Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon (Iscte) welcomes interest regarding national and international funding programmes in the areas of Management, Economics, Social Sciences, Public Policy, Technology and Architecture. Applicants must indicate which research unit they would like to be associated with in this application. Integration into networks and partnerships contributes towards Iscte’s central goal of fostering excellent research through new projects, ensuring their sustainability in the long run.

Iscte is an institution that combines excellence in teaching and research with a multi- and inter-disciplinary approach, while also investing in knowledge transfer. Research Units at Iscte conduct outstanding research continouosly in the form of over 200 projects. Iscte provides the necessary services, committees, infrastructures, laboratories and expert technical teams to guarantee the quality of this process and to support research and teaching activities.

The Research Units and the the Research Support Office (RSO) offer research teams all the required assistance for the development of their research.

There is a large array of internal and external sources of support, awards and funding allocated to the realization of research activities.

Funding Sources

The available funding sources are varied and must be analysed in the light of the research goals. Specific programmes are designed for funding each research area, both in individual terms and for collective projects.

Funding opportunities are publicly available on portals such as ERACAREERS and EURAXESS. It is also important that researchers regularly search for available funding opportunities through the European Research Council and the European Commission.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) publishes detailed funding information on open calls, including individual grants and support for diverse projects.

The RSPO has all the necessary tools to aid Research Units’ teams, so please contact the RSPO team for further information (

Support and Awards

Iscte Research Awards

The awards aim to promote and recognize research carried out by Iscte professors and researchers in all scientific domains in accordance with the highest international standards.

Awards Categories

  • Scientific Publication Award;
  • R&D Projects Award.


The requirements for the award categories mentioned in the previous point are set out in articles 3 and 4 of the rules for research awards published in Dispatch No 47/2020.

For more information check the Research Awards rules


Grants for Scientific Initiation Scholarships (BIC) at Iscte

Grants for Scientific Initiation Scholarships at Iscte are available for undergraduate students or those attending the first three years of the Integrated Master’s Programme in Architecture.

These grants are financed by Iscte's own funding and cover a six-month period.

The selection panel may also attribute two honourable mentions per School.

Grantees are integrated in one of Iscte’s Research Units during their scholarship’s term for training and scientific project development.

Alternatively, grant holders may request to use this amount as a contribution to their academic fees at Iscte.

Terms are available in the following Regulation.


Doctoral grants at Iscte

These particular grants aims to contribute to the progressive development of PhD students’ skills in scientific, pedagogical and technical activities deemed relevant to their training.

They also boost the pursuit of tasks and services that foster grantees' acquisition of knowledge and best practices in these activities in view of their academic and professional development plan.

These grants are major facilitators for students’ participation in activities and projects, as well as for their abilities to attain to external advising and services, provided that these contribute to the students' acquistion of knowledge and best practices and are related to their work plan.

For further information, please read the following Regulation.

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