
Food for thought: For more healthy and sustainable food for all


9:00 Formal Opening

Sibila Marques, Director of Master in Social and Health Psychology, ISCTE-IUL, PT
Luísa Lima, Chairman of the Scientific Council, ISCTE-IUL, PT
Catarina Roseta Palma, ISCTE-IUL, Sustainability Group (Director), PT
Ingrid Stegeman, Program Manager, EuroHealthNet, BE

9:30 Session 1

HEALTHIER FOOD: Shaping patterns of consumption behavior

Key findings from the National Food and Physical Activity Survey

Carla Lopes, Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, PT

From the practice: “PROVE”

Daniela Craveiro, Center for Social Research and Intervention (CIS), ISCTE-IUL, PT

Sugar intake - what does knowledge and nutritional information have got to do with it?

Cristina Godinho, Center for Social Research and Intervention (CIS), ISCTE-IUL, PT

From the practice: “Gardening with green gyms and meat free Mondays”

Ruth Bell, UCL, Health Equity Institute, UK

11:00 Coffee-break

11:30 SESSION 2

MORE SUSTAINABLE FOOD: Fostering better production and distribution system

From the practice: An urban Food Garden in Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Nina van der Vliet, Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), NE

From the practice: “FRUTA FEIA [UGLY FRUIT]”

Maria Canelhas, Fruta Feia, PT

Sustainable School Meals: Unlocking the potential of the public plate towards a large-scale transition to plant-based meals in schools”

João Graça, Social Sciences Institute (ICS), University of Lisbon, PT

From the practice: “Sustainable food in public schools in Spain”

Sonia Quiroga, University of Alcalá

13:00 Lunch

14:30 SESSION 3

FOOD FOR ALL: Fostering community interventions for healthier and more sustainable diets for all

Inequality and food insecurity in Portugal

Mónica Truninger, Social Sciences Institute (ICS), University of Lisbon, PT

From the practice: “EAT MEDITERRANEAN”

Ana Dinis & Sofia Mendes, Center for Studies and Research in Social Dynamics and Health (CEIDSS), PT

From the practice: “GENT EN GARDE”

Wendy van Lippevelde, Ghent University, BE


Telma Nogueira, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, PT

16:00 Coffee-break

16:30 SESSION 4

FUTURE FOR ALL: FOSTERING POLICY INTERVENTIONS for healthier and more sustainable diets for all (round table)

Recommendations from INHERIT project

Ingrid Stegeman, EuroHealthNet (Program Manager), BE

Recommendations from EIPAS: Integrated Strategy for the Promotion of Healthy Eating

Miguel Arriaga, General Health Directorate (DSG), PT
Sustainable Cities Network, ISCTE-IUL, PT

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