
Institutional • 18 Dec 2018
International Program in Humanitarian Action

Iscte is organizing a series of conferences on the theme of Humanitarian Action, which will take place between December 2018 and June 2019, with the participation of prominent national and foreign personalities. The second conference will take place on January 30, at 5:00 p.m., entitled "Humanitarian Action and Development Support" and will feature José António Pinto Ribeiro (Professor of Law, author of several publications in the area of Law, founder of the Forum “Justiça e Liberdade” (Justice and Liberty) and was Minister of Culture in the XVII Constitutional Government).

One of the strategic objectives of Iscte involves focussing its teaching capacities on the development of humanitarian action programmes, mobilizing the different knowledge areas necessary for such intervention and support

It thus aims to contribute to prepare professionals working in this field, capacitating them with high-level qualifications to understand the main conceptual and operational aspects of humanitarian action, as well as the strategic capabilities essential for the definition and implementation of such measures in different areas and contexts.

Adopting a clearly multidisciplinary orientation, Iscte aims to prepare highly qualified professionals with robust skills in different fields, such as management, logistics, information technology and telecommunications systems, social services, migration, public health, human rights and international relations, to work in public and private institutions, as well as in political life, serving the public interest.

Through its Erasmus Mundus Master’s programs, Iscte hosts and teaches students from all over the world, many from developing countries, who, after graduating, return to their countries of origin with qualifications that enable them to perform to the highest professional standards.

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