
Director: Professor Susana Marques

The Department of Management was created in 1972 and was the precursor of Iscte Business School. It is currently one of the three departments that make up the Business School and it oversees four main subject areas: Human Resources, Marketing, Operations and Logistics, and General Management.

It aims to contribute to the development of the management field by developing high-quality academic programmes that go into shaping the knowledge and competencies of future professionals and updating and revitalizing the skills and mindsets of people already in the job market. The Department also conducts state-of-the-art research that eventually has an impact on the design and content of the academic programmes offered and, of course, on the business community at large.

The Department offers a wide range of compulsory and elective courses in the undergraduate programmes, and is responsible for several specialized master's and PhD programmes in all the areas the Department supervises. 
Research conducted under the umbrella of the Department usually strives to contain an applied research component that involves the business world while sparking the development of multi disciplinary and cross boarder projects.

The Department has a faculty of approximately 50, most of whom are full-time staff with PhD degrees.

Tel.: +351 210 464 014

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