
Research • 10 Dec 2018
Iscte researcher elected to European scientific society

Tiago Correia, professor and researcher at Iscte, has been elected as a new member of ESHMS Advisory Board for the period 2019-2022.

ESHMS gathers an European community of social scientists who are devoted to the study of sociological aspects of health and medicine, whose members belong to different organizations, professional backgrounds, and academic networks.

ESHMS gathers an European community of social scientists who are devoted to the study of sociological aspects of health and medicine, whose members belong to different organizations, professional backgrounds, and academic networks.

Tiago Correia chaired the 17th ESHMS conference, held on June 7th-8th, 2018 at Iscte. The theme of the congress was 'Old pensions, emerging paradoxes in health: rights, knowledge, and trust'.

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