Tuition fee EU nationals (2025/2026)
A propina de cada ano pode ser paga de uma vez só ou em prestações.
The Curriculum of the Undergraduate Programme in Social Work, with the length of 3 years (180 ECTS), is characterized by wide-range training. It is composed of mandatory credits in the central area (Social Work), optional credits in "soft skills" (6 ECTS), in "Social Problems" (18 ECTS) and free credits (12 ECTS). Students that complete all curricular units of the first two years with success, totalling 120 credits (ECTS), are awarded with the Diploma of Higher 1st Cycle Studies in Social Work (First Cycle Graduate Diploma in Social Work).
Programme Structure for 2025/2026
Curricular Courses | Credits | |
Social Law
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Theory and History of Social Work
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Modernity and the Social Question
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Introduction to Social Psychology
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Sociological Theory: Major Schools of Thought
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Social Work Methods of Intervention
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Laboratory in Social Work Settings and Fields
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Organization, Management, Planning and Evaluation in Social Work
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Family Law and Child
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Writing Scientific and Technical Texts
2.0 ECTS
Optional Courses > Transversal Skills > Mandatory | 2.0 |
Stress Management
2.0 ECTS
Optional Courses > Transversal Skills > Conditioned | 2.0 |
Introduction to Excel
2.0 ECTS
Optional Courses > Transversal Skills > Conditioned | 2.0 |
Social Work with Adults and Elderly
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Research Methods and Techniques in Social Sciences
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Social Classes and Stratification
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Descriptive Data Analysis
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Social Work with Children, Youth and Families
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Society and Social Policy
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Laboratory: Ethics and Profession in Social Work
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Social Work Placement I
12.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 12.0 |
Personality Theories
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Approaches to Psychopathology
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Seminar Social Work Profissional Pratices
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Social Work Placement II
18.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 18.0 |
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Seminar Community and Groups Intervention
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Social Rights and Social Change
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Social Law
Acquisition of legal and regulatory knowledge within the system of law as whole in order to enable to identify and to apply the rules whose purpose is to draw up public policies upon, and give answers to, the main social problems, namely, with regards to the social rights protection under the Constitution and under the remaining rules of (labour and social) domestic law as well as under the International Law.
I. Introduction: State, Society and Law
II. The Social Constitution
III. The International Law as authority on Social Regulation
IV. The Social Protection Systems
V. The legal regime on maternity protection
Students must submit a written assessment by the end of the term. A minimum grade of 10 points out of 20 is required for course approval. For further details please revert to this page final comments and specifications.
BibliographyTitle: AMARAL, Diogo Freitas do, Manual de Introdução ao Direito, vol. I, Coimbra, 2017 (reimpressão de 2012)
ANDRADE, J. C. Vieira, Os Direitos Fundamentais na Constituição Portuguesa de 1976, Coimbra, 4ª ed., 2010 (reimp.)
COMBESQUE, M. A. (coord), Introdução aos Direitos do Homem, Lisboa, 1998
MENDES, João Castro, Introdução ao Estudo do Direito, Lisboa, 2010 (Ed. Revista)
NOVAIS, J. Reis, Direitos Sociais - Teoria jurídica dos direitos sociais enquanto direitos fundamentais, Coimbra, 2010.
RIBEIRO, Manuel de Almeida, Introdução ao Direito para as Ciências Sociais, Coimbra, 2016
SILVA, Germano Marques da, Introdução ao Estudo do Direito, Lisboa, 2015 (Universidade Católica)
TELLES, Inocêncio Galvão, Introdução ao Estudo do Direito, vols. I e II, Lisboa, 2010
?Principais Textos de Direito Internacional?, Lisboa, 1982 (Editora Danúbio);
Reference: null
Title: ABRANTES, J. J., Contrato de Trabalho e Direitos Fundamentais, Coimbra, 2005
ALBUQUERQUE, José P. Ribeiro de, Margarida PAZ, Adultos-Idosos Dependentes ou Especialmente Vulneráveis, Tomos I e II, Lisboa, 2018
ALMEIDA, Carlos A. Neves, Para uma Análise das Funções e Disfunções no Âmbito do Sistema Político, Lisboa, Janeiro de 1990, FDL, Tese de Mestrado (texto inédito ? disponível na Biblioteca da Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa)
ALMEIDA, Carlos A. Neves, O Diálogo Social: Modalidades, Projecções Jurídicas, Linhas de Desenvolvimento, X Jornadas Luso-Hispano-Brasileiras de Direito do Trabalho, Anais, Coord. de António Moreira, Coimbra, 1999, pp. 151-189
ANDRADE, J. C. Vieira de, O Direito ao Mínimo de Existência Condigna como Direito Fundamental a Prestações Estaduais Positivas? - Anotação ao Ac. Tribunal Constitucional nº 509/02, Jurisprudência Constitucional, nº 1, Jan/Mar 2004, 4-29
ASCENSÃO, José de Oliveira, O Direito ? Introdução e Teoria Geral, Coimbra, 2017
CAETANO, Marcello, Manual de Ciência Política e Direito Constitucional, Tomo I, Coimbra, 2015 (reimpressão)
CANAS, Vitalino, Introdução às decisões de provimento do Tribunal Constitucional, Lisboa, 1984
COELHO, Miguel, Segurança Social - Situação Actual e Perspectivas de Reforma, Lisboa, 2013
CONCEIÇÃO, Apelles J. B., Segurança Social - Manual Prático, Coimbra, 2020
CONCEIÇÃO, Apelles J. B., Legislação da Segurança Social, Coimbra, 2019
COT, Jean-Pierre, MOUNIER, Jean-Pierre, Para uma Sociologia Política, Lisboa, 1976
CRUZ, Manuel Braga da, Política Comparada, Braga, 2015
DAVID, S., Algumas Reflexões sobre o Direito à Segurança Social, Verbo Jurídico, Abril 2002
FIDALGO, Manuel, Convenções Internacionais de Trabalho ? Ratificadas por Portugal (1928-1985), Viseu, 1988 (Ed. Rei dos Livros)
GOUVEIA, Jorge Bacelar, Textos Fundamentais de Direito Internacional Público, Coimbra, 2017
LATORRE, Angel, Introdução ao Direito, Coimbra, 1978
MENDES, João Castro, Direito Civil - Teoria Geral, Vol. I, Lisboa, 1978
MIRANDA, Jorge, Manual de Direito Constitucional ? O Estado e os Sistemas Constitucionais, Tomo I (Preliminares), Coimbra, 2014
MIRANDA, Jorge, Manual de Direito Constitucional, Vol. I, Coimbra, 2014
MIRANDA, Jorge, MEDEIROS, Rui, Constituição da República Portuguesa Anotada, Tomo I, Coimbra, 2010, Tomo II, Coimbra, 2006, e Tomo III, Coimbra, 2007
MOREIRA, Vital, CANOTILHO, José Joaquim Gomes, Constituição da República Portuguesa Anotada, Vols. I e II, Coimbra, 2014 (reimpressão)
MURTEIRA, Maria Clara, O Essencial sobre a Economia das Pensões, Coimbra, 2011
PEREIRA, André Gonçalves, QUADROS, Fausto de, Manual de Direito Internacional Público, Coimbra, 2015 (Reimpressão 3ª Ed)
RODRIGUES, Abel, Direito da Segurança Social, Braga, 2020
RODRIGUES, L. Barbosa, Alberto Soares CARNEIRO, Direitos Humanos - Textos Fundamentais, Lisboa, 2015
SILVEIRA, Alessandra, CANOTILHO, Mariana (Coord.), Carta dos Direitos Fundamentais da União Europeia Comentada, Coimbra, 2013
SOARES, Rogério Ehrhardt, Direito Público e Sociedade Técnica, Coimbra, 2009
VICTOR, André, Njal HOSTMAELINGEN, Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência, Lisboa, 2017
Reference: null
Theory and History of Social Work
-To identify the Social Work origin and it?s emergence within the Social Sciences;
- To analyze the method of Classic Social Work;
- To question the Social Work as an area of scientific knowledge;
- Encourage the construction of social theory and methodology in Social Work.
I Emergency and institutionalization of Social Work within the Social Sciences and Humanities.
1. Emergency and institutionalization of Social Work as a profession. The international perpective
2. The national perspective about the institutionalization and development of the profession
3. Movements and processes of reconceptualization and its impact on the construction of Social Work as área of knowledge
II - Introduction to theories and Methods in Social Work
1. Methods of classic Social Work - Case, Group and Community.
2.Social Work as profession and scientific discipline within the Social Sciences and Humanities.
3. The theoretical framework in Social Work. Analysis and reflection about the construction of knowledge
There are two assessment methods that students can choose from:
I.i Instruments
I.i.i 1 Individual test (50%)
I.i.ii 1 Group project (50%)
I.ii. Minimum attendance
This assessment requires a minimum attendance of 50%, directly related to the "Group project" instrument, where students must develop activities associated with the instrument. Out of 12 sessions/24 classes (36 hours), each student must be present for:
5 sessions for project development
1 session for the final project presentation
The dates of these mandatory sessions will be defined by the professor together with the students at the beginning of the semester.
I.iii Weightings
I.iii.i Individual test (50% of the final grade) – may include all taught content, with its evaluation based on the timing of this instrument's application.
I.iii.ii Group project (50% of the final grade) – includes several assessment moments throughout the sessions, as mentioned in the previous points, with this weighting divided as follows: 1st development session (7.5%); 2nd development session (7.5%); 3rd development session (7.5%); 4th development session (7.5%); 5th development session (7.5%); Final group project presentation session (12.5%)
I.iv Languages
Students can complete both elements of the continuous assessment in Spanish or English upon prior request to the professor in charge.
The exam accounts for the entirety of the grade to be assigned: 100% of the final grade.
Students can take the exam in Spanish or English, upon prior request to the professor in charge.
Title: Tema I
Martins, Alcina (1999) Génese, Emergência e Institucionalização do Serviço Social Português, Lisboa, Editora Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Álvarez-Pérez, P. & Pena, M. (2022). Trabajo social en Europa: el caso de Portugal. In Francisco Javier Garcia-Castilla (Ed.), Origenes y desarrollo del trabajo social: trayectoria de una profesion. Madrid: Editorial Universitas.
Payne, M. (2020). The origins of social work: Continuity and change. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Tema II
Shaw, Ian (2016). Social work science. Columbia University Press.
Howe, David (1999), Dando sentido a la práctica. Una introducción a la teoria del Trabajo Social, Granada, Ed. Maristán.
Moix M. (2006), Teoria del Trabajo Social, Madrid, Ed. Sintesis.
Reference: null
Title: Silva, P. G. (2018). Social workers in the Revolution: Social work’s political agency and intervention in the Portuguese democratic transition (1974–1976). International Social Work, 61(3), 425-436.
Pierson, John (2011) Understanding social- work: history and context, Open University Press
Santos, Clara Cruz (2008) Retratos de uma profissão: a identidade do Serviço Social, Coimbra, Editora Quarteto.
Garcia, Fernandez Tomás e Alemón Carmen Bracho (coords) (2006), Introducción al Trabajo Social, 3ª ed., Madrid, Ed. Alianza Ciencias Sociales.
Santos, Maria Isabel R. (2009), O Discurso Histórico sobre o Serviço Social em Portugal, Lisboa, UCP
Garcia, Tomás Fernandez (coord) (2008) Trabajo social com casos,Madrid, Alianza editorial
Garcia, Tomás F. e António L. Peláez (2006), Trabajo social com grupos, Madrid, Alianza editorial
Garcia, Tomás F. e António L. Peláez (2008), Trabajo social comunitario, Madrid, Alianza editorial
Mouro, H. e Dulce Simões, (2001), 100 Anos de Serviço Social. Coimbra, Quarteto editora
Reference: null
Modernity and the Social Question
To train critical reading skills in both academic and opinion papers published in the media.
Critical reading must observe the following grid: a) the author's path; b) historical circumstances of its production; c) the object and purpose of the debate; d) the identification of the main concepts; e) the relationship with other papers or debates.
Critical reading aims to qualify students for intervention in contemporary social debates, training skills in formulating arguments and proposing innovative solutions within the scope of their professional or research practices.
1st Part
General Introduction
- Origins: Industrial Revolution, French Revolution, Liberal State and Citizenship, Enlightenment
- Stages: modernity, postmodernity, reflexive modernity, liquid modernity
2nd Part
Presentation of relevant authors for the debate on modernity:
- I.Kant
- T.H.Marshall
- J.Habermas
- M.Foucault
- U.Beck
- Z.Bauman
- A. Appadurai
- S. Zuboff
3rd Part
Application of acquired knowledge to the analysis of public debate on contemporary social problems, through student oral presentations on opinion articles recently published in the media.
Assessment throughout the semester:
1) Individual written test/work on the program contents, with consultation, the statement of which will be made available on the Moodle platform 36 hours before the delivery date (70%), to be delivered on the same platform.
2) Group work presented and discussed in class on an opinion article recently published in the media (30%).
Final exam, with consultation, remotely (100% - 2nd season and special season)
Grade improvement:
Students can choose one of two assessment methods. They can take the final exam in the 2nd season or in a special season, or, alternatively, carry out an individual essay, of 8-10 pages, based on the individual test/work prepared as part of the assessment throughout the semester. The specific characteristics of the essay must be articulated with the teacher.
Only final year students or those who have some type of Special Status, notably worker/student status, can undertake assessment in a special period.
Title: KANT, Immanuel (1974 [1783]), "Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung?", in AA.VV., Was ist Aufklärung?, Estugarda, Reclam; tradução portuguesa: "Resposta à pergunta: O que é o Iluminismo?".
MARSHALL, T.H. (1950), “Cidadania e Classe Social”, in T.H. Marshall e Tom Bottomore, Citizenship and Social Class, Zahar Editores, pp. 57-114.
HABERMAS, Jürgen, (1987 [1981]), "A Modernidade: Um projecto inacabado?", Crítica: Revista de Pensamento Contemporâneo, 2, pp. 5-23.
Foucault, M. (1994), «¿Qué es la Ilustración? [Qu'est ce que les Lumières?]», Actual, 28.
BECK, Ulrich (2000 [1994]), “A Reinvenção da Política – Rumo a teoria da modernização reflexiva”, in Ulrich Beck, Anthony Giddens e Scott Lash, Modernização reflexiva: Política, tradição e estética no mundo moderno, Oeiras, Celta
BAUMAN, Zygmunt (2001), “Emancipação”, in Zygmunt Bauman, Modernidade Líquida, Zahar Editores,
APPADURAI, Arjun (2017), “O cansaço da democracia?”
ZUBOFF, Shoshana (2021), “Lar ou exílio no futuro digital”
Reference: null
Title: ***APPADURAI, Arjun (2017), "O cansaço da democracia", in Heinrich Geiselberger (org.), O grande retrocesso: um debate internacional sobre as grandes questões do nosso tempo, Lisboa, Penguin Random House, pp. 17-31 [ISCTE S.198 Gre trad. port.]; publ. orig. APPADURAI, Arjun (2017), "Democracy Fatigue", in Heinrich Geiselberger (org.), The Great Regression, Chichester, Wiley, pp. 1-12 [ISCTE S.198 Gre]; trad. fr. APPADURAI, Arjun (2017), “Une fatigue de la démocratie?”, in Heinrich Geiselberger (org.), L’âge de la régression, Paris, Premier Parallèle, pp. 17-34. (ver
ARENDT, Hannah (2001 [1958]), A Condição Humana, Lisboa, Relógio d'Água [ISCTE S.191 ARE*Con].
Baert, P. & Silva, F. C. D. (2014). Teoria social contemporânea. Mundos Sociais.
BANDEIRA, Mário Leston (1996), Demografia e Modernidade: família e transição demográfica em Portugal, Lisboa, IN/CM [ISCTE S.151 BAN*DEM].
BAUDRILLARD, Jean (1995 [1992]), A ilusão do fim ou a greve dos acontecimentos, Lisboa: Terramar [ISCTE S.191 BAU*Ill trad. port.]; publ. orig. BAUDRILLARD, Jean (1992) L'illusion de la fin: ou la grève des événements, Paris: Galilée [ISCTE S.111 BAU*Ill].
BAUMAN, Zygmunt (1989), Modernity and the Holocaust, Cambridge, Polity Press [ISCTE S.111 BAU*Mod].
***BAUMAN, Zygmunt (2000), Liquid Modernity, Cambridge, Polity Press. [ISCTE S.143 BAU*Mod]; trad. port. BAUMAN, Zygmunt (2001) Modernidade Líquida, Rio de Janeiro, Zahar.
BAUMAN, Zygmunt (2005), “Seeking shelter in Pandora’s box?”, City - Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action, nº 9, vol. 2, pp. 161-168 [Open Access].
BAUMAN, Zygmunt (2006), Confiança e Medo na Cidade, Lisboa, Relógio d'Água (ver também "Sobre a vocação da sociologia na modernidade líquida", publicado pelo boletim da ISA Global Dialogue 2015, nº 2, pp. 26-32 [Open Access]).
BAUMAN, Zygmunt (2007), "Uncertainty and Other Liquid-Modern Fears", in Jiri Priban (org.), Liquid Society and its Law, Aldershot, Ashgate, pp. 17-37 [ISCTE D.113 Liq].
BECK, Ulrich (1992 [1986]), Risk Society: towards a new modernity, London, Sage [ISCTE S.143 BEC*Ris].
BECK, Ulrich (1999), World Risk Society, Cambridge, Polity Press [ISCTE S.143 BEC*Wor].
*** BECK, Ulrich, "A reinvenção da política", in Ulrich Beck, Anthony Giddens, Scott Lash (2000 [1994]), Modernização reflexiva: Política, tradição e estética no mundo moderno, Oeiras, Celta [ISCTE S.143 BEC*Mod] (este texto condensa argumentos que também se podem encontrar em BECK, Ulrich (1997), The Reinvention of Politics, Cambridge, Polity Press [ISCTE S.143 BEC*Rei]).
BECK, Ulrich (2017) A metamorfose do mundo: como as alterações climáticas estão a transformar a sociedade, Lisboa, Ed. 70 [ISCTE S.143 BEC*Met].
BECK, Ulrich & BECK-GERNSHEIM, Elisabeth (1995 [1990]), The Normal Chaos of Love, Cambridge, Polity Press [ISCTE S.152 BEC*Nor].
BENJAMIN, Walter (1975), A modernidade e os modernos, Rio de Janeiro, Tempo Brasileiro [ISCTE S.131 BEN*Mod].
BOLTANSKI, Luc & CHIAPELLO, Ève (1999), Le Nouvel Esprit du Capitalisme, Paris, Gallimard [ISCTE S.171 BOL*Nov]; trd. eng. BOLTANSKI, Luc & CHIAPELLO, Ève (2005 [1999]), The New Spirit of Capitalism, Londres, Verso [ISCTE S.171 BOL*Nov trd. eng.].
BOLTANSKI, Luc (2001), "A moral da Rede? Críticas e justificações nas evoluções recentes do capitalismo", Fórum Sociológico, nº 5/6 (II série), pp. 13-36 [ISCTE cota 694].
CASTEL, Robert (1995), Les Metamorphoses de la Question Sociale, Paris, Fayard [ISCTE S.182 CAS*Met]; trd. eng. CASTEL, Robert (2003 [1995]), From Manual Workers to Wage Laborers: Transformation of the Social Question, Nova Jersey, Transaction Publishers.
CHEVALIER, Louis (1978 [1958]), Classes Laborieuses et Classes Dangereuses, Paris, Librairie générale française.
COSTA, António Firmino da & VIEGAS, José Manuel Leite (orgs.) (1998), Portugal, que Modernidade?, Oeiras, Celta [ISCTE S.143 POR].
EVANS, Richard J. (2016), The Pursuit of Power: Europe 1815-1914, Londres, Penguin [ISCTE H.123(4) EVA*Pur].
FERNANDES, António Teixeira (1993), "A sociologia e a modernidade", in AA.VV., Estruturas Sociais e Desenvolvimento (Actas do II Congresso Português de Sociologia), Vol. 1, Lisboa, Fragmentos, pp. 33-53 [ISCTE S.104 Con,1].
FERREIRA, António Casimiro (2012), Sociedade da Austeridade e Direito do Trabalho de Exceção, Porto, Vida Económica [ISCTE D.125 FER*Soc].
FOUCAULT, Michel (2018 [1975]), Vigiar e Punir: o nascimento da prisão, Lisboa, Ed. 70 [ISCTE D.113 FOU*Sur trd. por]; publ. orig. FOUCAULT, Michel (1975), Surveiller et Punir: naissance de la prison, Paris, Gallimard [ISCTE D.113 FOU*Sur].
FOUCAULT, Michel (2012 [1978]), "O que é a crítica? (Crítica e Aufklärung)", Imprópria - Política e Pensamento Crítico, nº 1, pp. 57-80.
*** FOUCAULT, Michel (1994 [1984]), "Que es la Illustración?", Actual, nº 28, vol. IV, texto nº 339, pp. 562-578 (texto elaborado a partir de aulas proferidas no Collège de France em 5 de Janeiro de 1983, publicado originariamente em inglês em Paul Rabinow (ed.) (1984) The Foucault Reader, Nova Iorque, Pantheon Books; trd. fr. Paul Rabinow (ed.) (1994), Dits et Écrits, Paris, Gallimard [ISCTE S.101 FOU*Dit].
FRASER, Nancy & HONNETH, Axel (2003), Redistribution and Recognition, Londres, Verso.
*** FRASER, Nancy (2020), “Neoliberalismo progressista versus populismo reacionário: a escolha de Hobson”in Heinrich Geiselberger (org.), A Grande Regressão: Um debate internacional sobre os novos populismos — e como enfrentá-los, Estação Liberdade; FRASER, Nancy (2017), “Progressive neoliberalism versus reactionary populism: a Hobson's choice”, in Heinrich Geiselberger (org.), The Great Regression, Polity. [ISCTE S.198 Gre]
GIDDENS, Anthony (1992 [1990]), As Consequências da Modernidade, Oeiras, Celta [ISCTE S.111 GID*Con].
GUIBENTIF, Pierre (2005), "Avaliação e Reflexividade - A prática da Sociologia na terceira modernidade", Cidades - Comunidades e Territórios, nº 10, pp. 94-115 [ISCTE cota 1011].
GUIBENTIF, Pierre (2007), "The Liquidity and Solidity of Contemporary Social Reality: the example of social inclusion policies", in Jiri Pribán (org.), Liquid Society and its Law, Aldershot, Ashgate, pp. 173-197 [ISCTE D.113 Liq].
Habermas, Jürgen (1977 [1962]), "Natural Law and Revolution", in Theory and Practice, Londres, Heinemann, pp. 82-120 [ISCTE S.111 HAB*Teo trd. eng.].
*** HABERMAS, Jürgen (2017 [1980]), A Modernidade: um projecto inacabado?, Lisboa, Nova Vega, pp. 35-75; trd. eng. English: HABERMAS, Jürgen (1980/1997), “Modernity, An Unfinished Project?”, in Maurizio Passerin D'Entreves & Seyla Benhabib (eds.), Habermas and the Unfinished Project of Modernity, MIT Press, pp. 38-55 [ISCTE S.112 Hab,1]; trd. spa. HABERMAS, Jürgen (s.d. [1980]), “Modernidad: un proyecto incompleto?” (traducción producida para el Seminario de Análisis de Textos del Departamento de Literatura de la Universidad de Chile).
HABERMAS, Jürgen (1990 [1985]), O Discurso Filosófico da Modernidade, Lisboa, Dom Quixote [ISCTE S.112 HAB*Dis].
HABERMAS, Jürgen (1986 [1984]), “Une flèche dans le c?ur du temps présent”, Critique, 1986, n.º 471-472, pp. 794-799 [ISCTE S.193 Mic].
HESPANHA, Pedro, CARAPINHEIRO, Graça (orgs.) (2002), Risco Social e Incerteza. Pode o Estado Social Recuar Mais? (Vol. 3 de A Sociedade Portuguesa Perante os Desafios da Globalização), Porto, Afrontamento [ISCTE S.143 SAN*Soc v.3].
HORKHEIMER, Max & ADORNO, Theodor W. (1974 [1947]), La Dialectique de la Raison: fragments philosophiques, Paris, Gallimard, [ISCTE S.112 HOR*Dia]; trd. eng. HORKHEIMER, Max & ADORNO, Theodor W. (2002 [1947]), Dialectic of Enlightenment: philosophical fragments, Stanford, Stanford University Press.
*** KANT, Immanuel (1784), "Resposta à pergunta: o que é o Iluminismo?", disponível no site "Lusofonia" do Instituto de Filosofia Prática da Beira Interior; trd. ger. KANT, Immanuel (1974 [1784]),"Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung?", in AA.VV., Was ist Aufklärung?, Stuttgart, Reclam (publ. orig. na revista Berlinische Monatsschrift); trad. eng.: KANT, Immanuel (1991 [1784]), “An Answer to the question: What is enlightenment?”, in Immanuel Kant, Political Writings, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 54-60 [ISCTE S.191 KAN*Pol]; trad. fr. KANT, Immanuel (1991 [1784]), “Réponse à la question: qu?est-ce que les Lumières ?”, in Immanuel Kant, Vers la paix perpétuelle. Que signifie s’orienter dans la pensée?, Paris, Flammarion, pp. 43-51; trd. esp. KANT, Immanuel (s.d.), “Que és la ilustración?” (available online; no publisher mentioned; translation checked; of good quality).
LIPOVETSKY, Gilles (1983), L'Ère du Vide: Essais sur l'individualisme contemporain, Paris: Gallimard [ISCTE S.131 LIP*Ere]; trad. port. LIPOVETSKY, Gilles (1988 [1983]), A Era do Vazio: Ensaios sobre o individualismo contemporâneo, Lisboa, Relógio d’Água [ISCTE S.131 LIP*Ere trd. por].
LUHMANN, Niklas (1998 [1992]), Observations on Modernity, Stanford, Stanford University Press [ISCTE S.111 LUH*Obs].
LYOTARD, Jean-François (1989 [1979]), A Condição Pós-Moderna, Lisboa, Gradiva [ISCTE S.112 LYO*Con].
MARTINS, Carla (2005), Espaço Público em Hannah Arendt: o político como relação e acção comunicativa, Coimbra, Minerva [ISCTE S.133 MAR*Esp].
MARTINS, Hermínio (1997/1998), “Risco, incerteza e escatologia - reflexões sobre o experimentum mundi em curso”, Episteme - Revista multidisciplinar da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, I, n.º 1, pp. 99-121; Episteme -Revista multidisciplinar da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, I, n.º 2, pp. 41-75.
***MARSHALL, T. H. (1992 [1950]), "Citizenship and Social Class", in T. H. Marshall & Tom Bottomore, Citizenship and Social Class, Londres, Pluto Press.
Martuccelli, Danilo (1999), Sociologies de la modernité: L'itinéraire du XXe siècle, Paris, Gallimard [ISCTE S.111 MAR*Soc]; trd. esp. Martuccelli, Danilo (2013 [1999]), Sociologías de la modernidad: Itinerario del siglo XX, Santiago do Chile, LOM Ediciones.
NISBET, Robert (1977 [1966]), “Las dos revoluciones”, in La Formación del Pensamiento Sociológico, Tomo I, Amorrortu Editores, Buenos Aires; publ. orig. NISBET, Robert (1966), “The Two Revolutions”, in Robert Nisbet, The Sociological Tradition, Nova Iorque, Basic Books, pp. 37-67 [ISCTE S.111 NIS*Tra vrs eng]; trd. fr. in Robert Nisbet (1984 [1966]), La tradition sociologique, Paris, PUF [ISCTE S.111 NIS*Tra].
PATRIARCA, Fátima (1995) A Questão Social no Salazarismo, Lisboa, IN/CM [ISCTE H.133 PAT*Que].
PEREIRA, Miriam Halpern (2012), Do Estado Liberal ao Estado-Providência: um século em Portugal, Bauru, Editora da Universidade do Sagrado Coração [ISCTE H.133 PER*Est].
PEREIRA, Miriam Halpern (2016), A Primeira República: na fronteira do liberalismo e da democracia, Lisboa, Gradiva [ISCTE H.133 PER*Pri].
PINTO, José Madureira (1993), "A sociologia e as dinâmicas da modernidade", in AA.VV., Estruturas sociais e desenvolvimento (Actas do II Congresso Português de Sociologia), Vol. 1, Lisboa, Fragmentos, pp. 54-61 [ISCTE S.104 Con,1].
PINTO, José Madureira & BORGES, Virgílio (orgs.) (2008), Desigualdades, Desregulação e Riscos nas Sociedades Contemporâneas, Porto, Edições Afrontamento [ISCTE S.191 Des].
REEMTSMA, Jan Philipp (2012 [2008]), Trust and Violence: An Essay on a Modern Relationship, Princeton, Princeton University Press [ISCTE S.191 REE*Tru]; publ. orig. REEMTSMA, Jan Philipp (2008), Vertrauen und Gewalt: Versuch über eine besondere Konstellation der Moderne, Hamburg, Hamburger Edition.
REIS, José (org.) (2014), A Economia Política do Retrocesso: Crise, causas e objectivos, Coimbra, Almedina/Centro de Estudos Sociais [ISCTE E.122(469) Eco,3].
SENNETT, Richard (1998), The Corrosion of Character. The Personal Consequences of Work in the New Capitalism, New York, W.W. Norton and co. [ISCTE S.182 SEN*Cor]; vrs. port. SENNETT, Richard (2001 [1998]), A Corrosão do Carácter: As consequências pessoais do trabalho no novo capitalismo, Lisboa, Terramar [ISCTE S.182 SEM*Cr trd. por]; SENNETT, Richard (2000 [1998]), Corrosión del Carácter: las consecuencias personales del trabajo en el nuevo capitalismo, Barcelona, Editorial Anagrama [ISCTE S.182 SEM*Cor trd esp].
SOROMENHO-MARQUES, Viriato (1998), Razão e progresso na filosofia de Kant, Lisboa, Colibri.
SUPIOT, Alain (2015), “What International Social Justice in the Twenty-First Century?”, Keynote address to the XXI World Congress of the International Society for Labour and Social Security Law, Cape Town, September 15 to 18 [Open Access].
TOURAINE, Alain (1994 [1992]), Crítica da Modernidade, Lisboa, Instituto Piaget [ISCTE S.111 TOU*Cri].
TURNER, Bryan S. (ed.) (1990), Theories of Modernity and Postmodernity, Londres, Sage [ISCTE S.111 The].
TURNER, Jonathan H. (2013), "Theoretical Sociology", in Jonathan H. Turner, Theoretical Sociology. 1830 to the Present, Londres, Sage, pp. 1-6.
WAGNER, Peter (2001), "Modernidade, capitalismo e crítica", Fórum Sociológico, n.º 5/6, pp. 41-70 [ISCTE, cota 694].
WALLERSTEIN, Immanuel, COLLINS, Randall, MANN, Michael, DERLUGUIAN, Georgi & CALHOUN, Craig (2013), Does Capitalism Have a Future?, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
*** ZUBOFF, Shoshana (2021), A Era do Capitalismo de Vigilância – A Luta por um Futuro Humano na Fronteira do Poder, Intrínseca; ZUBOFF, Shoshana (2019), The Age of Surveillance Capitalism – The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of PowerPublic Affairs.
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Introduction to Social Psychology
The student who successfully completes this Curricular Unit will be able to:
LO1: Describe the specificity of Social Psychology within the scope of Social Sciences, both in terms of content and methods.
LO2: Identify paradigms and theories of Social Psychology.
LO3: Apply the concepts and theoretical models of Social Psychology to analyse contemporary problems.
PC1. Social Psychology: Perspective, Object, and Method
PC2. Themes of Social Psychology
PC3. Applications of Social Psychology
The Curricular Unit can be completed by assessment throughout the semester or by final exam.
Assessment throughout the semester: 1) An individual written test (65%); 2) Group assigment (30%); 3) Participation in a total of 2 hours of research in the Psychology laboratory (5%). Pass requirements: A minimum score of 8.5 out of 20 in 1) is required for passing, with a minimum final average score of 9.5 out of 20 for 1), 2), and 3).
Final exam: counts for 100% of the final grade. The scores from assessment throughout the semester are not considered in the final exam.
Title: Hogg, M. A., Vaughan, G. M. (2021). Social Psychology (9th edition). Pearson. [PS.110 HOG*Soc 9ªed]
Lima, M.L. (2018). Nós e os outros – O poder dos laços sociais. Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos. [PS.131 LIM*Nós ex.2]
Sutton, R. & Douglas K. (2013). Social Psychology. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. [PS.120 SUT*Soc]
Vala, J., & Monteiro, M.B. (orgs.) (2013). Psicologia Social (9.ª ed. revista e atualizada). Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. (
Reference: null
Title: Brown, R. & Gaertner, S.L. (Eds.) (2008). Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology: Intergroup Processes. Blackwell Publishers. [PS.131 Bla,1]
Deaux, K., & Snyder, M. (2019). The Oxford Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press.[ PS.120 Oxf,3 2ªed]
Fiske, S.T., Gilbert, D. & Lindzey, G. (Eds.) (2020). Handbook of social psychology (5th edition). Wiley. [PS.110 LIN*Han 5ªed.]
Fletcher, G. J. O., & Clark, M. S. (Eds.) (2003). Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology: Interpersonal Processes. Blackwell Publishers. [ PS.131 Bla]
Hogg, M.A., & Tindale, R.S. (Eds.) (2001). Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology: Group Processes. Blackwell Publishers. [PS.132 Bla]
Steg, L., Buunk, A.P., & Rothengatter, T. (Eds.) (2008). Applied Social Psychology: understanding and managing social problems. Cambridge University Press. [PS.110 App,3]
Tesser, A., & Schwarz, N. (Eds.) (2001). Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology: Intraindividual Processes. Blackwell Publishers. [PS.132 Bla,1]
Durante o semestre será indicada bibliografia adicional. Os estudantes terão ainda de consultar bibliografia adicional para o trabalho de grupo.
Additional bibliography will be indicated during the semester. Students will also need to consult additional bibliography for the group assignment.
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Sociological Theory: Major Schools of Thought
(1) To contribute to the assimilation of a set of theoretical schemes (concepts, conceptual schemes, theories) likely to help individual thought in situations of research, writing, and critical debate.
(2) To contribute to strengthening the following skills:
(2.1.) to orient oneself in the sociological literature and in neighbour domains;
(2.2.) to read thoroughly academic texts, in particular original writings of classical authors;
(2.3.) to take advantage of texts written in foreign languages, in particular in english;
(2.4.) to reason about / by means of concepts;
(2.5.) to write scientific texts.
(3) All these objectives are linked to one central didactic aim: to lead the students to an effective reading and using of scientific texts.
(More details on )
Introduction: Authors, Schools of Thought, Theories, Concepts
I. Strutural-functionalism
1. The "Grand Theory" (Talcott Parsons)
2. "Theories of the Middle Range" (Robert K. Merton)
II: Conflict Theories
1. The functions of the conflict (Lewis Coser)
2. Functionalism superseded? (Ralf Dahrendorf)
III. Symbolic Interactionnism - Erving Goffman
1. From reflexive identity to society (George H. Mead, Herbert Blumer)
2. From the dramaturgy of everyday life to the theory of interaction (Erving Goffman)
IV. Critical Theories
1. The critique of technical and scientific rationality (Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse)
2. The theory of communicative activity (Jürgen Habermas)
(More details on )
Assessment of Sociology and Sociology PL students.
Assessment throughout the semester:
Includes two written tests; with consultation of the Syllabus. In addition, interested students may hand in a 3rd assignment: a short essay on a recent conference or publication. This assignment only will be taken into account if its result improves the final mark.
Assessment by exam:
The student may opt by final exam, no consultation material allowed.
Assessment of students of the Social Work degree - See FUC Observations field.
(More details on )
Title: Blumer, H. (1981), "G. H. Mead", in: Rhea (ed.), The Future of Sociological Classics.
Coser, L. A. (1956), The Functions of Social Conflict.
Dahrendorf, R. (1958) "Out of Utopia", AJS.
Goffman, E. (1959 / 1993), A apresentação do eu (...).
-(1983), «The Interaction Order», ASR, 48.
Habermas, J. (1981, 1987), "Tendências da juridicização", SPP 2: 185-204.
Habermas, J. (1985 / 1990), "O conteúdo normativo da modernidade", in: O Discurso Filosófico da Modernidade.
Horkheimer, M. (1937 / 2003), "Teoría tradicional y teoría crítica" in: Id., Teoría crítica.
Marcuse, H. (1941), «Some Social Implications of Modern Technology», StPhSS.
Mead, G. H. (1930), "Cooley's Contribution (...)", AJS.
Merton, R. K. (1948), "Discussion", ASR.
- (1968), Social Theory and Social Structure.
Parsons, T. (1948), "The Position of Sociological Theory", ASR.
- (1961), "An Outline of the Social System", in Parsons et al. (eds.), Theories of Society.
Reference: null
Title: Introduções gerais; literatura de apoio
* Referências básicas de enquadramento
Alexander, Jeffrey C. ([1987] 1996), "The Centrality of the Classics", in: Stephen Turner (ed.), Social Theory and Sociology - The Classics and Beyond, Oxford, Blackwell, 1996, pp. 21-38 (+ bibl. : pp. 274-294) (republicação; versão original, mais desenvolvida, em Anthony Giddens e Jonathan Turner (eds.), Social Theory Today, Cambridge, Polity Press, 1987: pp. 11-57).
Baert, P., e F.C. da Silva ([2010] 2014), Teoria Social Contemporânea, Lisboa, Mundos Sociais.
Coser, Lewis A., (1971), Masters of Sociological Thought. Ideas in Historical and Social Context, San Diego et al., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Cuin, Charles-Henry, e François Gresle (1992, 1995), História da Sociologia, Lisboa, Dom Quixote [ed. original francesa: Histoire de la Sociologie, Paris, La Découverte, 1992].
Ferreira, J. M. Carvalho, João Peixoto, Anabela Soriano Carvalho, Rita Raposo, João Carlos Graça, Rafael Marques (1995), Sociologia, Amadora, Editora McGraw-Hill de Portugal.
Giddens, Anthony, e Jonathan H. Turner (orgs.) (1987), Social Theory Today, Cambridge, Polity.
Ritzer, George (org.) (2003), The Blackwell Companion to Major Classical Social Theorists, Oxford, Blackwell.
Ritzer, George (org.) (2003), The Blackwell Companion to Major Comtemporary Social Theorists, Oxford, Blackwell.
Ritzer, George, e Douglas J. Goodman (2003), Sociological Theory, 6.ª ed., Nova Iorque, McGraw-Hill.
Scott, John (2012), Sociological Theory. Contemporary Debates, 2.ª edição, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar.
Oxford, Blackwell.
Turner, Bryan S. (org.) ([2000] 2006), Teoria Social, Lisboa, Difel, 2006 [ed. original inglesa: The Blackwell Companion to Social Theory, 2.ª ed., Oxford, Blackwell, 2000].
Turner, J.H. (2003), The Structure of Sociological Theory, 7.ª ed., Belmont, Call., Wadsworth.
Turner, Jonathan H. (2013), Theoretical Sociology: 1830 to the Present, Londres, Sage.
Waters, Malcolm (1994), Modern Sociological Theory, Londres, Sage.
* Referências para aprofundamento das aulas de enquadramento
* O estrutural-funcionalismo
** Textos originais
Merton, Robert K. (1949, 1968), Social Theory and Social Structure, Nova Iorque, The Free Press (3.ª ed. revista e aumentada, 1968), nomeadamente pp. 73-138, de 1949, "Manifest and latent functions".
Merton, Robert K. (1976), Sociological Ambivalence and Other Essays, Nova Iorque, The Free Press.
Merton, Robert K., Elinor Barber (2004), The Travels and Adventures of Serendipity: A study in sociological semantics and the sociology of science, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Parsons, Talcott (1937), The Structure of Social Action. A Study in Social Theory with Special Reference to a Group of Recent European Writers, Nova Iorque, The Free Press.
Parsons, Talcott (1951, 1991), The Social System (prefácio de Bryan S. Turner), Londres, Routledge [trad. espanhola: El Sistema Social, Madrid, Revista de Occidente, 1976].
Parsons, Talcott (1966), Societies. Evolutionary and Comparative Perspectives, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall.
Parsons, Talcott (1967), Sociological Theory and Modern Society, Nova Iorque, The Free Press.
Parsons, Talcott (1971), The System of Modern Societies, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall.
- (1971), "Social Interaction", in: AA. VV., International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, London et al., MacMillan et al., vol. 7, pp. 429-441.
- (1982), On Institutions and Social Evolution: Selected Writings, Leon H. Mayhew (ed.), Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1982
** Introduções, comentários, debates
Alexander, Jeffrey C. (1983), Theoretical Logic in Sociology, vol. 4, The Modern Reconstruction of Classical Thought. Talcott Parsons, Berkeley, CA, University of California Press.
Chazel, François (2011), La Sociologie Analytique de Talcott Parsons, Paris, Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne.
Crothers, Charles (1987, 1994), Robert K. Merton, Oeiras, Celta, 1994 [orig. ingl.: Robert K. Merton, Routledge, 1987].
Elias, Norbert (1939, 1969, 1989), O Processo Civilizacional. Investigações Sociogenéticas e Psicogenéticas, Lisboa, Dom Quixote, 1989, pp. 11-47 ("Introdução" à edição em inglês de 1969) [ed. original em alemão: 1939; trad. em inglês: 1969].
Hamilton, Peter (1983), Talcott Parsons, Londres, Routledge.
Robertson, Roland, e Bryan S. Turner (1991), Talcott Parsons: Theorist of Modernity, Londres, Sage.
Sztompka, Piotr (1986), Robert K. Merton. An Intellectual Profile, Londres, Macmillan.
Rocher, Guy (1972), Talcott Parsons et la sociologie américaine, Paris, Presses universitaires de France.
Wright Mills, Charles (1[959] 1982), A imaginação sociológica, Rio de Janeiro, Zahar, 1982 (publ. orig. em inglês: 1959), cáp. 2: "Grand Theory".
* As teorias do conflito
** Textos originais
Coser, Lewis A. (1956), The Functions of Social Conflict, Nova Iorque, The Free Press.
Coser, Lewis A. (1957), "Social conflict and the theory of social change", The British Journal of Sociology, 8 (3), pp. 197-207.
Coser, Lewis A., (1971), Masters of Sociological Thought. Ideas in Historical and Social Context, San Diego et al., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Dahrendorf, Ralf ([1958] 2012), Homo sociologicus, Lisboa, Quetzal [ed. orig. em alemão do artigo principal: 1958].
Dahrendorf, Ralf (1958), "Toward a theory of social conflict", The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2 (2), pp. 170-183.
Dahrendorf, Ralf (1959), Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society, Stanford, Stanford University Press.
Dahrendorf, Ralf (1968), Essays in the Theory of Society, Stanford, Stanford University Press.
** Introduções, comentários, debates
Turner, Jonathan H. (1991), Marx and Simmel Revisited. Reassessing the Foundations of Conflict Theory, Aldershot, Edward Elgar Publishing.
* O interaccionismo simbólico e Erving Goffman
** Textos originais
Blumer, Herbert (1969), Symbolic Interactionism. Perspective and Method, Berkeley, University of California Press, em particular: pp. 1-60: "The methodological position of symbolic interaccionism".
Blumer, Herbert, 2004, George Herbert Mead and Human Conduct, edited, with an Introduction, by Thomas J. Morrione, Walnut Creek, CA, AltaMira Press.
Goffman, Erving (1959, 1993), A Apresentação do Eu Na Vida de Todos os Dias, Lisboa, Relógio d'Agua [ed. original inglesa: The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, Nova Iorque, Anchor Books, 1959).
Goffman, Erving (1961), Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates, Nova Iorque, Doubleday.
Goffman, Erving (1961), Encounters: Two Studies in the Sociology of Interaction, Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill.
Goffman, Erving (1963), Behavior in Public Places: Notes on the Social Organization of Gatherings, Nova Iorque, The Free Press.
Goffman, Erving (1963), Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall.
Goffman, Erving (1967), Interaction Ritual: Essays on Face-to-Face Behavior, Nova Iorque, Anchor Books.
Goffman, Erving (1971), Relations in Public: Microstudies of the Public Order, Nova Iorque, Basic Books.
Goffman, Erving (1974), Frame Analysis. Essays on the Organization of Experience, Nova Iorque, Harper.
Goffman, Erving (1981), Forms of Talk, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
Goffman, Erving (1988 / 1999), Os momentos e os seus homens (Yves Winkin org.), Lisboa, Relógio d'Água, 1999 (publ. orig. em Francês: 1988).Mead, George Herbert Mead, George H. (1925), "The genesis of the self and social control", International Journal of Ethics, 35 (3), pp. 251-277.
Mead, George H. (1932, 1980), The Philosophy of the Present, edited, with an Introduction, by Arthur E. Murphy, preface by John Dewey, Chicago, The Chicago University Press.
Mead, George H. (1934), Mind, Self, and Society from the Standpoint of a Social Behaviorist, edited, with an Introduction, by Charles W. Morris, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press.
Mead, George H. (1938), The Philosophy of the Act, edited, with an Introduction, by Charles W. Morris, Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
Mead, George H. (1964), Selected Writings, edited, with an Introduction, by Andrew J. Reck, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press.
- (1982), The Individual and the Social Self, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press.
** Introduções, comentários, debates
Bulmer, Martin (1984), The Chicago School of Sociology. Institutionalization, Diversity, and the Rise of Sociological Research, Chicago, Chicago University Press.
Burns, Tom (1992), Erving Goffman, Londres, Routledge.
Chapoulie, Jean-Michel (2001), La tradition sociologique de Chicago 1892-1961, Paris, Seuil.
Fine, Gary Alan (1995), A Second Chicago School? The Development of a Postwar American Sociology, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press.
Habermas, Jürgen (1992), "Individuation through socialization: on George Herbert Mead's theory of subjectivity," em Jürgen Habermas, Postmetaphysical Thinking. Philosophical Essays, Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, pp. 149-204.
Joas, Hans (1980), G.H. Mead. A Contemporary Re-examination of his Thought, Cambridge, Polity Press.
Manning, Philip (1992), Erving Goffman and Modern Sociology, Cambridge, Polity Press.
Plummer, Ken (1991) Symbolic Interactionism, Aldershot, Edward Elgar.
Silva, Filipe Carreira da (2008), Mead and Modernity. Science, Selfhood, and Democratic Politics, Lanham, MD, Lexington Books.
Tomasi, Luigi (org.) (1998), The Tradition of the Chicago School of Sociology, Aldershot, Ashgate.
* As teorias críticas
** Textos originais
Adorno, Theodor W. (1950 / 2007), Études sur la personnalité autoritaire, Paris, Allia, 2007 (publ. orig. em inglês_ 1950).Adorno, Theodor W. ([1973] 2003), Sobre a Indústria da Cultura, Coimbra, Anglus Novos (ed. original alemã: 1973).
Habermas, Jürgen ([1968] 1987), "Técnica e ciência como 'Ideologia'", in: ID., Técnica e Ciência como 'Ideologia', Lisboa, Edições 70, 1987, pp. 45-92; publ. orig.: in: ID. Technik und Wissenschaft als "Ideologie", Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp
Habermas, Jürgen ([1968] 1987), Knowledge and Human Interests, Cambridge, Polity Press.
Habermas, Jürgen ([1973] 1976), Legitimation Crisis, Londres, Heinemann.
Habermas, Jürgen ([1981] 1984), The Theory of Communicative Action, Londres, Heinemann.
Habermas, Jürgen ([1985] 1990), O Discurso Filosófico da Modernidade, Lisboa, Dom Quixote, nomeadamenta pp. 309-350, "O conteúdo normativo da modernidade"(ed. orig. alem. 1985) (Engl. transl.: "The Normative Content of Modernity", in: ID., The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity: Twelve Lectures Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought, Cambridge MA, MIT Press, 1987).
Habermas, Jürgen ([1988] 2002), "Acções, actos de fala, interacções linguisticamente mediadas e o mundo da vida" e "Para uma crítica da teoria do significado", em Jürgen Habermas (2002), Racionalidade e comunicação, Lisboa, Edições 70, pp. 103-147 e 149-182 (publicação original destes dois capítulos em Nachmetaphysisches Denken, Francoforte, Suhrkamp).
Habermas, Jürgen ([2010] 2009), Fundamentação Linguística da Sociologia, Lisboa, Edições 70, 2010 (recolha de artigos publicados originalmente entre 1971 e 1996, reeditados num volume em alemão em 2009).
Horkheimer, Max, ([1936] 1983), Autoridade e Família. Parte Geral, Lisboa, Materiais Críticos, 1983 (ed. orig. alem. 1937).
Horkheimer, Max ([1937] 2002), Critical Theory. Selected Essays, Nova Iorque, The Continuum Publishing Company
Horkheimer, Max, Theodor W. Adorno ([1947] 1974), La Dialectique de la Raison, Paris, Gallimard.
Herbert Marcuse ([1964] 1991), One-Dimensional Man. Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society, 2.ª ed., Londres, Routledge & Kegan Paul
** Introduções, comentários, debates
Adorno, Theodor W., Hans Albert, Ralf Dahrendorf, Jürgen Habermas, Harald Pilot, Karl Popper (1969 / 1979), Der Positivismusstreit in der deutschen Soziologie, Neuwied / Berlin, Luchterhand [trad. fr. De Vienne à Francfort. La Querelle Allemande des Sciences sociales, Bruxelles, Éditions Complexes, 1979].
Anderson, Perry (1976), Considerations on Western Marxism, New Left Books.
Jay, Martin (1973), The Dialectical Imagination, Boston, Little Brown.
Outhwaite, William (1994), Habermas. A Critical Introduction, Cambridge, Polity.
Ray, Larry (ed.) (1990), Critical Sociology, Aldershot, Edward Elgar Publishing (col. Schools of Thought in Sociology).
Thompson, J.B., e David Held (orgs.) (1982), Habermas. Critical Debates, Londres, Macmillan.
Wiggershaus, Rolf (1986), The Frankfurt School: its History, Theories and Political Significance, Cambridge, Polity Press.
* Selecção de algumas obras de outros autores importantes para esta etapa do pensamento sociológico
Arendt, Hannah ([1951] 2004), As origens do totalitarismo, Lisboa, Dom Quixote, 2004 (1ª edição em inglês: 1951), em particular pp. IX-XII, o prefácio à primeira edição, redigido em 1950, e pp. 609-634, o capítulo final, "Ideologia e terror: uma nova forma de governo" (publicado pela primeira vez em 1953).
Kuhn, Thomas S. (1962), The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Chicago, Chicago University Press.
Luhmann, Niklas (1967, 2005), "Iluminismo sociológico", in: Santos, José Manuel (org.), O pensamento de Niklas Luhmann, Covilhã, Ta Pragmata, 2005, pp. 19-70 (ed. original em alemão: 1967].
Mannheim, Karl ([1929] 1976), Ideologia e utopia, Rio de Janeiro, 1976 [ed. original em alemão: 1929].
Park, Robert E., Burgess, Ernest W. ([1921] 1970), Introduction to the Science of Sociology, Chicago, University of Chicago Press [1.ª ed. 1921, reed. 1970].
Popper, Karl (1945, 1962), A sociedade aberta e os seus inimigos, Lisboa, Editorial Fragmentos [ed. original em inglês: The Open Society and Its Enemies (2 vols.), Londres, Routledge, 1945].
Simmel, Georg ([1908] 1955), Conflict & The Web of Group Affiliations, Nova Iorque, The Free Press.
Wright Mills, Charles ([1959] 1982), A Imaginação Sociológica, Rio de Janeiro, Zahar, 1982 [ed. original em inglês: 1959].
Reference: null
Social Work Methods of Intervention
- Analyse the phases of the Social Work method;
- Apply individual and collective intervention methodologies
- Co-relate intervention methodologies with theoretical references in Social Work.
1. The conceptual dimension of Social Work methodologies
2. The concept of methodologies, methods, and model
3. The phases of diagnosis
4. Individual and collective intervention methodologies (Social Support)
5. Collaborative and integrated methodologies in Social Work
6. Models of intervention in Social Work (Person-centred; Problem-solving; Community development).
- Assessment throughout the semester
- 1 individual test (40%).
- Group work: Oral presentation and reflective debate on Social Work topics, establishing the relationship with intervention methodologies, in the classroom. The presentation must include a scientific poster format (40%)
- Participation - 20%
Assessment by exam - 100%
Title: Cimarolli, V. R.; Boerner, K. (2005) Social Support and Well-Being in Adults Who Are Visually Impaired. J. Visual. Impair. Blind. 2005, 68399 (9), 521–534
Peláez, Antonio López; Diez, Esther Raya (2017) Social Work Research and practice. Contributing to a science of social work. Social Work series Aranzadi. Ed Thomson Reuters Aranzadi. Navarra/Spain.
Serrano, Maria Paz Garcia-Longoria y Palomares, Rosa Maria Esteban (2016) Análisis Diagnóstico en Trabajo Social. ISBN 978-84-1678-614-5. Estúdios de economia y sociologia. Tirant Humanidades, Ed. Valência/Espanha
Taylor, S. E. (2011)Social Support: A Review. The Oxford handbook of health psychology,1,189–214.
Wild, T.; Herzberg, T. S.; Hicks, M. (2023) The Changing Role of Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments in North America 738 during the Initial Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Br. J. Vis. Impair. 2023, 41 (4), 887–899.
Reference: null
Title: West-Dunk, P. (2018) How to Be a Social Worker. Palgrave
Teater, Barbra (2014), An Introduction To Applying Social Work Theories And Methods, London, Open University Press
Sousa, Paula e José Luís D'Almeida (2016) Avaliação Diagnóstica, Viseu, Ed. Psicosoma
Santos, Clara C. et al (2013) Serviço Social Mutações e Desafios, Coimbra,Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
Lindsay, Trevor (2013) Social Work Intervention, London, Learning Matters
Fialho, Joaquim et al (2015) Diagnóstico Social, Lisboa, Edições Sílabo
Carvalho, Irene e Carla Pinto (2014) Serviço Social Teorias e Práticas,Lisboa, edições Pactor
Viscarret, Juan (2007) Modelos y métodos de intervencion en Trabajo Social, Madrid, Alianza editorial
Koprowska, Juliet (2014) Communication & Interpersonal Skills in Social Work, London, Learning Matters
Hodgson, David & Watts, L. (2017) Key Concepts & Theory in Social Work. Palgrave
Davies, Martin (Edit) (2013). The Blackwell Companion to Social Work. 4ª Ed. Wiley-Blackwell.London
Reference: null
Laboratory in Social Work Settings and Fields
- Identify the specific fields and areas of intervention of Social Workers in the public, private and social solidarity sectors.
- Deepen the contexts of practice and explore new fields of intervention for Social Work in contemporary society.
- Understand the observation technique applied to Social Work and analyse the organisational and territorial context of the social worker.
- Planning the study and strategies of analysis, intervention and evaluation in the domains and professional fields of Social Work.
I - Configuration of the Domains and Fields of Social Work:
1. Introduction;
2. Definition of the object and purpose of Social Work;
3. Professional Jurisdiction of Social Work Intervention;
4. Definition of intervention levels and units;
5. Framing the action related to the team, the institution and the population covered.
II - Fields of Intervention in Social Work:
1. individual intervention - eco-bio-psychosocial; collective intervention - groups and families; community intervention - social and human development and sustainable development of communities.
2. Organisation vs. Institution: concepts and framework.
III - Understanding and reading Social Work in the Institution:
1. Institutional characterisation and analysis;
2. Defining the object and objectives of observation and analysis;
3. Types of observation of Social Work intervention (participant, non-participant, directive and non-directive);
4. Observation report.
I - Evaluation throughout the semester:
- Attendance and participation in classroom dynamics - 10%.
- Oral presentation Organic Laws (group) - 10%;
- Gathering information with the tutor and preparing an oral presentation - 30%.
- Individual report on institutional analysis and characterisation, establishing the relationship between domains and fields of social work - 50%.
II - Evaluation by Exam:
Exam - 100%
Title: Blanco, M., Ferreira, J. M. L., & Arias Astray, A. (2023). Parenting coordination, a new role for social workers. Journal of Social Work, 23(1), 143-159.
Casquilho-Martins, I., Belchior-Rocha, H., & Moro, S. (2022). Unfolding Social Work Research to Address the COVID-19 Impact: A Text Mining literature Analysis. The British Journal of Social Work, 52(7), 4358–4377.
Ferreira, J. M. L. (2001). Serviço Social e Toxicodependência. Revista Toxicodependências 7(2). Ed. Ministério da Saúde - Serviço Prevenção e Tratamento da Toxicodependência.
López Peláez, A. (Coord) (2015). Social Work Challenges in the XXI Century: perspectives from the USA. Navarra/Spain.
Ruxa A.C., Ferreira, J., & Eiras, M. (2014). Entre gestão de risco e gestão da qualidade nas CPCJ. TMQ – Techniques Methodologies and Quality.15, 2-28.
Zastrow, C. H. (2010). The practice of social work. A comprehensive worktext (9th ed.) Ed Cengage Learning.
Reference: null
Title: Caparrós, M. J. E. (1998). Manual de Trabajo Social (modelos de práctica profesional). Ed. Água Clara.
Faleiros, V. P. (1997). Estratégias em Serviço Social. Editora Cortez.
Ferreira, J. M. L. (1996). Violência na Criança. Revista da Sociedade Médico - Legal de Portugal.
Ferreira, J. M. L. (1999). Intervenção Social e Judicial no Problema - Criança Maltratada- Revista Intervenção Social 17/18.
Ferreira, J. M. L. (2004). Questionar as práticas sociais junto da criança/jovem: da reflexão a uma proposta de intervenção do Serviço Social. Intervenção Social, (30), 57–95. Obtido de
Ferreira, J. M. L. (2010). Sistema de protecção à infância em Portugal Uma área de intervenção e estudo do Serviço Social. Revista Katálysis, 13(2).
Hepworth, D. H., Rooney, R., Rooney, G. D., & Strom-Gottfried, K. (2017). Direct social work pratice : theory and skills (10th ed). Cengage Learning.
Howe, D. (1996). An introduction to Social Work theory. University Press.
Saleebey, D. (2006). Strengths Perspectives in Social Work Practice. Ed. Pearson.
Weisshaupt, J. R. (Org.) (1988). As funções sócio institucionais do Serviço Social. Ed. Cortez.
Reference: null
Organization, Management, Planning and Evaluation in Social Work
Identify basic concepts and principles of organizational diagnosis, planning and evaluation that promote effectiveness and efficiency in Social Work;
- Analyze the potentialities, capacities and dispositions in social organizations to introduce social innovation;
- Train communication flows as a proactive tool of Social Work;
- Study evaluation processes in social organizations within the scope of Social Work.
I) Organizational diagnosis
- Concept.
- Phases, critical process issues, criteria and open systems approach.
- Specificities and meaning for Social Work;
II) Planning in Social Work
- Integrated approaches in Social Work;
- Strategic planning.
III) Leadership and participation for innovation and change
- Leadership
- Leadership styles and levels (organizational, collaborative, transformational, etc.) and their theoretical-methodological assumptions (change, its characteristics and needs, theory of change; complexity and creativity, etc.)
- Principles of collaboration. Collaboration as a concept. Adaptive work. Decision-making based on the absence of consensus;
- Steps of a collaborative process.
IV) Evaluation
- Types and evaluation criteria;
- Evaluation indicators
- Quality assessment perspectives.
There are two assessment methods that students can choose from:
I.i Instruments
I.i.i 1 Individual test (50%)
I.i.ii 1 Group project (50%)
I.ii. Minimum attendance
This assessment requires a minimum attendance of 60%, directly related to the "Group project" instrument, in which students must develop activities associated with the instrument. Out of 12 sessions/24 classes (36 hours), each student must be present for:
2 sessions for the Diagnosis topic
2 Sessions for the Planning topic
2 sessions for the Evaluation topic
1 session for the final group project presentation
The dates of these mandatory sessions will be defined by the professor together with the students at the beginning of the semester.
I.iii Weightings
I.iii.i Individual test (50% of the final grade) – may include all taught content, with its assessment based on the timing of this instrument's application.
I.iii.ii Group project (50% of the final grade) – includes various assessment moments throughout the sessions, as mentioned in the previous points, dividing this weighting as follows: Practical sessions on Diagnosis (12.5%); Practical sessions on Planning (12.5%); Practical sessions on Evaluation (12.5%); Final group project presentation session (12.5%)
I.iv Languages
Students can complete both elements of the assessment throughout the semester in Spanish or English upon prior request to the professor in charge.
The exam accounts for the entirety of the grade to be assigned: 100% of the final grade.
Students can take the exam in Spanish or English, upon prior request to the professor in charge.
Title: T1
Hughes, M., & Wearing, M. (2017). Organisations and management in social work: Everyday action for change (3ª ed.). Sage.
Harrison, M. (2009). Organizational Diagnosis. In L. Bickman & D. Rog (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Applied Social Research Methods. SAGE Publications, Inc.
Allison, M., & Kaye, J. (2015). Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Organizations: A Practical Guide for Dynamic Times. Wiley.
Casquilho-Martins & J. Fialho (2023), Planeamento da Intervenção Social: conceção, ação e avaliação. Edições Sílabo.
Arnold, M. (2022). Social Work Leadership and Management: Current Approaches and Concepts for Social and Human Service Organisations. Springer.
McKitterick, B. (2015). Self-Leadership in Social Work: Reflections from Practice. Policy Press.
Alemán Bracho, C., & Trinidad Riquena, A. (2012). Evaluación de Servicios Sociales. CIVITAS Thompson Reuters.
Stufflebeam, D. L., & Coryn, C. L. S. (2014). Evaluation Theory, Models, and Applications. Jossey-Bass.
Reference: null
Title: McFillen, J., O’Neil, D., Balzer, W., & Glenn, V. (2012). Organizational Diagnosis: An Evidence-based Approach. Journal of Change Management. 13. 1-24.
Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and Practice. (7.ª edi). Sage Publications.
Belhim, J. A. F. (1996). Teoria Organizacional: Estruturas e Pessoas. (7.ª ed.). ISCPS.
Carvalho, L. C. (2022). Gestão estratégica nas organizações sociais. In A. Rolo & L. C. Carvalho (Eds.), Gestão das Organizações Sociais (pp.45-62). Edições Sílabo.
Chiavenato, I. (2019). Introducción a la teoría general de la administración: Una visión integral de la moderna administración de las organizaciones. (10.ª ed.). McGraw-Hill.
Coghlan, D., & Shani, A. B. (2014). Creating Action Research Quality in Organization Development: Rigorous, Reflective and Relevant. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 27(6), 523–536.
Coghlan, D. (2012). Organization development and action research: then and now. In D. Boje, B. Burnes, J. Hassard J (eds) The Routledge companion to Organizational change. (pp.46-58). Routledge.
Cohen, E., & Franco, R. (1999). Avaliação de Projetos Sociais. Ed. Vozes.
Cohen, E., & Franco, R. (2007). Gestão social: como obter eficiência e impacto nas políticas sociais. ENAP.
Daft, R. L. (2010). Organization Theory and Design. (10.ª Ed). South-Western Cengage Learning.
Esgaio, A., & Carmo. H. (2011). Intervenção Local e Gestão de Parcerias. Ed. Autor.
Fialho, J., Silva, C., & Saragoça, J. (2017). Diagnóstico Social - Teoria, metodologia e casos práticos. (2.ª Ed). Edições Sílabo.
Guerra, I. C. (2000). Fundamentos e Processos de Uma Sociologia de Acção - o Planeamento em Ciências Sociais. Principia.
Herrero, G., & Navarro, J. (1996). Diseño y evaluación de proyetos sociales. Libros Certeza.
Hitt, M. A., Black S. & Porter L. W. (2012). Management (3rd ed.). Pearson Prentice Hall.
Löffler, E. (2001). Defining Quality in Public Administration. Paper communication for NISPAcee Conference, May 10-13, Riga, Latvia.
McFillen, J., O’Neil, D., Balzer, W., & Glenn, V. (2012). Organizational Diagnosis: An Evidence-based Approach. Journal of Change Management. 13. 1-24. ;
Nanus, B., & Dobbs, S. (1999). Leaders Who Make a Difference. Jossey-Bass.
Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and Practice. (7.ª edi). Sage Publications.
Observatorio del Tercer Sector de Bizkaia (OTSB). (2007). Gestión de la calidad en las organizaciones no lucrativas de intervención social. Berekintza, Bizkaia.
Pfiffner J. P. (2004). Traditional Public Administration versus The New Public Management: Accountability versus Efficiency. In A. Benz, H. Siedentopf, & K. P. Sommermann, (eds.) Institutionenbildung in Regierung und Verwaltung: Festschrift fur Klaus Konig (pp. 443-454). Duncker & Humbolt.
Rego, A., & Cunha, M. P. (2007). A essência da liderança: mudança x resultados x integridade (3.ª ed.). Editora RH.
Reto, L., & Lopes, A. (1991). Liderança e Carisma - O exercício do poder nas organizações. Editorial Minerva
Robertis, C. (2011). Metodologias da intervenção em Trabalho Social. Porto Editora.
Robinson, M. (2015). From Old Public Administration to the New Public Service: Implications for Public Sector Reform in Developing Countries. UNDP Global Center for Public Service Excellence
Schiefer, U, Bal-Döbel, L., Batista, A. Döbel, R., Nogueira, J., & Teixeira, P. (2006). MAPA - Manual de Planeamento e Avaliação de Projectos. Princípia.
Thompson, N. (2009). Understanding Social Work (3.ª Ed). Palgrave Macmilan.
Vázquez Aguado., O. (2005) Los instrumentos de evaluación. In T. Fernández García, (coord.). Trabajo social con casos (pp. 221-250). Alianza Editorial.
Wallis J. & Dollery, B. (2003). Leadership and Economic Theories of Nonprofit Organizations. Working Paper Series in Economics. University of New England School of Economics
Zastrow, C. H. (2010). The Practice of Social Work. (9.ª Ed). Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.
Reference: null
Family Law and Child
- Identify the dimensions of Family and Children's Law that underpin Social Work practices.
-Characterise the various types of family relationships in the context of marriage, family mediation, adoption, regulation of the parental role and the protection of children and young people at risk.
-Demonstrate the importance of this module in the professional practice of social workers
- Analyse and discuss practical cases in the light of current legislation
I shall approach the historic Family and Juvenile Law:
a) A brief reference to the historical background of the new law of minors;
b) Review the current model of promotion / protection provided in the Law of Protection of Children and Youth at Risk (Law 147/99 of 1 September).
II entities with jurisdiction over children and youth:
a) The Commission for the Protection of Children and Youth (CPCJ);
b) The Role of Public Prosecution in the current system of protection;
c) Action for Health of Children and Youth at Risk: the creation of nuclei (NHACJR) (NACJR).
III Guiding Principles:
a) The health response to the abuse against children and youth;
b) the danger;
c) The emergency procedures;
d) communications;
e) The process of promotion / protection;
f) The judicial process of promotion / protection;
g) The parental responsibilities;
h) The sponsoring organizations;
i) The protection;
j) Adoption;
k) Analysis of crimes against children and youth.
- Assessment throughout the semester
- 1 Test
- 1 assignment
- Oral presentation
- Participation
Final exam - 100%
Title: Joaquim Mauel da Silva - A Família das Crianças na separação dos Pais –
Leandro Armando, Lúcio Álvaro Laborinho, Guerra Paulo - 2010 - homenagem a Rui Epifânio - Lisboa - edições Almedina Bolieiro,
Helena e Guerra Paulo - 2009 - a criança e a família: uma questão de direito - Lisboa - Coimbra editora Vidal,
Joana Marques - 1998 - o direito de menores: reforma ou revolução? Lisboa - edições Cosmos
Pinheiro, Jorge Duarte, O Direito da Família Contemporâneo, 6.ª edição, Lisboa, AAFDL, 2018; reimpressão em 2019
Júlio Barbosa Silva - Lei Tutelar Educativa comentada
Paulo Guerra - Lei de Proteção de Crianças e Jovens em Perigo – Anotada
Maria Clara Sottomayor - Regulação do Exercício das Responsabilidades Parentais nos casos de Divórcio
Revista aumentada e atualizada –
Tomé D’Almeida Ramirão – Juiz Desembargador - Regime Geral do Processo Tutelar Cível - Anotado e comentado
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Title: Perdigão Ana, Pinto Ana Sotto Mayor - guia dos direitos da criança - instituto de apoio à criança
Leandro Armando, Lúcio Álvaro Laborinho
Homenagem a Rui Epifânio, Lisboa, Edições Almedina Bolieiro
Helena e Guerra Paulo – 2009
A Criança e a Família: uma questão de direito – Lisboa – Coimbra Editora
Joana Marques Vidal
1998 – O Direito dos Menores: Reforma ou Revolução? – Lisboa – Edições Comos
Jorge Manuel Leitão Ferreira
Direito de Menores – Almedina
Código Civil
Código Penal
Reference: null
Writing Scientific and Technical Texts
LO1. Develop skills in identifying and understanding the basic processes of scientific research.
LO2. Know, identify and summarise the essential elements of a scientific article.
LO3. Identify the structure of writing in research papers and technical reports. LO4. Know how to use APA Standards in scientific writing and academic reports (standards for dissertations and theses at Iscte-IUL).
The learning objectives will be achieved through practical and reflective activities, supported by the active and participatory teaching method which favours experiential learning. Classes will consist of activities such as:
- Group discussions;
- Oral presentation and defence;
- Analysing texts;
- Project presentations;
- Individual reflection.
CP1: Introduction to scientific research: concepts and processes. Research questions. Processes: stages (Identifying the problem; Reviewing the literature; Defining objectives and hypotheses; Selecting the methodology; Collecting data; Analysing data; Conclusions and recommendations).
CP2: Techniques for summarising and analysing scientific articles. Identifying relevant sources, evaluating the literature and synthesising information. Ethics, informed consent, confidentiality and integrity in research. Data collection methods.
CP3: Structure and organisation of research papers: pre-textual elements (cover, title page, abstract, keywords, table of contents), textual elements (introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion) and post-textual elements (conclusion, references, appendices, annexes). Preparation of a structure based on topics provided by the lecturer.
CP4: Application of APA Standards in scientific writing and academic reports.
The assessment of the course aims to gauge the students' acquisition of skills in essential aspects of writing texts in an academic context. Assessment throughout the semester includes activities covering different aspects of the technical and scientific writing process, including group and individual work activities:
Group activities (70%) [students are organized into groups of 4, randomly selected].
1- Group discussions with case studies (20%):
Description: each group is given a case study to analyze, and must identify the type of text; the research problem(s), hypotheses, methodologies used and data sources. The results of their work are presented in class to their colleagues (Time/group: presentation - 3 min; debate - 5 min).
Assessment (oral): based on active participation, the quality of the analysis and the clarity of the presentation.
2 - Research exercises and application of APA standards (20%).
Description: Students carry out practical research exercises in a (thematic) context on bibliographical references, their formatting and citation according to APA Norms. Assessment (written work to be submitted on Moodle): The exercises will be corrected and assessed on the basis of accuracy and compliance with APA Standards.
3 - Project Presentation Simulations (30%):
Description: groups choose a topic and create a fictitious project following the structure of a technical report or scientific text, making a presentation of their project in class (Time/group: presentation 3 min.; debate: 5 min.). The work is then reviewed following the comments.
Assessment: (Oral component and written/digital content to be submitted on Moodle): organization, content, correct use of the structure and procedures of academic work, ability to answer questions posed by colleagues and the teacher.
Individual activities (30%):
1 - Summary of a scientific article (20%).
Description: Each student must read and summarize a scientific article.
Assessment: The summaries made in class will be assessed on their ability to identify and summarize the essential elements of the text.
2 - Participation in activities throughout the semester (10%).
Description: This component aims to assess the specific contributions of each student in the activities carried out throughout the semester. Assessment: Interventions in the classroom; relevance of the student's specific contributions to debates; collaborative relationship with colleagues. In order to be assessed throughout the semester, the student must be present at 80% of the classes and have more than 7 (seven) marks in each of the assessments. If there are doubts about participation in the activities carried out, the teacher may request an oral discussion.
Final assessment: In-person written test (100%).
Title: American Psychological Association (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, 7 edição APA.
Macagno, F. & Rapanta, C. (2021). Escrita académica: argumentação, lógica da escrita, ideias, estilo, artigos e papers. Pactor.
Ribeiro, A. & Rosa, A. (2024). Descobrindo o potencial do CHATGPT em sala de aula: guia para professores e alunos. Atlantic Books.
Reference: null
Title: Cottrell, S. (2005). Critical thinking skills: developing effective analysis and argument. Palgrave McMillan.
Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. SAGE Publications.
D'Alte, P., & D'Alte, L. (2023). Para uma avaliação do ChatGPT como ferramenta auxiliar de escrita de textos académicos. Revista Bibliomar, 22 (1), 122-138. DOI: 10.18764/2526-6160v22n1.2023.6.
Duarte, N. (2008). The art and science of creating great presentations. O'Reilly Media.Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. SAGE Publications.
Hofmann, A. (2016). Scientific writing and communication: papers, proposals, and presentations. Oxford University Press.
Kuhn, Deanna (1991). The skills of argument. Cambridge University Press.
Marcos, I.(2016). Citar e referenciar: o uso ético da informação.
Martínez, J. (2016). Cómo buscar y usar información científica: Guía para estudiantes universitários. Santander.
OIT. (2021). Ajustar as competências e a aprendizagem ao longo da vida para o futuro do trabalho. OIT Genebra.
OIT. (2020). Guia sobre como e porquê recolher e utilizar dados sobre as relações laborais. OIT Genebra.
Rapanta, C., Garcia-Mila, M., & Gilabert, S. (2013). What is meant by argumentative competence? An integrative review of methods of analysis and assessment in education. Review of Educational Research, 83(4), 483-520.
Rodrigues, A. (2022). A Natureza da Atividade Comunicativa. LisbonPress.
Rodrigues, A. D. (2005). A Partitura invisível. Para uma abordagem interacional da linguagem. Colibri.
Swales, J. M., & Feak, C. B. (2012). Academic writing for graduate students: essential tasks and skills. University of Michigan Press.
Umberto, E. (2016). Como se faz uma Tese em Ciências Humanas. Editorial Presença.
Reference: null
Stress Management
The student who successfully completes this Course Unit will be able to:
LG1. Distinguish the different types of stress and the impact it has on the individual.
LG2.Distinguish Stress, Anxiety and Depression
recognize the different signs and symptoms of stress.
LG3. Identify the main sources of stress in different contexts and recognize the impact at individual level) CP3
LG4. Recognize "unhealthy" stress management strategies and adjust effectively to prevent a dysfunctional situation.
LG5. Recognize the need to adjust lifestyle and incorporate some habits in order to more effectively manage stress situations.
LG6. Perform breathing exercises and mindfulness as one of the stress management strategies.
Stress definition
What is stress.
Types of stress.
Distinguish Stress, Anxiety and Depression
Identify signs and symptoms of stress
Sources of stress
Identify main sources of stress
Identify stress reactions
Identify psychological, physical, social and performance
Prevent and manage stress (I)
Understand the importance of preventing and managing stress in different contexts (sociofamiliar, academic, work)
Unhealthy strategies for stress Management
Prevent and manage stress (II)
Healthy Strategies for Stress Management:
Resilience (Definition and importance)
Mindset (Definition and Importance
Healthy lifestyles (food/ economic and healthy food recipes, sleep, physical exercise, social life)
Relaxation techniques (Knowing the different relaxation techniques, e.g. mindfulness, yoga, pilates, etc.)
Stop, breathe, reflect, choose
Practical exercise Mindfulness (aim to learn to breathe and relax)
?In-class exercises,
?In-class discussions,
?Case discussions (in small groups),
?Group dynamics,
?Self-diagnostic surveys
Pedagogical approach: Instruction, self-exploration, and process-based experiential learning
The evaluation process is continuous achieved during the course and by a final assessment.
During the leaning-teaching term, there will be used the following grading instruments:
Attendance (5%) - This evaluation presupposes a student?s attendance (and punctuality) equal or below 9 hours.
Participation in the classroom exercises (10%)
Individual works (25%)
Final Individual work:
A case analysis with main topics to answer (60%)
Title: (
Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, in press, 1-6.
AlAteeq, A., Sumayah, A. Dalal, A., (2020). Perceived stress among students in virtual classrooms during the COVID-19 outbreak in KSA.
Okhrimenko, I., & Lyhun, N.(2020). Stress Prevention and Management during the Quarantine. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 11(2Sup1), 157-164.
Fink, G. (2016). Stress : concepts, cognition, emotion, and behavior. London: Elsevier.
Dewe, P. J., & Cooper, C. L. (2017). Work stress and coping. London: SAGE.
Cooper, C. L. (2000). Theories of organizational stress. Oxford University Press.
Reference: null
Title: Ramli, H., Hamizah, N., Masoumeh, A., Seyed, M., Abolghasem, & Ahmadi, A. (2018). Academic stress and self-regulation among university students in Malaysia: mediator role of mindfulness. Behavioral Sciences, 8(1), 1-9.
Quick, J. C., Adkins, J. A., & Wright, T. A. (2013). Preventive stress management in organizations. (J. C. Quick, Ed.). Washington: American Psychological Association.
Manimaran, S., Jayakumar, S., & Lakshmi, K. B. (2016). An education management information system with simultaneous monitoring of stress stimulators for students Mental Health management. Technology & Health Care, 24(6), 889-897.
Lazarus, R. S., & Folkman, S. (1984). Stress, appraisal, and coping. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
Kröll, C., Doebler, P., & Nüesch, S. (2017). Meta-analytic evidence of the effectiveness of stress management at work. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 26(5), 677-693.
Grawitch, M. J.; Ballard, D. W.; Erb, K. R. (2015). To be or not to be (stressed): the critical role of a psychologically healthy workplace in effective stress management. Journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress, 31(4), 264.
Reference: null
Introduction to Excel
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
LO1: Identify and use basic concepts of spreadsheets;
LO2: Perform mathematical operations, applying absolute and relative references;
LO3: Analyze quantitative data using appropriate simple or conditioned functions;
LO4: Manipulate and summarize data through counting, sorting, and rounding techniques;
LO5: Organize and analyze data using tables, filtering and sorting;
LO6: Create and interpret charts for effective data presentation.
These objectives ensure that students acquire practical and applicable skills, aligned with the syllabus and the general objectives of the course.
SYL1. Basic concepts of spreadsheet, data entry, and editing.
SYL2. Formatting cells and sheets; Manage the spreadsheet; Impression
SYL3. Calculation process: data, mathematical operations, absolute and relative references
SYL4. The simple and conditioned SUM functions
SYL5. The simple, weighted, and conditioned AVERAGE functions
SYL6. The functions of counting, ordering, and rounding
SYL7. Analyze and organize data: the notion of a table, the filtering and ordering commands, and the function Subtotal
SYL8. Graphical representation and analysis
The Introduction to Excel course's evaluation process follows the General Regulation for the Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (RGACC) guidelines. The evaluation modalities provided for in the RGACC are evaluation throughout the semester and evaluation by exam:
1. Evaluation Throughout the Semester: This modality is regular during the curricular period, using different instruments of continuous and formative assessment:
1.1. Participation and Attendance (20%):
1.1.1. Attendance (30%): The minimum attendance is 80% (5 classes). The student must automatically register their attendance with their student card at the beginning of each lesson.
1.1.2. Participation (70%):
- Individual practical exercises to be carried out in class (50%), such as online quizzes in Moodle and/or exercises using Excel;
- Individual practical exercises to be carried out at home (50%), and using Excel.
1.2. Online Course (10%): The completion of the Introduction to Excel online course, including quizzes after each module. The student must complete the online course by 11:59 pm on the day before the 6th class of the shift in which the student is enrolled, including the response to the survey available after completing the online course.
1.3. Individual Assessment Test (70%): It takes place in the 6th class, and multiple-choice questions and/or exercises using Excel may be considered. If the test is made available via Moodle, it must be taken on the computers available in the classroom.
2. Evaluation by Exam: Evaluation by exam takes place during the evaluation period, focusing on all the subjects taught in the UC. The student can opt for the 1st or 2nd exam season or the special exam season, which is only available for eligible students. This method only presupposes the following element of evaluation:
2.1. Written Test (100%): Final written exam, covering all syllabus, and may consider multiple-choice questions and/or exercises using Excel. If the exam is made available via Moodle, it must be taken on the computers available in the classroom.
Requirements for Taking the Exam:
- Completion of the online course, as described in point 1.b., by 11:59 p.m. on the day before the exam. The completion of the online course is mandatory but is not weighted in the final grade in the exam evaluation modality;
- Prior registration for the exam is up to 48 hours before the date with the SGE or available platforms.
General Observations:
- In the evaluation modality throughout the semester, the student cannot have a classification lower than 7.0 values in any of the evaluation elements or will have to move on to the evaluation modality by exam;
- The teacher reserves the right to request the performance of an oral test on any student, regardless of the type of evaluation, whenever it is considered necessary to complement the other evaluation elements.
Title: Alexander, A., and Kusleika, R. (2022). Excel 365 Bible - The Comprehensive Tutorial Resource. Indiana: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Curto, J., and Gameiro, F. (2023). Excel para Economia e Gestão, 5ª Edição. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo
Reference: null
Title: Martins, A., e Alturas, B. (2022). Aprenda Excel com Casos Práticos, 2ª Edição. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo
Martins, A. (2020). Excel Aplicado à Gestão, 5ª Edição. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo
McFedries, P., and Harvey, G. (2022). Excel All-in-One For Dummies. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Social Work with Adults and Elderly
- Identify professional practices in different areas of intervention with adults and elderly;
- Analyze the different approaches of Social Work with adults and the elderly.
- Encourage the acquisition of skills at the level of interaction and intervention of the social worker with adults and elderly;
I. Theoretical foundations of intervention with adults and the elderly:
1- Empowerment, participation and advocacy of the adult in a intergenerational society.
2- The helping relationship in Social Work; Social Work counseling; the mediation.
II. The Social Work intervention with adults and the elderly:
1- Areas of intervention: mental health, disability, aging, addictive behaviors and situations of exclusion;
2- The person-centered planning: the subject's participation in the intervention process;
3- Professional skills in the intervention with adults and elderly.
I. Evaluation throughout the semester
1 Test (50%)
1 Group Project (35%)
Participation (15%)
To choose this evaluation method, students must have an attendance rate of no less than 80% of the classes actually taught.
II. Evaluation by exam (100%)
NOTE: Students may complete the evaluation throughout the semester, provided that none of the evaluation elements is below 7 points, also the students can have evaluation by exam in Spanish or English upon prior request to the responsible professor.
Title: Adams, Robert, Dominelli, Lena, & Payne, Malcolm (Eds.)., Critical Practice in Social Work, 2002, Boomsbury Publishing,
Almeida, Helena Neves, Conceptions et Pratiques de la Médiation Sociale, 2001, Fundação Bissaya-Barreto,
Carvalho, Maria Irene (coord), Serviço Social no Envelhecimento, 2013, Edições Pactor,
Coulshed, Veronica e Joan Orme, Social Work Practice, 2006, Palgrave Macmillan,
Lindsay, Trevor, Social Work Intervention, 2013, Sage Publication,
Mantell, Andy (ed), Social Work with Adults, 2009, Learning Matters,
Robertis, Cristina De, Fundamentos del trabajo social, 2003, Valencia, Universitat Valencia,
Vass, Antony (ed), Social Work Competences, 1996, Sage Publications,
Wilson, Kate, Social Work An Introduction to contemporary practice, 2008, Pearson Longman,
Belchior Rocha, Helena, Social work practices and the ecological sustainability of socially vulnerable communities, 2018, Sustainability, 10(5), 1312,
Reference: null
Title: Martin, Davies, The Blackwell Companion to Social Work, 2013, John Wiley & Sons,
Santos, Clara C. et al, Serviço Social, Mutações e desafios, 2013, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra,
Viscarret, Juan, Modelos y métodos de intervención en trabajo social, 2007, Alianza ed.,
Reference: null
Research Methods and Techniques in Social Sciences
Students should be able:
Learning objectives (LO)
LO1 to identify the methods and techniques used in social sciences research and make appropriate decisions regarding the choice of methods and data collection tools to address the research objectives;
LO2 to use and critically reflect on methods used in research studies and statistical data from secondary sources, and how they are used, while discussing the relevance of the results;
LO3 to construct indicators from operationalization of concepts;
LO4 to design a social research project that considers: i. the description of research problem & objectives of the research, ii. the conception of the model of analysis and operationalization of concepts; iii the choice of research methods and techniques, iv. the choice of participants/field of observation/corpus of analysis, v. development of instruments for data collection; vi. classification, analysis, and interpretation of research data and conclusions.
Part I - Social research: epistemological and methodological considerations
1.1. Paradigms, methodologies and research methods
1.2. Quantitative qualitative and mixed methodologies
1.3. The research process: from problem formulation to construction of hypotheses
1.4. Review of the literature, definition of theoretical problematic, and analysis model
Part II - Research plans and procedures associated with the construction of empirical corpus
2.1. Research plans in extensive and intensive studies
2.2. Definition of variables and indicators
2.3. Universes and Samples
2.4. Collection and analysis: procedures, instruments and validation
Part III - Information sources and techniques to collect information
3.1. Use of statistical and documentary sources
3.2. Survey by questionnaire and interviews
3.3. Technical of observation
3.4. Case studies and guidelines for methodological triangulation
The evaluation of the course is continuous, requesting the participation/attendance to 70% of the classes. The evaluation is composed of the following:
1. Participation/presentations in the classroom and practical exercises (10%)
2. Designing a research project (40%)
3. Individual test (50%)
Minimum score of 7 in each assessment component.
Final exam.
Students that are not in the continuous evaluation can register for a final exam, corresponding to 100% of the evaluation.
Title: Albarello, Luc (org.) (1997), Práticas e Métodos de Investigação em Ciências Sociais, Lisboa, Gradiva.
Bryman, Alan (1996 [1988]), Quantitaty and Qualitaty in Social Research, London, Routledge.
Bryman, Alan (1996 [1988]), Quantitaty and Qualitaty in Social Research, London, Routledge.
Creswell, John (2013), Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches, Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Lee, Raymond M. (2003), Métodos não Interferentes em Pesquisa Social, Lisboa: Gradiva.
Foddy, William (1996), Como Perguntar. Teoria e Prática da Construção de Perguntas para Entrevistas e Questionários, Oeiras, Celta.
Oliveira, Maria Marly (2007 [2005]), Como Fazer Pesquisa Qualitativa, Petrópolis, RJ, Editora Vozes (3ª ed).
Quivy, Raymond; Campenhoudt, Luc Van (2019 [1995]), Manual de Investigacão em Ciências Sociais, Lisboa: Gradiva.
Reference: null
Title: Almeida, João Ferreira e José Madureira Pinto (1990), A Investigação nas Ciências Sociais, Lisboa, Editorial Presença (4ª ed.)
Bryman, Alan (2017), Social Research Methods, Oxford, Oxford University Press
Ghiglione, Rodolphe e Benjamin Matalon (1997), O Inquérito: Teoria e Pratica, Oeiras, Celta.
Flick, Uwe (2018). An Introduction to Qualitative Research (6th edition). Sage
Foddy, William, Campos, Luís (1996), Como Perguntar. Teoria e Pra?tica da Construc?a?o de Perguntas para Entrevistas e Questiona?rios, Oeiras: Celta.
Lessard-Hérbert, Michelle; Gabriel Goyette; Gérard Boutin (2012 [1994]), Investigação Qualitativa: Fundamentos e Práticas, Lisboa, Piaget.
Moreira, Joa?o Manuel (2004), Questiona?rios: Teoria e Pra?tica, Coimbra: Almedina.
Poupart, Jean, Jean-Pierre Deslauriers et. al (2012 [2008]), A Pesquisa Qualitativa: Enfoques Epistemológicos e Metodológicos, Petrópolis, RJ, Editora Vozes (3ª ed).
Poirier, Jean, Simone Chapier-Valadon Paul Raybaut. (1995) Histórias de Vida: Teoria e Prática, Oeiras, Celta.
Silva, Augusto Santos e José Madureira Pinto (orgs.) (1987) Metodologia das Ciências Sociais, Porto, Afrontamento. (Capítulo I e Capítulo II).
Reference: null
Social Classes and Stratification
The goal of this discipline is to ensure the following acquisitions:
a) Understanding one of the central themes of sociology, the problematic of social classes and stratification;
b) Knowledge of the main concepts and theories in this domain;
c) Competence in the analytical operationalization of those concepts, specially in social characterization using social indicators;
d) Knowledge of concrete aspects of contemporary societies (portuguese, european, global), analized with the theoretical and operative instruments of the sociology of social classes and stratification;
e) Capacity of studying and personal research, team work, interpreting texts and data, relating theory and empirical information, comunicating information and analysis, both written and oral.
1. Social classes and stratification - theories
1.1. Marxist, weberian, elites and functionalist theories
1.2. Class structure, class positions
1.3. Stratification, hierarchies, status
1.4. Trajectories, mobility
1.5. Class formation: fields and institutions, collective action and social movements
1.6. Practice and symbolical distinction: lifestyles, identities, networks
1.7. Classes, gender, ethnicity - intersectionality
1.8. Classes and economic inequality
2. Operationalization procedures
2.1. Stratification scales and class typologies
2.2. Socioprofessional and socioeducational indicators
2.3. Structural and diachronic analysis: social space, social change, mobility, biography
2.4. Social classifications, status attributions and cognitive maps of social classes
3. Classes and stratification in local, national and global contexts
3.1. Portuguese society: extensive and intensive analysis
3.2. International comparisons and transnational analysis
The components of the continuous evaluation procedure in this discipline and it's weight in the final classification are: presence and participation in class (10%), submission to an exam (30%), presentation of a relevant text in class (team work) (20%), and elaboration of a final written individual text (8 to 10 pages; Arial 12; spacing: 1.5; margins: 3 cm) (40%).
The evaluation of the final written individual text may include an oral discussion with the lecturer of the work done by the student.
There is also the alternative possibility of a final exam.
Title: Almeida, J.F. de (1999), Classes Sociais nos Campos, Oeiras, Celta.
Bourdieu, P. (1994), Distinction, London, Routledge Pub.
Capucha, L. (2005), Desafios da Pobreza, Oeiras, Celta.
Casanova, J.L. (2004), Naturezas Sociais, Oeiras, Celta.
Costa, A.F.da (1999), Sociedade de Bairro, Oeiras, Celta.
Devine, F., et ali (ed.) (2005), Rethinking Class, Houndmills, Palgrave Macmillan.
Erikson, R., et ali (1993), The Constant Flux, Oxford, Oxford Univ. Press.
Estanque, E. (2000), Entre a Fábrica e a Comunidade, Porto, Afrontamento.
Machado, F.L. (2002), Contrastes e Continuidades, Oeiras, Celta.
Pereira, V.B. (2005), Classes Sociais e Culturas de Classe das Famílias Portuenses, Porto, Afrontamento.
Rose, D., et ali (2010), Social Class in Europe, Routledge.
Savage, Mike(2015), Social Class in the 21st Century, London, Penguin.
Wright, E. O. (2015), Understanding Class, London, Verso.
Reference: null
Title: Aguiar, João Valente (2010), Classes, Valor e Acção Social, Lisboa, Página a Página.
Almeida, João Ferreira de (2013), Desigualdades e Perspectivas dos Cidadãos - Portugal e a Europa, Lisboa, Mundos Sociais.
Almeida, João Ferreira de , Fernando Luís Machado, and António Firmino da Costa (2006), "Social classes and values in Europe", Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 5 (2), pp. 95-117.
Almeida, João Ferreira de, Fernando Luís Machado, Luís Capucha, e Anália Torres (1994), "Desigualdades, identidades e valores", em João Ferreira de Almeida (coord.), Introdução à Sociologia, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta, pp. 131-189.
Atkinson, W. (2015), Class, Polity Press, Cambridge.
Atkinson, Will (2010), Class, Individualization and Late Modernity: in Search of the Reflexive Worker, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan.
Bertaux, Daniel , and Paul Thompson (1997), Pathways to Social Class: A Qualitative Approach to Social Mobility, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Carmo, R. M., M. Carvalho, F. Cantante (2015), "The persistence of class inequality: the Portuguese labour force at the turn of the millennium", Sociological Research Online, 20 (4), 16.
Carmo, Renato Miguel do (org.) (2013), Portugal, Uma Sociedade de Classes - Polarização Social e Vulnerabilidade, Lisboa, Edições 70 - Le Monde Diplomatique.
Carmo, R. M., e N. Nunes (2013), "Class and social capital in Europe - A transnational analysis of the European Social Survey", European Societies, vol. 15, pp. 373-387.
Casanova, J. L., J. F. de Almeida (2018), ?Nacional populismo: trajectória das desigualdades e heteronomia (França e Portugal na UE, 2002-2014)?, in Renato M. do Carmo et al (orgs.), Desigualdades Sociais ? Portugal e a Europa, Lisboa, Editora Mundos Sociais, CIES-IUL-ISCTE, pp. 185-210.
Chen, Jie, e Chunlong Lu (2010), "Democratization and the middle class in China: the middle class's attitudes towards democracy", Political Research Quarterly, 64 (3), pp. 705-719.
Costa, António Firmino da (2012), Desigualdades Sociais Contemporâneas, Lisboa, Mundos Sociais.
Costa, F. F. da (1987), "Novos contributos para velhas questões da teoria das classes sociais", Análise Social, vol. XXIII (98), pp.635-686.
Costa, António Firmino e Mauritti, Rosário (2018), "Classes sociais e interseções de desigualdades: Portugal e a Europa", em Carmo, RM et al (orgs) (2018), Desigualdades Sociais: Portugal e a Europa, Lisboa, Mundos Sociais: 109-129.
Costa, António Firmino da, Rosário Mauritti, Susana da Cruz Martins, Fernando Luís Machado, e João Ferreira de Almeida (2000), "Classes sociais na Europa", Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 34, pp. 9-46.
Coxon, A. P. M., P. M. Davies, and C. L. Jones (1986), Images of Social Stratification: Occupational Structure and Class, London, Sage Publications.
Crompton, Rosemary (2008), Class and Stratification (3rd edition), Cambridge, Polity.
Crompton, Rosemary (2003), "Class and gender beyond the 'cultural turn'", Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 42, pp. 9-24.
Csanyi, Gergely, e Eszter Kovats (2020), "Intersectionality: time for a rethink", Social Europe (online), 16 de Setembro.
Della Porta, Donatella, and Mario Diani (1999), Social Movements: An Introduction, Oxford, Blackwell Publishers, pp. 1-23.
Duke, Vic, and Stephen Edgell (1987), "the operationalisation of class in British sociology: theoretical and empirical considerations", British Journal of Sociology, 38 (4), pp. 445-463.
Estanque, Elísio (2017), "Onde pára a classe média?", Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 83: 37-54.
Estanque, Elísio (2012), A Classe Média: Ascensão e Declínio, Lisboa, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
Giddens, Anthony (2004), "Classe, estratificação e desigualdade", "Pobreza, previdência e exclusão social", em Sociologia (4ª edição, revista e actualizada), Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, pp. 282-345.
Grusky, David B., and Szonja Szelényi (ed.) (2006), Inequality. Classic Readings in Race, Class, and Gender, Boulder, Westview Press.
Hugrée, C., E. Penissat, A. Spire (2017), Les Classes Sociales en Europe - Tableau des Nouvelles Inégalités sur le Vieux Continent, Marseille, Agone.
Lahire, B. (2006), A Cultura dos Indivíduos, Porto Alegre, Artmed.
Lopes, João Teixeira, Francisco Louçã, e Lígia Ferro (2019), As Classes Médias em Portugal. Quem São e Como Vivem, Lisboa, Bertrand.
Lopes, João Teixeira, Francisco Louçã, e Lígia Ferro (2017), As Classes Populares. A Produção e a Reprodução da Desigualdade em Portugal, Lisboa, Bertrand.
Louçã, Francisco, João Teixeira Lopes, e Jorge Costa (2014), Os Burgueses. Quem São, Como Vivem, Como Mandam, Lisboa, Bertrand.
Machado, Fernando Luís, e António Firmino da Costa (1998), "Processos de uma modernidade inacabada: mudanças estruturais e mobilidade social", em José M. L. Viegas e António F. da Costa (orgs.), Portugal: Que Modernidade?, Oeiras, Celta Editora, pp. 17-44.
Machado, Fernando Luís, António Firmino da Costa, Rosário Mauritti, Susana da Cruz Martins, José Luís Casanova, e João Ferreira de Almeida (2003), "Classes sociais e estudantes universitários: origens, oportunidades e orientações", Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 66, pp. 45-80.
Mauritti, R. Susana da Cruz Martins, Nuno Nunes, Ana Lúcia Romão, e António Firmino da Costa (2016), "The social structure of european inequality: a multidimensional perspective", Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 81, pp. 75-93.
Mauritti, Rosário., Susana da C. Martins (2014), "Consumos de classe média num Portugal em crise: cultura de lazer e tecnologias de informação", Sociologias, Porto Alegre, nº 17, pp. 144-175.
Matos, J. N., Domingos, N. (org) (2012), Novos Proletários. A Precariedade entre a "Classe Média" em Portugal, Lisboa, Edições 70/Le Monde Diplomatique.
Neri, Marcelo (2012), A Nova Classe Média, São Paulo, Saraiva.
Nunes, Nuno (2013), Desigualdades Sociais e Práticas de Acção Colectiva na Europa, Lisboa, Mundos Sociais.
Oesch, Daniel (2013), Occupational Change in Europe: How Technology and Education Transform the Job Structure, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Oesch, Daniel (2006), "Coming to Grips with a Changing Class Structure: An Analysis of Employment Stratification in Britain, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland", International Sociology, 21-2.
Pikketty, Thomas (2013), Le Capital au XXI Siècle, Paris, Ed. Du Seuil.
Sassen, Saskia (2005), "New global classes: implications for politics", em A. Giddens, e P. Diamond (eds.), The New Egalitarianism, Cambridge, Polity Press, pp. 143-153.
Savage, Mike, et ali (2013), "A new model of social class: findings from the BBC's Great British Class Survey Experiment", Sociology, Sage.
Scott, J. (1996), Stratification and Power, Cambridge, Polity Press.
Silva, M. C. (2009), Classes Sociais, Porto, Húmus.
Silva, Manuel Carlos, e João Valente Aguiar (orgs) (2013), Classes, Políticas e Culturas de Classe: Capital, Trabalho e Classes Intermédias, Vila Nova de Famalicão, Húmus, ISBN: 9789898549618.
Stiglitz, J. E. (2013), The Price of Inequality - How Today's Divided Society Endangers Our Future, London, Penguin Books.
Therborn, Goran (2013), The Killing Fields of Inequality, Polity.
Todd, Emmanuel (2020), Les Lutes de Classes en France au XXIe Siècle, Paris, Seuil.
Vester, Michael (2003), "Class and culture in Germany", Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 42, pp. 25-64.
Wagner, Anne-Catherine (2007), Les Classes Sociales dans la Mondialisation, Paris, La Découverte.
Wilkinson, R., et ali (2010), The Spirit level, London, London, Penguin Books.
Wright, E.O. (1997), Class Counts, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press.
Hugrée, C., et al (eds.) (2022), Class Boundaries in Europe: the Bourdieusian Approach in Perspective, Routledge, London.
Baraud, A. et al (2022), “On the borders of class analysis- Questioning the demarcation of economic activity”, em Cédric Hugrée, C., et al (eds.) (2022), Class Boundaries in Europe: the Bourdieusian Approach in Perspective, Routledge, London.
Pereira, V. B. (2022), “Class formation and social reproduction strategies in the Portuguese construction industry: elements for a relational sociological analysis”, em Cédric Hugrée, C., et al (eds.) (2022), Class Boundaries in Europe: the Bourdieusian Approach in Perspective, Routledge, London.
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Descriptive Data Analysis
The student should be able to:
LG1. Define, explain, and apply the principles of descriptive statistics.
LG2. Calculate, justify the use, and understand a variety of statistical indicators and graphic representation forms.
LG3. Develop critical skills to select and interpret appropriate statistical methods.
LG4. Operate the EXCEL software for creating charts and calculating statistical indicators.
LG5. Present and discuss the conclusions drawn from data analysis.
PC1. Basic Concepts of Statistics
PC2. Quantitative Data Analysis
a) Univariate - indicators, tables and graphs
b) Bivariate - indicators, tables, graphs and correlation
PC3. Analysis of Nominal Variables
a) Univariate - indicators, tables and graphs
b) Bivariate - indicators, tables, graphs and association measures
PC4. Analysis of Ordinal Variables
a) Univariate - indicators, tables and graphs
b) Bivariate - indicators, tables, graphs and measures of association and correlation
PC5. Construction of charts and statistical measures in EXCEL.
The assessment system for the UC curricular unit considers two modalities provided for in the General Regulation for the Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (RGACC):
1. Assessment throughout the semester: written test (70%) and Excel test (30%)
Both tests are individual. The students cannot have a grade lower than 7 in any of the tests.
2. Assessment by exam: individual exam (100%).
Title: - Material didático de apoio (textos teórico/práticos), disponível no Moodle
- Carvalho, Adelaide (2015), Exercícios de Excel para Estatística, Lisboa, FCA.
- Carvalho, Adelaide (2017), Gráficos com Excel - 95 Exercícios, Lisboa, FCA.
Reference: null
Social Work with Children, Youth and Families
- To analyze and relate key concepts: Child, Youth and Family, with the Social Service;
- To identify the theories and models of intervention in Social Work with Children, Youth and Families;
- To question the practices of Social Work with Children, Youth and Families
I - Conceptual dimensions of the Child, Youth and Family in contemporaneity:
1. Child, Youth and Family;
2. Children at risk and abused;
3. Youth offenders;
4. Families in contemporaneity.
II - Social Work with Children, Youth and Families:
1. Intervention in individual and family context;
2. Intervention in institutional and community context.
III - Theories and models in Social Work with Children, Youth and Families:
1. Psycho-social theories, centred on the subject, phenomenological and systemic;
2. Theories and models of intervention with families in Social Work.
IV - New fields of intervention of Social Work with Children, Youth and Families in contemporary society.
1. Methodologies of intergenerationality.
1 Assessment throughout the semester:
- 1 Test (60%) . The student has access to a set of questions 5 days before the test is due, indicating the compulsory answers. The answer to each question must demonstrate study, research and technical-professional argumentation. The student must have a minimum mark of 7 points
- 1 Group work presented in class (40%) on a topic related to the CU program.
2. Assessment by exam (100%) . The exam will include all the contents of the course program.
Title: Ferreira, Jorge M. L. (2021) Children?s life in superdiversity contexts: Impacts on the construction of a children?s citizenship ? the Portuguese case. Current Sociology 1?17
Yu, Nancy Xiaonan; Liu, Iris Kam-fung; Bu, He (2020) Enhancing resilience in cross-boundary families: A parent?child parallel group intervention. Journal of Social Work 0(0) 1?25
Johnson, Afrooz Kaviani; Nielsen, Julia Sloth (2020) Safeguarding Children in the Developing World?Beyond Intra-Organisational Policy and Self-Regulation. MDPI Social Sciences.
Davies, Martin (ed) (2012): Social Work with Children and Families, London, Palgrave macmillan
Taylor, J. and THOBURN, J (2016): Collaborative Practice with vulnerable children and their families, Taylor& Francis Group
Ferreira, J.;Ruiz-Calderón, M (coordinadores).(2018) Protection of minors and Social Work. A comparative analysis between Spain and Portugal. Coleção temas de Derecho Comparado. Editora, Dykinson Sl. Madrid/Espanha
Ferreira, jorge, Oxford Handbook of Child Protection Systems, 2023, oxford library of international social policy Editors-in-Chief Douglas Besharov and Neil Gilbert In collaboration with the International Network for Social Policy Teaching and Research.,
Reference: null
Title: Calheiros, Maria Manuela et al (orgs) (2019) Crianças em Risco e Perigo, vol 5, Lisboa, Ed. Sílabo
Carvalho,Maria Irene e Pinto, Carla (Coords) (2014) Serviço Social Teorias e Prácticas. Lisboa, Lidel, Pactor Edições.
Carvalho, Irene (coord.) (2015) Serviço Social com Famílias, Lisboa, Ed. Pactor
Carvalho, Maria joão Leote de e Salgueiro, Anabela (2018) Pensar o acolhimento residencial de Crianças e Jovens, Lisboa, FCG
Deacon, Lesley & Macdonald, Stephen (2017) Social Work Theory & Practice, California, Sage Publ.
Ferreira, Jorge M. L. (2011). Serviço Social e Modelos de Bem-Estar para a Infância. Modus Operandi do Assistente Social na Promoção da Protecção à Criança e à Familia. LisboaEd Quid Juris.
Ferreira, Jorge M. L. (2012). Serviço Social com Crianças e Jovens em Portugal/ Trabajo Social, Servicios Sociales y Jóvenes, en Portugal. Diciembre. Madrid. ED.(INJUVE). (Espanhol).
Gómez, Francisco (Director) (2008). Intervención social com famílias. Madrid. Ed.McGRAW-HILL/interamericana de Espana, S.A.U.
Lishman, Joyce et all (eds) (2018) Social Work, London, Sage. Publ.
Soler, E; Ferreira, J.;Guerreiro, MD; Chacon, F.;(2020) Identidades familiares y cambio social:perspectivas comparadas europeas.Social Work Series Aranzadi. Editoa Thomson Reuters ARANZADI. Madrid/Espanha
Wall, Karin and all (cords) (2015) Impactos da Crise nas Crianças Portuguesas, Lisboa, ICS
Williams, Fiona (2010). Repensar as Famílias. ESRC CAVA Research Group. Lisboa. Ed. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian /Principia.
Reference: null
Society and Social Policy
With the completion of the course students should be able to recognize and discuss the themes and concepts subject of the discipline, to analyze the historical evolution of the state and social policies in the context of European societies and, in particular in Portugal, and also to know the major institutions and social policies and the problems they seek to answer.
1. Social Policies: boundaries and definitions. Definition and scope in the public policies. Origins and historical development.
2. Welfare State and Social Policies: models, transformations and debates. Typologies, models and distinctive aspects of the Welfare States. Welfare States, drivers of change and adjustment paths. The specificities of the Southern Europe. European social model(s).
3. Social Policies in Portugal: traces, tracks and challenges. Portuguese society and social protection. Education, training and qualification. Social Protection. Health Policies.
The summative evaluation includes:
- Group component: oral presentation (25%),
- Individual component (75%)
The evaluation system also includes a final exam for students who opt for final evaluation form.
Title: - Rodrigues, M. L. ; Silva, P. A. (org.) (2012), Políticas Públicas em Portugal, Lisboa : INCS/ISCTE-IUL.
- Rodrigues, M. L.; Silva, P. A. (org.) (2013), Políticas Públicas para a reforma do Estado, Coimbra, Almedina.
- Pierson, P. (2001). The New Politics of the Welfare State. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Pierson, C. (1998). Beyond the Welfare State. The New Political Economy of Welfare. Cambridge: Polity Press.
- Mozzicafreddo, J. P. (1998). Estado Providência e Cidadania em Portugal. Oeiras: Celta Editora.
- Hemerijck, A. (2012). Changing Welfare States. Oxford : Oxford University Press.
- Ferrera, M. ; Hemerijck, A. ; Rhodes, M. (2000). O Futuro da Europa Social - Repensar o Trabalho e a Protecção Social na Nova Economia. Oeiras: Celta Editora.
- Castles, F. G. ; Leibfried, S. ; Lewis, J.; Obinger, H.; Pierson, C. (eds.) (2010). The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Reference: null
Title: - Wilthagen, Ton (2004), ?Balancing flexibility and security in European labour markets?, Paper presented at the Conference on Recent Developments in European industria lrelations, organised by the Dutch Socio-Economic Council (SER) within the framework of the Dutch EU presidency (The Hague, 7-8 October 2004)
- Wilthagen, Ton and Frank TROS (2003), "The concept of flexicurity: a new approach to regulating employment and labour markets", Flexicurity Research Papers, 4-2003, Tilburg: Tilburg University.
- Viegas, José Manuel e António Firmino da Costa (org.) (1998), Portugal, que Modernidade?, Oeiras, Celta Editora.
- Van Parijs, Phillipe (2000), ?Basic Income: a simple and powerful idea for the XXI Century?, Basic Income European Network, VIII International Congress, Berlim, 6-7 Outubro 2000.
- Torres, Anália Cardoso et al. (2000), ?Trabalho e vida familiar: problemas, soluções e perplexidades?, Cadernos de política social, nº2-3, Lisboa: Associação Portuguesa de Segurança Social, pp29-49.
- Silva, Pedro Adão e Silva (2002), ?Sul da Europa: reflexões sobre a utilidade de um conceito?, Sociologia Problemas e Práticas,
- Silva, Pedro Adão e (2002), ?O modelo de welfare da Europa do Sul: reflexões sobre a utilidade do conceito?, Sociologia Problemas e Práticas, nº 38, pp. 25-59.
- SILVA, Pedro Adão e (1999), ?A crítica ao serviço dos surfistas?, Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, nº54, Junho, pp. 91-99.
- Schmid, Gunther and Klaus Schomann (2004), "Managing social risks through transitional labour markets: towards a european social model", Working Papers, 1-2004.
- Romero, Ricardo Montoro (1997), ?Fundamentos teóricos de la política social?, in Carmen Alemán Bracho e Jorge Garcés Ferrer (coords.), Política Social, Madrid: McGraw Hill, pp. 33-51.
- Planas, Jordi (2004), ?Formação ao longo da vida: a formação inicial como condição prévia e a sua articulação com a formação contínua?, Cadernos Sociedade e Trabalho, nº 4, Lisboa: MTS, pp.77-88.
- Pierson, Christopher (1998), ?Origins and development of the Welfare State 1880-1975?, in Beyond the Welfare State. The New Political Economy of Welfare, Cambridge: Polity Press, pp. 99-133.
- Pereirinha, José e Daniel Carolo (2006), ?Construção do Estado-Providência em Portugal no período do Estado-Novo (1935-1974): notas sobre a evolução da despesa social?, WP 30/2006.
- Palier, Bruno (2002), Gouverner la Securité Sociale, Les Réformes du Système Français de Protection Sociale depuis 1945, Paris: PUF, pp. 15-61.
- OECD (2005), Ageing and employment policies, Paris: OECD, especialmente 13-89 (vários capítulos)
- MTSS (2007), Livro Branco das Relações Laborais, Lisboa: MTSS. (partes II, III ou IV)
- MTSS (2006), Livro Verde das Relações Laborais, Lisboa: MTSS.
Mozzicafreddo, Juan (1998), Estado Providência e Cidadania em Portugal, Oeiras, Celta Editora.
- Montagut, Teresa (2004), Política Social: una introducción, Madrid: Ariel, pp.19-28
- Meulders, Danièle, Robert Plasman, Jérôme de Heneau, Leila Maron, Sile O?Dorchai (2007), Trabalho e maternidade na Europa, condições de trabalho e políticas públicas, in Cadernos de Pesquisa, v.37, pp. 611-640.
- Matias, Álvaro (1999), Economia da Segurança Social, Lisboa: Associação Portuguesa da Segurança Social, pp.87-140 e 150-197.
- Madson, Per K. (2002), "Security and flexibility, friends or foes? Some observations from the case of Denmark", comunicação à 2ª conferência França/OIT "The future of work, employment and social protection", Genéve: IILS/ILO
- Leitão, Maria Josefina (2002), ?O sistema de relações de trabalho português no contexto europeu?, Lisboa/ Oeiras: MTS/Celta, Cadernos Sociedade e Trabalho, nº1, Trabalho e Relações Laborais, pp.213-231López, Luís Vila (1997), ?Política social europea? in Carmen Alemán Bracho e Jorge Garcés Ferrer (coords.), Política Social, Madrid: McGraw Hill, pp. 103-132.
- Karamessini, Maria (207), The southern european social model: changes and continuities in recent decades, Geneve: ILO
- Hemerijck, Anton (2006), "Recalibrating Europe's semi-sovereign welfare states", WZB discussion papers, Berlin: Social Science Research Center.
- Goméz; Manuel Herrera e Pedro Castón Boyer (2003), Las políticas sociales en las sociedades complejas, Madrid: Ariel, pp. 21-46.
- Goodin, Robert E., Bruce HEADEY, Ruud MUFFELS e Henk-Jan DIRVEN (2000), ?The real worlds of welfare capitalism?, in Christopher Pierson e Stephen Castles, The Welfare State Reader, Cambridge: Polity Press, pp. 171-188.
- Fundação Giacomo Brodolini (2006), Job instability and family trends, Roma: FGB, pp. 15-37.
- Freire, João (2002), ?O sistema de relações colectivas de trabalho em Portugal?, Lisboa/ Oeiras: MTS/Celta, Cadernos Sociedade e Trabalho, nº1, Trabalho e Relações Laborais, pp. 85-96.
- Flaquer, Lluis (2000), Las perspectives familiars en una perspectiva comparada, Madrid: Fundación ?La Caixa?
- Flaquer, Lluis (2000), ?Family policy and welfare state in Southern Europe?, WP nº 185, Barcelona: Institut de Ciències Politiques i Socials.
- Ferrera, Maurizio (1996), ?The 'southern model' of welfare in social Europe?, Journal of European Social Policy, 6 (1): 17-37.
- European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EIRO), Fertility and family issues in an enlarged Europe, Dublin: EIRO, especialmente 1-22 e 71-80.
- European Commission (2007), Europe?s demographic future: facts and figures on challenges and opportunities, Bruxelas: European Commission (vários capítulos).
- Erskine, Angus (2003), ?The approaches and methods of social policy?, in Pete Alcock, Angus Erskine e Margaret May (eds.), The student?s companion to social policy, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2ª ed, pp. 11-16 [1ª ed: 1998].
- Dornelas, António (2008), ?Os trabalhos de Sísifo e o mundo do trabalho em Portugal?, in Cadernos de Ciências Sociais, nº 25-26, pp.55-95
- Dornelas, António (2007), "Que modelo de flexigurança?", comunicação à Conferência "Os desafios centrais da flexigurança", Presidência Portuguesa da União Europeia, Setembro 2007, Lisboa: MTSS.
- Dornelas, António (1997) ?As relações laborais em Portugal: é possível mudar? É possível não mudar??, Lisboa: MTS.
- Centeno, Luís (2006), Flexibilidade e segurança no mercado de trabalho português, Lisboa: MTSS.
- Carneiro, Roberto (2007), Baixas qualificações em Portugal, Lisboa: MTSS, Colecção Cogitum, nº 29, pp. 5-46 e 111-130.
- Carneiro, Roberto (coord.) (2000), Educar e Aprender no Século XXI, tendências e desafios, Lisboa: MTS, pp.75-110 e 255-274.
- Capucha, Luís (2005), Desafios da Pobreza, Lisboa: Celta.
- Carolo,
- Cabral, Nazaré da Costa (2001), O financiamento da segurança social e suas implicações redistributivas. Enquadramento e regime jurídico, Lisboa: Associação Portuguesa da Segurança Social, pp47-126.
- Briggs, Asa (2000), ?The Welfare State in historical perspective?, in Christopher Pierson e Stephen
- Bernardo, Joaquim (2004), ?Da educação e formação à educação-formação ? dois mundos complementares ou concorrentes??, Cadernos Sociedade e Trabalho, nº 4, Lisboa: MTS, pp.57-75
- Beck, Wolfgang, Van der MAESEN, Laurent e WALKER. Alan (orgs) (1997), The Social Quality of Europe, Londres, Kluwer Law International.
- Auer, Peter (2006), ?Mobilidade protegida para o emprego e o trabalho digno: segurança no mercado de trabalho num mundo globalizado?, in Sociedade e Trabalho, nº 27, Lisboa: MTSS, pp.
- Auer, Peter (2007), "From job security to labour market security: flexi-curity for reducing labour market segmentation", comunicação à Conferência "Os desafios centrais da flexigurança", Presidência Portuguesa da União Europeia, Setembro 2007, Lisboa: MTSS.
- Auer, Peter (2005), "Protected mobility for employment and decent work: Labour market security in a globalised world", Employment Strategy Papers, Genéve: OIT.
- Arcanjo, Manuela (2006), ?Ideal (and real) types of welfare state?, Working Paper 06/2006, Lisboa: ISEG-UTL.
- Adnett, Nick e Stephen Hardy (2005), ?The future of the European Social Model: modernisation or evolution?, in The European Social Model, Londres: Edward Elgar, pp. 198-212.
- AA.VV (2002), Portugal 1995-2000, Perspectivas de evolução social, Oeiras, DEPP-MTS/Celta Editora.
Reference: null
Laboratory: Ethics and Profession in Social Work
- Identify and describe the relevant deontological principles and codes of ethics for the Social Work profession.
- Analyze ethical dilemmas and come up with solutions based on ethical principles.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of ethical decisions on professional practice and clients' lives.
- Apply ethical knowledge in practical situations through observations, case studies, and simulations.
I - I - Ethical Issues in Social Work:
Introduction to ethics, classical theories.
Fundamental principles of professional ethics.
II - Ethics in Social Work
Introduction to ethics and codes of ethics in Social Work.
Fundamental principles of professional ethics and deotological.
Ethics in professional decision-making.
Human rights and social justice in the ethical context.
Professional responsibility and regulation.
Observation, case studies, and practical simulations.
III - Ethical Problems in Professional Practice:
Analysis of ethical dilemmas in Social Work.
Development of reflective thinking: studies of professional cases.
Making ethical decisions.
Semester Evaluation
The evaluation of the course aims to assess the students' acquisition of skills in essential aspects of ethics in Social Work.
The Semester Evaluation includes activities that cover different aspects, including group and individual work (50%):
Attendance in 70% of classes and participation (10%): this component aims to assess each student's specific contributions to the activities carried out throughout the semester.
Evaluation: Interventions in the classroom; relevance of the student’s specific contributions in discussions; collaborative relationships with peers.
To participate in the semester evaluation, students must attend 70% of the classes. If there are doubts about participation in the activities, the instructor may request an oral discussion.
Group activities (40%) [students are organized into groups of a maximum of 4 members].
Group discussions on case studies (20%):
Description: each group receives a case study to analyze, identifying the type of problem(s) and proposing an ethical decision. The results of the work are presented in class to peers (Time/group: presentation- 3 minutes; debate- 5 minutes).
Observation Exercise (10%): students must observe a location of their choice at the start and end of the course and make a comparison based on the learned content.
Class Exercises (reading texts and/or simulations (10%)), in simulations, groups choose a topic and create a fictional situation.
Final Test - 50%.
Students must achieve a minimum score of 7 out of 20 in each evaluation moment to remain in the ongoing semester evaluation system; otherwise, they must take the final exam.
Final Exam Evaluation: Written in-person test (100%).
Whenever there are doubts about plagiarism and/or other issues related to assessment instruments, students may have to take an oral exam.
The languages accepted for assessment work are: Portuguese, Spanish, English.
Title: - APSS (2018). Código deontológico dos assistentes sociais em Portugal. Lisboa: APSS.
- Becket, Chris, Maynard, Andrew, & Jordan, Peter (2017). Values and ethics in social work (3ª ed.). Londres: Sage.
- Serafim, Maria do Rosário (2004), ?O reconhecimento da Condição Ética dos Cidadãos - um imperativo ético para o Serviço Social?, Intervenção Social , 29, pp. 25-52.
- Barry, Eimear (2009), ?An Examination of Ethics in Social Work?, Critical Social Thinking: Policy and Practice, 1, pp. 110-124.
-Banks, Sarah (1997), Ética y valores en el trabajo social, Barcelona, Paidós.
-Banks, Sarah (2004), ?Ethical Challenges for Social Work?, Intervenção Social, 29, pp, 11-24.
- Banks, Sarah e Kirsten Norh (coords) (2008), Ética Prática Para as Profissões do Trabalho Social, Porto, Porto Editora.
- Rocha, H. Ética e Serviço Social: tendências filosóficas e políticas, Intervenção social, ISSN 0874-1611, Nº. 37 (1ER SEMESTRE), 2011, págs. 25-40
Reference: null
Title: - Meacham, Michael (2007), ?Ethics and Decision Making for Social Workers?, Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, (Online), 4 (3).
- IFSW - International Federation of Social Workers (2004), The Ethics of Social Work, Principles and Standards (Online).
Reference: null
Social Work Placement I
- Conceptualise the field of action of the social worker's practice;
- Carry out a social diagnosis of the reality of the internship site;
- Apply ethical and deontological values and principles in the exercise of the social worker's profession.
1. practical dimension, based on a theoretical-methodological framework, in the study, diagnosis, and planning of the intervention;
2. Drawing up a social diagnosis: techniques and technical-scientific support tools;
3. Experiential approach to learning on the job: knowledge at the service of practice; description, analysis, and interpretation of professional activity applied to the different fields of activity of the profession and area of knowledge.
4. Ethical dilemmas in professional practice.
5. Complexity, reflexivity, and sustained critical thinking in analyzing the results of professional practice.
Assessment takes place throughout the semester:
- Attendance at the seminar: 80% of the total number of sessions;
- Attendance at tutorial sessions: 80% of total sessions;
- Assessment instruments:
a) Characterisation of the internship site (10%)
b) Characterisation of the subjects of attention and intervention (10%)
c) Characterisation of Social Work in the organization (10%)
d) Internship report (45%)
e) Internship supervisor's assessment (25%)
Note: This course does not give access to assessment by examination. The UC is only assessed in the 2nd season.
Title: Thompson, S. & Thompson, N. (2023) The Critically Reflective Practioner. London: Bloomsbury Publishing
Thompson, N. (2023) The Social Worker’s Practice Manual (Yhe Neil Thompson Practice Collection).London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Beesley, P. ( 2020) Making the most of your Social Work Placement, Sage. Publ.
Ferreira, J et al (2020) Guidelines. Internship procedures for the social work university courses in Albania,
Poulin, J.; Selina, M. & Witt, H. (2023) The Social Work Field Placement: a competency-based approach; Springer Publishing
Reference: null
Title: Beckett, Chris (2010), Assessment and intervention in social work, London, Sage publ.
D'Almeida, José Luís de e Paula Sousa (2016) Avaliação Diagnóstica na Prática do Serviço Social, Ed Psicosoma
Fialho, Joaquim et al (2016) Diagnóstico social- teoria, metodologia e casos práticos, Ed. Sílabo
Milner, J. (2015) Assessment in Social Work, Palgrave ed
Parker, Jonathan (2014) Social Work Practice, Sage Publ.
Serrano, Gloria (2008) Elaboração de Projectos Sociais, Porto, Porto Editora
Garcia, Tomás Fernandez (2009) Trabajo Social casos, Madrid, Alianza ed.
Garcia, Tomás Fernández e Peláez, António Lopez (2008) Trabajo social comunitario, Madrid, Alianza ed.
Guerra, Isabel - Fundamentos para uma Sociologia da Acção
Schiefer, Ulrich et al (2006) MAPA , Manual de Planeamento e Avaliação de Projectos, Estoril, Principia Editora
Reference: null
Personality Theories
Upon successfully completion of this Curricular Unit, the student should be able to:
OA1. Discuss the conceptual pluralism in personality studies and describe common assumptions.
OA2. Understand how different research methods have contributed to the study of personality.
OA3. Describe and contrast the main scientific theories in the study of personality in terms of their main objectives, concepts, assumptions, methods and assessment instruments.
OA4. Describe some of the factors that may contribute to the development and change in human personality over the life course and explain the complex person-social environment interaction in predicting behavior.
OA5. Assess the relaevance of studying personality for the field of Social Service.
CP1. Introduction
1.1 Personality definitions: Conceptual plurality and common aspects
1.2 Common objectives in personality theories and approaches
1.3 Personality determinants
1.4 Personality development: stability and change
CP2. Personality assessment methods and instruments
CP3. Main personality approaches and theories: assumptions, methodologies, assessment, limitations and complementarities
3.1 Psychoanalytic personality theories
3.2 Behavioral approaches
3.3 Humanistic theories of personality
3.4 Biological approaches
3.5 Theories that emphasize the structure of personality: trait theories.
CP4. Importance of studying personality in areas of Social Service.
The student can complete the CU through assessment throughout the semester or assessment by exam.
Assessment throughout the semester includes:
(1) one individual written test (60%);
(2) group assignment (30%) of critical elaboration on the models learned in the UC, presentation in class (10%).
Students who have a minimum grade of at least 9.5 in each assessment element are approved.
Assessment by exam is carried out by individual written exam (100%). Students who obtain a final classification of at least 9.5 are approved.
Attendance in classes is optional.
Title: Corr, P., & Matthews, G. (eds.). (2020). The Cambridge handbook of personality psychology (2nd ed). Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108264822
Ewen, R. B. (2014). An introduction to theories of personality (7th ed). Psychology Press
Feist, G., Roberts, T.A., & Feist, J. (2020). Theories of personality (10th ed). McGraw Hill
Mischel, W., Shoda, Y., & Ayduk, O. (2007). Introduction to Personality: Toward an Integrative Science of the Person (8th ed). Wiley
Schultz, D. P., Schultz, S. E., & Enos, M. (2016). Theories of personality (11th ed). Wadsworth Publishing
Reference: null
Title: American Psychiatric Association. (2012). Rationale for the proposed changes to the Personality Disorders classification in DSM-5, 1-29
Buss, D. M., & Hawley, P. H. (2011). The evolution of personality and individual differences. Oxford University Press
Caspi, A., Roberts, B. W., Shiner, R. L. (2005). Personality and development: Stability and change. Annual Review Psychology, 56, 453-84. doi: 10.1146/annurev.psych.55.090902.141913
Cervone, D. (2005). Personality architecture: Within-person structures and processes. Annual Review of Psychology, 56, 423-452. doi:10.1146/annurev.psych.56.091103.070133
Hansenne, M. (2004). Psicologia da personalidade. Climepsi
Krahé, B. (1992). Personality and social Psychology: Towards a synthesis. London: Sage Publications
McAdams, D.P. & Olson, B. D. (2010). Personality development continuity and change over the life. Annual Review of Psychology, 61,517-542 doi:10.1146/annurev.psych.093008.100507
Mischel, W. (2004). Toward an integrative science of the person. Annual Review of Psychology, 55(1968), 1-22. doi:10.1146/annurev.psych.55.042902.130709
Nettle, D. (2006). The evolution of personality variation in humans and other animals. American Psychologist, 61, 622-631.doi:10.1037/0003-066X.61.6.622
Teofrasto (1999). Os caracteres. Relógio D'Água Editores
Weiner, I. B., & Greene, R. L. (2008). Handbook of personality assessment. John Wiley & Sons.
Reference: null
Approaches to Psychopathology
The student who successfully completes this curricular unit must be able to:
OA1. Know how to define psychopathology from various perspectives and frame the concept in a historical and cultural context.
OA2. Characterize and distinguish different etiological models and theoretical approaches in psychopathology.
OA3. Identify different classification systems in psychopathology.
OA4. Identify the main psychopathologies in adults and children and adolescents.
1. Introduction to psychopathology
1.1. Evolution of the concept of psychopathology
1.2. Sociocultural dimension in understanding psychopathology
1.3. Vulnerability factors, stress factors; protective factors and resilience
2. Etiological theories and models in psychopathology
2.1. Biomedical approach
2.2. Psychodynamic approach
2.3. Existential phenomenological approach
2.3. Behavioral-cognitive approach
2.4. Ecological or systemic approach
3. Classification and diagnostic systems
3.1. Objectives, advantages and limitations
3.2. APA (DSM-5) and WHO (ICD-11) classification system
4. Recognize and distinguish psychopathologies in children, adolescents and adults
4.1. Externalizing disorder in childhood and adolescence
4.2. Internalizing disorder in childhood and adolescence
4.3. Mood disorders
4.4. Anxiety disorders
4.5. Psychotic disorders
4.6. Dementia
4.7. Other adult disorders
The student can complete the UC through assessment throughout the semester or assessment by exam.
Assessment throughout the semester includes:
(1) two individual written tests (70%);
(2) a written group assignment (30%).
Students who have a minimum grade in each assessment element of at least 7.5 values, and a final average equal to or greater than 9.5 values are approved.
Assessment by exam is carried out by individual written exam (100%). Students who obtain a final grade of at least 9.5 are approved.
Title: American Psychiatric Association (2022). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-5-TR (5th ed, Text Revision). American Psychiatric Association Publishing.
Andrasik, F. (Ed.) (2005). Comprehensive handbook of personality and psychopathology, Adult psychopathology (Vol. 2). Wiley.
Blackwell., Maddux, J.E. & Winstead, B. (2019). Psychopathology: Foundations for a contemporary understanding. Routledge.
Beidel, D.C. & Frueh, B.C. (2018). Adult Psychopathology and diagnosis (8th ed.) Wiley
Correia, D. T. (2013). Manual de Psicopatologia (2ª ed.). Lidel.
Davey, G (2021). Psychopathology: Research, Assessment and treatment in clinical psychology. BPS.
Mash, E., & Barkley, R., (Ed.) (2014). Child psychopathology (3rd ed). Guildford Press.
Maddux, J.E. & Winstead, B. (2012). Psychopathology: Foundations for a contemporary understanding (3ª ed.). Routledge.
Reference: null
Title: Adams, H., & Sutker, P. (Ed.) (2001). Comprehensive handbook of psychopathology (3rd ed). Springer.
Correia, D. T. (2013). Manual de Psicopatologia. Lidel.
Craighead, W. E., Miklowitz, D. J., Craighead, L. W. (2017). Psychopathology: History, diagnosis, and empirical foundations (3 rd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
Dilys, D. & Bhugra, D. (2004). Models of Psychopathology. Open University Press.
Figueira, M.L., Sampaio, D., & Afonso, P. (Eds.) (2014). Manual de psiquiatria clínica. Lidel.
Kendall, P. C. & Cormer, J.S. (2010). Childhood Disorders (2nd ed). Psychology Press.
Monteiro, P. (2014). Psicologia e Psiquiatria da Infância e Adolescência. Lidel.
Pio Abreu, J.L. (2001). Como tornar-se doente mental. Editora Quarteto.
Pio Abreu, J.L. (2015). Introdução à Psicopatologia Compreensiva. FCG.
Pires, C.M.L. (2003). Manual de Psicopatologia: uma abordagem biopsicossocial. Editorial Diferença.
Reference: null
Seminar Social Work Profissional Pratices
- Experiencing the method of Social Work based on scientific knowledge;
- Identify the theoretical/methodological instruments who support the practice of Social Work;
- Develop operational matrices of analysis and intervention in the context of the Social interdisciplinary professional practice, organizational and community;
- Organize and develop technical tools to support an informed practice in Social Work.
I. Impacts of crisis and social emergency on the intervention of the social worker. A debate between face-to-face and virtual.
II. The intervention of Social Work, based on a theoretical framework of reference: Diagnosis; Indicators; Research or in-depth study; Evaluation of the situation; Social care; Social contract; Social monitoring; Home visit; Social counselling.
III. Technical Procedures as Means of Proof: Social Report; Social Expertise.
IV. Technical Procedures as Means of Diagnosis: Socio-family Characterisation; Social Information; Genogram and the Ecomap.
V. Technical Procedures as Means of Follow-up and Planning of Social Intervention: Individual Readaptation Plan; Personal Educational Plan; Promotion and Protection Agreement; Social Development Plan; Social Insertion Plan; Case Management; Individual Development Plan; others.
- Individual assessment: 1 Test - 60%
- Collective assessment (1 Group work (maximum 3 students) of an oral presentation on a topic of the program - 40%.
- Assessment by examination - 100%.
Title: Rodríguez, María Dolores; Ferreira, Jorge (2017). The contribution of the intervention in social networks and community social work at the local level to social and human development. Journal: European Journal of Social Work (CESW).
Riga StradinsUniversity (2018) Social Work case analysis. Global perspective. ISBN 978-9934-563-28-7. Ed Riga University. Letónia
Picornell - Lucas, Seller, Enrique Pastor, Rocha, Helena Belchior (2022). Trabajo Social, Serviços Sociales e Intervención Comunitária. Ed Dykinson S.L. Madrid Espanha.
Monnink, De Herman (2017), The Social Workers Toolbox. Sustainable Multimethod Social Work. London and New York. Ed. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
McDonald, D., Boddy, J., O’Callaghan, K., & Chester, P. (2015). Ethical Professional Writing in Social Work and Human Services. Ethics and Social Welfare, 9(4), 359–374.
Reference: null
Title: Ferreira, J. & Ana (2018). Protección de menores y Trabajo Social. Un análisis comparado entre Espana y Portugal. In Rosa Maria Moreno Flórez (Ed.), Protección de menores y Trabajo Social. Un análisis comparado entre Espana y Portugal. (pp. 11-32). Madrid: Dykinson.
-Enrique Pastor Seller y María Assunción Martinez-Roman (Coords) (2014) Trabajo Social em Siglo XXI. Una Perspectiva Internacional Comparada Jorge M. L. Ferreira El Trabajo Social en Portugal: Situación y desafios pp. 177 - 202. Madrid, LDM Ediciones .
Rodríguez, María Dolores; Ferreira, Jorge (2017) "The contribution of the intervention in social networks and community social work at the local level to social and human development". Journal: European Journal of Social Work (CESW).
Rocha, H. B.; Ferreira, J. (2016); "An Ecosocial model for the sustainability of vulnerable communities" chapter 9 in the book "Ecosocial transformation in society - Research on the contribution of social work and social policy". Matthies & Närhi (eds.) Routledge, London
Ferreira, Jorge (2017) "políticas públicas em portugal: a habitação, o parente pobre das políticas sociais?", (61 a 76), co-autor com Isabel Maria Santana e Enrique Seller. Editora Dykinson, SL. Madrid.
Ferreira, Jorge M. L. (2012). Serviço Social com Crianças e Jovens em Portugal/ Trabajo Social, Servicios Sociales y Jóvenes, en Portugal. Diciembre. Madrid. ED.Instituto de la Juventud de España (INJUVE). ( Espanhol).
- Restrepo, Olga L. V., (2003), Reconfigurando el Trabajo Social, Perspectivas y tendências contemporâneas, Buenos Aires, Espacio
- Ferreira, Jorge M. L. (2011). Ferramentas/Instrumentos para práticas intergeracionais em diferentes contextos sociais. Revista Intervenção Social n.º 36 Actas do Seminário sobre a intergeracionalidade?, do Instituto Superior de Serviço Social - Universidade Lusíada Lisboa. (no prelo a publicar em Novembro de 2011).
- Kate, 2008, Social Work- An introduction to contemporary practice, Essex, Pearson Education
desde una perspectiva Iberoamericana». Consego generale del trabajo social, (Coords).Seler, Vigo Lima Thomson Reuteurs Aranzadi.
Ferreira, Jorge, Alvarez, Pablo, Pena, Maria João (2018). Situación actual e tendencias de los estúdios de grado en trabajo social desde una perspectiva internacional.Cap. 3 «El Trabajo Social antá-los desafios del siglo XXI desde una perspectiva Iberoamericana». Consego generale del trabajo social, (Coords).Seler, Vigo Lima Thomson Reuteurs Aranzadi.-los desafios del siglo XXI
Ferreira, Jorge, Alvarez, Pablo, Pena, Maria João (2018). Situación actual e tendencias de los estúdios de grado en trabajo social desde una perspectiva internacional.Cap. 3 «El Trabajo Social antáFerreira, J. M. L. (2019). A co-construção da cidadania da criança/jovem no século XXI. In Maria de Fatima Pereira Alberto & Antonia Picornell Lucas (Ed.), Experiencias mundiales de ciudadanía de la infancia y adolescencia. Fernando Pessoa - Paraiba: UFPB.
Ferreira, J. M. L. (2019). A co-construção da cidadania da criança/jovem no século XXI. In Maria de Fatima Pereira Alberto & Antonia Picornell Lucas (Ed.), Experiencias mundiales de ciudadanía de la infancia y adolescencia. Fernando Pessoa - Paraiba: UFPB.
- Rossell, Teresa, 1993, La entrevista en trabajo social, Barcelona, Escuela Univ. Trabajo Social
- Robertis, Cristina, 2007, Méthodologie de l'intervention en travail Social: l'aide à la personne, Paris, Bayard.
- Carvalho,Maria Irene e Pinto, Carla (Coords) (2014) Serviço Social Teorias e Prácticas. Jorge M. L. Ferreira e Paula Seno Atendimento e Acompanhamento Integrado: Uma prática de Serviço Social pp. 347 - 366. Lisboa, Lidel, Pactor Edições. ISBN 978-989-693-040-0
- Álvarez-Pérez, Pablo, and Harris, Victor W (2021) Personal social networks as a superdiversity dimension: A qualitative approach with second-generation Americans. Current Sociology 1. 31 Article reuse guidelines: DOI: 10.1177/0011392120983342 SAGE.
A indicar aos alunos no domínio da especialidade da sua formação.
Matthies, Aila-Leena 2016 Conceptual and historical analysis of ecological social work. Re-visioning social work with individuals, collectives, and communities: social work research. Program Book & Book of Abstracts. 5th European Research Conference of Social Work, Ljubljana 22 24. 4. 2015, p. 167
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Social Work Placement II
- To use specific methodologies of Social Work in professional intervention
- Apply technical instruments for the operationalization of public and social policies in the response to social needs in the different socio - institutional contexts;
- To elaborate evaluation indicators to Social Work practice;
- To relate the ethical-deontological knowledge with the social worker practice
I-Theoretical-methodological dimension of the Internship
1.Instruments of proof and support to professional practice
2. Strategies for intervention in institutional articulation, network and interprofessionality
3. Practice assessment indicators applied to practice results
4. Critical / reflexive analysis on the internship practice for training in Social Work
II-Internship Practical Dimension
1.Supervision and social follow up of professional practice
2. Ethical-deontological dimensions in professional practice
3. Tools, programs and platforms for recording professional practice data.
4.Practice assessment procedures
- Assessment takes place only once in the 1st or 2nd season and includes:
- Presence at the seminar = 80% of the total number of sessions;
- Presence in sessions of Tutoring - 80% of the total number of sessions
Quantitative evaluation:
-Advice of the internship supervisor = 25%;
- Portfolio of internship in digital platform = 20%;
- Internship report II (limit of 30 pages) = 45%;
- Participation = 10%.
Note: This UC does not give access to assessment by exam
Title: - Garcia, Tomás Fernandez; Parra, Antonio Ares (Coords.), (2002), Servicios Sociales: Dirección, Gestión y Planificación, Madrid, Ciencias Sociales
- Vasconcelos, Eduardo Mourão, (2002), Complexidade e Pesquisa Interdisciplinar. Epistemologia e Metodologia Operativa, 4ª Ed., São Paulo, Ed. Vozes
- Hepworth, Dean; Rooney, Ronald H.; Rooney, Glenda Dewberry; Strom-Gottfried, Kimberly; Larsen, JoAnn, (2010), Direct Social Work Practice. Theory and Skills, USA, Brooks/ Cole CENGAGE Learning.
- Nelda Rodríguez; PIAZZE, Leonardo Oneto (2001), Perspectivas Metodológicas en Trabajo Social, Buenos Aires, Espacio Editorial
- Monnink, Herman (2017) The Social Workrs Toolbox. RudtledgeTaylor and Francis Group. London and New York.
- Coulshed, Veronica and Joan Orme (2012). Social Work Practice. Fifth edition. Palgrave macmillan editor. England
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Title: Le Sociographe. Interventions Sociales . Travail Social. Direction de Didier Wouters. Champ Social Editions.
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At the end of the course, each student should be able to:
Know the object of demography and the central theoretical contributions to the affirmation of demographic science (LO1)
Identify the main sources of demographic data and information (LO2)
Define, demonstrate and apply the main concepts and tools of demographic analysis (LO3)
Analyse the structure and dynamics of populations and demographic trends and patterns in different contexts (LO4)
Analyse different demographic phenomena (LO5)
Interpret and communicate the results of demographic analyses and how they fit into the study of broader social phenomena (LO6)
Critically and reflexively articulate and apply the knowledge acquired to the core study area of the course, in a logic of interdisciplinary articulation (LO7)
PC1. Object and Contributions of Demography
PC2. Demographic Observation, Information Sources and Data Quality:
Censuses: principles and contribution to analysing the state of the population;
Movement statistics: principles, relevance and contribution to analysing population movement;
Data quality.
PC3. Representation of demographic information:
The Lexis diagram.
PC4. Demographic concepts
Cohort, generation and age;
Longitudinal analysis and cross-sectional analysis;
The fictitious cohort principle;
Calendar and intensity.
PC5. Demographic structures:
Age pyramids;
Ratios and proportions;
Population ageing trends.
PC6. Population movement
Measures of movement;
Total, natural and migratory growth.
PC7. Analysing demographic phenomena
Fertility: Measures of fertility; Intensity and calendar indicators;
Mortality: Mortality measures; Calendar indicators.
PC8. Demography, societal context and social intervention
The assessment system for the Demography course is twofold:
1. Assessment throughout the semester
Test: knowledge of the content covered throughout the semester is assessed in an individual test, to be scheduled for the 1st assessment period, and the mark obtained represents 50% of the final grade.
Work carried out throughout the semester (in groups and/or individually): Practical work carried out in class, throughout the semester, to consolidate the content covered; and a final written thematic work, with oral presentation, developed throughout the semester, with tutorial accompaniment. Overall, the work component accounts for 50% of the final mark.
2. Assessment by Exam
Final exam: This represents 100% of the final grade for students who choose this option or who do not meet the minimum assessment criteria throughout the semester. The final exam will cover all the syllabus content taught during the semester.
Note: There is no minimum attendance requirement for assessment throughout the semester.
Title: Nazareth, J. Manuel (2004). Demografia. A Ciência da População. Lisboa: Presença
Bandeira, M. Leston, Pintassilgo, Sónia C. (2018), Introdução à Demografia. Trabalhos práticos, Lisboa, Escolar Editora
Bandeira, Mário Leston (2004). Demografia: objecto, teorias, métodos. Lisboa: Escolar Editora
Bandeira, Mário Leston (1996). Demografia e Modernidade. Família e Transição Demográfica em Portugal. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda.
United Nations (2023). Demographic Yearbook 2022. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. New York: United Nations
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Title: World Health Organization (2002), Active Ageing: a policy framework, Genebra, WHO
Preston, Samuel H., Heuveline, P. e Guillot, M. (2001). Demography: Measuring and Modeling Population Processes. Oxford: Blackwell.
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Seminar Community and Groups Intervention
- To understand and include Social Work with groups as a scientific practice whose main purpose is to empower people and groups to face everyday problems, challenges and opportunities.
- Dominate concepts and models of community Social Work, placing it in the broader context of the social development framework;
- Identify and develop knowledge about conceptual tools, technical and methodological groups and communities;
- Designing interventions work in partnership, evaluation and programming requirements and their theoretical, methodological and technical requirements for enabling selection of appropriate methods, since the establishment of permanent diagnostics and participated, evaluations and involvement of all stakeholders and seek to address different problems in integrated and multidisciplinary perspective.
1.1. Development and Social development conceptualizations
1.2. Community development
1.2. The individual, the group and the community
1.3. Community intervention and group intervention
2.1. Concept and objectives
2.2. Models of group intervention
2.3. Methodological process
2.4. Tools for group intervention
3.1. Concept and objectives
3.2. Models of community intervention
3.3. Methodological process
3.4. Tools for community intervention
3.5. Partnerships in community intervention
Evaluation of this Course Unit throughout the semester:
Mandatory attendance of 75% of classes - 10%
Group work (50%)
Final test (40%)
Throughout the semester, feedback will be given on performance in each activity. To complete the Course Unit through the semester-long evaluation method, the student must attend 75% of the classes and cannot score less than 7 in any of the assessment components.
Final evaluation by exam (100%)
Although not recommended, it is possible to opt for the final evaluation through an in-person written exam. The final evaluation may also include, at the discretion of the instructor, an oral discussion (if conducted, this oral component will weigh 40% in the final evaluation).
Title: Peláez, A. L. (Ed.) (2015). Teoría del trabajo social con grupos. (2nd. Ed.). Madrid: Editorial Universitas.
Zastrow, C. (2015). Social work with groups: a comprehensive worktext (9nd. Ed.). Stamford: Cengage Learning.
Twelvetrees, A. (2017). Community development, social action and social planning. (5nd. Ed.). London: Red Globe Press.
García, T. F., & Peláez, A. L. (2008). Trabajo social comunitario: afrontando juntos los desafíos del siglo XXI. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
García, T. F., & Peláez, A. L. (2006). Trabajo Social con grupos. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
Barbero, J. M. & Cortes, F. (2005), Trabajo comunitario, organizacion y desarrollo social. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
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Title: Zastrow, C. & Hessenauer, S. (2019). Social work with groups: comprehensive practice and self-care (10nd. Ed.). Hampshire: Cengage Learning.
Zamanillo, T. (2008). Trabajo social con grupos y pedagogia ciudadana. Madrid: Editiorial Sintesis.
Weil, M., Gamble, D. & MacGuire, E. (2010). Community practice skills workbook: local to global prespectives. New York: Columbia University Press.
Tosone, C. (2009), Psychodynamic model. In A. Gitterman & R. Salmon (eds), Encyclopedia of social work with groups (pp.80-83). New York: Taylor & Francis.
Toseland, R. W., Jones, L. V. & Gellis, Z. D. (2017). Group Dynamics. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez & m. J. Galinsky (eds), Handbook of Social Work with Groups (pp. 13-31) (2nd. Ed.). New York: Guilford Press.
Toseland, R. & Rivas, R. (2009). An introduction to group work practice. (6nd. Ed.). Boston: Pearson Education.
Thompson, N. & Stepney, P. (eds) (2018). Social work theory and methods: the essentials. Abingdon: Routledge.
Todd, S. & Drolet, J. (eds) (2020). Community practice and social development in social work. Singapore: Springer.
Teater, B. & Baldwin, M. (2012). Social work in the community: making a difference. Bristol: Policypress.
Stepney, P. & Popple, K. (2008). Social work and the community: a critical context for practice. Basingstoke: Plagrave Macmillan.
Steinberg, D. (2009), Mutual aid model. In A. Gitterman & R. Salmon (eds), Encyclopedia of social work with groups (pp.76-79). New York: Taylor & Francis.
Skinner, S. (2019). Building strong communities: guidelines on empowering the grass roots. London: Red Globe Press.
Ruiz, M. (2005). Trabajo social con grupos: fundamentos y tendencias. Bogotá: Kimpres.
Ramírez, A. C. (2012). Trabajo Social con Grupos. Gran Canaria: Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión Científica de la ULPGC.
Popple, K. (2015). Analysing community work: theory and practice (2nd. Ed.). Berkshire: Open University Press.
Popple, K. (2012). Community practice. In M. Gray, J. Midgley & S. Webb (eds.), The Sage Handbook of Social Work (pp. 279-293). London: Sage.
Peral, T. (2008). Trabajo social con grupos y pedagogía ciudadana. Madrid: Sintesis.
Peláez, A, Sanchez-Cabezudo, S. & Garcia, M. (eds) (2013), Trabajo social con comunidades en el siglo XXI. Madrid: Editorial Universitas.
Payne, M. (2005). Modern social work theory. (3nd. Ed.). Basingstone: Plagrave Macmillan
Northen, H. (2017). Ethics and values in group work. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez & M. J. Galinsky (eds), Handbook of Social Work with Groups (pp. 76-89) (2nd. Ed.). New York: Guilford Press.
Northen, H. & Kurland, R. (2001). Social work with groups. (3nd. Ed.). New York: Columbia University Press.
Munford, R. & Kieran, O. (eds) (2019). New theories for social work practice: ethical practice for working with individuals, families and communities, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Midgley, J. (2013). Social Development: Theory and Practice. London: SAGE Publications.
Midgley, J. (1995). Social Development: The developmental perspective in social welfare. London: SAGE Publications.
McMaster, K. (2009). Facilitating change through groupwork. In Maidment, J. & Egan (eds), Practice skills in social work and welfare: more than just common sense (pp. 205-217). (2nd. Ed.). Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
Magem, R. (2009). Cognitive-behavioral model. In A. Gitterman & R. Salmon (eds), Encyclopedia of social work with groups (pp.69-72). New York: Taylor & Francis.
Ledwith, M. (2016). Community development in action: putting freire into practice. Bristol: Polity Press.
Herranz, Barbero, J. M. & Cortes, F. (2005). Trabajo comunitario, organizacion y desarrollo social. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
Henderson, P. & Thomas, D. (2013). Skills in neighbourhood work (3nd. Ed.). New York: Routledge.
Healy, K. (2012). Social work methods and skills. The essential foundations of practice, Hampshire: Palgrave.
Hardcastle, D., Powers, P. & Wenocur, S. (2011). Community practice: theories and skills for social workers, New York: Oxford University Press.
Guerra, I. C. (2006). Participação e acção colectiva: interesses, conflitos e consensos, Estoril: Principia.
Gitterman, A. & Salmon, R. (eds) (2009). Encyclopedia of Social Work with Groups. New York: Taylor & Francis.
Gitterman, A. & Germain, C, (2008). The life model of social work practice: advances in theory and practice. (3nd. Ed.). New York: Columbia University Press.
Gamble, D. & Weil, M. (2010). Community practice skills: local to global perspectives. New York: Columbia University Press
Galès, P. & Thatcher, M. (1995). Les réseux de politique publique. Débat autour des policy networks. Paris: L'Harmattan.
Estivill, J., Hiernaux, J. & Geddes, M. (1997). El partenariado social en Europa: una estrategia participativa para la inserción. Barcelona: Hacer.
Elias, P., Arredondo, J. & Virgili (2009). Dinámica de grupos. Barcelona: Eureca Media.
Dumas, B. & Séguier, M. (1997). Construire des actions collectives: développer les solidarités. Lyon: Chronique Sociale.
Corey, M., Corey, G. & Corey, C. (2017). Groups: Process and Practice. (10nd. Ed.). Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole.
Cohen, A. P. (1985). The symbolic construction of community. New York: Travistock Publications.
Banks, S. (et al) (2013). Managing community practice: principles, policies and programmes (2nd. Ed.). Briston: The Policy Press.
Aristu, J. H. (2010). Trabajo social comunitario en la sociedad individualizada. Valencia: NAU Libres.
Ander-Egg, E. & Idáñez, M. (2011). Evaluación de servicios y programas sociales. Montevideo: Lumen.
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Social Rights and Social Change
I-dentify the role of the welfare State
-Identify institutions that produce well-being
-Analysing the national protection system with reference to international standards
1. The production of well-being
-The concept of well-being and human needs
-Institutions that produce individual welfare - the welfare-mix
2. The role of the State in the welfare state
-Social citizenship. Social inclusion as the foundation of social policies: in production, in the distribution of resources, in social services
-The principles of redistributive justice: necessity, equity, equality
3. International standards of social protection
-Global instruments: human rights and the specification of economic and social rights
-The right to social security: ILO conventions
-The European Union and social rights
4. Social security in Portugal - development and challenges
5. The problem of resources: the adaptation of social policies to the era of "permanent austerity"
6. The demand problem: transition to post-industrial society and new social risks
-New gender contract and transformation of families
-Transformations of work
1.Continuous evaluation
Written test (45%)
Written work (45%)
Class participation (10%)
2.Evaluation by exam (100%)
Title: Taylor-Gooby, Peter (ed.) (2005), New risks, new welfare, The Transformation of the European Welfare State, Oxford Policy Press.
Pierson, Paul (ed.) (2001), The new politics of the Welfare State, Oxford, Oxford University Press
Minkler, L. (Ed.). (2013). The state of economic and social human rights: a global overview. Cambridge University Press.
Hemerijck, A. (2012). Changing Welfare States. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Castles, Francis, Leibfried, Stephan, Lewis, Jane, Obinger, H., Pierson, Cristopher (ed.) (2010), The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State, Oxford, Oxford University Press
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Title: Paugam, Serge (1991), La Disqualification Sociale, Paris, PUF,
Nussbaum, Martha & Sen, Amartya (Eds.) (1993), The quality of life. Oxford, Clarendon Press
Mozzicafreddo, Juan (2002), Estado Providência e Cidadania em Portugal, Oeiras, Celta.
Marshall, T. H. (2009), Citizenship and social class in Manza, Jeff, Sauder, Michael, Inequality and Society, New York, W.W. Norton
Luhmann, Niklas (1990), Political theory in the welfare state, Berlim, Walter de Gruyter
Lind, A. (2004) Legislating the Family: Heterosexist bias in social welfare policy frameworks. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 31(4), 21-35.
Leibfried, Stephan (ed.) (2001) Welfare State Futures, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
Leibfried, Stephan, Mau, Steffan (2008), Welfare States: construction, deconstruction, reconstruction, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar
Kennett, P. (Ed.). (2006). A handbook of comparative social policy. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Kaufmann, F. X. (2012). "Towards a theory of the welfare state" in European Foundations of the Welfare State, New York, Bergahn Books, pp. 248-276
Hill, Michael (2006), Social policy in the modern world: a comparative text, Oxford, Blackwell
Hespanha, Pedro e Carapinheiro, graça (orgs.) (2001), Risco Social e Incerteza. Pode o Estado-Social Recuar Mais? Porto, Afrontamento,
Guillén, A.; Álvarez, S. e P. Adão e Silva (2005), "O redesenhar dos Estados-providência espanhol e português: o impacto da adesão à União Europeia‟ in Portugal, Espanha e a Integração Europeia - um balanço. Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. Capítulo 9. pp.293-345
Guibentif, Pierre (1997). La sécurité sociale au Portugal. La pratique du droit international et communautaire de la sécurité sociale. Étude de sociologie du droit de la coordination, à l'exemple du Portugal. Genebra, Helbing & Lichtenhahn
Gough, I. and G.D. Wood (2004). Insecurity and welfare regimes in Asia, Africa, and Latin America: social policy in development contexts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ferrera, Maurizio, Hemerijck, Anton e Rhodes, Martin (2000), O Futuro do Europa Social, Oeiras, Celta
Fernandes, A. T. (2005). Processos e estratégias de envelhecimento. Revista Da Faculdade de Letras: Sociologia.
Faist, T. (2009). The transnational social question: Social rights and citizenship in a global context. International Sociology, 24(1), 7-35.
Esping-Andersen, Gøsta e Bruno Palier (2009), Três Lições sobre o Estado-Providência, Lisboa, Campo da Comunicação,
Esping-Andersen, Gosta (ed.) (1996), Welfare states in transition, Londres, Sage
Esping-Andersen, Gosta (2002), Why We Need a New Welfare State, Oxford, Oxford University Press
Esping-Andersen, Gosta (2000), "Um Estado-Providência para o século XXI", in M.J. Rodrigues (Coord.), Para uma Europa da Inovação e do Conhecimento, Oeiras, Celta Editora
Esping-Andersen, Gosta (1999), Social Foundations of Post-industrial economies, Oxford, Oxford University Press
Esping-Andersen, Gosta (1990), The three worlds of welfare capitalism, Cambridge, Polity Press
Esping-Andersen, G. (2009). Incomplete revolution: Adapting welfare states to women's new roles. Combridge, Polity.
Espada, João Carlos (1997), Direitos Sociais de Cidadania, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda.
Drew, Eileen; Ruth Emerek e Evelyn Mahon (1998), Women, work and the family in Europe, Londres, Routledge
Dean, Hartley (2002), Welfare Rights and Social Policy, Londres, Ed. Pearson Education.
Craig, Gary, Tania Burchardt, and David Gordon (ed.) (2008), Social Justice and Public Policy. Seeking Fairness in Diverse Societies, Bristol, The Policy Press,
Clasen, J., & van Oorschot, W. (2002). Changing principles in European social security. European Journal of Social Security, 4(2), 89-115
CEDEFOP (2010), Working and ageing: emerging theories and empirical perspectives, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union
Castel, Robert (1998), As metamorfoses da questão social, Petrópolis, Editora Vozes.
Carolo, D. F. (2015). Despesa e redistribuição na segurança social em Portugal: análise da reforma de 2007, Tese de Doutoramento, Instituto de Ciências Social da Universidade de Lisboa
Capucha, Luís (2005), Desafios da Pobreza, Oeiras, Celta
Bonoli, Giuliano (2005). "The politics of the new social policies: Providing coverage against new social risks in mature welfare states", Policy & Politics, 33(3), 431-449
Alcock, Pete, Erskine, Angus, May, Margaret (Eds.). (1998). The student's companion to social policy, Oxford, Blackwell.
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Recommended optative
Optional courses will only be held if they achieve a minimum number of enrollments.
1st semester
L5133 | Sociology of International Migrations (ESPP | Soc)
L5164 | Citizenship and Political Culture (ESPP | CP)
2nd semester
02854 | Methodologies of Social Work in Health (ESPP | SS)
• To provide a learning process that encourages an intervening, critical and thoughtful professional practice, combined with continuous and regular study and research.