Programme Structure for 2024/2025
Curricular Courses | Credits | |
Applied Statistics
3.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 3.0 |
Corporate Finance
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Quality Management in Health
3.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 3.0 |
Management of Health Units
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Team Leadership and Conflict Management
3.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 3.0 |
Health Economics and Politics
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Management Control
3.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 3.0 |
3.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 3.0 |
Human Resources Management
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Ethics, Deontology and Health Law
3.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 3.0 |
Clinical Governance
3.0 ECTS
Specializations > Management of Healthcare Organizations | 3.0 |
Health Marketing
3.0 ECTS
Specializations > Management of Healthcare Organizations | 3.0 |
Logistics System in Healthcare Organizations
3.0 ECTS
Specializations > Management of Healthcare Organizations | 3.0 |
Strategy for Healthcare Organizations
3.0 ECTS
Specializations > Management of Healthcare Organizations | 3.0 |
3.0 ECTS
Optional Courses | 3.0 |
Managing Change in Health Care Organizations
3.0 ECTS
Optional Courses | 3.0 |
Family Business Management
6.0 ECTS
Optional Courses | 6.0 |
Health and Network Communication
3.0 ECTS
Optional Courses | 3.0 |
Health Tourism
3.0 ECTS
Optional Courses | 3.0 |
Applied Statistics
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
- Use methods to collect, analyse and treat quantitative information
- Use SPSS to process survey answers in order to produce information from the data
- Summarize data by using frequency tables, graphical representations and numerical indicators
- Select, perform and interpret a statistical test
- Perform and interpret a Principal Component Analysis
- Reduce the information through the construction of composite variables
- Have a critical perspective towards the statistical results
- Communicate orally and in writing the results of the work done within the scope of health statistical data analysis.
1. Introduction to methods for collecting information and Sampling processes
2. Statistical inference
- Parametric tests of hypothe¬ses: one mean, equality of two means for equal or different variances;
- Test of equality of variances;
- Oneway ANOVA;
- Multiple comparison tests;
- Nonparametric tests of hypothe¬ses: goodness-of-fit test of Kolmogorov-Smirnov; qui-square independence test; test of Mann-Whitney; test of Kruskal-Wallis.
- Applications in SPSS.
3. Information reduction techniques
- Summated scores. Internal consistency: Cronbach's alpha.
- Principal components analysis
o Objectives and definition of principal components;
o Selection of principal components: extraction criteria;
o Rotation of the components;
o Interpretation of the principal components.
- Application in SPSS.
In addition to strict compliance with the program regulation, the periodical evaluation method requires a minimum class attendance of 60% and:
- An assignment (individual or in group) with a weight of 20%;
- An individual test, with a weight of 80% and a minimum grade of 10 points.
Alternatively, the final exam, similarly to phase two exams, will account for 100% of the final grade, disregarding the periodical assessment component.
Title: Vicente, P., 2012. Estudos de Mercado e de Opinião, Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Maroco, J., 2014. Análise Estatística Com o SPSS Statistics, 6ª ed., Lisboa: Sílabo.
Folhas de apoio elaboradas pela docente e disponibilizadas no decurso da unidade curricular.
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Title: Vicente, P., E. Reis e F. Ferrão, 2001. Sondagens. A Amostragem como Factor Decisivo de Qualidade, 2ª ed., Lisboa: Sílabo.
Reis, E., 2001. Estatística Multivariada Aplicada, Lisboa: Sílabo.
Reis, E. et al., 2003. Estatística Aplicada (Vol. 2), 5ª ed., Lisboa: Sílabo
Reis, E., 2009. Estatística Descritiva, 7ª ed., Lisboa: Sílabo
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Corporate Finance
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. Explain the main concepts of time value of money and be able to compare cash flows with different maturities;
2. To describe the concept of business profitability, liquidity and solvency and to compute and analyze the most relevant economic/financial ratios and indicators;
3. To describe and compute de concept of working capital and liquidity indicator and to link it with the firm's financial condition
4. Use the fundamental techniques of capital budgeting evaluation;
1. Time Value of Money
2. Financial analysis and value added
3. Economic analysis of growth opportunities
4. Advanced topics in capital budgeting
In addition to strict compliance with the program regulation, the periodical evaluation method requires a minimum class attendance of 60% and:
- An assignment (individual or in group) with a weight of 30%;
- An individual test, with a weight of 70% and a minimum grade of 10 points.
Alternatively, the final exam, similarly to phase two exams, will account for 100% of the final grade, disregarding the periodical assessment component.
Title: Finanças Empresariais - ESPERANCA, JOSE PAULO E FERNAN, José Paulo Esperança, Fernanda Matias
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Title: 2. Damodaran - Corporate Finance, Wiley
1. Brealey, Myers e Allen - Princípios de Finanças Empresariais, McGraw Hill
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Quality Management in Health
The main purpose of this unit is to enable students:
1.To explain the health quality systemic approach.
2.To describe the relation between quality management and processes of change and to identify the main constraints and obstacles;
3.To identify assessment and monitoring mechanisms of health systems and organizations;
4.To identify the health quality dimensions;
5.To describe the main quality management systems (QMS);
6.To describe the main quality improvement methodologies and tools;
7.To identify the leader quality organizations, international and national;
8.To explain the concept and role of risk management;
9.To describe the Patient Safety Movement, its objectives and to identify solutions and success cases.
1. Historical evolution and perspectives of the concept of health quality;
2. Certification and Accreditation programs;
3. Assessment and monitoring mechanisms of health systems and organizations;
4. Leadership and Quality in healthcare;
5. Quality continuous improvement tools and methodologies;
6. Healthcare quality Indicators: structure, process and outcomes;
7. National and international framework for Patient Safety;
8. Risk management: challenges and solutions;
9. Health literacy and patient safety.
In addition to strict compliance with the program regulation, the periodical evaluation method requires a minimum class attendance of 60% and:
- An assignment (individual or in group) with a weight of 20%;
- An individual test, with a weight of 80% and a minimum grade of 10 points.
Alternatively, the final exam, similarly to phase two exams, will account for 100% of the final grade, disregarding the continuous assessment component.
Title: DAVID B. NASH, ELIZABETH R. RANSOM, MAULIK S. JOSHI, SCOTT B. RANSOM (2019) The Healthcare Quality Book: Vision, Strategy, and Tools, Fourth Edition. Chicago: Health Administration Press. 513p.
PATRICE SPATH (2013). Introduction to Healthcare Quality Management, Second Edition. Chicago: Health Administration Press. 289p.
NATIONAL ADVISORY GROUP ON THE SAFETY OF PATIENTS IN ENGLAND (2013). Improving the Safety of patients in England (The Berwick Report), Agosto. 46, Disponível em:
FRAGATA, J.(2012).. Segurança dos Doentes - Uma Abordagem Prática, Lidel - Edições Técnicas, Ldª, Lisboa, 2012, 324 p.
Reference: null
Title: SESCAM Servicio de Salud de Castilla-La Mancha. Manual de Calidad Asistencial. 2009, 671. Disponivel em:
REASON, James e Alan Hobbs. Managing Maintenance Error. A Pratical Guide, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2003, 183.
ORGANIZAÇÃO MUNDIAL DA SAÚDE. Guidance on developing quality and safety strategies with a health system approach, Copenhaga, 2008, 48.
NICE. Principles for Best Practice in Clinical Audit, Radcliffe Medical Press, Oxon, Reino Unido, 2002.
MEARS, Peter. Quality Improvement Tools & Techniques, McGraw-Hill, Nova Iorque, 1995, 326
INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE. Crossing The Quality Chasm. A new Health System for the 21th Century. National Academy Press, Washington D.C., 2001 (5.ª Ed. de Junho 2004), 287.
INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE. To Err is Human. Building a Safer Health System. National Academy Press, Washington D.C., 2000, 287.
França, Margarida. "Gestão da qualidade e inovação em saúde". Financiamento Inovação e Sustentabilidade, apdh, Lisboa, Outubro 2008.
FRAGATA, José et al. Risco Clínico. Complexidade e performance, Livraria Almedina, Coimbra, Maio 2006, 346
BERWICK, Donald M., A. Blanton Godfrey e Jane Roessner. Curing Health Care - New Strategies for Quality Improvement, Jossey-Bass Publishers, São Francisco, 1990, 287.
ARANAZ, JM e al. Gestión Sanitaria. Calidad e seguridad de los pacientes. FUNDACÍON MAPFRE, Ediciones Diaz Santos, 2008, 395.
Reference: null
Management of Health Units
At the end of this unit`s term, the student must be able to:
LG 1. Characterization of health organizations
LG 2. To diagnose an health organization
LG 3. Design a project of organizational change
1-Institutional and market dimensions
2-Organizational structure.
3- Organizational Culture
4-Organizational diagnosis: An integrated Approach. Management of people processes, innovation and results
5-Strategies: Participative, transformational, telling and forcing
In addition to strict compliance with the program regulation, the periodical evaluation method requires a minimum class attendance of 60% and:
- An assignment (individual or in group) with a weight of 40%;
- An individual test, with a weight of 60% and a minimum grade of 10 points.
Alternatively, the final exam, similarly to phase two exams, will account for 100% of the final grade, disregarding the periodical assessment component.
Title: - Porter, M., Teisberg, E. (2006) Redefining Health Care - Creating Value-Based Competition on Results. Harvard Business School Press.
- Johnson, J.; Rossow, C. (2017). Health Organizations: Theory, Behavior, and Development. Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.
-Cameron K., Quinn R. (2011). Diagnosing Changing Organizational Culture. John Wiley & Sons.
Henry Mintzberg (2017 ) Managing the myths of health care. Berrett-koehler Publishers
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Title: - Wheelen, T., Hunger, J. (2012) Strategic Management and Business Policy: Toward Global Sustainability. Pearson
- Liu, Y., Perrewé P. (2005). Another look at the role of emotion in the organizational change: A process model. Human Resources Management Review, 15, 263-280.
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Team Leadership and Conflict Management
At the end of this unit`s term, the student must be able to understand the concepts to:
LG 1. Describe the leadership concept in health organizations.
LG2. Describe the link between leadership and organizational culture.
LG3. Identify factors that support team building.
LG4. Identify management conflicts strategies;
1. Leadership and management in health organizations.
2. Leadership profiles and organizational culture.
3. Team building.
4. Commitment and Motivation. 5.Conflict and Negotiation
In addition to strict compliance with the program regulation, the periodical evaluation method requires a minimum class attendance of 60% and:
- An assignment (individual or in group) with a weight of 50%;
- An individual test, with a weight of 50% and a minimum grade of 10 points.
Alternatively, the final exam, similarly to phase two exams, will account for 100% of the final grade, disregarding the periodical assessment component.
Title: 2016 by Donna Weiss and Felice Tilin
The Interprofessional Health Care Team: Leadership and Development
2014 by Beaufort Longest Jr. Ph.D. FACHE and Kurt Darr J.D. FACH
Managing Health Services Organizations and Systems
2013 by Michael Maccoby and Clifford L. Norman
Transforming Health Care Leadership: A Systems Guide to Improve Patient Care, Decrease Costs, and Improve Population Health
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Title: It will be given in the classes
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Health Economics and Politics
At the end of this learning unit's term, the student must be able:
LG1: To use economic concepts to understand the health sector
LG2: To present methodologies for economic evaluation of health care programmes.
Part A: Introduction
Part B: Key Issues in Health Economics
Part C: Applied Economics for Health Decision Making (I): issues in health care production
Part D: Applied Economics of Health Decision Making (II): Economic Evaluation of Health Programs
In addition to strict compliance with the program regulation, the periodical evaluation method requires a minimum class attendance of 60% and:
- An assignment (individual or in group) with a weight of 30%;
- An individual test, with a weight of 70% and a minimum grade of 10 points.
Alternatively, the final exam, similarly to phase two exams, will account for 100% of the final grade, disregarding the periodical assessment component.
Title: Morris, S., N. Devlin, D. Parkin e A. Spencer (2012), Economic Analysis in Health Care, John Wiley&Sons.
Reference: null
Title: Crespo, N. e N. Simoes (2021). ?Uma Viagem ao Mundo das Ideias Económicas - 100 questões para entender a economia?, Actual Editora (Lisboa, Portugal
Drumond, M., G. Torrance, B. O'Brien e G. Stoddart (2003), Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes, Oxford University Press.
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Management Control
Realize and present to an audience a diagnosis study on a management
control model (written and oral format);
2. Know how to select the management control tools most adequate to the needs of managers;
3. Interpret financial and non-financial information and structure it from a managerial standpoint;
4. Propose the implementation of management control tools through a
corporate performance perspective.
I - Management Control System: Key Ideas
Performance Management and entity value
Performance perspectives
Control systems principles
II - Management control systems process
Technical instruments
Planning cycle role on defining objectives.
Performance measurement systems: Tableau de bord and Balanced Scorecard.
Organizational structure based on responsibility centers; cost, profit and investment centers
Performance evaluation criteria of responsibility centers
III - Balanced Scorecard methodology - case study en healthy entity.
Ongoing evaluation requires a minimal presence in 60% of the classes time and includes the accomplishment of:
- An individual or group - 30%;
- An individual test- 70% and a minimum score of 10 points.
The assessment is performed in two phases. 1st -phase the participant will be in the continuous evaluation system. 2nd phase- it corresponds to a final exam that will represent 100% of the final score obtained, in this case it will not be considered the continuous evaluation result.
Title: - Rodrigues, J.A., e Ana Simões, Analisar a Performance Financeira - uma perspectiva multidimensional, 2ª Ed. Coleção Global Áreas Editora 2012.
- Jordan, H., J.C.Neves, e J.A.Rodrigues. O Controlo de Gestão - ao Serviço da Estratégia e dos Gestores, 10ª Ed. Lisboa, ÁREAS Ed., 2015.
Textos de apoio teórico/práticos a facultar pela equipa docente durante o semestre;
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Title: Vancil, Richard F; What kind of management control do you need; Harvard Business Review, Mar-Abril de 1973.
Young, David; Economic Value Added: A Primer for European Managers; European Management Journal, Vol. 15, nº 4, pág. 335-343, 1997.
Kaplan, Robert S.; Kemps LLC: Introducing Time Driven ABC; Harvard Business Review, Agost de 2005.
Flamholtz, Eric; Effective organizational Control: A Framework, Applications, and Implications, European Management Journal Vol. 14, nº 6, pág. 596-611, 1996.
Epstein, Marc; Manzoni, Jean-François; Implementing Corporate Strategy: from Tableaux de Bord to Balanced Scorecard; European Management Journal; Vol. 16, nº 42 pág. 190-203, 1998.
Dearden, John; The case against ROI control; Harvard Business Review, Maio-Jun de 1969.
Dearden, John; Measuring profit center managers; Harvard Business Review, Set-Out de 1987.
- Artigos diversos, dos quais se destacam;
- Jornais da base de dados da Biblioteca do ISCTE "A..Z", ou "b-on", relacionados com as principais temáticas da UC;
Jornais diários e/ou semanários com temáticas de gestão;
- Olve, N.G., Roy, J., Wetter, M. ., Performance Drivers - a Practical Guide to using the Balanced Scorecard, 1ª Ed., Wiley.
- Kaplan, R., Norton, D., The Balanced Scorecard - HBS Press, Boston, 1996.
- Brimson, James A., Activity Accounting - An Activity-Based Costing Approach, John Wiley & Son, New York, 1991.
- Anthony, R.N., Management Control Systems,12ª Ed. Homewood, III.: McGraw-Hill, 2007.
- Rodrigues, J.A., e Ana Simões, Descentralizar e responsabilizar por Resultados - a organização em centros de responsabilidade, Colecção Global, Áreas Editora 2009.
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1.Identify the concepts and methods of Epidemiologic Science
2.Characterize the principles of epidemiological surveillance
3. Apply epidemiological principles to health planning and prevention and control of diseases.
4.Apply epidemiological principles to the evaluation of health policies
1 General Epidemiology:
Introduction. Concepts and application of epidemiology
2. Epidemiological surveillance: Principles concepts and methods applied to infectious diseases and chronic diseases with more prevalence in Portugal and in Health Programs surveillance .
3. Descriptive and Analytic Epidemiology
Epidemiology: Research studies applied to Health decision .
4.Epidemiology and the evaluation of Health Policies .
5. Epidemiology and Health Administration
Ongoing evaluation requires a minimal presence in 60% of the classes time and includes the accomplishment of:
- An individual test- 100% and a minimum score of 10 points.
The assessment is performed in two phases. 1st- the participant will be in the continuous evaluation system. 2nd - it corresponds to a final exam that will represent 100% of the final score obtained, in this case it will not be considered the continuous evaluation result.
Title: Rothman, Kenneth J. (2012). Epidemiology: An Introduction. Oxford.
Reference: null
Title: Gouda, Pawels (2014). The science of epidemiology and the methods needed for public health assessments: a review of epidemiology textbooks.
Petitti - Meta -Analysis, Decision Analysis and Cost Effectiveness Analysis, 2nd ed.
Spasoff (1999). Epidemiology Methods for Health Policy.
Young (1998). Population health.
Gray (2010). Evidence -Based Healthcare.
Brownson/Petitti - Applied Epidemiology (pdf.)
Fletcher Robert, Fletcher S. (2005). Clinical Epidemiology.The Essentials. Lippincolt William&Wilkins, 4 th ed.
Department of Epidemiology School of Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapell Hill, USA, Victor Schoenbach, 2000.
Schoenbach Victor J, Wayne D, Rosamond. Understanding the Fundamentals of Epidemiology-an evolving text.
Rothman Kenneth J, Geenland Sander (2008). Modern Epidemiology.Timothy L Lash, 3rd ed.,Lippincolt William&Wilkins.
Gordis, L. (2008). Epidemiology. Barnes & Noble.
Beaglehole R, Bonita R, Kjellstrom T. (2010). Basic Epidemiology. World Health Organization,2nd ed.
Aschengrau, A. & Seage III G.R. (2008). Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health. Jones and Barthett Publishers.
Reference: null
Human Resources Management
1. Relate the HR Function with the organization business and, as well, with the social, political and economic environment within the organization operates;
2. To identify the main critical factors of change in organizations;
3. To characterize the Human Resources Management practices;
4. To relate the importance of strategic human resource with organizational performance;
5. Critically analyze HRM case studies
1. The papers of HRM: personnel's administrator to strategic partner
2. To manage people in different strategic moments
3. The strategy and practice of SHR: a matter of choice? Human resource management in the initial phases of the life of organizations.
4. Strategic human resources
5. Case Study: The integrated management of human resources - the articulation of managerial strategy and the practices
Ongoing evaluation requires a minimal presence in 60% of class time and includes the accomplishment of:
An individual or group work - 40%;
An individual test -60% and a minimum score of 10 points.
The assessment is performed in two phases. In the 1st phase the participant will be in the continuous evaluation system. In the 2nd phase corresponds to a final exam that will represent 100% of the final score obtained, in this case it will not be considered the continuous evaluation result.
Title: - Bamberger, P. & Meshoulam, I. (2014). Human Resources Strategy: Formulation, implementation and impact. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications
- Ferreira, A., Martinez, L. Nunes, F. e Duarte, H. (2015). GRH para Gestores. Lisboa: Editora RH.
Reference: null
Title: - Tyson, S. e York, A. (2005). Essentials of HRM. Burlington: Elsevier
- Ivancevich, J. M. (2008). Gestão de Recursos Humanos. São Paulo: McGraw Hill
- Hofstede, G. (1991). Cultures and Organizations Software of the mind. Intercultural Corporation and its Importance for Survival, Mc Graw-Hill International (UK) Limited
- Hackman, J., Lawler III, Porter, L. (1993). Perspectives on behavior in organizations. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Gomes, J, Cunha, M., Rego, A., Cunha, R., Cabral-Cardoso, C. e Marques, C. (2010). Manual de Gestão de Pessoas e do Capital Humano. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Reference: null
Ethics, Deontology and Health Law
1. Defining the legal framework and structure of the health system
2. Defining the medical and legal principles which rule the health professional's activity
3. Caracterizing the labour and disciplinary status of the health professionals.
4. In-depth analysis of central aspects of the legal status of the health professionals (informed consent, medical responsibility, health information and data protection)
I - Legal and Institutional Framework
1. Constitutional Health Law
2. International Sources, "principlism" and Human Rights
3. Implementation of Human Rights with projection on the field of medical law:
4. Protection of personality: personality rights and relevant criminal types
5. Implementation and setting out to (other) relevant issues in the medical-legal field: adversed effects or medical malpractice; medical confidentiality and information to third parties by breaching confidentiality (the case of HIV/Aids); leges artis and end(ing) of life (palliative care and euthanasia).
6. Structure / organization of the health system and review of normative instruments
II - Medical Law: Practioner's Status and Professional Performance
1. Health Professional's Employment and Disciplinary Status
2. Health Professional's performance: particular aspects of its legal regime:
-Medical responsibility
-The informed consent
-Health information
Ongoing evaluation requires a minimal presence in 60% of the classes time and includes the accomplishment of:
- An individual or group work that can be set - 20%;
- An individual test - 80% and a minimum score of 10 points.
The assessment is performed in two phases. 1st- the participant will be in the continuous evaluation system. 2nd- it corresponds to a final exam that will represent 100% of the final score obtained, in this case it will not be considered the continuous evaluation result.
Title: Rueff, Maria do Céu (2013) (coord.) Direito da Medicina - Eventos Adversos, Responsabilidade, Risco, Lisboa, Universidade Lusíada Editora.
Rueff, Maria do Céu (2013) "Leges Artis e fim de vida, compaixão e direito penal", in: Emoções e Crime: Filosofia, Ciência, Arte e Direito Penal (coordenação de Maria Fernanda Palma, Augusto Silva Dias e Paulo Sousa Mendes), Coimbra, Almedina, 2013: 183-201.
Raposo, Vera Lúcia (2013), Do Ato Médico ao Problema Jurídico, Coimbra, Almedina.
Pereira, André Gonçalo Dias (2015) Direitos dos Pacientes e Responsabilidade Médica, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora / Centro de Direito Biomédico da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra.
Reference: null
Title: Rueff, Maria do Céu (2010) "Dever de informar, conflitos de interesse e deontologia na relação tripartida cidadão-médico-seguradora (A propósito do Novo Regime Jurídico do Contrato de Seguro, aprovado pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 72/2008, de 16 de Abril), in: Lex Medicinae - Revista Portuguesa de Direito da Saúde, Ano 7, vol 13, 2010: pp. 43-56.
Rueff, Maria do Céu (2009) Segredo Médico como Garantia de Não-Discriminação: Estudo de Caso HIV-SIDA, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora / Centro de Direito Biomédico da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra.
Lopes, Licínio (2010) "Direito Administrativo da Saúde", in: Tratado de Direito Administrativo Especial - vol. III, coord. Paulo Otero e Pedro Gonçalves, Coimbra, Almedina, pp 225 - 366.
Cadilha, Carlos Alberto Fernandes Cadilha (2011), Regime da Responsabilidade Civil Extracontratual do Estado e demais Entidades Públicas, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora.
Reference: null
Clinical Governance
1. To characterize the different dimensions of clinical governance
2. Identify appropriate practices to promote safety in health care
3. Identify principles ethical principles in the health
1 Introduction to Clinical Governance
2 Basic Elements of Clinical Governance
3. Safety Promotion in Health Care
4. Clinical Management, Knowledge and Innovation
5. Ethics in Health
6. Doctors and Society - Professionalism
Ongoing evaluation requires a minimal presence in 60% of the classes time and includes the accomplishment of:
- An individual or group work - 20%
- An individual test - 80% and a minimum score of 10 points.
The assessment is performed in two phases. In 1st phase the participant will be in the continuous evaluation system. The 2nd phase it corresponds to a final exam that will represent 100% of the final score obtained, in this case it will not be considered the continuous evaluation result.
Title: FRAGATA, José. Segurança dos Doentes - Uma Abordagem Prática, Lidel - Edições Técnicas, Ldª, Lisboa, 2012, 324.
Reference: null
Title: THE NATIONAL PATIENT SAFETY AGENCY, Seven steps to patient safety. An overview guide for NHS staff, Edição de Autor, Londres, Abril 2004, 25. Disponivel em:
OVRETVEIT, John e Paulo Sousa. Quality and Safety Improvement Research: Methods and Research Practice from the International Quality Improvement Research Network (QIRN), Edição dos Autores, Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública e MMC Karolinska Institutet, Lisboa, 2008, 294.
INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE. Crossing The Quality Chasm. A new Health System for the 21th Century. National Academy Press, Washington D.C., 2001 (5.ª Ed. de Junho 2004), 287.
INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE. To Err is Human. Building a Safer Health System. National Academy Press, Washington D.C., 2000, 287.
FRAGATA, José et al. Risco Clínico. Complexidade e performance, Livraria Almedina, Coimbra, Maio 2006, 346.
Reference: null
Health Marketing
- Understand the nature and complexity of communication in organizations and health promotion programs;
- Identify and manage the diverse realities of health communication;
- Identify the importance of the brand as a competitive value in health;
- developing awareness to achieve effective communication in the health organizations;
- understanding and managing realities of marketing and communication in the health organizations;
- Understand the ethical implications of health marketing and communication;
- The importance of marketing in health
- The Brand-Driven Health Marketing Strategy
- The importance of communication at all levels of Health
- Communication problems in teams and health organizations
- Interpersonal communication in the health professions
- Patient-centered approach as a way to minimize the miscommunication between healthcare professionals and patients
- Strategic management and communication in health organizations (lecture)
- Public interventions and professional communication (seminar)
- Ethical Implications of Health Communication
Ongoing evaluation requires a minimal presence in 60% of the classes time and includes the accomplishment of: An individual or group work - 30%;
- An individual test - 70% and a minimum score of 10 points.
The assessment is performed in two phases. In 1st phase the participant will be in the continuous evaluation system. The 2nd phase it corresponds to a final exam that will represent 100% of the final score obtained, in this case it will not be considered the continuous.
Title: - Crawford, Brown. Fast healthcare: Brief communication, traps and opportunities. Patient Education and Counseling 82 (2011) 3-10
- Pina, JA. Apresentações que falam por si. Lidel - Ed.Técnicas, Lisboa, 2011.
- O'Toole, G. Communication: Core interpersonal skills for health professionals, 2nd Ed. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier Australia, 2012.
- Mena, R. e Aguiar, P. Health Care Marketing - Como criar, gerir e melhorar uma estratégia de marketing de saúde centrada nas pessoas, Texto Editores Lda, Alfragide, 2016.
Reference: null
Title: - Silverman J, Kurtz S, Draper J. Skills for Communicating with Patients. 2a ed. [S.l]: Radcliffe Publishing; 2008.
- Gillespie, Chaboyer et al. The impact of organisational and individual factors on team communication in surgery: A qualitative study. International Journal of Nursing Studies 47 (2010) 732-741.
- Sinek, Simon. Start With Why. Penguin Books, 2009.
customer-driven health system, John Wiley & Sons, San Francisco, 2008.
- Kotler, P., Shalowitz, J, Stevens, R.J., Strategic marketing for health care organizations: building a
- Maxwell, Jonh C. Todos Falam, Poucos Comunicam. Smartbook, Lisboa, 2010.
Reference: null
Logistics System in Healthcare Organizations
At the end of the course students should:
A)Know the basic dimensions of logistics and supply chain management (SCM);
B)Understand the healthcare contexts where one should apply the basic dimensions of logistics and supply chain management;
c) Recognize the tangible and intangible logistics systems in healthcare contexts;
D) Know the fundamentals of: supplier qualification; distribution systems and warehouse systems in healthcare contexts;
E)Know the main topics in terms of capacity in health units
1. Logistics and Supply Chain Management
2. Supplier Qualification and Sourcing Principles
3. Distributions Systems and General Warehouse Principles in Healthcare Systems; Inventory Management in Healthcare Systems
4. Capacity and Layout
ongoing evaluation requires a minimal presence in 60% of the classes time and includes the accomplishment of: Participation in class - 20%; An individual test - 80% and a minimum score of 10 points.
The assessment is performed in two phases. The 1rst phase the participant will be in the continuous evaluation system. the 2nd phase it corresponds to a final exam that will represent 100% of the final score obtained, in this case it will not be considered the continuous evaluation result.
Title: - Carvalho, José Crespo de; Ramos, Tânia - Logística na Saúde (2019), 4ªEdição, Edições Sílabo;
Reference: null
Title: - Grabam, Mark - Lean Hospitals (2009), CRC BOOKS;
- Christopher, Martin - Logistics and Supply Chain Management (2011), Pitman Publishing
Reference: null
Strategy for Healthcare Organizations
1. Characterize the conceptual framework of health systems, funding mechanisms and organizational models of care.
2. Understand the specificities of the models of organization and management of health organizations.
3. Design draft strategic management and change management plans in healthcare organizations
1. Health systems.
2. The specificity of the health sector.
3. The structure of the NHS.
4. Strategic management in health care.
4.1.Transformation of network hospital.
4.2.Reform of primary health care.
4.3. National network of integrated care.
5. Trends of the health system.
Ongoing evaluation requires a minimal presence in 60% of the classes time and includes the accomplishment of: An individual or group work - 20%; An individual test - 80% and a minimum score of 10 points.
The assessment is performed in two phases. The 1st phase the participant will be in the continuous evaluation system. The 2nd phase corresponds to a final exam that will represent 100% of the final score obtained, in this case it will not be considered the continuous evaluation result.
Title: CAMPOS, A. & SIMÕES, J. (2011). O percurso da saúde: Portugal na Europa. Coimbra: Almedina.
OECD (2013), Health at a Glance 2013: OECD Indicators, OECD Publishing.
Reference: null
Title: WHO - The World Health Report-Health Systems Financing: the path to universal coverage. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2010.
SHORTELL, S.; KALUZNY, A. - Health care management, organization, design and behaviour. 4thed. Albany, NY: Delmar, 2000.
SWAGE, T. Clinical Governance in Health Care Practice. 2nd ed. Edinburgh: Butterworth Heinemann, 2004.
ROBALO SANTOS, A. J.- Gestão estratégica: conceitos, modelos e instrumentos. Coimbra: Escolar Editora, 2008.
PORTER, M E; TEISBERG, E O. - Redefining Health Care, creating value-based competition on results. Boston: Harvard Business Press, 2006.
MINTZBERG, al - The Strategy process, Concepts, Contexts, Cases. Essex: Pearson Education 2003.
Hill, Charles W. L.and Jones, Gareth R., 2001, "Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Approach", Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.
HENDERSON, B.D., Henderson on Corporate Strategy (Cambridge, Massachussetts: Abt Books, 1979);
SIMÕES, J. (2009). Retrato Político da Saúde - dependência do percurso e inovação em saúde: Da ideologia ao desempenho. Coimbra: Almedina.
Reference: null
At the end of this unit`s term, the student must be able to understand the concepts to:
- Characterize the several forms of ehealth and its historic evolution
- Identify the ehealth technologies
- Identify the ehealth applications (current and in the future)
- Identify the aspects of privacy, confidentiality, and security of data
- Identify the ethic and legal aspects
1. Forms of ehealth
2. Historic evolution
3. Ehealth technologies
4. Ehealth applications
5. Privacy, confidentiality, and security of data
6. Ethic and legal aspects
Ongoing evaluation requires a minimal presence in 60% of the classes time and includes the accomplishment of: An individual or group work - 20%; An individual test - 80% and a minimum score of 10 points.
The assessment is performed in two phases. The 1st phase the participant will be in the continuous evaluation system. The 2nd phase it corresponds to a final exam that will represent 100% of the final score obtained, in this case it will not be considered the continuous evaluation result.
Title: Bertalan Meskó et al., (2017), Digital health is a cultural transformation of traditional healthcare.
Digital Health Best Practices for Policy Makers , (2018), The Medical Futurist
-(2014)The History and Evolution of Healthcare Information Systems , Northern Virginia Community
Deloitte, (2017) The future awakens Life sciences and health care predictions 2022
Shortliffe , Edward and Cimino, James J. (2014, 4 th edition), Biomedical Informatics, Springer.
Gaddi, Antonio; Capello, Fabio and Manca , Marco (2013), eHealth, Care and Quality of Li fe, Springer.
Reference: null
Managing Change in Health Care Organizations
At the end of this unit`s term, the student must be able to understand the concepts to:
- Define the most appropriate change process in each situation in healthcare organizations
- Define the steps of change management in healthcare organizations
- Identify the resistance forms to change in healthcare organizations
- Define the strategies to manage change in healthcare organizations
1. Process of change in healthcare organizations
2. Steps of change management in healthcare organizations
3. Resistance to change in healthcare organizations
4. Strategies of change in healthcare organizations
5. Successful and unsuccessful cases in change management in healthcare organizations
ongoing evaluation requires a minimal presence in 60% of the classes time and includes the accomplishment of: An individual or group work - 35%; An individual test - 65% and a minimum score of 10 points.
The assessment is performed in two phases. The 1st phase the participant will be in the continuous evaluation system. The 2nd phase it corresponds to a final exam that will represent 100% of the final score obtained, in this case it will not be considered the continuous evaluation result.
Title: Leading Strategic Change In An Era Of Healthcare Transformation -2016
Reference: null
Title: Relatório um futuro para a Saúde - todos temos um papel a desempenhar - (2004) - Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Pexton, Carolyn (2009) - Overcoming the Barriers to change in Health care system
Kotter, John (1996) - Leading Change
Parkin, Paul (2009). Managing Change in Healthcare: Using Action Research. Sage Publications.
Reference: null
Family Business Management
LG1. Identify the theoretical tools needed to the family business management;
LG2. Understand and apply the methodologies of strategic evaluation of family businesses, aiming at the sustainability of the business;
LG3. Apply, in a concrete, rigorous and detailed way, the management methodologies of family businesses.
1. Family Businesses - Importance, Definitions and Characteristics
2. Family System - Business and the Complexity and Structural Risk of Family Businesses
3. Family Governance and Family Business Governance Models
4. Models and Processes for Planning and Strategic Management of Family Businesses
5. Family Business Growth Strategies
6. Innovation and Technology Management in Family Businesses
7. Preparation, Evaluation and Decision on Investments in Family Businesses
8. Family Heritage Management - ?As Family Offices?
9. Communication, Relationship and Conflict Management in Family Businesses
10. Succession and Continuity Process in Family Businesses
The periodic evaluation is achieved:
60% Individual (final exam) + 40% in group (case studies of applying the family business management methodologies)
Title: Todo Bom, L. (2020). Manual de Gestão de Empresas Familiares. Lisboa: Sílabo.
Reference: null
Title: Poza, E.J. (2007). Family Business. South Western: Macmillan Publishing Solutions
Carlock, R.S. & Ward, J. (2010). When Family Businesses are Best. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Gimeno, A; Boulenar, G. & Coma-Cros, J. (2010). Family Business Models. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Zellweger, T. (2017). Managing the Family Business: Theory and Practice. Massachusetts: Edward Elgar
Reference: null
Health and Network Communication
- Grasping the significance of differences between theoretical and social context in the Age of Information and Network;
- Encourage research in the health sector, including on the social impact of the Internet and related technologies;
1. Communication in Health, Communication of health or Communication and Health?
2. The importance of communication and ICT in the field of public health
3. Health in the Information Age: citizens, content and social networks
4. ICT in health: empowerment and autonomy of citizens?
5. Health in the Information Age: professionals and institutions
In addition to strict compliance with the program regulation, the periodical evaluation method requires a minimum class attendance of 60% and:
- An assignment (individual or in group) with a weight of 30%;
- An individual test, with a weight of 70% and a minimum grade of 10 points.
Alternatively, the final exam, similarly to phase two exams, will account for 100% of the final grade, disregarding the periodical assessment component.
Title: Eysenbach, G. (2001), What is e-health?, Journal of Medical Internet Research, vol. 3, nº2 (
Espanha, Rita (2013). Informação e saúde - Tecnologia e acompanhamento disponível em
Espanha, Rita et al. (2012), Os Portugueses, a saúde e a Internet, Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Espanha, Rita (2010), ?Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação na Saúde?, in Jorge Simões (coord.), 30 anos do Serviço Nacional de Saúde ? Um percurso comentado, Coimbra: Almedina.
Espanha, Rita (2009), Saúde e comunicação numa sociedade em rede. O caso português, Lisboa: Monitor.
Abdelmaleck, A.A (1999), ?As representações sociais da Saúde e da doença?, in Ciências Humanas e Cuidados de Saúde: Manual para Profissionais de saúde, Lisboa: Instituto Piaget, pp. 205 ? 239.
Reference: null
Title: Norris, Bill (1999), ?Keynote presentation - Media as a determinant of health? in Franklin Apfel, The Pen is as mighty as the surgeon's scalpel: improving health communication impact. London: Nuffield Trust (
Netlleton, Sarah (2004), ?Health e-types? An analysis of everyday use of the Internet for health? in Information, Communication & Society, U.K., Routledge.
Murray, E. et all (2003), ?The Impact of Health Information on the Internet on Health Care and the Physician-Patient relationship: patient perceptions?, Journal of Medical Internet Research (
Loader, Brian D. (1997) (ed.) The Governance of Cyberspace: Politics, Technology and Global Restructuring. London: Routledge.
Kwankam, S. Yunkap (2004), What e-Health can offer. Bulletin of the World Health Organization: Perspectives, Geneva, pp. 800-801, (
Kivits, Joëlle (2004), ?Researching the ?informed patient?: the case of Online Health Information Seekers?, in Information, Communication & Society, UK: Routledge.
Kelleher, David (2001), ?New social movements in the heath domain?, in Graham Scambler (org.), Habermas, Critical Theory and Health, Londres, Routledge, pp.119-142.
Katz, James E. e Ronald E. Rice (2002), Social Consequences of Internet Use: access, involvement, and interaction, Cambridge, MIT Press.
Katz, James, Ronald Rice and Sophia Acord (2006), ?Usos da Internet e de Tecnologias Móveis nos Sistemas de Saúde: Abordagens Sociais e Organizacionais num Contexto Comparativo?, in Gustavo Cardoso e Manuel Castells (Org.) (2006), A Sociedade em Rede ? Do Conhecimento à Acção Política, Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda.
Hyer, Randall N., Covello, Vincent T. (2005b), Effective media communication during public health emergencies: a WHO field guide, Geneva: World Health Organization ( involvement, and interaction, Cambridge, MIT Press.
Hyer, Randall N., Covello, Vincent T. (2005a), Effective media communication during public health emergencies: a WHO handbook, Geneva: World Health Organization (
Hinske, S, Ray, Pradeep (2006), Towards a global e-health framework for the support of pandemic control. The International Educational and Networking Forum for eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT. Luxembourg, The Med-e-Tel 2006 Proceedings (
Himanen, P., Torvalds L. & Castells M. (2001). The Hacker Ethic and the Spirit of the Information Age, London: Vintage.
Hardey, M. (1999), Doctor in the house: the Internet as a source of lay health knowledge and the challenge to expertise, in Sociology of Health & Illness, 21(6), 820-835.
Gebreel, Ashour Omar, Butt, John (1997), Making health messages interesting, World Health Forum, 18(1): 32-34 (
Garrido, Marcial Velasco, Kristensen, Finn Børlum, Nielsen, Camilla Palmhøj e Busse, Reinhard (2008), Health technology assessment and health policy-making in Europe, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Observatory Studies Series No 14, World Health Organization (
Fox, Susannah (2005), ?Health Information Online, Pew Internet and American Life Project?. (
Figueras J., Mossialos E., McKee M., Sassi F. (1994), ?Health Care Systems in Southern Europe: is there a Mediterranean Paradigm??, in International Journal of Health Sciences, 5(4), pp.135-146.
Eng, Thomas R. (2001), The eHealth Landscape: A Terrain map of emerging information and communication technologies in health and health care. Princeton: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (
Collste, Göran, ?The Internet doctor and medical ethics Ethical implications of the introduction of the Internet into medical encounters?, Med Health Care Philos. 2002; 5(2):121-5. (
Cardoso, Gustavo e Rita Espanha (coord.) (2007), Profissionais de Saúde na Era da Informação: Médicos, Enfermeiros e Farmacêuticos, Lisboa, CIES/ISCTE (relatório final e anexos).
Carapinheiro, Graça (2005), Saberes e poderes no hospital, Porto, Afrontamento.
Castells, Manuel (2002) A Era da Informação: Economia, Sociedade e Cultura ? A Sociedade em Rede, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Calnan, Michael; Williams, Simon (1991), ?Style of life and the salience of health: an exploratory study of health related practices in households from differing socio-economic circumstances?, in Sociology of Health and Illness, 13(4), pp. 506 ? 529.
Butel, J. S. (2000), Simian virus 40, poliovirus vaccines, and human cancer: research progress versus media and public interests, Bulletin of the World Health Organization: the International Journal of Public Health, 78(2): 195-198 (
Brodie, M. et alia (2000), ?Health information, the Internet, and the digital divide?, Health Affairs, Vol 19, nº 6, 255-265.
Baker, Laurence, Wagner, Todd, Singer, Sara e Bundorf, M. (2003), ?Use of the Internet and E-mail for Health Care Information ? results from a national survey?, in Journal of the American Medical Association, volume 289, nº 18.
Aston, Katie (1999), ?Communication - Yes, but does it work?? in Franklin Apfel, The Pen is as mighty as the surgeon's scalpel: improving health communication impact. London: Nuffield Trust (
Andreassen, Hege K., et al (2007), ?European citizens' use of E-health services: A study of seven countries?, BioMed Central Ltd. (
Ammenwerth, Elske, Iller, Carola e Mahler, Cornélia (2006), ?IT-adoption and the interaction of task, technology and individuals: a fit framework and a case study?, in BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making.
Reference: null
Health Tourism
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. Diagnose new demand segments of healthcare
2. Characterize new business models in medical tourism
3. Propose a differentiated project based on the new trends of the industry
1. Tourism and medical tourism
- Evolution and trends /perspectives and opportunities
- Health tourism and healthcare - critical factors of success
2. Medical tourism in the optical of hospital management
3. Medical tourism in the optical of the doctor
In addition to strict compliance with the program regulation, the continuous evaluation method requires a minimum class attendance of 60% and:
- An assignment (individual or in group) with a weight of 20%;
- An individual test, with a weight of 80% and a minimum grade of 10 points.
Alternatively, the final exam, similarly to phase two exams, will account for 100% of the final grade, disregarding the continuous assessment component.
Title: Circular n.º 05/2015 - informação sobre a obtenção de cuidados de saúde transfronteiriços e condições para o reembolso de custos
Circular n.º 04/2015 - divulgação dos formulários de Requerimento para Pedido de Autorização Prévia e Pedido de Reembolso
Circular Conjunta ACSS / DGS n.º 2 - Beneficiários de cuidados de saúde transfronteiriços ao abrigo da Lei n.º 52/2014, de 25 de agosto
Circular n.º 27/2014 - linhas de orientação para a adoção de medidas de restrição ao acesso a cuidados de saúde
Despacho n.º 11779/2014, de 5 de setembro - SPMS responsável pela cooperação em matéria de saúde em linha
Despacho n.º 1172/2014, de 9 de setembro de 2014 - INFARMED autoridade nacional responsável pela avaliação das tecnologias da saúde
Despacho n.º 11713/2014, de 9 de setembro de 2014 - Designa a ACSS como Ponto de Contacto Nacional para o Continente
Despacho n.º 11778/2014, de 5 de setembro - Requisitos para reconhecimento em Portugal da receita médica para dispositivos médicos
Despacho n.º 13163-C/2014 - Designa os membro da Comissão Nacional para os Centros de Referência
Despacho n.º 235-A/2014, de 7 de janeiro - Define as áreas de intervenção prioritárias para os Centros de Referência
Portaria n.º 194/2014, de 30 de setembro - Processo referente aos Centro de Referência Nacionais
Portaria n.º 191/2014, de 25 de setembro - Cuidados sujeitos a autorização prévia
Lei n.º 52/2014 de 25 de agosto -Estabelece normas de acesso a cuidados de saúde transfronteiriços e promove a cooperação em matéria de cuidados de saúde transfronteiriços, transpondo a Diretiva n.º 2011/24/UE, do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 9 de março de 2011, e a Diretiva de Execução n.º 2012/52/UE da Comissão, de 20 de dezembro de 2012.
Reference: null
Title: Todd, Maria K. (2011). Medical Tourism Facilitator's Handbook. CRC Press.
Folhas de apoio disponibilizadas no decurso da unidade curricular.
Reference: null