Master Degree


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6 Years
30 Jul 2020
Accreditation DGES
Initial registry R/A-Cr 36/2012 de 06-06-2012
Update registry R/A-Cr 36/2012/AL01 de 21-08-2014 | R/A-Cr 36/2012/AL02 de 30-04-2019 | R/A-Cr 36/2012/AL03 de 03-06-2022
School of Sociology and Public Policy
Sedas Nunes Building (Building I), room 1E03
(+351) 210 464 015
9:30 - 18:00
Lectured in Portuguese
Teaching Type In person

Faculty for (2024/2025)

Portuguese Contemporary Culture | Cultural Theories
Globalization, Art and Culture
Research Design | Cultural Entrepreneurship | 2nd Cycle Internship | Cultural Marketing
Cultural Theories
Cecília Vaz is a Guest Lecturer in the History Department at ISCTE-IUL and assistant researcher at CIES-IUL. Ph.D in Contemporary History, with a FCT Ph.D fellowship between 2012 and 2016. She was a researcher on a Exploratory Project funded by FCT between 2014 and 2015.
Digital Storytelling and Transmedia Entertainment
Jorge Vieira is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology of the School of Sociology and Public Policies at ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. He is the director of the Masters in Communication, Culture and Information Technologies and of the board of directors of LIA Iscte - Laboratory for Innovation at the Academy. He holds a PhD in Sociology and a Master's Degree in Communication, Culture and Information Technology from ISCTE-IUL. He teaches and tutors in the masters programs of Communication, Culture and Information Technologies; Entrepreneurship and Culture Studies, as well as in the graduation in Sociology and in the PhD in Communication Sciences. In addition to teaching he develops research at the Center for Research and Studies of Sociology - CIES-IUL as an integrated PHD Researcher and at OberCom - Observatório da Comunicação. He was already a researcher in projects of the Institute of Social Sciences University of Lisbon (ICS-UL), namely at Portuguese Permanent Youth Observatory. He also participated in the European Erasmus program at the University of Warwick, and developed a Short Term Scientific Mission at the London School of Economics (LSE) and in international networks such as the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) actions, namely the COST-298 action. The main research topics are within 2 major areas: media and culture, alongside social research methods. Some of the interest areas focus in new media, music, digital piracy, audiences, participatory culture, fandom, street art and online dating. He received the "Paquete de Oliveira Award - National Excellence Award for PhD Theses at Portuguese Universities" in 2017.
Public Policies of Culture | Cultural Audiences, Consumptions and Fruitions
José Soares Neves has a PhD in Sociology of Communication, Culture and Education by ISCTE- University Institute of Lisbon. He is a associate professor in the Departement of History (ESPP/Iscte), integrated researcher,  sub-director and cocoordinator of the Research Group Media and Culture at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-Iscte), He is a cocoordinator of the Art, Culture and Communication thematic section of the  Portuguese Sociological Association (APS). He was a permanent researcher at the Observatory on Cultural Activities (OAC, 1996 to 2013). He was president of the Working Group on Cultural Statistics of the Portugal Statistical Council (2006 to 2010). Coordinator or researcher on several research projects in the fields of museological studies, art and culture. He is Director of the Portuguese Observatory on Cultural Activities (OPAC) since its creation in December 2018.
Cultural Management
Assistant Professor (invited) of Management in the Marketing, Operations, and General Management Department at ISCTE - IUL Business School. Holds a BA and MA in Economics, an MSc in Finance, and a PhD in Management with specialization in strategy and entrepreneurship. He has supervised theses in various business areas, including art markets. His research interests include entrepreneurship and business models, art market studies, and management of arts organizations and currently lectures on cultural management and cultural entrepreneurship. In addition to academic activities, he has 20 years' experience in banking and financial markets. He is a CFA Charteholder and member of CFA Society Portugal and TIAMSA.       
Research Design | Master Dissertation in Studies and Management of Culture | 2nd Cycle Internship
Art History
Paula André has a PhD in Architecture from Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon and a master's degree in Art History from FCSH-UNL. She is a professor in the Department of Architecture and Urbanism at Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon; director of the Doctorate in Architecture of Contemporary Metropolitan Territories; coordinator of the Architecture and Visual Culture Research Centre in the Doctorate in Architecture of Contemporary Metropolitan Territories; director of the Master's Degree in Architecture and Visual Culture in Lisbon; lecturer on the Integrated Master's Degree in Architecture and the Master's Degree in Cultural Studies and Management; president of the Scientific Committee of the PhD in Architecture of Contemporary Metropolitan Territories; member of the Scientific Committee of the Department of Architecture and Urbanism; member of the Scientific Committee and integrated researcher of the Centre for Studies on Socioeconomic Change and Territory - Dinâmia'cet-iscte; member of the Supervisory Board of the Portuguese Architects' Association; coordinator of the Thematic Line “Images of Material Realisations” of the FCT Project ’Print Photography. Image and Propaganda in Portugal (1934-1974)’. Team member of the FCT project ‘Exportar Portugal. Cultural diplomacy and the Estado Novo's rebranding strategies in the United States (1933-1974)’. Coordinator of the ‘Collaborative Laboratory Urban Dynamics, Heritage, Arts. Research, Teaching and Dissemination Seminar’ in partnership with 18 universities and research centres in Portugal, Spain and Brazil. Member of the Editorial Committee of the magazine ‘ARA’, published by the Museum/Heritage Group of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo and the magazine ‘Cities, Communities and Territories’ published by Dinâmia'cet-iscte. Member of the Asociación de Historiadores de la Arquitectura y el Urbanismo (AhAU). Collaborating researcher at the Centre for the History of Art and Artistic Research at the University of Évora - CHAIA-UE.
Accountability and Finances for Cultural Organizations | Management Control for Cultural Organizations
PhD in Management, Master in Business Sciences, Degree in Management by Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon (Iscte) and Bachelor of Accounting at ISCAC Coimbra Business School. Assistant Professor at ISCTE, where he teaches in Undergraduate, Masters and Executives Masters and has coordinated various courses. Executive Director of the Executive Master in Corporate Reporting of INDEG/ISCTE. Received a teaching award (2014). Was member of the Pedagogical Committee (1st cycle degree) and year coordinator in 1st cycle degree. Was CEO of Overgest/ISCTE - Management and Finance Specialization Center and Director of several Executive Masters, Postgraduate Programs, Specialization Courses and Programs for Executives. Was Senior Partner of Paradigma Consulting, SA, Senior Consultant at SE.MAR.TE Consulting, Consulting Supervisor at BDO International, Deputy Director Financial MAP-Plastics (current Map-Key Plastics, SA) and Chartered Accountant of several companies. Was member of the Students' Union Board and a member of Scientific Council (representing the students) of ISCA Coimbra Business School. He is co-author of books in the accounting field, articles and communications to scientific conferences.
Inventory and Analysis of the Urban Heritage | Heritage Cultural Projects
PhD in Modern and Contemporary History, at ISCTE-IUL (Lisbon, Portugal) having presented a doctorate thesis with the title "A Defesa e Salvaguarda do Património em Portugal: as Associações de Defesa do Património (1974-1997)" (The defence and safeguard of cultural heritage in Portugal: Heritage Defence Associations (1974-1997), under the supervison of Prof. Doutora Ana Maria Pina (ISCTE-IUL) and Prof. Doutor Jorge Custódio (IHC/FCSH/UNL). Post Graduate course in Cultural Heritage and Cultural Projects, completed in 2009 at ISCTE-IUL. Degree in History, Archaeology, in 1994 at the University of Lisbon. Started her professional career in Archaeology in several contexts: Environmental Impact Studies, Field Survey, Archaeological Escavations, Heritage valorization projects and heritage management projects. Linked with the heritage defence civic movement in Portugal, being involved with Associação Portuguesa dos Amigos dos Castelos (between 2003 and 2013), as a main cultural projects developer, specially in the field of military architecture and more recently with Associação Portuguesa de Arqueologia Industrial, as a member of the board. Integrated Researcher at CIES-IUL, and researcher in the project OPAC - Portuguese Observatory of Cultural Activities, in the área of heritage studies. Colaborateur Researcher at IHC - Institute of Contemporary History. Research projects: "Sea Architectures" (2011-2014), in the Architecture Faculty of the University of Lisbon; "The Steam Era", in the Social and Human Sciences School of the Nova University of Lisbon. Currnetly, Invited Auxiliar Professor at ISCTE-IUL, teaching "Heritage Inventory and Interpretation" (Master course on Cultural Studies and Management), "Cultural Projects of Heritage (Master course on Cultural Studies and Management); "Cultural Heritage:Theory and Practice" (Degree in Modern and Contemporary History). Heritage manager of the Palácio dos Condes de Anadia in Mangualde (Viseu).
Globalization, Art and Culture | Organizations, Professions and Creativity
Vera Borges is a Research Fellow of sociology at CIES-Iscte. She is Invited Professor at LCT-Iscte and Department of Sociology-Iscte. Since 2020, she collaborates with the Master in Management and Studies of Culture (Mestrado em Estudos e Gestão da Cultura), at Iscte. Since 2022, she teaches Professions, Organizations and Creativity at Iscte. Recently, she coordinated the team that carried out the Study on the Artists and Projects supported by the FCG (study funded by the FCG, 2022). She is currently coordinating the Study of the Portuguese Theater and Cine-Theaters Network (2023), at CIES-Iscte. Among her recent co-authored articles are Mapping Cultural Policy in Portugal: From incentives to crisis (International Journal of Cultural Policy, 2018); Emerging Patterns of Artistic Organizations in Portugal: A Three Case Studies analysis (Sociologia del Lavoro, 2020); and The transformative role of Angels cultural organisations under austerity (Cultural Trends, 2021). V. Borges, Ph.D. in Sociology (EHESS-UNL) since 2005, she is a permanent researcher at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-IUL) and associated researcher at ICS (UL). She worked at the ICS (UL), from 2005 to 2013, with the support of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). Her main research interests are artistic work, careers and labour markets inequalities; professions, organisations and risk management; cultural public policy. Graduated in Sociology, she completed her master’s degree at ISCTE (IUL), in 1999. She won the António Sérgio Prize. In 2005, she  an internship as research fellow in the Centre of Sociology of Work and Arts at EHESS, Paris, with support from the Gulbenkian Foundation (FCG). She worked at the ICS (UL), from 2005 to 2013, with the support of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). H She published 9 national and international books with the results of research on professions, organizations and labour markets, reputation and professional risk management. She contributed to several publications and initiatives with informational, scientific and communication of science objectives, such as organizing research seminars, round table debates, and open seminars. From 2009-2011, she was on the board of the Sociology of the Professions Network, in the European Sociological Association, and she is presently co-director of the Art, Culture and Communication Network at the Portuguese Sociological Association. She is co-organizer of the Interim Meeting of the Sociology of Art Network for the European Sociological Association, 2016. She has published many articles in peer-reviewed journals, and has also written 15 book chapters, 7 of which at the international circulation. Meanwhile, she has organized national and international colloquiums each year (with P.-M. Menger, D. Throsby, F. Behamou, T. Cowen, L. Karpik, A. Markusen, A. Abbott).
School of Sociology and Public Policy
Sedas Nunes Building (Building I), room 1E03
(+351) 210 464 015
9:30 - 18:00
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