
Research • 16 Mar 2017
Scientific research requires the involvement of all
Gabinete de Apoio à Investigação
Sedas Nunes Building, 2nd floor, room 2S12
(+351) 210 464 171/2

The importance of women's participation and achievement in the labour market reflects a need for wider public involvement in scientific research. The researcher Marta Entradas, from DINÂMIA'CET-IUL, coordinates the international project 'MORE PE - Mobilization of Resources for Public Engagement', which aims to map the communication culture in scientific institutions in ten countries, recognizing the need for a greater link between society and science, scientists, policy-makers and the public.

This idea of support comes from the European Commission's H2020 program "Science with and for society", which acknowledges the need to "support structural change in organizations to promote responsible research and innovation (IIR)".

Investigating is 'a curiosity in perceiving and explaining the world, a passion and enthusiasm for research, and a great perseverance and confidence in your work.

... it is this dedication that promotes the advancement of scientific knowledge, and with it the quality of life of the citizens; But it is also our responsibility as scientists to communicate the science we do and engage citizens in scientific and technological advances; Because it’s this involvement that helps us to perceive and respond to the needs of society, without ever forgetting that science belongs to everyone and to all.’

These are some of the ideas presented by the researcher Marta Entradas at a meeting held in honour of the 40th anniversary of the CIG [Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality], gathering together a number of the female personalities of the national scientific community.

With the notable absence of organizational, academic, social and political strategies in this regard, the central objectives of this innovative research are to add knowledge in the area, create strategies of public involvement promoting solutions supported by research and innovation, and - in a broader sense - provide the basis for creating policy actions to promote national and international public involvement, and thereby improve public understanding of science, involving citizens in the design of Science and Technology policies.

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