
Assistant Professor - with a Habilitation in Information Science and Technology - in the Department of Information Science and Technology (DCTI-ISTA). Degree in Information Systems and Computer Engineering (5 years course). MD and Ph.D. in Social Psychology. Researcher at Information Sciences, Technologies and Architecture Research Center (ISTAR-IUL). Involved in projects related to applied computing, gamification, technology acceptance, cybercultures, information society, information systems, technologies and education, adolescence, childhood, music, education and learning, suicide prevention, virtual communities, gaming, and social networks. Member of some scientific Associations, such as Centre for Studies in Suicide and Portuguese Society of Suicidology. In short, he focuses his work on data science and applied computing to the study of human behavior, in different contexts. He is also the author of many scientific papers, book chapters, and some books, namely, 'Jogos Sérios - A Arte de Gamificar' (Serious Games - The Art of Gamification), ‘O Desafio da Morte’ (The Challenge of Death), Illusions in the Age of Emotions’, or 'O Desafio da Vida' (The Challenge of Life). He has participated in several scientific events and other actions toward the community. He has also participated in radio programs, has always enjoyed playing sports, and advocates a sustainable world and a healthy life, being vegetarian.
Adolfo Cartaxo was born in Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal, 1962. He received the degree of "Licenciatura" in Electrical and Computers Engineering, the M. Sc. degree in Telecommunications and Computers, and the Ph. D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 1985, 1989 and 1992, respectively, from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), faculty of engineering of Lisbon Technical University. His Ph. D. research work focused on clock recovery circuit optimisation in direct detection optical communications. In 1985, he joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of IST. In 1992, he became an Assistant Professor, and he was promoted to Associate Professor in January 2002. In September 2016, he joined the Department of Information Science and Technology of ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa as Full Professor. Over those years, he has lectured several courses on Telecommunications, and has been supervisor or co-supervisor of more than 30 M. Sc. theses and 10 Ph. D. theses. He joined the Optical Communications Group of Lisbon site of "Instituto de Telecomunicações" (IT) as a researcher in 1993. He is now a senior researcher conducting research on optical fibre telecommunication systems and networks, and national coordinator of Optical Communications Line in IT. He has been leader of the IST or IT participation in the following projects of the European Union programs on R&D in the optical communications area: project RACE 1051 - Multigigabit transmission in the subscriber loop - (1.10.1989 to 30.9.1990); project RACE 2011 TRAVEL - (HD)TV transport on very high bitrate optical links - (1.1.1992 to 31.12.1995); project ACTS 049 SPEED - Superhighway by photonically and electronically enhanced digital transmission - (1.9.1995 to 31.12.1998); project FP7-2007-IST-1-216785 UCELLS - Ultra-wide band real-time interference monitoring and CELLular management Strategies - (1.1.2008 to 31.12.2010); project FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 FIVER - Fully-Converged Quintuple-Play Integrated Optical-Wireless Access Architectures - (1.1.2010 to 31.12.2012). He has been leader of the following national projects: project JNICT PBIC 2499/95 TÓPICO - Multigigabit optical transmission using electrical dispersion compensation - (1.1.1996 to 31.12.1997); project POSI/35576/CPS/1999 DWDM/ODC - Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing Systems with Optical Dispersion Compensation - (1.10.2000 to 30.09.2004); project POSC/EEA-CPS/56959/2004 SHOTS - Super High-capacity Optical Transmission Systems - (1.4.2005 to 31.12.2007); project PTDC/EEA-TEL/104358/2008 TURBO - Transmission of UltRa wide-Band radio signals over Optical fibre - (1.12.2009 to 31.12.2012); project PTDC/EEI-TEL/2573/2012 MORFEUS - Metro networks based on multi-band ORthogonal FrEquency-division mUltiplexing Signals - (01.04.2013 to 30.09.2015); project AMEN - Analysis and Mitigation of crosstalk Effects in multicore fibre -based Networks - (01.04.2016 to 31.03.2018). In the past years, he has acted as a technical auditor and evaluator for projects included in "Advanced Communications Technologies and Services: european RTD" (ACTS) and "Information Society Technologies" (IST) European Union R&D Programs, and in national R&D Programs. He has served as a reviewer for IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Optics Express, IEEE Transactions on Communications, and other journals. He is a member of the IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society, and IEEE Senior Member since November 2002. He has authored or co-authored more than 130 publications in peer-reviewed journals (17 as first author) as well as more than 170 international conference papers. He is co-author of two international patents. His main present research interests include fiber optic communication systems and networks.
Ana Maria de Almeida has a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, with a specialization in Computer Science. Her research interests include Algorithmics, Complexity, Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition, Data Science, Evolutionary Computation, and Ethics for AI and Research. She also has a particular interest in the construction of self-adjusting predictive and reactive models for real applications, as well as in the development of evolutionary and hybrid strategies for tackling multicriteria combinatorial problems.  She participates and has participated in fundamental and applied research projects and research & innovation projects between academia and industry, both at national as well as international levels. 
PhD (2009) under the supervision of Kai Koskimies (Tampere University of Technology) e Antónia Lopes (University of Lisbon) in the field of object-oriented frameworks and software product lines. Currently the research focus is on two main topics: - Software components and API usability: automated forms of composing and integrating software components (product lines); tool support for using and learning APIs. - Programming education: pedagogical tools for support teaching and learning of programming; automatic grading systems. Visiting researcher at Carnegie Mellon University (2014) with the support of CMU-Portugal, hosted by Brad A. Myers. Visiting researcher at Aalto University (2020), hosted by Lauri Malmi. Program committee member of the conferences Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research (2017-2023) and INFORUM/SOFT-PT (2017-2023).
Bráulio Alexandre Barreira Alturas was born in Lisbon in 1964, but has always lived in Queluz, has a PhD in Business Management with a specialization in Marketing (2005), a Master's Degree in Business Sciences with specialization in Management Information Systems (1995) and Degree in Business Organisation and Management(1989), by ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. He is currently Associate Professor at the ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Information Science and Technology Department, and researcher at ISTAR-Iscte (Information Sciences, Technologies and Architecture Research Center). Coordinator of several curricular units of Informatics Applied to Management and Social Sciences and professor in Masters and Postgraduates, as well as a trainer in the area of Organizational Information Systems.
Carlos Coutinho is Assistant Professor at Iscte-IUL, and the R&D Director at the SME Caixa Mágica Software, S.A. in Lisbon, Portugal. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, awarded in 2013 by the NOVA University of Lisbon (FCT-NOVA), Portugal. He is responsible for the Cloud Computing area at Iscte-IUL, where he also does research, being area coordinator and Scientific Commission member at ISTAR-IUL, with interests in Enterprise Interoperability, Adaptable Platforms and Systems, SOA, and Model-Driven Engineering (MDE). He has more than twenty years of experience teaching the fields of IT at Portuguese universities ISEL, ISCAL, ISGB and Iscte-IUL. He has published 2 book chapters, 9 articles in indexed international scientific journals and more than 40 publications in peer-reviewed international conferences, and is part of the scientific committee of six journals and six yearly international conferences. He was part of the Jury and Main Examiner in the viva voce of four PhD and thirteen MSc. He holds since 2009 a Project Management Institute PMP title and a post-graduation in Project Management by Instituto Superior Bissaya-Barreto (ISBB) in Coimbra, Portugal. He has more than 25 years of experience as an engineer in the enterprise IT area, working in several fields from ICT, Services, Public Administration and the Aerospace industry, in several multinational projects at CMS and other companies like Alcatel, Siemens and Critical Software. He participated and was the company responsible in multiple European Projects like Athena (FP6), TIMBUS (FP7), C2NET, vf-OS, EFPF (H2020), and TaRDIS (HE), and numerous ESA projects (EGOS, OCDT, SCOS-2000 and Galileo).
Born in Lisbon in 1973. Graduated in Computer Science and Management, ISCTE-IUL, 1997. Master in Information Systems Management, ISCTE-IUL, specialisation in the information security area, 2004. PhD in Computer Architecture and Distributed Systems, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain), 2008. Since 2020, Associate Professor at ISCTE-IUL, in the Information Sciences and Technologies Department, where it teaches different curricular units related with Information Security, Web and Mobile-based Information Systems Development and Management, Project Management and Entrepreneurship. Previously a researcher at ADETTI-IUL with interest in the research areas of “Distributed Applications and Systems”, “Information Security”, “Mobile and Web Information Security” integrated into the NUIGRAM (Natural User Interaction Graphics and Mobility) research group. Since January 2015 integrates  SSE (Software Systems Engineering) research group of ISTAR-IUL, working in the same research areas. Associated Researcher of the Distributed Multimedia Applications Group - DMAG (UPC, Spain). Since 1996 has participated in multiple national and international projects, financed by entities such as the National Science Foundation, the European Union, European Space Agency and others. Author and co-author of multiple research articles and communications in international conferences, journals and magazines, and also multiple project reports and deliverables. Also author of several PHP development books. OWASP (Open Web Applications Security Project) member and leader of the Portuguese chapter (between 2007-2018) and Lisbon chapter co-leader (since 2022), cooperating in event organisation, information dissemination and other projects. Founding member of the AP2SI (Associação Portuguesa para a Promoção da Segurança de Informação). Entrepreneur in some IT-based startups.
Caroline Conti was graduated in Electrical Engineering by University of São Paulo, Brazil, in 2010, and received her PhD degree in Information Science and Technology by ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), in June of 2017. She is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Information Science and Technology of ISCTE-IUL, and a Senior Researcher at Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT). Caroline has been working in the area of light field visual media, making her major contributions to the area of light field content processing, representation, and coding. This was also the subject of her PhD Thesis entitled Efficient Solutions for Light Field Coding. She has more than 10 years of research experience in Portugal and, for this period, she has been participating in many national and international research projects addressing immersive multimedia technologies, where she has actively collaborated with experts from academia and industry in this field. More significantly, she has participated in the European Commission’s project 3D VIVANT (Live Immerse Video-Audio Interactive Multimedia) and has been a research intern at the light field display company Holografika Kft., in Budapest, Hungary. Previous work experience also includes working as a research assistant at IT, and as a lecturer for different courses in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering degrees at ISCTE-IUL. She has also been a member of Organizing Committees of international conferences, more recently, in the 10th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing. Overall, she has contributed more than 30 publications in high Impact Factor journals and in renowned international conferences. She is also author of four book chapters published by Springer. According to Google Scholar, her published work has had more than 600 citations. Additionally, she has secured many competitive scholarships, including the FCT Stimulus of Scientific Employment 2017 program, in which she ranked in the first place in the Junior Researcher category with maximum score of 10. She has also been recognized with many awards/distinctions in national and international conferences and competitions. More significantly, in 2017, she won the 27th edition of the IBM Scientific Prize, which is arguably the most prestigious prize in Computer Science and related fields of Engineering in Portugal.
Catarina Ferreira da Silva, PhD in Informatics (2007), is Associate Professor (2021) with Habilitation in Information Sciences and Technologies (2020), Information Systems at the Department of Information Science and Technology of the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL). She is the Director of the Information Sciences, Technologies and Architecture Research Centre (ISTAR-Iscte) and the Director of the Master programme in Information Systems Management of the Department of Information Science and Technology of the University Institute of Lisbon (Iscte), Portugal. She is integrated member of the Information Systems group of the research centre ISTAR. She is member of the Expert Panel of the European Blockchain Observatory and Forum, since 2020. The EU Blockchain Observatory & Forum is an initiative sponsored by the European Commission, Directorate-General of Communications Networks, Content & Technology. She was research member of the Information Systems (IS) research group of the Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC), between 2009-2023 (Portugal). She had the pleasure to co-supervise 5 defended PhD and has the pleasure to co-supervise 3 ongoing PhD students. Between 2013 and September 2019 she was Associate Professor at the Informatics Engineering Department of the Lyon 1 University Institute of Technology La Doua (IUT Doua), Campus LyonTech-La Doua, France. She was also researcher member of the Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) team of the CNRS Laboratory of Informatics on Images and Information Systems (LIRIS UMR 5205) of Lyon, France. She was research assistant, at the University of Coimbra, member of the IS research group of the CISUC between 2009 and 2012. In 2008 and 2009, she was teacher at the Informatics Department of the University of Lyon 1, France and researcher member of the SOC research team of the LIRIS UMR 5205. Between 2004 and 2007, during the preparation of her PhD in Informatics, she worked as researcher at the Information Technology and Knowledge Dissemination Department (Division of Innovation and Services) of the Scientific and Technical Centre for Building (CSTB) at Sophia Antipolis, France. From 2004 to 2006 she was teaching assistant at the Informatics Department of the University Institute of Technology (IUT) of Nice and Sophia-Antipolis, France. She studied at the University of Aveiro, Portugal (pre-Bolonha Engineering degree, 1994-1999), at the University of Coimbra, Portugal (post-graduation, 2001-2002), at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (master's degree - Information Systems, 2002-2003) and at the University of Lyon 1 (PhD in Informatics, 2004-2007).  
Elsa Cardoso is an Assistant Professor at ISCTE- Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), in the Information Science and Technologies Department of the School of Technology and Architecture, and the director of the master program in Integrated Business Intelligence Systems. She is a researcher at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-IUL) and at the Information and Decision Support Systems Group of INESC-ID Lisboa, Portugal. She has a PhD (European Doctorate) in Information Sciences and Technologies from ISCTE-IUL, with a specialization in Business Intelligence. Her research interests include business intelligence and analytics, data visualization, data warehouse, and strategic information systems (Balanced Scorecard) applied to Higher Education and Healthcare. She is a member of the Business Intelligence Special Interest Group of EUNIS (European University Information Systems organization). She was the leader of this SIG from 2013 until 2019. Since 2022, she is also a member of the Enterprise Architecture SIG of EUNIS, working on capability maturity models for Higher Education. She has participated in several national and international research projects. To name a few: Healthcare Insight – Units Performance Management (HI-UPM/2014/38567; FEDER-QREN). Principal Investigator from Iscte. [2014-2015] GRADUA – Graduates Advancement and Development of University capacities in Albania (Erasmus+ project No. 585961-EPP-1-2017-1-AL-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP (2017 -2926/001 -001). [2019-2021] iLU – Integrative Learning from Urban Data (DSAIPA/DS/0111/2018). Researcher, integrating the INESC ID team. [2018-2022] IA-Incentivos – Artificial Intelligence in Incentive Management (POCI-05-5762-FSE-000231). [2020-2021] She is currently working on the following projects: Study for the knowledge of fraud in the structural funds in Portugal (POAT-01-6177-FEDER- 000126). Principal Investigator. [2022-2023] Digital Transformation in Research: Science Management and Open Science (POCI-05-5762-FSE-000438). [2021-2023] MAIPro – Project Non-compliance Monitoring and Alert (06/POAT/2021). [2022-2023] IRIS – Summarizing and Informing Decisions: Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques at the Supreme Court of Justice. Researcher, integrating the INESC ID team. [2021-2022] https://ciencia.iscte-iul.pt/authors/elsa-cardoso/cv  
Fernando Batista received his PhD (2011) in Computer Science and Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST). He is currently Associate Professor at Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon, and integrated researcher at INESC-ID, Lisbon. He is the Executive Coordinator of the Human Language Technologies Scientific Area at INESC-ID (2021-), and member of the Supervisory Board of CVTT - Iscte-Conhecimento e Inovação (since Apr.2021). He was President of the Pedagogical Council of ISCTE-IUL  (2017-2019), member of the Permanent Committee of the Pedagogical Council of ISCTE-IUL (2015-2017), and member of the Pedagogical Committee of the ISTA School (2015-2017). He is the scientific coordinator of the AppRecommender (2019-2021) project, has coordinated the INESC-ID team in the SpeDial project (2014-2015), and participated in several other European and National projects. His current research focuses on spoken and written Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, and Text Mining for social media. He has been member of the organisation team of the LxMLS - Lisbon Machine Learning Summer School (since 2016), and was also member of the LxMLS technical staff between (2011-2015). He has participated in the organisation of several scientific events: editorial co-chair of PROPOR 2020, editorial chair of EAMT 2020, web chair of the IPMU 2020, co-chair of the Human-Human languages track of SLATE 2019, co-chair of the demos session in PROPOR 2018, publication chair of IberSPEECH 2016, co-chair of the PROPOR 2016 Student Workshop, publication chair of IberSPEECH 2016, co-chair of the PROPOR 2016 Student Workshop, and handbook chair of EMNLP 2015. He is Senior Member of the IEEE (since 2016), and member of the ISCA Speech (since 2008).
Fernando Brito e Abreu holds a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from IST/UL and is an associate professor in the Department of Information Sciences and Technologies at Iscte-IUL, where he has held various positions such as director of the Master's Degree in Computer Science and Management (MIG), member of Iscte-IUL's Scientific Council representing the ISTAR-IUL Research Unit and responsible for DCTI's internationalization. He was previously an assistant professor in the Department of Informatics at FCT/UNL. He also taught at ISEGI/UNL (now NOVA IMS), IST/UTL, ISEG/UTL, and the Air Force Academy. He was also a guest lecturer at the Département Informatique of the École des Mines de Nantes for a decade, as part of the EMOOSE European master's degree. At these universities, he taught and was responsible for around a dozen subjects in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cycles. He has supervised more than 30 dissertations, including 10 PhDs, 6 of which have already been completed.   He was a researcher in the Software Engineering Group at INESC Lisboa, in the CITI research center (Center for Informatics and Information Technologies) at FCT/UNL and later was one of the founders of the ISTAR-IUL research unit at Iscte-IUL, where he created and was the 1st coordinator of the Software Systems Engineering group, where he remains today. He promoted the signing of various applied research/technology transfer and/or collaboration protocols between: (i) INESC and the Portuguese Navy, (ii) CS/03 and itSMF Portugal, (iii) NAV EPE and FCT/UNL, (iv) SINFIC and FCT/UNL, (v) Turismo de Portugal and Iscte-IUL and (vi) GEOTA and Iscte-IUL. In addition to the projects funded and developed under these protocols, he has coordinated research teams in various national and international scientific projects.   He has produced more than two hundred scientific and technical texts, including articles in journals such as Empirical Software Engineering, Software Quality Journal, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Science of Computer Programming, Journal of Systems and Software, IEEE Latin America, Object Expert, Computer Standards & Interfaces, ERCIM News, Personal Computer World, L'Objet, Qualirama, Sistemas de Informação e Interface. His work has been cited nearly 4K times, with an h-index close to 30, according to Google Scholar. He pioneered in Portugal in Empirical Software Engineering with his research group QUASAR (QUantitative Approaches in Software engineering And Reengineering). Among his proposals are the MOOD (Metrics for Object Oriented Design) suite, currently used in the software industry and the Metamodel Driven Measurement (M2DM) approach. The latter allows the abstract formalization of metrics over a domain metamodel using OCL, a constraint specification language that is part of UML. M2DM has been applied in various domains (e.g. object-oriented design, component-based development, business process modeling, IT infrastructure modeling).   He is currently an editor of the Sofware Quality Journal (Springer) and was previously associate editor of Software Quality Professional (American Society for Quality), Portuguese delegate to IFIP TC2 (Software: Theory and Practice), and member of the technical team of the MPS.BR process model, widely used in Brazil. He has been a regular reviewer for various international journals, conferences, and workshops, as well as an evaluator of research projects. He has participated in the organization of national and international scientific events in a wide variety of roles. He was also president of CS/03 (Sectorial Commission for Quality in Information and Communications Technologies), of the Portuguese Quality Institute, from 2000 to 2007, where he was one of the creators of the international QUATIC conference (https://www.quatic.org). In 2021 he was elected Chairman of the QUATIC Series Scientific Steering Committee.
Francisco Cercas has more than 40 years of professional experience including teaching at High School and Industry as Research Engineer (CENTREL EID 1982-1983) before entering the academic career in 1984. He lectured at IST (Instituto Superior Técnico – Lisbon) for 15 years, then at ISCTE-IUL, where he is Full Professor since 2012. He is or was researcher at CAPS, INESC, Satellite Centre of the University of Plymouth (UK) and Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT), where he leads of the Radio Group IT-IUL. He is co-author of a new class of codes named TCH (Tomlinson, Cercas, Hughes) and more than 200 publications including one patent, 5 book chapters, 30 international journal papers, more than 150 conference papers and several international research reports. He supervised and co-supervised 8 PhD completed theses, as well as many MsCs and Final Year's Projects at both IST and ISCTE-IUL. He participated in several national and international projects and he was National Delegate of four COST European projects. He was President of the University’s Scientific Council (ISCTE-IUL 2015-2018), School Dean (ISTA 2010-2013) and President of his Department (DCTI 2007-2010). He is Senior Member of IEEE and the national Coordinator of Telecommunications at Ordem dos Engenheiros between 2014 and 2022. His research interests include satellite and mobile communications, coding theory, spread spectrum communications and related topics.
Francisco Monteiro is Assistant Professor in the Dep. of Information Science and Technology at Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon, and a researcher at Instituto de Telecomunicações, Lisbon, Portugal. He holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge, UK, and the Licenciatura and MSc degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from IST, University of Lisbon, where he also became a Teaching Assistant. He held visiting research positions at the Universities of Toronto (Canada), Lancaster (UK), Oulu (Finland), and Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain). He has won two best paper prizes awards at IEEE conferences (2004 and 2007), a Young Engineer Prize (3rd place) from the Portuguese Engineers Institution (Ordem dos Engenheiros) in 2002, and for two years in a row was a recipients of Exemplary Reviewer Awards from the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (in 2014 and in 2015). He co-edited the book "MIMO Processing for 4G and Beyond: Fundamentals and Evolution", published by CRC Press in 2014. In 2016 he was the Lead Guest Editor of a special issue on Network Coding of the EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. He was a general chair of ISWCS 2018 - The 15th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, an IEEE major conference in wireless communications.
Joaquim Esmerado is an Assistant Professor at DCTI. Develops research in the area of ​​Information Systems, Databases, and Data Science. He has published in Q1 magazines such as the International Journal of Information Management and the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology. He is an integrated researcher at ISTAR, member of the Information Systems group.
Jorge Louçã obtained in 2000 a PhD in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence from the Université Paris Dauphine, Paris, France and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Portugal. He is, since 2000, professor at the ISCTE-IUL Lisbon University Institute, where he teaches Programming Languages and Complex Systems Science. He founded the Doctoral Programmes in Complexity Sciences, joint academic program at ISCTE-IUL and the University of Lisbon. He coordinates The Observatorium research team and his research interests concern modelling complex social systems through intensive data collection and analysis. He is particularly interested by knowledge generation models in large-scale communication networks. He is also concerned by organising the Complex Systems research community, namelly through the annual Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS or CCS). He participated in the creation of the UNESCO Unitwin network for the Complex Systems Digital Campus, involving institutions from Africa, Latin America and Europe.
Jose Andre R. S. Moura received on 19889, the B.Sc., degree in Electronics and Telecommunications from Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal), on 2001 the M.Sc. in Computer Networks from Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (Portugal), and on 2011 the Ph.D. in Computer Science from Lancaster University (United Kingdom).  From 1989 to 2000, he worked as SCADA Engineer at EFACEC Sistemas Electronica (Portugal). From 2000 to 2001, he worked as a researcher at INESC-Porto (Portugal). Since 2001, he has been teaching in computer networks at ISCTE-Instituto Universitario Lisboa (Portugal), and he has been a researcher with Instituto de Telecomunicacoes (Portugal). His current research interests include Network Management, system modeling, Edge Computing, Optimization, Virtualization, Software-Defined Networking, and Resilience on Networked Systems.
José Luís Silva holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Portuguese MAP-i Consortium (University of Minho, University of Aveiro and University of Porto) and performed a postDoc at Interactive Critical Systems (ICS) team, IRIT, University of Toulouse (France). He is an Assistant Professor at Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE-IUL) and a member of the Interactive Technologies Institute (ITI) research unit of the Laboratory of Robotics and Engineering Systems (LARSyS), Information Sciences and Technologies and Architecture Research Center (ISTAR), ACM Europe Technology Policy Committee, and IFIP TC 13 - Working Groups 13.2 and 13.10. He co-leads the MEROP research team, participated in national and international research projects (including with Airbus and the European Space Agency), and in the Portuguese contribution to Simulated Mars Mission - AMADEE-20 (and currently engaged with the AMADEE-24 mission). His work has been published in peer-reviewed international journals and conferences such as IEEE Access, IJHCS, ACM EICS, IEEE RO-MAN, ACM IUI, ACM MobileHCI, ACM TEI, ACM/IEEE HRI and INTERACT. In the past, he was Invited Assistant Professor at the University of Madeira, a Lecturer at Cávado e Ave Polytechnic Institute, a member of the INESC TEC laboratory, and visiting PhD student at both Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) and Newcastle University (UK). His main research interests lie in Interactive Systems, Human-Computer Interaction, and Human-Robot Interaction. His awards and honors include the ISCTE-IUL Scientific Awards and a Ph.D. Award from Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge.
João C. Ferreira is Assistant Professor with habilitation at ISCTE-IUL. He graduated in Physics from the Technical University of Lisbon (UTL / IST), Portugal, received an MSc in Telecommunications and a PhD in Computer Engineering from UTL / IST and a second PhD in Industrial Engineering at the University of Minho. His research interests are in: data science, Text Mining, IoT, Blockchain AI, and AI application to health, energy, transportation, Electric Vehicle, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and sustainable mobility systems. He has authored more than 250 papers in computer science. He has executed more than 40 projects (6 as PI), more than 200 scientific paper reviews and more than 30 scientific project evaluations. IEEE CIS Chair 2016-2018 and current vice-chair of IEEE Blockchain PT, CIS PT chapter and Bruxels AI and robotics.  Main organizer of international conferences such as: OAIR 2013, INTSYS from 2018 to 2022. IEEE senior member since 2015. Guest Editor and topic editor of MDPI in the topics of energies, electronics and Sensors. President of the IEEE CIS in PT (2017-2018). Author of a patent in the area of Edge Computer in a monitoring system for fishing vessels Coordinator of the Master of Decision Support Systems, Professional Master for the Digitalization of Business and of the summer (smart cities) and winter (IoT Systems and Blockchain) schools. Vice-Chair Computational Intelligence Society and IEEE Blockchain in Portugal and Industry Ambassador in Portugal   He is participating in the following projects - H2020 Infrastress, Sparta, ENSURECEC, EFFECTOR, MARISA, ANDANTE, Interreg Block4Coop, BALCAT, AIM Health, PT2020 Monitoring persistent track and Multicam and the Digital Demo, EEagrants Fish2fork (PI) and Social IoT (PI)
Aerospace Engineer, specialized in avionics. PhD in Telecommunications. MBA and Master of Management Technology and management expert with interests in strategy and finance.
Juan A. Acebrón received the Ph.D. degree in Mathematical Engineering from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain), in 2000. From 2000 to 2012, Acebrón was a visiting Researcher at the Rome Supercomputing Center (Rome, Italy); the Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego; the Department of Information Engineering, Universita di Padova (Padova, Italy); University of Alcala (Madrid, Spain), University Rovira-Virgili (Tarragona, Spain), and Instituto Superior Tecnico (Lisbon, Portugal). Acebrón is currently a Researcher at INESC-ID and an Assistant Professor at the Instituto Universitario de Lisboa ISCTE-IUL (Lisbon, Portugal), Information Science and Technology Department. His main research interests are in computational mathematics, mainly developing efficient and scalable algorithms for high performance supercomputing and random dynamical systems.
Luís Miguel Martins Nunes, graduated in Computer Science from Faculdade Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (1993), obtained a MSc degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (1997, thesis supervised by Prof. Luís Borges de Almeida) and a PhD degree in Computer Science Engineering from the Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (2006, thesis supervised by Prof. Eugénio de Oliveira). Entered in Iscte in 1997 as Teaching Assistant and is currently Associated Professor. Has also contributed as a researcher in the area of Machine Learning in several research units since 1997 (INESC, ADETTI, LIACC, IT and ISTAR) remaining a member of ISTAR to this date.
Maria Pinto-Albuquerque is Assistant Professor at Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and researcher at Istar-Iscte. Her work focuses on the relation of the human, as a user or developer, with the computer system. Addressing this relation leads to work in cybersecurity awareness, alignment of security with usability, and requirements engineering. She has been developing tools and techniques, like serious games and creativity techniques, to promote an efficient, responsible, and secure use (by the users) and development (by software engineers, co-developing with all types of stakeholders) of computer systems. She pursues collaborations in particular with Bristol Cybersecurity Group (Univ. of Bristol, UK), UniBW Information Systems Group (University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich), and Security Life Cycle Group of Siemens Technology, Munich. Under collaboration with Bristol Cyber Security Group, she was part of the team that created and developed the cybersecurity awareness game, Decisions and Disruptions, http://www.decisions-disruptions.org/. This game was adapted by the City of London Police and won the UK National Innovation in Cyber Award 2020, https://thenationalcyberawards.org/virtual-awards-ceremony-2020/. Graduated in Applied Maths. and Comp. Science at Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. She completed the MSc in Computing at Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, and the PhD in Computer Science at Lancaster University, UK. Is a member of  IEEE, Iscte Alumni, Lancaster University Alumni, and the British Computer Society.
Nuno David is a professor at ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute. He teaches the courses of 'Profession, Ethics and Society' and 'Simulation of Social Systems'.He is currently the Data Protection Officer of ISCTE-IUL.His interests include social simulation, agent-based models, computer ethics, privacy and data protection, the methodology and philosophy of computer science, the ontology and epistemology of artificial societies and social simulation, and in particular, the implications of interdisciplinary computer-based approaches for social theory and social science methodology.He graduated in computer science in the University of Coimbra, received his Master and his Ph.D. from the University of Lisbon (in the field of agent-based social simulation, and in cooperation with the University of São Paulo, Brazil).
Nuno Guimarães, Full Professor (Professor Catedrático) at ISCTE-IUL, graduated in Electrotechnical Engineering at the Technical University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal, in 1983, where he also completed his MsC (1987) and PhD (1992). He received the title of Agregado em Informática in July 1999, from the University of Lisbon. From 1986 to 1997, he taught at the Electrotechnical and Computer Engineering Department of IST/UTL, and from 1997 to 2012 at the Informatics Department of the Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon. He was Dean of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (2003-2009). In 2014 and 2019 he was Visiting Scholar at the Indian Institute of Technology in Gandhinagar, India. In 2010, he was Invited Professor at the Technical University of Berlin, Institut für Psychologie und Arbeitswissenchaft, Fak V - Verkehrs- und Maschinensysteme. --- From 1982 to 1997, he was a researcher of INESC, Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Lisbon, Portugal, and is a member of LASIGE/FCUL since 1997. From 1989 to 1991, he was a consultant for Bell Labs, AT&T, Murray Hill, New Jersey, "Software Systems Principles Research Lab''. He was a member of Executive Board of PUUG (Portuguese Unix Users Group)(1992-1998), one of the individual founders of Eunet Portugal, later KPNQwest Portugal. From 1996 to 2001, he co-founded of Ergoprocesso (Consulting services), 4VDO - Sistemas e Serviços Multimédia SA (Video indexing services) and OnTV - Sistemas e Serviços de Televisão Interactiva SA (Interactive Television Systems integrator). --- ACM Senior Member (since 2012), Member of ACEEU (www.aceeu.org), Member (Mgmnt) of ISOC (PT)
Dr. Octavian Adrian Postolache is graduated in Electrical Engineering at the Gh. Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania, in 1992 and he received the PhD degree in 1999 from the same university, and university habilitation in 2016 from Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. In 2000 he became principal researcher of Instituto de Telecomunicações where he is now Senior Researcher. He joined Instituto Universitario de Lisboa/ ISCTE-IUL Lisbon where he is currently Associate Professor. His fields of interests are smart sensors for biomedical, smart ports and environmental applications, pervasive computing, wireless sensor networks, signal processing for biomedical applications and computational intelligence, IoT and data science. He is active member of national and international research teams involved in Portuguese and EU and International projects. Dr. Postolache is author and co-author of 10 patents, 10 books, 18 book chapters, 82 papers in international journals with peer review, more than 270 papers in proceedings of international conferences. He is IEEE Senior Member I&M Society, Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE IMS, chair of IEEE I&MSTC-13 Wireless and Telecommunications in Measurements and chair of IEEE IMS Portugal Chapter. He is Associate Editor of IEEE Sensors Journal, Sensors MDPI.  He was general chair of IEEE MeMeA 2014, IEEE ISSI 2018 and TPC chair of ICST 2014, Liverpool and ICST 2017 in Sydney, ICST2018 in Limerick. He received IEEE best reviewer and the best associate editor in 2011, 2013 and 2017, and other awards related to his research activity in the field of smart sensing and IoT.
Professor Pedro Ramos is Full Professor aof the Department of Science and Information Technology ( DCTI ) at ISCTE Lisbon University Institute . It holds a PhD in Science and Information Technology, Master in Management Information Systems.  Between  1999 and 2013 he coordinated masters in the area of Information Systems. Coordinates several IT courses at ISCTE-IUL. Has experience in the development of computer applications to the industry. Regularly participates in funded European projects.
Pedro Santana is an Assistant Professor at ISCTE-IUL since 2012 and a researcher at ISTAR-IUL since 2021. He obtained the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from University of Lisbon (2011), the M.Sc. degree in Applied Artificial Intelligence from New University of Lisbon (2005), and the Licenciate degree (5-years B.Sc. degree) in Electrical and Computer Engineering from New University of Lisbon (2002).  His research interests include robotics, sensor networks, machine learning, visual computing, and human-computer interaction. He has published over 80 articles in international conferences, scientific journals, and book chapters. His research work is often developed in the context of national and european funded projects (FCT, P2020, EU-FP7, EU-FP5, ESA, MDN, QREN).  In the past, he held research positions at the Institute of Telecommunications (2013-2020), at the UNINOVA institute of New University of Lisbon (2011-2013, 2001-2003), at the Agent Modelling Laboratory (LabMAg) of University of Lisbon (2004-2011), and at the robotics and automation company IntRoSys S.A. (2003-2006). He also held teaching assistant positions at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of New University of Lisbon (2010-2012) and at the Department of Informatics of Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon (2008-2010).
Ricardo A. Fonseca was born in Lisbon, Portugal on September 11th, 1973. He received his degree in Physics Engineering from the Instituto Superior Técnico in 1996 and joined the Laser and Plasma Group at this institute. In 2000 he spent one year at the University of California Los Angeles working on the numerical modeling of high-intensity laser-plasma interactions. He obtained his Ph.D. in Physics from the Technical University of Lisbon in 2002, on the subject of Laser-Plasma Electron Accelerators. He has published over one hundred papers in leading international scientific journals, that have been cited over 6000 times. In 2003 he took up a permanent position at ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. From September 2013 to November 2018 he was the dean for technology at this institute, and he is currently a full professor of physics and electromagnetism.
Ricardo Ribeiro (PhD) is an Associate Professor at Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, where he is the coordinator of the Artificial Intelligence scientific area, and an integrated researcher at INESC-ID Lisboa, working on Human Language Technologies. His current research interests focus on high-level information extraction from unrestricted text, speech or music, and improving machine-learning techniques using domain-related information. He has participated in several European and Nationally-funded projects and was the Human Language Technologies INESC-ID team coordinator in RAGE (2015-2019) European-funded project and the principal investigator of a Ministry of National Defence funded project on information extraction from text. He has participated in several scientific events, either as organiser or as member of the program committee (IJCAI, ICASSP, LREC, Interspeech) and was the editor of a book on the computational processing of Portuguese.
Rui J. Lopes was born on April 21, 1970 in Lisbon. He graduated in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 1993 from Instituto Superior Técnico of the Technical University of Lisbon where he also obtained a Master's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 1996 developing work on simulation of mobile communications systems under the guidance of Professor José Manuel Brázio. In 2005 he obtained a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Lancaster, United Kingdom, as a result of research on distributed multimedia systems supporting the ISO/MPEG-7 standard, under the supervision of Professor David Hutchison. His professional activity has been divided between teaching in the higher education system and research. He started his teaching activity in October 1996 as a 1st triennium Teaching Assistant at the Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco where he contributed to the start of the Bachelor in Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering. He joined the Department of Information Sciences and Technologies of ISCTE in October 1997 where he is, since January 2021, Associated Professor. He has taught curricular units of the three cycles of studies in different areas mostly in network science, computer networks and network services. He has supervised the work of more than a dozen master theses and five doctoral theses, three of which have already been concluded with the highest classification. In addition to his teaching activity he has contributed significantly to the activity of ISCTE having promoted various internationalization programs (e.g. Erasmus and IAESTE) and was, between January 2018 and September 2020, the director of the doctoral program in Complexity Sciences (taught jointly with the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon). His research activity has mostly been developed at the Institute of Telecommunications (IT) and focuses in the study of complex systems and networks with several application areas: from multimedia network systems to social systems. In this context he is particularly interested in the study and characterisation of processes and dynamic mechanisms in multilayer hypernetworks. In his curriculum Ciência Vitae the most frequent terms in the context of scientific, technological and artistic cultural output are: soccer; annotation; mobile application; distributed; crowd-sourcing; Multilevel hypernetworks; Dynamics; Team synergies; Team collective behaviour; Performance analysis; Association football; Complex systems; Networks; Clustering.
Rui Neto Marinheiro graduated from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto in 1995 with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering and a minor in Telecommunications and Computers. He obtained his PhD in Electronics and Computer Science from the University of Southampton, United Kingdom, in July 2001. After returning to Portugal, he began his teaching activity at the Department of Information Science and Technology at the School of Technology and Architecture of Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon, where he is currently an Associate Professor. He has an extensive teaching experience and has taught dozens of courses at all levels of education. Currently, he is also the Director of the Degree in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering. Additionally, he has participated in many continuing education programmes and provided cooperation and consultancy services to other institutions. At Iscte, he has also been involved in academic management activities, such as introducing e-Learning teaching, coordinating the Audio-visual Centre, and managing laboratories. Recently, he has been involved in initiatives that promote and manage mobilities, such as the Erasmus+ program. Regarding his research, integrated in the Instituto de Telecomunicações, he has participated in many international and national projects as a principal or local investigator. He has also participated in organizing many scientific events and has dozens of international scientific publications in the area of computer networks, including network architectures, mobility and heterogeneous networks, communication architecture and systems for the Internet of things, software defined networks, and medium access control protocols.
Rúben Pereira is an Assistant Professor at ISCTE. He has a PhD in Information Systems from the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) where he also graduated as a Master in Computer Engineering and Computer Science. He has been a consultant in several industries, such as: services, banking, telecommunications, Ecommerce, among others. He is the author of several scientific papers, published in conferences / journals / international books, in the area of Information Technology Services Management (ITSM) and Information Technology Governance (ITG). Its areas of scientific interest extend to: Information Technology Risk Management (ITMM), Business Process Management (BPM), continuous improvement and innovation, process optimization, among others. He is also a fan of entrepreneurship, having already been co-founder of three projects, one of them winner of the Startups Factory and finalist in EDP Innovation.
Sérgio Moro (Dr. Habil. in Information Sciences and Technologies) is Full Professor at ISCTE and Deputy Director of the Department of Information Sciences and Technologies. He is also, since April 2023, Vice-President of the Scientific Council of ISCTE. Sérgio is an interdisciplinary Data Scientist aiming to unveil patterns of knowledge through data-driven approaches. His research interests include Business Intelligence, Data Mining, Data Science, and Decision Support Systems applied to real world problems such as Marketing, Banking, and Tourism. He has published in domains such as Information Systems and Management (e.g., Decision Support Systems, Expert Systems with Applications, International Journal of Information Management, Journal of Information Science), Marketing (e.g., European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services), Hospitality & Tourism (e.g., Tourism Management, Annals of Tourism Research, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management), and Applications to Industry (e.g., Telematics and Informatics, Computers in Industry). His portfolio of publications includes a total of 65 peer-reviewed journal publications, from which 42 are ranked in Q1 and 16 in Q2. He has worked for 15 years (2001-2016) at Montepio Bank, from which the last 3 and a half as a Business Intelligence and Analytics Project Coordinator, including projects such as Analytical CRM, IRB (internal ratings-based approach to capital requirements for credit risk), ALM (Asset-Liability Management), and GRC (Governance, Risk and Compliance). His academic background includes a 5 year B.Sc. in Computer Engineering (Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon), a M.Sc. in Management Information Systems (ISCTE-IUL), and a Ph.D. in Information Sciences and Technologies (ISCTE-IUL). Sérgio is Associate Editor of Expert Systems, Wiley (Q2) and was member of the Editorial Board of Tourism Management Perspectives (Q1). He has been among the top 2% researchers worldwide since 2020, according to a Scopus-based study (https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/3).
Tiago Alves received the “Licenciatura” and Ph.D degrees in Electrical and Computers Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal, in 2006 and 2011, respectively. He is currently a “Investigador FCT” researcher in the Optical Communications Group of Instituto de Telecomunicações, Lisbon site, Portugal. Since 2018, he is also an Invited Assistant in Escola de Tecnologias e Arquitectura (ISTA) do ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. He has contributed over the last ten years with more than 100 papers to international conferences and journals. He participated in several National and European Projects and has served as an international reviewer in top ranked Letter and Journals in the field of optical communication systems. His current areas of interest are fibre optic communication systems and networks.
Vitor Basto Fernandes graduated in information systems management 1995 (including an internship at Ascom Tech AG - Switzerland), post-graduated in distributed systems in 1997 and got his PhD on multimedia transport protocols in 2006, all from University of Minho (Portugal), where he has also been teaching assistant. He worked at Integral Vision Inc (UK) as software quality engineer in 1996 and was co-founder of PSI-Information Systems Lda (Portugal) in 1997, where he was project manager in B2B e-commerce web based software development. From 2005 he has been lecturing at the University of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal), and invited assistant professor in the same university in 2007 and 2008. In 2008 he joined the Informatics Engineering Department of Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (Portugal) as adjunct professor, where he has been coordinator professor between 2014 and 2016. He coordinated the MSc Program in Mobile Computing from 2010 to 2012, was head of the Research Center in Computer Science and Communications at Polytechnic Institute of Leiria between 2012 and 2016, and researcher in several international projects in the areas of information systems integration, anti-spam filtering and multiobjective optimization, and principal investigator of two funded FCT (the Portuguese national funding agency for science, research and technology) research projects in the areas of research management and research internationalization. He publishes regularly in top-tier journals and conference papers, and organized international events in the areas of his research interests.Vitor Basto-Fernandes is currently assistant professor with habilitation at the University Institute of Lisbon.
Adjunct Faculty
Adriano Lopes is Invited Lecturer at Iscte-IUL / Department of Sciences and Information Technologies, and Associate Researcher at ISTAR-IUL. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Leeds, UK, and a BSc in Electrical Engineering - Major in Informatics and MSc in Computer Science, both from the University of Coimbra, Portugal.  Previously, he was Assistant Professor at Nova University of Lisbon, in the Faculty of Science and Technology/Department of Informatics (FST/DI) and at University of Coimbra, in the Faculty of Science and Technology/Department of Mathematics, Portugal. Alongside teaching and research activities, he held various academic management positions in these institutions. He was also researcher at the research center CITI, hosted by FST/DI. In the industry, he held management positions in a IT company. Regarding teaching activities, he taught computer science subjects like Programming, Algorithms and Data Structures, Computer Graphics, User Interfaces, Multimedia, Theory of Computation and Software Engineering.  More recently, he has been teaching Big Data and Data Science related topics, namely Big Data Algorithms and Big Data Processing and Modelling. Regarding research projects, he has participated in various projects funded by Portuguese FCT, as well as research projects with EU funding. Currently he is participating in the RESETTING (Relauching European smart sustainable tourism models through digitalization and innovative technologies) project funded by EU.  
Graduate in BSc in Computer Engineering through Iscte-IUL (2019-2022). Student in MSc in Computer Engineering at Iscte-IUL (2022-Present). Invited Senior Assistant for the courses of Theory of Computation, and Algorithms & Data Structures.
Alessandro Marinho Pinheiro was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1973, currently resides in Queluz, does a doctorate in Information Sciences and Technologies (expected to finish on 05/2023), is Master in Business Management (2014), Marketing Specialist (2005) and Degree in Business Management (2003). He was a Professor of Higher Education in Brazil for fifteen years (until June 2018), currently dedicating himself to the academic improvement in the doctoral program in CTI (Science and Information Technology) at ISCTE-IUL.
PUBLICATIONS   2023 -  Article in 1st Quartile journal (Q1) B. Mataloto, J. C. Ferreira and R. P. Resende, "Long Term Energy Savings Through User Behavior Modeling in Smart Homes," in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 44544-44558, 2023, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3272888. 2022 -  Article in 1st Quartile journal (Q1) P. Filipe, B. Mataloto and C. Coutinho, "IoT system for the validation of conditions in shipping couriers," 2022 International Symposium on Sensing and Instrumentation in 5G and IoT Era (ISSI), Shanghai, China, 2022, pp. 103-108, doi: 10.1109/ISSI55442.2022.9963374. 2021 - Article in 1st Quartile journal (Q1) Casquiço, Manuel, Bruno Mataloto, Joao C. Ferreira, Vitor Monteiro, Joao L. Afonso, and Jose A. Afonso. 2021. "Blockchain and Internet of Things for Electrical Energy Decentralization: A Review and System Architecture" Energies 14, no. 23: 8043. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14238043 2021 - Article in 1st Quartile journal (Q1) Mataloto, B.; Calé, D.; Carimo, K.; Ferreira, J.C.; Resende, R. 3D IoT System for Environmental and Energy Consumption Monitoring System. Sustainability 2021, 13, 1495. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13031495 2020 - Article in 1st Quartile journal (Q1) Mataloto, B.; Mendes, H.; Ferreira, J.C. “Things2People Interaction toward Energy Savings in Shared Spaces Using BIM”. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 5709. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10165709 2020 - Article in 1st Quartile journal (Q1) Mataloto, B., Ferreira,J.C., Resende,R., Moura,R., and Luís, S., “BIM in People2People and Things2People Interactive Process,” Sensors (Basel)., vol. 20, no. 10, p. 2982, May 2020, https://doi.org/10.3390/s20102982 2019 - Article in 1st Quartile journal (Q1) Mataloto, B.; Ferreira, J.C.; Cruz, N. LoBEMS—IoT for Building and Energy Management Systems. Electronics 2019, 8, 763. 2019 - Article in 2st Quartile journal (Q2) Santos, D., Mataloto, B., Ferreira, J. & Monteiro (2019). Smart Auditorium: Development and Analysis of a Power and Environment Monitoring Platform. In EAI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FOR SMART CITIES. Braga: Springer, Cham. 2019 - Conference Article CCIoT in Japan 20-22 September 2019, Santos, D., Mataloto, B., Ferreira,J. C., “Data Center Environment Monitoring System”.   PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2021-Today ·  Guest Assistant Professor of the Internet of Things Laboratory at ISCTE-IUL   2020 · Management assistant of the Internet of Things (IoT) Laboratory at ISCTE-IUL;   · Assistant Professor at the “IoT And Blockchain for Smart Cities” Winter School – ISTAR at ISCTE-IUL, in February 2020;   2019 · Assistant Professor at the “IoT for Smart Cities” Summer School – ISTAR at ISCTE-IUL, in July 2019;   2018 · Data Protection Officer (DPO) and responsible for computer systems at a School, in Amadora, from May 2018 to 2019.     EXPERIÊNCIA E APTIDÕES 2021   ·  ISTAR representation at the Portugal Smart Cities Summit 2022 and presentation of the Social-IoT Project   ·  ISCTE representation at the PIONEER Alliance international workshop “Solutions for the Smart City Challenge”   2020 ·  Participation in the submission of the application FCT PT-India - 2020   ·  Reviewer, TPC and webmaster of the INTSYS 2020 -4rd EAI International Conference on Intelligent, Transport Systems; (https://futuretransport.org/organizing-committee/)   ·  Organization of the event “Intelligent Systems Talks” on February 5, 2020 at ISCTE;   2019 ·  Development of a sensor prototype used to detect anomalies in temperature and energy consumption at a Data Center and in ISCTE classrooms;   ·  Reviewer of MDPI Sensors Journal;   ·  Reviewer and TPC of the INTSYS 2019 -3rd EAI International Conference on Intelligent ;Transport Systems conference, in Braga (https://istar.iscte-iul.pt/news-posts/international-conference-on-intelligent-transport-systems-2019 /)   · Workshop - “Workshop on Intelligent SYSTEMS” – “IoT*(Ambisense) – Intelligent Monitoring of Environments controlled via LoRa on October 18, 2019 at ISCTE;   ·  Support for Ubiquitous Computing and Internet of Things 2019/2020 practical classes at ISCTE-IUL;   · LoRa sensor network: Development of a prototype sensor network with LoRa communication on the ISCTE-IUL Campus to determine thermal gradients in buildings and inside the DATA CENTER. Use of microcontrollers, Java programming language, Python and SQL databases;   · Project "Prevent Crowding"- European Researchers Night 2019 : Development of a 3D Model with simulation of human presence in real time;   · Java monitoring application for computer: Java application for real-time monitoring of temperature and humidity collected through several sensors distributed throughout the ISCTE-IUL Fields. Daily, weekly and monthly view with statistical information;   2016 - 2019   · Sensor network for monitoring the school environment: Creation of prototypes with various types of sensors for monitoring and automatic control of air conditioning and lighting equipment in a teaching establishment. Set of microcontrollers with wireless communication, node-Red monitoring platform and protocol MQTT;   2018   · Management and maintenance of the Moodle Web platform: Design, development and maintenance of a Moodle platform for educational establishments;   2015  · Java application for Android - VacinApp : Full development of Java application for Android "VacinApp" with automatic scheduling and alert of vaccines for multiple users; ·  Java application for stock management: Website developed from scratch in Flash with multimedia and hierarchical page structure;  
Francisco José Rosales Santana Guimarães has a degree in Computer Science from the Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon, University of Lisbon (1993), a postgraduate degree in eBusiness from the Superior Institute of Economics and Management (2001), a master's degree in information systems from ISCTE (2006), Postgraduate in Graphic Expression, Color and Image from Universidade Aberta (2006), PhD in Digital Media Art at Universidade do Algarve and Universidade Aberta (2018) and PhD in Enterprise Intelligence at Universidade de Évora (2018). It also has PMI/PMP and ISACA/CGEIT certifications, in addition to advanced certification in Banking Management by the Instituto de Formação Bancária. He is visiting professor at ISCAC in Project Management and Audit since 2013 and visiting professor at ISCTE in Design and Development of Information Systems since 2020. He is president of ISACA Lisbon Chapter 2020-2022. He also has extensive professional experience in the areas of Systems Architecture, Enterprise Architectures, Artifical Intelligence, Business Intelligence and IT Governance & Management.
José Reis holds a PhD in Information Science and Technology  by Iscte-IUL. Master's degree in Computer Engineering at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa – Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias (UNL - FCT), and  Bachelor’s degree in electrotechnical engineering (Systems and Communications) at the Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa. At present, I am working in software engineering, specifically in software quality. I am a professor in the scientific area of computer Science, teaching subjects such as, software engineering, decision support systems, project management, information systems, etc. It was Quality Coordinator and Audit at Universidade Europeia - Laureate International Universities and Deputy direction at Instituto Superior de Línguas e Administração de Lisboa. I collaborated with several companies, such as Conhecer Mais II- Consultoria em Tecnologias de Informação, Lda (this company is Business Solution Partner of Microsoft Business Solutions to market education and training in Portugal in developing ERP solutions), ITCODE (development the Zib - An addictive stock market game online learning), DBG (development of school management software), ENSINUS (coordinator of Information Technology Center), INSA-Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge (coordinator facilities Office and Equipment ), ATEC - Training Academy (Consultant / Trainer).
INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR (CIO/CTO) Proven Technical & Management Expertise in a Career Spanning 25+ Years   Business management professional, and technically sophisticated with a solid career, reflecting strong leadership qualifications, highly experience in banking, and CRM. Focused on the business needs, quality, high performance, budget control, client satisfaction, and on the implementation of advanced technology and business solutions. Ability to manage multiple projects, large teams of direct reports or cross-functional teams with professionalism. Extensive international experience, with a deep understanding of diverse cultural teams and business practices (Luxembourg, France, Netherlands, UK, Switzerland, Brazil, Luxembourg, Dubai, Denmark, and Spain). Successfully completed numerous IT projects, including core banking systems, digital banking, support and business applications, and data centers, infrastructure implementations, and migration projects. Other implementations have included Siebel-CRM, MIS/OBIEE, multi-router systems, connectivity, and messaging integration with other systems and partners. Strongly committed to deliver large-scale projects, business critical projects on time and under budget with high quality and client satisfaction.   Lecture Strategic Management of Information Systems at ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon –Portugal.   Education & Credentials •          PhD in Computer Sciences, ISCTE, Lisbon, Portugal – 2016 •          Advance Studies in Computer Sciences, ISCTE, Lisbon, Portugal - 2015 •          Master Degree in Information Systems, ISEG, Lisbon, Portugal, 3 years of study – 2007 – 2010 •          Postgraduate studies in Information Systems and Technologies for organizations, ISEG – Lisbon, Portugal, 1 year of study – 2006 – 2007 •          PAGE – Executive Advance Program in Economics and Business, Catholic University, Lisbon, Portugal, 1 year of study – 1994-1995. •          Degree in Business Computer Science, ISLA, Lisbon, Portugal, 5 years of study – 1984 - 1989     Technical Certifications and acknowledgement: •       ITIL - Foundation Framework for Service Management - 2007 •       PMP - Project Management Professional •       COBIT- Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology •       CMMI - Capability Maturity Model Integration •       Accountant, member of Portugal TOC association - 1991   Honors / Awards   2013      IDC CIO Awards – “Product Search Engine”. 2012      IDC CIO Awards – “Gamification of Mutual Funds, a soccer game”. 2011      IDC CIO Awards – “White Label Partner solution for banks”. 2012      Navegantes XXI Awards – ACEPI - Best Site/App Mobile for e-Commerce 2012      Navegantes XXI Awards - ACEPI - Best e-Commerce Site B2B 2011      Navegantes XXI Awards – ACEPI - Best Site/App Mobile for e-Commerce 2009      Oscars for Innovative Cards - SMS Guardian 2007      Global Finance Awards - Best Consumer Internet Bank  2007      Deloitte Investor Relations & Governance Awards - Best Trading Platform   Research / Scientific articles 2017      Gamification to Teach and Assess Financial Education: A Case Study of Self-directed Bank Investors. 2018 Hawaii International Conference on Education has been accepted for presentation  (Accepted). 2017      A soccer game in e-business? Playing seriously using e-banking with games characteristics. 2018 International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication (ICEIC 2018) (Accepted). 2017      Playing, Learning, Investing – a quiz game to improve the financial literacy of bank private investors. (Waiting for publishing). 2017      How game elements and mechanics develop in website influence behavior to use and execute investments in e-banking. (Waiting for publishing). 2017      How does the web game design influence the behavior of e-banking users? (Published by: Elsevier –Computer in Human Behavior. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2017.04.034) 2016      Playing Seriously - How Gamification and social cues influence bank customers to use gamified e-business applications. (Published by: Elsevier –Computer in Human Behavior. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.05.063). 2016      Gamification: A framework for designing software in e-banking. (Published by: Elsevier – Computers in Human Behavior (2016), pp. 620-634. DOI information: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.04.035). 2016      Does ease-of-use contributes to the perception of enjoyment? A case of gamification in e-banking. (Published by: Elsevier – Computers in Human Behavior (2016), pp. 114-126. DOI information: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.03.015). 2014      Gamification in banking: A case study of methodological approach in the software development (Publicado: CAPSI). 2014      Introduction of a game design in e-Banking – thinking of business while playing in a virtual environment (Published by: Inter-Disciplinary.Net, Cyber culture). 2014      Gamification: The importance of users in the development process in e-business (Published by: ACM- Association for Computing Machinery). 2014      The design of the e-banking with game features (Published by: ACM- Association for Computing Machinery). 2013     The adoption of Gamification in e-banking (Published by: ACM- Association for Computing Machinery). 2013      How to develop financial applications with game features in e-banking? (Published by: ACM- Association for Computing Machinery).   Scientific article reviewer: 2016      Future Smart Cities: Overview and Key Challenges. IEEE Potentials 2015      Inadequate Software Testing Can Be Disastrous. IEEE Potentials 2014      Gamification and Service Marketing. SpringerPlus, SpringerOpen Journal. 2016      Elsevier Editorial System for Journal of Systems and Software 2016      Elsevier Editorial System for Computer and Human Behavior            
Luís Manuel Nobre de Brito Elvas, with a degree in Computer Engineering and a Master's degree in Integrated Decision Support Systems, is a researcher at the Technologies and Architecture Research Center (ISTAR) and at the Association for Research and Development of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon (AIDFM).In the context of health informatics, he has worked on data mining techniques, computer vision and artificial intelligence, to extract data patterns, perform image classification and text reports, respectively. In 2022 his work was distinguished by the Portuguese Order of Engineers. He is also Chair of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Student Branch Chapter at iscte.
Master degree in Systems Information Management by Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal - School of Business Sciences and Management -Setúbal , Degree in Industrial Management and Technology by  Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal - School of Technology of Setubal. He has written chapters, and papers to journals about topics regarding information technology management and strategic change management. He is from the Editorial Board - Associate Editor from International Journal of Business Strategy and Automation (IJBSA). He is the Editor of the book Reviving Businesses with New Organizational Change Management Strategies. His main research interests in information systems management, strategy, knowledge management, change management, and information technology management adoption in business contexts throw models and frameworks. currently doing his doctorate in information sciences and technology. He works as a Professor and a Researcher.
Paulo Vieira is an invited professor at ISCTE-IUL and student researcher at LASIGE Computer Science and Engineering Research Centre. His academic background includes a 1st cycle degree in Computer Engineering from Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, a Master's degree in Computer Engineering from Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa. He is currently working on his PhD in Informatics from Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. His research interests focus on emotion, machine learning and information systems.  
Ricardo Dias, Guest Assistant at ISCTE, is a PhD student in Information Sciences and Technologies. His main research interests include Computer Systems, New Technologies and Teaching Methods and Models adapted to the new school reality. He has published in areas related to Education (e.g., Journal of Educational & Social Research, 4th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, 3rd International Conference on Human and Social Sciences). Ricardo has a Degree in Basic Education Teachers, 2nd Cycle variant (ISCE), a Master's in Pedagogical Supervision (ISEC) and is in the second year of his PhD in Information Sciences and Technologies (ISCTE-IUL). He is a Teacher at the José Afonso School Group, in Loures and Municipal Education Councilor, in the same municipality.
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