
Iscte • 18 jun 2015
5.ª sessão do Seminário de Matemática

A 5.ª sessão do Seminário de Matemática terá lugar no dia 24 de junho, pelas 11:30, na sala C104 do edifício II do ISCTE-IUL. 

A sessão estará a cargo de Clara Grácio da Universidade de Évora (CIMA) e tem como título "Contribution of the theory of dynamic networks in the study of the evolution of a city" e o seguinte resumo:

The theory of dynamical networks is concerned with systems of dynamical units coupled according to an underlying graph structure. It therefore investigates the interplay between dynamics and structure, between the temporal processes going on at the individual units and the static spatial structure linking them. It is a combination of graph theory and nonlinear dynamics.
A representation through a network is very useful for describing the structure of many different complex systems. However, most real systems are formed by different subsystems that are interconnected. The number of systems and data known, is increasingly overwhelming, so powerful mathematical tools become necessary to achieve a deep knowledge and study of networks. In this talk is considered the theory of multilayer networks.
“Viewing urban centres as “Living Labs” is a powerful new concept that is inspiring novel research leading to improved wellbeing and economic growth. We argue here that mathematicians can make an impact at the heart of this emerging interdisciplinary field, where hypotheses about human behavior must be quantified and tested against vast data sets and where decisions and interventions should be based on quantitative, testable predictions.” (say Peter Grindrod, Desmond J. Higham and Robert Mackay, Sep, 2014).
Participate and give our contributions in this "laboratory" is our aim, considering as our case study and model calibration, the historical center of Évora, inscribed on UNESCO World Heritage List since 1986.

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