
Ana Catarina Nunes is an Assistant Professor at ISCTE-IUL. She has a PhD in Mathematics Applied to Economics and Management, a MSc in Operations Research, and graduated in Statistics and Operations Research. She teaches quantitative methods, namely Operations Research and Optimization. She has presented communications in several conferences, and has published in scientific journals such as the European Journal of Operational Research. Her research topics are operations research (combinatorial optimization), mainly on mathematical models and heuristics for the designs of routes and sectors for real applications in delivery and collection systems. In this context, she has been a researcher in projects supported by national funding from FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) focused on the efficient resource management in environmental services related to household refuse collection.
Catarina Marques is an Associate Professor at the Department of Quantitative Methods for Management and Economics (DQMME) of Iscte Business School and a researcher of BRU-Iscte'’s Data Analytics Research Group. She has a BSc in Applied Mathematics, a MSc in Business Administration and a PhD in Quantitative Methods with a specialisation in Statistics and Data Analysis. Her main research has been centred on structural equation modelling. More recently she has used her experience and competencies to research in Data Science. Catarina participated in the development of the undergraduate programme in Data Science at Iscte, having been Director of the BSc in Data Science (2019-2023). Since November 2023, she has coordinated the Data Science specialisation of the PhD in Management. She has been a member of the PhD in Tourism Management Scientific Committee since February 2017. She was a member of Iscte'’s Pedagogical Council (2019-2021), and during 6 years, Catarina coordinated the 2nd year of the BSc in Management. She is currently an alternate member of Iscte’'s Scientific Council.
Diana E. Aldea Mendes is an associate professor at Department of Quantitative Methods for Management and Economics, ISCTE-IUL Lisbon, Portugal. She is a mathematician and applied scientist with broad experience in nonlinear dynamics (stochastic and deterministic), time series analysis, data science, ML and deep learning, computational economics and finance, control and synchronization. She is a researcher at BRU-IUL (Business Research Unit - University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal) and has authored or co-authored more than 40 technical papers and reports.
Elizabeth Reis is full professor of Statistics and Marketing Research at the Department of Quantitative Methods for Management and Economy. She received a degree in Economics from the Faculty of Economics, University of Oporto and completed a Ph.D. in Social Statistics at the University of Southampton, UK. For the last thirty years she has been teaching several undergraduate and postgraduate courses on Statistics, Multivariate Data Analysis, Sampling and Survey Methodology, Research Methods and Marketing Research at the ISCTE Business School, but she took up teaching assignments also at various colleges in Macau, Guanghzou, Chengdu, Mozambique and Cape Vert. Her research interests are focused both on research methodologies, data collection (evaluation of sampling methods and surveys' quality) and data analysis methodologies (multivariate statistics applied to business and management research). She was, until 2010, President of the Scientific Committee of the ISCTE Business School (IBS), Director of the Doctoral Programme on Applied Quantitative Methods and President of the Business and Management Research Unit (UNIDE). She was, between 2014 and 2018, Director of the Quantitative Methods Department at the IBS - ISCTE Business School. She was, between March 2018  and 2022, Vice-Rector for the Development of Human Resources and was appointed Director of the Doctoral Programme in Management in June 2021.
Graça Trindade is an Assistant Professor of the Departament of Quantitative Methods for Management and Economics. She got the PhD in Quantitative Methods - Econometrics in 2007 from ISCTE on "Models of Latent Segments of a Market with Aggregate Data". She has published in Journals such as Social Indicators Research Journal, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research (IRRDCR) and the European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR). Her research interests include Mixture models for longitudinal data, Optimization methods, Multivariate data analysis and Statistical Analysis.
José Dias Curto is full professor at Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL Business School, Quantitative Methods Departament) and investigator at Business Research Unit (BRU-IUL), Lisboa, Portugal. He earned his PhD in Quantitative Methods for Management from the Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), MA in Management from Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) and Bachellor's degree in Economics from Instituto Superior de Economia, Portugal. His primary research focuses statistics and econometrics with applications to finance, accounting and economics. List of journals where he published: Research in International Business and Finance, Journal of Business Ethics, Annals of Economics and Finance, Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research Journal, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Journal of Applied Statistics, Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions & Money, Statistical Papers, International Statistical Review, European Accounting Review, Australian Accounting Review.
Maria da Conceição Torres Figueiredo (1966) is Associate Professor of Quantitative Methods at ISCTE-IUL, Portugal, since 1997. She studied economics and econometrics at ISEG-UTL, Portugal (Licenciatura in Economics, 1991; M.S. in Mathematical Modeling for Economics and Management, 1994) and Quantitative Methods at the Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), (Ph.D. in Quantitative Methods, 2011). Her research focus on Longitudinal Data Analysis and Applied Microeconometrics.  Participated in projects, studies, workshops and communications in national and international congresses. of journals where she published: The Portuguese Journal of Social Science; Social Policy and Society; International Labour Review and Jounal of Youth Studies.
I joined ISCTE in 1996 after obtaining a first degree in Business Administration. I also hold a master´s degree in Business Administration from ISCTE and a Ph.D in Organisational Psychology from Manchester Business School, England, where I was a mentor of related student-sponsor projects on the Full-Time MBA. Since 1996 I have taught statistics and data analysis using statistical software at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I have also supervised master and doctoral thesis in the fields of organizational psychology and management science. Prior to beginning my academic career, I worked for consultancy and insurance organisations in Portugal. My primary research interest encompasses cross-cultural studies, gender and diversity in organizations, and organizational behaviour. My main research focus in these areas relates to issues concerning global mobility and expatriation, migrants' skills recognition and integration into the labour market, women in management, and team performance management. A second strand of my research is concerned with (big) data analytics and text analysis using R. I have published in the area of Organisation Studies, most recently in the International Journal of Human Resource Management, International Journal of Public Administration, and International Journal of Conflict Management.
MARIA HELENA PESTANA has been a professor at ISCTE since 1982. She holds a PhD in Quantitative Management Methods in the area of Market Research. She is a researcher in Statistics, Econometrics, and Data Analysis applied in the fields of Demography, Economics, Finance, Gerontology, Management, Psychology, Health, Sociology, and Tourism. She is the author of books and scientific articles in national and foreign publications. She is a researcher at Unifai-Universidade do Porto and researcher-collaborator at Dinamia_ISCTE and CEPCEP_UCP. CINTESIS, Centro de Investigação em Tecnologias e Serviços de Saúde,Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto (FMUP), www.cintesis.eu. Helena received a certificate from the PSE company that represents in Portugal the IBM-SPSS for having pioneered in Portugal the first books of statistics and data analysis complemented with SPSS and its applications (1998, 2005, 2009, 2014). In the last 20 years, research interest has been directed essentially towards the application of multivariate analysis (quantitative/qualitative), scientometrics/bibliometrics, programming, big data, social networks, and the like with applications in the field of health and social sciences.
He belonged to the financial department of Teixeira Duarte until 2002. Since 1996 he has been part of the quantitative methods Department of the ISCTE-IUL and has carried out scientific research in econometrics in the financial markets. More recently, it focused its analysis on models of autoregressive switching models, global VAR models and FAVAR models
Raul M. S. Laureano holds a Ph.D in Management with specialization in Quantitative Methods for Management (2007), a Master's degree in Business Sciences (1995), and a Bachelor's degree in Organization and Business Management (1992), all awarded by Iscte, currently known as Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon). He is Associate Professor at the Department of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Management of the Iscte Business School, where he has been teaching since 1992 in the field of Business and Data Analytics, including subjects such as Statistics and Data Analysis and Machine Learning. At this institution, he proposed the Applied Business Analytics and Analytics for Business postgraduate programs, both offered in partnership with Iscte-Executive Education, and the Master's program in Business Analytics, of which he is the director since its first edition. He is also a researcher at the Business Research Unit (BRU-Iscte), in the Data Analytics group, and at the Research Center in Information Science, Technologies, and Architecture (ISTAR-Iscte), in the Information Systems group. Within his research interests, which include Health Analytics, Fraud Analytics, Public Administration, Tourism Analytics, and Applied Business Analytics, he has published over 90 scientific papers, including articles in journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings. He is currently responsible for the research projects "HOPE - Healthcare: Optimize, Predict and Explain" and "DAFIM - Development of Fraud Pattern Detection Algorithms in Incentive Verification," both funded by Iscte. He was a member of the research team for the project "Artificial Intelligence in Incentive Management" (funded by IAPMEI and AICEP – 2020-2021 / 24 months) In terms of academic research, he has successfully supervised over 50 master theses and four doctoral theses. He is currently supervising four doctoral theses, all in the field of Data Science, with topics related to the creation of predictive models, both regression and classification, in the areas of health, financial incentives and audience measurement in out-of-home media. In 2014, he co-founded the scientific event WICTA - Special Interest Group on ICT for Auditing & Accounting, of which he is the co-chair, and it will have its 11th edition in 2023 (CISTI'2023 - 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies - WICTA 2023). He is also the author of several books, including "IBM SPSS Statistics: My Quick Reference Guide" (3rd edition), "Hypothesis Testing with SPSS: My Quick Reference Guide" (2nd edition), and "Hypothesis Testing and Regression" (with SPSS and R, forthcoming), all published in Portuguese by Edições Sílabo. Throughout his career, he has collaborated with other higher education institutions (Coimbra Business School, A Politécnica - Maputo, Institute of Health Sciences of the Catholic University, and Higher School of Real Estate Activities) and since 2013, he has been collaborating with the Order of Certified Accountants (OCC) in the preparation and teaching Microsoft Excel training courses. For more information, please visit: https://ciencia.iscte-iul.pt/rml/en. 
Adjunct Faculty
Filipe R. Ramos holds a Ph.D. in Management, specialising in Quantitative Methods, from ISCTE-Business School; a Master's Degree in Financial Mathematics from ISCTE-Business School and Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon (FCUL), and also in Mathematics Teaching from NOVA School of Science and Technology, NOVA University of Lisbon (NOVA FCT); a Degree in Mathematics (Teaching) from FCUL. He has taught Mathematics in Primary and Secondary Schools and Applied Mathematics in Vocational Courses, as well as several curricular units (undergraduate and masters) in the scientific field of Mathematics/Statistics in public (FCUL, ISEG- Lisbon School of Economics and Management, NOVA FCT and ISCTE-IUL) and private higher education institutions (European University-UE). He has also been technical-pedagogical collaborator/consultant at IAVE and coordinator of vocational courses and their pedagogical teams. He is currently Associate Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Technology - European University (FCST-UE), collaborator at the ISCTE-Business School and the Higher School of Technology-IPCB (EST-IPCB), and also Integrated Researcher at the Centre for Statistics and Applications of the University of Lisbon (CEAUL). His research activity focuses on data analysis and mathematical modelling. Part of his work focuses on the following topics: (i) "time series analysis and forecasting" (with special applications in the fields of economics, management and finance); (ii) data analysis/data science; (iii) machine learning/deep learning.
Invited professor of Department of Quantitative Methods Applied to Management and Economics (ISCTE Business School-IBS). Hospitality Management Master and Degree Coordinator, university teacher in Management, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Sustainability, Data Analysis and Member of Scientific Council at ISEC Lisboa. Invited professor at ISCAL (Finance and Management). Executive with top management experience in multinational companies as General Manager (CEO), Finance Director (CFO) and Human Resources Director, involved in multicultural projects at European, Asian and African markets. Senior experience in Hospitality and Tourism (Executive Director of Agritourism), Automotive, Insurance and Reinsurance sectors with focus in management, business strategy, continuous improvement, customer satisfaction, people development, talent retention, circular economy, well being and active ageing. Doctor degree in Management, Certificated Trainer, Researcher at BRU (Business Research Unit) of ISCTE and Academic Visitor at University of Oxford (Post-Doc).  
PhD Student at NOVA-IMS (Data Science, Econometrics & Business Analytics). MSc at ISCTE in Monetary and Financial Economics with research on volatility models. MSc and BSc in Applied Economics at FEA-RP/USP, with research on microeconomics, foreign trade, panel data econometric and evaluation of public policies. Advanced Studies in the PhD Finance Program at EAESP/FGV-SP. Scholarships grants from Brazilian Government with monograph and thesis awarded with academic prizes. Former Assistant Professor at Strong ESAGS/FGV (Macroeconomics and International Economics) and Teaching Assistant at USP (Statistics, Applied Math and Brazilian Economy). Former Economist at Portuguese Competition Authority (AdC) for market research, sectoral studies, opinions, and recommendations to the Government. Former Senior Manager at PagBank, responsible for Macroeconomic and Political Research, Credit, Regional, Sectoral and Competitive Analysis. Former Senior Economist at Febraban (Brazilian Federation of Banks), responsible for Macro and Credit Analysis and Forecast Surveys. Former Senior Economist and Coordinator at Tendências Consultoria, responsible for Sectoral Analysis for Credit Market, Retail, Capital Goods and Automotive Industry.
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