistant in Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior at ISCTE-IUL. PhD student, she is working in The Paradoxical Management of Corporate Social Responsibility. She has collaborations on journals, with papers and book chapters published. Prior to joining ISCTE-IUL, she was HRM Specialist and she worked as consultant on Organizational Development and HRM. Her research interests include corporate social responsibility and family business, and e-HRM and healthcare management.
PhD in Human Resources Management at ISCTE-IUL, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal. Her main research interests are well-being, daily micro-events at work, mindfulness, positive organizational behaviour and the intersection of pets with organizational life. She has published more than 40 papers in International Journals such as Personality and Individual Differences, Journal of Happiness Studies, Social Indicators Research, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology or International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care. She has published diverse book chapters and presented studies at different International Conferences, such as: European Congress on Work and Organizational Psychology and; International Seminar on Positive Occupational Health Psychology, among others. Contact: ana_luisa_silva@iscte-iul.pt
Ana Margarida Passos is Associate Professor with habilitation in the Department of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior at ISCTE-IUL Business School. She has a PhD in Social and Organizational Psychology. She has been investigating the drivers of team effectiveness and adaptability over time. Her research in this area began to focus on the characteristics of the team members (team diversity) and on team processes, as is the case of intragroup conflicts. More recently, she has been investigating the role of cognitions (team mental models and transactive memory systems), emotions, behaviors (e.g., team leadership, team learning behaviors) on team effectiveness and adaptation with a temporal focus. Areas of application include teams in the context of high education, banking, insurance and humanitarian action.
1) Education:Bsc Social and Organizacional Psychology - ISPA 1989 Msc Organizational behaviour - ISPA 2003 Phd Management - HRM ISCTE IUL 2010 2) Professional Activity's (non academic): 1990-1991 Training and Recruitment chief - LAR Regional airlines1991-1993 Human Resources manager - Lar Regional airlines 1992-1993 Training manager - ODS Iberica 1993 Human Resources manager - Euroair SA 1993 Human Tesources manager - SERVICE AIR SA 1993-1997 Trainer - ICL, HCL, Hotel Roma, Páteo Alfacinha, Hotel do Mar, Hospital de São José, Hospital de vila Franca, Group A. Robalo, Centro de medicina física e reabilitação de Alcoitão, ARS Norte, ISSS, Sta Casa Misericordia. 1993-1997 HRM consultant 2000-2002 Consultant - Fernave1997-2008 - Manager - DSHO Lda 3) Academic work2020 - until now:  ECTS coordenator Dept RHCO IBS2005- until now - Researcher at Business Research Unit (BRU) ISCTE IUL 1996 - until now:  Teatcher at ISCTE IUL (senior teacher assistant since 2010) - IBS RH&CO Department  2009 - 2019:  Languages and soft skills lab director ISCTE IUL 2002-2004 Guest speaker - IADE Photography department 1996-2004 Lecturer FCUL Lisbon 1993 a 1996 Assistant ULHT Psychology Department and HRM department 1994-1995 Guest speaker - ESE Lisbon 1995-1996 Lecturer - ESSS, Lisbon 1994-1996 Lecturer- ESCS Lisboa 1991-1995 Guest speaker - ISPA 1990-1993 Lecturer ISHT Lisbon
PhD in Management, specialized in Human Resources and Organizational Behavior, by ISCTE-IUL. She is Associate Professor at the Department of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior at ISCTE Business School. She is Director of the LIA Iscte - Laboratory for Innovation in Academia. She is Director of the Executive Master in Healthcare Services Management. She is Director of the Executive Master in Strategic People Management and Leadership, of the Executive Master in Healthcare Services Management and of the Post-Graduation at ISCTE Executive Education. The main areas of research are healthcare management and strategic people management. She has been a member of boards of directors (or advisor) and has extensive consulting experience in Strategic People Management, Healthcare Services Management and Organizational Change in multiple organizations, private, public and social economy, across different business sectors.
Is professor at ISCTE since 2000. In the present moment is associated professor in the Department of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior (HROB). Has the Agregation degree in Human Resources (ISCTE 2020); PhD in Organizational and Social Psychology (ISCTE 2007), related to Cooperation and Free-riding on organizations; Master in Organizational and Social psychology about Ethics and Responsibility (ISCTE 2001) and graduated in Management (ISCTE 1991). During his professional career he had participated in the evaluation of EU programs, had been human resource manager at a financial institution (1993-1998) and assumed a technical HRM job at a major company in the car sector (1990-1993). His research interests are subordinated to uncertainty,cooperation and counter-productive behaviors in teams, as well to the relationships between HR practices and the establishment of power asymmetries and trust on organizations.
Maria João Velez  is Assistant Professor at the Department of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior. Her research interests include ethical leadership, destructive leadership, followership, emotions in the workplace, occupational stress, coping strategies, having some of her work published in international journals such as Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, European Review of Applied Psychology or The Leadership Quarterly. Furthermore, she has also participated in several national and international research projects.
Working in the Department of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior from ISCTE Business School, develops research focused on the topics of organizational leadership, governance and political behavior, emotions in organizations, competencies and attitudes towards technology. Has experience in managing university knowledge transfer units since 2009 and has coordinated several projects and studies (both executive and scientific coordination) bridging with the community and business, both in national and international settings. These projects have been targeting mostly applied research and organizational intervention in the area of organizational behavior (Organizational diagnosis and innovation) and HRM (professional selection, competencies profiling, team building). Supervises master dissertations and doctorate theses in management some within a joint program with Southern Medical University (Guangzhou, China) and the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (Chengdu). Acted as jury member in several public officer selections (middle management and executive positions) for Portuguese governmental and public institutions.  
Sandra Costa is an Assistant Professor and Researcher at ISCTE-IBS. She holds a PhD in Management from Nova SBE. She teaches a variety of courses in HRM, OB, Organizational and Occupational Psychology, and Quantitative Research Methods at different universities: University of Liverpool (UK), Nova SBE (PT), Universidade Europeia (PT) and IPAM (PT). She published in academic journals such as the Journal of Vocational Behavior, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, British Journal of Management and Work & Stress. She is now Principal Investigator in a Foundation for Science and Technology -funded project.
Sara Ramos, PhD in Psychology, specializing in Work Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Porto in 2006. Assistant Professor in the Department of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior at ISCTE-Lisbon University Institute since 2007. Areas of teaching: research methods, qualitative methods, work psychology and human resources. The latest research has focused on the relationship between health, age and work more specifically on the topic of aging and work.
PhD in Social and Organizational Psychology (Specialization in Organizational Behavior) at ISCTE-IUL in 2009. Faculty in ISCTE-IUL since 1997,she is currently Associate Professor at the Department of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior lecturing several courses in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles in this area. She has several publications in national and international chapters in books and scientific journals such as Journal of Business Venturing, Leadership Quarterly, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Applied Psychology: An International Review, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, and British Journal of Health Psychology among others. She investigates on creativity at work and innovation in organizations, well-being, organizational identification, work-family interface and entrepreneurship.
Sílvia Agostinho Silva is Professor (Professora Catedrática) at the Department of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior. Her main research interests lie in the field of work psychology applied to safety, health and wellbeing at work. Her work has been published in several books and international journals, as for instance "Journal of Occupational Health Psychology", "Risk analysis", "Safety Science", "British Journal of Health Psychology", "Accident analysis and Prevention", "Journal of Organizational Behavior". Between February 2013 and January 2017 she was the Director of the Business Research Unit (BRU-IUL). She has been a Member of several scientific associations and international networks. Between May 2011 and May 2017 she was in the Executive Committee of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. She coordinated several research national and international projects and collaborated with several companies aiming workplace safety and health promotion. In July 2023, she was appointed as coordinator of the Coordinator of the "Committee on the Green Paper on the Future of Safety and Health at Work".   In June 2024 she was appointed to the Executive Committee of EAOHP – European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology as Chair of the Research Forum.  
Adjunct Faculty
Andrea Fontes is an invited teacher, a psychologist, a coach and a consultant in Human Resources. She holds two degrees, respectively in the areas of Organization and Business management and Psychology, a Master in Psychology, Counseling and Psychotherapy and a Phd in Organizational Psychology in ISCTE. She has  20 years experience in multinational companies practice field, in several areas, from Marketing&Sales to Consumer Research and Human Resources. Publications in scientific journals and book chapters have been mainly within the coaching topic. Her researches were also presented in several national and international conferences. Research interests revolve around HR practices for development and positive interventions at the workplace.  
Andreia Borges has a PhD in Management (specialized in Human Resources and Organizational Behavior) and is a social and organizational psychologist. She worked in the Human Resources department of Sonae Sierra and has experience as a researcher at Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics and the Public Security Police (PSP). She is currently invited professor at ISCTE. Her research explores new ways of thinking about the social, ethical and environmental dimensions of business. She also explores other ideas of corporate ethics and political behavior that strengthen corporate action and political capital.
With 20 years' experience in promoting psychological health and organisational well-being. With a double Master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology (FP UL) and Human Resources Management (ISCTE-IUL) and holds an Advanced Speciality in Occupational Health Psychology from the OPP. Currently Managing Partner of Bound, a member of the OPP's Work, Social and Organisational Psychology Specialisation and Executive Board Director of the EAEF - Employee Assistance European Forum. https://www.linkedin.com/in/lilianadias/ 
As an Invited Assistant at ISCTE Business School within the Bachelor's program in Human Resource Management and a Research Assistant at BRU-IUL, Luís Miguel Simões is currently pursuing a PhD in Management at ISCTE, specializing in human resources and organizational behavior. The professional journey began in international recruitment and selection, followed by a transition into a role related to Human Resources Technician within a medical devices company. In this position, responsibilities included new member training and development, training the entire EMEA team on new software, administrative support, purchase orders, HR analytics, and internal project coordination and leadership.   Additionally, contributions have been made as a consultant to international projects focused on social and educational training programs and program development.   A position is also held as Human Resources and Marketing Director at a Portuguese film festival.   As a researcher, focus lies in projects pertaining to leadership and its impact on employee attitudes and behaviors.
Sofia Oliveira is a Contracted Researcher (2023.08903.CEECIND) at BRU-Iscte investigating the promotion of social-emotional learning, self-care and positive leadership in professionals of education, and an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Iscte-Business School. She has a PhD in Educational Psychology (2018-2023; FCT SFRH/BD/137845/2018) from the University of Lisbon (UL) and the University of Coimbra, and a Master's degree in Educational Psychology (2015-2017) from UL, under which she received two awards. She has been a researcher in funded projects since 2015, such as "EWRI2022 - Exploitative working relationships: Impact on employees’ health and behaviors", "Study of Burnout in the Portuguese Medical Class", "Effects of a mindfulness-based intervention for teachers: A study on teacher and student outcomes", "Cyberbullying: The regulation of behavior through language". Since 2018, she has also lectured in the Integrated Master's in Psychology and Master's in Educational and Vocational Psychology at the FPUL. Her main research interests focus on Social and Emotional Learning, Self-care, Occupational Health and Well-being, Stress and Burnout, Professional Training, and Organizational Climate. As a form of internationalisation, Sofia is determined in participating in and establishing new research networks, some of which already include the WANT Group with the Universitat Jaume I, Spain; the EDUCARE group with the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil, and the Universitat Jaume I, Spain; as well as the Study and Research Group of Self-regulated Learning with the Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil. Also, Sofia is diligent regarding the national and international dissemination of her work in peer-reviewed journals and conferences. In terms of skills and other professional activities, Sofia has developed her skills in qualitative (e.g., content analysis, systematic reviews) and quantitative analyses (e.g., multivariate analyses, structural equation modeling) with specific software (e.g., SPSS, R, NVivo, MaxQDA) and research methods (i.e., using digital platforms such as Qualtrics, Teleform) in Psychology, Education and, recently, in Management. She has also been committed to reviewing for many peer-review journals, such as International Journal of Stress Management, Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health, Educational Research Review, among others.
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