At the end of this CU, students will have acquired advanced theoretical knowledge to:
- Understand Classical Theories of State, including their origins and influences on the formation of societies and political systems in Europe, through critical readings and debates.
- Analyse the evolution of Democracy and its implications for political institutions, using case studies and debates.
- Explore theories and models of public administration, using lectures, critical readings and case studies.
- Explore models of Public Administration from a comparative perspective with case studies and presentations.
- Apply theories and models to management practice in Public Administration, developing skills to analyse processes of administrative reform, modernisation and decision.
- Discuss current issues and topics in Public Administration and Puvlic Policies in lectures and seminars.
1. State, Society, and Political Systems
-Classical Theories of State, European Societies, and Political Systems
-Democracy, Political Institutions, and Types of Society
-Performance of Political Systems
-Seminar: The Role of the State, Political Systems, and Institutions in the Development of Democracies
2. Models and Theories of State, PA&PP
-Theories and Models of State, PA&PP: Evolution and Future Perspectives
-Seminar: Critical Analysis of Models and Theories
3. Reform and Administrative Modernization
-Comparative PA and Supranational Institutions
-Seminar on Trends Related to Reform and Administrative Modernization
4. Structuring Trends of Contemporary Society and Implications for PA
-Digital Transformation
-Sustainability and Environment
-Globalization and Interdependence
-Demography and Social Challenges
-Organizational Development, Transparency, and Participation
5. Advanced Topics in Administration Science
-Seminars on Relevant Topics for PA, PP and Public Management
The assessment of this course will be periodic, with particular emphasis on the ability to research and produce scientific knowledge. Thus, the assessment method involves the preparation of scientific papers (working papers) during seminars to be held each semester, corresponding to:
1- Each student is responsible for preparing a research paper (final paper based on 2 working papers) relevant to the topics covered in the UC each semester. The intermediate papers, 2 in number, must be based on a critical review of the literature, data analysis (if applicable) and an original contribution to the field and topic of study. The papers must be submitted at the end of each semester, according to the established dates.
Each working paper will be weighted equally between them, and all the papers (predictably 2) will together have a weighting of 35% in the final grade for the course.
2- Each student must present their work in seminars throughout the program. The presentation must be followed by a discussion session and questions from colleagues and teachers/advisors. The work will be assessed by a panel made up of the supervisor (q.a.) and other teachers specializing in the area, so that students can receive constructive feedback and guidelines for improving their work.
All the presentations will have a weight of 25% in the final assessment of the course. Each presentation will contribute to the formation of a single grade corresponding to a simple arithmetic weighting.
3- In the final semester, students must, based on the working papers produced (2), and the comments obtained from their presentation and discussion, present a final scientific article (based on the 2 working papers), which meets the quality standards for publication in scientific journals and/or conferences in the field.
The final paper will contribute 40% to the final grade for the course.
Working papers and assignments will be evaluated based on criteria such as originality, methodological rigor, theoretical relevance, contribution to the field, clarity of writing and presentation and discussion skills. Active participation in seminars, including contributing to the discussions of colleagues, is also considered in the ass
This method of assessment allows students to develop incremental research skills throughout the program, enhancing the production of high-quality final scientific papers. In addition, seminar presentations provide opportunities for interaction and feedback, promoting research and academic debate.
Mandatory Bibliography
Title: Bevir, M. (Ed.). (2011). The SAGE handbook of governance (I ed.). Sage UK. deLeon, P., & Vogenbeck, A. M. (2007). Public Policy. In J. Rabin, W. B. Hildreth, & G. J. Miller (Eds.), Handbook of Public Administration. CRC Press Taylor&Francis. Madureira, C., & Asensio, M. (2013). Handbook de Administração Pública. INA editora. Miller, J., & Kaifeng, Y. (2009). Handbook of Research Methods in Public Administration (2nd ed.) Ongaro, E., & Van Thiel, S. (2017). The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan UK. Pollitt, C., & Bouckaert, G. (2011). Public Management Reform: A comparative analysis-new public management, governance, and the Neo-Weberian state. Oxford University Press. Rosenbloom, D. H., Kravchuk, R. S., & Clerkin, R. M. (2022). Public administration: Understanding management, politics, and law in the public sector. Routledge.
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Optional Bibliography
Title: Araujo, J. F. F. E. d., & Tejedo-Romero, F. (2016). Local government transparency index: determinants of municipalities’ rankings. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 29(4), 327-347. Araújo, L., & Rodrigues, M. d. L. (2017). Modelos de análise das políticas públicas. Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas 83. Bel, G., Bischoff, I., Blåka, S., Casula, M., Lysek, J., Swianiewicz, P., Tavares, A. F., & Voorn, B. (2022). Styles of inter-municipal cooperation and the multiple principal problem: a comparative analysis of European Economic Area countries. Local Government Studies, 49(2), 422–445. Bilhim, J. (2013). Ciência da Administração . Lisboa: ISCSP Bouckaert, G. (2023). The neo-Weberian state: From ideal type model to reality? Max Weber Studies, 23(1), 13-59. Catarino, João; Tavares, José F. F.. Finanças Públicas da União Europeia. Coimbra, Portugal: Almedina. 2012 Farazmand, A. (2019). Handbook of comparative and development public administration. CRC press. Feiock, R.C., Tavares, A.F. and Lubell, M. (2008), Policy Instrument Choices for Growth Management and Land Use Regulation. Policy Studies Journal, 36: 461-480. Ferraz, D. (2020). Administração (a)política? O retrato e os fatores de seleção do dirigente público. Revista de Administração Pública, 54(5). Freire, A. (2016). The condition of Portuguese democracy during the Troika’s intervention, 2011-15. Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 15(2), 173-193. Gomes, J. S. (2016). Desafios da Regulação e Governação numa Sociedade em Mudança: A Função Legislativa e Judicial Dinâmicas Socioeconómicas e Territoriais Contemporâneas, Lisboa. Head, B. W. (2022). Wicked problems in public policy. Springer. John Wiley & Sons. Blake, R. (1993). Living and Dying in a Public Agency [Review of Facing the Bureaucracy: Living and Dying in a Public Agency, by G. Garvey]. Public Productivity & Management Review, 17(2), 191–194. Kuhlmann, S., & Wollmann, H. (2019). Introduction to comparative public administration: Administrative systems and reforms in Europe. Edward Elgar Publishing. Loeffler, E. (2023). Co-production of public services and outcomes. In Public Management and Governance (pp. 299-314). Routledge. Lopes, F., & Freire, A. (2002). Partidos Políticos e Sistemas Eleitorais: Uma Introdução. Madureira, C., Rando, B., & Ferraz, D. (2020). The Public Administration Performance Appraisal Integrated System (SIADAP) and the Portuguese Civil Servants Perceptions. International Journal of Public Administration, 1-11. Marciano, R., & Craft, J. (2023). Theorising policy advisory system management: approaches and practice. Journal of public policy, 43(3), 490-511. Osborne, S. P., Marques, R., & Ferraz, D. (2015). Governação integrada e administração pública. Ina. Mazzucato, M. (2014). O estado empreendedor: desmascarando o mito do setor público vs. setor privado. Portfolio-Penguin. McMullin, C. (2021). Challenging the necessity of New Public Governance: Co‐production by third sector organizations under different models of public management. Public Administration, 99(1), 5-22. Mozzicafreddo, J. (1997). Estado-providência e cidadania em Portugal. Celta. Mozzicafreddo, J. e. J. S. G. (2001). Administração e Política: Perspectivas de Reforma da Administração Pública na Europa e nos Estados Unidos. Celta Editora. Mozzicafreddo, J., & Gouveia, C. (2011). Contextos e etapas de reforma na administração pública. In J. Mozzicafreddo & J. S. Gomes (Eds.), Projetos de Inovação na Gestão Pública (pp. 443). Mundos Sociais. Nasi, G., & Powell, M. (2021). Beyond co‐production: Value creation and public services. Public Administration, 99(4), 641-657. Ongaro, E. (2009). Public Management Reform and Modernization: Trajectories of Administrative Modernization in Italy, France, Greece, Portugal and Spain. Perry, J. L., & Christensen, R. K. (2015). Handbook of public administration. Peters, B. G. (2017). What is so wicked about wicked problems? A conceptual analysis and a research program. Policy and Society, 36(3), 385-396. Pollitt, C., & Bouckaert, G. (2017). Public management reform: A comparative analysis-into the age of austerity. Oxford university press. Ramos Pinto, R.; Correia, Pedro Miguel Alves Ribeiro. ""Mérito, Desempenho e Resultados: Os Desafios da Medição"". Lex Humana 10 2 (2018): 87-116 Rauh, J. (2018). Ethics Problems in the New Public Service: Back to a Service Ethic? Public Integrity, 20(3), 234-256. Rhodes, R. A. W. (1996). The New Governance: Governing without Government. Political Studies, XLIV, 652-667. Rocha, J. A. O. (2009). Gestão Pública e Modernização Administrativa. INA. Shafritz Jr, J. M. (2018). Defining public administration: Selections from the international encyclopedia of public policy and administration. Routledge. Silva, P. A. (2000). O Estado Providência Português num contexto Europeu–Elementos para uma reflexão. Sociedade e Trabalho(8/9), 51-61. Tavares, A. F., Rocha, A. O., Bilhim, J., Araújo, J. F., Marcos, R. d. F., Camões, P. J., & Mendes, S. M. (2006). Estudo e Ensino da Administração Pública em Portugal. Escolar Editora. Teles, F. (2021). Descentralização e poder local em Portugal. Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
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