
The Department of Political Science and Public Policy (DCPPP) was established in 2010 as a part of the School of Sociology and Public Policy (ESPP), bringing together the fields of Political Science, African Studies, Human Geography, Public Policy, and Social Work, which belonged formerly to the Department of Sociology. The new department was the result of both the strategic plan of Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon and the university's recognition of the volume and quality of work produced in these areas in both teaching and research.

The DCPPP has a qualified faculty of 21 professors, 17 of which have PhDs, who teach mainly in the various courses offered by the DCPPP:

  • Two undergraduate degrees, one in Political Science and another in Social Work;
  • Six Master's degrees, in the areas of Public Administration, Political Science, African Studies, Public Policy, Social Policy, and Social Work;
  • Three PhD programmes, in areas including African Studies, Public Policy, and Social Work;
  • Three post-graduate programmes: Assessment and Organizational Development in Public Administration, Communication, Crisis Management and Social Work, and Family Social Policies in Europe (international post-graduate degree); 
  • A Specialization Course in Policies for Equality and Corporate Social Responsibility.

New PhD and Master's courses are currently being reviewed, and others are being altered; these will be made public after approval by the relevant bodies.

The DCPPP accords great importance to the research conducted by its faculty, the quality of which is verified by the publications resulting from their research in the Centre for Research and Studies of Sociology (CIES), a research centre which has been continually classified as "Excellent" by the Foundation for Science and Technology. One of the strategic prioities of the DCPPP, as well as a distinctive mark of its School, is its commitment to linking research and teaching, particularly in the Master's and the PhD programmes.

The DCPPP’s pedagogical perspective has three main strands:
  1. interconnection of theoretical, methodological and technical education;
  2. encouragement of students to carry out of empirical work suited for their respective degree programmes;
  3. dedication to monitoring students in their learning processes and assessing its courses, curriculum units and professors.


Jorge Ferreira (director), Ana Lúcia Sá and Susana da Cruz Martins (subdirectors)

Scientific Comission

Jorge Ferreira (director), Helena Belchior Rocha, Sérgio Caramelo, José Santana Pereira and David Ferraz


(form left to right)

Sérgio Caramelo, Helena Belchior Rocha, Susana da Cruz Martins, Jorge Ferreira, Ana Lúcia Sá, David Ferraz and José Santana Pereira

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