Tuition fee EU nationals (2025/2026)
Tuition fee non-EU nationals (2025/2026)
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Programme Structure for 2025/2026
Curricular Courses | Credits | |
History of Anthropology
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Key Problematics of Anthropological Reflection
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Cultures: Identifications and Differentiations
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Ethnographic Methods and Research Skills
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Epistemology and Anthropological Knowledge
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Academic Work Practices
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Science, Society, and Culture
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Writing Scientific and Technical Texts
2.0 ECTS
Transversal Skills > Mandatories | 2.0 |
Study Methods and Techniques
2.0 ECTS
Transversal Skills > Conditioned | 2.0 |
Introduction to Excel
2.0 ECTS
Transversal Skills > Conditioned | 2.0 |
Ethnographic Maps 1: America and Africa
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Ethnographic Maps 2: Asia and Oceania
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Biographical Methods
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Symbols: Language, Action and Cognition
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Relations: Gender, Families, Kinship
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Ethnographic Readings
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Colonialism, Post- Colonialism and Anthropology
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Power: Economic and Political
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Contemporary Theoretical Debates
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Portuguese Ethnography
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Practicing Anthropology
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Anthropology and Visual Images
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
6.0 ECTS
Optional Courses > Anthropology > 3rd Year | 6.0 |
History of Anthropology
Acquisition of introductory notions about:
The emergence of anthropology as a discipline within the framework of 19th century evolutionary thought.
Functionalist models characteristic of European anthropology in the first half of the 20th century.
The culturalist project of North American anthropology.
The foundations of the structuralist project in anthropology.
This course provides an initial overview of the major schools that shaped the development of anthropology from 1850 to 1990 and aims to outline a broad perspective on the key issues in anthropology during that time. It covers evolutionary theory, the French Sociological School, British functionalism, American culturalism, and French structuralism.
Evaluation throughout the semester: Active and informed participation in the discussion of three texts in class + a report for each discussion, up to 300 words, to be submitted within a week after each discussion (30% x 3). General participation in class (10%).
Final exam (100%) for students who do not achieve a passing grade in the evaluations throughout the semester.
Title: Benedict, Ruth. Patterns of Culture. (reprint, London: Routledge, 1935), Intro, cap. 1.
Durkheim, Emile. Readings from Emile Durkheim. Coord. Kenneth Thompson. (reprint, London: Routledge, 2004), 85–100.
Frazer, James George. «The Fall of Man.» In Folk-Lore in the Old Testament: Studies in Comparative Religion, Legend and Law. 1: 45–77. London: Macmillan, 1919.
Hertz, Robert. «The Pre-eminence of the Right Hand: A Study in Religious Polarity.» In Right and Left: Essays on Dual Symbolic Classification. Edited by Rodney Needham. Translated by Rodney Needham. 3–31. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1978.
Lee-Whorf, Benjamin. «Science and Linguistics.» Technological Review 42, no. 6 (1940): 229–31, 247.
Tylor, Edward B. «Religion in Primitive Culture.» In A Reader in the Anthropology of Religion. Edited by Michael Lambeck. 21–33. Oxford: Blackwell, 2002.
Reference: null
Title: Evans-Pritchard, E. E. 1963. «Nuer Rules of Exogamy and Incest.» In Social Structure: Studies Presented to A. R. Radcliffe-Brown. Ed, Meyer Fortes, 85–85.
Knight, Chris et al. 1995. «The Human Symbolic Revolution: A Darwinian Account.» Cambridge Archaeological Journal 5 (1): 75–114.
Knight, Chris. 1997. The Wives of the Sun and Moon. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 3 (1): 133–53.
Lang, Andrew. «The Method of Folklore.» In Custom and Myth. 10–28. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1893.
Lee-Whorf, Benjamin. «Science and Linguistics.» Technological Review 42, no. 6 (1940): 229–31, 247.
Lévi-Strauss, A Estrutura dos Mitos. In Antropologia Estrutural. Trans. Beatriz Perrone-Moisés. São Paulo: Cosac Naify.
Lévi-Strauss, Claude. O Pensamento Selvagem. Trad. Tânia Pellegrini. (reprint, São Paulo: Papirus Editora, 1989). Caps 1, 2
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Key Problematics of Anthropological Reflection
1. Appreciate the importance of critically debating ideas.
2. Learn to read texts in detail and with a critical eye.
3. Recognize the significance of the idea of reciprocity, along with its uses and limitations in kinship studies.
4. Grasp the duality that shapes Anthropology — studying individual societies while also being a comparative discipline with broader aims — and how this leads to both dilemmas and explanatory opportunities.
5. Understand how social categories impact the biological body and, conversely, how reflections on biological bodies — particularly the male-female dichotomy — affect various levels of social practices and representations.
6. Comprehend the issue of gender hierarchy from a comparative perspective and have insights for discussing related issues knowledgeably.
1. Foundations of social life: reciprocity, kinship
2. Explanations in Anthropology
3. Body and society, male and female in social dynamics and mythologies
— Evaluation throughout the semester: Discussion of three texts in class + a report on each intervention (up to 300 words, to be submitted within a week). Weight in the final grade: 3 x 25% = 75%. Participation in class discussions. Weight in the grade: 25%.
— Final exam (100%), which requires reading the basic bibliography.
Title: Bloch, Maurice. Anthropology is an odd subject: Studying from the outside and from the inside. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 7 (1) , 2017: 33–43.
Héritier, Françoise, Masculino / Feminino, 1989, Enciclopédia Einaudi, vol. 20,
Levi-Strauss, Claude, As Estruturas Elementares do Parentesco, 1982, Petrópolis, Vozes. Caps. 5, 9,
Mauss, Marcel. «Ensaio sobre a dádiva.» In Sociologia e Antropologia. Trad. Paulo Neves. 183–314. São Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2003.
Moore, Sally Falk. «Descent and Symbolic Filiation», American Anthropologist 66, no. 6 Pt. 1 (1964), pp. 1308–20
Van Beek, Walter E. A. «Dogon Restudied: A Field Evaluation of the Work of Marcel Griaule [and Comments and Replies].» Current Anthropology 32, no. 2 (1991): 139–67.
Reference: null
Title: Bloch, Maurice. 2008. Truth and Sight: Generalizing Without Universalizing. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 14 (s1) : S22–32.
Griaule, Marcel and Germaine Dieterlen. «The Dogon.» In African Worlds: Studies in the Cosmological Ideas and Social Values of African Peoples. Ed. Daryll Forde. 2nd ed. 83–110. Oxford: International African Institute, 1999.
Gillison, Gillian. “Whatever Happened to the Mother? A New Look at the Old Problem of the Mother’s Brother in Three New Guinea Societies: Gimi, Daribi, and Iatmul.” Oceania 86, no. 1 (2016) : 2–24. doi 10.1002/ocea.5113.
Lévi-Strauss, Claude. As Estruturas Elementares do Parentesco. Petrópolis, Vozes, 1982. Caps. 5, 9
Malinowski, Bronislaw. The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia. 3rd ed. London: Routledge, 1932. Cap. 7.
Palmeirim, Manuela. 2010. Discourse on the invisible: senses as metaphor among the Aruwund (Lunda). Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 16 : 515–31.
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Cultures: Identifications and Differentiations
With the lectures, the comments and debates, and the class seminar, along with the autonomous work, at the end of the semester the students should have acquired the skills to:
OA1 Critically position themselves in face of categories such as 'culture', 'race' and 'identity'.
OA2 Take a critical stance on the ideas of 'globalization' and 'nationalisms'.
OA3 To understand the historical assumptions, theoretical implications and contexts of the emergence of these categories as modalities of anthropological analysis, enabling them to explore and develop a non-ethnocentric understanding of diversities.
P1. Culture / cultures: scientific knowledge and narrative tradition.
P2. A relational epistemology: the place of the 'other'.
P3. 'Race' and 'gene' as despotic signifiers.
P4. Identities, nation and globalization.
a) 60% of the final mark - two reports (30% each) on the bibliography of the course, delivered on dates to be agreed upon in the Year Council. The files will be uploaded on the Moodle platform, according to instructions provided by the teacher. The reports should be properly identified with the student's name on the first page, with a title and bibliography at the end. Each report should have approximately 1200 words (font 12 and 1 ½ spaces).
b) 30% of the final mark - seminar presentation with slideshow and guidelines.
c) 10% of the final mark - comments and discussion on the exercises regularly provided on Moodle or on class and general appreciation of the work done.
d) Students with absent records or insufficient work will be assessed by final examination (100%)
Title: ERIKSEN Thomas Hylland, What is Anthropology, 2004, Ann Arbor MI, London: Pluto Press.
ERIKSEN Thomas Hylland, Globalization, the Key Concepts, 2007, Oxford and New York: Berg.
FUENTES Augustín, Race, Monogamy, and Other Lies They Told You. Busting Myths about Human Nature., 2012, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press.
INGOLD Tim, Antropologia, para que serve?, 2018, Petrópolis: Editora Vozes.
MARKS Jonathan, Why I am not a Scientist. Anthropology and Modern Knowledge, 2009, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press.
ROBERTS Anthea and LAMP Nicolas, Six Faces of Globalization. Who Wins, Who Loses, and Why it Matters, 2021. Cambridge MA, London: Harvard University Press.
WALLERSTEIN Immanuel, World System Analysis, an Introduction, 2004, Durhan and London: Duke University Press.
Reference: null
Title: BASTOS Cristiana, Omulu em Lisboa: Etnografias para uma Teoria da Globalização', 2001, Etnográfica, Vol.5 (2), pp. 303-323.
COLEMAN William D. and SAJED Alina, 50 Key Thinkers in Globalization, 2013, London and New York: Routledge.
ERIKSEN Thomas Hylland, What is Anthropology?, 2004, London, Ann Arbor MI: Pluto Press.
FUENTES Augustín, The Creative Spark, How Imagination made Humans Exceptional, 2017, New York: Penguin Random House.
HELD David and MOORE Henrietta L. (editors), Cultural Politics in a Global Age, Uncertainty, Solidarity and Innovation, 2007, Oxford: One World.
KOPENAWA YANOMAMI Davi, 'Descobrindo os brancos', 1998,
NUSSBAUM Martha, Not for Profit Why Democracy Needs the Humanities, 2010, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press.
RIBEIRO Darcy, 'Uirá vai ao encontro de Maíra', 1982, in Ensaios de Etnologia e Indigenismo. São Paulo: Editora Paz e Terra.
VIVEIROS De CASTRO Eduardo, Araweté, o Povo do Ipixuna, 2003, null,
WOLF Eric, Perilous Ideas: Race, Culture, People', 1994, Current Anthropology, vol. 35, number 1, February 1994.
Reference: null
Ethnographic Methods and Research Skills
LO1 To identify key concepts on anthropological fieldwork
LO2 To identify main ethnographical research methods
LO3 To improve conceptual debate on methods and research practices
LO4 To improve skills on fieldwork methods applied to the interpretation of social interactions
P1 - General presentation and discussion of the conditions of emergence and main developments of the ethnographic method (from pioneering efforts to the critique with Writing Culture).
P2 - Brief history of the Ethnographic Method: travel logs, colonial and mission reports, museum collections; from the Malinowskian revolution and classical ethnographies (Boas, Mauss) to Griaule's expeditions and the "professionalization" of the ethnographic experience; approach to more contemporary research approaches (ethical and epistemological issues)
P3 - The construction of anthropological work; nature and uniqueness of the ethnographic experience; production and organization of data; ethics of observation in anthropology, the anthropologist and his others.
P4 - ethnographic exercise: interview and interpretative description of an ethnographic object
Assessment throughout the semester:
Participation in classes, seminars and exercises (20%)
Test (20%)
Final essay (60%)
Assessment by exam:
Students who do not attend the course or do not achieve a final mark of 10 may take a final exam in accordance with the rules in force at ISCTE-IUL.
This course does not have an oral exam.
Title: Vale de Almeida, Miguel. 1997. "Carta do Terreno". Ethnologia 6-8: 213-216.
Santos Silva, Augusto e Augusto Madureira Pinto, orgs. 1990. Metodologia das Ciências Sociais. Lisboa: Afrontamento.
Castro, Celso. 2016. Textos Básicos de Antropologia. Cem Anos de Tradição: Boas, Malinowski, Lévi-Strauss e Outros. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar Editores.
Reference: null
Title: Viveiros de Castro, Eduardo (2002) ?O nativo relativo?. Mana, vol.8, N.1, Rio de Janeiro, abril.
Vermeulen, Han F & Roldán, Arturo A. (1995) Fieldwork and Footnotes, London & N.York, EASA/Routledge
Stocking, George W. (1992) The Ethnographer?s Magic and Other Essays in the History of Anthropology, Wisconsin, Un.of Wisconsin Press
Sperber, Dan (1992) s/d O saber dos Antropólogos, Lisboa, Ed.70
Sousa Santos, Boaventura (1986) Um Discurso sobre as Ciências, Coimbra, Universidade de Coimbra
Santos Silva, A. & Madureira Pinto, J. (1986) Metodologias das Ciências Sociais, Porto, Afrontamento
Poirier,J. & Clapier Valladon, S. & Raybaut (1983) 1995 Histórias de Vida - Teoria e Prática, Celta, Oeiras
O?Neill, Brian J. & Pais de Brito, Joaquim (1991) Lugares de Aqui, Lisboa, D.Quixote
O' Neill, B. J. (1988) "Reflexões sobre o Estudo de Caso Antropológico" in O estudo da História: Boletim dos Sócios da Associação de Professores de História, nº 5-6 (II série), p. 5-23.
Cardoso de Oliveira, Roberto (1998) O trabalho do antropólogo: olhar, ouvir, escrever. In: O trabalho do antropólogo. São Paulo: Unesp, Paralelo 15.
Okely, Judith & Callaway, Helen (1992) Anthropology and autobiography, London & N.York, Routledge
Peirano, Mariza. (2008) ?Etnografia, ou a teoria vivida?. PontoUrbe, ano 2, versão 2.0, fevereiro
Marcus, George, 1998 (1995) ?Ethnography in/of the World System: The emergence of Multi-sited Ethnography? in Ethnography Through Thick and Thin, New jersey, Princeton University Press
Maillo, H.V. & Castaño F.J. & Rada, A.D. (orgs.) (1993) Lecturas de Antropologia para Educadores: El ámbito de la Antropologia de la educación y de la etnografia Escolar Editorial Trotta, Madrid.
Magnani, José Guilherme Cantor (2009) ?A etnografia como prática e experiência?. Horizontes antropológicos. Vol.15, N.32, Porto Alegre, jul./dez.
Leach, Edmund (1982)1989 A diversidade da Antropologia, Lisboa, ed. 70
Kuper, Adam (1973) Anthropologists and Anthropology [versão castelhana: Antropologia y antropólogos : la escuela británica (1922-1972), Barcelona, Editorial Anagrama
Geertz, Clifford (1983)1997, 1999 O Saber Local, Rio de Janeiro, Ed. Vozes
Feldman-Bianco, Bella (org.) (1987) A Antropologia das Sociedades Complexas, S.Paulo, Zahar
Evans-Pritchard, E.E. (1976) ?Some Reminescences and Reflections on Fieldwork? in Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic Among the Azande, Oxford, Oxford Univ. Press
Da Matta, Roberto (1987) Relativizando. Uma Introdução à Antropologia Social, Rio de Janeiro, Rocco ed.
Cunha, Manuela Carneiro da (2017) ??Cultura? e Cultura. Conhecimentos tradicionais e direitos intelectuais? in Cultura com Aspas, Ubu Ed., S.Paulo, pp. 304-369
Copans, Jean 1999 (1996) Introdução à Etnologia e à Antropologia, Lisboa, Publicações Europa-América,
Caria, Telmo H. (Org.). (2002). Experiência etnográfica e teoria social. Porto: Afrontamento.
Burguess, R.G. (1984)1997 A Pesquisa de Terreno, Celta, Oeiras
Bourdieu, Pierre (1989) "Introdução a uma sociologia reflexiva" in O Poder Simbólico, Difel, Lisboa, p.17-58.
5. AAVV, (1997) Ethnologia (6-8), Nova Série, ?Trabalho de campo?, dossier org. por Maria Cardeira da Silva
4. Martins, Humberto e Paulo Mendes (orgs.), (2016) Trabalho de Campo: Envolvimento e Experiências em Antropologia, Lisboa, ICS
3. Lima, Antónia Pedroso de e Ramon Sarró (orgs.) (2006), Terrenos metropolitanos. Ensaios sobre produção etnográfica, Lisboa, ICS
2. Sanjek, Roger (1990) Fieldnotes. The Making of Anthropology, Ithaca & London, Cornell University Press
1.Atkinson, Paul & Hammersley, Mike (1983) 1994 Etnografia. Métodos de Investigación, Paidos, Barcelona, Buenos Aires e México.
Beaud, Stéphane & Weber, Florence 1998 Guide de L?Enquête de Terrain, Paris, La . Decouverte ed.
Para além da bibliografia fornecida para cada aula:
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Epistemology and Anthropological Knowledge
Students will pass the course if they have acquired a general knowledge of the fundamental elements of the process of producing anthropological knowledge, its relationship with other social sciences and, finally, the parameters that guide debates on contemporary societies.
Contrasting visions of science
Epistemology and the production of anthropological knowledge
Travel literature and ethnographic encounters
Cultural representation and translation: ethnography of differences and similarities
Natural sciences and classificatory logics
Europe and other forms of knowledge: other ways of looking
Epistemology and ethical considerations in anthropology
Anthropology as a scientific project and its specificities
Understanding the human being in the world
Ethnocentrism and anthropological knowledge
Deconstructing forms of knowledge
The Subaltern Studies and the decolonization of knowledge
Decolonizing methodologies
Indigenous epistemologies
a) Attendance and class participation quality (10%);
b) 2 exercises of synthesis and commentary on points of the syllabus (40%)
c) Final written test (50%)
Title: Bourgois, Philippe, 1990, “Confronting Anthropological Ethics: Ethnographic Lessons from Central America”, Journal of Peace Research, 27(1), 43-54.
Denzin, Norman K., Yvonna S. Lincoln & Linda Tuhiwai Smith (eds.), 2008, “Introduction. Critical Methodologies and Indigenous Inquiry”, Handbook of Critical and Indigenous Methodologies, Los Angeles: Sage, pp. 1-19
MacClancy, Jeremy (ed)., 2002, Exotic No More: Anthropology on the Front Lines, Chicago: University of Chicago Press,. 456 pp.
Pina-Cabral, João e Christina Toren (eds.), 2011, The Challenge of Epistemology Anthropological Perspectives, New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books;
Rubel, Paula & Abraham Rosman, 2003, Translating Cultures: Perspectives on Translation and Anthropology, Oxford & New York: Berg
Strang, Veronica, 2021, What Anthropologists Do, London & New York: Routledge
Reference: null
Title: Arens, William, 1979, The Man-Eating Myth: Anthropology and Anthropophagy, New York: Oxford University Press
Crick, Malcom, 1995, “The Anthropologist as Tourist: na Identity in Question”, Lanfant, Allcock & Bruner (eds.), International Tourism: Identity and Change, London: SAGE, pp. 205-223,
Fluehr-Lobban, Carolyn, 2002, “A Century of Ethics and Professional Anthropology”, Anthropology News;
Kishore, Mahbubani, 2002 (1998), Can Asians Think? Understanding the Divide Between East and West
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Academic Work Practices
1.To apply reading strategies regarding scientific texts (ST)
2.To use information reduction techniques applied to ST and to produce summaries containing its central ideas revealing their understanding and their synthesis capabilities
3.To use bibliographic resources and research instruments proficiently available in the library
4.To identify and to use properly the standards of quoting and bibliographic referencing
5.To describe the meaning of plagiarism and their legal consequences; to distinguish plagiarism from paraphrase
6.To describe and apply criteria to evaluate the credibility of data available online
7.To describe the main concepts of "stage theory" by Goffman
8.To describe the main concepts of anthropology of time and space by E.T.Hall;
9.To describe the meaning of "social fact" by Durkheim
10.To describe the meaning of disciplinary power by Foucault
11.To perform an observation exercise by applying the central concepts of the above mentioned classical texts
1. Working methods and organization of information
1.1. Getting started: how and why we become readers?
1.2. Reading Strategies: foresight; anticipation; sporadic reading; diagonal reading; in-depth reading. Wrangling the author.
1.3. Methods of organization and information reduction: what is the aim of producing "reading documents"?
1.4. Plagiarism and paraphrasing.
1.4.1. Forms and function of citation and bibliographic referencing
1.4.2. Criteria for assessing the on line information
2. Reading classical texts
2.1. Reading Goffman
2.2. Reading E. T. Hall
2.3. Reading Durkheim (together with the UC Science, society and culture)
2.4. Reading Foucault (together with the UC Science, society and culture)
3. Observing, organizing, describing
3.1. The everyday visual understanding: presentation and purposes of the observation exercise
3.2. Observing, annotating, categorizing
3.3. Describing relating, arguing.
On periodical assessment two evaluation tools shall be used:
1) Portfolio consisting on the exercises conducted in the classroom and learning reports- 40%.
3) Final report - 60 %.
Students who do not undergo to periodical assessment or do not reach 10 points shall undergo to examination.
Title: Winkin, Y. 1998 A Nova Comunicação. Da teoria ao trabalho de campo, Campinas/S.Paulo: Papirus Editora
Peretz, H. 2000 Métodos de Sociologia, Lisboa: Temas e Debates.
Hall, E.T. 1986 A Dimensão Oculta, Lisboa: Relógio d Água.
Hall, E.T.1994 A Linguagem Silenciosa, Lisboa: Relógio d'Água.
Gofman, E.1993 A Apresentação do Eu na Vida de Todos os Dias, Lisboa: Relógio D'Água.
Goofman, E.1999 Os Momentos e os Seus Homens, Lisboa: Relógio d'Água.
Foucault, M.1987 Vigiar e Punir. Nascimento da Prisão, Petrópolis: Ed.Vozes.
Durkheim, E.1988 As Regras do Método Sociológico, Lisboa: Ed.Presença.
Cerveira, M.E.2002A Referência bibliográfica de documentos escritos e eletrónicos?, Rev.da Faculdade de Letras. Ciências e Técnicas do Património, Porto, 2002, 1ª série,vol.I, p.111-128
Clanchy, J.&Ballard, B.2000 Como escrever ensaios. Um guia para estudantes Lisboa:Temas e Debates
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Title: a leitura na internet) (sobre o uso da internet e a aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras) (sobre uso de recursos e estratégias de leitura na net) (planos de exercícios para desenvolver estratégias de leitura) (planos de exercícios para desenvolver estratégias de leitura) (planos de exercícios para desenvolver estratégias de leitura ? especificamente orientado para alunos de Ciências Sociais) (planos de exercícios para desenvolver estratégias de leitura) (planos de exercícios para desenvolver estratégias de leitura) (planos de exercícios para desenvolver estratégias de leitura)
Sites sobre estratégias de leitura e de escrita:
Winkin, Yves 1996 ?La maîtrise visuelle de l?ordinaire?, in Antropologie de la Communication. De la théorie au terrain, Paris/Bruxelles: De Boeck & Larcier S.A., pp. 123-138
Reis, F. (2016) ?Exercício de Observação (não Participante) In S. Bernardes e S. Carvalhosa (Orgs.) Manual de Práticas Pedagógicas de Integração da Investigação no Ensino Superior. Lisboa: ISCTE-IUL, pp. 58-65.
Morais, José, 1997 A Arte de Ler. Psicologia cognitiva da leitura Lisboa: Cosmos.
Manguel, Alberto, 1996 A History of Reading London: Flamingo (há versão em Português).
Madureira Pinto, José e Augusto S. Silva [orgs.] 1987 Metodologia das Ciências Sociais Porto: Afrontamento.
Jonathan, Boyarin, 1992 The Ethnography of Reading, University of California Press.
Firmino da Costa & Patrícia Ávila 1998, ?Problemas da/de Literacia: uma investigação na sociedade portuguesa contemporânea? in: Ler História, nº35.
Connerton, Paul, 1993 Como as Sociedades Recordam Oeiras: Celta
Coelho, Adolfo,1993, ?Cultura e Analfabetismo? in João Leal (Org.) Adolfo Coelho. Obra Etnográfica vol. II Cultura Popular e Educação, Lisboa: Publicações D. Quixote, p. 251-272.
Chartier, Roger, 1996, El orden de los libros. Lectores, autores, bibliotecas en Europa entre los siglos XIV y XVIII, Barcelona: Guedisa.
Caria, Telmo H. (org.), 2002 Experiência Etnográfica em Ciências Sociais, Porto: Ed. Afrontamento.
Calvino, Italo, 1994, Porquê Ler os Clássicos?, Lisboa: Teorema.
Bloom, Harold, 2000, Como ler e porquê, Lisboa: Caminho.
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Science, Society, and Culture
LG1. Provide theoretical tools to understand the emergence of the notion of social as an analytical category
LG2. Provide an analytical and critical understanding of the mechanisms of integration as a way of solving social crises.
LG3. Grasp the impact of conflicts : value conflicts and class conflict
LG4. Grasp the relevance of social theory in nowadays debates for an informed citizenship
LG5 - Obtain critical tools to understand current social and political changes.
P1. The emergence of the category of social; the distinction between the sociological and the anthropological approaches.
P2. Consensus: mechanisms of social integration. The role of religion ( Durkheim)
P3. Conflict as a tool of social and historical development ( Marx) and conflict as a way of improving knowledge ( Weber). Class conflict and values conflict.
P4. The notion of class (Marx)
P5. Habitus, theory of practice and the diverse sorts of capital (Bourdieu)
P6. Discipline and order. Notions of biopower and govern mentality ( Foucault)
Evaluation throughout the semester includes three elements:
a) Participation in class discussion ( 10%); b) ficha de leitura (20%); c) final written test (70%).
2) Final written exam. There is no oral exam.
Title: Bourdieu, Pierre, Esboço de uma Teoria da prática, Oeiras, Celta, 2002 (1972).
Bourdieu, Pierre, O poder simbólico, Lisboa, Edições 70, 2018.
Durkheim, Emile, As Regras do método sociológico, Lisboa, Presença, 2004 (1895) .
Durkheim, Emile, As Formas elementares da vida religiosa, Oeiras, Celta editora, 2002 ( 1912).
Foucault, Michel, Vigiar e punir, Lisboa, Edições 70, 2018.
Marx, Karl, Contribuição para a crítica da economia política, Lisboa. Presença, 1975.
Weber, Max, 'A Ciência como vocação', O político e o cientista, Lisboa, Presença, 1979.
Weber, Max, A Ética protestante e o espirito do capitalismo, Lisboa, Presença, 1989.
Reference: null
Title: Berlin, Isaiah, Karl Marx, Lisboa, Edições 70, 2014 ( 1939)
Dias, Nélia e Leal, João, 'Emile Durkheim: individuo e integração social', in J.L. Garcia e H. Martins (eds.), Lições de Sociologia clássica, Lisboa, Edições 70, 2019, 347-372.
Garcia, José Luís e Hermínio Martins (eds.), Lições de Sociologia clássica, Lisboa, Edições 70, 2019.
Giddens, Anthony, Capitalismo e moderna teoria social: uma análise das obras de Marx, Durkheim e Weber, Lisboa, Presença, 1984.
Ortner, Sherry, Anthropology and Social Theory: culture, power and the acting subject, Durham, Duke University Press, 2006.
Piketty, Thomas, O capitalismo do século XXI, Lisboa, Temas e Debates, 2014.
Santos Silva, Augusto, Entre a razão e o sentido: Durkheim, Weber e a teoria das ciências sociais, Porto, Afrontamento, 1988.
Shapin, Steven, 'Weber's science as a vocation: a moment in the history of 'is' and 'ought', Journal of Classical Sociology, 2019, 1-18.
Turner, Bryian ed. Teoria social, Lisboa, Diffel, 2006.
Reference: null
Writing Scientific and Technical Texts
LO1. Develop skills in identifying and understanding the basic processes of scientific research.
LO2. Know, identify and summarise the essential elements of a scientific article.
LO3. Identify the structure of writing in research papers and technical reports. LO4. Know how to use APA Standards in scientific writing and academic reports (standards for dissertations and theses at Iscte-IUL).
The learning objectives will be achieved through practical and reflective activities, supported by the active and participatory teaching method which favours experiential learning. Classes will consist of activities such as:
- Group discussions;
- Oral presentation and defence;
- Analysing texts;
- Project presentations;
- Individual reflection.
CP1: Introduction to scientific research: concepts and processes. Research questions. Processes: stages (Identifying the problem; Reviewing the literature; Defining objectives and hypotheses; Selecting the methodology; Collecting data; Analysing data; Conclusions and recommendations).
CP2: Techniques for summarising and analysing scientific articles. Identifying relevant sources, evaluating the literature and synthesising information. Ethics, informed consent, confidentiality and integrity in research. Data collection methods.
CP3: Structure and organisation of research papers: pre-textual elements (cover, title page, abstract, keywords, table of contents), textual elements (introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion) and post-textual elements (conclusion, references, appendices, annexes). Preparation of a structure based on topics provided by the lecturer.
CP4: Application of APA Standards in scientific writing and academic reports.
The assessment of the course aims to gauge the students' acquisition of skills in essential aspects of writing texts in an academic context. Assessment throughout the semester includes activities covering different aspects of the technical and scientific writing process, including group and individual work activities:
Group activities (70%) [students are organized into groups of 4, randomly selected].
1- Group discussions with case studies (20%):
Description: each group is given a case study to analyze, and must identify the type of text; the research problem(s), hypotheses, methodologies used and data sources. The results of their work are presented in class to their colleagues (Time/group: presentation - 3 min; debate - 5 min).
Assessment (oral): based on active participation, the quality of the analysis and the clarity of the presentation.
2 - Research exercises and application of APA standards (20%).
Description: Students carry out practical research exercises in a (thematic) context on bibliographical references, their formatting and citation according to APA Norms. Assessment (written work to be submitted on Moodle): The exercises will be corrected and assessed on the basis of accuracy and compliance with APA Standards.
3 - Project Presentation Simulations (30%):
Description: groups choose a topic and create a fictitious project following the structure of a technical report or scientific text, making a presentation of their project in class (Time/group: presentation 3 min.; debate: 5 min.). The work is then reviewed following the comments.
Assessment: (Oral component and written/digital content to be submitted on Moodle): organization, content, correct use of the structure and procedures of academic work, ability to answer questions posed by colleagues and the teacher.
Individual activities (30%):
1 - Summary of a scientific article (20%).
Description: Each student must read and summarize a scientific article.
Assessment: The summaries made in class will be assessed on their ability to identify and summarize the essential elements of the text.
2 - Participation in activities throughout the semester (10%).
Description: This component aims to assess the specific contributions of each student in the activities carried out throughout the semester. Assessment: Interventions in the classroom; relevance of the student's specific contributions to debates; collaborative relationship with colleagues. In order to be assessed throughout the semester, the student must be present at 80% of the classes and have more than 7 (seven) marks in each of the assessments. If there are doubts about participation in the activities carried out, the teacher may request an oral discussion.
Final assessment: In-person written test (100%).
Title: American Psychological Association (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, 7 edição APA.
Macagno, F. & Rapanta, C. (2021). Escrita académica: argumentação, lógica da escrita, ideias, estilo, artigos e papers. Pactor.
Ribeiro, A. & Rosa, A. (2024). Descobrindo o potencial do CHATGPT em sala de aula: guia para professores e alunos. Atlantic Books.
Reference: null
Title: Cottrell, S. (2005). Critical thinking skills: developing effective analysis and argument. Palgrave McMillan.
Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. SAGE Publications.
D'Alte, P., & D'Alte, L. (2023). Para uma avaliação do ChatGPT como ferramenta auxiliar de escrita de textos académicos. Revista Bibliomar, 22 (1), 122-138. DOI: 10.18764/2526-6160v22n1.2023.6.
Duarte, N. (2008). The art and science of creating great presentations. O'Reilly Media.Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. SAGE Publications.
Hofmann, A. (2016). Scientific writing and communication: papers, proposals, and presentations. Oxford University Press.
Kuhn, Deanna (1991). The skills of argument. Cambridge University Press.
Marcos, I.(2016). Citar e referenciar: o uso ético da informação.
Martínez, J. (2016). Cómo buscar y usar información científica: Guía para estudiantes universitários. Santander.
OIT. (2021). Ajustar as competências e a aprendizagem ao longo da vida para o futuro do trabalho. OIT Genebra.
OIT. (2020). Guia sobre como e porquê recolher e utilizar dados sobre as relações laborais. OIT Genebra.
Rapanta, C., Garcia-Mila, M., & Gilabert, S. (2013). What is meant by argumentative competence? An integrative review of methods of analysis and assessment in education. Review of Educational Research, 83(4), 483-520.
Rodrigues, A. (2022). A Natureza da Atividade Comunicativa. LisbonPress.
Rodrigues, A. D. (2005). A Partitura invisível. Para uma abordagem interacional da linguagem. Colibri.
Swales, J. M., & Feak, C. B. (2012). Academic writing for graduate students: essential tasks and skills. University of Michigan Press.
Umberto, E. (2016). Como se faz uma Tese em Ciências Humanas. Editorial Presença.
Reference: null
Study Methods and Techniques
LO1. Understand and use the main study methods and techniques.
LO2. Learn how to deal with assessment.
LO3. Elaborate individual study plans.
1 - Identify study barriers
2 - Learning styles and strategies
3 - Establish SMART objectives
4 - Planning: Time Management at the University
5 - Organization of study and place of study
6 - Techniques to promote concentration
7 - Importance of sources of information
8 - Learning by reading, listening and writing
9 - Preparation of individual and group work
10 - Preparation for evaluation moments
Assessment methods
I - Assessment throughout the semester
Participation in classes and the completion of autonomous exercises will be assessed throughout the semester weighted as follows:
1. Completion of exercises on approaches to learning - 20%
2. Completion of exercises on learning styles - 20%
3. Drawing up SMART plans and objectives - 20%
4. Final assignment (individual) - 40%
To successfully complete the assessment throughout the semester, students must not have less than 7 points in any of the assessment components listed. Students must also attend at least 70 per cent of classes and complete the online course.
II - Final assessment (exam season)
Final assignment (individual) - 100% of the final grade
The final assignment in this mode includes all the material taught. The final assessment may be supplemented with an oral exam when requested by the lecturer.
Title: Carrilho, F. (2013). Como Estudar Melhor: Um guia para o teu sucesso. Editorial Presença
Carrilho, F. (2005). Métodos e técnicas de estudo. Editorial Presença.
Downing, S. (2017). On Course: Strategies for Creating Success in College and in Life. Cengage Learning.
Neves, J., Garrido, M., & Simões, E. (2015). Manual de competências pessoais, interpessoais e instrumentais: Teoria e prática (3.ª ed.). Edições Sílabo.
Uelaine, L. A. (2009). Study Skills Strategies: Get The Most From Every Minute Of Learning. Axzo Press.
Reference: null
Title: Cottrell, S. (2013). The Study Skills Handbook. Palgrave Macmillan.
Kennedy, J. (2004). Study Skills. Maximise Your Time to Pass Exams. Studymates.
McIlroy, D. (2005). Exam Success. SAGE.
Oliver, P. (2012). Succeeding with Your Literature Review. Open University Press.
Pritchard, A. (2008). Studying and Learning at University Vital Skills for Success in Your Degree. SAGE.
Wilson, E. & Bedford, D. (2009). Study skills for part-time students. Pearson Education Limited.
Reference: null
Introduction to Excel
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
LO1: Identify and use basic concepts of spreadsheets;
LO2: Perform mathematical operations, applying absolute and relative references;
LO3: Analyze quantitative data using appropriate simple or conditioned functions;
LO4: Manipulate and summarize data through counting, sorting, and rounding techniques;
LO5: Organize and analyze data using tables, filtering and sorting;
LO6: Create and interpret charts for effective data presentation.
These objectives ensure that students acquire practical and applicable skills, aligned with the syllabus and the general objectives of the course.
SYL1. Basic concepts of spreadsheet, data entry, and editing.
SYL2. Formatting cells and sheets; Manage the spreadsheet; Impression
SYL3. Calculation process: data, mathematical operations, absolute and relative references
SYL4. The simple and conditioned SUM functions
SYL5. The simple, weighted, and conditioned AVERAGE functions
SYL6. The functions of counting, ordering, and rounding
SYL7. Analyze and organize data: the notion of a table, the filtering and ordering commands, and the function Subtotal
SYL8. Graphical representation and analysis
The Introduction to Excel course's evaluation process follows the General Regulation for the Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (RGACC) guidelines. The evaluation modalities provided for in the RGACC are evaluation throughout the semester and evaluation by exam:
1. Evaluation Throughout the Semester: This modality is regular during the curricular period, using different instruments of continuous and formative assessment:
1.1. Participation and Attendance (20%):
1.1.1. Attendance (30%): The minimum attendance is 80% (5 classes). The student must automatically register their attendance with their student card at the beginning of each lesson.
1.1.2. Participation (70%):
- Individual practical exercises to be carried out in class (50%), such as online quizzes in Moodle and/or exercises using Excel;
- Individual practical exercises to be carried out at home (50%), and using Excel.
1.2. Online Course (10%): The completion of the Introduction to Excel online course, including quizzes after each module. The student must complete the online course by 11:59 pm on the day before the 6th class of the shift in which the student is enrolled, including the response to the survey available after completing the online course.
1.3. Individual Assessment Test (70%): It takes place in the 6th class, and multiple-choice questions and/or exercises using Excel may be considered. If the test is made available via Moodle, it must be taken on the computers available in the classroom.
2. Evaluation by Exam: Evaluation by exam takes place during the evaluation period, focusing on all the subjects taught in the UC. The student can opt for the 1st or 2nd exam season or the special exam season, which is only available for eligible students. This method only presupposes the following element of evaluation:
2.1. Written Test (100%): Final written exam, covering all syllabus, and may consider multiple-choice questions and/or exercises using Excel. If the exam is made available via Moodle, it must be taken on the computers available in the classroom.
Requirements for Taking the Exam:
- Completion of the online course, as described in point 1.b., by 11:59 p.m. on the day before the exam. The completion of the online course is mandatory but is not weighted in the final grade in the exam evaluation modality;
- Prior registration for the exam is up to 48 hours before the date with the SGE or available platforms.
General Observations:
- In the evaluation modality throughout the semester, the student cannot have a classification lower than 7.0 values in any of the evaluation elements or will have to move on to the evaluation modality by exam;
- The teacher reserves the right to request the performance of an oral test on any student, regardless of the type of evaluation, whenever it is considered necessary to complement the other evaluation elements.
Title: Alexander, A., and Kusleika, R. (2022). Excel 365 Bible - The Comprehensive Tutorial Resource. Indiana: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Curto, J., and Gameiro, F. (2023). Excel para Economia e Gestão, 5ª Edição. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo
Reference: null
Title: Martins, A., e Alturas, B. (2022). Aprenda Excel com Casos Práticos, 2ª Edição. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo
Martins, A. (2020). Excel Aplicado à Gestão, 5ª Edição. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo
McFedries, P., and Harvey, G. (2022). Excel All-in-One For Dummies. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Reference: null
Ethnographic Maps 1: America and Africa
LO1: Knowing the historical depth and cultural variety in the two regions;
LO2: To understand the impact of colonization on indigenous policies of the two regions;
LO3: To understand the contribution of regional ethnographies (American and African) to the general anthropological knowledge;
LO4: to understand the centrality of the ethnographic observation.
PC 1. The Americas (North, Central, and South): Landscapes, peoples, and cultures
PC 1.1. Maps of the Americas: Physical, Linguistic and Ethno-historic
PC 2. Introduction to the ethnohistory of the Americas
PC 2.1. North America and the Arctic
PC 2.2. Mesoamerica
PC 2.3. South America
PC.3. Indigenous contact, colonization, and politics
PC 4. Africa, a continent with a history
PC 4.1. Precolonial Africa, contact with European peoples, and colonization
PC 5. Africanist anthropology, major schools of thought, and figures
PC 6. Decolonization and neo-colonialism
PC 6.1. The self-critique of anthropology and anthropology in Africa today
PC 7. Contemporary Africa and the critique of underdevelopment
Class participation: 10%
Two reading reports 30%
Written test and final essay 60%
Title: África:
Ferguson, James, Global Shadows : Africa in the neoliberal worldorder, 2006, null,
Moore, S. F., Anthropology and Africa: changingperspectives on a changing scene., 1994, null,
Mamdani, Mahmood, The Indian Question in the United States, in Neither Settler nor Native The Making and Unmaking of Permanent Minorities, 2020, null,
Wissler, Clark, The American Indian: An Introduction to the Anthropology of the New World. New York: Douglas C. McMurtrie (338-365)., 1917, null,
ENGEL. U e RAMOS, M. (eds), African Dynamics in a multipolar world, 2013, null,
Reference: null
Title: NUGENT, Paul, África since independence: a comparative history, 2004, null,
EVANS-PRITCHARD, Edward, Os Nuer. Uma descrição do modo de subsistência e das instituições politicas de um povo nilota, 2007, null,
HUTCHINSON, S. E., Nuer Dilemmas: Coping with Money, War, and the State. Berkeley: University of California Press., 1996, null,
GRIAULE, Marcel, Dieu d'eau. Entretiens avec Ogotemmêli, 1966, null,
TURNBULL, C., The forest people, 1961, null,
TURNBULL; C., The mountain people., 1980, null,
GLUCKMAN, Max,, Análise de uma situação social na Zululândia moderna In Fieldman-Bianco, Bela, Antropologia das Sociedades Contemporâneas, 1987, null,
Wainaina, Binyavanga, How to Write About Africa, 2008, null,
MBokolo, E., África negra: História e civilizações até ao século XVIII., 2012, null,
Davidson, B. (, Africa in history, themes and outlines, 1991, null,
Rodney, W., How Europe underdeveloped Africa., 2018, null,
Césaire, A., Discourse on colonialism., 2000, null,
Ahmed, A. G. M., Some remarks from the third world on anthropology and colonialism: TheSudan. Em T. Asad (Ed.), Anthropology & the colonial encounter (Vol. 6, pp. 259-270), 1973, null,
Lopes, C., África em transformação: Desenvolvimento económico na era da dúvida (M. Zaluar, Trad.; 1.a edição). Tinta-da-China., 2020, null,
Parker, John, and Richard Rathbone, African history: A very short introduction., 2007, null,
Dias, Jorge., Portuguese contribution to cultural anthropology, 1961, null,
Pereira, R. M., Raça, sangue e robustez. Os paradigmas da antropologia física colonial portuguesa. Cadernos de estudos africanos, (7/8), 209-241., 2005, null,
Rosa, F. D., Jill Dias e a vertigem pré-colonial da antropologia histórica. Em C. Saraiva & M. C. da Silva (Eds.), As Lições de Jill Dias: Antropologia, História, África e Academia, 2018, null,
Fanon, F., Os condenados da terra (2a). Pp. 39-108 Letra Livre., 2011, null,
Macagno, Lorenzo, "Lusotropicalismo e nostalgia etnográfica: Jorge Dias entre Portugal e Moçambique.", 2002, null,
Trouillot, Michel-Rolph. 1991. ?AnthropologyandtheSavageSlot: The
PoeticsandPoliticsofOtherness.? In Fox, R. (ed.) RecapturingAnthropology:
Working in thePresent. Pp.17-44. Santa Fe: SchoolofAmerican Research Press.
Ntarangwi, M., Reversed gaze: An African ethnography of American anthropology, 2010, null,
Fletcher, Alice C. and La Flesche, Francis, 1911, "The Omaha tribe." in Twenty-seventh annual report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1905-1906, 17?654. Bureau of American Ethnology.
Kroeber, Alfred, 1963 [1939], Natural and Cultural Areas of Native North America. Berkeley, Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Lowie, Robert H.. 1982 [1954], Indians of the Plains. Lincoln, London: University of Nebraska Press.
Lurie, Nancy O. 1966. Mountain Wolf Woman, Sister of Crashing Thunder: The Autobiography of a Winnebago Woman. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Macleod, Murdo, 2008, ?Mesoamerica since the Spanish Invasion: an overview?, The Cambridge History os the Native Peoples of the Americas: 1-43.
Radin, Paul, The Autobiography of a Winnebago Indian: Life, Ways, Acculturation and the Peyote Cult, New York: Appleton & Co.
Todorov, T. 1982 A Conquista da América. Lisboa, Litoral Edições.
VV 1996, The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas, 3 vols. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Wissler, Clark, 1917, The American Indian: An Introduction to the Anthropology of the New World. New York: Douglas C. McMurtrie.
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 1993, Tristes Trópicos, Lisboa: Edições 70 (pp. 185-230).
Mark, Joan, 1982, ?Francis La Flesche: The American Indian as Anthropologist?, Isis, Vol. 73, No. 4, pp. 496-510.
Ridington, Robin, 1993, ?A Sacred Object as Text: Reclaiming the Sacred Pole of the Omaha Tribe?, American Indian Quarterly, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 83-99
Sullivan, Paul, 2014, ?Anthropology and Ethnohistory of the Maya?, Reviews in Anthropology, 43:4, 260-281, DOI: 10.1080/00938157.2014.964061
Velho, Gilberto, 1973, A Utopia Urbana: um estudo de antropologia social, Rio de Janeiro: ZAHAR (pp. 11-28).
Wolf, Eric, 1982, [2010] ?Iberians in America?, Europe and the People Without History, California: University of California Press: pp. 131 ? 157.
Wolf, Eric, 1994, ?Explaining Mesoamerica (1)*?, Social Anthropology, 2 . 1. 1-17
Reference: null
Ethnographic Maps 2: Asia and Oceania
At the end of the course, students are expected to:
LO1 - To be able to identify and comment on the distinctive features that characterize the different regions and cultures under analysis
LO2 - To have acquired an overview of the historical process underlying the constitution of both macro-regions;
LO3 - To understand the importance and originality of Anthropology in the approach to understanding the cultural diversity of both regions and their distinctive features.
S1 - Oceania: from romantic wonder to the Anthropocene.
S2 - The European presence in the Pacific: exploration, scientific discoveries, travel literature ethnocide.
S3 - Introduction to the ethnohistory of Oceania: a) Melanesia - ecology, cultural diversity and social structures; b) Polynesia - societies and navigation systems; c) Australia - ethnohistorical and ethnographic outline.
S4 - Asia: Geographies and cultural maps
S5 - India: Social and religious multiplicities
S6 - China: Ancestors and Philosophies
S7 - Japan: Tradition, nature and culture
OCEANIA - Assessment during the semester: Attendance and participation in classes: 10%; Essay on a topic, bibliography and rules to be indicated by the teacher during the semester (40%).
ASIA - Assessment during the semester: Attendance and participation in classes: 10%; Essay on a topic, bibliography and rules to be indicated by the teacher during the semester (40%).
In the event of absenteeism or insufficient work: Assessment by final exam (100%).
- DAVIS Wade, 2009 – The Wayfinders. Why Ancient Wisdom Matters in the Modern World, Toronto, House of Anansi Press.
- McANANY Patricia and YOFEE Norman (eds.), 2010 – Questioning Collapse. Human Resilience, Ecological Vulnerability and the Aftermath of Empire (capítulo 2), New York, Cambridge University Press.
- NEALE Margo and LYNNE Kelly, 2020 - First Knowledges. Songlines, The Power and Promise, National Museum of Australia, Thames & Hudson.
- Belwood, Peter. (2013). First Migrants: Ancient Migration in Global Perspective. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Jonhson, D.L., Haarman V. & Jonhson M.L. (2015) World Regional Geography: A Development Approach (Cap. 9, 10 e 12). Pearson.
- Heinz, C (ed). (2019) Asian Cultural Traditions. Waveland Press.
Reference: null
- BOROFSKY Robert. & A. HOWARD (eds), 1989 – Developments in Polynesian Ethnology, University of Hawai’i Press.
- DENOON Donald et alt. (eds.), 2008 – The Cambridge History of the Pacific Islanders [1997], Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
- FISHER Steven R., 2002 – A History of the Pacific Islands, New York, Palgrave.
- FLOOD Josephine, 2019 – The Original Australians. The Story of the Aboriginal People [2006], NSW Australia, Allen & Unwin.
- KIRCH Patrick Vinton, 2017 – On the Road of the Winds. An Archaeological History of the Pacific Islands Before European Contact (revised and expanded edition), Oakland, University of California Press.
- SPENCER Baldwin and GILLEN Francis James, 1899 – Native Tribes of Central Australia (edição digital: University of Sydney Library, 2003).
**** India ****
Deliége, R. (2011) Class, Caste and Untouchability (p.45-61). In Companion to the Anthropology of India, ed. Clark-Decés. Wiley-Blackwell.
Dumont, L. (1970) Homo Hierarchicus: The Caste System and its Implications. Oxford Univ. Press.
Flood, G. (2018) An Introduction to Hinduism. Cambridge Univ. Press. [disponível na Biblioteca do Iscte]
Guha, S. (2013) Beyond Caste: Indentity and Power in Souh Asia, Past and Present. Brill.
Kamdar, Mira (2007) Planet India, NY: Scribner (1-23)
Michaels, A. (2004) Hinduism: Past and Present. Princeton Univ. Press.
Varma, Pavan K. (2004) A Índia no Século XXI, Lisboa, Editorial Presença (37-81).
**** China ****
Ching, J. (1993) The Vitality of Syncretism: Popular Religion (p.205-220). In Chinese Religions. MacMillan Press.
Coe, K. & Begley, R.O. (2016) Ancestor Worship and the Longevity of Chinese Civilization. In Review of Religion and Chinese Society, Vol.3 (1), 3-24.
Hsu, C.Y. (2006) China: A New Cultural History. Columbia Univ. Press.
Hsu, F.L.K. (1967) Under the Ancestors? Shadow: Kinship, Personality and Social Mobility in Village China. Natural History Library.
Sterckx, R. (2019) Ways of Heaven: An Introduction to Chinese Thought. Basic Books.
Wolf, M. (1968) The House of Lim: A Study of a Chinese Farm Village. Appleton-Century-Crofts.
Xiaotong, F. (1992) From the Soil: The Foundations of Chinese Society (Cap. 4 e 5). Univ. of California Press.
**** Japão ****
Berque, Augustin. (1997) Japan: Nature, Artifice and Japanese Culture. Pilkington Press.
Embree, John F. (1939) Suye Mura: A Japanese Village. Univ. of Chicago Press
Bennedict, R. (1946) The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture.
Lévi-Strauss, C. (2012) A Outra Face da Lua: Escritos sobre o Japão. Temas e Debates. [disponível na Biblioteca do Iscte]
Yamakage, M. (2007) The Essence of Shinto: Japan?s Spiritual Heart. Kodansha International.
Reader, I. (1991) Religion in Contemporary Japan. Macmillan Press.
Lebra, T.S. (2004) The Japanese Self in Cultural Logic. Univ. of Hawai?I Press.
Reference: null
Biographical Methods
1. Familiarity with the use of qualitative methods in anthropology; 2. Knowledge of the history of the uses of life-stories by anthropologists; 3. Improvement of students' research capacities and writing skills; 4. Editing of a complex manuscript recorded, presented, and analyzed by each student.
1. History of biographical methods (an introduction); 2. Life-histories in anthropology - ethnographic, sociological, post-modernist, hermeneutical, and transnational approaches; 3. How to elaborate life-histories: fieldwork, interviews, editing; 4. Monitoring the practical exercise through the various phases of its development.
Class participation, including 2 seminar presentations of work-in-progress (40%);
Term paper, consisting of a life history - 15 pp. minimum, not including appendices (60%)
Title: BEVERLEY, J. 2005 'Testimonio, Subalternity, and Narrative Authority' N. Denzin e Y. Lincoln (orgs.) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research
BOURDIEU, P. 1997 [1986] 'A Ilusão Biográfica' Razões Práticas: Sobre a Teoria da Acção"
CHASE, S. 2005 'Narrative Inquiry: Multiple Lenses, Approaches, Voices' N. Denzin e Y. Lincoln (orgs.) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research
CRAPANZANO, V. 1980 Tuhami: Portrait of a Moroccan
GLICK-SCHILLER, N. e G. FOURON 2001 Georges Woke Up Laughing: Long-Distance Nationalism and the Search for Home
WATSON, L. e M-B. WATSON-FRANKE 1985 Interpreting Life Histories: An Anthropological Inquiry
Reference: null
Title: ARNOLD, David e Stuart BLACKBURN 2004 (orgs.) Telling Lives in India: Biography, Autobiography, and Life History. Bloomington: Indiana University Press
BARKER, Joshua 2012 'The Ethnographic Interview in na Age of Globalization' Richard Fardon et. al. (orgs.) 2012 The Sage Handbook of Social Anthropology (Vol. 2) Thousand Oaks: Sage; 54-68
BEAUD, S. e F. WEBER 2007 Guia para a Pesquisa de Campo: Produzir e Analisar Dados Etnográficos. Petrópolis: Editora Vozes (Guide de l'Enquête de Terrain: Produire et Analyser des Données Ethnographiques, Paris: Éditions La Découverte, 1997)
BEHAR, Ruth 1993 Translated Woman: Crossing the Border with Esperanza's Story. (2nd edition 2003) Boston: Beacon
BENJAMIN, Walter 2006 [1936] 'The Storyteller: Reflections on the Works of Nicolai Leskov' Dorothy J. Hale (org.) The Novel: An Anthology of Criticism and Theory 1900-2000. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell; 361-378 [disponível online]
BERTAUX, Daniel 1981 (org.) Biography and Society: The Life History Approach in the Social Sciences. Londres: Sage
--- 1997 Les Récits de Vie: Perspective Ethnosociologique. Paris: Nathan
BEVERLEY, John 2005 'Testimonio, Subalternity, and Narrative Authority' Norman Denzin e Yvonna Lincoln (orgs.) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research. 3rd edition. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage; 547-557
BOURDIEU, Pierre 1986 'L'Illusion Biographique' Actes de laRecherche en Sciences Sociales 62/63 Juin (L'Illusion Biographique); 69-72 (trad. port. 'A Ilusão Biográfica' Razões Práticas: Sobre a Teoria da Acção. Oeiras: Celta, 1997 [1994]; 53-59)
--- 1993 et. al. La Misère du Monde. Paris: Seuil (trad. bras. A Miséria do Mundo. Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro: Vozes, 1999)
BRUNER, Jerome 2004 [1987] 'Life as Narrative' Social Research 71; 691-710
CATANI, Maurizio 1990 'Algunas Precisiones sobre el Enfoque Biográfico Oral' Historia y Fuente Oral Nº 3; 151-164
CATANI, Maurizio e Suzanne MAZÉ 1982 Tante Suzanne: Une Histoire de Vie Sociale
CHASE, Susan 2005 'Narrative Inquiry: Multiple Lenses, Approaches, Voices' Norman Denzin e Yvonna Lincoln (orgs.) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research. 3rd edition. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage; 651-679
--- 2011 'Narrative Inquiry: Still A Field in the Making' Norman Denzin e Yvonna Lincoln (orgs.) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research 4. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage; 421-434
CLOT, Yves 1989 'La Otra Ilusión Biográfica' Historia y Fuente Oral 2 (Memoria y Biografía); 35-39
COLE, Sally 1991 Women of the Praia: Work and Lives in a Portuguese Coastal Community. Princeton: Princeton University Press
CRAPANZANO, Vincent 1980 Tuhami: Portrait of a Moroccan. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
DAVIES, Charlotte Aull 1999 Reflexive Ethnography: A Guide to Researching Selves and Others. Londres: Routledge
DELORY-MOMBERGER, Christine 2010 La Condition Biographique: Essais sur le Récit de Soi dans la Modernité Avancée. Paris: Téraèdre
DELORY-MOMBERGER, Christine e Christophe NIEWIADOMSKI 2009 (orgs.) Vivre / Survivre: Récits de Résistance. Paris: Téraèdre
DENZIN, Norman 1986 'Interpreting the Lives of Ordinary People: Sartre, Heidegger, and Faulkner' Life Stories / Récits de Vie 2; 6-20
--- 1989 Interpretive Biography. Newbury Park, California: Sage
DENZIN, Norman e Yvonna LINCOLN 1994 (orgs.) Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage
DENZIN, Norman e Yvonna LINCOLN 2000 (orgs.) Handbook of Qualitative Research. 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage
DENZIN, Norman e Yvonna LINCOLN 2003 (orgs.) The Landscape of Qualitative Research: Theories and Issues. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage
DENZIN, Norman e Yvonna LINCOLN 2005 (orgs.) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research. 3rd edition. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage
DENZIN, Norman e Yvonna LINCOLN 2011 (orgs.) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research 4. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage
DURÃO, Susana e Teresa CARDOSO 1996 'Os Métodos Biográficos: Uma Aproximação aos Fundamentos da História de Vida' Arquivos da Memória 1 / Dezembro (Memória e Sociedade); 95-123
FERRAROTTI, Franco 1981 Histoires et Histoires de Vie: La Méthode Biographique dans les Sciences Sociales. Paris: Librairie des Méridiens
FONTANA, Andrea e James FREY 2005 'The Interview: From Neutral Stance to Political Involvement' Norman Denzin e Yvonna Lincoln (orgs.) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (3rd edition) Thousand Oaks: Sage; 695-727
GLICK-SCHILLER, Nina e Georges Eugene FOURON 2001 Georges Woke Up Laughing: Long-Distance Nationalism and the Search for Home. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press
GLICK-SCHILLER, Nina, Linda BASCH e Christina Szanton BLANC 2005 [1994] Nations Unbound: Transnational Projects, Postcolonial Predicaments, and Deterritorialized Nation-States. Londres: Routledge / Taylor & Francis
KVALE, Steinar 1996 InterViews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage
LANGNESS, Lewis e Gelya FRANK 1986 [1981] Lives: An Anthropological Approach to Biography. Novato, California: Chandler & Sharp
LECHNER, Elsa 2009 (org.) Histórias de Vida: Olhares Interdisciplinares. Porto: Afrontamento
LEWIS, Oscar 1961 The Children of Sanchez: Autobiography of a Mexican Family. Nova Iorque: Random House (trad. port. Os Filhos de Sánchez: Autobiografia duma Família Mexicana. Lisboa: Moraes, 1979)
LIMA, Antónia e João Pina Cabral 2005 "Como Fazer uma História de Família. Um exercício de contextualização social". Etnográfica 9 (2):355-388
LINDE, Charlotte 1993 Life Stories: The Creation of Coherence. Nova Iorque: Oxford University Press
MINTZ, Sidney 1974 [1960] Worker in the Cane: A Puerto Rican Life History. Nova Iorque: W. W. Norton
NARAYAN, Kirin 2004 'Honor is Honor, After All: Silence and Speech in the Life Stories of Women in Kangra, North-West India' David Arnold e Stuart Blackburn (orgs.) Telling Lives in India: Biography, Autobiography, and Life History. Bloomington: Indiana University Press; 227-251
NOVOA, António e Matthias FINGER 1988 (orgs.) O Método (Auto)Biográfico e a Formação. Lisboa: Ministério da Saúde / DRHS
O'NEILL, Brian J. 2009a VIDEO-ENTREVISTA, na ocasião do Dia Internacional de Histórias de Vida: com Elsa Lechner, no ISCTE/IUL; Projecto Cooperativa Cultural Memória Imaterial (CRL/IELT), em colaboração com a Associação Museu da Pessoa (UM-Braga);; 16 de Maio
--- 2009b 'Histórias de Vida em Antropologia: Estilos e Visões, do Etnográfico ao Hipermoderno' Elsa Lechner (org.) Histórias de Vida: Olhares Interdisciplinares. Porto: Afrontamento; 109-121
--- 2011 [1984] 'Prefácio: Reflexões sobre o Estudo de Caso Antropológico' Proprietários, Lavradores e Jornaleiras: Desigualdade Social numa Aldeia Transmontana 1870-1978. [2ª edição] Porto: Afrontamento; 13-62
O'REILLY, Karen 2005 Ethnographic Methods. Londres: Routledge
PARRY, Jonathan 2004 'The Marital History of 'A Thumb-Impression Man' ' David Arnold e Stuart Blackburn (orgs.) Telling Lives in India: Biography, Autobiography, and Life History. Bloomington: Indiana University Press; 281-318
PRICE, Richard 1990 Alabi's World. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press
RABINOW, Paul 1977 Reflections on Fieldwork in Morocco. Berkeley: University of California Press
RACINE, Josiane e Jean-Luc RACINE 2004 'Beyond Silence: A Dalit Life History in South India' David Arnold e Stuart Blackburn (orgs.) Telling Lives in India: Biography, Autobiography, and Life History. Bloomington: Indiana University Press; 252-280
RADIN, Paul 1963 [1920] The Autobiography of a Winnebago Indian: Life, Ways, Acculturation, and the Peyote Cult. Nova Iorque: Dover
SHOSTAK, Marjorie 1981 Nisa: The Life and Words of a Kung Woman. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press
SIMMONS, Leo 1942 Sun Chief: The Autobiography of a Hopi Indian. New Haven: Yale University Press
SMITH, Mary 1954 Baba of Karo: A Woman of the Muslim Hausa. New Haven: Yale University Press
TEDLOCK, Barbara 2011 'Braiding Narrative Ethnography with Memoir and Creative Nonfiction' Norman Denzin e Yvonna Lincoln (orgs.) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research 4. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage; 331-339
THOMAS, W. e Florian ZNANIECKI 1984 [1918-1920] The Polish Peasant in Europe and América. Urbana: University of Illinois Press (edited and abridged by Eli Zaretsky)
VIEIRA, Ricardo 1999 Histórias de Vida e Identidades. Porto: Afrontamento
--- 2013 'Life Stories, Cultural Métissage, and Personal Identities' SAGE Open (October-December); 1-13
WATSON, Lawrence e Maria-Barbara WATSON-FRANKE 1985 Interpreting Life Histories: An Anthropological Inquiry. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press
Reference: null
Symbols: Language, Action and Cognition
OA1 - acquire knowledge and skills to understand the reasons for Anthropology's interest in the study of symbols, language and cognition.
OA2 - acquire knowledge and skills to explore these areas using not only anthropological works but also contributions from other areas of knowledge.
P1. Archaeology of mind and ecology of the brain
1.1. the universe as information
1.2. human / non-human
1.3. symbolic function
1.4. neoteny
1.5. 'material engagement theory' I: the Paleolithic, art and religion
1.6. 'material engagement theory' II: the Neolithic and the 'revolution of symbols'
1.7. the Indo-European universe
P2. Signs, symbols, cultures and cosmologies
2.1. Before and after M. Mauss
2.2. Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
2.3. Saussure, Jakobson and Lévi-Strauss
2.4. V. Turner, M. Douglas, C. Geertz, M. Sahlins
2.5. R. Girard, G. Durand
2.6. Case study: the Barasana-Tukano (Christine Hugh-Jones)
a) 30% of the final mark - Attendance and participation in classes; Report (approx. 2,000 words) to be delivered after Easter holidays; theme and selected bibliography will be announced during the semester;
b) 70% of the final mark - Essay (maximum 10,000 words) on selected topic or bibliography announced during the semester and to be delivered at the time of exams
c) optionally, or in case of insufficient marks - final examination (100%)
Title: MALAFOURIS, Lambros ? How Things Shape the Mind: a Theory of Material Engagement. Cambridge MA and London: The MIT Press, 2013.
LÉVI-STRAUSS, Claude ? O Pensamento Selvagem, São Paulo: Papirus Editora, 2008.
FUCHS, Thomas ? Ecology of the Brain. The Phenomenology and Biology of the Embodied Mind, Oxford University Press, 2018.
CAUVIN, Jacques ? The Birth of the Gods and the Origins of Agriculture. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
BLOCH, Maurice ? How We Think They Think: Anthropological Approaches to Cognition, Memory and Literacy. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1998.
Reference: null
Title: A indicar no decurso das aulas
Reference: null
Relations: Gender, Families, Kinship
After attending this UC, students must be able to :
OA1. To acquire an historical overview of the anthropological approaches to family and kinship, through the analysis of the most important theories and methodologies;
OA2. To grasp the diversity and significance of experienced kinship relations;
OA3. To acquire a more detached view of family relations, trying to break the "mirage of normality of everyday reality"; OA4. To understand the importance of family relations within various social dimensions (economic, political, symbolic, biological, cultural, relational);
OA5. To ensure the knowledge of kinship theories from the perspective of contemporary approaches to family, gender, self and emotions, which strongly criticized the concept of kinship.
OA6. To be able to relate the specific problems of family and kinship studies with general Anthropological Theory.
This UC aims at providing students with:
P1-an overview of the anthropological theories on the diversity of family and kinship in different societies.
P2-a critical perspective covering the history of anthropology.
P3-main currents of the history of kinship studies in Anthropology from its origins in social evolutionism, functionalist and structuralist perspectives to its contemporary debates.
P4 - the place of classical anthropological kinship studies in the current debates concerning emergent models of familiar life and biological reproduction.
P5 - a comparative analysis of different ethnographic contexts and different historical moments, in order to deconstruct the idea of universality that is often associated to the concept of kinship and family .
P6 - a notion of Kinship as a result of social forces and values, projects, gender issues, and analyzing how they are constitutive of actual family relations
Students can either enroll in assessment during the semester (minimum attendance of 80%) or a final exam.
Continuous assessment:
a) participation in class - 10%;
b) oral presentation/debate in class 20%;
c) 2 written essays
Short report - 30%
Final Essay - 40%.
Students who obtain a final mark equal or over10 will approve the UC.
Students who do not participate, withdraw or fail continuous assessment must do a final exam.
Title: Barnes, J. (1971) Three Styles in the Study of Kinship. (Tavistock).
CARSTEN, Janet, org., 2000, Cultures of Relatedness. New approaches to the study of kinship. Cambridge University Press
GEERTZ, Clifford e Hildred GEERTZ 1975, Kinship in Bali, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press (cap 5)
Malinowski, B. (1930) "Kinship" in Graburn, N. (1971) Readings in Kinship and Social Structure (Harper and Row).
STRATHERN, Marilyn 1991, "Parentesco por iniciativa: a possibilidade de escolha dos consumidores e as novas tecnologias da reprodução" in Análise social (114): 1011-1022
YANAGISAKO, Sylvia and Jane Collier, "Toward a unified analysis of Gender and Kinship" in Gender and Kinship. Essays Toward a Unified analysis, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1991 (1987),
Reference: null
Title: Barnes, J (1962) "African models in the New Guinea highlands" in Man Jan. 1962
BESTARD-CAMPS, J. (2000), Parentesco y modernidad, Barcelona: Paidós.
Carsten, J (2004) After Kinship (Cambridge University Press, 2004)
Evans-Pritchard, E. (1940) "Os Nuer do Sudão" in Fortes & Evans-Pritchard (eds) (1940) Sistemas Políticos Africanos. (Ed. F. Gulbenkian).
Fortes, M (1953) "The structure of unilineal descent groups" in Fortes (1970) Time and Social Structure. (Athlone Press).
Fox, R (1967) Kinship and Marriage: An Anthropological Perspective (Penguin Books).
Godelier, M. & Trautman, N. et al (1998) Transformations of Kinship (Smithsonian Books).
Good, A (1996) "Kinship" in Barnard & Spencer (eds) Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology. (Routledge).
Holy, Ladislav 1996 Anthropological Perspectives on Kinship. London: Pluto.Press.
Keesing, R (1975) Kin Groups and Social Structure (Holt, Rinehart & Winston)
Kuper, A (1982) "Lineage theory: a critical retrospect," in Annual Review of Anthropology 11.
Leach, E. (1961) Rethinking Anthropology (Athlone Press).
Lévi-Strauss, C ((1983) « La famille » in Le Regard Eloigné (Plon).
Lévi-Strauss, C (1949) Les Structures Élémentaires de la Parenté (Mouton & Co).
Maine, H. S. (1861) Ancient Law (Kessinger Publishing Co).
Morgan, L. H. (1871) Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family (Bureau of American Ethnology).
Needham, R. (ed) (1971) Rethinking Kinship and Marriage. (Tavistock Press).
Parkin, R (1997) Kinship: An Introduction to Basic Concepts (Blackwell Publishers).
Peletz, M (1995) "Kinship studies in the late twentieth century," in Annual Review of Anthropology 24: 343-372.
Radcliffe-Brown, A (1952) "Introduction" and "On social structure," in Structure and Function in Primitive Society (Routledge & Keegan Paul).
Radcliffe-Brown, A. R. & Forde, Cyril Darill (ed.). (1950) African Systems of Kinship and Marriage. (International African Institute).
Radcliffe-Brown, A. R. & Forde, Cyril Darill (ed.). (1950) African Systems of Kinship and Marriage. (International African Institute).
SCHNEIDER, David 1984 (1972) A Critique of the Study of Kinship, Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press
Stone, L. (ed) (2001) New Directions in Anthropological Kinship (Rowman & Littlefield).
Troutman, N. (1987) Lewis Henry Morgan and he Invention of Kinship (Univ. of California Press).
Reference: null
Ethnographic Readings
LG1 - To understand ethnographic monographs in light of their underlying theoretical paradigms and historical circumstances.
LG2 - To grasp the native cultural patterns underlying ethnographic descriptions..
LG3 - By means of comparison, to grasp inter-cultural symbolic patterns.
P1. Ethnography: why, who, for what?
P2. Theory and ethnography.
P3 - Fact and interpretation.
P4. Ethnography and fiction.
P5. Contemporary Ethnographies.
Leading a class discussion (30% of final assessment), contributions to discussions (10%), final paper up to 1,200 words (60% of final assessment). See details on the Moodle platform.
Final exam (100%).
Title: Bohannan, Laura, Shakespeare in the Bush., 1966, Natural History Magazine,
Blok, Anton, Rams and Billy-Goats: A Key to the Mediterranean Code of Honour?, 1981, Man 16(3): 427-40,
Dundes, Alan, Gallus as Phallus; A Psychoanalytic Cross-Cultural Consideration of the Cockfight as Fowl Play? in The Cockfight: A Casebook, ., 1994, The cockfight : a casebook. University of Wisconsin Press, 241-82,
Hafstein, Valdimar Tr., Making Intangible Heritage., 2018, Indiana University Press,
Malinowski, Bronislaw, A Vida Sexual dos Selvagens, 1983, Francisco Alves,
Ott, Sandra, Aristotle among the Basques: The Cheese Analogy of Conception, 1979, Man 14(4): 699-711,
Dias, Jorge, Vilarinho da Furna: Uma Aldeia Comunitária, 1981, Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional,
Geertz, Clifford, Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight (Madison, WI.,, 1994, The Cockfight: A Casebook, ed. Alan Dundes.University of Wisconsin Press, pp. 94–112,
Reference: null
Title: Geertz, Clifford., Works and Lives: The Anthropologist as Author, 1988, Stanford University Press, Caps. 2, 4.,
Lévi-Strauss. 1993. Tristes Trópicos. Lisboa: Edições 70. Caps. 37, 38.
Reference: null
Colonialism, Post- Colonialism and Anthropology
On the whole, the course aims to develop the following skills:
LO 1- Perception of the centrality of the ethnographic observation;
LO2 - Understanding of the social and cultural diversity
LO3 - Critique of Eurocentrism
LO4 - Oral communication and debate
LO5 - Writing skills
1.1 From scientific expedition to ethnology societies
1.2 From colonial to post-memory wound: Atlantic transits and Portuguese colonialism
1.3 Imperialism, colonialism and capitalism. Variable geographies.
1.4 Anthropology, colonialism, anti-colonialism (and Afro-futurism)
2.1 Cultural and political conditions: social movements and their impact on anthropology.
2.2 Feminism and gender studies.
2.3 Knowledge as power.
2.4 Edward Said and Orientalism.
2.5 Subalternity, knowledge and power: Subaltern studies.
2.6 From post-colonial to decolonial critique
3.1 Discrimination, segregation and social exclusion.
3.2 Racism and racialization.
3.4 Decolonializing knowledge, methodologies and power.
In all Parts different media (journalistic, literary, guest, audiovisual, expositive, etc.) will be used for practical-theoretical classes and discussion seminars on the themes.
Assessment throughout the semester has two main components:
1. Attendance and participation in classes and presentation of a group seminar (30%)
2. Final individual essay (70%) of up to 10 pages on a UC topic.
Assessment by exam:
There will be a final exam (100%) for students who do not obtain a positive classification in the assessment in the semester or have not attended it. There is no oral exam.
Title: FANON, F, Pele Negra, Máscaras Brancas.
GONZALEZ, Lélia (1988) "A Categoria Político-Cultural de Amefricanidade", in
Revista Tempo Brasileiro, Rio de Janeiro, no 92/93, pp. 69-82
KILOMBA, Grada (2008)2019, Memórias da Plantação, Lisboa, Ed. Orfeu Negro
MIGNOLO, Walter D., 2000, Coloniality, Subaltern Knowledges, and Boder Thinking, Princeton, Princeton University Press ;
SPIVAK, G, 1987 Pode o subalterno falar? SAID, E, 1978. Orientalismo.
Reference: null
Title: Materiais extra, de natureza não necessariamente bibliográfica ou académica:
-Joana Gorjão Henriques, Racismo em Português, Público online
- Produção do Teatro Griot.
-Dulce Cardoso, O Retorno, 2012, Lisboa: Tinta da China;
Chrisman, Laura, 2003, Postcolonial Conventions. Cultural Readings of Race, Imperialism and Transnationalism, Manchester, Manchester University Press;
Duara, Prasenjit, org., 2004, Decolonization. Perspectives from Now and Then, Nova Iorque, Rutgers;
Fabian, Johannes, 2006, 'The other revisited. Critical afterthoughts', in Anthropological Theory, vol.6(2): 139-152;
Huggan, Graham, 2001, The Post-Colonial Exotic, Londres e Nova Iorque, Routledge;
Memi, Albert, 1991,The colonizer and the colonized. Boston, Beacon Press;
Perez, Rosa Maria, 2013, O Tulsi e a Cruz. Antropologia e o Encontro Colonial em Goa, Lisboa, Temas e Debates;
Seshadri, Fawzia e Kalpana Seshadri-Crooks,eds., 2000, The Pre-ocupation of Postcolonial Studies, Duke, Duke University Press;
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty, 1987, "A Literary Representation of the Subaltern', In Other Worlds: Essays in Cultural Politics, Nova Iorque e Londres, Routledge;
Williams, Patrick & Chrisman, Laura (eds.), 1994, Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory. A Reader, New York, Columbia University Press.
Bibliotecas online: B-On; JStor
Reference: null
Power: Economic and Political
OA1 - to acknowledge the historical and institutional assumptions of the 'economic' and 'political' domains while exploring their development as anthropological categories
OA2 - to prevent ethnocentric assumptions concerning social inequalities and conflicts in the modern world.
P1 - The founding Debt, Power, Law.
P2 - Historical and Institutional assumptions of the 'economic' and 'political' domains.
P3 - The construction of the 'economic' category in Economy and Anthropology: Malinowski, Mauss, Polanyi, Sahlins.
P4 - Globalization, inequalities, degrowth and hapiness.
a) 10% of the final mark - general assessment of all the work done and quality of the interventions and participation in class and on Moodle.
b) 30% of the final mark - slideshow presentation in a class seminar on selected bibliography and delivery of a script.
c) 60% of the final mark - written work (essay) on a bibliography to be indicated by the teacher, delivered in January via upload to the Moodle platform. The essays must be duly identified with the student's name on the first page, have a title, 4 keywords and a bibliography at the end. Each essay should have between 2,500 and 4,000 words (font 12 at 1 ½ spaces). Before issuing the assessment mark, the teacher may call on the students to clarify their work.
d) Students with insufficient time for class work (absences), failure or insufficient written work will be assessed by examination (100%)
Title: D'Alisa, Giacomo, Federico Demaria and Giorgios Kallis (editors), Degrowth: A Vocabulary for a New Era, 2015, Oxford and New York: Routledge.,
Graeber, David, Debt, the First 5000 Years, 2011, New York: Melville House Publishing.,
Mauss, Marcel, Ensaio sobre a Dádiva, 2011 [1923], In Sociologia e Antropologia, São Paulo: Cosac Naify.,
Polanyi, Karl, A Grande Transformação: as origens políticas e económicas do nosso tempo, 2012 [1944], Lisboa: Ed. 70,
Sahlins, Marshall, Stone Age Economics. With a new foreword by David Graeber, 2017 [1972], London and New York: Routledge,
Reference: null
Title: Bartolini, Stefano, Manifesto for Hapiness: shifting society from Money to well-being. . (, 2010, Les Cahiers du CEPS/INSTEAD, Cahier n°2011-04, Janvier. Fonds National de la Recherche. Luxembourg,
Clastres, Pierre, A Sociedade Contra o Estado: pesquisas de antropologia política. Prefácio Tânia Stolze Lima e Marcio Goldman, 2013 [1974], São Paulo: Cosac Naify,
Kallis, Giorgos, Degrowth, 2018, Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda Publishing,
McMurtry, John, Understanding market theology, 2004, in Hodgson, Bernard (editor), 2004, The Invisible Hand and the Common Good, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag,
Malinowski, Bronislaw, Argonauts of the Western Pacific: an account of native enterprise and adventure in the Archipelagos of Melanesian New Guinea, 1992 [1922], London: Routledge,
McMurtry, John, Behind Global System Collapse: The Life-Blind Structure of Economic Rationality, 2012, Journal of Business Ethics, 108:49–60,
Patel, Raj and Jason W. Moore, A História do Mundo em Sete Coisas Baratas: um guia sobre o capitalismo, a natureza e o futuro do planeta, 2017, Lisboa: Editorial Presença,
Rist, Gilbert, The Delusions of Economics. The misguided certainties of a hazardous science, 2011, London and New York: Zed Books,
Holtzman, Jon D, Nuer Journeys, Nuer Lives. Sudanese Refugees in Minnesota, 2017, London and New York: Routledge,
Reference: null
Contemporary Theoretical Debates
1. To provide a set of references about theoretical issues influencing contemporary anthropology and their intellectual origins, how they are articulated, their scope and limits.
2 . To Inform and make the students aware of the articulations, affinities, and mismatches between the theoretical issues under discussion.
3.To relate the theoretical issues discussed with their use and expression in recent ethnographic studies.
4. To Account for recent emergencies in the theoretical debate, their promises, and relative volatility.
This course introduces and puts in context some of the main anthropological debates - and its theoretical references - of the recent decades; 2) relates broad transformations in the world and influential theoretical proposals consolidated in the 70s/80s of the last century with the transformations and controversies of the discipline in the 80s/90s; 3) discusses the possibilities of anthropological discourse and its legitimacy in contemporary conditions, and the relationships between ethnographers and their objects of study, the political appropriations of their work, and their own political commitments; 4) references and opens to discussion current theories and topics of study, in their interweaving with the socio-political and cultural transformations of the last 3 decades.
EVALUATION: • A written work on themes from the first part of the UC, up to 6 pages (40%) (António Medeiros) • A written work on themes of the second part of the UC, up to 6 pages (40%) (Miguel Vale de Almeida) • Attendance and participation (20%) (AM and MVA) Final exam: 100% (By reference to the mandatory bibliography and the main points of the program).
BibliographyTitle: ABU-LUGHOD, Lila.1999."The Interpretation of Culture(s) after Television". In Sherry Ortner (1999).
INGOLD, Tim, 2018 ?One World Anthropology?, Hau 8 (1/2): 158?171.
ORTNER; Sherry, 2016, ?Dark Anthropology and its Others. Theory Since the eighties?, HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 6 (1):47-73.
QUIJANO, A. 2010.Coloniality and Modernity/Racionality. In W. Mignolo & A Escobar, 2010.
RABINOW, Paul.1977. Reflections on Fieldwork in Morocco. Berkeley: University of California Press.
TSING, Anna L. 2015. The Mushroom at the End of the World. Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Reference: null
Title: APPADURAI, Arjun. 1996. Modernity at Large. Cultural Dimensions of Globalization. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
BARNARD, Alan. 2021(2ª Ed.). History and Theory in Anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
BUTLER, Judith. 1990. Gender Trouble. Londres e Nova Iorque: Routledge
CLIFFORD, James & George MARCUS (orgs.)1986 Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography. Berkeley: University of California Press.
ERIKSEN, Thomas H. & FINN S. NIELSEN. 2013. A History of Anthropology. Londres: Pluto.
GEERTZ, Clifford.1988. Works and Lives: The Anthropologist as Author. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
INGOLD, Tim. 2018. Anthropology why it Matters. Cambridge: Polity Press.
HYMES, Dell. 1969 Reinventing Anthropology. Nova Iorque: Random House.
Latour, Bruno, 2005, Reassembling the Social. An Introduction to Actor-Network Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
MIGNOLO, Walter e ESCOBAR, Arturo. Globalization and the Decolonial Option. Londres e Nova Iorque: Routledge.
ORTNER, Sherry. 1999. The Fate of "Culture". Geertz and Beyond. Berkeley: University Of California Press.
?? ??. 2011. Teoria na Antropologia desde os Anos 60. In Mana 17 (2)
PINA CABRAL, João. 2017. World. An anthropological examination. Chicago: Hau Books
STOCKING, George W. 2001. The Shaping of National Anthropologies. A view from the center. In Delimiting anthropology: occasional essays and reflections. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press: 281-302.
TSING, Anna L. 2005. Friction. An Ethnography of Global Connections. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press.
Reference: null
Portuguese Ethnography
OA1 - To be able to discuss Portugal's constitutive diversity and respective identities, from locality and region to the national level.
OA2 - To acknowledge the contributes of the most important portuguese ethnographer's work.
OA3 - To consider the historical, theoretical and epistemological questions induced by the social and political contexts of production of ethnographic knowledge in Portugal.
P1 - Popular Culture, diversity and national identity.
P2 - The founding-fathers, traditions, folklore.
P3 - From Rocha Peixoto to Jorge Dias (ergology, ecology communitarism.
P4 - The democratic period; new viewpoints on Portugal: Cutileiro, O'Neill, Pina-Cabral, Sally Cole, Bastos, Vale de Almeida
a) Classes and seminars participation (20%)
b) Reading reports (30%)
c) Final essay (50%)
d) For those who missed classes or show insufficient work there will be a final test.
Title: VEIGA DE OLIVEIRA Ernesto, 1984 - Festividades Cíclicas em Portugal, Publicações Dom Quixote, Lisboa.
RIBEIRO, Orlando. 2021 (1945). Portugal: O Mediterrâneo e o Atlântico. Coimbra, Almedina.
LEAL João. 2000, Etnografias Portuguesas. Lisboa, Publicações Dom Quixote.
DIAS, Jorge. 1981. Vilarinho da Furna, uma aldeia comunitária (1948). Lisboa, I.N.C.M. (nota preliminar e prefácio de Orlando Ribeiro).
BRITO Joaquim Pais de. 1982.- "O Atlas Etnológico e a carta das fogueiras anuais", in F. Oliveira Baptista, Maria Luisa Braga, Joaquim Pais de Brito e Benjamim Pereira (Coord.). Estudos em Homenagem a Ernesto Veiga de Oliveira. Lisboa, Centro de Estudos de Etnologia/INIC.
COELHO, Adolfo. 1993. Obra Etnográfica (1873-1918), 2 vols. - org. e Prefácio de João Leal, Publicações Dom Quixote, Lisboa.
Reference: null
Title: VIEGAS, Susana de M., Cabral, João de Pina. 2014. Na encruzilhada portuguesa: a antropologia contemporânea e a sua história. Etnográfica, 18 (2), 211-232.
RAMOS Rui. 1994. "A Invenção de Portugal". In José Mattoso (dir.) História de Portugal, vol. VI, A Segunda Fundação (1890-1926). Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores.
______ 1991 - Os Contextos da Antropologia, Difel, Lisboa.
PINA-CABRAL João de, 1989 - Filhos de Adão, Filhas de Eva - a visão do mundo camponesa no Alto Minho (1986), Publicações Dom Quixote. Lisboa.
ROCHA PEIXOTO António Augusto da, 1990 - Etnografia Portuguesa (Obra Etnográfica Completa). Lisboa,Publicações Dom Quixote.
O'NEILL, Brian J. e Joaquim Pais de Brito. 1991. Lugares de aqui : actas do Seminário Terrenos Portugueses, Lisboa, D. Quixote.
O'NEILL, Brian. 1984. Proprietários, Lavradores e Jornaleiras: desigualdade social numa aldeia transmontana, 1870-1978. Lisboa, Publicações Dom Quixote.
MATTOSO José. 1991. Identificação de um País - ensaio sobre as origens de Portugal (2 vols.). Lisboa, Editorial Estampa.
MADUREIRA Nuno Luís, 2003 - A Estatística do Corpo: Antropologia Física e Antropometria na Alvorada do Século XX?, Etnográfica, vol. VII, nº2: 283-303.
______ 1996 - Signum Salomonis. A Figa. A Barba em Portugal. Estudos de Etnografia Comparativa, Lisboa, Publicações Dom Quixote.
______ 1933/88 - Etnografia Portuguesa. Tentame de sistematização (10 vols). Lisboa, I.N.C.M.
LEITE DE VASCONCELLOS José, 1986 - Tradições Populares de Portugal (1882). Lisboa, I.N.C.M., Lisboa.
LEAL, João, 2006 - Antropologia em Portugal, Mestres, Percursos Transições, Livros Horizonte, Lisboa
______ 1990/1993 - Estudos de Antropologia (2 vols.), I.N.C.M.
DIAS, Jorge 1981a - Rio de Onor: comunitarismo agro-pastoril (1953). Lisboa, Editorial Presença.
CUTILEIRO, José. 2004 (1977). Ricos e Pobres no Alentejo. Coimbra, Almedina.
COLE Sally, 1994 - Mulheres da Praia - o Trabalho e a Vida numa Comunidade Costeira Portuguesa (1991), Publicações Dom Quixote, Lisboa.
BRANCO, Jorge Freiras, 1986. Cultura como ciência? Da consolidação do discurso antropológico à institucionalização da disciplina. Ler História 8:75?101.
BASTOS , Cristiana. 1993. Os Montes do Nordeste Algarvio. Lisboa, Cosmos.
ALMEIDA, Miguel Vale. 1995. Senhores de Si. Uma Interpretação Antropológica da Masculinidade. Lisboa, Fim de Século
ADOLFO COELHO, 1993 - Obra Etnográfica (1873-1918), 2 vols. - org. e Prefácio de João Leal. Lisboa, Publicações Dom Quixote.
Reference: null
Practicing Anthropology
LG1 - To characterize the professional practices (PP) of anthropology through debates around the notions of applied anthropology, public anthropology, anthropology in action, and engaged anthropology.
LG2 - Understand and reflect on the ethical and deontological issues inherent to the PP performed by anthropologists
LG3 - The various fields of activity of Anthropology: mediation, humanitarian aid, development, environment, governance, health, companies, museology, heritage, and identity policies.
LG4 - To characterize the current professional situation in Portugal
LG5 - Promote contact with anthropology practicers and institutions where they develop professional activities, in order to encourage personal and institutional contacts between individuals, groups and institutions
LG6 - Develop a set of relevant skills for the exercise of PP, such as: confidence in the relevance and applicability of the knowledge acquired; autonomy;team work; ability to communicate orally and in writing.
CP1 - A nebula of designations - applied anthropology, public anthropology, anthropology in action, engaged anthropology - and its relationship with the history of the discipline in different national contexts.
CP2 - Ethics and Deontology in the professional practices of Anthropology. Collaboration and devolution. From the do not harm paradigm to the to-do good paradigm (Borofski 2019).
CP3 - Main areas of activity: mediation, humanitarian aid, development, environment, governance, health, companies, museology, heritage and identity policies.
CP4 - Professional practices and practitioners of Anthropology in Portugal.
The following assessment tools will be used:
Class presentation on text/theme (groups of up to 3 elements) - 30Essay/research dossier on one of the domains/themes of application of Anthropology (individual or group of up to 3 elements) - 60%
Attendance and informed participation in classes - 10%
Final exam - 100% (applies to students with low attendance and/or with a frequency classification lower than 10 values must take the exam).
Title: Strang, Veronica, 2009, What Anthropologists Do, New York, Berg.
Eriksen, Thomas Hylland, 2006, Engaging Anthropology. The Case for a Public Presence, New York, Berg.
Caplan, Pat (ed.), 2003, The Ethics of Anthropology. Debates and Dilemmas, London & New York, Routledge.
Borofski, Robert, 2019, An Anthropology of Anthropology: It Is Time To Shift Paradigms, Center for A Public Anthropology
Afonso, Ana Isabel, 2006 «Practicing Anthropology in Portugal» in C. Hill e M. Baba, editors, The Globalization of Anthropology, NAPA Bulletin 25, Berkeley, University of California Press: 156-175.
Reference: null
Society for Applied Anthropology
EASA Applied Anthropology Network
Center for a Public Anthropology
Center For A Public Anthropology
Recursos em linha
Van Willigen, John, 1993, Applied Anthropology. An Introduction, Westport Connecticut : Bergin Garvey.
Pink, S. (Ed.) 2006 Applications of Anthropology. Professional Anthropology in the Twenty-first Century, Berghahn Books
Pina-Cabral, João, 1991 «A antropologia em Portugal, hoje». In Os Contextos da Antropologia. Lisboa: Difel
Pereiro, X. e Mendes, P. (coordenadores) (2006): Textos de Antropologia Aplicada. UTAD: Miranda do Douro.
Oliveira, Luís R. Cardoso de, 2007, O Ofício de Antropólogo, ou como Desvendar Evidências Simbólicas, Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Antropologia, Série Antropologia, Vol. 413, Brasília
Nolan, R.W. 2003 Anthropology in Pratice. Building a Career Outside the AcademyLynne Rienner Publishers.
Laraia, Roque de Barros, 1994, Ética e Antropologia - Algumas Questões (1993), Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Antropologia, Série Antropologia, Vol. 157, Brasília
Lassiter, Luke Eric, 2005, Collaborative Ethnography and Public Anthropology, Current Anthropology, vol. 46, nº1, February 2005
Lamphere, Louise, 2004, The Convergence of Applied, Practicing, and Public Anthropology in the 21st century, Human Organization, vol. 63, nº4, 2004.
Kedia, S. and Willigen (Ed.) 2005 Applied Anthropology. Domains of Application, Westport : Praeger Publishers.
Gonzalez, Roberto J. (ed.), 2004, Anthropologists in the Public Sphere. Speaking out on War, Peace and American Power, Austin, University of Texas Press.
Chambers, Erve, 2009, In Both Our Possibilities: Anthropology on the Margins, Human Organization, vol. 68, nº4, 2009.
Brito, Joaquim Pais, 1992, ?Percurso da Antropologia em Portugal". In O Estado das Ciências em Portugal. José Mariano Gago (Coord.). Lisboa: Publicações D. Quixote.
Bastide, R. 1979 Antropologia Aplicada, São Paulo: Ed. Perspetiva.
Reference: null
Anthropology and Visual Images
At the end of the this UC, the student must:
OA1. Know and use the key concepts of visual anthropology.
OA2. Understand ways to see and look as forms of knowledge production, framed by anthropological and ethnographic practice and knowledge
OA3. Distinguish image uses and approaches in visual Anthropology (positivism, realism, direct, observational and participatory cinema)
OA4. Be able to work with image-editing program and sound (laboratories)
OA5. Interpret and produce visual representations with ethnographic approach (introdutory)
1. Introduction: the use of visual tools in Anthropology
a) the visible and the invisible, the sensorial and the rational
b) criticising the notion of representation
c) imaginary and his 'voices'
d) the uses of illustration in Anthropology: drawing, photography, film, website and soundlandscapes
2. Practices of seeing
a) age of mechanical reproductiblity of images
b) the modern scope regimes
c) spectacular society
3. Ways of seeing, ways of making: how documentaries are designed
a) the city and the production of images
b) installation, podcast and interactive digital platform
c) the imperialism of seeing and participatory and militant cinema
4. Visual Anthropology and Visual Digital Cultures
5. Production of final portfolio on proposed issues (empirical and experimental exercises)
Assessment will be based on:
Assessment during the semestre:
a) Attendance and participation in exercises, classes and seminars (20%);
b) Individual review essay (max. 3 pag.: 20%)
c) Portfolio of exercises and final report up to 5 p. (60%) - The Portfolio is made up of exercises in visual narratives, podcasts and photo-elicitation/ethnofiction and a report that draws together the learning experienced, the readings carried out and reflects on the productions presented in the Portfolio.
The course takes place in a laboratory workshop, so student attendance and participation is a fundamental part of the assessment, and a minimum of 70% attendance at laboratory sessions is required.
Assessment by exam:
Students who do not attend the course during the semester they have an exam. Students are successful in the course if they achieve a mark of 10 or more, if they do not achieve that mark they will also have an examination system regulated by ISCTE-IUL's general pedagogical regulations.
Title: Andrade, Rosane de ,2002, Fotografia e Antropologia. olhares fora-dentro, S.Paulo EDUC/FAPESP/Estaçaod a Libedade
Banks, Marcus & Howard Morphy (ed.), 1999 (1997), Rethinking Visual Anthropology, New Haven: Yale University Press
Edwards, Elizabeth (ed.), 1992, Anthropology and Photography 1860-1920, New Haven & London: Yale University Press & The Royal Anthropological Institute
Feldman-Bianco, bela e Míriam Moreira-Leite(orgs) 2006 Desafios da Imagem, Campinas, Papírus
Hockings, Paul (ed), 1995, Principles of Visual Anthropology, Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Ribeiro, José da Silva, 2004, Antropologia Visual. Da minúcia do olhar ao olhar distanciado, Lisboa, Edições Afrontamento.
Reference: null
Title: Andrade, Rosane de ,2002, Fotografia e Antropologia. olhares fora-dentro, S.Paulo EDUC/FAPESP/Estaçaod a Libedade
Banks, Marcus & Howard Morphy (ed.), 1999 (1997), Rethinking Visual Anthropology, New Haven: Yale University Press
Collier,John,Jr.; Collier, Malcolm (posfácio de Edward T. Hall), 1996 (1986), Visual Anthropology: Photography as a Research Method (Revised and Expanded Edition), Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press
Edwards, Elizabeth (ed.), 1992, Anthropology and Photography 1860-1920, New Haven & London: Yale University Press & The Royal Anthropological Institute
Hockings, Paul (ed), 1995, Principles of Visual Anthropology, Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Landau, Paul & Deborah D. Kaspin (ed.), 2002, Images and Empires. Visuality in colonial and postcolonial Africa, Berkeley e Los Angeles, University of California Press.
Lutz, Catherine A. & Jane L. Collins, 1993, Reading National Geographic, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press
Pink, Sarah, 2001, Doing Visual Ethnography, London, Sage
Ribeiro, José da Silva, 2004, Antropologia Visual. Da minúcia do olhar ao olhar distanciado, Lisboa, Edições Afrontamento.
Reference: null
This course aims to provide direct contact with professional practices related to general skills developed throughout the Anthropology BA and to strengthening the relationship between training and the labor market, enhancing employability.
In this course each student must accomplish the folowing Learning Objectives (OA):
OA 1 - To develop socio-professional skills to solve concrete problems in anthropological professional environment (on Internship)
OA 2 - To promote the implementation and use of technical and methodological tools tailored to the actual situations found in the Internship context
OA 3 - To integrate in a professional team environment to develop and design Internship project
OA 4 - To develop written and oral skills in order to write and defend Internship Final Report
The Syllabus stems from the diverse student integration processes (in teams or individually) in the Internship contexts and professional environments related to anthropology universe (either in public and private institutions, associations and entities or NGO's). Each Internship content should be designed through an work program to be created by the Interneship hosting partner and through coordination between the external Supervisor and ISCTE Supervisor.
P1. Research Design and ethnographic practice: methodological tools (participant observation, interviews, biographical methods, visual methods, documentation and cataloging, textual analysis)
P2. deontological and labor insertion code in a professional context
P3. Preparation of Final Report
Assessment during the semestre
Internship attendance and external supervisor Internship Report - 30%
Participation in follow-up seminars - 20%
Internship Final Report - 50%
There is no final exam.
Title: Afonso, Ana Isabel, 2006 «Practicing Anthropology in Portugal» in C. Hill e M. Baba, editors, The Globalization of Anthropology, NAPA Bulletin 25, Berkeley, University of California Press: 156-175.
Borofski, Robert, 2019 An Anthropology of Anthropology: It Is Time To Shift Paradigms, Center for A Public Anthropology
Caplan, Pat (ed.), 2003, The Ethics of Anthropology. Debates and Dilemmas, London & New York, Routledge.
Brito, Joaquim Pais, 1992. «Percurso da Antropologia em Portugal». In O Estado das Ciências em Portugal. José Mariano Gago (Coord.). Lisboa: Publicações D. Quixote.
Strang, Veronica, 2009, What Anthropologists do, New York, Berg.
Reference: null
Title: A restante bibliografia deverá corresponder às sugestões que cada orientador fornecer em função da temática e do objectivo de cada estágio.
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Recommended optative
Optional courses will only be held if they achieve a minimum number of enrollments.
- 03330 | Crime, Justice and Human Security
- 02056 | Israel/Palestine: History, Anthropology, Politics
- L1290 | Ritual and Performance
- L1285 | Anthropology of Media
- L1284 | Gender, Emotions and Power
- L5095 | Mediterranean Societies
To provide students with basic theoretical and methological knowledge, aptitudes and skills in the area of Anthropology for cultural and scientific education, informed citizenship and the analysis of cultural diversity, as well as some skills of a professional character. Organized as a combination of theoretical courses on the anthropological issues and ethnographic maps, laboratory and methodology courses, anthropology electives, and interdisciplinary transferrable skills electives. At the conclusion of the program, graduates will have:
- The skills to assemble relevant information for the treatment of a topic or problematic in Anthroplogy
- The ability to demonstrate knowledge and general comprehension in the field of Anthropology
- The capacity to continue their studies in Anthropology in any of its specialties in the second cycle (master's) or a post-graduate program
- Total mobility in the country or abroad
- The ability to enter into the labour market in positions that require the skills obtained in the first cycle (undergraduate).