
Research • 11 Mar 2024
Award of the Paquete de Oliveira Prize 2022-2023

The Paquete de Oliveira Award - a partnership between Porto Bay and Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon - was presented on Monday (March 11) at Iscte. The prize honours essays and/or studies on the media in Portugal, by individual or collective authors. This year's winners were the following (works and authors):

“Notícias e jornalismo. Singularidades económicas de um mercado sem preço” by Nuno Guedes (1st prize)

“TikTok: os jornais portugueses fazem jornalismo na rede social online?” by Paulo Ferreira Costa (2nd prize)

“Uma nova forma de precariedade? A descompetencialização profissional no centro do sequestro da qualidade do jornalismo e no centro da obsolescência da sua ideologia ocupacional” by Tiago Lima Quintanilha, 3rd prize winner, who was unable to attend.

The ceremony was attended not only by the Rector of Iscte, Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues, and the vice-rectors, but also by the administrator of Porto Bay, Bernardo Trindade, members of the jury and family members of the former university professor: Céu Neves, Paquete de Oliveira's widow, and one of his sons, Ricardo Paquete de Oliveira.

You can access the award-winning works on this page.

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