
International • 28 Jun 2024
PIONNER Alliance selected to be a European University Alliance

On June 28, 2024, the European Commission awarded the PIONEER Alliance a major grant under the Erasmus+ program.


The PIONEER Alliance was selected from 56 proposals submitted to the EU to become a European University Alliance.


The Alliance brings together 10 universities in Europe, including Iscte, with more than 130,000 students and 17,000 teachers and staff.

During the project, which will run from 2025-2028, the Alliance members will focus on sustainable development and urban planning issues.


The following are members of the PIONEER Alliance, in addition to Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa:


University Gustave Eiffel (FR) (coordinator)

Avans University of Applied Sciences (NL)

Laurea University of Applied Sciences (FI)

TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences (DE)

University of Huelva (SP)

IUAV University of Venice (IT)

University Tomas Bata in Zlìn (CZ)

University of Zilina (SK)

Bern University of Applied Sciences (CH) (associate partner)

The European Commission's European Universities Initiative aims to strengthen strategic partnerships in higher education across the Union.

[News in progress]

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