The Research Support Office (RSO), which is part of Iscte's Central Administrative Services, aims to augment the quality, volume and internationalization of the scientific research at Iscte, supporting the research units in their attainment of high levels of performance and evaluations by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).

In pursuing its mission, the RSO provides the following forms of support to the research units:

  • Enables research units to make informed decisions about their participation in EU programmes and maximise funding opportunities
  • Supports research units' participation in research programmes by providing information and contact with the correct entities
  • Provides assistance to research units in the acquisition of new skills to support research activities
  • Identifies funding opportunities, organises informational sessions and meetings to promote research units' participation in calls for proposals
  • Validates proposals and provides the University’s authorisation for submission
  • Is responsible for negotiating contract terms with funders, as well as consortium and collaboration agreements with other institutions, with the support of the research units
  • Monitors all projects underway
  • Works as a helpdesk for new software for project management information 
  • Provides support on legal issues, conflict of interests, intellectual property, etc., with the assistance of other Iscte offices

The RSO also systematizes and prepares data for the dissemination of scientific output, and supports the management of funds, projects, contracts, grants, networks, publications, meetings and other scientific activities, in support of the research units’ own structures.

Research Support Office |
+ 351 210 464 171/2
Building Sedas Nunes, Floor 2, Room 2S12
10:00am to 6:00pm
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