
Courses • 26 Jul 2024
Iscte launches post-graduation to address the need for more qualified professionals in the public transport sector

Iscte, through the Institute for Public and Social Policies (IPPS-Iscte) and the Institute for Mobility and Transport (IMT) [PT], will launch, with the support of the universities of Minho and Oporto, a training course in "Mobility of the Future" [PT], aimed at public and private transport staff in Portugal. 

The Post-Graduation in Future Mobility was created to fill the need for more qualifications of professionals in the sector and is based on five fundamental pillars to respond to the challenges of the cities of the future: Sustainability, Digitalisation, Autonomy, Multimodality and Decarbonization.

This online course*, structured in just 12 weeks, is aimed at public sector professionals who work in the field of mobility planning and management, professionals from the private sector, including transport operators and consultants, who want to take a pioneering role in sustainable mobility and lead the way towards mobility transitions, professionals from organisations that have or are users of mobility systems and all other professionals who want to acquire or update knowledge in the field of mobility. Classes take place on Monday and Tuesday between 2 pm and 6 pm.

Sofia Kalakou, the course director and researcher at the Business Research Unit (BRU-Iscte), says:

"The current mobility conditions and the evolution of citizens' needs require a reformulation of the offer, which can only be efficient, and increase the use of public transport if, in companies, transport operators, consultants, central administration and local government, there are more technical staff with the capacity to integrate new services and new technologies".

The curriculum of this new training offer at Iscte aims, therefore, to respond to the need for more staff with skills to design and manage the transition to sustainable, intelligent and inclusive mobility in the country, crossing areas such as Engineering, Management and Social Sciences and allowing to serve the needs of citizens and inhabitants, not only in the big cities but also in areas where public transport is still scarce.

In the academic year 2024/2025, the Post-Graduation in Future Mobility [PT] is funded under the RRP. The tuition fee is free, with only the payment of the application and registration fees required.

Applications for the Post-Graduation in Future Mobility [PT] are open until August 28th.

Any questions should be directed to

*The opening and closing sessions of the course will take place in person at the Iscte campus in Lisbon, and dinner will be included.

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