The role of the African Union in Economic and youth development in Africa: A case study of ECOWAS
Sheriff, Mohammed Siaka
This study examines the role of the African Union (AU) in fostering economic development and promoting youth political participation in Africa, with a specific focus on the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Despite the AU's efforts to promote regional integration and development, challenges persist, particularly in addressing youth unemployment and political apathy among the youth population. Through a case study of ECOWAS, this research sought to analyze the effectiveness of AU initiatives in driving economic growth and empowering young people to actively engage in the political process.
The study employed both qualitative and quantitative methods, combining analysis of AU policies and programs with quantitative data collected from the Kobo toolbox questionnaire sent to participants based on youth political participation and economic integration in ECOWAS member states. The research objectives were to analyze the historicity and changes of the African Union's economic development plan and policies and examine key components in its economic development agenda since its formation.
The present work e examines the African Union's programs and policies that focus on promoting youth political participation and representation locally and nationally and identify the perspectives and feedback from key stakeholders, including youth organizations and government officials, development practitioners, and youth advocates, on the impact and challenges of African Union interventions.
The results of this study show how youths from different ECOWAS countries have different perceptions of the AU's efforts to promote youth political participation and representation. Age, gender, occupation, education, lack of political will, lobby, and youth exclusion emerged as significant predictors, reflecting the complex dynamics shaping youth engagement in economic and political processes in the ECOWAS region.