Programme Structure for 2024/2025
Curricular Courses | Credits | |
Urban and Rural Culture
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Diplomacy and Foreign Policyin the Ancien Régime
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
History and Globalization I
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
New Perspectives on Early Modern History
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
History of Portuguese Foreign Policy
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
History and Globalization II
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Social Movements and Citizenship
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
New Perspectives on Modern and Contemporany History
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Research in History
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Master Dissertation in Modern and Contemporany History
48.0 ECTS
Final Work | 48.0 |
Master Project in Modern and Contemporary History
48.0 ECTS
Final Work | 48.0 |
2nd Cycle Internship
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Optional Courses > Free Options | 6.0 |
Urban and Rural Culture
It is pretended to create the tools that enable students to approach in an independent way their research by:
1 - critical contact with bibliography;
2 - discussion of concepts;
3 - acquisition of research methodes;
4 - capacity of synthese the research.
O. Conceptual and methodológical questions
1. Popular and elite cultures in the transition from the Old Regime to the Liberal Society
1.1 - The festivities
1.2 - The opera, concerts, theaters, dances and promenades
1.3 - The cofee houses, bakeries and eateries; taverns
1.4 - Clubs, associations, unions and parties
2. Monuments, museums and town planning
2.1 - The avant-gardes cultures
2.2 - Exhibitions
2.3 - The birth of town planning
3. The afirmation of leisures
3.1 - Feminin prtatices
3.2 - The press, the cinema, the radio
3.3 - Weekends, holidays and tourism
3.4 - Sports
4. The post-II world war and mass culture
The assessment process aims to measure progress of the studentes in terms of ability to understand the historical contexts and in terms of autonomy, ability to research and to synthese their studies.
The evaluation in 1ª época consists of an chapter or article review (40%) and a test (60%); in alternative, a final examination.
In 2ª época, there is a final examination.
Title: Burke, Peter, O que é a história cultural?, Rio de janiero, Zahar, 2008
Chartier, Roger, História Cultural. Entre Práticas e Representações, Lisboa, Difel, 1988
Corbin, Alain, História dos Tempos Livres. O Advento do Lazer, Lisboa, Teorema, 2001
Lousada, Maria Alexandre, "A rua, a taberna e o salão: elemento para uma geografia histórica das sociabilidades lisboetas no final do Antigo Regime", in Maria da Graça Mateus Ventura (org.) Os espaços de sociabilidade na Ibero-América (sécs. XVI a XIX), Lisboa, 2004, pp. 95-120.
Thièsse, Anne-Marie, A Criação das Identidades Nacionais. Europa. Séculos XVIII-XX, Lisboa, Temas e Debates, 2000
Title: Burke, Peter A Cultura Popular na Idade Moderna. Europa, 1500-1800, S. Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 1989
Christophe Charle e Daniel Roche, Capitales Culturelles, Capitales Symboliques. Paris et les Expériences Européennes. XVIIIe-XXe siècles, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2002.
Hall, Peter, Cities in Civilization: Culture, Innovation and Urban, Londres, Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1998
Haskell, Francis, The Ephemeral Museum. Old Master Paintings and the Rise of the Art Exhibition, New Haven & Londres, Yale University Press, 2000.
Ledesma, Manuel Perez, "La formación de la classe obrera. Una creación cultural?", in Cruz, Rafael e Ledesma, Manuel Perez, Cultura y Movilización en la España Contemporánea, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1997.
Moreira, Isabel Martins, Museus e Monumentos em Portugal 1772-1974, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta, 1989
Neves, José e Domingos, Nuno (organizadores), Uma História do Desporto em Portugal, 3 volumes, Matosinhos, Quidnovi, 2011
Nora, Pierre (organizador)., Les lieux de mémoire, 7 vol, Paris, Gallimard, 1986-1992.
Poulot, Dominique, Patrimoine et Musées: L'invention de la Culture, Paris, Hachette, 2001.
Thompson, E.P., Costumes em Comum, São Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 1998.
Diplomacy and Foreign Policyin the Ancien Régime
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
LO1. Understand the specificity of the History of International Relations disciplinary field.
LO2. Identify in the early modern history the main geostrategic scenarios and projects, their tensions, conflicts, alliances, and outcomes.
LO3. Interpret the Early Modern international relations in what concerns their nature, their practices and tools, their political and legal foundations.
LO4. Describe the key objectives, constraints and driving forces of the early modern Portuguese foreign policy.
LO5. Report orally to specialists and non-specialists.
LO6. Search information, formulate questions and synthesize knowledge on a relevant issue.
LO7. Master the basic methodologies for building a research project.
The program has four major topics, developed in parallel, seeking to highlight their multiple interactions:
PC1. The History of International Relations: definition of this disciplinary field and its key concepts.
PC2. Early modern World and European history: main geo-strategic scenarios and projects, tensions and conflicts, alliances and outcomes.
PC3. The early modern international relations: their nature, their practices and instruments, their political and legal foundations.
PC4. The early modern Portuguese foreign policy: objectives, constraints and driving forces.
This course adopts a system of Assessment Throughout the Semester. Besides requiring a minimum 80% attendance, it relies on two main components (each worthing 50% of the final grade):
AV1. Reading, presentation and discussion of selected texts.
AV2. Preparation of a Research Project.
Title: TESCHKE, Benno. Theorizing the Westphalian System of States: International Relations from Absolutism to Capitalism, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 8.1 (2002): 5-48.
SHEEHAN, Michael. Balance of Power: history and theory, London / N. York, Routledge, 1996.
REYNOLDS, David. International history, the cultural turn and the diplomatic twitch, Cultural and Social History, 3.1 (2006): 75?91.
MOYAR, Mark. The current state of military history, The Historical Journal, 50.1 (2007): 225-40.
MACEDO, J. Borges de. História diplomática portuguesa: constantes e linhas de força, 2ª ed, Lisboa, Tribuna da História, 2006.
BLACK, Jeremy. Great Powers and the Quest for Hegemony: The World Order since 1500. New York/London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2008.
BLACK, Jeremy. European international relations, 1648-1815, N. York, Palgrave, 2002.
Title: Varia anualmente e é constituída por um conjunto de 15 a 20 artigos ou capítulos de livros.
History and Globalization I
LO1-To acquaint students with the main changes that characterized the period in study.
LO2- To understand trajectories, evolutionary logics and relations between the various fields of History.
LO3- To evaluate the social, economic, political and cultural impact of change dynamics.
LO4- To develop reading skills and the ability to research historical data.
LO5- To learn how to report orally and in writing to specialists and non-specialists.
PC1. Theoretical perspectives on the history of globalization: from the diffusionist paradigm to the global history
PC2. The World from 1500 to 1800
PC3. The early-modern imperial dynamics
PC4. Global integration of space and economy
PC5. Family standards of living and social change
PC6. The great religions and the social, economical and cultural changes
PC7. The global crisis of the 17th century: States and revolutions
PC8. The different paces of industrialisation and scientific and technological innovations
PC9: Science and the making of empires in the 18th century
PC10: The slow emergence of the West in 1800: different theoretical approaches
The assessment comprises (1) one written survey to be delivered on December 20, 2021 (50%), and (2) a book essay due on December 15 (50%) [format: 8 pages, font Times New Roman, space 1.5] - to be sent to In the assessment by final exam, the test will be in the period designated for the assessment of the first semester.
BibliographyTitle: DARWIN, John, Ascensão e Queda dos Impérios Globais, 1400-2000, Lisboa, Edições 70, 2015.
PARKER, Charles H., Global Interactions in the Early Modern Age, 1400-1800, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
GOLDSTONE, Jack, História Global da Ascensão do Ocidente, 1500-1850, Lisboa, Edições 70, 2010.
Title: WOLF, Eric R., Europe and the People without History, Berkeley, California University Press, 1982.
WILLS Jr., John E., The World from 1450 to 1700, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009.
* WALLERSTEIN, Immanuel, The Modern World-System II. Mercantilism and the Consolidation of the European World-Economy, 1600-1750, Nova York, Academic Press, 1980.
WALLERSTEIN, Immanuel, O Sistema Mundial Moderno, Porto, Edições Afrontamento, 1990.
SUBRAHMANYAM, Sanjay, O Império Asiático Português, 1500-1700, Lisboa, Difel, 1995.
SCOTT, David, Leviathan. The Rise of Britain as a World Power, Lonres, Harper Press, 2013.
SCAMMELL, G.V., The First Imperial Age. European Overseas Expansion c. 1400-1715, Londres, Routledge, 1989.
SAFIER, Neil, Measuring the New World. Enlightenment Science and South America, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 2008.
SACHSENMAIER, Dominic, Global Perspectives on Global History. Theories and Approaches in a Connected World, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
RUSSELL-WOOD, A.J.R., Um mundo em movimento: os portugueses na África, Ásia e América (1415-1808), Lisboa, Difel, 1998.
RENN, Jürgen (ed.), Globalization of Knowledge in History, Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge, 2012.
REINHARD, Wolfgang (ed.), Empires and Encounters, 1350-1750, Cambridge, MA / Londres, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2015.
RAJ, Kapil, Relocating Modern Science. Circulation and the Construction of Knowledge in South Asia and Europe, 1650-1900, Nova York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
PEARSON, Michael N., Port Cities and Introduders. The Swaihili Coast, India, and Portugal in the Early Modern Era, Baltimore, The John Hopkins University Press, 1998.
* POMERANZ, Kenneth, A Grande Divergência: a China, a Europa e a construção da economia mundial moderna, Lisboa, Edições 70, 2013.
PARRY, J.H., The Spanish Seaborne Empire, Londres, Peguin Books, 1973.
PARKER, Geoffrey, Global Crisis. War, Climate Change and Catastrophe in the Seventeenth Century, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2013.
* PARKER, Geoffrey, The Military Revolution: Military Innovation and the rise of the West, 1500-1800, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
PAGDEN, Anthony, Lords of all the World. Ideologies of Empire in Spain, Britain and France, c. 1500-c.1800, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1995.
QUATAERT, Donald, O Império otomano, das origens ao século XX, Lisboa, Edições 70, 2008.
OSTERHAMMEL, Jürgen e PETERSSON, Niels P., Globalization: a short history, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2003.
O'BRIEN, Patrick, ?Historical traditions and modern imperatives for the restoration of global history?, Journal of Global History, 1 (2006), pp. 3-39.
NESTER, William R., Globalization. A Short History of the Modern World, Nova York, Palgrave MacMillan, 2010.
MAZLICH, Bruce, The New Global History, Londres, Routledge, 2006.
MCCLELLAN, James E. e REGOURD, François, The Colonial Machine: French Overseas Expansion in the Old Regime, Turnhout, Brepols, 2011.
* MARKS, Robert B., Mundo Global. A História da Época Moderna, Lisboa, Clube do Autor, 2018.
MARKS, Steven G., The Information Nexus. Global Capitalism from the Renaissance to the Present, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2016.
* LANDES, David S., The Wealth and Poverty of Nations. Why some are so rich and some so poor, Nova York, W.W. Norton, 1998.
KAMEN, Henry, Empire. How Spain became a World Power, 1492-1763, Londres, Peguin Books, 2002.
JACOB, Margaret C., Scientific Culture and the Making of the Industrial West, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1997.
* HUFF, Toby E., The Rise of Early Modern Science. Islam, China and the West, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1993.
HOPKINS, A.G. (ed.), Globalization in World History, Londres, Pimilco, 2002.
GREENE, Jack P.; Ph. D. Morgan (eds), Atlantic history: a critical appraisal, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009.
GILLS Barry K. e THOMPSON, William R. (ed.), Globalization and Global History, Londres, Routledge, 2006.
GESTEIRA, Heloisa Meireles, CAROLINO, Luís Miguel e MARINHO, Pedro (Org.), Formas do Império. Ciência, Tecnologia e Política em Portugal e no Brasil. Séculos XVI ao XIX, São Paulo, Paz & Terra, 2014.
FERRO, Marc, Colonization: A Global History, Londres, Routledge, 1997.
FAUVELLE, François-Xavier e SURUN, Isabelle (Org.), Atlas Histórico de África da Pré-História aos Nossos Dias, Lisboa, Guerra e Paz, 2020.
ELLIOTT, John, Empires of the Atlantic World, Britain and Spain in America, 1492-1830, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2006.
DONINI, Pier Giovanni, O Mundo Islâmico. Do século XVI à actualidade, Lisboa, Presença, 2008.
DELBOURGO, James e DEW, Nicholas, Science and Empire in the Atlantic World, Nova York, Routledge, 2008.
DAVIS, Ralph, The Rise of the Atlantic Economies, Londres, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1973.
CONRAD, Sebastian, What is Global History?, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2016.
CASTELNAU-L?ESTOILE, Charlotte e REGOURD, François, Connaissances et Pouvoirs. Les Espaces Impériaux (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles). France, Espagne, Portugal, Pessac, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2005.
CANNY, Nicholas e PAGDEN, Athony (eds.), Colonial Identity in the Atlantic World, 1500-1800, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1987.
CAÑIZARES-ESGUERRA, Jorge, Nature, Empire and Nation. Explorations of the History of Science in the Iberian World, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2006.
BROTTON, Jerry, Trading territories: mapping the early modern world, Londres, Reaktion Books, 1997.
BLACK, Jeremy, Great Powers and the Quest for Hegemony. The world order since 1500, Londres, Routledge, 2008.
BENJAMIN, Thomas, The Atlantic world: Europeans, Africans, Indians and their shared history, 1400-1900, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
BRAUDEL, Fernand, Civilização material, economia e capitalismo, 3 vols., Lisboa, Teorema, 1992-3.
BENTLEY, Jerry H., SUBRAHMANYAM, Sanjay e WIESNER-HANKS, Merry E. (ed.), The Cambridge Worls History. Vol. 6: The Construction of a Global World, 2 vols., Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
BOOMGAARD, Peter (ed.), Empire and science in the making: Dutch colonial scholarship in comparative global perspective, 1760-1830, Nova York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
AMIN, Samir, Global History. A View from the South, Cidade do Cabo, Pambazuka Press, 2011.
New Perspectives on Early Modern History
At the end of this curricular unit, students should have had the opportunity of:
LO1. Being introduced to the mainstream topics of research in Early Modern History, the main problems at stake, the new methodological approaches, the sources being used, and the new interpretations that are being released.
LO2. Meeting personally some professional historians.
LO3. Debating with specialists and non specialists.
LO4. Developing the techniques of bibliographic review.
The program contents change every year. Last academic year they covered five main topics:
PC1. The Atlantic world of a Lisbon's butcher in the 18th century.
PC2. The boundaries of empires: Portugal and Spain in the Americas.
PC3. Power, society and economy in Bassein, 16th and 17th centuries.
PC4. Nation and race in early modern Spain: methodologies and perspectives.
PC5. Trade and religion in the Portuguese presence in the Gulf of Guinea, 17th century.
This course adopts a system of Assessment Throughout the Semester (final examination not available). Besides requiring a minimum 80% attendance, it relies on two main components:
AV1. Active participation in class discussions and public debates (worthing 40% of the final grade).
AV2. A 1200-words review essay (worthing 60% of the final grade).
Title: In each session, specific references will be suggested on the respective topic.
Em cada sessão será indicada a bibliografia específica relativa à temática abordada.
Title: In each session, specific references will be suggested on the respective topic.
Em cada sessão será indicada a bibliografia específica relativa à temática abordada.
History of Portuguese Foreign Policy
LO1. To identify geopolitical factors that contioned Portuguese international relations in modern and contemporary period;
LO2. To understand the centrality of the colonial question;
LO3. To understand the essential lines of Portuguese international relations during the First Republic;
LO4. To identify the major cause of Portugal?s participation in World War I;
LO5. Awareness of the centrality of relations with Spain in the 1930s;
LO6. Knowledge of the main objectives of New State foreign relations during World War II;
LO7. To analyze the integration of Portugal in the US sphere of influence during the Cold War;
LO8. To understand the importance of Portuguese international relations in the context of the colonial wars of the 1960s;
LO9. To evaluate the importance of the international context in the process of democratic transition and consolidation in Portugal;
LO10. Knowledge of the most important lines of democratic Portugal?s international relations.
ST (syllabus topic)1. Theoretical and methological introduction.
ST2. International Relations in Modern Portugal: an overview.
ST3. The colonial question at the end of the 19th Century.
ST4. International Relations during the First Republic.
ST5. International Relations during the ?New State?
ST5.1. The Spanish Civil War.
ST5.2. World War II.
ST5.3. Portugal and the Cold War
ST5.4. The emergence of African nationalism and the Colonial Wars.
ST6. International Relations in the period of Marcelismo.
ST7. Democratization and international context.
ST8. International Relations of Democratic Portugal.
The evaluation will be based on a literature review focusing on one of the points of the syllabus.
BibliographyTitle: Telo, A., Portugal e a NATO: o reencontro da tradição atlântica, Lisboa, Edições Cosmos, 1996.
Teixeira, N. S., ?Entre a África e a Europa: A Política externa Portuguesa, 1890-2000?, in A. C. Pinto (coord.), Portugal Contemporâneo, Lisboa, Dom Quixote, 2004, pp. 87-116.
Teixeira, N. S., O Poder e a Guerra 1914-1918: objectivos nacionais e estratégias e políticas na entrada de Portugal na Grande Guerra, Lisboa, Ed. Estampa, 1996.
Rodrigues, L. N., Kennedy-Salazar: a Crise de Uma Aliança. As Relações Luso-Americanas entre 1961 e 1963, Lisboa, Editorial Notícias, 2002.
Pinto, A. C., O Fim do Império Português. A Cena Internacional, a Guerra Colonial, e a Descolonização, 1961-1975, Lisboa, Livros Horizonte, 2001.
Oliveira, P., Os Despojos da Aliança. A Grã-Bretanha e a questão colonial portuguesa, 1945-1975, Lisboa, Tinta da China, 2007.
Marcos, D., Entre o Império e a NATO: Portugal e os Estados Unidos da América (1949-1961), Lisboa, Imp. de Hist. Contemporanea, 2022 (disponível online)
Title: Wheeler, Douglas, "The Price of Neutrality: Portugal, the Wolfram Question, and World War II", in Luso-Brazilian Review, XXIII, 1, Madison, 1986, pp. 107-127, e XXIII, 2, Madison, 1986, pp. 97-111.
Wheeler, Dougals, ?Estado Presente de Tranquilidade Posto em Causa: Portugal Observado e Analisado no Contexto Internacional de 1958-1959?, in Iva Delgado, Carlos Pacheco and Telmo Faria (ed.), Humberto Delgado. As Eleições de 58, Lisboa, 1998, pp. 448-471.
Wiesner-Hanks, Merry, ?World History and the History of Women, Gender, and Sexuality?, Journal of World History, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2007, pp. 53-67.
Westad, Odd Arne, The Global Cold War, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Wagner, Tilo, ?Portugal e a RDA durante a Revolução dos Cravos?, Relações Internacionais, nº 11, Setembro 2006.
Von Peter, Felicitas, ?Apanhados de surpresa? A embaixada Alemã e o Acordo dos Açores?, in Penélope. Revista de História e Ciências Sociais, nº 22, 2000, pp. 35-51.
Trachtenberg, Marc, The Craft of International History. A guide to Method, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2006.
Telo, António J. e Gómez, Hipólito de la Torre, Portugal e Espanha nos sistemas internacionais contemporâneos. Lisboa, Edições Cosmos, 2000.
Telo, António J., ?Treze Teses sobre a disfunção social ? Portugal no sistema internacional?, in Análise Social, 142 (1997), pp. 649-683.
Telo, António J., ?A República e o Mundo?, in Primeira República I. Do sonho à realidade, Lisboa, Editorial Presença, 2010, pp. 229-298.
Telo, António J., ?Portugal e o Mundo?, in História Contemporânea de Portugal. Do 25 de Abril à Actualidade, Lisboa, Editorial Presença, 2008, pp. 147-272.
Telo, António J., A Neutralidade Portuguesa e o Ouro Nazi, Lisboa, Quetzal, 2000.
Telo, António J., ?As Relações Internacionais da Transição?, in Brito, J.M. Brandão de (coord.), Do marcelismo ao fim do império. Revolução e Democracia, Lisboa, Editorial Notícias, 1999, pp. 225-267.
Telo, António J., "O Fim do Ciclo Africano do Império", in Portugal na Transição do Milénio, Lisboa, Fim de Século, 1998, pp. 327-355.
Telo, António, ?Política Externa?, in Fernando Rosas e J.M. Brandão de Brito (dir.), Dicionário de História do Estado Novo, Volume II, Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 1996, pp. 769-776.
Telo, António J., ?A Europa e a Questão Alemã: uma visão de longo prazo?, in Política Internacional, n.º 13, 1996, pp. 123-152.
Telo, António J., Economia e Império no Portugal Contemporâneo, Lisboa, Cosmos, 1994.
Telo, António J., ?As Guerras de África e a Mudança nos Apoios Internacionais de Portugal?, in Revista de História das Ideias, Vol. 16, 1994, pp. 347-369.
Telo, António J., Os Açores e o Controlo do Atlântico (1898/1948), Lisboa, Edições Asa, 1993.
Telo, António, Portugal na Segunda Guerra (1941-1945), vols. I e II, Lisboa, Vega, 1991.
Teixeira, Nuno S. (coord.), The International Dimensions of Democratization: Comparative Perspectives, Londres: Routledge, 2008.
Teixeira, Nuno S. e António C. Pinto (org.), Portugal e a Integração Europeia, 1945-1986, Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 2007.
Teixeira, Nuno S., ?25 de Abril e a política externa portuguesa?, in Relações Internacionais, nº 1, 2004, pp. 5-12.
Teixeira, Nuno S., ?Portugal e a Guerra Civil de Espanha?, in Teixeira, Nuno S. e Barata, Manuel Themudo, Nova História Militar Portuguesa, Volume IV, Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 2003, pp. 35-45.
Teixeira, Nuno S., ?História, Teoria das Relações Internacionais e História das Relações Internacionais: uma reflexão epistemológica?, in Cultura. Revista de História e Teoria das Ideias, Vol. XI/1999, IIª Série, pp. 71-82.
Teixeira, Nuno S. (coord.), Portugal e a Guerra. História das intervenções militares portuguesas nos grandes conflitos mundiais, séculos XIX e XX, Lisboa, Edições Colibri, 1998.
Teixeira, Nuno S., ?Portugal e a NATO: 1949-1989?, in Análise Social, vol. XXX (133), 1995, pp. 803-818.
Teixeira, Nuno S., ?Da Neutralidade ao Alinhamento: Portugal na Fundação do Pacto do Atlântico?, in Análise Social, vol. XXVIII (120), 1993 (1º).
Teixeira, Nuno S., O Ultimatum Inglês. Política externa e política Interna no Portugal de 1890, Lisboa, Alfa, 1990.
Teixeira, Nuno S., ?Política externa e política interna no Portugal de 1890: o Ultimatum Inglês?. Análise Social 23 (98), 1986, pp. 687-719.
Stocker, Maria M., Xeque-Mate a Goa, Lisboa, Temas e Debates, 2005.
Souto, Amélia N. de, Caetano e o Ocaso do ?Império?. Administração e Guerra Colonial em Moçambique durante o Marcelismo (1968-1974), Porto, Edições Afrontamento, 2007.
Smith, Thomas W., History and International Relations, London, Routledge, 1999
Silva, A. E. Duarte, ?O Litígio entre Portugal e a ONU (1960-1974)?, in Análise Social, nº 130, 1995, pp. 5-50.
Silva, A.E. Duarte, ?Salazar e a política colonial do Estado Novo: o Acto Colonial (1930-1951)?, in Fernando Rosas e J. M. Brandão de Brito (org.), Salazar e o Salazarismo, Lisboa, Publicações Dom Quixote, 1989, pp. 103-144.
Shubin, Vladimir, The Hot Cold War. The USSR in Southern Africa, Pluto Press, London, 2008.
Schweizer, Karl W. e Schumann, Matt J., ?The Revitalization of Diplomatic History: Renewed Reflections?, in Diplomacy & Statecraft, nº19:2, pp. 149-186.
Schneidman, Witney W., Confronto em África, Washington e a Queda do Império Colonial Português, Lisboa, Tribuna da História, 2005.
Samuels, Michael A. e Haykin, Stephen M., ?The Anderson Plan: an American Attempt to Seduce Portugal Out of Africa?, Orbis 23 (3), 1979, pp. 649-669.
Samara, M. Alice, ?A Política Externa e a Política de Defesa: do 5 de Outubro ao Sidonismo?, in Política Externa e Política de Defesa em Portugal. Do Final da Monarquia ao Marcelismo, Évora, CIDEHUS, 2002.
Sá, Tiago M., Os Estados Unidos e a Democracia Portuguesa (1974-1976), Lisboa, Instituto Diplomático, 2009.
Rosas, Fernando, Portugal entre a Paz e a Guerra. Estudo do impacte da II Guerra Mundial na economia e sociedade portuguesas (1939-1945), Lisboa, Editorial Estampa. 1990.
Rosas, Fernando, O Salazarismo e a Aliança Luso-Britânica. Estudos sobre a política externa do Estado Novo nos anos 30 e 40, Lisboa, Fragmentos, 1988.
Rosas, Fernando, História de Portugal. Volume VII. O Estado Novo (1926-1974), Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 1994.
Rosas, Fernando, ?Estado Novo, império e ideologia colonial?, in Revista de História das Ideias, Vol. 17, Coimbra, 1995, pp. 19-32.
Rosas, Fernando e Oliveira, Pedro (coord.), A Transição Falhada. O Marcelismo e o fim do Estado Novo (1968-1974), Lisboa, Notícias Editorial, 2004.
Rosas, Fernando (coord.), Portugal e a Guerra Civil de Espanha, Lisboa: Edições Colibri, 1998.
Rosas, Fernando (coord.), Nova História de Portugal. Vol. XII. Portugal e o Estado Novo (1930-1960), Lisboa, Editorial Presença, 1992.
Rollo, Fernanda, Portugal e a Reconstrução Económica do Pós-Guerra. O Plano Marshall e a economia portuguesa dos anos 50, Lisboa: Instituto Diplomático, 2007.
Rollo, Fernanda, Portugal e o Plano Marshall. Da rejeição à solicitação da ajuda financeira norte-americana (1947-1952), Lisboa, Editorial Estampa, 1994.
Rodrigues, Luís N., ?António de Spínola e a Descolonização Portuguesa?, in Luís N. Rodrigues, Spínola, Lisboa, Esfera dos Livros, 2010, pp. 351-469.
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History and Globalization II
LO1-To acquaint students with the main changes that characterized the period in study.
LO2- To understand trajectories, evolutionary logics and relations between the various fields of History.
LO3- To evaluate the social, economic, political and cultural impact of change dynamics.
LO4- To develop reading skills and the ability to research historical data.
LO5- To learn how to report orally and in writing to specialists and non-specialists.
PC1- Theoretical perspectives on History and Globalization. The time and the concept of globalization.
PC2- Globalization and social dynamics.
PC3- Globalization, production and markets.
PC4- Globalization and Politics: affirmation and decline of the Nation-State. National policies and transnational policies.
PC5- Globalization and Transnational Institutions
PC6- Globalization and dynamics of culture.
The student chooses between a Periodic Assessment or, alternatively, a scheme of final examination.
The PERIODIC ASSESSMENT comprises the following elements:
1. The preparation of an individual written work (60%), with oral presentation in the classroom (30%).
2-Regular monitoring of class works (10%).
The FINAL EXAMINATION is a single written questionnaire, covering the entire program (100%).
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Boomgaard, Peter and Marjolein 't Hart (2010) Globalization, Environmental Change, and Social History, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
BENJAMIN, Thomas, The Atlantic World: Europeans, Africans, Indians and Their Shared History, 1400-1900, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Baylis, John, (2014), The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations, editado por John Baylis,Steve Smith,Patricia Owens, Oxford Universitary Press.
Allen, R.C. (2011), Global Economic History: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Allen, R.C. (2009), The British Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Albrow, Martin (1996) The global age, Cambridge: Polity Press.
Social Movements and Citizenship
To obtain updated knowledge on key issues and theories of citizenship and social movements, which reveal to be particularly noteworthy to understand and analyze historical and contemporary social, cultural and political phenomena. To train observation and analysis of concrete historical processes and social and political phenomena (national or global) using the theoretical and methodological tools of this area. Understanding of the relevance of different forms of political participation beyond the vote and the party affiliation in the historical development of our societies. Deep examination of the role of new technologies in the mobilization processes in contemporary global world. Learning and application of various methodologies of research, both quantitative and qualitative, for the study of social movements and citizenship in the history and now.
- What are social movements? Definitions, concepts and analytical tools, the mergence of the discipline;
- Relationship between social movements and institutions, repertoire of action, resources of mobilization, social movements' outcomes;
- New social movements, collective identities, social movements' organizations;
- Evolution and multiplication of approaches: interactionism, emotions and differentiation of contexts;
- The 'Long Sixties': the 'Civil Right Movement', decolonization, women and gay movements, student movement, the emergence of contemporary ecologist movement;
- Social Movements and democratization: the case of Southern and Eastern Europe;
- Social movement in the present: new technologies, changed forms of action, digital activism, new contexts;
- Methodologies for the study of social movements, exercises and examples of study.
Theoretical and practical lessons with slideshow and other materials, followed by critical collective discussion. Tutorial guidance is also given to autonomous study of students to help them in direct contact with literature, personnel research, and the elaboration of 1 presentation and 1 essay. Participation in events interesting for the course (e.g., the monthly seminar on Social Movement and Political Action at CIES-IUL), exhibition of videos, debates with invited guests on specific topics.
Classes attendance (70% or more)
Group presentation (40% of the mark)
Test or written text (60% of the mark)
The topics of the oral presentations should be choose among the topics of the classes. The test or the written text (at students' choice) will take place during the last class. The Professor will give the questions and the topic for the written text in this day.
Written test
Title: Tarrow, Sidney. 1998. Power in movement : social movements and contentious politics. Cambridge: University Press
Fillieule, Olivier, e Guya Accornero. 2016. Social Movement Studies in Europe. The State of the Art. Oxford/New York
della Porta, Donatella. 2014. ?Social Movement Studies and Methodological Pluralism: An Introduction. In Methodological Practices in Social Movement Research, by Donatella della Porta. Oxford University Press
della Porta, Donatella, e Mario Diani. 1998 (nova edição, 2020). Social Movements: An introduction. Oxford : Blackwell Publishers
Cerezales, Diego Palacios. 2003. O poder caiu na Rua. Estado e acções colectivas na revolução portuguesa. Lisboa: ICS
Bosi, Lorenzo, Marco Giugni e Katrin Uba. 2016. The consequence of social movements. Cambridge University Press
Accornero, Guya. 2016. The Revolution before the Revolution. Late Authoritarianism and Student Protest in Portugal. Oxford/New York: Berghahn Books
Title: Between Protest and Nation-Building. Abingdon: Routledge
Jian, Chen et al. 2018. The Routledge Handbook of the Global Sixties
Van Ness, Justin e Erika Summers-Effler. 2018. ?Emotion in Social Movements?. In The Blackwell Companion to Social Movements, eds. by David Snow et al. (2º ed.). Hoboken: Wiley
Trmayne, M. 2014. ?Anatomy of Protest in the Digital Era: A Network Analysis of Twitter and Occupy Wall Street?, Social Movement Studies 13(1): 110-126
Tejerina, Benjamin. 2017. ?Los movimientos sociales en la Transición Política: herencias, singularidades y transformaciones de la movilización social en la década de 1970?, Debats
Tejerina, Benjamin et al. (eds.) 2013. ?From indignation to occupation: a new wave of global mobilization?, special issue in Current Sociology 61(4)
Rootes, Chris. 1999. ?Environmental movements: From the local to the global?. Enviromental Politics 8(1): 1-12
Ramos Pinto, Pedro. 2013 Lisbon Rising. Urban Social Movements in the Portuguese Revolution, 1974-75. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Polletta, Francesca, e James Jasper. 2001. ?Collective Identity and Social Movements?, Annual Review of Sociology 27: 283-305
Poell, T. 2019. ?Social media, temporality, and the legitimacy of protest?, Social Movement Studies, DOI: 10.1080/14742837.2019.1605287
Pichardo, Nelson A. 1997. ?New Social Movements: A Critical Review?, Annual Review of Sociology 23: 411-430
Owen, S. 2017. ?Monitoring social media and protest movements: ensuring political order through surveillance and surveillance discourse?, Social Identities Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture 23(6): 688-700.
Neveu, Erik. 2016. ?The European Movements of ?68: Ambivalent Theories, Ideological Memories, and Exciting Puzzles?. In Olivier Fillieule e Guya Accornero. 2016. Social Movement Studies in Europe. The State of the Art. Oxford/New York, pp. 21-37.
Mosca, Lorenzo. 2014. ?Methodological Practices in Social Movement Online Research?. In Methodological Practices in Social Movement Research. Oxford University Press, by Donatella della Porta (ed), pp. 398-417
Milan, Stefania. 2014. ?The Ethics of Social Movement Reserch?. In Methodological Practices in Social Movement Research, by Donatella della Porta (ed.). Oxford University Press
McDonald, K. 2015. ?From Indymedia to Anonymous: rethinking action and identity in digital cultures?, Information, Communication & Society 18(8): 968-928
McAdam, Adam. 1988. Freedom of Summer. New York : Oxford University Press
Mattoni, Alice. 2017. ?A Situated Understanding of Digital Technologies in Social Movements. Media Ecology and Media Practice Approaches?. Social Movement Studies 16 (4): 494?505
Lindekilde, Lasse. 2014. ?Discourse and Frame Analysis: In-Depth Analyisis of Qualitative Data in Social Movement Research?. In Methodological Practices in Social Movement Research, by Donatella della Porta. Oxford University Press
Lee, Francis. 2018. ?Internet alternative media, movement experience, and radicalism: the case of post-Umbrella Movement Hong Kong?, Social Movement Studies 17(2): 219-233
Lane, Jeffrey. 2016. ?The Digital Street: Na Ethnographic Study of Networked Street Life in Harlem?, American Behavioral Scientist 60(1): 43-58
Klein, A. 2015. ?Vigilante Media: Unveiling Anonymous and the Hacktivist Persona in the Global Press?, Communication Monographs 82(3): 379-401
Joyce, M. ed. 2010. Digital Activism Decoded. The New Mechanics of Change. NYC: International Debate Education Association
Jasper, James. 2015. ?Introduction. Players and Arenas Formerly Known as the State?. In Breaking Down the State. Protestors Engaged with Authorities, edited by James Jasper and Jan Duyvendak, 9-24. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press
Hutter, Swen.2014. ?Protest Event Analysis and Its Offspring?. In Methodological Practices in Social Movement Research, by Donatella della Porta. Oxford University Press
Ghaziani, Amin, Vera Taylor e Amy Stone. 2016. ?Cycles of Sameness and Difference in LGBT Social Movements?, Annual Review of Sociology 42(1), 165?183
Flesher Fominaya, C. (2014), ?Debunking Spontaneity: Spain's 15-M/Indignados as Autonomous Movement?, Social Movement Studies 14(2): 142-163
Earl J, Kimport K. (2011). Digitally Enabled Social Change: Activism in the Internet Age. Cambridge: MIT Press
Dolata, U. and J.F. Schrape. 2016. ?Masses, Crowds, Communities, Movements: Collective Action in the Internet Age?, Social Movement Studies 15(1): 1-18
Doerr, Nicole e Noa Milman. 2014. ?Working with images?. In Methodological Practices in Social Movement Research, by Donatella della Porta (ed.). Oxford University Press
Diani, Mario e Ivano Bison. 2004. ?Organizations, Coalitions, and Movements?, Theory and Society 33(3-4): 281-309
della Porta, Donatella. 2016. ?Mobilizing for Democracy: The 1989 Protests in Central Eastern Europe?. In Olivier Fillieule e Guya Accornero. 2016. Social Movement Studies in Europe. The State of the Art. Oxford/New York, pp. 37-54.
della Porta, Donatella. 2014. ?Life Histories?. In Methodological Practices in Social Movement Research, by Donatella della Porta (ed.). Oxford University Press
della Porta, Donatella. 2014. ?In-Depth interviews?. In Methodological Practices in Social Movement Research, by Donatella della Porta (ed.). Oxford University Press
Dean, Jonathan e Kristin Aune. 2015. ?Feminism Resurgent? Mapping Contemporary Feminist Activisms in Europe?, Social Movement Studies 14(4)
Carvalho, Tiago Martin Portos. 2019. ?Alliance building and eventful protests: Comparing Spanish and Portuguese trajectories under the Great Recession?, Social Movement Studies
Cardoso, Gustavo, Guya Accornero, Tiago Lapa e Joana Azevedo. 2017. ?Social Movements, participation and crisis in Europe?, in Europe?s crisis, ed. by Manuel Castells, Olivier Bouin, Joao Caraca, Gustavo Cardoso, John Thompson and Michel Wieviorka. Cambridge: Polity Press, pp. 405-427
Bringel, Breno. 2011. ?A busca de uma nova agenda de pesquisa sobre os movimentos sociais e o confronto político: diálogos com Sidney Tarrow?, Política & Sociedade 10(18)
Bosi, Lorenzo e Herbert Reiter. 2014. ?Historical methodologies: Archival Research and Oral History in Social Movement Research?. In Methodological Practices in Social Movement Research, by Donatella della Porta (ed.). Oxford University Press
Beissinger, M. ??Conventional? and ?Virtual? Civil Societies in Autocratic Regimes?, Comparative Politics 49(3): 351-371
Balsiger, Philip e Alexandre Lambelet. 2014. ?Participant Observation?. In Methodological Practices in Social Movement Research, by Donatella della Porta (ed.). Oxford University Press
Ard?ç, Nurullah. 2012. ?Understanding the 'Arab Spring': Justice, Dignity, Religion and International Politics?, Afro Eurasian Studies 1(1): 8-52
Andretta, Massimiliano e Donatella della Porta. 2014. ?Surveying Protestors: Why and How?. In Methodological Practices in Social Movement Research, by Donatella della Porta. Oxford University Press
Accornero, Guya. 2019. ?I wanted to carry out the revolution?. Activist trajectories in Portugal from Dictatorship to Democracy?, Social Movement Studies 18(3): 305-323)
Accornero, Guya. 2017. The ?Mediation? of the Portuguese Anti-Austerity Protest Cycle. Media Coverage and its Impact?, in Media Representations of Anti-Austerity Protests in the EU: Grievances, Identities and Agency, ed. by Tao Papaioannou and Suman Gupta. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 165-188
Accornero, Guya and Pedro, Ramos Pinto. 2020. ?Politics in Austerity: strategic interactions between social movements and institutional actors in Portugal, 2010-2015?. In Political Representation and Citizenship in Portugal From Crisis to Renewal, eds. by Marco Lisi; André Freire And Emmanouil Tsatsanis. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield
Accornero, G. and Ramos Pinto P. (2015), ?Mild Mannered?? Protest and Mobilisation in Portugal in Times of Crisis?, West European Politics 38(3): 491-515
New Perspectives on Modern and Contemporany History
The learning objectives consist of the assimilation of diverse and contrasting possibilities opened up by historical analysis, the theoretical point of view, thematic and methodological.
We also intend to open new perspectives to students about current issues and recent historiographical focusing on the contemporary era
Cycle of Conferences with debate.
The assessment is based on the development of two critical essays on conferences choosed by the students.
Each test will represent 45% of final grade;class participation will represent 10%
Title: Não se aplica
Title: Não se aplica
Research in History
LO1-Students should acquire theoretical and practical knowledge to planning a master dissertation or a project work in modern and contemporary history, namely:
LO1.1-the definition of the object of study and research objectives,
LO1.2- the elaboration of the problematic,
LO1.3-the work planning,
LO1.4-the research and access to sources of documental information and bibliographical literature,
LO1.5-methodological pathways,
LO1.6-strategies for the documentation analysis, the interpretation of the information collected. The procedures that must be submitted the documentation used in scientific studies,
LO1.7-The systematization and disseminating of the results.
LO1.8-interpretation of the Guidelines for the presentation of dissertations and project work in the Department of History / School of Sociology and Public Policies at ISCTE-IUL.
PC1- Planning the scientific work
PC2- Subjects, objectives and problematics
PC3- The research of bibliographic information. The state of art
PC4- The research of the sources. The concept of document. The heuristic research. The critique of the document. Criticism and hermeneutics
PC5- Methodologies and historiographical practices
PC6- History: narrative, analysis and interpretation
PC7- The presentation of results
PC8- Rules for the submission of a master dissertation or a project work in the Department of History / School of Sociology and Public Policies at ISCTE ?IUL
Two methods
1) Assessment throughout the semester
Participation in classes (10%) and preparation of an individual, thematic and synthetic work, with an oral presentation (10 minutes) and debate in the classroom (30%) and delivery of the written work at the end of the class sessions (60%).
2) Final assessment - exam
Written work on a research project in history.
Title: Veyne, Paul (1987), Como se Escreve a História, Lisboa, Edições 70
STOREY, William Kelleher (2008), Writing History. A Guide for Students, Oxford e Nova York, Oxford UP
Revel, Jacques, (dir.) (1996), Jeux d?échelles. La micro-analyse à l?expérience, Paris, Seuil/Gallimard
Pereira, Miriam Halpern (2005), «A História e as Ciências Sociais», Ler História, n.º 49, pp. 5-29
Mattoso, José (1988),A Escrita da História, Lisboa,Estampa
Le Goff, J. (1984),«Documento/Monumento», in Enciclopédia Einaudi, vol. I, Lisboa, INCM, pp. 95-104
Farge, Arlette (1997),Des lieux pour l?histoire, Paris, Seuil
Charle, Christophe, dir.(1993), Histoire Sociale/Histoire Globale?,Paris, Maison des Sciences de l?Homme
BERLIN, Isaiah (1998),«O conceito de história científica» e «A inevitabilidade histórica» in A Busca do Ideal, Lisboa, Bizâncio, pp. 63-104 e 169-240
Beaud, M.(1993),L'art de la thèse, Paris, La Découverte
Aróstegui, J. (1995). La investigación Histórica: Teoria y Método, Barcelona, Crítica
Title: Teixeira, Manuel C. (1993), «A História Urbana em Portugal: desenvolvimentos recentes», Análise Social, n.º 121, 1993, pp. 371-390
Serrão, Joel, coord. (1984-1985), Roteiro de Fontes da História Portuguesa Contemporânea, 3 Volumes, Lisboa, Instituto Nacional de Investigação Científica
Serra, João B. (1991), «Os estudos sobre o século XX na historiografia portuguesa do pós-guerra», Penélope, n.º 5
Ribeiro, Fernanda (2003), O acesso à informação nos arquivos, 2 volumes, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian / Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Pinheiro, Magda (2006), «A Biografia em Portugal», Ler História, n.º 50, pp. 67-80
Pereira, Miriam Halpern (1991), «A historiografia contemporânea sobre o século XIX», Ler História, 21, pp. 93-125
Pereira, Miriam Halpern (1991), «Breves reflexões acerca da historiografia portuguesa no século XX», Ler História, 21, pp. 5-15
Marques, A. H. de Oliveira (1981), Guia de História da I República Portuguesa, Lisboa, Estampa
Lepetit, Bernard, dir. (1995), Les formes de l'expérience: une autre histoire sociale, Paris, Albin Michel
Le Goff, Jacques (1984), «História», in Enciclopédia Einaudi, vol. I, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda, pp. 158-259
LAMBERT, Peter; SCHOFIELD, Phillip, eds. (2004), Making History. An introduction to the history and practices of a discipline, Londres e Nova York, Routledge
Hildesheimer, Françoise (1984), Les archives? Pourquoi ? Comment ?, Paris Éditions de l´Érudit
Hespanha, António (2004), An introduction to 19th century Portuguese Constitutional and State History», E-JPH (Electronic Journal of Portuguese History, vol. 2, n.º 2. Ver:
Ginzburg, Carlo (1992), Miti. Emblemi. Spie, Turim, Einaudi
Eco, Umberto (1980), Como se faz uma tese em ciências humanas, Lisboa, Presença
DUBY, George, ed. (1986), História e Nova História, Lisboa, Teorema
CHARTIER, Roger (1989), «Le monde comme représentation», Annales ESC, n.º 6, pp. 1505-1520
Charle, Christophe (2002), «La storia sociale della Francia nel XIX secolo. Bilancio delle richerche recenti, Memoria e Ricerca, n.º 10, pp. 1122
Catroga, Fernando (2001), Memória, História e Historiografia, Coimbra, Quarteto
BURKE, Peter (2004), What is Cultural History?, Cambridge, Polity Press
Bloch, Marc (s.d.), Introdução à História, Lisboa, Europa América
Master Dissertation in Modern and Contemporany History
The aim of the seminar is to assist the students in the development of the projects.
Debates and problems of the research and writing of results
There is no evaluation but only consulting and directing.
BibliographyTitle: A fornecer a cada estudante
Title: A fornecer a cada estudante
Master Project in Modern and Contemporary History
The aim of the seminar is to assist the students in the preparation of thesis projects viable in the time available for its completion.Enable a careful choice of source corpus and thematics.
The program contains classes for the presentation by the professor of the plan type of the project and the presentation by students of the design of their own thesis project. Debates and problems of the research.
The project is presented and discussed with the teacher and the colleagues at the seminar.It is later assessed in its written form.
Title: A fornecer a cada estudante
Title: A fornecer a cada estudante
2nd Cycle Internship
The learning outcomes of the Internship are adapted to each internship and the institution where it is developed. These are:
LO1. To acquire technical skills linked to methods and techniques for action within different kinds of institutions related to the general objectives and learning outcomes of the master's degree;
LO2. To develop research and action-research skills within organizations related to the master's degree;
LO3. To prepare an internship report that reveals analytical reflection of the professional or academic context;
LO4. Develop indicators for recording and evaluating professional practice.
1. Topic and problem of the internship
2. Internship plan
3. Theoretical and methodological framework
4. Methodology of collaborative action research
5. Evaluation
6. Report
Individual report, which contains the following elements:
a) Characterization of the institutional context (history, organization, policies and services, activities, organizational structure and functioning);
b) Framing the internship institution;
c) Description of the activities developed (roles, responsibilities, agents, work processes, methodologies used)
d) Critical and theoretically based conclusions
e) References
The UC does not contemplate the modality of evaluation by Exam.
Title: - Sweitzer, H. Frederick e King, Mary A. (2014), The Successful Internship: Personal, Professional, and Civic Development in Experiential Learning, Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.
- Reeher, Gant e Mariani, Mack (2002), The Insider's Guide To Political Internships: What To Do Once You're In The Door, Nova Iorque: Basic Books
- Neves, José, Garrido, Margarida, Simões Eduardo (2008), Manual de Competências Pessoais, Interpessoais e Instrumentais. Teoria e Prática, Lisboa: Editora SÍLABO
- Della Porta, Donatella e Keating Michael (eds.) (2008) Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences. A Pluralist Perspective, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Courtney, Roger (2013), Strategic Management in the Third Sector, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
- Capucha, Luís (2008), Planeamento e Avaliação de Projetos. Guião Prático, Lisboa: ME/DGIDC
Recommended optative
Optional courses will only be held if they achieve a minimum number of enrollments.
Thematic area Society, Economy and Citizenship: Portuguese Culture:
01984 | Portuguese Contemporary Culture
00774 | Inventory and Analysis of the Urban Heritage
Thematic Area International Relations:
M8301 | Nationalism and Ethnicity in the International System
02072 | Europe as A Global Actor