
Iscte • 03 jul 2015
4th Multinational Enterprises and Sustainable Development International Conference


The 4th Multinational Enterprises and Sustainable Development International Conference will be held on December 13 to 15, 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal. This year MESD'15 is jointly organized by the AUDAX - Entrepreneurship Center of ISCTE-IUL which hosts the conference this year, the ICN Business School (France), the CEREFIGE of the Université de Lorraine (France), and the Center for International Business Education and Research, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA.

MESD'15 will mainly focus on the ways MNEs can address climate change issues. MESD'15 encourages any type of multi-, inter- or transdisciplinary studies and practices linking disciplines, knowledge systems and stakeholders to support a more sustainable business. Also, solutions-oriented studies in agreement with the Future Earth 2025 Vision are very welcome.

The most qualified papers will be published in special issues of international journals and books to enrich a growing body of policy and management literature. The Journal of Cleaner Production (5-Year Impact Factor: 4.088) has already accepted to publish a Special Volume of selected papers on "MNEs' strategic dynamics and climate change: drivers, barriers and impacts of necessary organizational change". The publication in association with other international journals is being negotiated at the time of this writing.

Lisbon, awarded in 2012 with the "E-Visionary Award" for its sustainability, is especially recognized for its policies that promote the integration of municipal electric vehicles and the implementation of charging stations. The concern for sustainability goes beyond environmental issues, and that's why Lisbon is a great stage for such initiatives that encourage corporate sustainable development.

MESD'15 will be of great interest to researchers, scientists, experts, consultants and other professionals working in the broad areas of any enterprise having a role to play for a more sustain business.

Get more information about the MESD 2015: visit the website.
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