Programme Structure for 2025/2026
Curricular Courses | Credits | |
Final Paper in Anthropology: Politics and Displays of Culture and Museology
20.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 20.0 |
Advanced Topics in Anthropology: Theories of Culture and Heritage
10.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 10.0 |
Politics and Displays of Culture and Museology
10.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 10.0 |
Methods in Anthropology: Research in Intangible Cultural Heritage
10.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 10.0 |
10.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Elective Deminars | 10.0 |
Ritual and Performance
10.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Elective Deminars | 10.0 |
Oral Traditional Literature
10.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Elective Deminars | 10.0 |
Anthropology and Tourism
10.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Elective Deminars | 10.0 |
Thesis in Anthropology: Politics and Displays of Culture and Museology
180.0 ECTS
Thesis in Anthropology: Politics and Displays of Culture and Museology (180 Ects) | 180.0 |
Final Paper in Anthropology: Politics and Displays of Culture and Museology
The final essay requires the following capacities:
OA1 - identify the main components of a research project
OA2 - to design the development of the research in a consistent and feasible way, adjusted to the time available for thesis completion.
OA3 - state of the art
OA4 - identify the most adequate methodology to the topic of research.
The final essay is basically a working paper based on student's research project and conceived as the first step leading to the doctoral dissertation. It consists on :
P1 - the state of art
P2 - the presentation of the main topics
P3- methodology.
P4 - Chronogram
The evaluation is based on the research project - up to 30 pages. The examination procedure consists of a public presentation of the research. The final paper is evaluated by a committee composed of three members - the tutor, the Program's coordinator, and an external member of the two institutions). It provides the opportunity to assess student's ability to move forward in the program.
BibliographyTitle: Não se aplica
Reference: null
Title: Não se aplica
Reference: null
Advanced Topics in Anthropology: Theories of Culture and Heritage
In order to complete te seminar the students must: a) know the theories and concepts related to culture and identity; b) have a comprehensive understanding of relevant areas in contemporary research on culture and identity (namely ritual and performance, oral and traditional literature, ethnomusicology); c) be able to partcipate in contemporay debates on heritage; d) know the relevant methods, empirical contexts and debates related to ICH.
1. Contemporary anthropology.Cultural critique and public debates (Clifford 2005; Guss 2000; Tsing 2005); 2. The anthropological concept of culture (Cuche 1999; Oba 2002; Trouillot 2002);3. Culture and identity (Handler 1988;1994; Kirshenblatt-Gimblett 1998; Malesevic 2011)
4. Ritual and performance (Carlson 2011; Schechner 1988; Taylor 2008)
5.Oral and traditional literature (Bronner 2007; Ong, 1982; Zumthor 1983;6.Ethnomusicology (Nettl 2005; Rice 2007; Stokes 2004)
7. Anthropological perspectives on heritage (Choay 2006; Herzfeld, 1991;2010; Samuel 1999); 8. ICH (Hafstein 2007; Kirshenblatt-Gimblett 2004; Seeger 2009; Yúdice 2003).
9. ICH In Portugal (Costa 2008;2009);10. ICH in Brazil (Nunes 2011; Sandroni 2011)
11. Culture and community (Blake 2009; Brubaker 2002; Latour 2005; Noyes 2006); 12. The circulation of culture (Levitt 2001; Matory 2005; Oliveira 2004)
Students must read the bibliographical references for each session of the course. In each session, one of the references must be presented (10 minutes) by a student (20% of the final grading). Participation in discussions is strongly encouraged (20% of the final grade). At the end of the semester each student must submit and essay (10 pages), which weighs 60% in the final grading.
BibliographyTitle: Yúdice, G., 2003, The Expediency of Culture. Uses of Culture in the Global Era, Durham NC-London, Duke University Press.
Trouillot, M., 2002, "Adieu, Culture. A New Duty Arises", Fox, R. & B. King (eds.), Anthropology Beyond Culture, Oxford-New York, Berg, 37-60.
Samuel, R., 1999, "Ressureccionism", Boswell D. & and J. Evans (eds). Representing the Nation: A Reader. Histories, Heritage and Museums, London-New York, 163-184.
Handler, R., 1988, Nationalism and the Politics of Culture in Quebec, Madison, Wisconsin University Press.
Handler, R., 1994, "Is Identity a Useful Cross-Cultural Concept?", Gillis, J. (ed.), Commemorations. The Politics of National Identity, Princeton NJ, Princeton University Press, 27-40.
Brubaker, R., 2002, "Ethnicity Without Groups", Archives Européennes de Sociologie XLIII (2), 163-189.
Reference: null
Title: Zumthor, Paul, 1983, Introduction à la Poésie Orale. Paris, Éditions du Seuil.
Tsing, Anna L, 2005, Friction. An Ethnography of Global Connections, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Taylor, Diana, 2008, "Performance e Patrimônio Cultural Intangível" Pós 1 (1), 91-103
Stokes, Martin, 2004, "Music and the Global Order," Annual Review of Anthropology 33, 47-72.
Seeger, Anthony, 2009, "Lessons Learned from the ICTM (NGO) Evaluation of Nominations for UNESCO Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity, 2001-5", Smith, L. & N. Agakawa, Intangible Heritage, London-New York, Routledge, 112-128.
Schechner, R., 2005 (1977), Performance Theory, London-New York, Routledge.
Sandroni, Carlos, 2011, "L'Ethnomusicoloque en Médiateur du Processus Patrimonial. Le Cas de la Samba de Roda", Bortolotto, Ch. (ed.), Le Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel. Enjeux d'une Nouvelle Catégorie, Paris, Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 233-252.
Sandroni, Carlos & Márcia Sant'Anna (eds.), 2006, Samba de Roda no Recôncavo Baiano, Brasília, IPHAN.
Rice, Timothy, 2007, "Reflections on Music and Identity in Ethnomusicology," Journal of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 7, 17-38
Ong, Walter, 1982, Orality and Literacy. The Technologizing of the Word. London, New York, Methuen
Oliveira, João Pacheco de (ed.), 2004, A Viagem de Volta. Etnicidade, Política e Reelaboração Cultural no Nordeste Indígena, Rio de Janeiro, Contra Capa/ LACED.
Oba, Yoshinobu, 2002, "Culture and Anthropology in Ethnographic Modernity", Fox, R. & B. King (eds.), Anthropology Beyond Culture, Oxford-New York, Berg, 61-80
Nunes, Izaurina (ed.), 2011, Complexo Cultural do Bumba-Meu-Boi do Maranhão. Dossiê do registro como Patrimônio Cultural do Brasil, São Luís, IPHAN.
Noyes, Dorothy, 2006, "The Judgment of Salomon. Global Protections for Tradition and the Problem of Community Ownership", Cultural Analysis 5, 27-55.
Nettl, Bruno, 2005, Ethnomusicology: Thirty-one Issues and Concepts, Urbana, Illinois University Press.
Matory, J. Lorand, 2005, Black Atlantic Religion. Tradition, Transnationalism, and Matriarchy in the Afro-Brazilian Candomblé, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Malesevic, Sinisa, 2011, "The Chimera of National Identity", Nations and Nationalism 17 (2), 272-290.
Levitt, Peggy, 2001, The Transnational Villagers, Berkeley, University of California Press.
Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, B., 2004, "Intangible Heritage as Metacultural Production", Museum International 56 (1-2), 52-65.
Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara, 1998, Destination Culture. Tourism, Museums, and Heritage, Berkeley, University of California Press.
Herzfeld, Michael, 2010, "Engagement, Gentrification, and the Neoliberal Hijacking of History", Current Anthropology 51 (Supplement 2), 259-267.
Herzfeld, Michael, 1991, A Place in History. Social and Monumental Time in a Cretan Town, Princeton NJ, Princeton University Press.
Hafstein, V., 2007, "Claiming Culture : Intangible Heritage Inc., Folklore, Traditional Knowledge", Hemme, D., M. Tauschek & R. Bendix (eds.), Prädicat 'Heritage'. Wertschöpfungen aus Culturellen Ressorcen, Munster, Lit Verlag, 75-100.
Guss, David, 2000. The Festive State. Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism as Cultural Performance, Berkeley, University of California Press.
Cuche, Denys, 1999, A Noção de Cultura nas Ciências Sociais, Lisboa Fim de Século
Costa, Paulo, 2009, "Drawing-up a National-Wide Inventory of ICH in Portugal", International Journal of Intangible Heritage 4, 137-142.
Costa, Paulo, 2008, "Discretos Tesouros: Limites à Proteção e outros Contextos para o Inventário do Património Imaterial", 2, 16-35.
Choay, Françoise 2006 (1992), A Alegoria do Património, Lisboa, Edições 70.
Clifford, J., 2005, "Rearticulating Anthropology", Segal. D. & S. Yanagizako (eds.), Unwrapping the Sacred Bundle: Reflections on the Disciplining of Anthropology, Durham, Duke University Press, 24-48.
Carlson, Marvin, 2011, "O Entrelaçamento dos Estudos Modernos da Performance e as Correntes Atuais em Antropologia" Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença 1 (1), 164-188
Bronner, Simon (ed.), 2007, The Meaning of Folklore: the Analytical Essays of Alan Dundes, Utah, Utah State University Press,
Blake, 2009, "UNESCO's Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage: the Implications of Community Involvement in 'Safeguarding'", Smith, L. & N. Agakawa, Intangible Heritage, London-New York, Routledge, 45-73.
Reference: null
Politics and Displays of Culture and Museology
OA1 - critical analysis of the notions of cultural and natural heritage; tangible and intangible cultural heritage; cultural landscape ODS13
OA2 - UNESCO lists and the need to preserve. The notion of risk - ODS 10
OA3 - preservation as a cultural value; heritage and emotion;
OA4 - Contemporary artistic practices and the uses of heritage. Popular art. The ar
OA5- heritage and memory; dissent and conflicted heritage - ODS 16
P1 Museum and ICH. Collaborative museology P2 - UNESCO's listing and its implications P3 os critical heritage sutdies e a noção de authorized heritage discourse P4 Ithe notion of cultural landscape e de espirito do lugar P5The notion of danger and the 'need' to preserve; Cultural diversity and the biodiversity as a value; P6 Human trauma as heritage; nostalgia and emotions; P7 To preserve as a cultural phenomenon; preservation of heritage as an act of valuation. P8 ICH and memory; dissent and conflicted memories and heritage. P9 Contemporary artistic practices and the use of heritage. Appropriation: concept, genealogies and debates; The notion of popular art. P10 The archive : the specificities of the ethnographic archive. The archive as field. The 'Archival impulse'. Art, memory and contested heritage.
Two modalities :
presentation based on reading + written version of the presentation ( 30%) and final essay (70%)
Title: Smith, L., 2006.Uses of Heritage, Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Schneider, A., 2003. On appropriation?. A critical reappraisal of the concept and its application in global art practices?, Social Anthropology, 11- 2, 215?229
Nas, P. J. M. 2002. 'Masterpieces of Oral and Intangible Culture. Reflections on the UNESCO World Heritage List', Current Anthropology, 43, 139-148.
Macdonald, S. 2013. Memoryland, London: Routledge.
Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, B., 2006.'World Heritage and Cultural Economics', in Karp, I. and C. A. Kratz eds., Museum Frictions. Public Cultures/ Global Transformations, Durham : Duke University Press, 161-202.
Harvey D.C, 2001. 'Heritage Pasts and Heritage Presents : Temporality, Meaning and the Scope of Heritage Studies', International Journal of Heritage Studies, 7(4) 319-338.
Harrison, R., 2013, Heritage. Critical Approaches, London and New York: Routledge.
Reference: null
Title: Uzzell, D. 2008, 'Heritage that Hurts', in Fairclough, The Heritage Reader, 502-513.
Stoczkowski, W.,2009. 'UNESCO's Doctrine of Human Diversity. A Secular Soteriology?' Anthropology Today, 25 (3), 7-11.
Vidal, F and N. Dias eds., 2015. Endangerment, Biodiversity and Culture, London: Routledge.
Spieker, S., 2008, The big archive, Art from bureaucracy, Cambridge, Massachusetts London: The MIT Press
Smith L., 2021. Emotional Heritage. Visitor engagement at museums and heritage sites, London: Routledge.
Young, J.O., 2008. Cultural Appropriation and the Arts, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing
Smith L. and Campbell, 2016 'The Elephant in the room: heritage, affect and emotion', A Companion to Heritage Studies, pp. 443-459.
Smith, L. and N. Akagawa eds. 2009. Intangible Heritage, London: Routledge.
Smith L.,2012. 'Editorial', International Journal of Heritage Studies, 18 (6), 2014, 533-540.
Schneider, A. (eds,), 2020, Art, Anthropology and Contested Heritage. Ethnographies of Traces, Great Britain, Bloomsbury
Pinto Ribeiro, A., 2021, Novo Mundo. Arte Contemporânea no tempo da pós-memória, Porto, Edições Afrontamento
Olwig, K.,2001. ' "Time Out of Mind" - "Mind -Out of Time": Custom versus Tradition in Environmental Heritage Research and Interpretation', International Journal of Heritage Studies, 7 (4), 339-354.
Olwiig, K. 2008 'Natural Landscapes in the Representations of National Identity', The Ashgate Research Companion to Heritage and Identity, 73-88.
Nielsen, B., 2011. 'UNESCO and the 'Right' Kind of Culture: Bureaucratic Production and Articulation', Critique of Anthropology, 31 (4), 273-292.
Meskell, L. ed. 2016. Global Heritage: a Reader, Wiley-Blackwell.
Meskell L., 2002. 'Negative Heritage and Past Mastering in Archaeology', Anthropological Quaterly, 557-594.
Macdonald, S., 2019, ?Heritage Traces, Differences and Futures: New Research Approaches to Heritage and Society?, Heritage and Society, Krakow, Heritage Forum of Central Europe
Logan, W. S., 2008. 'Cultural Diversity, Heritage and Human Rights', in B. Graham and P. Howard eds., The Ashgate Research Companion to Heritage and Identity, London: Ashgate, 439-454.
Leopold, R., 2008, ?The second life of ethnographic fieldnotes?, Ateliers du LESC, 32,
Leal, J., 2007. ?Metamorfoses da arte popular: Joaquim de Vasconcelos, Vergílio Correia e Ernesto de Sousa?, Etnográfica, Vol. VI (2), 2002, 251-280.
Lacerda, Rodrigo. "Worlding a Mbya-Guarani heritage: from dissonant heritage to ontological conflicts". International Journal of Heritage Studies 27 11 (2021): 1133-1148.
Kurin, R.,2004. 'Museum and Intangible Heritage', ICOM news,7-9.
Huyssens A. 1995. Twilight Memories. Marking Time in a Culture of Amnesia, London-New York, Routledge,
Holtorf C. 2018, 'Conservation and Heritage as Future', online
Holtorf, C. 2016 'Why Cultural Heritage is not at 'risk', online
Holtorf, C. 2015. 'Heritage Erasure' - Averting loss- aversion in Cultural Heritage", International Journal of Heritage Studies, 21 (4), 313-317.
Hirsch, Marianne. 2012. The Generation of Postmemory. Writing and Visual Culture after the Holocaust. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Heinich, N. 2012. 'Les émotions patrimoniales', Social Anthropology, 19-33.
Heinich, N. 2009, La Fabrique du Patrimoine. 'De la cathédrale á la petite cuillère', Paris, Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme.
Harvey, D. 2008 'The History of Heritage', Ashgate Research Companion to Heritage and Identity, pp. 19-36.
Harrison, R ' World Heritage as Listing', in Vidal/Dias, Endamgerment, Biodiversy and Culture, 2015, p.195-217.
Harrison R. and D.B. Rose, 2010. 'Intangible Heritage', in T. Benton ed., Understanding Heritage and Memory, Manchester/Milton Keynes: Manchester University Press, 238-276.
Harrison R. and D. O'Donnell, 2010. 'Natural Heritage', in S. West ed., Understanding Heritage in Practice, Manchester/Milton Keyes: Manchester University Press/Open University, 88-126.
Hafstein, V. 2009."Intangible Heritage as a List", in L. Smith and N. Akagawa eds., Intangible Heritage, London, Routledge, 93-111.
Gillis J. ed., 1994. Commemorations. The Politics of National Identiry, Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press.
Garcia Canclini, N., 2010, La sociedad sin relato. Antropologia y estética de la inminencia, Madrid, Katz Editores, 1-25
Foucault, Michel, 1969, L? archeologie du savoir, Paris, Gallimard.
Foster, H., 2004, ?An Archival Impulse", October, 110, pp. 3?22
Faria, N. (coord.), 2014, Ernesto de Sousa e a Arte Popular, Guimarães, CIAJG.
Fairclough, G. R. Harrison and all, 2008. The Heritage Reader, London, Routledge.
Fabre, D. ed., 2013, Émotions patrimoniales, Paris, Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme.
Enwezor, O., 2008, Archive Fever: uses of Document in Contemporary Art, Gottingen, Steidl, New York, International Center of Photography, pp. 11-51
DeSilvey C. 2008 'Observed Decay', Journal of Material Culture, 318-338.
Des Chene, M., 1997, ?Locating the Past?, Gupta, Ahkil; Ferguson, James (eds.), Anthropological Locations, Boundaries and Grounds of a Field Science, Londres, University of California Press, 66:85.
Cronon, W. 1996. 'The Trouble with Wilderness", in Cronon ed., Unconmmon Ground: Rethinking the Human Place in Nature, New York, Norton, 23-68.
Byrne, D. 2008, 'The Memorialization of Violence and Tragedy: The Human Trauma as Heritage', in The Ashgate Research Companion to Heritage and Identity, 231-244.
Boym, S. 2001. The Future of Nostalgia, New York, Basic Books,
Bondaz, Bideau, Isnart and al, eds.,2014. Les vocabulaires locaux du 'patrimoine', Zurich: Lit Verlag.
Betts P. and Ross, C.eds., 2015. Heritage in the Modern World, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Berliner D. 2005. 'The abuses of Memory: Reflection on the Memory Boom in Anthropology', Anthropological Quarterly, 78,197-211.
Benton, T. and Watson N.J.,2010. 'Museum Practice and Heritage', in S. West ed., Understanding Heritage in Practice, Manchester/Milton Keyes: Manchester University Press/Open University, 127-165.
Bendix. R, Bortollotto C and all, 2015.Between Imagined Communities and Communities of Practice. Participation, Temporality and the Making of Heritage, Universtatsverlag Gottingen,
Alves, V.M. 2013. Arte Popular e Nação no Estado Novo. A Política Folclorista do Secretariado de Propaganda Nacional, Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciencias Sociais.
Almeida, S.V.; Cachado R. A, 2019. "Archiving Anthropology in Portugal", Anthropology Today, Vol. 35 (1): 22-25.
Aikawa, N.,2004. 'An Historical Overview of the Preparation of the UNESCO International Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage', Museum International, 56 (1-2) 137-149.
Reference: null
Methods in Anthropology: Research in Intangible Cultural Heritage
LG1. The development of the 'ethnographic method';
LG2. The contemporary meaning of 'locality' as well as 'multiple localities';
LG3. Raising researchers' awareness of the practical applications and limitations of six ubiquitous methodologies;
LG4. Highlighting the importance of ethical issues;
LG5. Analysis of the specificities of Intangible Heritage;
LG6. Selection of specific methodologies suitable for each doctoral research project.
A. The 'ethnographic method';
B. Further epistemological discussions: ethnography 'at home', auto-ehtnography, collaborative ethnography;
C. Participant-observation (steps and procedures) and multi-sited ethnography;
D. From fieldnotes to definitive text;
E. Information processing, ethical dimensions;
F. Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventories (collection and recording procedures);
G. Post-modern anthropology and its legacy: critical anthropology, reflexive anthropology;
H. Interviews, dialogues, and ethnographic conversation;
I. Extended case-studies;
J. From life-histories to 'narrative ethnography'.
1. Theoretical essay (max. 6 pp.) comparing two methodologies (50%);
2. Term paper (Final Report - max. 10 pp.): exploratory exercise based on one of the methodological procedures learned in this course (40%);
3. Participation in classroom debates, and oral seminar presentation of the Final Report (10%).
Title: ROBBEN, A. & J. SLUKA 2012 (eds.) Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
MARCUS, G. 1998 'Ethnography in/of the World System. The Emergence of Multi-Sited Ethnography' Ethnography Through Thick & Thin. Princeton: Princeton University Press; 79-104.
MALINOWSKI, B. 1922 Argonauts of the Western Pacific. London: Routledge.
LASSITER, L. 2005 'Ethics and Moral Responsibility' The Chicago Guide to Collaborative Ethnography. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press; 79-97.
KVALE, S. 1996 InterViews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage.
GUPTA, A. & J. FERGUSON 1987 'Discipline and Practice: 'The Field' as Site, Method, and Location in Anthropology' Gupta & Ferguson (eds.) Anthropological Locations: Boundaries and Grounds of a Field Science. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press; 1-46.
CABRAL, C. 2011 Património Cultural Imaterial: A Convenção da UNESCO e seus Contextos. Lisboa: Edições 70.
Reference: null
Title: VAN VELSEN, J. 1987 (1967) 'A Análise Situacional e o Método de Estudo de Caso Detalhado' in B. Feldman-Bianco (org.) Antropologia das Sociedades Contemporâneas: Métodos. São Paulo: Global Universitária; 345-74.
TEDLOCK, Barbara 2011 'Braiding Narrative Ethnography with Memoir and Creative Nonfiction' in N. Denzin & Y. Lincoln (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage; 331-339.
SPRADLEY, James 1979 The Ethnographic Interview. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
SANJEK, Roger & Susan TRATNER 2015 (eds.) eFieldnotes: The Makings of Anthropology in the Digital World. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press
SANJEK, Roger 1990 (ed.) Fieldnotes: The Makings of Anthropology. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
R.A.I. (Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) 1967 (1874) Notes and Queries on Anthropology. (6th ed.) London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
PITKIN, Donald 2001 (1985) The House that Giacomo Built: History of an Italian Family 1898-1978. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press / Dowling Scholarly Reprint Series.
O'NEILL, Brian Juan 2015 'Histórias de Vida na Antropologia: Novidades Transnacionais' in E. Lechner (coord.) Rostos, Vozes e Silêncios: Uma Pesquisa Biográfica Colaborativa com Imigrantes em Portugal. Coimbra: Almedina / CES; 73-108.
MINTZ, Sidney 1974 (1960) Worker in the Cane: A Puerto Rican Life History. New York: W. W. Norton.
MEAD, Margaret 1973 'The Art and Technology of Field Work' in R. Naroll & R. Cohen (eds.) A Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology. New York: Columbia University Press; 246-265 (com XVI Plates fotográficos).
MALINOWSKI, Bronislaw 1997 (1922) 'Introdução: Objecto, Método e Alcance desta investigação' (Introdução ao livro Os Argonautas do Pacífico Ocidental) in M. Cardeira da Silva (org.) Ethnologia, Nova Série, nº 6-8 ('Trabalho de Campo'); 17-38.
KUKLICK, Henrika 2008 (ed.) A New History of Anthopology. Oxford: Blackwell.
JACKSON, Anthony 1987 (ed.) Anthropology at Home. London: ASA.
GLICK-SCHILLER, Nina & Georges Eugene FOURON 2001 Georges Woke Up Laughing: Long-Distance Nationalism and the Search for Home. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press.
FRAZÃO-MOREIRA, Amélia 2009 'Plantas, Direitos e Cultura: A Antropologia e a Patrimonialização das Concepções, Conhecimentos e Práticas Relativos à Natureza' in P. Costa (coord.) Museus e Património Imaterial: Agentes, Fronteiras, Identidades. Lisboa: Instituto dos Museus e da Conservação; 302-317.
FONTANA, Andrea & James FREY 2005 'The Interview: From Neutral Stance to Political Involvement' in N. Denzin & Y. Lincoln (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (3rd ed.) Thousand Oaks: Sage; 695-727.
FLYVBJERG, Bent 2011 'Case Study' (Chapter 17) Norman Denzin & Yvonna Lincoln (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research. (4th ed.) Thousand Oaks, California: Sage; 301-316.
FILLIPUCCI, Paola 2009 'Heritage and Metodology: A View from Social Anthropology' in M. L. Soerensen & J. Carman (eds.) Heritage Studies: Methods and Approaches. London: Routledge; 319-325.
FARDON, Richard et. al. 2012 (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Social Anthropology. 2 Vols. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage.
FALZON, Mark-Anthony 2009 (ed.) Multi-Sited Ethnography: Theory, Praxis, and Locality in Contemporary Research. Surrey: Ashgate.
EMERSON, R., R. FRETZ & L. SHAW 1995 Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes. Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 142-211.
ELLEN, Roy 2006, 'Introduction' in R. Ellen (ed.) Ethnobiology and the Science of Humankind. Malden: Blackwell; 1-27.
DAVIES, Charlotte A. 1999 Reflexive Ethnography: A Guide to Researching Selves and Others. London: Routledge.
COSTA, Paulo F. 2011 Kit de Recolha do Património Imaterial [edição eletrónica]
BORTOLOTTO, Chiara 2011 Le Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel: Enjeux d'une Nouvelle Catégorie. Paris: Éd. de la MSH.
BAMFORD, Sandra & James LEACH 2009 'Introduction: Pedigrees of Knowledge: Anthropology and the Genealogical Method'in S. Bamford & J. Leach (eds.) Kinship and Beyond: The Genealogical Model Reconsidered. New York: Berghahn; 1-23.
Reference: null
Doesn't apply. This FUC relates to a Curricular unit taught at the FCSH where the FUC's model doesn't contain this item.
a) Discussion of the main epistemological changes in Ethnomusicology, with emphasis on postmodernism, postcolonialism and critical theory.b)Analysis of the impact of the adoption of new epistemological perspectives in the ethnomusicological approach of central processes in music in the last twenty years such as: the globalization of musical production and consumption; expressive culture and its relation to the formation of diasporic communities,to the interaction between them, and to their integration into host societies;the expressive culture resulting from the process of the colonial encounter;music and its relationship with the media; the integration of the music of subalterns and peripheries in the global market; the maintenance,appropriation and concealment of Western aesthetic hierarchies;the reproduction or contestation of power relations through music; c)Critical analysis of the main works where current paradigms of ethnomusicology are patent.
Evaluation is carried out through:
.Continuous assessment of class participation (20%)
.Critical reviews presented orally in class (30%)
.Written essay delivered at the end of the semester (50%)
Title: Stokes, Martin (2004). "Music and the Global Order," Annual Review of Anthropology 33:47-72.
Slobin M. (1993). Subcultural Sounds: Micro- musics of the West. Hanover, CT: Wesleyan University Press.
Erlman, Veit(1999).Music,Modernity and the Global Imagination.Oxford:Oxford University Press.
Denning, Michael (2015) Noise Uprising: The Audiopolitics of a World Musical Revolution. London:Verso.
Born,Georgina & Hesmondhalgh D, (eds) (2000).Western Music and its Others:Difference, Representation and Appropriation in Music. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Bohlman, Philip & Radano, Ronald(eds.) (2000). Music and the Racial Imagination.Chicago:Chicago University Press.
Reference: null
Title: N/A
Reference: null
Ritual and Performance
LO1. Learn, questioning, and use the key concepts on ritual and performance within the field of Intangible Cultural Heritage
LO2. To develop critical insights on ritual and performatives processes through critical reading of contemporary bibliographical references
LO3. to improve oral and written competence and individual or team work
LO4. To incorporate on his/her research projects the seminar/course issues and debates
P1. Ritual and performance: theoretical and methodological questions. On the festivity theory of ritual to performance studies
P2. Cultural performances and ontology of performance; performance as event and as communication process
P3. Ritual and performance: Contexts, processes and agents
P4.Ritual, Performance and Intangible Cultural Heritage. Questions, issues and discussions.
P5. Heritage, social inequalities and minorities
P6. Changing rituals and settings
P7. Society´s life and the «immense accumulation of performances»
P8. Power on stage and the role of social agents: authenticity, politics and poetics of heritage
P9. historical heritage parish as intangible heritage
P10. Past performances: historical reenactment. Repertoire and archive
P11. Performances, rituals and processes of tourism activities, mediatization and consumption of the cultural performance
P12. Filming ritual and performances. Documenting the Intangible
Oral participation in lectures and seminars and 1 Oral presentation (40%)
Final bibliographical essay (60%)
Attendance in classes is required (min. 70%)
Title: TURNER, V. (1986), The Anthropology of Performance, NY, PAJ Publications
TAYLOR, D. (2003) The Archive and the Repertoire: Performing Cultural Memory in the Americas, Durham, Duke University Press
SCHNEIDER, A., & WRIGTH, C. (2010) Between Art and Anthropology, Berg, Oxford & New York.
SCHECHNER, R (2005) Performance Theory (edição ampliada de "Essays on Performance Theory", 1977, 1988), NY & London, Routledge
MANNING, F. (ed.) (1983) The Celebration of Society - Perspectives on Contemporary Cultural Performance, Bowling Green, Bowling Green University Popular Press.
LOWENTHAL, D. (1985) The Past is a Foreign Country, Cambridge, CUP.
HOBSBAWM, E.; RANGER, T. (1983) The invention of tradition, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
CANCLINI, N. (1997) Culturas Híbridas - estratégias para entrar e sair da modernidade. São Paulo: EDUSP
BOISSEVAIN, J., org. (1992) Revitalizing European Rituals, London, Routledge
Reference: null
Title: WILLIAMS, Raymond (1982) [1958] Culture and Society, London, The Hogarth Press. (1993)[1973] The Country and the City, London, The Hogarth Press.
SCHECHNER, Richard (1985) Between Theatre and Anthropology, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press
SEGALEN, Martine (1998) Rites et rituels contemporains, Paris, Nathan.
RAPOSO, Paulo et all (2013) A terra do não-lugar: diálogos entre antropologia e performance, Ed. UFSC, Santa Catarina-Brasil
RAPOSO, Paulo (2011) Por Detrás da Máscara. Ensaio de Antropologia da Performance sobre os Caretos de Podence. Lisboa: IMC.
PRATS, Llorenç (1997) Antropologia y património, Barcelona, Ariel.
PEREIRA, Benjamim, ed. (2006) Rituais de Inverno com Máscaras, Bragança, Museu Abade de Baçal.
PEIRANO, Mariza (2006) "Temas ou teorias? O estatuto das noções de ritual e performance" in Campus, 7 (2), pp. 9-16.
NOYES, Dorothy (2011) La fête ou le fétiche, le geste ou la gestion: du patrimoine culturel immatériel comme effet pervers de la démocratisation, en Chiara Bortolotto (dir..), Le patrimoine culturel immatériel. Enjeux d'une nouvelle catégorie. Paris: Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, p. 125-148.
MESNIL, Marianne (1974) Trois essais sur la Fête - Du Folklore à l'etno-sémiotique, Bruxelles, Ed. de l'Université de Bruxelles.
LEAL, João (2000) Etnografias Portuguesas (1870-1970) Lisboa, Publicações D. Quixote.
LANGDON, Jean (2007) "Performance e sua diversidade como paradigma analítico" in Antropologia em Primeira Mão, UFSC, Santa Catarina (Brasil)
KIRSHENBLATT-GIMBLETT, Barbara (2004) Intangible cultural heritage as a meta-cultural production. Museum International, n° 221-222, «Visages et visions de l'immatériel», p. 53-66.
HUGHES-FREELAND, Felicia, CRAIN, Mary 1996 Recasting Ritual, London, Routledge
HEINICH, N. (2009) "L'inflation patrimoniale" in Nathalie Heinich La fabrique du patrimoine: de la cathédrale à la p etite cuillère, Paris, Editions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme:15-39.
HARTOG, F. (2003) "Patrimoine et présent" in François Hartog Régimes d'historicité - Présentismes et expériences du temps, Paris, Seuil : 163-201.
GUTIERREZ, R., FABRE, G. 1995 Feasts and Celebrations in North American Ethnic Communities, Albuquerque, U. N.Mexico Press
GOTHAM, Kevin Fox (2002) "Marketing Mardi Gras: Commodification, Spectacle and the Political Economy of Tourism in New Orleans", Urban Studies, 39 (10):1735-1756.
(2012) Máscaras, mistérios e segredos, Lisboa, Colibri.
GODINHO, Paula, (2011) Festas de Inverno no Nordeste de Portugal - Património, mercantilização e aporias da «cultura popular», Castro Verde, 100Luz
FABRE, Daniel (2001) "L'Histoire a changé de lieu", Alban Bensa e Daniel Fabre (dir.) Une Histoire à Soi, Paris, Maison des Sciences de L'Homme :13-41.
DUVIGNAUD, Jean (1991) Fêtes et Civilizations, Paris, Actes Sud 1ª edição, Weber, 1973.
COX, Harvey (1971) La fête des fous - essai théologique sur les notions de fête et de fantaisie, Paris, Seuil.
CONNERTON, Paul (1989)1993 Como as Sociedades Recordam, Oeiras, Celta
BORTOLOTTO, Chiara. 2007b. From objects to processes. Unesco's intangible cultural heritage, Journal of Museum Ethnography, n° 19, p. 21-33.
BORTOLOTTO, Chiara (2011) Le Patrimoine culturel immatériel. Enjeux d'une nouvelle catégorie. Paris: Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme.
BAROJA, Julio Caro (1979) El Carnaval - analisis historico-cultural, Madrid, Taurus.
ANICO, Marta; PERALTA, Elsa, eds. Patrimónios e Identidades - Ficções Contemporâneas, Oeiras, Celta
Reference: null
Oral Traditional Literature
LG1: To understand literature preserved in the collective memory as a cultural heritage.
LG2: To know the specific characteristics of traditional texts.
LG3: To acquire theoretical research and fieldwork skills.
LG4: To produce new knowledge in this field of study.
PC1: Traditional literature - review of major theoretical statements (the influences of anthropology and literature)
PC2: Traditional literature genres: boundaries and crossings
PC3: A cultural heritage: from collective memory to critical edition
PC4: Traditional texts: preservation and recreation
PC5: Fieldwork: criteria and methodologies
Discussion in class of a critical study, 20%; Term paper, 80%. No final exam.
BibliographyTitle: VASCONCELOS, José Leite de (1963). Contos Populares e Lendas, 2 vols., Coimbra, Universidade.
SANTIAGO, Ramón, VALENCIANO, Ana e IGLESIAS, Silvia (2006). Tradiciones discursivas: edición de textos orales y escritos, Madrid, Editorial Complutense.
PEDROSA, José Manuel (2010). "¿Literatura oral? ¿Tradicional? ¿Popular? ¿Mitología popular?", in AAVV, Literatura popular. Simposio sobre literatura popular. Definición y propuesta de bibliografía básica, Fundación Joaquín Díaz (edición digital,
FERRÉ, Pere (ed.) (2000-2004). Romanceiro Português da Tradição Oral Moderna Portuguesa. Versões editadas (1828-1960), 4 vols., Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
COSTA, José Ricardo Marques da (2004). O Livro dos Provérbios Portugueses, 2ª. ed. revista e ampliada, Lisboa, Presença.
Reference: null
Title: VALENCIANO, Ana (1998). "O estabelecimento dos textos: dos «textos» memorizados e oralizados dos portadores de tradición ós «textos» escritos publicados nunha edición crìtica", in (com axuda de José Luis Forneiro et al.) Os romances tradicionais de Galicia. Catálogo exemplificado dos seus temas, Madrid - Santiago de Compostela, Fundación Ramón Menéndez Pidal, Publicacións do Centro de Investigacións Lingüísticas e Literarias Ramón Piñero, pp. 95-123.
NASCIMENTO, Braulio do (2005-2006). "Variantes e Invariantes na Literatura Oral", ELO, Estudos de Literatura Oral, Homenagem a Julio Camarena, 11-12, pp. 167-180.
FERRÉ, Pere e CARINHAS, Cristina (2000). Bibliografia do Romanceiro Português da Tradição Oral Moderna (1828-2000), Madrid, Instituto Universitario Menéndez Pidal.
CARDIGOS, Isabel with the collaboration of Paulo Correia and J. J. Dias Marques (2006): Catalogue of Portuguese Folktales, Helsinki, Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, Academia Scientiarum Fennica.
______________ (1998). "Poética de una poesia colectiva" in Arte poética del romancero oral, Parte 2.ª. Memoria, invención, artificio, Madrid, Siglo Veintiuno de España Editores, pp. 145-196.
CATALÁN, Diego (1997). "La experiencia del acto recolector y la comparación intertextual en los estúdios del romancero", in Arte poética del romancero oral, Parte 1.ª. Los textos abiertos de creación colectiva, Madrid, Siglo Veintiuno de España Editores, pp. 197-212.
BUSTOS, José Jesús de (coord.) (2003). Textualización y oralidad, Madrid, Visor - Instituto Universitario Menéndez Pidal.
Reference: null
Anthropology and Tourism
1. To get a general overview of the historical development of touristic processes and impulses
2. To develop a critical appraisal of the main social and cultural theories concerning tourism
3. To be able to activate anthropological concepts and tools for the analysis and reflection on tourist encounters
4. To develop skills for the analysis of social and cultural impacts of tourism
5. To develop skills to respond to ethical, epistemological and methodological challenges arising from research on touristic contexts
PC1: Tourism: current and historical configurations
PC2: Politics of tourism
PC3: The tourist encounters
PC4:Tourism and Heritage
PC5: Tourism, Development and Environment
Students must read the bibliographical references and be prepared for their discussion in each session. Individual presentations and participation in discussions are strongly encouraged (40% of the final grading). At the end of the semester each student must submit and essay (60% in the final grading) using at least four of the bibliographical references proposed.
BibliographyTitle: PICARD, David and BUCHBERGER, Sonja (eds.), 2013. Couchsurfing Cosmopolitanisms. Can Tourism Make a Better World?. Transcript. Social and Cultural Practice.
MacCANNELL, Dean, 1999 [1976]. The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class. Berkeley e Los Angeles, University of California Press.
GRABURN, Nelson [1978] 1989. "Tourism: The Sacred Journey" in Hosts and Guests - The Anthropology of Tourism. Smith, V. Ed. UPP: Philadelphia
Cardeira da SILVA, Maria. 2006. "Hospedaria Vasque. Cultura, raça, género e expediente num oásis da Mauritânia". Etnográfica V.10 n.2
BOISSEVAIN, J. (ed.), 1996. Coping with tourists: European reactions to mass tourism. Providence: Berghahn
BISSELL, William Cunningham, 2005. "Engaging Colonial Nostalgia". Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 20, No. 2 (May, 2005), pp. 215-248
ADLER, Judith 1989. "Origins of Sightseeing". Annals of Tourism Research, 16: 7-29
Reference: null
Title: VIDAL, Frédéric; AURINDO, Maria José, 2010, "Turismo e Identidade Nacional: Uma nova imagem para Portugal", em Viajar: Viajantes e Turistas à Descoberta de Portugal no Tempo da Iª República, Lisboa, Comissão Nacional para as Comemorações do Centenário da República: 119-124.
VIDAL, F., 2010, "Faire la ville et pratiquer des lieux. L'histoire du tourisme sur les pas de Michel de Certeau", Revue d'Histoire des Sciences Humaines, 23: 99-115
VEIJOLA, Soile e JOKINEN, Eeva 1994. "The body in tourism", Theory Culture & Society, 11 (3): 125-151
TOWNER, J., 1985. "The Grand Tour: A Key phase in the History of Tourism." In Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 12, 297-333
TORKINGTON, Kate, DAVID, Inês, SARDINHA, João (Eds), 2015. Practising the Good Life. Lifestyle Migration in Practices. Cambridge Scholars Publishing
TIMOTHY, Dallen. J., 2007. The heritage tourist experience. Aldershot : Ashgate
SLYOMOVICS, Susan, 1989. "Cross-Cultural Dress and Tourist Performance in Egypt" Performing Arts Journal, Vol. 11, no. 3 139-148
SIMONI, Valerio, 2011, "L'interculturalité comme justification: Sexe 'couleur locale' dans la Cuba touristique", em Anne Lavanchy, Fred Dervin e Anahy Gajardo (orgs.), Anthropologies de l'interculturalité, Paris, L'Harmattan, pp. 197-225
SIMONI, Valerio, 2012, "Tourism materialities: enacting cigars in touristic Cuba", in René van der Duim, Carina Ren, Gunnar Thór Jóhannesson (eds.), Actor-Network Theory and Tourism: Ordering, Materiality and Multiplicity, London, Routledge
SIMMEL, Georg, 1908. [O Estrangeiro] in Soziologie. Untersuchungen über die Formen der Vergesellschaftung. Berlim, Duncker e Humblot Editores, pp. 509 - 512.
SILVA, Luís, 2011, "Beneath the surface of the heritage enterprise: governmentality and cultural representation of rural architecture in Portugal", Ethnologia Europaea, 41 (2): 39-53.
SILVA, Luís, 2012, "Museus, turismo y desarrollo local: el caso de Belmonte, Portugal", in I. Arrieta (ed.), Museos y Turismo: Expectativas y Realidades. Bilbao, Universidad del Pais Vasco, 163-178
SAMPAIO, Sofia, 2013. "Estudar o turismo hoje: para uma revisão crítica dos estudos de turismo", Etnográfica, vol. 17 (1) | 2013
RICHARDS, Sandra L., 2005. "What Is to Be Remembered?: Tourism to Ghana's Slave Castle-Dungeons". Theatre Journal, Vol. 57, No. 4, Black Performance, pp. 617-637
PRISTA, Marta, 2014, "From displaying to becoming national heritage: the case of the pousadas de Portugal", National Identities, DOI: 10.1080/14608944.2014.920808.
PITT-RIVERS, Julian 1977. "The law of hospitality"‖, in The Fate of Shechem or The Politics of Sex: Essays in the Anthropology of the Mediterranean, pp. 94-112. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
PINA, Paulo, 1987. Portugal. O Turismo no século XX. Lisboa: Lucidus
PICARD, D. and ROBINSON, M. (eds.) 2012. Emotion in Motion: Tourism, Affect and Transformation. Farnham: Ashgate.
NASH, Denisson, 1978. "Tourism as a form of imperalism" in SMITH, Valene 1978. Host and guests The Anthropology of Tourism. Oxford:Basil Blackwell
Africa. Considerations on travel literature, colonial tourism, and the desert as a "commodity" in Mauritania" in SARMENTO, J. e Brito-Henriques, E. (eds.) Tourism in the Global South: heritages, identities and development. Centre for Geographical Studies, Lisbon.
LUCAS, Joana, 2013. "Orientalism and Imperialism in French West
LOFGREN, Orvar, 1989, "The Nationalization of Culture", Journal of European Ethnology, XIX: 5-25.
LATOUR, Bruno, 2004. Politics of Nature: How to Bring the Sciences into Democracy (C. Porter, Trans.). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University; Caps: Chapter 1, Conclusion, Summary of the argument, pp. 9-52, 221-228, 231-235.
KIRSHENBLATT-GIMBLETT, B. 2003. "Kodak Moments, Flashbulb Memories: Reflections on 9/11". TDR (1988-) , Vol. 47, No. 1 (Spring), pp. 11-48
GREENWOOD, Davydd (1978). Culture by the pound: an anthropological perspective on tourism as cultural commoditization, in: Valène Smith, org. Hosts and Guests. The Anthropology of Tourism, Filadelfia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 129-138.
FURLOUGH, Ellen, 1993. Packaging Pleasures: Club Méditerranée and French Consumer Culture, 1950-1968. French Historical Studies, Vol. 18, 65-81
FROHLICK, S. 2007. "Fluid Exchanges: The Negotiation of Intimacy between Tourist Women and Local Men in a Transnational Town in Caribbean Costa Rica". City and Society 19(1): 139-168.
EBRON, Paulla A., 1999. "Tourists as Pilgrims: Commercial Fashioning of Transatlantic Politics", American Ethnologist, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 910-932
DICKS, Bella, 2003, Culture on display: The production of contemporary visitability. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
COHEN, E. (1979): "A Phenomenology of Tourist Experiences", em Sociology n.º 13, pp. 179-201.
CORBIN, Alain. 1995. "Les balbutiments d'un temps pour soi" in Corbin, Alain (dir.) L'avènement des loisirs 1850-1960. Paris. Aubier [trad. portuguesa: História dos Tempos Livres: O Advento do lazer, Teorema, 2001)
COHEN, E. (1979): "A Phenomenology of Tourist Experiences", em Sociology n.º 13, pp. 179-201.
COCKS, Catherine. 2001. Doing the Town: The Rise of Urban Tourism in the United States, 1850-1915. Berkeley. University of California Press. [Chap 6 - "The Noble Spectacle": Historical Walking Tours and Ethnic Slumming, 1890s-1915];
CARDEIRA DA SILVA, M., OLIVEIRA, Sandra, 2013. "O primeiro cruzeiro de férias às Colónias"In Maria Cardeira da Silva (org.). Castelos a Bombordo, Lisboa: CRIA.
CARDEIRA DA SILVA, M., 2004. Outros Trópicos. Novos Destinos Turísticos. Novos Terrenos da Antropologia. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte
CARDEIRA DA SILVA, M., 2010b. "Mauritanian Guestbooks. Building Culture while displaying it". In BURNS, Peter (Ed.) Tourism and Visual Culture: The Tourist Gaze Revisited. London: Routledge
CARDEIRA DA SILVA, M., 2010a. Introdução: imaterialidade e imaginação - novos mapas das culturas como recurso e como poder. In Paulo Costa Ed. Museus e Património Imaterial. Terrenos portugueses. O que fazem os Antropólogos. Lisboa IMC
CARDEIRA DA SILVA, Maria, 2011. "Tourisme - éléments de cadrage/ Tourism: some background". In Tourisme et Patrimoine Récent. Tourisme and Recent Heritage. Handbook. Casamémoire et Mutual Heritage (Citeres).
CARDEIRA DA SILVA, Maria, 2012. "Castles Abroad. Nations, culture and cosmopolitanisms in African heritage sites of Portuguese origin". In BENDIX, R. (Ed.) Heritage Regime and the State. Nomination, Implementation, Regulation. Institute of Cultural Anthropology/ European Ethnology, Gottingen
CANDEA, Matei e Da COL, Giovanni (Eds.) 2012, The return to hospitality. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. Volume 18, S1-S19
BUTCHER J., 2003. The Moralisation of Tourism: Sun, Sand...And Saving the World?, Routledge, London
BRUNER, Edward M. and KIRSHENBLATT-GIMBLETT, Barbara, 1994. "Maasai on the Lawn: Tourist Realism in East Africa", Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 9, No. 4 (Nov., 1994), pp. 435-470
BRUNER, Edward M., 1996. "Tourism in Ghana: The Representation of Slavery and the Return of the Black Diaspora", American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 98, No. 2, pp. 290-304
BRUNER, Edward 2005. Introduction. "Travel stories told and retold", in: Culture on Tour: Ethnographies of Travel. London: The University of Chicago Press, pp. 1-29.
BAPTISTA, João Afonso 2012. "The Virtuous Tourist: Consumption, Development, and Nongovernmental Governance in a Mozambican Village". American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 114, No. 4, pp. 639-651
ABRAM, Simon, Jacqueline Waldren, e Donald Macleod (orgs.), 1997, Tourists and Tourism: Identifying with People and Places. Oxford e Nova Iorque: Berg Publishers.
Reference: null
Thesis in Anthropology: Politics and Displays of Culture and Museology
Thesis in Anthropology: Politics and Displays of Culture and Museology
At the end of this curricular unit, students must be to:
OA 1- to enhance theoretical readings and methodological tools for a particular research topic and if possible interdisciplinary connections
OA 2- capacity to insert the research topic into a larger anthropological question and if possible into an interdisciplinary dialogue
OA 3 - identify methods and techniques of scientific practice, mostly those related to the ethnographic method
This curricular unit is devoted to discuss and to help the student to pursue his or her doctoral research. The main objectives of this unit are:
P1- Research resultas criticism
P2 - Discussion on thesis's chapters
P3 - Participation in conferences and seminars
The program aims to develop students research skills, analysis and discussion of some main topics of the anthropological debate.
Evaluation based on participation in seminars and a report to be presented at the end of each semester. Students will be evaluated through continuous assessment. Attendance at the seminary is mandatory.
BibliographyTitle: Stocking, G.W. Delimiting Anthropology, Madison, The University of Wisconsin Press, 2001.
Sperber, D. O saber dos antropólogos, Lisboa, Edições 70, 1992.
Sankek, R. Fieldnotes. The Making of Anthropology, Ithaca & London, Cornell University Press, 1990.
Ingold, T., Making, London and New York, Routledge, 2013
Bourdieu, P. Esquisse d'une théorie de la pratique, Paris, Seuil, 2002 ( 1972)
Bloch. M. Essays on Cultural Transmission, Oxford, Berg, 2005
Reference: null
Title: Daston, L. ed., Biographies of Scientific Objects, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 2000.
Bloch, M. How we think they think, Westview Press, 1998.
Reference: null